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Linear genome stability requires specialized telomere replication and protection mechanisms. A common solution to this problem in non-eukaryotes is the formation of hairpin telomeres by telomere resolvases (also known as protelomerases). These enzymes perform a two-step transesterification on replication intermediates to generate hairpin telomeres using an active site similar to that of tyrosine recombinases and type IB topoisomerases. Unlike phage telomere resolvases, the telomere resolvase from the Lyme disease pathogen Borrelia burgdorferi (ResT) is a permissive enzyme that resolves several types of telomere in vitro. However, the ResT region and residues mediating permissive substrate usage have not been identified. The relapsing fever Borrelia hermsii ResT exhibits a more restricted substrate usage pattern than B. burgdorferi ResT and cannot efficiently resolve a Type 2 telomere. In this study, we determined that all relapsing fever ResTs process Type 2 telomeres inefficiently. Using a library of chimeric and mutant B. hermsii/B. burgdorferi ResTs, we mapped the determinants in B. burgdorferi ResT conferring the ability to resolve multiple Type 2 telomeres. Type 2 telomere resolution was dependent on a single proline in the ResT catalytic region that was conserved in all Lyme disease but not relapsing fever ResTs and that is part of a 2-amino acid insertion absent from phage telomere resolvase sequences. The identification of a permissive substrate usage determinant explains the ability of B. burgdorferi ResT to process the 19 unique telomeres found in its segmented genome and will aid further studies on the structure and function of this essential enzyme.Replication and protection of telomeric DNA are required to ensure the genomic stability of all organisms with linear replicons. Until quite recently, it was assumed that linearity is a property confined to the replicons of eukaryotes and certain primarily eukaryotic viruses. However, a growing body of evidence indicates that linear DNA is also found in a broad range of bacteriophages (16) and in bacteria themselves (710), including the Borrelia species that cause Lyme disease and relapsing fever (11, 12). A common solution to the end replication and protection problem in non-eukaryotes is the covalent sealing of DNA ends in the form of hairpins (2, 46, 10, 11, 1316). Hairpin DNA is not recognized as a double-strand break, and continuous synthesis of DNA around the hairpin loop abolishes the end replication problem. However, mother and daughter replicons are covalently linked at the junction of their telomeres following DNA replication; separation of the two replicons and formation of new hairpin telomeres require a DNA breakage and reunion process referred to as telomere resolution (17, 18).Resolution of the linear chromosome and plasmids in Borrelia species and of the linear plasmid prophages from Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Klebsiella oxytoca is performed by telomere resolvases (also referred to as protelomerases) (5, 1921). A growing number of candidate telomere resolvases have been identified in the genomes of eukaryotic viruses, phages, and bacteria (22, 23). Telomere resolvases are DNA cleavage and rejoining enzymes related to tyrosine recombinases and type 1B topoisomerases (19, 21, 22, 24, 25). Telomere resolvase catalyzes a two-step transesterification reaction in which staggered cuts are introduced 6 bp apart on either side of the axis of symmetry in the replicated telomere substrate (5, 19, 21, 24). Cleavage is accompanied by the formation of a 3′-phosphotyrosyl protein-DNA linkage. Subsequent nucleophilic attack on opposing strands by the free 5′-OH groups in the nicked substrate creates covalently closed hairpin telomeres. A recent crystal structure of the Klebsiella phage telomere resolvase (TelK) in complex with its substrate identified the residues involved in catalysis (25); all but one of these residues are conserved in all telomere resolvases (22), implying that the basic catalytic mechanism underlying telomere resolution is conserved. However, telomere resolvase sequences vary substantially outside of the central catalytic region (25, 26), and the enzymes characterized to date demonstrate important differences in substrate usage that likely reflect functionally distinct mechanisms of substrate interaction.The Borrelia burgdorferi telomere resolvase, ResT, appears to be particularly divergent. It is substantially smaller than phage telomere resolvases, and unlike its phage counterparts (5, 20, 21), it cannot efficiently resolve negatively supercoiled DNA (19, 27), presumably reflecting differences in the substrates resolved by phage and Borrelia telomere resolvases in vivo. On the other hand, B. burgdorferi ResT can fuse hairpin telomeres in a reversal of the resolution reaction (28), a function that is not shared with the phage telomere resolvase TelK (25). It can also synapse replicated telomeres and catalyze the formation of Holliday junctions (29). The ability of ResT to promote hairpin fusion has been proposed as the mechanism underlying the ongoing genetic rearrangements that are a prominent feature of the B. burgdorferi genome (18, 28). Finally, B. burgdorferi ResT can tolerate a surprising amount of variation in its substrate (30, 31), a feature that is not shared by phage telomere resolvases (21). Although B. burgdorferi ResT appears to be more permissive with a greater scope of activities than other telomere resolvases, the sequences mediating most of its unique properties have not yet been identified.The B. burgdorferi genome contains a total of 19 distinct hairpin sequences, all of which must be resolved by ResT (31). These sequences can be classified into three groups based on the presence and positioning of the box 1 motif, which is a critical determinant of activity in phage and Borrelia telomere resolvases (see Fig. 1A) (21, 24, 30). A box 1-like motif is also found in many of the hairpin telomeres sequenced to date (6, 14, 3235), although its function in telomere resolution is unknown. The box 1 consensus sequence (TAT(a/t)AT) closely resembles the −10/Pribnow box and TATA box consensus sequences of prokaryotic and eukaryotic promoters (TATAAT and TATA(a/t)A(a/t), respectively), which undergo transient deformations that predispose them to melting (36) and are intrinsically bent and anisotropically flexible (37). Therefore, box 1 may facilitate nucleation of hairpin folding and/or may confer an intrinsic bend or flexibility to substrates that is important for the resolution reaction.