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Milton Y  Kaspari M 《Oecologia》2007,153(1):163-172
The soil nutrients, microbes, and arthropods of tropical forests are patchy at multiple scales. We asked how these three factors interact to generate patterns of decomposition in 450 100 cm2 litterbags arrayed along a 50 m ridge top in a Panama rainforest. We tested top-down (via grazing by microbivores like collembola and diplopods) and bottom-up (via added N and P) effects on the decomposition of cellulose. By using a 1,000-fold gradient in mesh size we generated a two-fold gradient in arthropod grazing. Microbivore grazing first retarded then ultimately enhanced decomposition rates. Micropulses of N and P (simulating concentrated urine) enhanced neither decomposition rates nor microbivores but increased the abundance of predacious ants. Decomposition rates also varied across the ridge, and were lowest in a plot with the deepest litter and highest soil moisture. These data generate the working hypothesis that N and P cascade upward at grains of 100 cm2 to enhance a major predator in the litter; predators then absorb any increases in microbivores attracted to the extra fungal growth. These population interactions are in turn embedded in mesoscale variability generated by individual tree canopies that drive changes in litter quality and soil moisture. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The importance of spatial pattern in ecosystems has long been recognized. However, incorporating patchiness into our understanding of forces regulating ecosystems has proved challenging. We used a combination of continuously sampling moored sensors, complemented by shipboard sampling, to measure the temporal variation, abundance and vertical distribution of four trophic levels in Hawaii's near shore pelagic ecosystem. Using an analysis approach from trophic dynamics, we found that the frequency and intensity of spatial aggregations-rather than total biomass-in each step of a food chain involving phytoplankton, copepods, mesopelagic micronekton and spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) were the most significant predictors of variation in adjacent trophic levels. Patches of organisms had impacts disproportionate to the biomass of organisms within them. Our results are in accordance with resource limitation-mediated by patch dynamics-regulating structure at each trophic step in this ecosystem, as well as the foraging behaviour of the top predator. Because of their high degree of heterogeneity, ecosystem-level effects of patchiness such as this may be common in many pelagic marine systems.  相似文献   

Water-filled treeholes are temporally and spatially variable habitats that consist of communities of a limited number of insect orders, namely dipterans and beetles. Since these systems are largely heterotrophic, treeholes are dependent on the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem for their basal energy input. In this study, we observed a cyclic succession of three system states in a water-filled Fagus grandifolia treehole: ‘connected’ during rainfall; ‘isolated’ during periods without rain; and ‘dry’ when no freestanding water was present. During the isolated phase, a rapid, microbially mediated turn-over of nitrogen and sulphate took place, coincident with an accumulation of orthophosphate. Ammonium was the dominant form of nitrogen in the treehole water, and a net decrease in its concentration was observed when the water volume decreased. Normally, nitrate concentration showed only minor fluctuations (0.3–1.3 mg l−1) and concentrations of nitrite were very low (3–18 μg l−1). Concentration of sulphate showed a net decrease, coincident with an increase in sulphide. During the connected phase, the effect of stemflow and throughfall on the nutrient concentrations in the treehole water proved to be variable. Over time, both dilution of, and increase in, treehole water nutrient concentrations were observed. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration showed a net decrease during the isolated phase. Spring coarse particulate organic matter input into the treehole was variable (0.20–1.74 mg cm−2 week−1). The observed variability in precipitation inputs as well as fall-in of organic matter underlines the pulsed character of basal energy entering the treehole food-web. DOC concentrations varied mainly with depth (15–57.4 mg l−1) as concentrations were almost three times greater within the detritus than within the water column. Bacterial abundances ranged from 7.3 × 105 to 9.3 × 106 cells ml−1 and did not appear to vary within the water column or in the detrital sediment. Rates of bacterial production increased 24 h after rain events, suggesting that the combined nutrient fluxes due to increased stemflow stimulate the microbial community. Handling editor: J. Cole  相似文献   

