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Early detection of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates allows for earlier and more effective treatment of patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of the malachite green decolourisation assay (MGDA) in detecting isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin (RIF) resistance in M. tuberculosis clinical isolates. Fifty M. tuberculosis isolates, including 19 multidrug-resistant, eight INH-resistant and 23 INH and RIF-susceptible samples, were tested. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and agreement of the assay for INH were 92.5%, 91.3%, 92.5%, 91.3% and 92%, respectively. Similarly, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and agreement of the assay for RIF were 94.7%, 100%, 100%, 96.8% and 98%, respectively. There was a major discrepancy in the tests of two isolates, as they were sensitive to INH by the MGDA test, but resistant by the reference method. There was a minor discrepancy in the tests of two additional isolates, as they were sensitive to INH by the reference method, but resistant by the MGDA test. The drug susceptibility test results were obtained within eight-nine days. In conclusion, the MGDA test is a reliable and accurate method for the rapid detection of INH and RIF resistance compared with the reference method and the MGDA test additionally requires less time to obtain results.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate four rapid colourimetric methods, including the resazurin microtitre assay (REMA), malachite green decolourisation assay (MGDA), microplate nitrate reductase assay (MNRA) and crystal violet decolourisation assay (CVDA), for the rapid detection of multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis. Fifty Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates were used in this study. Eighteen isolates were MDR, two isolates were only resistant to isoniazid (INH) and the remaining isolates were susceptible to both INH and rifampicin (RIF). INH and RIF were tested in 0.25 µg/mL and 0.5 µg/mL, respectively. The agar proportion method was used as a reference method. MNRA and REMA were performed with some modifications. MGDA and CVDA were performed as defined in the literature. The agreements of the MNRA for INH and RIF were 96% and 94%, respectively, while the agreement of the other assays for INH and RIF were 98%. In this study, while the specificities of the REMA, MGDA and CVDA were 100%, the specificity of the MNRA was lower than the others (93.3% for INH and 90.9% for RIF). In addition, while the sensitivity of the MNRA was 100%, the sensitivities of the others were lower than that of the MNRA (from 94.1-95%). The results were reported on the seventh-10th day of the incubation. All methods are reliable, easy to perform, inexpensive and easy to evaluate and do not require special equipment.  相似文献   

The frontline tuberculosis drug isoniazid (INH) inhibits InhA, the NADH-dependent fatty acid biosynthesis (FAS-II) enoyl reductase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), via formation of a covalent adduct with NAD(+) (the INH-NAD adduct). Resistance to INH can be correlated with many mutations in MTB, some of which are localized in the InhA cofactor binding site. While the InhA mutations cause a substantial decrease in the affinity of InhA for NADH, surprisingly the same mutations result in only a small impact on binding of the INH-NAD adduct. Based on the knowledge that InhA interacts in vivo with other components of the FAS-II pathway, we have initiated experiments to determine whether enzyme inhibition results in structural changes that could affect protein-protein interactions involving InhA and how these ligand-induced conformational changes are modulated in the InhA mutants. Significantly, while NADH binding to wild-type InhA is hyperbolic, the InhA mutants bind the cofactor with positive cooperativity, suggesting that the mutations permit access to a second conformational state of the protein. While cross-linking studies indicate that enzyme inhibition causes dissociation of the InhA tetramer into dimers, analytical ultracentrifugation and size exclusion chromatography reveal that ligand binding causes a conformational change in the protein that prevents cross-linking across one of the dimer-dimer interfaces in the InhA tetramer. Interestingly, a similar ligand-induced conformational change is also observed for the InhA mutants, indicating that the mutations modulate communication between the subunits without affecting the two conformational states of the protein that are present.  相似文献   

吡嗪酰胺(pyrazinamide,PZA)是重要的一线抗结核药物,与异烟肼、利福平和乙胺丁醇构成治疗方案的核心。因其疗效较好,被广泛应用于结核病的治疗过程。然而,近年来随着耐多药结核病的出现,PZA耐药导致部分患者治疗失败,因此常规开展PZA药物敏感性试验对于减少耐药性的发生显得极为重要。由于PZA在酸性条件下才能发挥作用,而结核分枝杆菌在酸性环境下生长不良,故PZA耐药性检测一直是临床中的难题。本文结合国内外最新研究进展,就结核分枝杆菌PZA耐药性检测方法的研究进行阐述,期望能为更有效地诊治结核病提供新思路。  相似文献   

