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Ke Wu  Pei Wu    John P. Aris 《Nucleic acids research》2001,29(14):2938-2949
A genetic screen for mutations synthetically lethal with temperature sensitive alleles of nop2 led to the identification of the nucleolar proteins Nop12p and Nop13p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. NOP12 was identified by complementation of a synthetic lethal growth phenotype in strain YKW35, which contains a single nonsense mutation at codon 359 in an allele termed nop12-1. Database mining revealed that Nop12p was similar to a related protein, Nop13p. Nop12p and Nop13p are not essential for growth and each contains a single canonical RNA recognition motif (RRM). Both share sequence similarity with Nsr1p, a previously identified, non-essential, RRM-containing nucleolar protein. Likely orthologs of Nop12p were identified in Drosophila and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Deletion of NOP12 resulted in a cold sensitive (cs) growth phenotype at 15°C and slow growth at 20 and 25°C. Growth of a nop12Δ strain at 15 and 20°C resulted in impaired synthesis of 25S rRNA, but not 18S rRNA. A nop13 null strain did not produce an observable growth phenotype under the laboratory conditions examined. Epitope-tagged Nop12p, which complements the cs growth phenotype and restores normal 25S rRNA levels, was localized to the nucleolus by immunofluorescence microscopy. Epitope-tagged Nop13p was distributed primarily in the nucleolus, with a lesser portion localizing to the nucleoplasm. Thus, Nop12p is a novel nucleolar protein required for pre-25S rRNA processing and normal rates of cell growth at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Location of the 5.8S rRNA gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Direct DNA sequence analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ribosomal DNA cloned in an Escherichia coli plasmid revealed part of the structural gene for 5.8S rRNA at one end of a 700-base-pair EcoRI fragment. Taken with the previously established EcoRI restriction map of the ribosomal repeat unit, this sequence establishes that the yeast 5.8S RNA segment is located between the 18S and 28S segments in the 42S rRNA precursor and in the DNA which codes for it.  相似文献   

Ribosome biogenesis has been studied extensively in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast Ltv1 is a conserved 40S-associated biogenesis factor that has been proposed to function in small subunit nuclear export. Here we show that Ltv1 has a canonical leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) at its extreme C terminus that is both necessary for Crm1 interaction and Ltv1 export. The C terminus of Ltv1 can substitute for the NES in the 60S-export adapter Nmd3, demonstrating that it is a functional NES. Overexpression of an Ltv1 lacking its NES (Ltv1∆C13) was strongly dominant negative and resulted in the nuclear accumulation of RpS3-GFP; however, export of the pre-40S was not affected. In addition, expression of endogenous levels of Ltv1∆C protein complemented both the slow-growth phenotype and the 40S biogenesis defect of an ltv1 deletion mutant. Thus, if Ltv1 is a nuclear export adapter for the pre-40S subunit, its function must be fully redundant with additional export factors. The dominant negative phenotype of Ltv1∆NES overexpression was suppressed by co-overexpressing RpS3 and its chaperone, Yar1, or by deletion of the RpS3-binding site in Ltv1∆NES, suggesting that titration of RpS3 by Ltv1∆NES is deleterious in yeast. The dominant-negative phenotype did not correlate with a decrease in 40S levels but rather with a reduction in the polysome-to-monosome ratio, indicating reduced rates of translation. We suggest that titration of RpS3 by excess nuclear Ltv1 interferes with 40S function or with a nonribosomal function of RpS3.  相似文献   

Ribosome biogenesis is well described in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In contrast only very little information is available on this pathway in plants. This study presents the characterization of five putative protein co-factors of ribosome biogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana, namely Rrp5, Pwp2, Nob1, Enp1 and Noc4. The characterization of the proteins in respect to localization, enzymatic activity and association with pre-ribosomal complexes is shown. Additionally, analyses of T-DNA insertion mutants aimed to reveal an involvement of the plant co-factors in ribosome biogenesis. The investigated proteins localize mainly to the nucleolus or the nucleus, and atEnp1 and atNob1 co-migrate with 40S pre-ribosomal complexes. The analysis of T-DNA insertion lines revealed that all proteins are essential in Arabidopsis thaliana and mutant plants show alterations of rRNA intermediate abundance already in the heterozygous state. The most significant alteration was observed in the NOB1 T-DNA insertion line where the P-A3 fragment, a 23S-like rRNA precursor, accumulated. The transmission of the T-DNA through the male and female gametophyte was strongly inhibited indicating a high importance of ribosome co-factor genes in the haploid stages of plant development. Additionally impaired embryogenesis was observed in some mutant plant lines. All results support an involvement of the analyzed proteins in ribosome biogenesis but differences in rRNA processing, gametophyte and embryo development suggested an alternative regulation in plants.  相似文献   