Ecological communities hosted within phytotelmata (plant compartments filled with water) provide an excellent opportunity to test ecological theory and to advance our understanding of how local and global environmental changes affect ecosystems. However, insights from bromeliad phytotelmata communities are currently limited by scarce accounts of microfauna assemblages, even though these assemblages are critical in transferring, recycling, and releasing nutrients in these model ecosystems. Here, we analyzed natural microfaunal communities in leaf compartments of 43 bromeliads to identify the key environmental filters underlying their community structures. We found that microfaunal community richness and abundance were negatively related to canopy openness and vertical height above the ground. These associations were primarily driven by the composition of amoebae and flagellate assemblages and indicate the importance of bottom‐up control of microfauna in bromeliads. Taxonomic richness of all functional groups followed a unimodal relationship with water temperature, peaking at 23–25°C and declining below and above this relatively narrow thermal range. This suggests that relatively small changes in water temperature under expected future climate warming may alter taxonomic richness and ecological structure of these communities. Our findings improve the understanding of this unstudied but crucial component of bromeliad ecosystems and reveal important environmental filters that likely contribute to overall bromeliad community structure and function.  相似文献   

Clare Vernon 《Biotherapy》1992,4(4):307-315
With present techniques, hyperthermia used alone can cause complete clinical regression in 10–15% of tumours but the duration of response is very short. The greatest advantage for hyperthermia at the present time appears to be in combination with radiation in the local control of cancer growth. Currently, large randomised phase III studies are in progress to determine whether the addition of local hyperthermia to radiation or chemotherapy yields significant advantage. Phase III studies of wholebody hyperthermia in combination with chemotherapy are planned for the future and will include tumours with a high growth fraction such as small cell lung cancer and high grade non Hodgkins lymphoma.  相似文献   

Studies of glasshouse tomato bacterial diseases agents complex have been conducted in some regions of Russia in 1987–1996. Microbiological analysis of seeds and plants of local and foreign selection made it possible to assess quality of the seed material and phytosanitary condition of tomato plants. It's very important to obtain and to cultivate healthy seed material of high quality. This is one of the main conditions of preventing epiphytoty and obtaining ecologically pure agricultiral products.  相似文献   

细菌纤维素的合成与调控进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细菌纤维素是1种天然的高纯度生物多聚物,与木质纤维素相比,其生产和加工过程更为方便和环保,因此已成为1种极有潜力的生物材料。葡糖酸醋杆菌是目前已知的产纤维素能力最高的菌株。综述了葡糖酸醋杆菌的细菌纤维素合成和调控机制以及为提高产量所进行的基因工程手段和培养方法。  相似文献   

Many bacterial pathogens have defined in vitro virulence inducing conditions in liquid media which lead to production of virulence factors important during an infection. Identifying mutants that no longer respond to virulence inducing conditions will increase our understanding of bacterial pathogenesis. However, traditional genetic screens require growth on solid media. Bacteria in a single colony are in every phase of the growth curve, which complicates the analysis and makes screens for growth phase-specific mutants problematic. Here, we utilize fluorescence-activated cell sorting in conjunction with random transposon mutagenesis to isolate bacteria grown in liquid media that are defective in virulence activation. This method permits analysis of an entire bacterial population in real time and selection of individual bacterial mutants with the desired gene expression profile at any time point after induction. We have used this method to identify Vibrio cholerae mutants defective in virulence induction.  相似文献   

