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The Rickettsia bacteria include the aetiological agents for the human spotted fever (SF) disease. In the present study, a SF groupRickettsia amblyommii related bacterium was detected in a field collected Amblyomma sculptum (Amblyomma cajennense species complex) tick from a Brazilian SF endemic site in southeastern Brazil, in the municipality of Juiz de Fora, state of Minas Gerais. Genetic analysis based on genes ompA,ompB and htrA showed that the detected strain, named R. amblyommii str. JF, is related to the speciesR. amblyommii.  相似文献   

As Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is the most common tick-borne disease in South America, the presence of Rickettsia sp. in Amblyomma ticks is a possible indication of its endemicity in certain geographic regions. In the present work, bacterial DNA sequences related to Rickettsia amblyommii genes in A. dubitatum ticks, collected in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, were discovered. Simultaneously, Paracoccus sp. was detected in aproximately 77% of A. cajennense specimens collected in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This is the first report of Paracoccus sp. infection in a specific tick population, and raises the possibility of these bacteria being maintained and/or transmitted by ticks. Whether Paracoccus sp. represents another group of pathogenic Rhodobacteraceae or simply plays a role in A. cajennense physiology, is unknown. The data also demonstrate that the rickettsial 16S rRNA specific primers used forRickettsia spp. screening can also detect Paracoccus alpha-proteobacteria infection in biological samples. Hence, a PCR-RFLP strategy is presented to distinguish between these two groups of bacteria.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the rickettsial infection in Amblyomma parvum ticks collected in Northwestern Córdoba Province, Argentina. Each tick was subjected to DNA extraction and tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting fragments of the rickettsial genes gltA and ompB. Nine (69.2%) out of 13 adult ticks yielded expected PCR products for the two rickettsial genes. Products from the ompB PCR were sequenced, generating DNA sequences 100% identical for the nine PCR-positive ticks. Three of these ticks were tested in another battery of PCR targeting fragments of the rickettsial genes gltA, htrA, and ompA. Products from the gltA, htrA, and ompA PCRs were sequenced generating DNA sequences 100% identical for the three PCR-positive ticks. The rickettsia detected in the A. parvum ticks was designated as Rickettsia sp. strain Argentina. Phylogenetic analyses performed with partial sequences of the rickettsial genes gltA, htrA, ompB, and ompA showed that Rickettsia sp. strain Argentina belonged to the spotted fever group, being distinct from all known Rickettsia species and genotypes available in GenBank, representing possibly a new Rickettsia species. This was the first evidence of rickettsial infection in the tick A. parvum, and the third report of rickettsial infection among the Argentinean tick fauna. The role of Rickettsia sp. strain Argentina as a human pathogen is unknown. Further studies are needed to obtain tissue-cultured isolates of Rickettsia sp. strain Argentina, in order to better characterize it and to determine its taxonomic status as a new species.  相似文献   

Field-collected adults of the southern pine sawyer, Monochamus titillator (F.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), naturally infested with fourth-stage juveniles (dauerlarvae) of the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Buhrer, 1934) Nickle, 1970, were maturation fed on excised shoots of typical slash pine, Pinus elliottii Engelm. var elliottii, for 21 days. During August 1981, a male and female adult beetle were held in a sleeve cage placed on the terminal of a side branch of each of seven replicate, healthy 10-year-old slash pine trees. All seven branch terminals showed evidence of beetle feeding on the bark after 1 week, and pinewood nematodes were present in wood samples taken near these feeding sites. Four of the seven trees showed wilt symptoms in 4-6 weeks and died about 9 weeks after beetle feeding. Pinewood nematodes were recovered from the roots and trunks of the dead trees. Each of seven replicate slash pine log bolts was enclosed in a jar with a pair of the same beetles used in the sleeve cages. After 1 week, wood underlying beetle oviposition sites in the bark of all replicate log bolts was infested with the pinewood nematode.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of esterase polymorphism in Heterodera glycines was investigated through controlled matings and analysis of F₁ and F₂ progeny. Three nematode lines, each fixed for a different esterase phenotype, were isolated and purified through repeated directional selection and inbreeding. Each phenotype was characterized by its distinct pair of closely spaced bands of esterase activity. Single-female single-male crosses were conducted according to a modified agar-plate mating technique. F₁ progeny were homogeneous, exhibiting both parental esterase phenotypes (codominant heterozygotes) but no hybrid bands. Approximately 1,500 F₂ progeny segregated in a 1:2:1 ratio for expression of the esterase phenotypes of the female parental line, the heterozygote, and the male parental line. Apparently the three esterase phenotypes correspond to three codominant alleles of a single esterase locus. Reciprocal crosses gave similar results, suggesting no maternal inheritance.  相似文献   

