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专性CAM植物燕子掌离体叶片的盐胁迫处理和失水干旱处理后 ,液泡膜H ATP酶对低浓度(2 0 0、40 0mmol/L)的盐胁迫 (NaCl胁迫 48h)不敏感 ,而当盐浓度达到 6 0 0mmol/L时 ,ATP水解活性和H 转运活性较对照上升 5 5 %~ 6 5 % ,而干旱胁迫 (4 8h ,失水 12 % )使酶活上升约 30 % ,但是上述各种胁迫均不影响ATP水解与H 转运的耦联比率 ,仍旧维持在12。用Westernblot证实在逆境下 ,H ATP酶的 3种主要亚基A、B、c在膜上的蛋白含量均有所增加 ,且以调节亚基 (B)的变化最为显著  相似文献   

专性CAM植物燕子掌离体叶片的盐胁迫处理和失水干旱处理后,液泡膜H^+-ATP酶对低浓度(200、400mmol/L)的盐胁迫(NaCl胁迫48h)不敏感,而当盐浓度达到600mmol/L时,ATP水解活性和H^+转运活性较对照上升55%-65%,而干旱胁迫(48h,失水12%)使酶活上升约30%,但是上述各种胁迫均不影响ATP水解与H^+转运的耦联比率,仍旧维持在12。用Western blot  相似文献   

使用荧光猝灭法测定植物液泡膜H+-ATPase质子转运活性. 比较了两种常用荧光染料吖啶橙和喹亚因在不同浓度的测定灵敏度. 探讨了不同蛋白量和缓冲系统对测定结果的影响. 得到了用5 μmol/L吖啶橙,200~250 μg蛋白质含量,Hepes-Tris(pH 7.0)为缓冲介质,ATP-Na为底物的最适体系.  相似文献   

以耐冷性不同的两个水稻品种为材料,比较研究了幼苗根系质膜、液泡膜ATP酶对低温(8℃)及高pH(8.0)胁迫的反应。结果表明水稻根细胞质膜和液泡膜上均存在Ca3+-ATP酶,但活性远低于H+-ATP酶。耐冷品种武育粳3号经低温(8℃)处理2d,根系质膜和液泡膜H+-ATP酶、Ca2+-ATP酶活性均明显升高,至冷处理12d,H+-ATP酶、Ca2+-ATP酶活性有所下降,但仍与对照相近;而冷敏感品种汕优63经低温(8℃)处理2d,根系质膜H+-ATP酶活性略有升高,而质膜Ca2+-ATP酶以及液泡膜H+-ATP酶、Ca2+-ATP酶活性已明显下降;至冷处理12d,4种酶活性均明显低于对照。高pH胁迫使质膜和液泡膜H+-ATP酶活性下降,而使Ca2+-ATP酶活性上升。高pH胁迫会加剧低温冷害。结果表明,耐冷品种质膜、液泡膜ATP酶比冷敏感品种对低温胁迫有更强的适应能力。  相似文献   

选用两个耐盐性强弱不同的大麦(Hordeumvulgare L.)品种,研究了NaCl胁迫下其幼苗根中ATP和焦磷酸(PPi)含量的变化以及PPi对液泡膜H -ATP酶活性的影响.结果表明:在含NaCl 200mmol/L的1/2 Hoagland溶液中处理2 d,耐盐品种(滩引2号)根中液泡膜H -ATP酶活性增加,然后逐渐下降,而H -PPi酶活性在NaCl处理9 d中'直下降.盐敏感品种(科品7号)在NaCl胁迫下根中H -ATP酶和H -PPi酶活性都下降(图1).与对照相比较,NaCl胁迫下耐盐品种根中ATP含量2 d时增加,4 d后下降;盐敏感品种根中ATP积累受NaCl胁迫的抑制(图2).NaCl胁迫下,两品种的PPi含量皆略有增加(图3).PPi对液泡膜H -ATP酶活性有竞争性抑制作用(图4).结果表明:ATP积累是NaCl胁迫下液泡膜H -ATP酶活性增加的原因之一,NaCl胁迫下大麦品种根中ATP含量下降和PPi对液泡膜H -ATP酶的抑制使该酶活性下降.  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫对盐芥质膜和液泡膜ATPase活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以盐生植物盐芥和中生植物拟南芥幼苗为材料,研究了盐胁迫对它们叶片和根质膜、液泡膜H+-ATPase、Ca2+-ATPases和K+-ATPase活性以及H+-ATPase、Na+/H+ 逆向转运蛋白表达的影响.结果显示:在NaCl胁迫下,盐芥叶片和根质膜的H+-ATPase活性分别比对照显著升高41%~212%和35%~53%,液泡膜的H+-ATPase分别显著升高281%~373%和4%~38%,而拟南芥却比相应对照都显著降低;相同盐浓度胁迫下,盐芥叶片的H+-ATPase活性比根部高4~8倍,盐芥根也远高于拟南芥.在NaCl胁迫下,盐芥叶片和根的液泡膜H+-ATPase蛋白质β亚基含量变化与其酶活性变化趋势一致,质膜Na+/H+ 逆向转运蛋白的表达量与Na+含量变化趋势一致.盐胁迫下盐芥根中Ca2+-ATPases和K+-ATPase活性的增加与根中Ca2+和K+含量呈显著正相关.研究发现,在盐胁迫条件下,盐芥能有效增强H+-ATPase蛋白和Na+/H+逆向转运蛋白表达,显著提高其根系与叶片质膜和液泡膜的H+-ATPase、Ca2+-ATPase和K+-ATPase活性,维持细胞质中较高的Ca2+和K+水平,从而缓解盐胁迫的伤害,增强耐盐性.  相似文献   