The emergence of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB) highlights the urgent need to understand the mechanisms of resistance to the drugs and to develop a new arena of therapeutics to treat the disease. Ethambutol, isonazid, pyrazinamide, rifampicin are first line of drugs against TB, whereas aminoglycoside, polypeptides, fluoroquinolone, ethionamide are important second line of bactericidal drugs used to treat MDRTB, and resistance to one or both of these drugs are defining characteristic of extensively drug resistant TB. We retrieved 1,221 resistant genes from Antibiotic Resistance Gene Database (ARDB), which are responsible for resistance against first and second line antibiotics used in treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. From network analysis of these resistance genes, 53 genes were found to be common. Phylogenetic analysis shows that more than 60% of these genes code for acetyltransferase. Acetyltransferases detoxify antibiotics by acetylation, this mechanism plays central role in antibiotic resistance. Seven acetyltransferase (AT-1 to AT-7) were selected from phylogenetic analysis. Structural alignment shows that these acetyltransferases share common ancestral core, which can be used as a template for structure based drug designing. From STRING analysis it is found that acetyltransferase interact with 10 different proteins and it shows that, all these interaction were specific to M. tuberculosis. These results have important implications in designing new therapeutic strategies with acetyltransferase as lead co-target to combat against MDR as well as Extreme drug resistant (XDR) tuberculosis.


AA - amino acid, AT - Acetyltransferase, AAC - Aminoglycoside 2''-N-acetyltransferase, XDR - Extreme drug-resistant, MDR - Multidrug-resistant, Mtb - Mycobacterium tuberculosis, TB - Tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Rv1900c, a Mycobacterium tuberculosis adenylyl cyclase, is composed of an N-terminal alpha/beta-hydrolase domain and a C-terminal cyclase homology domain. It has an unusual 7% guanylyl cyclase side-activity. A canonical substrate-defining lysine and a catalytic asparagine indispensable for mammalian adenylyl cyclase activity correspond to N342 and H402 in Rv1900c. Mutagenic analysis indicates that these residues are dispensable for activity of Rv1900c. Structures of the cyclase homology domain, solved to 2.4 A both with and without an ATP analog, form isologous, but asymmetric homodimers. The noncanonical N342 and H402 do not interact with the substrate. Subunits of the unliganded open dimer move substantially upon binding substrate, forming a closed dimer similar to the mammalian cyclase heterodimers, in which one interfacial active site is occupied and the quasi-dyad-related active site is occluded. This asymmetry indicates that both active sites cannot simultaneously be catalytically active. Such a mechanism of half-of-sites-reactivity suggests that mammalian heterodimeric adenylyl cyclases may have evolved from gene duplication of a primitive prokaryote-type cyclase, followed by loss of function in one active site.  相似文献   

A large fraction of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome codes for proteins of unknown function. We here report the structure of one of these proteins, Rv0130, solved to a resolution of 1.8 å. The Rv0130 monomer features a single hotdog fold composed of a highly curved β-sheet on top of a long and a short α-helix. Two monomers in turn pack to form a double-hotdog-folded homodimer, similar to a large group of enzymes that use thiol esters as substrates. Rv0130 was found to contain a highly conserved R-specific hydratase motif buried deeply between the two monomers. Our biochemical studies show that the protein is able to hydrate a short trans-2-enoyl-coenzyme A moiety with a k cat of 1.1 × 102 sec−1. The importance of the side chains of D40 and H45 for hydratase activity is demonstrated by site-directed mutagenesis. In contrast to many hotdog-folded proteins, a proline residue distorts the central helix of Rv0130. This distortion allows the creation of a long, curved tunnel, similar to the substrate-binding channels of long-chain eukaryotic hydratase 2 enzymes.  相似文献   