Nematode and disease problems of irrigated, double-cropped soybean and corn, and zinc deficiency of corn were investigated. Ethylene dibromide, phenamiphos, and aldicarb were equally effective for controlling nematodes and increasing yields of corn planted minimum-till and soybean planted in a moldboard plow prepared seedbed. The residual effects on yields of nematicides applied to the preceeding crop occurred during 3 years for soybean and 1 year for corn. Fusarium wilt symptoms of soybean that developed during 2 years of the study were less severe in all nematicide-treated plots than in control plots. Typical zinc deficiency symptoms on 30-day-old corn plants were observed during 1 year of the study in certain plots. Symptoms were not evident on plants grown on plots treated with ethylene dibromide, and only occasional plants had symptoms on plots treated with phenamiphos and aldicarb. The amount of yield response directly related to nematode control could not be determined because of the apparent interaction of nematodes on the expression of Fusarium wilt of soybean. Our study strongly indicates that the expression of Fusarium wilt of soybean and zinc deficiency in corn are influenced by nematodes and that nematicides will reduce their severity.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of fenamiphos 15G and short-cycle potato (PO)-sweet potato (SP) grown continuously and in rotation with peanut (PE)-grain sorghum (GS) on yield, crop quality, and mixed nematode population densities of Meloidogyne arenaria, M. hapla, M. incognita, and Mesocriconema ornatum. Greater root-gall indices and damage by M. hapla and M. incognita occurred on potato than other crops. Most crop yields were higher and root-gall indices lower from fenamiphos-treated plots than untreated plots. The total yield of potato in the PO-SP and PO-SP-PE-GS sequences increased from 1983 to 1985 in plots infested with M. hapla or M. arenaria and M. incognita in combination and decreased in 1986 to 1987 when root-knot nematode populations shifted to M. incognita. The total yields of sweet potato in the PO-SP-PE-GS sequence were similar in 1983 and 1985, and declined each year in the PO-SP sequence as a consequence of M. incognita population density increase in the soil. Yield of peanut from soil infested with M. hapla increased 82% in fenamiphos-treated plots compared to untreated plots. Fenamiphos treatment increased yield of grain sorghum from 5% to 45% over untreated controls. The declining yields of potato and sweet potato observed with both the PO-SP and PO-SP-PE-GS sequences indicate that these crop systems should not be used longer than 3 years in soil infested with M. incognita, M. arenaria, or M. hapla. Under these conditions, these two cropping systems promote a population shift in favor of M. incognita, which is more damaging to potato and sweet potato than M. arenaria and M. hapla.  相似文献   