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Species-specific resolution of Type I and 2 telomeres. A, a schematic showing the three types of hairpin telomere found on the linear replicons of the B. burgdorferi genome (see Ref. 31). The box 1 sequence in Type 1 and 2 telomeres is situated 1 and 4 nucleotides away from the axis of symmetry, respectively, whereas Type 3 telomeres contain no clear box 1. B, a schematic illustrating the telomere resolution reaction substrate and products is shown along with two ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels showing telomere resolution assays. The gels show resolution kinetics for B. burgdorferi and B. hermsii ResT on Type 1 and 2 telomeres (plasmid substrates pYT1/lp17L and pYT92/chromL, respectively).B. burgdorferi ResT can resolve telomeres in which box 1 is located at positions 1 and 4 nucleotides away from the axis of symmetry (Type 1 and 2 telomeres, respectively), as well as AT-rich telomeres without a box 1 sequence (Type 3 telomeres) (see Fig. 1A) (30, 31). B. burgdorferi ResT cleaves telomeres at a fixed position relative to the axis of symmetry, independent of the location of box 1 (30). Positioning of the enzyme for cleavage in all telomere types is most likely driven by sequence-specific interactions between ResT domains 2 (catalytic) and/or 3 (C-terminal) and a fixed element upstream of box 1 that is positioned 14 nucleotides from the axis of symmetry in all Borrelia telomeres (box 3 and adjacent nucleotides) (see Figs. 1A and and2)2) (26, 30, 31). In contrast, box 1 and axis-flanking nucleotides are not involved in high affinity and/or sequence-specific interactions with ResT and require the ResT N-terminal domain for full protection in DNase footprinting assays (26, 27). The most likely candidate for interactions with box 1 and axis-flanking nucleotides is a Borrelia-specific hairpin-binding region in the N terminus, which is thought to promote a pre-hairpinning step involving strand opening at the axis (38).Open in a separate windowFIGURE 2.Alignment of 11 Borrelia ResT sequences. Shown is ClustalW2 alignment of ResT amino acid sequences from five Lyme disease Borrelia species (B. afzelii, B. spielmanii, B. valaisiana, B. garinii, and B. burgdorferi), five relapsing fever Borrelia species (B. turicatae, B. parkeri, B. hermsii, B. recurrentis, and B. duttonii), and one avian Borrelia species (B. anserina) (generated using ClustalW2 from the EBI web site) (19, 3942, 48, 49). The sequences for B. anserina, B. parkeri, and B. turicatae ResTs are reported for the first time in this study (respective GenBank accession numbers are FJ882620, FJ882621, and FJ882623). Sequences are arranged in order of similarity to neighboring sequences and are colored in JalView using the Zappo coloring scheme for identifying amino acids with similar physicochemical properties (50). Only residues that are identical in 100% of ResTs are indicated by colored shading. Arrows above the alignment indicate ResT domain boundaries identified by chymotrypsin digest, sequence comparison with other proteins, and HHsenser predictions (26, 51). The hairpin-binding motif found in cut-and-paste transposases is indicated beneath the alignment by white text on a black background (38). The positions corresponding to the active site residues in tyrosine recombinases, type IB topoisomerases, and TelK are indicated by blue asterisks below the sequence, with the active site tyrosine nucleophile at position 335 marked by a red asterisk (22, 25). The ringed black dot below position 326 indicates an amino acid in the active site region that differs in Lyme disease and relapsing fever ResTs. Sequences above the black line drawn between B. burgdorferi and B. turicatae are from Lyme disease Borrelia species; sequences below the black line are from relapsing fever Borrelia species. The ResT sequence from the avian Borrelia species B. anserina is shown at bottom.ResT from the relapsing fever Borrelia species Borrelia hermsii exhibits a more restricted substrate usage pattern in vitro when compared with ResT from the Lyme disease pathogen B. burgdorferi (39). Specifically, B. hermsii ResT is unable to efficiently resolve a Type 2 telomere. Therefore, B. burgdorferi ResT appears to be a more permissive enzyme than its relapsing fever counterpart. In this study, we investigated the basis for permissive substrate usage by B. burgdorferi ResT. Using a library of chimeric B. hermsii/B. burgdorferi ResTs, we mapped the sequence determinants in B. burgdorferi ResT that confer the ability to resolve multiple Type 2 telomeres. Surprisingly, this approach indicated that Type 2 telomere resolution was crucially regulated by a single proline residue located in a small Borrelia-specific insertion in the central catalytic region of ResT. The proline at this position was conserved in the ResTs from all Lyme disease Borrelia species but in none of the ResTs from relapsing fever Borrelia species, which were unable to efficiently resolve Type 2 telomeres in vitro. This study has identified a specific residue in ResT responsible for permissive substrate usage patterns.  相似文献   

The telosome/shelterin, a six-protein complex formed by TRF1, TRF2, RAP1, TIN2, POT1, and TPP1, functions as the core of the telomere interactome, acting as the molecular platform for the assembly of higher order complexes and coordinating cross-talks between various protein subcomplexes. Within the telosome, there are two oligonucleotide- or oligosaccharide-binding (OB) fold-containing proteins, TPP1 and POT1. They can form heterodimers that bind to the telomeric single-stranded DNA, an activity that is central for telomere end capping and telomerase recruitment. Through proteomic analyses, we found that in addition to POT1, TPP1 can associate with another OB fold-containing protein, OBFC1/AAF44. The yeast homolog of OBFC1 is Stn1, which plays a critical role in telomere regulation. We show here that OBFC1/AAF44 can localize to telomeres in human cells and bind to telomeric single-stranded DNA in vitro. Furthermore, overexpression of an OBFC1 mutant resulted in elongated telomeres in human cells, implicating OBFC1/AAF4 in telomere length regulation. Taken together, our studies suggest that OBFC1/AAF44 represents a new player in the telomere interactome for telomere maintenance.Telomeres are specialized linear chromosome end structures, which are regulated and protected by networks of protein complexes (14). Telomere length, structure, and integrity are critical for the cells and the organism as a whole. Telomere dysregulation can lead to DNA damage response, cell cycle checkpoint, genome instability, and predisposition to cancer (59). Mammalian telomeres are composed of double-stranded (TTAGGG)n repeats followed by 3′-single-stranded overhangs (10). In addition to the telomerase that directly mediates the addition of telomere repeats to the end of chromosomes (11, 12), a