Laccases are multicopper oxidases known to catalyze the transformation of a wide range of phenolic and non‐phenolic substrates using oxygen as electron acceptor and forming water as the only by product. Their potential relevance in several industries requires the constant search for novel laccases. Positive outcome of the isolation of laccase producing bacteria depends on the nature and concentration of media constituents. Several attempts to isolate laccase producing bacteria failed when the phosphate‐containing M9 minimal medium was used. Shift to phosphate‐less M162 medium led to successful isolations. Seven bacterial isolates belonging to genera Bacillus, Lysinibacillus, Bhargavaea and Rheinheimera were used to study the effect of medium constituents on laccase production. Inorganic phosphate (≥50 mM) was found to regulate laccase synthesis negatively though no inhibitory effect of phosphate (10–500 mM) was seen on laccase activity. All isolates ceased laccase synthesis when grown in the presence of tryptone (0.2–1%), with R. tangshanensis as an exception, or yeast extract (1.5–2%) as the only C/N source in M162 medium. Supplementation upto 0.1% of glucose in basal M162 medium increased laccase production in five isolates but decreased at higher concentrations. The influence of medium components on laccase synthesis was further affirmed by zymographic studies. These observations offer possibilities of isolating promising laccase producers from diverse environmental sources. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:541–548, 2017  相似文献   

Enterobacter hafniae and Aeromonas hydrophila ADPglucose synthetases were purified approximately 39-and 61-fold, respectively, over the crude extract. Both enzymes were heat stable at 60°C in the presence of inorganic phosphate. The molecular weights of both enzymes were approximately 200,000 which are similar to other enteric ADPglucose synthetases studied. Based on kinetic results obtained from the partially purified enzymes, the E. hafniae enzyme is activated twofold by phospho-enolpyruvate while the A. hydrophila enzyme is activated twofold by fructose 6-P and 1.5-fold by fructose 1,6 bis-phosphate. The E. hafniae enzyme activity is strongly inhibited by AMP and ADP and the inhibition can be partially reversed by P-enolpyruvate. ADP is the most effective inhibitor of the A. hydrophila enzyme and its inhibiton can be partially overcome by the presence of the activators fructose 6-P and fructose 1,6-P2. These kinetic results show that the allosteric properties of the E. hafniae enzyme are distinctly different from the ADPglucose synthetases of those previously studied from bacteria of the genus Enterobacter. Although the A. hydrophila enzyme is activated by fructose 1,6-P2, its allosteric properties are quite different than those observed for ADPglucose synthetase of the Enterobacteriaceae.Abbreviations Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane-sulfonic acid - glucose 1-P glucose 1-phosphate - Bicine N,N-bis(2 hydroxyethyl)glycine - fructose 6-P fructose 6-phosphate - Mes 2(N-morpholino)-ethane sulfonic acid - fructose 1,6-P2 fructose 1,6 bis-phosphate - DTE dithioerythritol; pyridoxal-P, pyridoxal-phosphate - fructose 1-P fructose 1-phosphate - P-enolpyruvate phospho-enolpyruvate - 1,6 hexanediol bis-P 1,6 hexanediol bis-phosphate; glucose 6-P, glucose 6-phosphate - dihydroxyacetone-P dihydroxyacetone phosphate - 1-glycerol-3-P 1-glycerol-3-phosphate - erythrose 4-P erythrose 4-phosphate - 2-P-glycerate 2-phosphoglycerate - sedoheptulose 1,7-P2 sedoheptulose 1,7 bis-phosphate - 3-P-glycerate 3-phosphoglycerate - mannose-6-P mannose-6-phosphate  相似文献   

The ability of norepinephrine to increase the growth of Escherichia coli in a serum-based medium has previously been shown to be due to the production of an autoinducer of growth during early log phase. Seventeen Gram-negative and 6 Gram-positive clinical isolates were examined for a similar ability to respond to norepinephrine, and to synthesise autoinducer. The majority of Gram-negative strains both produced and responded to heat-stable norepinephrine-induced autoinducers of growth. Most of these autoinducers showed a high degree of cross-species activity, suggesting the existence of a novel family of Gram-negative bacterial signalling molecules. In contrast, although a number of Gram-positive strains were able to respond to norepinephrine, the majority failed to produce autoinducers in the presence of norepinephrine.  相似文献   