New data on the Pselaphodes complex of genera (Pselaphitae: Tyrini) from China is presented. The generic limits of Labomimus Sharp and Pselaphodes Westwood are discussed and expanded. A revised key to the genera of the Pselaphodes complex is provided. New geographic evidence suggests that previously believed wide-spread species Pselaphodes tianmuensis Yin, Li & Zhao contains a number of related species, resulting in a division of the species to nine separate taxa. Fourteen new species belonging to three genera are diagnosed, described and illustrated: Dayao emeiensis Yin & Li, sp. n. (Sichuan), Labomimus fimbriatus Yin & Hlaváč, sp. n. (Yunnan), Labomimus jizuensis Yin & Hlaváč, sp. n. (Yunnan), Labomimus simplicipalpus Yin & Hlaváč, sp. n. (Sichuan), Pselaphodes anhuianus Yin & Li, sp. n. (Anhui), Pselaphodes daii Yin & Hlaváč, sp. n. (Sichuan), Pselaphodes grebennikovi Yin & Hlaváč, sp. n. (Yunnan), Pselaphodes hainanensis Yin & Li, sp. n. (Hainan), Pselaphodes kuankuoshuiensis Yin & Li, sp. n. (Guizhou), Pselaphodes longilobus Yin & Hlaváč, sp. n. (Hunbei, Yunnan), Pselaphodes monoceros Yin & Hlaváč, sp. n. (Xizang), Pselaphodes pengi Yin & Li, sp. n. (Sichuan), Pselaphodes tiantongensis Yin & Li, sp. n. (Zhejiang) and Pselaphodes wrasei Yin & Li, sp. n. (Yunnan). Labomimus sichuanicus Hlaváč, Nomura & Zhou (Sichuan) is redescribed and illustrated based on a paratype and the material from the type locality. Two recently described species, Pselaphodes tibialis Yin & Li (Yunnan), and Pselaphodes venustus Yin & Li (Yunnan), are transferred to Labomimus (comb. n.) due to the presence of a median metaventral fovea. New locality data is provided for Pselaphodes aculeus Yin, Li & Zhao (Anhui, Fujian, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan), Pselaphodes maoershanus Yin & Li (Guangxi, Guizhou), Pselaphodes tianmuensis (Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangxi) and Pselaphodes pectinatus Yin, Li & Zhao (Hainan), with the aedeagus newly illustrated for the latter species.  相似文献   

Amoebae serve as hosts for various intracellular bacteria, including human pathogens. These microbes are able to overcome amoebal defense mechanisms and successfully establish a niche for replication, which is usually the cytoplasm. Here, we report on the discovery of a bacterial symbiont that is located inside the nucleus of its Hartmannella sp. host. This symbiont, tentatively named ‘Candidatus Nucleicultrix amoebiphila'', is only moderately related to known bacteria (∼90% 16S and 23S rRNA sequence similarity) and member of a novel clade of protist symbionts affiliated with the Rickettsiales and Rhodospirillales. Screening of 16S rRNA amplicon data sets revealed a broad distribution of these bacteria in freshwater and soil habitats. ‘Candidatus Nucleicultrix amoebiphila'' traffics within 6 h post infection to the host nucleus. Maximum infection levels are reached after 96–120 h, at which time point the nucleus is pronouncedly enlarged and filled with bacteria. Transmission of the symbionts occurs vertically upon host cell division but may also occur horizontally through host cell lysis. Although we observed no impact on the fitness of the original Hartmannella sp. host, the bacteria are rather lytic for Acanthamoeba castellanii. Intranuclear symbiosis is an exceptional phenomenon, and amoebae represent an ideal model system to further investigate evolution and underlying molecular mechanisms of these unique microbial associations.  相似文献   

Leishmania parasites expose phosphatidylserine (PS) on theirsurface, a process that has been associated with regulation of host''s immuneresponses. In this study we demonstrate that PS exposure by metacyclicpromastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis favours bloodcoagulation. L. amazonensis accelerates in vitro coagulation ofhuman plasma. In addition, L. amazonensis supports the assemblyof the prothrombinase complex, thus promoting thrombin formation. This processwas reversed by annexin V which blocks PS binding sites. During blood meal,Lutzomyia longipalpis sandfly inject saliva in the bitesite, which has a series of pharmacologically active compounds that inhibitblood coagulation. Since saliva and parasites are co-injected in the host duringnatural transmission, we evaluated the anticoagulant properties of sandflysaliva in counteracting the procoagulant activity of L.amazonensis . Lu. longipalpis saliva reversesplasma clotting promoted by promastigotes. It also inhibits thrombin formationby the prothrombinase complex assembled either in phosphatidylcholine (PC)/PSvesicles or in L. amazonensis . Sandfly saliva inhibits factorX activation by the intrinsic tenase complex assembled on PC/PS vesicles andblocks factor Xa catalytic activity. Altogether our results show that metacyclicpromastigotes of L. amazonensis are procoagulant due to PSexposure. Notably, this effect is efficiently counteracted by sandflysaliva.  相似文献   

