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BackgroundExperimental models of intermittent hypoxia (IH) have been developed during the last decade to investigate the consequences of obstructive sleep apnea. IH is usually associated with detrimental metabolic and vascular outcomes. However, paradoxical protective effects have also been described depending of IH patterns and durations applied in studies. We evaluated the impact of short-term IH on vascular and metabolic function in a diet-induced model of metabolic syndrome (MS).MethodsMice were fed either a standard diet or a high fat diet (HFD) for 8 weeks. During the final 14 days of each diet, animals were exposed to either IH (1 min cycle, FiO2 5% for 30s, FiO2 21% for 30s; 8 h/day) or intermittent air (FiO2 21%). Ex-vivo vascular reactivity in response to acetylcholine was assessed in aorta rings by myography. Glucose, insulin and leptin levels were assessed, as well as serum lipid profile, hepatic mitochondrial activity and tissue nitric oxide (NO) release.ResultsMice fed with HFD developed moderate markers of dysmetabolism mimicking MS, including increased epididymal fat, dyslipidemia, hepatic steatosis and endothelial dysfunction. HFD decreased mitochondrial complex I, II and IV activities and increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in liver. IH applied to HFD mice induced a major increase in insulin and leptin levels and prevented endothelial dysfunction by restoring NO production. IH also restored mitochondrial complex I and IV activities, moderated the increase in LDH activity and liver triglyceride accumulation in HFD mice.ConclusionIn a mouse model of MS, short-term IH increases insulin and leptin levels, restores endothelial function and mitochondrial activity and limits liver lipid accumulation.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of blunt hepatic trauma in humans, there are few rodent models of blunt trauma that can be used to study the associated inflammatory responses. We present a mouse model of blunt hepatic trauma that was created by using a cortical contusion device. Male mice were anesthetized with ketamine–xylazine–buprenorphine and placed in left lateral recumbency. A position of 2 mm ventral to the posterior axillary line and 5 mm caudal to the costal margin on the right side was targeted for impact. An impact velocity of 6 m/s and a piston depth of 12 mm produced a consistent pattern of hepatic injury with low mortality. All mice that recovered from anesthesia survived without complication for the length of the study. Mice were euthanized at various time points (n = 5 per group) until 7 d after injury for gross examination and collection of blood and peritoneal lavage fluids. Some mice were reanesthetized for serial monitoring of hepatic lesions via MRI. At 2 h after trauma, mice consistently displayed laceration, hematoma, and discoloration of the right lateral and caudate liver lobes, with intraabdominal hemorrhage but no other gross injuries. Blood and peritoneal lavage fluid were collected from all mice for cytokine analysis. At 2 h after trauma, there were significant increases in plasma IL10 as well as peritoneal lavage fluid IL6 and CXCL1/KC; however, these levels decreased within 24 h. At 7 d after trauma, the mice had regained body weight, and the hepatic lesions, which initially had increased in size during the first 48 h, had returned to their original size. In summary, this technique produced a reliable, low mortality, murine model that recreates features of blunt abdominal liver injury in human subjects with similar acute inflammatory response.Abbreviation: CXCL1/KC, keratinocyte-derived chemokineTrauma is the most frequent cause of mortality worldwide,11 and in cases of blunt abdominal trauma, the liver is the most frequently injured organ.4 In humans, traumatic injuries to the liver are graded (I through VI) according to the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Liver Injury Scale, which is based on the severity of lesions, including hematomas, lacerations and vascular disruption.10 Parenchymal injuries (grades I through III) are more common than are major vascular injuries (grades V and VI), correlating with the greater hemodynamic stability and lower early mortality rates of parenchymal damage.4 Although early mortality rates may be low in low-grade injuries, the overall mortality rates for abdominal traumas involving liver are greater than that of abdominal trauma without liver damage. Late mortality after liver injury is associated with immunologic dysfunction, leading to systemic inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis, and multiple-organ failure.6To study the complex immune responses surrounding blunt hepatic trauma, an appropriate animal model is imperative, but few animal models of liver trauma have been described. Swine traditionally have been the preferred model because of similarity of the liver anatomy and lesions to those of human cases.2 Nonpenetrating models have been developed in swine and involve impact by crossbow or other blunted projectiles.20 The first rodent model of trauma was developed by positioning anesthetized rats under a column containing a flat weight.3 In that model, the severity of injury could be adjusted by the height of the column. This model was distinctive in its use of the least sentient species to date. The large animal models and even the rat model would readily support studies of treatment modalities and the measurement of hemodynamic parameters. For extensively characterizing the immunopathology associated with liver trauma, a murine model could offer distinct advantages, including the ready availability of transgenic mice and the extensive array of reagents for immunologic studies.The purpose of the current study was to develop a reliable and reproducible, closed abdominal, murine model of blunt hepatic trauma that is suitable for studies of posttraumatic immune dysfunction and related complications. Our first aim was to develop a low-mortality model that demonstrated gross and microscopic hepatic lesions similar to those seen in humans. The second study aim was to define selected systemic and local immune responses, including immune cell counts and cytokine levels. In addition, we examined the potential use of a noninvasive imaging technique (MRI) for the sequential evaluation of hepatic lesions.  相似文献   

Diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration are the leading causes of blindness in Western populations. Although it is a matter of controversy, large-scale population-based studies have reported increased prevalence of age-related macular degeneration in patients with diabetes or diabetic retinopathy. We hypothesized that metabolic syndrome, one of the major risk factors for type 2 diabetes, would represent a favorable environment for the development of choroidal neovascularization, the main complication of age-related macular degeneration. The fructose-fed rat was used as a model for metabolic syndrome in which choroidal neovascularization was induced by laser photocoagulation. Male Brown Norway rats were fed for 1, 3, and 6 months with a standard equilibrated chow diet or a 60%-rich fructose diet (n = 24 per time point). The animals expectedly developed significant body adiposity (+17%), liver steatosis at 3 and 6 months, hyperleptinemia at 1 and 3 months (two-fold increase) and hyperinsulinemia at 3 and 6 months (up to two-fold increase), but remained normoglycemic and normolipemic. The fructose-fed animals exhibited partial loss of rod sensitivity to light stimulus and reduced amplitude of oscillatory potentials at 6 months. Fructose-fed rats developed significantly more choroidal neovascularization at 14 and 21 days post-laser photocoagulation after 1 and 3 months of diet compared to animals fed the control diet. These results were consistent with infiltration/activation of phagocytic cells and up-regulation of pro-angiogenic gene expression such as Vegf and Leptin in the retina. Our data therefore suggested that metabolic syndrome would exacerbate the development of choroidal neovascularization in our experimental model.  相似文献   

Numerous murine models have been developed to study human cancers and advance the understanding of cancer treatment and development. Here, a preclinical, murine pancreatic tumor model of hepatic metastases via a hemispleen injection of syngeneic murine pancreatic tumor cells is described. This model mimics many of the clinical conditions in patients with metastatic disease to the liver. Mice consistently develop metastases in the liver allowing for investigation of the metastatic process, experimental therapy testing, and tumor immunology research.  相似文献   