An understanding of isoniazid (INH) drug resistance mechanism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis should provide significant insight for the development of newer anti-tubercular agents able to control INH-resistant tuberculosis (TB). The inhA-encoded 2-trans enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase enzyme (InhA) has been shown through biochemical and genetic studies to be the primary target for INH. In agreement with these results, mutations in the inhA structural gene have been found in INH-resistant clinical isolates of M.tuberculosis, the causative agent of TB. In addition, the InhA mutants were shown to have higher dissociation constant values for NADH and lower values for the apparent first-order rate constant for INH inactivation as compared to wild-type InhA. Here, in trying to identify structural changes between wild-type and INH-resistant InhA enzymes, we have solved the crystal structures of wild-type and of S94A, I47T and I21V InhA proteins in complex with NADH to resolutions of, respectively, 2.3A, 2.2A, 2.0 A, and 1.9A. The more prominent structural differences are located in, and appear to indirectly affect, the dinucleotide binding loop structure. Moreover, studies on pre-steady-state kinetics of NADH binding have been carried out. The results showed that the limiting rate constant values for NADH dissociation from the InhA-NADH binary complexes (k(off)) were eleven, five, and tenfold higher for, respectively, I21V, I47T, and S94A INH-resistant mutants of InhA as compared to INH-sensitive wild-type InhA. Accordingly, these results are proposed to be able to account for the reduction in affinity for NADH for the INH-resistant InhA enzymes.  相似文献   

In order to observe the cytotoxicity of Acanthamoeba spp., which were isolated from contact lens containers as ethiological agents for the probable amoebic keratitis in Korea, the crystal violet staining method and LDH release assay were carried out. In the crystal violet staining method, among eight contact lens container isolates, isolate 3 (Acanthamoeba KA/LS5) showed 83.6% and 81.8% of cytotoxicity, and isolate 7 (Acanthamoeba KA/LS37) showed 28.2% and 25.1% of cytotoxicity, in 1 mg/ml and 0.5 mg/ml lysate treatments, respectively. Acanthamoeba culbertsoni and A. healyi showed 84.0% and 82.8% of cytotoxicity. Similar results were observed in A. castellanii and A. hatchetti which showed 83.6% and 75.5% of cytotoxicity. Acanthamoeba royreba and A. polyphaga showed 9.0% and 1.7% of cytotoxicity. In the LDH release assay, isolate 3 (20.4%) showed higher cytotoxicity than other isolates in 1 mg/ml lysate treatment. The results provide that at least isolate 3 has the cytotoxic effect against CHO cells and seems to be the pathogenic strain.  相似文献   

Li Z  Huang Y  Ge J  Fan H  Zhou X  Li S  Bartlam M  Wang H  Rao Z 《Journal of molecular biology》2007,371(4):1075-1083
The malonyl coenzyme A (CoA)-acyl carrier protein (ACP) transacylase (MCAT) plays a key role in cell wall biosynthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other bacteria. The M. tuberculosis MCAT (MtMCAT) is encoded by the FabD gene and catalyzes the transacylation of malonate from malonyl-CoA to holo-ACP. Malonyl-ACP is the substrate in fatty acid biosynthesis and is a by-product of the transacylation reaction. This ability for fatty acid biosynthesis enables M. tuberculosis to survive in hostile environments, and thus understanding the mechanism of biosynthesis is important for the design of new anti-tuberculosis drugs. The 2.3 A crystal structure of MtMCAT reported here shows that its catalytic mechanism differs from those of ScMCAT and EcMCAT, whose structures have previously been determined. In MtMCAT, the C(beta)-O(gamma) bond of Ser91 turns upwards, resulting in a different orientation and thus an overall change of the active pocket compared to other known MCAT enzymes. We identify three new nucleophilic attack chains from the MtMCAT structure: His90-Ser91, Asn155-Wat6-Ser91 and Asn155-His90-Ser91. Enzyme activity assays show that His90A, Asn155A and His90A-Asn155A mutants all have substantially reduced MCAT activity, indicating that M. tuberculosis MCAT supports a unique means of proton transfer. Furthermore, His194 cannot form part of a His-Ser catalytic dyad and only stabilizes the substrate. This new discovery should provide a deeper insight into the catalytic mechanisms of MCATs.  相似文献   

The mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit-variable number tandem repeat (MIRU-VNTR) method is one of the most important methods that have been used in recent years for genotyping Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Agarose gel electrophoresis and capillary electrophoresis have been used to determine the size of amplicons, however, both of these methods have shortcomings. Here, we develop and evaluate a novel method for MIRU-VNTR typing based on high resolution melting (HRM) analysis. The MIRU40 locus was selected to evaluate different real-time PCR machines and the accuracy of our method; the Roche LightCycler 480 provided greatest consistency between the Tm value and repeat number and was used in subsequent evaluations. Our method gives greater accuracy in comparison with conventional agarose gel electrophoresis (98.9% vs. 90.9%, p = 0.017), and, with the help of fitting formulae, can be used to obtain the number of MIRU tandem repeats from the Tm value. To validate our method we analyzed 12 classical MIRU loci to genotype 88 clinical isolates. The number of MIRU tandem repeats was determined accurately, quickly and conveniently.  相似文献   



Drug resistant tuberculosis (TB) is a growing concern worldwide. Early detection of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis is of primary importance for both patient management and infection control. Optimal method for identifying drug-resistant M. tuberculosis in a timely and affordable way in resource-limited settings is not yet available.


This study evaluated; nitrate reductase assay (NRA), resazurin microtiter assay (REMA) and microscopic observation drug susceptibility assay (MODS) against the conventional 1% proportion method (PM) for the detection of resistance to first line antitubercular drugs, in M. tuberculosis clinical isolates.


A total of one hundred and five clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis; 50 pan sensitive and 55 pan resistant were tested with NRA, REMA and MODS. The 1% proportion method on Lowenstein-Jensen medium was used as reference test.


Of all three methods which were tested NRA was found to be most sensitive and specific. Sensitivity for rifampicin resistance detection was 100%, 94.55% and 92.73% by NRA, REMA and MODS respectively. NRA and REMA were found to be 100% specific, while the MODS was 98% specific for detection of rifampicin resistance. Test results with all these methods were obtained within 8-14 days.


Rapid non-conventional and inexpensive methods may serve as a replacement for 1% proportion method in resource limited settings.  相似文献   



Although Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates are consisted of several different lineages and the epidemiology analyses are usually assessed relative to a particular reference genome, M. tuberculosis H37Rv, which might introduce some biased results. Those analyses are essentially based genome sequence information of M. tuberculosis and could be performed in sillico in theory, with whole genome sequence (WGS) data available in the databases and obtained by next generation sequencers (NGSs). As an approach to establish higher resolution methods for such analyses, whole genome sequences of the M. tuberculosis complexes (MTBCs) strains available on databases were aligned to construct virtual reference genome sequences called the consensus sequence (CS), and evaluated its feasibility in in sillico epidemiological analyses.


The consensus sequence (CS) was successfully constructed and utilized to perform phylogenetic analysis, evaluation of read mapping efficacy, which is crucial for detecting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and various MTBC typing methods virtually including spoligotyping, VNTR, Long sequence polymorphism and Beijing typing. SNPs detected based on CS, in comparison with H37Rv, were utilized in concatemer-based phylogenetic analysis to determine their reliability relative to a phylogenetic tree based on whole genome alignment as the gold standard. Statistical comparison of phylogenic trees based on CS with that of H37Rv indicated the former showed always better results that that of later. SNP detection and concatenation with CS was advantageous because the frequency of crucial SNPs distinguishing among strain lineages was higher than those of H37Rv. The number of SNPs detected was lower with the consensus than with the H37Rv sequence, resulting in a significant reduction in computational time. Performance of each virtual typing was satisfactory and accorded with those published when those are available.


