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Previous publications showed that a covalently closed circular (CCC) Rts1 plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that confers kanamycin resistance upon the host bacteria inhibits host growth at 42 degrees C but not at 32 degrees C. At 42 degrees C, the CCC Rts1 DNA is not formed, and cells without plasmids emerge. To investigate the possible role of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) in the action of Rts1 on host bacteria, Rts1 was placed in an Escherichia coli mutant (CA7902) that lacks adenylate cyclase or in E. coli PP47 (a mutant lacking cAMP receptor protein). Rts1 did not exert the thermosensitive effect on these cells, and CCC Rts1 DNA was formed even at 42 degrees C. Upon addition of cAMP to E. coli CA7902(Rts1), cell growth and formation of CCC Rts1 DNA were inhibited at 42 degrees C. The addition of cAMP to E. coli PP47(Rts1) did not cause inhibitory effects on either cell growth or CCC Rts1 DNA formation at 42 degrees C. The inhibitory effect of cAMP on E. coli CA7902(Rts1) is specific to this cyclic nucleotide, and other cyclic nucleotides such as cyclic guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate did not have the effect. For this inhibitory effect, cells have to be preincubated with cAMP; the presence of cAMP at the time of CCC Rts1 DNA formation is not enough for the inhibitory effect. If the cells are preincubated with cAMP, one can remove cAMP during the [(3)H]thymidine pulse and still observe its inhibitory effect on the formation of CCC Rts1 DNA. The presence of chloramphenicol during this preincubation period abolished the inhibitory effect of cAMP. These observations suggest that cAMP is necessary to induce synthesis of a protein that inhibits CCC Rts1 DNA formation and cell growth at 42 degrees C.  相似文献   

After two decades of stardom, one would think that β‐catenin has revealed all of its most intimate details. Yet the essence of its duality has remained mysterious—how can a single protein both be the core link between cadherins and the cytoskeleton, and the nuclear messenger for Wnt signalling? On the basis of the available evidence and on molecular and evolutionary considerations, I propose that β‐catenin was a born nuclear transport receptor, which by interacting with adhesion molecules acquired the property to coordinate nuclear functions with cell–cell adhesion. While Wnt signalling diverted this activity, the original pathway might still function in modern eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Progression of cell cycle is regulated by sequential expression of cyclins, which associate with distinct cyclin kinases to drive the transition between different cell cycle phases. The complex of Cyclin A with cyclin‐dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) controls the DNA replication activity through phosphorylation of a set of chromatin factors, which critically influences the S phase transition. It has been shown that the direct interaction between the Cyclin A‐CDK2 complex and origin recognition complex subunit 1 (ORC1) mediates the localization of ORC1 to centrosomes, where ORC1 inhibits cyclin E‐mediated centrosome reduplication. However, the molecular basis underlying the specific recognition between ORC1 and cyclins remains elusive. Here we report the crystal structure of Cyclin A‐CDK2 complex bound to a peptide derived from ORC1 at 2.54 å resolution. The structure revealed that the ORC1 peptide interacts with a hydrophobic groove, termed cyclin binding groove (CBG), of Cyclin A via a KXL motif. Distinct from other identified CBG‐binding sequences, an arginine residue flanking the KXL motif of ORC1 inserts into a neighboring acidic pocket, contributing to the strong ORC1‐Cyclin A association. Furthermore, structural and sequence analysis of cyclins reveals divergence on the ORC1‐binding sites, which may underpin their differential ORC1‐binding activities. This study provides a structural basis of the specific ORC1‐cyclins recognition, with implication in development of novel inhibitors against the cyclin/CDK complexes.  相似文献   

李晓雪  李桂英  邢苗 《遗传学报》2003,30(5):479-484
采用免疫电镜技术对多头绒泡菌(Physarum polycephalum)是否含有类CyclinA蛋白以及该蛋白在有丝分裂周期各时相的定位进行了研究;并以抗CyclinA抗体封闭细胞内源类CyclinA蛋白的方法,探讨类CyclinA蛋白在多头绒泡菌细胞周期中的作用。免疫电镜结果表明,经抗CyclinA抗体标记的实验组细胞中的金颗粒密度明显高于对照组,说明多头绒泡菌细胞中含有类CyclinA蛋白。实验组样品中,细胞核的金颗粒密度很高,而细胞质的金颗粒密度与对照组的相仿,说明多头绒泡菌细胞中的类CyclinA蛋白是核蛋白。细胞核的金颗粒密度在S期最高,G2期的次之,早中期时明显降低,中期和中期以后与对照组的相近。这种金颗粒密度的变化反映了类CyclinA蛋白在细胞周期中的含量变化。以抗CyclinA抗体分别处理S期和G2期的多头绒泡菌细胞,处理后的细胞分别停滞在原来的时相,细胞核形态变得不规则,核内有空洞现象。处于有丝分裂前期的多头绒泡菌细胞经抗CyclinA抗体处理后,细胞核出现畸变。抗体处理结果说明类CyclinA蛋白是参与多头绒泡菌细胞周期多个转换过程调控的种重要蛋白,主要在S期/G2期和G2期/M期的转换以及走出有丝分裂期的进程中发挥作用。  相似文献   