multitude of telomere-specific proteins have been identified that form the telosome/shelterin complex and participate in telomere maintenance (9, 13). The telosome in turn acts as the platform onto which higher order telomere regulatory complexes may be assembled into the telomere interactome (14). The telomere interactome has been proposed to integrate the complex and labyrinthine network of protein signaling pathways involved in DNA damage response, cell cycle checkpoint, and chromosomal end maintenance and protection for telomere homeostasis and genome stability.Of the six telomeric proteins (TRF1, TRF2, RAP1, TIN2, POT1, and TPP1) that make up the telosome, TRF1 and TRF2 have been shown to bind telomeric double-stranded DNA (15, 16), whereas the OB3 fold-containing protein POT1 exhibits high affinities for telomeric ssDNA in vitro (17, 18). Although the OB fold of TPP1 does not show appreciable ssDNA binding activity, heterodimerization of TPP1 and POT1 enhances the POT1 ssDNA binding (17, 18). More importantly, POT1 depends on TPP1 for telomere recruitment, and the POT1-TPP1 heterodimer functions in telomere end protection and telomerase recruitment. Notably, the OB fold of TPP1 is critical for the recruitment of the telomerase (18). Disruption of POT1-TPP1 interaction by dominant negative inhibition, RNA interference, or gene targeting could lead to dysregulation of telomere length as well DNA damage responses at the telomeres (1821).In budding yeast, the homolog of mammalian POT1, Cdc13, has been shown to interact with two other OB fold-containing proteins, Stn1 and Ten1, to form a Cdc13-Stn1-Ten1 (CST) complex (22, 23). The CST complex participates in both telomere length control and telomere end capping (22, 23). The presence of multiple OB fold-containing proteins from yeast to human suggests a common theme for telomere ssDNA protection (4). Indeed, it has been proposed that the CST complex is structurally analogous to the replication factor A complex and may in fact function as a telomere-specific replication factor A complex (23). Notably, homologs of the CST complex have been found in other species such as Arabidopsis (24), further supporting the notion that multiple OB fold proteins may be involved in evolutionarily conserved mechanisms for telomere end protection and length regulation. It remains to be determined whether the CST complex exists in mammals.Although the circuitry of interactions among telosome components has been well documented and studied, how core telosome subunits such as TPP1 help to coordinate the cross-talks between telomere-specific signaling pathways and other cellular networks remains unclear. To this end, we carried out large scale immunoprecipitations and mass spectrometry analysis of the TPP1 protein complexes in mammalian cells. Through these studies, we identified OB fold-containing protein 1 (OBFC1) as a new TPP1-associated protein. OBFC1 is also known as α-accessory factor AAF44 (36). Sequence alignment analysis indicates that OBFC1 is a homolog of the yeast Stn1 protein (25). Further biochemical and cellular studies demonstrate the association of OBFC1 with TPP1 in live cells. Moreover, we showed that OBFC1 bound to telomeric ssDNA and localized to telomeres in mammalian cells. Dominant expression of an OBFC1 mutant led to telomere length dysregulation, indicating that OBFC1 is a novel telomere-associated OB fold protein functioning in telomere length regulation.  相似文献   

TEL1 is important in Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomere maintenance, and its kinase activity is required. Tel1p associates with telomeres in vivo, is enriched at short telomeres, and enhances the binding of telomerase components to short telomeres. However, it is unclear how the kinase activity and telomere association contribute to Tel1p''s overall function in telomere length maintenance. To investigate this question, we generated a set of single point mutants and a double point mutant (tel1KD) of Tel1p that were kinase deficient and two Xrs2p mutants that failed to bind Tel1p. Using these separation-of-function alleles in a de novo telomere elongation assay, we found, surprisingly, that the tel1KD allele and xrs2 C-terminal mutants were both partially functional. Combining the tel1KD and xrs2 C-terminal mutants had an additive effect and resembled the TEL1 null (tel1Δ) phenotype. These data indicate that Tel1p has two separate functions in telomere maintenance and that the Xrs2p-dependent recruitment of Tel1p to telomeres plays an important role even in the absence of its kinase activity.The telomere is a highly ordered complex of proteins and DNA found at the ends of linear chromosomes that functions to protect the ends and prevents them from being recognized as double-strand DNA breaks (51). Telomeres shorten gradually due to incomplete replication (1, 20), and this shortening is counteracted by telomerase, which elongates telomeres (18, 19).Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomeres are composed of 300 ± 50 bp of the sequence TG1-3/C1-3A. The yeast telomerase complex consists of Est2p (catalytic subunit), the RNA component TLC1, and two accessory proteins, Est1p and Est3p (50). Cells deficient for any of these telomerase components undergo progressive telomere shortening and a simultaneous decrease in growth rate, described as senescence (24, 27). Typically, a small fraction of cells, termed survivors, escape senescence and maintain telomere length by utilizing RAD52-dependent recombination (24, 26).In addition to the telomerase complex, a number of yeast proteins are important in maintaining telomere length and integrity. These include Tel1p and Mec1p, the yeast homologues of mammalian ATM and ATR, respectively (39). While deletion of TEL1 results in short but stable telomeres, MEC1 deletion has little effect on average telomere length. However, cells lacking TEL1 that have a mutant mec1-21 allele undergo senescence, similar to telomerase null cells (36), suggesting that MEC1 plays a minor but essential role in telomere length maintenance in tel1Δ cells. It has been shown that the protein kinase activities of Tel1p and Mec1p are essential in telomere maintenance, since tel1KD cells have short telomeres and tel1Δ mec1KD cells undergo senescence (29).In current models, Tel1p acts to maintain telomere length by regulating the access of telomerase to short telomeres. TEL1 is required for the association of Est1p and Est2p with telomeres in the late S/G2 phase of the cell cycle (16), the time when telomeres are elongated (9, 31). Additionally, in both yeast and mammalian cells, telomerase preferentially elongates the shortest telomeres (22, 30, 47). Therefore, TEL1 seems to be required mainly for the association of telomerase to short telomeres