盐胁迫降低无花果振荡培养细胞培养液pH ,添加质膜H ATPase活性抑制剂Na3VO4 则抑制盐诱导的培养液pH下降 ,表明盐诱导培养液pH下降主要是细胞质膜H ATPase活性增加的结果。NaCl处理提高活体细胞质膜H ATPase活性 ,而降低膜微囊H ATPase活性。培养液中添加Na3VO4 5 0 μmol/L完全抑制盐胁迫下无花果细胞游离脯氨酸积累 ,但添加更高浓度Na3VO4 ,则提高细胞液泡膜H ATPase活性 ,同时Na3VO4 抑制脯氨酸积累的效应下降 ,暗示盐胁迫下无花果细胞质膜和液泡膜H ATPase共同参与细胞质pH调节 ,影响游离脯氨酸积累。  相似文献   

随着盐胁迫强度( NaCl 0 ~150m mol/L) 和时间(0 ~72 h) 的增加,小麦抗盐突变体根液泡膜H+ATP 酶和H+PP 酶活性显著增加,虽然野生型酶活性在盐胁迫下也有增加,但其增加的幅度显著低于突变体,H+PP酶活性的差异更为显著。H+ATP酶和H+PP酶的最适pH 值在两者之间以及盐胁迫前后均无改变,分别为7 .0 和8 .0 。无盐胁迫下野生型液胞膜58 kD 蛋白带缺失,盐胁迫下这一蛋白有微弱的表达。与此不同,突变体58 kD 蛋白在盐胁迫前后均有明显的表达,但其29 kD 蛋白带在无盐胁迫下明显减弱。  相似文献   

研究了铝胁迫下耐铝性不同的两个小麦品种根细胞液泡膜ATP 酶、焦磷酸酶活性和膜脂的变化。与对照相比,经20 和100μmol/L的AlCl3 处理后,耐铝品种Altas 66 的液泡膜H+ATP 酶和Ca2+ATP 酶活性迅速下降; 铝敏感品种Scout 66 液泡膜H+ATP酶和Ca2+ATP 酶活性则在20 μmol/L 时增加,100 μmol/L时下降。焦磷酸酶活性在Altas66 中下降,在Scout 66 中增加。与对照相比,在AlCl3 20 μmol/L处理时,液泡膜磷脂含量增加,Altas 66 中的增加比Scout 66 更为明显;100 μmol/L 时,Scout 66 液泡膜磷脂含量迅速下降,而Altas 66 下降不显著。两品种小麦在铝处理后根液泡膜糖脂结合半乳糖含量均高于对照,而Altas 66 中的含量又高于Scout66 。铝处理后,两品种小麦根液泡膜的棕榈酸和油酸含量增加,亚麻酸含量下降, 不饱和指数也随之下降,其中Scout66 下降更为明显。表明Altas 66 根细胞液泡膜比Scout66 对铝胁迫有更强的适应能力。  相似文献   