RNase MRP is a site-specific ribonucleoprotein endoribonuclease that cleaves RNA from the mitochondrial origin of replication in a manner consistent with a role in priming leading-strand DNA synthesis. Despite the fact that the only known RNA substrate for this enzyme is complementary to mitochondrial DNA, the majority of the RNase MRP activity in a cell is found in the nucleus. The recent characterization of this activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and subsequent cloning of the gene coding for the RNA subunit of the yeast enzyme have enabled a genetic approach to the identification of a nuclear role for this ribonuclease. Since the gene for the RNA component of RNase MRP, NME1, is essential in yeast cells and RNase MRP in mammalian cells appears to be localized to nucleoli within the nucleus, we utilized both regulated expression and temperature-conditional mutations of NME1 to assay for a possible effect on rRNA processing. Depletion of the RNA component of the enzyme was accomplished by using the glucose-repressed GAL1 promoter. Shortly after the shift to glucose, the RNA component of the enzyme was found to be depleted severely, and rRNA processing was found to be normal at all sites except the B1 processing site. The B1 site, at the 5' end of the mature 5.8S rRNA, is actually composed of two cleavage sites 7 nucleotides apart. This cleavage normally generates two species of 5.8S rRNA at a ratio of 10:1 (small to large) in most eukaryotes. After RNase MRP depletion, yeast cells were found to have almost exclusively the larger species of 5.8S rRNA. In addition, an aberrant 309-nucleotide precursor that stretched from the A2 to E processing sites of rRNA accumulated in these cells. Temperature-conditional mutations in the RNase MRP RNA gene gave an identical phenotype.Translation in yeast cells depleted of the smaller 5.8S rRNA was found to remain robust, suggesting a possible function for two 5.8S rRNAs in the regulated translation of select messages. These results are consistent with RNase MRP playing a role in a late step of rRNA processing. The data also indicate a requirement for having the smaller form of 5.8S rRNA, and they argue for processing at the B1 position being composed of two separate cleavage events catalyzed by two different activities.  相似文献   

Specific binding of purified proteins from the large ribosomal subunits of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to 5.8 S rRNA was examined by three different methods: nitrocellulose membrane filtration, sucrose density gradient centrifugation, and RNA-Sepharose column chromatography. RNA-protein complex formation was proportional to the amount of proteins added to the reaction mixture. The binding of proteins to the RNA could be saturated. Such RNA-protein complexes were isolated on sucrose density gradients. Protein species present in these complexes were isolated, iodinated, and analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Eleven proteins, L13, L14, L17, L19, L21, L24, L25, L29, L30, L33, and L39, were identified. By comparison, only six proteins interacted with the 5.8 S rRNA-Sepharose under similar ionic conditions. They were proteins L14, L21, L24, L27, L29, and L30. To better characterize these binding proteins, the interaction of individual proteins with 5.8 S rRNA was studied by nitrocellulose membrane filtration. Proteins L14, L19, L21, L29, L33, and L39 were observed to bind individually with 5.8 S rRNA. Binding of each protein to the RNA could be saturated. The apparent association constants (K'a), measured at 4 degrees C and in 30 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 20 mM MgCl2, 330 mM KCl, and 6 mM beta-mercaptoethanol, ranged from 1.05 to 3.70 X 10(6) M-1.  相似文献   