These results indicated that virtual CS constructed from genome sequence data is an ideal approach as a reference for MTBC studies.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1368-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The IS6110 belongs to the family of insertion sequences (IS) of the IS3 category. This insertion sequence was reported to be specific for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and hence is extensively exploited for laboratory detection of the agent of tuberculosis and for epidemiological investigations based on polymerase chain reaction. IS6110 is 1361-bp long and within this sequence different regions have been utilized as targets in the identification of M. tuberculosis by PCR. However, the results are not always consistent, specific and sensitive. In recent years, a few clinical investigations raised concerns over IS6110 specificity and sensitivity in the diagnosis of tuberculosis due to false-positive (homology with other target DNA besides M. tuberculosis) or false negative (due to absence of copies of IS6110) results with IS6110 specific primers. To unravel the variations in IS6110 sequences, an insilico analysis of IS6110 sequence of different strains of M. tuberculosis was carried out. Our results of comparative analysis of IS6110 insertion sequences of M. tuberculosis complex suggests that, IS6110 insertion sequences harbored variations in its sequence, which is evident from the phylogenetic analysis. Importantly, IS6110 sequence has divergence within the copies of same strain and formed different clusters. A list of IS6110 specific primers used in various clinical investigation of tuberculosis was obtained from the literature and their performance scrutinized. Our study emphasizes the need to develop PCR assays (multiplex format) targeting more than one region of the genome of M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   



Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) is a powerful tool to identify genomic polymorphisms. We have previously developed a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and large sequence polymorphisms (LSP)-based MLPA assay using a read out on a liquid bead array to screen for 47 genetic markers in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome. In our assay we obtain information regarding the Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineage and drug resistance simultaneously. Previously we called the presence or absence of a genotypic marker based on a threshold signal level. Here we present a more elaborate data analysis method to standardize and streamline the interpretation of data generated by MLPA. The new data analysis method also identifies intermediate signals in addition to classification of signals as positive and negative. Intermediate calls can be informative with respect to identifying the simultaneous presence of sensitive and resistant alleles or infection with multiple different Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains.


To validate our analysis method 100 DNA isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis extracted from cultured patient material collected at the National TB Reference Laboratory of the National Center for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia were tested by MLPA. The data generated were interpreted blindly and then compared to results obtained by reference methods. MLPA profiles containing intermediate calls are flagged for expert review whereas the majority of profiles, not containing intermediate calls, were called automatically. No intermediate signals were identified in 74/100 isolates and in the remaining 26 isolates at least one genetic marker produced an intermediate signal.


Based on excellent agreement with the reference methods we conclude that the new data analysis method performed well. The streamlined data processing and standardized data interpretation allows the comparison of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis MLPA results between different experiments. All together this will facilitate the implementation of the MLPA assay in different settings.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-572) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis adenylate kinase (MtAK) in complex with two ADP molecules and Mg2+ has been determined at 1.9 A resolution. Comparison with the solution structure of the enzyme, obtained in the absence of substrates, shows significant conformational changes of the LID and NMP-binding domains upon substrate binding. The ternary complex represents the state of the enzyme at the start of the backward reaction (ATP synthesis). The structure is consistent with a direct nucleophilic attack of a terminal oxygen from the acceptor ADP molecule on the beta-phosphate from the donor substrate, and both the geometry and the distribution of positive charge in the active site support the hypothesis of an associative mechanism for phosphoryl transfer.  相似文献   

The identification of mycobacteria is essential because tuberculosis (TB) and mycobacteriosis are clinically indistinguishable and require different therapeutic regimens. The traditional phenotypic method is time consuming and may last up to 60 days. Indeed, rapid, affordable, specific and easy-to-perform identification methods are needed. We have previously described a polymerase chain reaction-based method called a mycobacteria mobility shift assay (MMSA) that was designed for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) and nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) species identification. The aim of this study was to assess the MMSA for the identification of MTC and NTM clinical isolates and to compare its performance with that of the PRA-hsp65 method. A total of 204 clinical isolates (102 NTM and 102 MTC) were identified by the MMSA and PRA-hsp65. For isolates for which these methods gave discordant results, definitive species identification was obtained by sequencing fragments of the 16S rRNA and hsp65 genes. Both methods correctly identified all MTC isolates. Among the NTM isolates, the MMSA alone assigned 94 (92.2%) to a complex or species, whereas the PRA-hsp65 method assigned 100% to a species. A 91.5% agreement was observed for the 94 NTM isolates identified by both methods. The MMSA provided correct identification for 96.8% of the NTM isolates compared with 94.7% for PRA-hsp65. The MMSA is a suitable auxiliary method for routine use for the rapid identification of mycobacteria.  相似文献   