in yeast. Indeed, Tel1p preferentially binds to short telomeres (4, 21, 38) and is essential for the increased association of Est1p and Est2p to short telomeres during late S/G2 (38). However, the kinase activity of Tel1p is not required for the telomere association (21). In addition to its role in telomerase recruitment, TEL1 may also regulate telomere length by enhancing the processivity of telomerase at short telomeres (7).The Mre11p, Rad50p, and Xrs2p (MRX) complex also plays important roles in telomere maintenance. Cells lacking any one of these components (mrxΔ) have short and stable telomeres. Since combining mrxΔ with tel1Δ has no synergistic effect on telomere shortening and mrxΔ mec1Δ cells undergo senescence, it was proposed that the MRX complex and Tel1p function in the same telomere maintenance pathway (37). In agreement with this model, the C-terminal region of Xrs2p is essential in recruiting Tel1p both to double-strand breaks (32) and to short telomeres (38). Interestingly, the mammalian functional homologue of Xrs2p, NBS1, interacts with ATM via its extreme C terminus (13), suggesting that the recruitment of Tel1p to telomeres and the recruitment of ATM to DNA damage sites are conserved.It remains a question what exact roles the kinase activity of Tel1p and its telomere binding play in telomere maintenance. Tel1p''s telomere maintenance function seems to be dependent on its kinase activity, since tel1KD cells have short telomeres (29). It has been proposed that Tel1p may regulate the recruitment of Est1p, and thus the rest of the telomerase complex (12, 23, 54), to telomeres by phosphorylating Cdc13p (3, 48). Other experiments suggest the association of Tel1p to the telomere plays a major role. The preferential binding of Tel1p to short telomeres is lost in xrs2-664 cells (38), which lack the C-terminal 190 amino acids of Xrs2p and have short telomeres, similar to xrs2Δ (41). It has been suggested that the association of Tel1p to telomeres is required for its substrate phosphorylation and, therefore, telomere length maintenance (3, 39).To further analyze the functions of Tel1p in telomere maintenance, we generated a novel kinase-dead allele of TEL1 and new alleles of XRS2 that do not interact with Tel1p. Through these separation-of-function mutants, we show that both sets of alleles are partially active in a de novo telomere elongation assay. However, combining both the tel1KD and either of the Tel1p interaction-deficient xrs2 alleles resulted in a phenotype resembling the tel1Δ phenotype, suggesting that Tel1p has kinase-dependent and kinase-independent, but telomere binding-dependent, functions in telomere maintenance.  相似文献   

The ends of chromosomes, called telomeres, are composed of a DNA repeat sequence and associated proteins, which prevent DNA degradation and chromosome fusion. We have previously used plasmid sequences integrated adjacent to a telomere to demonstrate that mammalian telomeres suppress gene expression, called telomere position effect (TPE). We have also shown that subtelomeric regions are highly sensitive to double-strand breaks, leading to chromosome instability, and that this instability can be prevented by the addition of a new telomere to the break, a process called chromosome healing. We have now targeted the same plasmid sequences to a site 100 kb from a telomere in a human carcinoma cell line to address the effect of telomere proximity on telomere position effect, chromosome healing, and sensitivity to double-strand breaks. The results demonstrate a substantial decrease in TPE 100 kb from the telomere, demonstrating that TPE is very limited in range. Chromosome healing was also diminished 100 kb from the telomere, consistent with our model that chromosome healing serves as a repair process for restoring lost telomeres. Conversely, the region 100 kb from the telomere was highly sensitive to double-strand breaks, demonstrating that the sensitive region is a relatively large target for ionizing radiation-induced chromosome instability.Telomeres are composed of a six-base pair repeat sequence and associated proteins that together form a cap to protect the ends of chromosomes and prevent chromosome fusion (6). Telomeres are actively maintained by the enzyme telomerase in human germ line cells but shorten with age in most somatic cells due to the low level of expression of telomerase (12). When a telomere shortens to the point that it is recognized as a double-strand break (DSB), it serves as a signal for replicative cell senescence (13). Human cells that lose the ability to senesce continue to show telomere shortening and eventually enter crisis, which involves increased chromosome fusion, aneuploidy, and cell death (11, 15). An important step that is required for continued division of cancer cells is therefore that they possess the ability to maintain telomeres, not only to avoid senescence but also to avoid chromosome fusion brought on by crisis (11, 25).In addition to their role in protecting the ends of chromosomes, telomeres can also inhibit the expression of nearby genes, called telomere position effect (TPE). TPE has been proposed to have a role in the cellular response to changes in telomere length (26); however, the function of TPE remains unknown. TPE has been extensively studied in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using transgenes integrated near telomeres on truncated chromosomes (1, 2, 22, 47). These studies demonstrated that TPE involves changes in chromatin conformation and is dependent upon both the distance from the telomere and telomere length (55). Subsequent studies of endogenous yeast genes, however, revealed that the influence of TPE on gene expression varies depending on the presence of insulator sequences (18, 45). TPE also occurs in mammalian cells and has been implicated in the loss of expression of genes relocated near telomeres in a variety of human syndromes (9, 16, 28, 58, 59). As in yeast, transgenes located near telomeres have been used to study TPE in the C33-A (32) and HeLa (4) human cervical carcinoma cell lines. We have also studied TPE using transgenes located adjacent to telomeres in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, mouse embryo fibroblasts, and transgenic mice (43). However, none of the studies of TPE in mammalian cells has addressed the distance over which TPE extends from the telomere, and so the number of genes whose expression is likely to be affected is not known.The presence of a telomere can also influence the sensitivity of subtelomeric regions to DSBs. We previously demonstrated the sensitivity of subtelomeric regions to DSBs using selectable transgenes and a recognition site for the I-SceI endonuclease that are integrated immediately adjacent to a telomere. Unlike