ESF1 is required for 18S rRNA synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We report that Esf1p (Ydr365cp), an essential, evolutionarily conserved nucleolar protein, is required for the biogenesis of 18S rRNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Depletion of Esf1p resulted in delayed processing of 35S precursor and a striking loss of 18S rRNA. Esf1p physically associated with ribosomal proteins and proteins involved in 18S rRNA biogenesis. Consistent with its role in 18S rRNA biogenesis, Esf1p also physically associated with U3 and U14 snoRNAs, but did not appear to be a core component of the SSU processome. These data indicate that Esf1p plays a direct role in early pre-rRNA processing.  相似文献   

rRNAs are the central players in the reactions catalyzed by ribosomes, and the individual rRNAs are actively involved in different ribosome functions. Our previous demonstration that yeast 5S rRNA mutants (called mof9) can impact translational reading frame maintenance showed an unexpected function for this ubiquitous biomolecule. At the time, however, the highly repetitive nature of the genes encoding rRNAs precluded more detailed genetic and molecular analyses. A new genetic system allows all 5S rRNAs in the cell to be transcribed from a small, easily manipulated plasmid. The system is also amenable for the study of the other rRNAs, and provides an ideal genetic platform for detailed structural and functional studies. Saturation mutagenesis reveals regions of 5S rRNA that are required for cell viability, translational accuracy, and virus propagation. Unexpectedly, very few lethal alleles were identified, demonstrating the resilience of this molecule. Superimposition of genetic phenotypes on a physical map of 5S rRNA reveals the existence of phenotypic clusters of mutants, suggesting that specific regions of 5S rRNA are important for specific functions. Mapping these mutants onto the Haloarcula marismortui large subunit reveals that these clusters occur at important points of physical interaction between 5S rRNA and the different functional centers of the ribosome. Our analyses lead us to propose that one of the major functions of 5S rRNA may be to enhance translational fidelity by acting as a physical transducer of information between all of the different functional centers of the ribosome.  相似文献   

The ability of mutant 23 S ribosomal RNA to form particles with proteins of the large ribosomal subunitin vivowas studied. A series of overlapping deletions covering the entire 23 S rRNA, were constructed in the plasmid copy of anE. coli23 S rRNA gene. The mutant genes were expressedin vivousing an inducibletacpromoter. Mutant species of 23 S rRNA, containing deletions between positions 40 and 2773, were incorporated into stable ribonucleoprotein particles. In contrast, if one end of the 23 S rRNA was deleted, the mutant rRNA was unstable and did not form ribosomal particles. Protein composition of the mutant particles was specific; the presence of the primary rRNA-binding proteins corresponded to their known binding sites. Furthermore, several previously unknown ribosomal protein binding sites in 23 S rRNA were identified. Implications of the results on ribosome assembly are discussed.  相似文献   

To identify new gene products that participate in ribosome biogenesis, we carried out a screen for mutations that result in lethality in combination with mutations in DRS1, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae nucleolar DEAD-box protein required for synthesis of 60S ribosomal subunits. We identified the gene NOP7that encodes an essential protein. The temperature-sensitive nop7-1 mutation or metabolic depletion of Nop7p results in a deficiency of 60S ribosomal subunits and accumulation of halfmer polyribosomes. Analysis of pre-rRNA processing indicates that nop7 mutants exhibit a delay in processing of 27S pre-rRNA to mature 25S rRNA and decreased accumulation of 25S rRNA. Thus Nop7p, like Drs1p, is required for essential steps leading to synthesis of 60S ribosomal subunits. In addition, inactivation or depletion of Nop7p also affects processing at the A0, A1, and A2 sites, which may result from the association of Nop7p with 35S pre-rRNA in 90S pre-rRNPs. Nop7p is localized primarily in the nucleolus, where most steps in ribosome assembly occur. Nop7p is homologous to the zebrafish pescadillo protein necessary for embryonic development. The Nop7 protein contains the BRCT motif, a protein-protein interaction domain through which, for example, the human BRCA1 protein interacts with RNA helicase A.  相似文献   