植物液泡膜Na /H 反向运输体可将细胞质中的Na 转运到液泡内储存,以减少胞内Na 的毒性.但木本植物如杨树是否有同样的机制目前还不清楚.以欧洲山杨的愈伤组织为材料,捣碎破碎愈伤组织细胞,经过差速离心和不连续蔗糖梯度离心得到纯化的欧洲山杨液泡微囊.通过液泡V-ATPase建立质子梯度,该液泡能够利用此梯度调控Na 的转运,表明液泡膜上存在Na /H 反向运输体活性(表观米氏常数Km是11.4mmol/L).Na /H 反向运输体的抑制剂——氨氯吡嗪咪能明显抑制转运体的活性.该Na /H 反向运输体也可以转运K ,但亲和能力比Na 低30%.该结果首次证明木本植物的液泡膜上存在Na /H 反向运输体.初步功能研究表明,愈伤组织在盐胁迫条件下,Na /H 反向运输体活性明显下降,提示该机制可能与山杨不耐盐有关.  相似文献   

Fluorescein isothiocyanate was used to covalently label the gastric (H+ + K+)-ATPase. FITC treatment of the enzyme inhibited the ATPase activity while largely sparing partial reactions such as the associated p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity. ATP protected against inhibition suggesting the ligand binds at or near an ATP binding site. At 100% inhibition the stoichiometry of binding was 1.5 nmol FITC per mg Lowry protein a value corresponding to maximal phosphoenzyme formation. Binding occurred largely to a peptide of 6.2 isoelectric point, although minor labelling of a peptide of pI 5.6 was also noted. Fluorescence was quenched by K+, Rb+ and Tl+ in a dose-dependent manner, and the K0.5 values of 0.28, 0.83 and 0.025 mM correspond rather well to the values required for dephosphorylation at a luminal site. Vanadate, a known inhibitor of the gastric ATPase produced a slow Mg2+-dependent fluorescent quench. Ca2+ reversed the K+-dependent loss of fluorescence and inhibited it when added prior to K+. This may relate to the slow phosphorylation in the presence of ATP found when Ca2+ was substituted for Mg2+ and the absence of K+-dependent dephosphorylation. The results with FITC-modified gastric ATPase provide evidence for a conformational change with K+ binding to the enzyme.  相似文献   

(H+ + K+)-ATPase-enriched membranes were prepared from hog gastric mucosa by sucrose gradient centrifugation. These membranes contained Mg2+-ATPase and p-nitrophenylphosphatase activities (68 ± 9 μmol Pi and 2.9 ± 0.6 μmol p-nitrophenol/mg protein per h) which were insensitive to ouabain and markedly stimulated by 20 mM KCl (respectively, 2.2- and 14.8-fold). Furthermore, the membranes autophosphorylated in the absence of K+ (up to 0.69 ± 0.09 nmol Pi incorporated/mg protein) and dephosphorylated by 85% in the presence of this ion. Membrane proteins were extracted by 1–2% (w/v) n-octylglucoside into a soluble form, i.e., which did not sediment in a 100 000 × g × 1 h centrifugation. This soluble form precipitated upon further dilution in detergent-free buffer. Extracted ATPase represented 32% (soluble form) and 68% (precipitated) of native enzyme and it displayed the same characteristic properties in terms of K+-stimulated ATPase and p-nitrophenylphosphatase activities and K+-sensitive phosphorylation: Mg2+-ATPase (μmol Pi/mg protein per h) 32 ± 9 (basal) and 86 ± 20 (K+-stimulated); Mg2+-p-nitrophenylphosphatase (μmol p-nitrophenol/mg protein per h) 2.6 ± 0.5 (basal) and 22.2 ± 3.2 (K+-stimulated); Mg2+-phosphorylation (nmol Pi/mg protein) 0.214 ± 0.041 (basal) and 0.057 ± 0.004 (in the presence of K+). In glycerol gradient centrifugation, extracted enzyme equilibrated as a single peak corresponding to an apparent 390 000 molecular weight. These findings provide the first evidence for the solubilization of (H+ + K+)-ATPase in a still active structure.  相似文献   

1. H+ uptake induced by repeated flash excitation approached the full extent of H+ uptake induced by continuous light. At low repetition rates, the H+ uptake was seen to consist of repeated occurrences of rapid H+ uptake.2. The effects of ionophores and uncoupling agents on H+ uptake induced by continuous light could be adequately accounted for in terms of their effects on the flash induced changes. It is concluded that the reaction disclosed by rapid H+ uptake is an integral part of the process observed on continuous illumination, and therefore, in view of the association between rapid H+ uptake and the reduction of a hydrogen-carrying secondary acceptor, that the electron transport system is an integral part of the mechanism of the H+ pump.3. When the frequency of repetition of the flashes was increased, the full extent of H+ uptake or of the carotenoid change was seen only after the first few flashes. Thereafter, the extent decreased, and depended on the dark time between flashes. The full extent of the change could be restored even at high frequencies if uncoupling agents or valinomycin were present.4. It is concluded that the recovery of the extent of H+ uptake or the carotenoid change between flashes reflected the turnover of the electron transport chain, and that the increased recovery in the presence of uncoupling agents or valinomycin reflected the stimulation of electron flow under uncoupled conditions, or on dissipation of the membrane potential.  相似文献   