I-SceI-induced DSBs at most locations, which primarily result in small deletions (27, 34, 46, 50), I-SceI-induced DSBs near telomeres commonly result in large deletions, gross chromosome rearrangements (GCRs), and chromosome instability in both mouse ES cells (37) and human tumor cells (65). Therefore, depending on the size of the sensitive region, the combined targets of the subtelomeric regions on all telomeres could contribute significantly to the genomic instability caused by ionizing radiation or other agents that produce DSBs (35). This sensitivity to DSBs may result from a deficiency in DSB repair since regions near telomeres in yeast are deficient in nonhomologous end joining, resulting in an increase in GCRs (48). One possible reason for a deficiency in DSB repair near telomeres is the role of the telomere in preventing chromosome fusion. Telomeric repeat sequences in yeast have been shown to suppress the activation of cell cycle checkpoints in response to DSBs (39). Similarly, the human TRF2 protein, which is required to prevent chromosome fusion, has been demonstrated to inhibit ATM (31), whose activation is instrumental in the repair of DSBs in heterochromatin (20).One mechanism for avoiding the consequences of DSBs near telomeres is through the addition of a new telomere to the site of a DSB, termed chromosome healing (44). Studies in yeast have shown that chromosome healing occurs through the de novo addition of telomeric repeat sequences by telomerase (14, 33, 38). Chromosome healing in S. cerevisiae is inhibited by the 5′-3′ helicase, Pif1 (52), with Pif1-deficient cells showing up to a 1,000-fold increase in chromosome healing (33, 38). The ability of Pif1 to inhibit chromosome healing has been proposed to serve as a mechanism to prevent chromosome healing from interfering with DSB repair (63). Mammalian cells that express telomerase are also capable of performing chromosome healing. We have shown that chromosome healing can also occur following spontaneous telomere loss (17, 49) or DSBs near telomeres in a human cancer cell line (65) or mouse ES cells (19, 54). We have also shown that chromosome healing can prevent the chromosome instability resulting from DSBs near telomeres (19). Because the de novo addition of telomeric repeat sequences has not been observed in mammalian cells at I-SceI-induced DSBs at interstitial sites (27, 34, 46, 50), we have proposed that chromosome healing is inhibited at most locations but serves as an important mechanism for dealing with DSBs near telomeres that would otherwise result in chromosome instability. However, an alternative possibility that has not been ruled out is that chromosome healing also occurs at interstitial sites but that the large terminal deletions that it causes at these sites results in cell death.In the present study, we address several key questions regarding the importance of telomere proximity on TPE, chromosome healing, and sensitivity to DSBs by investigating how telomere proximity affects these processes. The first of these questions involves establishing the distance over which TPE extends from the telomere to gain insights into the numbers of genes that would be affected by changes in TPE. Second, we will investigate whether chromosome healing can occur at a site that is distant from a telomere but in which terminal deletions are known not to be lethal. This will determine for the first time whether chromosome healing is limited to regions near telomeres. Finally, we will investigate the size of the region near a telomere that is sensitive to DSBs, which will address the potential importance of the subtelomeric region as a target for ionizing radiation-induced genomic instability (35). The distance over which a telomere can exert its effects was investigated by comparing TPE, chromosome healing, and the sensitivity to DSBs at a site 100 kb from a telomere with a site immediately adjacent to the same telomere. As a control for the efficiency of generating DSBs at these sites, we have also analyzed the frequency of small deletions, the most common type of I-SceI-induced DNA rearrangement at interstitial sites in mammalian cells (27, 60). Small deletions serve as an excellent internal control for comparing the frequency of other types of rearrangements since we have previously observed a similar frequency of small deletions at telomeric and interstitial sites (65). The results provide important information on the distance over which a telomere can influence TPE, chromosome healing, and the sensitivity to DSBs.  相似文献   

We describe a role for diacylglycerol in the activation of Ras and Rap1 at the phagosomal membrane. During phagocytosis, Ras density was similar on the surface and invaginating areas of the membrane, but activation was detectable only in the latter and in sealed phagosomes. Ras activation was associated with the recruitment of RasGRP3, a diacylglycerol-dependent Ras/Rap1 exchange factor. Recruitment to phagosomes of RasGRP3, which contains a C1 domain, parallels and appears to be due to the formation of diacylglycerol. Accordingly, Ras and Rap1 activation was precluded by antagonists of phospholipase C and of diacylglycerol binding. Ras is dispensable for phagocytosis but controls activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, which is partially impeded by diacylglycerol inhibitors. By contrast, cross-activation of complement receptors by stimulation of Fcγ receptors requires Rap1 and involves diacylglycerol. We suggest a role for diacylglycerol-dependent exchange factors in the activation of Ras and Rap1, which govern distinct processes induced by Fcγ receptor-mediated phagocytosis to enhance the innate immune response.Receptors that interact with the constant region of IgG (FcγR)4 mediate the recognition and elimination of soluble immune complexes and particles coated (opsonized) with immunoglobulins. Clustering of FcγR on the surface of leukocytes upon attachment to multivalent ligands induces their activation and subsequent internalization. Soluble immune complexes are internalized by endocytosis, a clathrin- and ubiquitylation-dependent process (1). In contrast, large, particulate complexes like IgG-coated pathogens are ingested by phagocytosis, a process that is contingent on extensive actin polymerization that drives the extension of pseudopods (2). In parallel with the internalization of the opsonized targets, cross-linking of phagocytic receptors triggers a variety of other responses that are essential components of the innate immune response. These include degranulation, activation of the respiratory burst, and the synthesis and release of multiple inflammatory agents (3, 4).Like T and B cell receptors, FcγR possesses an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif that is critical