Metabolic regulation in bacterial continuous cultures: II   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The transient behavior of a continuous culture of Klebsiella pneumoniae with mixed feed of glucose and xylose arising from step-up and step-down in dilution rates and from a feed-switching experiment is presented. he organism gradually switches from simultaneous utilization of the substrates at low growth rates to preferred utilization of the faster substrate (i.e, supporting a higher growth rate) at high dilution rates. The metabolic lags following a step increase in dilution rate and a significant accumulation of the slower substrate during the transient period result from the effects of metabolic regulation. The cybernetic modeling approach that successfully described the foregoing situations with single-substrate feeds is employed to describe mixed substrate behavior. The parameters in the mixed-substrate (glucose and xylose) model are the same as those in the single-substrate models with the singular exception of the rate constant for the xylose growth enzyme synthesis. The reason for this discrepancy is discussed in detail. It appears that the constitutive rate of enzyme synthesis for growth on a given substrate may be related to the past history of the organism in regard to whether or not the organism has been exposed to the particular substrate. Thus, the results further demonstrate the ability of the framework to effectively describe metabolic regulation in batch, fedbatch, and continuous microbial cultures.  相似文献   

花粉管生长调控的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邢树平   《广西植物》1998,18(1):82-88
本文从花粉管的生长特性、细胞质组成、细胞骨架、细胞壁的结构与合成、Ca2+通道和向性生长机制六个方面,综述了近些年来对花粉管生长调控研究的进展。  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of synthetic iron chelators of the 1-alkyl-3-hydroxy-2-methylpyrid-4-one class (the L1 series) and 1-hydroxypyrid-2-one (L4) on bacterial growth in human serum was compared with those of the plant iron chelators mimosine and maltol and of the microbial siderophore desferrioxamine. None of the synthetic chelators enhanced growth of 3 Gram-negative organisms ( Yersinia enterocolitica, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ); in some cases they were even inhibitory. L4 strongly stimulated growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis , but the L1 series had only a marginal effect. Maltol was mildly inhibitory to all 4 bacterial species, while mimosine enhanced the growth of S. epidermidis and Y. enterocolitica but had little effect on E. coli or P. aeruginosa . Desferrioxamine enhanced the growth chelators of synthetic or plant origin may carry less risk of increasing susceptibility to bacterial infection in patients undergiong chelation therapy for iron overload than does desferrioxamine, the drug currently in clinical use.  相似文献   

Thymidine (TdR) incorporation into DNA as a measure of bacterial production in environmental samples relies on assumptions about what organisms incorporate exogenous thymidine, extent of dilution of labelled thymidine by internal and external pools, and analytical methods for recovery and purification of bacterial DNA. We have examined these assumptions with regard to the feasibility of using [3H]TdR incorporation in the water column and sediments of a blackwater river. The extent of dilution of added [3H]TdR may be determined with isotope dilution plots (Moriarty and Pollard, 1981 and 1982) and these indicate a wide range of degree of participation of added [3H]TdR. Previously described methods for extracting DNA from sediment bacteria may lead to underestimates and we described a more efficient recovery scheme.  相似文献   

稻田气体调节功能形成机制及其累积过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
肖玉  谢高地  鲁春霞  吕耀 《生态学报》2005,25(12):3282-3288
生态系统服务功能在维持人类生存和发展的环境过程中发挥着重要的作用,研究生态系统服务功能形成机制以及人类活动的干扰如何影响生态系统功能和服务的实现是今后生态系统服务功能研究的一个重点。选取上海市奉贤县五四农场的一块农田生态系统,研究其气体调节功能形成和累积过程,同时研究人类干扰(施氮肥)对农田气体调节功能的影响。研究结果显示,施肥量对稻田气体调节功能形成和累积过程以及价值累积过程产生较大影响。在所有施肥处理中,施肥量最高的N 4处理提供最高的气体调节功能价值,为1.98×104yuan.hm-2。因此通过微观实验可以研究生态系统服务功能形成机制和累积过程,并可研究人类干扰造成生态系统服务功能物质量和价值量的变化。  相似文献   

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