The homologous ribosomal RNA species of all organisms can be folded into a common "core" secondary structure. In addition, eukaryotic rRNAs contain a large number of segments, located at fixed positions, that are highly variable in size and sequence from one organism to another. We have investigated the role of the two largest of these variable regions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 25S rRNA, V13, and V3, by mutational analysis in a yeast strain that can be rendered completely dependent on the synthesis of mutant (pre-)rRNA. We found that approximately half of variable region V13 can be deleted without any phenotypic effect. The remaining portion, however, contains multiple structural features whose disturbance causes serious growth defects or lethality. Accumulation of 25S rRNA is strongly reduced by these mutations, at least in part because they inhibit processing of ITS2. Removal of even a relatively small portion of V3 also strongly reduces the cellular growth rate and larger deletions are lethal. Interestingly, some of the deletions in V3 cause accumulation of 27S(A) pre-rRNA and, moreover, appear to interfere with the close coupling between the processing cleavages at sites A3 and B1(S). These results demonstrate that both variable regions play an important role in 60S subunit formation.  相似文献   

During the biogenesis of small ribosomal subunits in eukaryotes, the pre-40S particles formed in the nucleolus are rapidly transported to the cytoplasm. The mechanisms underlying the nuclear export of these particles and its coordination with other biogenesis steps are mostly unknown. Here we show that yeast Rrp12 is required for the exit of pre-40S particles to the cytoplasm and for proper maturation dynamics of upstream 90S pre-ribosomes. Due to this, in vivo elimination of Rrp12 leads to an accumulation of nucleoplasmic 90S to pre-40S transitional particles, abnormal 35S pre-rRNA processing, delayed elimination of processing byproducts, and no export of intermediate pre-40S complexes. The exportin Crm1 is also required for the same pre-ribosome maturation events that involve Rrp12. Thus, in addition to their implication in nuclear export, Rrp12 and Crm1 participate in earlier biosynthetic steps that take place in the nucleolus. Our results indicate that, in the 40S subunit synthesis pathway, the completion of early pre-40S particle assembly, the initiation of byproduct degradation and the priming for nuclear export occur in an integrated manner in late 90S pre-ribosomes.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains three nonessential genes (NGL1, NGL2, and NGL3) that encode proteins containing a domain with similarity to a Mg(2+)-dependent endonuclease motif present in the mRNA deadenylase Ccr4p. We have investigated a possible role of these proteins in rRNA processing, because for many of the pre-rRNA processing steps, the identity of the responsible nuclease remains elusive. Analysis of RNA isolated from cells in which the NGL2 gene has been inactivated (ngl2delta) demonstrates that correct 3'-end formation of 5.8S rRNA at site E is strictly dependent on Ngl2p. No role in pre-rRNA processing could be assigned to Ngl1p and Ngl3p. The 3'-extended 5.8S rRNA formed in the ngl2delta mutant is slightly shorter than the 6S precursor previously shown to accumulate upon combined deletion of the 3' --> 5' exonuclease-encoding REX1 and REX2 genes or upon depletion of the exosomal subunits Rrp40p or Rrp45p. Thus, our data add a further component to the set of nucleases required for correct 3'-end formation of yeast 5.8S rRNA.  相似文献   

The temperature-sensitive mutation, dob1-1, was identified in a screen for dependence on overexpression of the yeast translation initiation factor eIF4B (Tif3p). Dob1p is an essential putative ATP-dependent RNA helicase. Polysome analyses revealed an under accumulation of 60S ribosomal subunits in the dob1-1 mutant. Pulse-chase labelling of pre-rRNA showed that this was due to a defect in the synthesis of the 5.8S and 25S rRNAs. Northern and primer extension analyses in the dob1-1 mutant, or in a strain genetically depleted of Dob1p, revealed a specific inhibition of the 3' processing of the 5.8S rRNA from its 7S precursor. This processing recently has been attributed to the activity of the exosome, a complex of 3'-->5' exonucleases that includes Rrp4p. In vivo depletion of Dob1p also inhibits degradation of the 5' external transcribed spacer region of the pre-rRNA. A similar phenotype was observed in rrp4 mutant strains and, moreover, the dob1-1 and rrp4-1 mutations show a strong synergistic growth inhibition. We propose that Dob1p functions as a cofactor for the exosome complex that unwinds secondary structures in the pre-rRNA that otherwise block the progression of the 3'-->5' exonucleases.  相似文献   

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