for signal transduction (3, 4). Upon receptor clustering, tyrosyl residues of the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif are phosphorylated by Src family kinases, thereby generating a docking site for Syk, a tyrosine kinase of the ZAP70 family (3, 4). The recruitment and activation of Syk in turn initiates a cascade of events that include activation of Tec family kinases, Rho- and ARF-family GTPases, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, phospholipase Cγ (PLCγ), and a multitude of additional effectors that together remodel the underlying cytoskeleton, culminating in internalization of the bound particle (5, 6).Phosphoinositide metabolism is thought to be critical for FcγR-induced phagocytosis (7, 8). Highly localized and very dynamic phosphoinositide changes have been observed at sites of phagocytosis: phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2) undergoes a transient accumulation at the phagocytic cup, which is rapidly superseded by its complete elimination from the nascent phagosome (7). The secondary disappearance of PtdIns(4,5)P2 is attributable in part to the localized generation of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate, which has been reported to accumulate at sites of phagocytosis (9). Activation of PLCγ is also believed to contribute to the acute disappearance of PtdIns(4,5)P2 in nascent phagosomes. Indeed, the generation of diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate has been detected by chemical means during FcγR-evoked particle ingestion (10, 11). Moreover, imaging experiments revealed that DAG appears at the time and at the precise site where PtdIns(4,5)P2 is consumed (7).Two lines of evidence suggest that the DAG generated upon engagement of phagocytic receptors modulates particle engulfment. First, antagonists of PLC severely impair phagocytosis by macrophages (7, 12). This inhibition is not mimicked by preventing the associated [Ca2+] transient, suggesting that DAG, and not inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, is the crucial product of the PLC (13). Second, the addition of exogenous DAG or phorbol esters, which mimic the actions of endogenous DAG, augment phagocytosis (14, 15).Selective recognition of DAG by cellular ligands is generally mediated by specific regions of its target proteins, called C1 domains (16). Proteins bearing C1 domains include, most notably, members of the classical and novel families of protein kinase C (PKC), making them suitable candidates to account for the DAG dependence of phagocytosis. Indeed, PKCα, a classical isoform, and PKCϵ and PKCδ, both novel isoforms, are recruited to phagosomes (12, 15, 17, 18). Although the role of the various PKC isoforms in particle engulfment has been equivocal over the years, Cheeseman et al. (12) convincingly demonstrated that PKCϵ contributes to particle uptake in a PLC- and DAG-dependent manner.PKCs are not the sole proteins bearing DAG-binding C1 domains. Similar domains are also found in several other proteins, including members of the RasGRP family, chimaerins, and Munc-13 (1921). One or more of these could contribute to the complex set of responses elicited by FcγR-induced DAG production. The RasGRP proteins are a class of exchange factors for the Ras/Rap family of GTPases (22). There are four RasGRP proteins (RasGRP1 to -4), and emerging evidence has implicated RasGRP1 and RasGRP3 in T and B cell receptor signaling (2327).The possible role of DAG-mediated signaling pathways other than PKC in phagocytosis and the subsequent inflammatory response has not been explored. Here, we provide evidence that DAG stimulates Ras and Rap1 at sites of phagocytosis, probably through RasGRPs. Last, the functional consequences of Ras and Rap1 activation were analyzed.  相似文献   

Signaling by the B cell receptor (BCR) promotes integrin-mediated adhesion and cytoskeletal reorganization. This results in B cell spreading, which enhances the ability of B cells to bind antigens and become activated. Proline-rich tyrosine kinase (Pyk2) and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) are related cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases that regulate cell adhesion, cell morphology, and cell migration. In this report we show that BCR signaling and integrin signaling collaborate to induce the phosphorylation of Pyk2 and FAK on key tyrosine residues, a modification that increases the kinase activity of Pyk2 and FAK. Activation of the Rap GTPases is critical for BCR-induced integrin activation as well as for BCR- and integrin-induced reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. We now show that Rap activation is essential for BCR-induced phosphorylation of Pyk2 and for integrin-induced phosphorylation of Pyk2 and FAK. Moreover Rap-dependent phosphorylation of Pyk2 and FAK required an intact actin cytoskeleton as well as actin dynamics, suggesting that Rap regulates Pyk2 and FAK via its effects on the actin cytoskeleton. Importantly B cell spreading induced by BCR/integrin co-stimulation or by integrin engagement was inhibited by short hairpin RNA-mediated knockdown of either Pyk2 or FAK expression and by treatment with PF-431396, a chemical inhibitor that blocks the kinase activities of both Pyk2 and FAK. Thus Pyk2 and FAK are downstream targets of the Rap GTPases that play a key role in regulating B cell morphology.Antibodies (Abs)2 made by B lymphocytes play a critical role in host defense against infection. Antigen-induced signaling by the B cell receptor (BCR) initiates an activation program that leads to B cell proliferation and subsequent differentiation into Ab-producing cells. BCR clustering by antigens or by anti-immunoglobulin (anti-Ig) Abs used as surrogate antigens initiates multiple signaling pathways that control gene expression, cell survival, and proliferation pathways (13).BCR signaling also promotes integrin activation (4, 5), localized actin polymerization, reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, and changes in B cell morphology (6, 7), all of which may facilitate B cell activation. Integrin activation and cell spreading is critical for the activation of B cells by membrane-bound antigens. Macrophages, dendritic cells, and follicular dendritic cells can present arrays of captured antigens to B cells (8, 9), and this may be one of the main ways in which B cells encounter antigens (10). BCR-induced integrin activation prolongs the interaction between the B cell and the antigen-presenting cell and also allows the B cell to spread on the surface of the antigen-presenting cell such that more BCRs can encounter and bind membrane-bound antigens (11). Subsequent contraction of the B cell membrane allows the B cells to gather the BCR-bound antigen into an immune synapse in which clustered