Abstract: The question of whether three acidic, water-soluble proteins (14-3-2, 14-3-3, and S-100, the first and last known to be brain-specific) are axonally transported was investigated in the rabbit visual system. The water-soluble proteins were obtained from individual optic nerves, combined optic tracts and lateral geniculate bodies, superior colliculi, and, in some instances, retinas at various times (1–56 days) after monocular injections of [3H]leucine. These proteins were separated by a two-step polyacrylamide gel electrophore-sis procedure that isolated 14-3-2, 14-3-3, and S-100 almost uncontaminated by other radioactivity. The isolated 14-3-2 and S-100 were demonstrated to be approx. 90% pure by a new method based on retarding the migration of these proteins by immunoadsorption during the first step of electrophoresis. An analysis of the radioactive labeling of the total soluble proteins (TSP) and the isolated acidic proteins revealed that: (1) S-100 was not axonally transported; (2) both 14-3-2 and 14-3-3 were part of one of the slow components of axonal transport (2-4 mm/day); (3) the radioactivity of 14-3-2 and 14-3-3 represented about 2.7% and 3.2%, respectively, of the radioactivity incorporated into the axonally transported TSP; (4) the ultimate distributions of the radioactively labeled 14-3-2 and 14-3-3 were the same (about 70% of each destined for the superior colliculus) and differed from that of the TSP; and (5) the rates of catabolism of the axonally transported 14-3-2 and 14-3-3 were slightly greater than that of the TSP, with half-lives for 14-3-2 and 14-3-3 estimated to be 11 and 10 days, respectively.  相似文献   

Cell cycle is maintained almost all the times and is controlled by various regulatory proteins and their complexes (Cdk+Cyclin) in different phases of interphase (G1, S and G2) and mitosis of cell cycle. A number of mechanisms have been proposed for the initiation and progression of carcinogenesis by abruption in cell cycle process. One of the important features of cancer/carcinogenesis is functional loss of these cell cycle regulatory proteins particularly in CDKs and cyclins. We hypothesize that there is a direct involvement of these cell cycle regulatory proteins not only at the genetic level but also proteins level, during the initiation of carcinogenesis. Therefore, it becomes significant to determine inconsistency in the functioning of regulatory proteins due to interaction with carcinogen 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK). Hence, we investigated the interaction efficiency of NNK, against cell cycle regulatory proteins. We found a different value of ΔG (free energy of binding) among the studied proteins ranging between -3.29 to -7.25 kcal/mol was observed. To validate the results, we considered Human Oxy-Hemoglobin at 1.25 Å Resolution, [PDB_ID:1HHO] as a +ve control, (binding energy -6.06 kcal/mol). Finally, the CDK8 (PDB_ID:3RGF) and CDK2 (PDB_ID:3DDP) regulatory proteins showing significantly strong molecular interaction with NNK -7.25 kcal/mol, -6.19 kcal/mol respectively were analyzed in details. In this study we predicted that CDK8 protein fails to form functional complex with its complementary partner cyclin C in presence of NNK. Consequently, inconsistency of functioning in regulatory proteins might lead to the abruption in cell cycle progression; contribute to the loss of cell cycle control and subsequently increasing the possibility of carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact that 6‐O‐(3″, 4″‐di‐Otrans‐cinnamoyl)‐α‐ l ‐rhamnopyranosylcatalpol (Dicinn) and verbascoside (Verb), two compounds simultaneously reported in Verbascum ovalifolium, have on tumor cell viability, apoptosis, cell cycle kinetics, and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) level. At 100 µg/mL and 48 hours incubation time, Dicinn and Verb produced good cytotoxic effects in A549, HT‐29, and MCF‐7 cells. Dicinn induced cell‐cycle arrest at the G0/G1 phase and apoptosis, whereas Verb increased the population of subG1 cells and cell apoptosis rates. Furthermore, the two compounds exhibited time‐dependent ROS generating effects in tumor cells (1‐24 hours). Importantly, no cytotoxic effects were induced in nontumor MCF‐10A cells by the two compounds up to 100 µg/mL. Overall, the effects exhibited by Verb in tumor cells were more potent, which can be correlated with its structural features, such as the presence of phenolic hydroxyl groups.  相似文献   