The helminth Ascaris causes ascariasis in both humans and pigs. Humans, especially children, experience significant morbidity including respiratory complications, growth deficits and intestinal obstruction. Given that 800 million people worldwide are infected by Ascaris, this represents a significant global public health concern. The severity of the symptoms and associated morbidity are related to the parasite burden and not all hosts are infected equally. While the pathology of the disease has been extensively examined, our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying resistance and susceptibility to this nematode infection is poor. In order to investigate host differences associated with heavy and light parasite burden, an experimental murine model was developed utilising Ascaris-susceptible and -resistant mice strains, C57BL/6J and CBA/Ca, respectively, which experience differential burdens of migratory Ascaris larvae in the host lungs. Previous studies identified the liver as the site where this difference in susceptibility occurs. Using a label free quantitative proteomic approach, we analysed the hepatic proteomes of day four post infection C57BL/6J and CBA/Ca mice with and without Ascaris infection to identify proteins changes potentially linked to both resistance and susceptibility amongst the two strains, respectively. Over 3000 proteins were identified in total and clear intrinsic differences were elucidated between the two strains. These included a higher abundance of mitochondrial proteins, particularly those associated with the oxidative phosphorylation pathway and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the relatively resistant CBA/Ca mice. We hypothesise that the increased ROS levels associated with higher levels of mitochondrial activity results in a highly oxidative cellular environment that has a dramatic effect on the nematode’s ability to successfully sustain a parasitic association with its resistant host. Under infection, both strains had increased abundances in proteins associated with the oxidative phosphorylation pathway, as well as the tricarboxylic acid cycle, with respect to their controls, indicating a general stress response to Ascaris infection. Despite the early stage of infection, some immune-associated proteins were identified to be differentially abundant, providing a novel insight into the host response to Ascaris. In general, the susceptible C57BL/6J mice displayed higher abundances in immune-associated proteins, most likely signifying a more active nematode cohort with respect to their CBA/Ca counterparts. The complement component C8a and S100 proteins, S100a8 and S100a9, were highly differentially abundant in both infected strains, signifying a potential innate immune response and the importance of the complement pathway in defence against macroparasite infection. In addition, the signatures of an early adaptive immune response were observed through the presence of proteins, such as plastin-2 and dipeptidyl peptidase 1. A marked decrease in proteins associated with translation was also observed in both C57BL/6J and CBA/Ca mice under infection, indicative of either a general response to Ascaris or a modulatory effect by the nematode itself. Our research provides novel insights into the in vivo host-Ascaris relationship on the molecular level and provides new research perspectives in the development of Ascaris control and treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis continues to be an important cause of parasitic morbidity and mortality world-wide. Determining the molecular mechanisms regulating the development of granulomas and fibrosis will be essential for understanding how schistosome antigens interact with the host environment. We report here the first whole genome microarray analysis of the murine liver during the progression of Schistosoma japonicum egg-induced granuloma formation and hepatic fibrosis. Our results reveal a distinct temporal relationship between the expression of chemokine subsets and the recruitment of cells to the infected liver. Genes up-regulated earlier in the response included T- and B-cell chemoattractants, reflecting the early recruitment of these cells illustrated by flow cytometry. The later phases of the response corresponded with peak recruitment of eosinophils, neutrophils, macrophages and myofibroblasts/hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) and the expression of chemokines with activity for these cells including CCL11 (eotaxin 1), members of the Monocyte-chemoattractant protein family (CCL7, CCL8, CCL12) and the Hepatic Stellate Cell/Fibrocyte chemoattractant CXCL1. Peak expression of macrophage chemoattractants (CCL6, CXCL14) and markers of alternatively activated macrophages (e.g. Retnla) during this later phase provides further evidence of a role for these cells in schistosome-induced pathology. Additionally, we demonstrate that CCL7 immunolocalises to the fibrotic zone of granulomas. Furthermore, striking up-regulation of neutrophil markers and the localisation of neutrophils and the neutrophil chemokine S100A8 to fibrotic areas suggest the involvement of neutrophils in S. japonicum-induced hepatic fibrosis. These results further our understanding of the immunopathogenic and, especially, chemokine signalling pathways that regulate the development of S. japonicum-induced granulomas and fibrosis and may provide correlative insight into the pathogenesis of other chronic inflammatory diseases of the liver where fibrosis is a common feature.  相似文献   