To study the function and adaptive mechanism of tonoplast H+ATPase under salt stress, pea ( Pisum sativum L.) seedlings were treated with different concentrations of salt (100-250 mmol/L NaCl) and with 100 mmol/L NaCl for different days (1-3 d). The ATP hydrolytic activity and the proton transport activity and the changes of the amount of tonoplast H+ ATPase (subunit A) were measured. ATP hydrolytic activity of H+ATPase prepared from plants treated with 250 mmol/L NaCl was reduced by about 25% compared to that of control plants, but that of stressed plants treated with 100 mmol/L and 200 mmol/L NaCl was unchanged. The activity from plants treated with 100 mmol/L NaCl for up to 3 d was lower than that of control plants by 20%. But the proton transport activity was increased under the same salt stresses as above. These results showed that the changes of the hydrolytic activity and the proton transport activity were not in proportion and salt stress may cause the change of the coupling ratio of H+ transport activity to ATP hydrolysis. The protein amount kept unchanged and reduced a little only when pea was treated with 100 mmol/L NaCl for 3 d. These results indicated that salinity stimulated the increase of the pump efficiency of the V-ATPase from pea roots, which was due to the change of the coupling ratio, but not due to the increase of ATP hydrolysis and the amount of V-ATPase.  相似文献   

The effects of K+, Na+ and ATP on the gastric (H+ + K+)-ATPase were investigated at various pH. The enzyme was phosphorylated by ATP with a pseudo-first-order rate constant of 3650 min?1 at pH 7.4. This rate constant increased to a maximal value of about 7900 min?1 when pH was decreased to 6.0. Alkalinization decreased the rate constant. At pH 8.0 it was 1290 min?1. Additions of 5 mM K+ or Na+, did not change the rate constant at acidic pH, while at neutral or alkaline pH a decrease was observed. Dephosphorylation of phosphoenzyme in lyophilized vesicles was dependent on K+, but not on Na+. Alkaline pH increased the rate of dephosphorylation. K+ stimulated the ATPase and p-nitrophenylphosphatase activities. At high concentrations K+ was inhibitory. Below pH 7.0 Na+ had little or no effect on the ATPase and p-nitrophenylphosphatase, while at alkaline pH, Na+ inhibited both activities. The effect of extravesicular pH on transport of H+ was investigated. At pH 6.5 the apparent Km for ATP was 2.7 μM and increased little when K+ was added extravesicularly. At pH 7.5, millimolar concentrations of K+ increased the apparent Km for ATP. Extravesicular K+ and Na+ inhibited the transport of H+. The inhibition was strongest at alkaline pH and only slight at neutral or acidic pH, suggesting a competition between the alkali metal ions and hydrogen ions at a common binding site on the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. Two H+-producing reactions as possible candidates as physiological regulators of (H+ + K+)-ATPase were investigated. Firstly, the hydrolysis of ATP per se, and secondly, the hydration of CO2 and the subsequent formation of H+ and HCO3?. The amount of hydrogen ions formed in the ATPase reaction was highest at alkaline pH. The H+/ATP ratio was about 1 at pH 8.0. When CO2 was added to the reaction medium there was no change in the rate of hydrogen ion transport at pH 7.0, but at pH 8.0 the rate increased 4-times upon the addition of 0.4 mM CO2. The results indicate a possible co-operation in the production of acid between the H+ + K+-ATPase and a carbonic anhydrase associated with the vesicular membrane.  相似文献   