The use of plant-covers oat (Arena sativa L.), rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana Kunth), soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.), and marigold (Tagetes patula L.) during pineapple inter-cycle planting periods was investigated at two sites (Kunia and Whitmore, Oahu, HI) as a potential means to reduce population densities of Rotylenchulus reniformis, Helicotylenchus dihystera, and Paratylenchus spp. Clean fallow and fallow covered with pineapple-plant residues (mulch) were the controls without plant-cover. Regardless of treatments, population densities of R. reniformis declined with time at both sites to low residue levels by the end of the 6-month period. Treatment means of R. reniformis population densities in the plant-cover treatments were lower than the controls'' (P = 0.05). The plant-cover treatments also effected higher rates of R. reniformis population decline at both sites during the period, being 2.0 to 2.2 times that of the mulch control and 1.2 to 1.4 times that of the fallow control. Plant-covers'' effect on H. dihystera during the same period at both sites was variable, resulting in decreased, unchanged, or increased population densities. The change was especially obvious in the oat-cover treatment, where H. dihystera population densities increased 9 to 15-fold at both sites. Population of Paratylenchus spp. was absent or present at low levels at the sites throughout the period. Biological activities antagonistic to R. reniformis at Kunia were estimated at the end of 6 months by comparing the extent of nematode''s reproduction (on cowpea seedlings) in the treatment soils that had been subjected to autoclaving or freezing temperature. Although higher indices of antagonistic activities were observed in soils with prior plant-cover treatments than in soils from the controls, none of the treatments resulted in conferring soils the increased ability to suppress re-introduced R. reniformis populations or enhance subsequent pineapple-plant growth.  相似文献   

The expression of a g-us reporter gene linked to a Parasponia andersonii hemoglobin promoter has been studied in transgenic tobacco plants after infection by Meloidogyne javanica. Transgenic roots were harvested at different times after nematode inoculation, and stained histochemically for expression of the gus gene. During the early stages of infection (0-2 weeks) there was little expression in giant cells, in contrast to other cells of the root. In later stages of infection (3-6 weeks) there was strong gus expression in giant cells, with virtually no expression in other cells of the root. The Parasponia hemoglobin promoter therefore appears to direct down-regulation of linked genes on induction of giant cells, but up-regulation in mature giant cells. This reflects different metabolic activities in the giant cells depending on their stage of development. The Parasponia hemoglobin promoter may respond to oxygen tension in giant cells. This suggests that oxygen tension may be limited in the metabolically active giant cells that are associated with egg-laying females.  相似文献   

The latifrons species-group (=Brachycallimerus sensu Chapin 1924, Corporaal 1950; = flavofasciatus-group sensu Kolibáč 1998) of Callimerus Gorham is redefined and revised. Five species are recognized including one new species Callimerus cacuminis Yang & Yang sp. n. (type locality: Yunnan, China). Callimerus flavofasciatus Schenkling, 1902 is newly synonymized with Callimerus latifrons Gorham, 1876. Callimerus trifasciatus Schenkling, 1899a is transferred to the genus Corynommadius Schenkling, 1899a. Callimerus gorhami Corporaal, 1949 and Callimerus pallidus Gorham, 1892 are excluded from the latifrons species-group (their assignment to a species-group will be dealt with in a subsequent paper). A key to species of the latifrons species-group is given and habitus of each type specimen, male terminalia, and other diagnostic characters are illustrated.  相似文献   

Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes have been successfullygenetically modified only once, despite the efforts of several laboratories totransform and establish a stable strain. We have developed a transient geneexpression method, in Culex, that delivers plasmid DNA directlyto the mosquito haemolymph and additional tissues. We were able to expressDsRed2 fluorescent protein in adult Cx.quinquefasciatus mosquitoes by injecting plasmids directly intotheir thorax. The expression of DsRed2 in adult Cx.quinquefasciatus mosquitoes is an important stepping stone togenetic transformation and the potential use of new control strategies andgenetic interactions.  相似文献   