Early morbidity and mortality in patients with Marfan syndrome (MFS) -a connective tissue disease caused by mutations in fibrillin-1 gene- are mainly caused by aorta aneurysm and rupture. However, the increase in the life expectancy of MFS patients recently achieved by reparatory surgery promotes clinical manifestations in other organs. Although some studies have reported respiratory alterations in MFS, our knowledge of how this connective tissue disease modifies lung mechanics is scarce. Hence, we assessed whether the stiffness of the whole lung and of its extracellular matrix (ECM) is affected in a well-characterized MFS mouse model (FBN1C1039G/+). The stiffness of the whole lung and of its ECM were measured by conventional mechanical ventilation and atomic force microscopy, respectively. We studied 5-week and 9-month old mice, whose ages are representative of early and late stages of the disease. At both ages, the lungs of MFS mice were significantly more compliant than in wild type (WT) mice. By contrast, no significant differences were found in local lung ECM stiffness. Moreover, histopathological lung evaluation showed a clear emphysematous-like pattern in MFS mice since alveolar space enlargement was significantly increased compared with WT mice. These data suggest that the mechanism explaining the increased lung compliance in MFS is not a direct consequence of reduced ECM stiffness, but an emphysema-like alteration in the 3D structural organization of the lung. Since lung alterations in MFS are almost fully manifested at an early age, it is suggested that respiratory monitoring could provide early biomarkers for diagnosis and/or follow-up of patients with the Marfan syndrome.  相似文献   

In the current study, we used 56 female BALB/c mice with induced dry eye syndrome to evaluate the therapeutic effects of formal saline (FS), sodium hyaluronate (SH), diclofenac sodium (DS), olopatadine (OP), retinoic acid (RA), fluoromethanole (FML), cyclosporine A (CsA), and doxycycline hyclate (DH). All subjects were kept in an evaporative ‘dry eye cabinet’ for the assessment of blink rate, tear production, tear break-up time, and impression cytology prior to (baseline) and during weeks 2, 4, and 6 of the study. The right eyes of all subjects were treated topically with 5 µL of the test agent twice daily during weeks 2 through 6. Impression cytology and tear break-up time differed between time points in all groups and differed between groups at weeks 4 and 6. Blink rate differed by time point only in the FS, FML, and DH groups. Tear production according to the phenol red cotton thread test differed by time point for all groups except RA, CsA, and DH and differed between groups only at week 6. Among the compounds tested in the present study, DS and CsA were the most effective therapeutic agents in our mouse model of dry eye syndrome; these agents likely exert their therapeutic effect through their antiinflammatory activity.Abbreviations: CsA, cyclosporine A; DES, dry eye syndrome; DH, doxycycline hyclate; DS, diclofenac sodium; FML, fluoromethanole; FS, formal saline; OP, olopatadine; RA, retinoic acid; SH, sodium hyaluronate; TBUT, tear break up-time; PTF, precorneal tear filmDry eye syndrome (DES) is a multifactorial disorder that is characterized by inflammation, tear film hyperosmolarity and instability, and vision impairment with a potential to induce ocular surface damage.8,44 DES is an important cause of ocular surface disturbances and is commonly encountered in women, especially postmenopausal women, likely due to their decreased androgen and estrogen levels.30,41,42 Some epidemiologic studies suggest that the prevalence of DES increases with aging.37,42 This situation is thought to result from the repressive effects on tear production of antihistaminic, diuretic, and anticholinergic drugs used to treat prevalent systemic diseases in elderly people.16 Tear production declines with aging because of the decreased functional capacities of the nictitating and lacrimal glands.5,18 DES is also prevalent in dogs, whose tear production varies according to weight, age, and size.18,19 DES is occasionally seen in cats and horses18,36 and has been reported in birds and reptiles.19 The low incidence of DES in animals other than dogs likely reflects the dearth of epidemiologic studies in other species.18,36Tear evaporation rate, hyperosmolarity, and inflammation play key roles in the pathogenesis of DES.17,30 Decreases in tear production, cycling, and flow due to low relative humidity, high air flow, and decreased air temperature lead to tear hyperosmolarity, which in turn induces a cascade of inflammatory processes on the ocular surface.17,30Various parameters, including blink rate, tear production rate, tear break-up time (TBUT) and impression cytology, are commonly used for the diagnosis of DES.39 The treatment of this disorder is based on alleviating its clinical signs and removing key factors in its development.16,17 To this end, artificial tears, NSAID, antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers, vitamin A, corticosteroids, immunomodulators, antiinflammatory agents, and antibiotics have often been used to treat DES in recent years.16,30,34 In the present study, we evaluated representative, commonly used agents from each of these drug groups by comparing their therapeutic efficacy on blink rate, tear production rate, TBUT, and impression cytology in a murine model of DES.  相似文献   