Microdissection has been used for the examination of tissues at DNA, RNA, and protein levels for over a decade. Laser capture microscopy (LCM) is the most common microdissection technique used today. In this technique, a laser is used to focally melt a thermoplastic membrane that overlies a dehydrated tissue section1. The tissue section composite is then lifted and separated from the membrane. Although this technique can be used successfully for tissue examination, it is time consuming and expensive. Furthermore, the successful completion of procedures using this technique requires the use of a laser, thus limiting its use. A new more affordable and practical microdissection approach called mesodissection is a possible solution to the pitfalls of LCM. This technique employs the MESO-1/MeSectr system to mill the desired tissue from a slide mounted tissue sample while concurrently dispensing and aspirating fluid to recover the desired tissue sample into a consumable mill bit. Before the dissection process begins, the user aligns the formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) slide with a hematoxylin and eosin stained (H&E) reference slide. Thereafter, the operator annotates the desired dissection area and proceeds to dissect the appropriate segment. The program generates an archived image of the dissection. The main advantage of mesodissection is the short duration needed to dissect a slide, taking an average of ten minutes from set up to sample generation in this experiment. Additionally, the system is significantly more cost effective and user friendly. A slight disadvantage is that it is not as precise as laser capture microscopy. In this article we demonstrate how mesodissection can be used to extract RNA from slides from FFPE granulomas caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb).  相似文献   

Reports in recent years indicate that the increasing emergence of resistance to drugs be using to TB treatment. The resistance to them severely affects to options for effective treatment. The emergence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis has increased interest in understanding the mechanism of drug resistance in M. tuberculosis and the development of new therapeutics, diagnostics and vaccines. In this study, a label-free quantitative proteomics approach has been used to analyze proteome of multidrug-resistant and susceptible clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis and identify differences in protein abundance between the two groups. With this approach, we were able to identify a total of 1,583 proteins. The majority of identified proteins have predicted roles in lipid metabolism, intermediary metabolism, cell wall and cell processes. Comparative analysis revealed that 68 proteins identified by at least two peptides showed significant differences of at least twofolds in relative abundance between two groups. In all protein differences, the increase of some considering proteins such as NADH dehydrogenase, probable aldehyde dehydrogenase, cyclopropane mycolic acid synthase 3, probable arabinosyltransferase A, putative lipoprotein, uncharacterized oxidoreductase and six membrane proteins in resistant isolates might be involved in the drug resistance and to be potential diagnostic protein targets. The decrease in abundance of proteins related to secretion system and immunogenicity (ESAT-6-like proteins, ESX-1 secretion system associated proteins, O-antigen export system and MPT63) in the multidrug-resistant strains can be a defensive mechanism undertaken by the resistant cell.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12088-015-0511-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A technique was developed to evaluate Heterodera glycines development in susceptible and resistant soybean. Roots of 3-day-old soybean were exposed to infective juveniles of H. glyci.nes in sand for 8 hours followed by washing and transfer to hydroponic culture. The cotyledons and apical meristem were removed and plants were maintained under constant light, which resulted in a dwarfed plant system. After 15 or 20 days at 27 C, nematodes were rated for development. Emerged males were sieved from the culture water and females were counted directly from the roots. Nematodes remaining in the roots were rated for development after staining and clearing the tissues. The proportion of nematodes at each stage of development and the frequency of completed molts for each stage were calculated from these data. This technique showed that resistance to H. glycines was stage related and did not affect males and females equally in all resistant hosts. The resistance of plant introduction PI 209332 primarily affected development of third and fourth-stage juveniles; ''Pickett'' mainly affected second and third-stage juveniles, whereas PI 89772 affected all stages. Male development was markedly affected in PI 89772 and ''Pickett'' but not in PI 209332.  相似文献   

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