A case of tick bite was found in the inguinal region of a 74-year-old Korean woman. She was attacked by the tick while working in her vegetable garden in the vicinity of mountain located in Suncheon City, the southern coastal area of the Korean Peninsula. On admission she complained of mild discomfort and itching around the bite area. The causative tick was 23 mm long and had slender pedipalps. The scutum was quite ornate and had eyes at the edge. The genital aperture was located anterior to the level of the coxa II. The spiracular plate was comma-shaped and the anus was surrounded posteriorly by the anal groove. The coxa I had subequal 2 spurs; the external one slightly larger. The spur of coxa IV was slightly longer than those of coxae II and III. The tarsus IV had 2 distinct subapical ventral spurs. It was identified as the fully engorged adult female of Amblyomma testudinarium. This is the first human case of Amblyomma bite in Korea.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the prevalence rate of Cryptosporidium parvum as a cause of diarrhea. We examined 942 stools of unidentified reasons occurring in patients in whom no immunosuppression had been detected. We examined the stools for Cryptosporidium parvum via modified acid-fast staining. The clinical records of all of the positive patients were then analyzed. Nine (1%) of the stools among the 942 diarrheal patients were positive for C. parvum. The positive rate in the males was 1.1% (6/522) and the positive rate of the females was 0.7% (3/420). Age distribution revealed that the highest positive rates were in patients in their sixties, with a positive rate of 2.5% (4/158). In the clinical tests, levels of c-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rates, and neutrophil proportions were normally increased in the peripheral blood, whereas the lymphocyte proportion exhibited a tendency towards decrease. The pathological findings were compatible with an inflammatory reaction in the host.  相似文献   

A steinernematid nematode was isolated from soil samples collected near St. John''s, Newfoundland, Canada. On the basis of its morphometry and RFLPs in ribosomal DNA spacer, it was designated as a new strain, NF, of Steinernema feltiae. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis was used to separate isozymes of eight enzymes in infective juveniles of S. feltiae NF as well as four other isolates: S. feltiae Umeå strain, S. feltiae L1C strain, Steinernema carpocapsae All strain, and Steinernema riobravis TX strain. Based on comparisons of the relative electrophoretic mobilities (μ) of the isozymes, one of the eight enzymes (arginine kinase) yielded zymograms that were distinctive for each of the isolates, except for the Umeå and NF strains of S. feltiae, which had identical banding patterns. Four enzymes (fumarate hydratase, phosphoglucoisomerase, phosphoglucomutase, and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) yielded isozyme banding patterns that were characteristic for all isolates, except for the L1C and NF strains of S. feltiae, which were identical. Two enzymes (aspartate amino transferase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) yielded zymograms that permitted S. carpocapsae All strain to be discriminated from the other four isolates, while the remaining enzyme (mannose-6-phosphate isomerase) was discriminatory for S. riobravis TX strain. Except for one enzyme, the isozyme banding pattern of the NF isolate of S. feltiae was the same as in the L1C strain, isolated 13 years previously from Newfoundland. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis could prove invaluable for taxonomic identification of isolates of steinernematids, provided that a combination of enzymes is used.  相似文献   

Experimental infections of two South American lymnaeids (Lymnaea neotropica and L. viatrix var. ventricosa) with Paramphistomum daubneyi were carried out to determine if these snail species could sustain larval development of this digenean and, if so, to specify their potential for cercarial production. A French population of Galba truncatula infected and raised according to the same protocol served as controls. In both experiments, prevalence of P. daubneyi infections in snails did not significantly differ from each other. In snail groups evaluated for cercarial shedding (first experiment), a significantly lower number of shed cercariae was noted for L. neotropica, while those from G. truncatula and L. v. ventricosa did not differ significantly from each other. Dissection of infected snails at day 65 post-exposure at 20 °C (second experiment) found significantly lower burdens of P. daubneyi rediae and cercariae in the bodies of L. neotropica than in those of G. truncatula and L. v. ventricosa. Compared to total cercarial production observed in dissected snails, the percentage of cercariae which exited from snails was 75.6% for G. truncatula, 21.6% for L. neotropica, and 91.4% for L. v. ventricosa. This last species seems to be a good candidate for metacercarial production of P. daubneyi.  相似文献   

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