Extant photosynthetic organisms all appear to use transmembrane H+ fluxes as the coupling agent in the use of light energy in ATP synthesis. In the steady-state there is a large H+ free energy difference across the coupling membrane, and when this is reflected as a light-induced change in pH of the phase (cytosol or stroma) containing the enzymes of carbon assimilation, the H+ transport can have an informational role in activating and inactivating enzymes.The earliest organisms probably lived fermentatively (substrate-level phosphorylation) in an anaerobic environment provided with organic solutes synthesised abiotically. There are good reasons for believing that one of the earliest primary active transport systems (interconverting chemical and electrical/osmotic energy) was an H+ extrusion pump powered by ATP or PPi. Its initial function was extrusion of excess H+ from the fermenting cells, and the support of a number of co-transport processes. The earliest energetic use of light energy is envisaged as being the energization of an alternative H+ extrusion pump, with bacteriorhodopsin or (bacterio-) chlorophyll as the pigment. The former type of cyclic photoredox system (Halobacterium-type) is simpler than the latter: a “pre-respiratory” chemical redox H+ pump may have preceded the (bacterio-) chlorophyll-based process. Any of these H+ pumps could spare the use of fermentative ATP in powering active H+ efflux and would thus have been favoured as fermentative substrates became scarce; eventually the larger ΔμH+ generated by the light-powered H+ pump was used to drive the ATP-powered H+ pump backwards and thus generate ATP with light as the ultimate energy source.Scarcity of suitable reductants for biosynthesis as life proliferated provided a selective impetus for a non-cyclic photoredox system which could use light energy to generate a low-potential reductant at the expense of more readily available higher-potential reductants. The non-cyclic photoredox system is not possible in its simplest form (with all the redox energy coming from excitation energy of one or more photoreactions) in the bacteriorhodopsin line of evolution. Such a simple photoredox system is found in the Chlorobiaceae; even if (as seems likely) the non-cyclic photoredox process generates a ΔμH+ (and thus, potentially, ATP), some of the ATP needed for CO2 fixation and cell growth must be generated by a cyclic photoredox system.In the extant purple bacteria the generation of low-potential reductant involves a non-cyclic photoredox pathway which produces a reductant unable to reduce NAD+; the “energy gap” is spanned by “reverse electron transfer” which uses energy from a ΔμH+. It is not clear if this energetic requirement for the H+ gradient can be quantitatively satisfied from a non-cyclic photoredox H+ transport; it is certain that there is a major requirement for cyclic photoredox H+ pumping in these organisms.The photosynthetic bacteria are today restricted to reducing (low Eh) environments similar to those found in the early, anoxic earth; they are unable to use very weak reductants as donors for non-cyclic photoredox processes. As the sources of even weakly reducing donors (other than H2O) on the primitive earth were depleted the two photoreactions scheme of extant O2-producers evolved by modification of the bacterial photoreaction. This non-cyclic photoredox process is definitely H+-translocating and the role of cyclic photoredox processes in ATP generation in O2-evolvers is smaller than in photosynthetic bacteria.In parallel with the biochemical and biophysical changes in the photosystems there was a morphological evolution, with an increasing tendency for “internalisation” of the photoredox processes (originally present in the plasma membrane, as in extant Chlorobineae) into thylakoids (as in most Rhodospirillineae, Cyanobacteria and in all eukaryotes). With a plasmalemma-located photoredox system, and the constraints of a fixed, alkaline external pH and the cytoplasmic pH of 7–8, the ΔμH+ would be generated largely as an electrical P.D. The presence of a phase (intrathylakoid space) with a “negotiable pH” would permit the generation and use of a ΔμH+ largely present as a pH gradient.In both cases illumination can cause an increase in cytoplasmic (stromal) pH over the dark value; this is an important aspect of the regulation of “phototrophic” and “heterotrophic” enzyme systems in the light and in the dark. However, it is argued that these differences in pH are not absolutely light-dependent unless they depend upon some more uniquely light-dependent signal, probably based on a redox component only generated in the light.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对豌豆根液泡膜H^+—ATPase活性及含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了阐明液泡膜H^ -ATPase在盐胁迫下的作用和适应性调节机制,对豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)植株进行不同盐浓度和不同盐胁迫时间(1-3d)的处理后,分别测定液泡膜H^ -ATPase的H^ 转运活性、水解性和蛋白含量(A亚基)的变化。结果表明,100mmol/L和200mmol/L NaCl 处理1dH^ -ATPase的水解活性没有变化,而250mmol/L NaCl处理1d引起水解活性降低约25%。100mmol/L NaCl处理2d内水解活性没有变化,而第3天活性下降约20%。但是上述盐胁迫均能提高液泡膜H^ -ATPase的质子转运活性,说明盐胁迫后H^ -ATPase的水解活性和质子转运活性的变化不成比例,盐胁迫可能导致偶联比率的改变。Western blot研究发现,上述盐胁迫对液泡膜H^ -ATPase(A亚基)的含量基本无影响,仅100mmol/L NaCl处理3d后A亚基的量略有下降,这些结果证明,盐胁迫能刺激提高豌豆根液泡膜H^ -ATPase的H^ 泵效率,且泵效率的提高是源于偶联比率的改变,而不是由于ATP水解活性的提高和蛋白含量的增加。  相似文献   

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