antigen-engaged BCRs are surrounded by a ring of ligand-bound integrins. Formation of this immune synapse reduces the amount of antigen that is required for B cell activation (12, 13).Recent work has shown that B cells in lymphoid organs may contact soluble antigens by extending membrane processes into a highly organized network of lymph-filled conduits (14). These conduits are created by fibroblastic reticular cells that partially ensheathe collagen fibrils. In addition to being rich in collagen, fibronectin, and other extracellular matrix (ECM) components, the fibroblastic reticular cells that form these conduits express high levels of intercellular adhesion molecule-1, the ligand for the αLβ2 integrin (lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1)) on B cells (10). Thus B cells interacting with these conduits are likely to be in contact with integrin ligands, and integrin-dependent spreading may enhance the ability of B cells to extend membrane processes into the fibroblastic reticular cell conduit.In addition to promoting cell spreading, integrins can act as co-stimulatory receptors that enhance signaling by many receptors including the T cell receptor and the BCR (1517). Thus signaling proteins that regulate B cell spreading and that are also targets of BCR/integrin co-stimulation may play a key role in the activation of B cells by membrane-bound antigens as well as soluble antigens that are delivered to lymphoid organs by fibroblastic reticular cell conduits.Proline-rich tyrosine kinase (Pyk2) and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) are related non-receptor protein-tyrosine kinases that integrate signals from multiple receptors and play an important role in regulating cell adhesion, cell morphology, and cell migration in many cell types (1820). Integrins, receptor tyrosine kinases, antigen receptors, and G protein-coupled chemokine receptors all stimulate tyrosine phosphorylation of Pyk2 and FAK, a modification that increases the enzymatic activity of these kinases and allows them to bind SH2 domain-containing signaling proteins (21). FAK, which is expressed in almost all tissues (21), is a focal adhesion component that mediates integrin-dependent cell migration (22), cell spreading, and cell adhesion (18) in adherent cells as well as co-clustering of LFA-1 with the T cell receptor in lymphocytes (23). Pyk2 is expressed mainly in hematopoietic cells, osteoclasts, and the central nervous system (24) and is critical for chemokine-induced migration of B cells, macrophages, and natural killer cells (20, 25, 26) as well as the spreading of osteoclasts on vitronectin (27). FAK and Pyk2 are thought to mediate overlapping but distinct functions because Pyk2 expression only partially reverses the cell adhesion and migration defects in FAK-deficient fibroblasts (28).In B cells, clustering of the BCR, β1 integrins, or β7 integrins induces tyrosine phosphorylation of both Pyk2 and FAK (2933). FAK is involved in the chemokine-induced adhesion of B cell progenitors (34), and Pyk2 is required for chemokine-induced migration of mature B cells (25). However, the role of these kinases in BCR- and integrin-induced B cell spreading has not been investigated, and the signaling pathways that link the BCR and integrins to tyrosine phosphorylation of Pyk2 and FAK have not been elucidated.We have shown previously that the ability of the BCR to induce integrin activation, B cell spreading, and immune synapse formation requires activation of the Rap GTPases (6, 17). In addition to binding effector proteins such as RapL and Rap1-interacting adaptor molecule (RIAM) that promote integrin activation (3537), the active GTP-bound forms of Rap1 and Rap2 bind multiple proteins that control actin dynamics and cell morphology (38). Moreover we showed that BCR/integrin-induced phosphorylation of Pyk2 in B cells is dependent on Rap activation (17). However, this previous study did not address how Rap-GTP links the BCR and integrins to Pyk2 phosphorylation, whether Rap activation is important for FAK phosphorylation in B cells, or whether B cell spreading is regulated by Pyk2 or FAK. We now show that Pyk2 and FAK are differentially expressed and localized in B cells, that Pyk2 and FAK are important for B cell spreading, and that integrin engagement enhances BCR-induced phosphorylation of Pyk2 and FAK, a process that depends on both Rap activation and actin dynamics.  相似文献   

Telomeres are DNA-protein structures that protect chromosome ends from the actions of the DNA repair machinery. When telomeric integrity is compromised, genomic instability ensues. Considerable effort has focused on identification of telomere-binding proteins and elucidation of their functions. To date, protein identification has relied on classical immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometric approaches, primarily under conditions that favor isolation of proteins with strong or long lived interactions that are present at sufficient quantities to visualize by SDS-PAGE. To facilitate identification of low abundance and transiently associated telomere-binding proteins, we developed a novel approach that combines in vivo protein-protein cross-linking, tandem affinity purification, and stringent sequential endoprotease digestion. Peptides were identified by label-free comparative nano-LC-FTICR-MS. Here, we expressed an epitope-tagged telomere-binding protein and utilized a modified chromatin immunoprecipitation approach to cross-link associated proteins. The resulting immunoprecipitant contained telomeric DNA, establishing that this approach captures bona fide telomere binding complexes. To identify proteins present in the immunocaptured complexes, samples were reduced, alkylated, and digested with sequential endoprotease treatment. The resulting peptides were purified using a microscale porous graphite stationary phase and analyzed using nano-LC-FTICR-MS. Proteins enriched in cells expressing HA-FLAG-TIN2 were identified by label-free quantitative analysis of the FTICR mass spectra from different samples and ion trap tandem mass spectrometry followed by database searching. We identified all of the proteins that constitute the telomeric shelterin complex, thus validating the robustness of this approach. We also identified 62 novel telomere-binding proteins. These results demonstrate that DNA-bound protein complexes, including those present at low molar ratios, can be identified by this approach. The success of this approach will allow us to create a more complete understanding of telomere maintenance and have broad applicability.Numerous redundant systems exist to maintain the genome and ensure proper segregation of genetic material upon cellular division. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms that constitute these systems is an area of intense inquiry. In model systems, elegant genetic approaches have been used extensively to identify proteins and interrogate their role in these mechanisms. Unfortunately, mammalian systems are refractory to similar approaches, and thus protein identification has relied heavily on homology searches and mass spectrometry. For this reason, the development of isolation procedures and refined mass spectrometric approaches capable of identifying proteins within large protein complexes, including those present as transient interactors and in substoichiometric quantities, is an important area of research. Previous studies have successfully utilized quantitative proteomics with stable isotopic peptide labeling to identify specific components of cellular macromolecular complexes by affinity purification (16). More recently, high resolution mass spectrometry with label-free quantification has been shown to improve and extend quantitative proteomics toward comprehensive analysis of protein complexes (7).Telomeres are DNA-protein structures located at the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes (see Fig. 1). The DNA portion of telomeres consists of a double-stranded region and a single-stranded 3′ overhang, both composed of repetitive non-coding G-rich sequences (TTAGGG). In addition to the DNA component, proteins bind the telomere and contribute to its stability. Six core proteins (TRF1, TRF2, POT1, TIN2, RAP1, and ACD/TPP1), collectively known as the shelterin (or telosome) complex, are constitutively present at the telomere (for reviews, see Refs. 8 and 9). Together, the telomeric DNA and shelterin complex maintain a “capped” or functional telomere that protects the end of the chromosome by distinguishing it from a bona fide double strand DNA break (10). When telomeres become uncapped or “dysfunctional,” they no longer carry out this protective function, rendering the chromosome ends susceptible to DNA repair enzymes. In the absence of functional checkpoints, uncapped telomeres can lead to end-to-end fusions that drive genomic instability, a hallmark of human cancer (11).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Fluorescent in situ hybridization reveals presence of telomeres at termini of human chromosomes. Top panel, representative metaphase spread from human cells. FISH analysis reveals the presence of telomeres (red) and centromeres (green), and chromosomal DNA (blue) was detected by DAPI staining. Bottom panel, schematic drawing of a telomere loop (T-Loop) showing the shelterin core complex (TRF1, TRF2, POT1, TIN2, RAP1, and TPP1) as well as a subset of known telomere-binding proteins (in gray). Question marks indicate that more telomere-binding proteins remain to be identified. WRN, Werner, BLM, Bloom, and XPF, xeroderma pigmentosum type F.Recent work has revealed that in addition to the shelterin complex a growing list of proteins associate with the telomere and play essential roles in telomere maintenance (a subset of these proteins, colored in gray, is depicted in Fig. 1). Paradoxically, many of these proteins play roles in DNA repair and recombination. These proteins include the MRE11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex involved in recombinational repair (12); Ku70 and Ku80, which are members of the non-homologous end joining complex (13); the ERCC1/XPF nucleotide excision repair endonuclease (14); and the ataxia telagiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase (12, 15). Additional proteins have been found at the telomere in low stoichiometric ratios, including telomerase, which binds the telomere during S phase and adds telomeric repeats to the ends of the chromosomes (16, 17). The Werner helicase is also present at the telomeres during S phase where it plays an important role in lagging strand DNA replication (18). Despite the plethora of proteins known to bind to the telomere, many proteins that act in a transient manner and/or are present in substoichiometric quantities remain to be identified.To identify novel telomere-binding proteins, we developed a method that involves chemical cross-linking of protein complexes in live cells to capture transient interactions followed by affinity purification of the cross-linked telomere complex with an epitope-tagged telomeric protein, TIN2. Using the affinity-captured protein preparations, we optimized cross-link reversal, sequential endoprotease digestion, and microscale solid phase peptide purification. The peptide pools were analyzed using nano-LC-FTICR-MS. Comparative quantitative analysis of affinity-purified proteins from cells overexpressing the epitope-tagged TIN2 and control cells was performed using the peptide ion currents at accurate m/z values from the aligned LC-MS chromatograms across multiple samples. The proteins were identified using tandem MS with spectral matching against protein databases. Using this approach, we identified the six members of the shelterin complex and other proteins previously reported to bind to the telomere. We also identified a novel group of candidate telomere-binding proteins that were significantly enriched in samples expressing epitope-tagged TIN2 (HA1-FLAG-TIN2) compared with non-expressing control cells. Importantly, the presence of telomeric DNA in our immunoprecipitants from cells expressing HA-FLAG-TIN2 but not in control cells demonstrates that it is possible to identify proteins bound to DNA by utilizing a protein-protein cross-linking reagent. This strategy will prove versatile for the identification of other proteins found in large protein complexes as well as bound to DNA.  相似文献   

A decoding algorithm is tested that mechanistically models the progressive alignments that arise as the mRNA moves past the rRNA tail during translation elongation. Each of these alignments provides an opportunity for hybridization between the single-stranded, -terminal nucleotides of the 16S rRNA and the spatially accessible window of mRNA sequence, from which a free energy value can be calculated. Using this algorithm we show that a periodic, energetic pattern of frequency 1/3 is revealed. This periodic signal exists in the majority of coding regions of eubacterial genes, but not in the non-coding regions encoding the 16S and 23S rRNAs. Signal analysis reveals that the population of coding regions of each bacterial species has a mean phase that is correlated in a statistically significant way with species () content. These results suggest that the periodic signal could function as a synchronization signal for the maintenance of reading frame and that codon usage provides a mechanism for manipulation of signal phase.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]  相似文献   

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