目的建立以高脂纯化饲料诱导的、遗传背景和环境因素共同起作用的C57BL/6J小鼠代谢综合征(MS)模型,为研究营养因素与代谢综合征的关系提供周期较短、稳定性好、可重复性、与人类发病可比性高的动物模型。方法雄性3周龄C57BL/6J小鼠30只适应性喂养10d后随机分为2组,其中一组(10只)给予普通生长饲料(对照组),另一组(20只)给予高脂纯化饲料(模型组)。喂养期间对空腹血糖(FBG)、体重进行连续监测,同时监测体重指数(BMI)、血清胰岛素(FINS)、血清甘油三脂(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C),实验期10周。实验结束时取内脏脂肪和肝脏称重,取肝胰做病理分析。结果分组喂养1周时,模型组小鼠体重出现显著性升高(P〈0.001),并表现为中心型肥胖。4周时FBG显著性升高(P〈0.05),5周时FINS开始升高但无显著性差异。8周时血清TC、HDL-C显著性升高(P〈0.001),10周时TG、TC、HDL-C、LDL-C均升高(P〈0.01)。HE染色显示肝脏中度脂肪变,胰岛细胞无明显改变。结论单纯施以高脂饲料10周即可建立MS小鼠模型。并且该模型造模方法简单易行、周期较短、稳定性好、可重复性高,与人类MS自然发病过程类似,是MS较理想的动物模型。  相似文献   

Cardiolipin (CL) is a mitochondrial phospholipid essential for electron transport chain (ETC) integrity. CL-deficiency in humans is caused by mutations in the tafazzin (Taz) gene and results in a multisystem pediatric disorder, Barth syndrome (BTHS). It has been reported that tafazzin deficiency destabilizes mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes and affects supercomplex assembly. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of Taz-knockdown on the mitochondrial proteomic landscape and metabolic processes, such as stability of respiratory chain supercomplexes and their interactions with fatty acid oxidation enzymes in cardiac muscle. Proteomic analysis demonstrated reduction of several polypeptides of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, including Rieske and cytochrome c1 subunits of complex III, NADH dehydrogenase alpha subunit 5 of complex I and the catalytic core-forming subunit of F0F1-ATP synthase. Taz gene knockdown resulted in upregulation of enzymes of folate and amino acid metabolic pathways in heart mitochondria, demonstrating that Taz-deficiency causes substantive metabolic remodeling in cardiac muscle. Mitochondrial respiratory chain supercomplexes are destabilized in CL-depleted mitochondria from Taz knockdown hearts resulting in disruption of the interactions between ETC and the fatty acid oxidation enzymes, very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, potentially affecting the metabolic channeling of reducing equivalents between these two metabolic pathways. Mitochondria-bound myoglobin was significantly reduced in Taz-knockdown hearts, potentially disrupting intracellular oxygen delivery to the oxidative phosphorylation system. Our results identify the critical pathways affected by the Taz-deficiency in mitochondria and establish a future framework for development of therapeutic options for BTHS.  相似文献   

Eleven battered babies who had ocular manifestations of their abuse are presented. Eight of these suffered a permanent impairment of visual function. Ten had extensive intraocular haemorrhage, and the importance of this physical sign in the diagnosis of the syndrome and in the development of a consequent visual handicap is emphasized.  相似文献   



In this study, we used vidagliptin(V) to examine the role of the DDP-IV, incretin system component, in the activation of different molecular inflammatory cytokines, NF-kB and VCAM-1 to generate a microenvironment that supports cardiovascular remodeling.


Male WKY and SHR were separated into five groups: Control, FFR: WKY rats receiving a 10% (w/v) fructose solution during all 12 weeks, SHR, FFHR: SHR receiving a 10% (w/v) fructose solution during all 12 weeks and FFHR+V: (5 mg/kg per day for 6 weeks) (n = 8 each group). Metabolic variables and systolic blood pressure were measured. The TBRAS, eNOS activity, and NAD(P)H oxidase activity were estimated to evaluate oxidative stress. Cardiac and vascular remodeling were evaluated. To assess the cytokine, NF-kB and VCAM-1 immunostaining techniques were used.


The FFHR experimental model presents metabolic syndrome criteria, vascular and cardiac remodeling, vascular inflammation due to increased expression of NF-kB, VCAM-1, and pro-atherogenic cytokines. Chronic treatment with V was able to reverse total or partiality of variables studied.


Data demonstrated an important effect of DDP-IV in reducing vascular inflammation, accompanied by a favorable reduction in metabolic and structural parameters.  相似文献   

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age, with a prevalence of 5–8%. Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are its long-term complications. Targeted therapies addressing both these complications together are lacking. Glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists that are used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. Hence we hypothesized that a GLP-1 agonist would improve both cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes in PCOS. To test this hypothesis, we used an established rat model of PCOS. Prepubertal female Sprague Dawley rats were sham-implanted or implanted s.c. with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) pellets (90 day release; 83μg/day). At 12 wks of age, sham implanted rats received saline injections and the DHT treated animals were administered either saline or liraglutide (0.2mg/kg s.c twice daily) for 4 weeks. Subgroups of rats were implanted with telemeters between 12-13 weeks of age to monitor blood pressure. DHT implanted rats had irregular estrus cycles and were significantly heavier than the control females at 12 weeks (mean± SEM 251.9±3.4 vs 216.8±3.4 respectively; p<0.05) and 4 weeks of treatment with liraglutide in DHT treated rats significantly decreased body weight (mean± SEM 294.75 ±3.2 in DHT+ saline vs 276.25±2.7 in DHT+ liraglutide group respectively; p<0.01). Liraglutide treatment in the DHT implanted rats significantly improved glucose excursion during oral glucose tolerance test (area under the curve: DHT+ saline 28674±310 vs 24990± 420 in DHT +liraglutide p <0.01). DHT rats were hypertensive and liraglutide treatment significantly improved mean arterial pressure. These results suggest that GLP-1 treatment could improve DHT–induced metabolic and blood pressure deficits associated with PCOS.  相似文献   

Alexander disease (AxD) is a rare and fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by mutations in the gene encoding glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). In this report, a mouse model of AxD (GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H) was analyzed that contains a heterozygous R236H point mutation in murine Gfap as well as a transgene with a GFAP promoter to overexpress human GFAP. Using label-free quantitative proteomic comparisons of brain tissue from GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H versus wild-type mice confirmed upregulation of the glutathione metabolism pathway and indicated proteins were elevated in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) signaling pathway, which had not been reported previously in AxD. Relative protein-level differences were confirmed by a targeted proteomics assay, including proteins related to astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Of particular interest was the decreased level of the oligodendrocyte protein, 2-hydroxyacylsphingosine 1-beta-galactosyltransferase (Ugt8), since Ugt8-deficient mice exhibit a phenotype similar to GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice (e.g., tremors, ataxia, hind-limb paralysis). In addition, decreased levels of myelin-associated proteins were found in the GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice, consistent with the role of Ugt8 in myelin synthesis. Fabp7 upregulation in GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice was also selected for further investigation due to its uncharacterized association to AxD, critical function in astrocyte proliferation, and functional ability to inhibit the anti-inflammatory PPAR signaling pathway in models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Within Gfap+ astrocytes, Fabp7 was markedly increased in the hippocampus, a brain region subjected to extensive pathology and chronic reactive gliosis in GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice. Last, to determine whether the findings in GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice are present in the human condition, AxD patient and control samples were analyzed by Western blot, which indicated that Type I AxD patients have a significant fourfold upregulation of FABP7. However, immunohistochemistry analysis showed that UGT8 accumulates in AxD patient subpial brain regions where abundant amounts of Rosenthal fibers are located, which was not observed in the GFAPTg;Gfap+/R236H mice.  相似文献   

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