Nitrogen isotope signatures in plants might give insights in the metabolism and allocation of nitrogen. To obtain a deeper understanding of the modifications of the nitrogen isotope signatures, we determined δ15N in transport saps and in different fractions of leaves, axes and roots during a diel course along the plant axis. The most significant diel variations were observed in xylem and phloem saps where δ15N was significantly higher during the day compared with during the night. However in xylem saps, this was observed only in the canopy, but not at the hypocotyl positions. In the canopy, δ15N was correlated fairly well between phloem and xylem saps. These variations in δ15N in transport saps can be attributed to nitrate reduction in leaves during the photoperiod as well as to 15N‐enriched glutamine acting as transport form of N. δ15N of the water soluble fraction of roots and leaves partially affected δ15N of phloem and xylems saps. δ15N patterns are likely the result of a complex set of interactions and N‐fluxes between plant organs. Furthermore, the natural nitrogen isotope abundance in plant tissue is not constant during the diel course – a fact that needs to be taken into account when sampling for isotopic studies.  相似文献   

Many cell types require the biophysical and biochemical cues within the 3D extracellular matrix (ECM) to exhibit their true physiologically relevant behavior. As a result, cell culture platforms have been evolving from traditional 2D petridish plates into 3D biomatrices, and there is a need for developing analytic tools to characterize 3D cell culture. The existing cell counting method, using a hemocytometer or coulter counter, requires that cells are suspended in fluids prior to counting. This poses a challenge for 3D cell culture as cells are embedded in a 3D biomatrix. We use a facile 3D cell counting method that overcomes this limitation and allows for in situ cell counting in a 3D cell culture using equipment that is commonly available in a biology lab. Using a breast tumor cell line, MDA‐MB‐231, as a model system, we demonstrated that MDA‐MB‐231 cells (1) grow slower within a 3D collagen matrix than on a 2D substrate for an extended growth time (a week) with a comparable, initial cell‐to‐cell distance, (2) their cell growth rate decreases with the increase of collagen concentration, showing a linear growth rate rather than an exponential growth rate. Further work using flow cytometry showed that the observed growth rate reduction was consistent with the retardation of the transition to S (synthesis) phase in the cell cycle. This work demonstrates the validity of the 3D cell counting method and the importance of cell–ECM interactions in cell proliferation. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:990–996, 2015  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that γ tubulin ring complex (γTuRC) can nucleate microtubule assembly and may be important in centrosome formation. γTuRC contains approximately eight subunits, which we refer to as Xenopus gamma ring proteins (Xgrips), in addition to γ tubulin. We found that one γTuRC subunit, Xgrip109, is a highly conserved protein, with homologues present in yeast, rice, flies, zebrafish, mice, and humans. The yeast Xgrip109 homologue, Spc98, is a spindle–pole body component that interacts with γ tubulin. In vertebrates, Xgrip109 identifies two families of related proteins. Xgrip109 and Spc98 have more homology to one family than the other. We show that Xgrip109 is a centrosomal protein that directly interacts with γ tubulin. We have developed a complementation assay for centrosome formation using demembranated Xenopus sperm and Xenopus egg extract. Using this assay, we show that Xgrip109 is necessary for the reassembly of salt-disrupted γTuRC and for the recruitment of γ tubulin to the centrosome. Xgrip109, therefore, is essential for the formation of a functional centrosome.  相似文献   

Previous studies in our laboratory have demonstrated a decrease in [(3)H]nitrobenzylthioinosine binding sites in the brainstem of adenosine A(2a) receptor knockout mice, particularly in the brain nuclei involved in central control of cardiovascular function [Brain Research 877 (2000) 160]. The present study aimed to correlate this decrease, shown using autoradiography, with a functional change using a previously described method of [(3)H]adenosine uptake in a membrane preparation from the brainstem of wildtype CD - 1 and homozygous mutant mice lacking the adenosine A(2a) receptor. A statistically significant decrease was shown in the mean V(MAX) value obtained from homozygous mutant preparations (4.7 +/- 1.3 fmol/mg protein/20 s, P < 0.05, n = 4) compared to that obtained from wildtype controls (51.6 +/- 4.2 fmol/mg protein/20 s, n = 4). Competition studies using nucleoside uptake inhibitors showed a statistically significant increase in the log IC(50) values for dipyridamole (Wildtype: -4.3 +/- 0.2, Homozygous mutant: -8.3 +/- 0.4, n=5, P < 0.05) and dilazep (Wildtype: -3.9 +/- 0.8, Homozygous mutant: -8.3 +/- 0.8, n=5, P < 0.05) in the preparations using homozygous mutant tissue. The present study, in conjunction with the results of previous studies [Brain Research 877 (2000) 160], indicates that components of purinergic neurotransmission system have apparently adjusted in compensation for the lack of the A(2a) receptor.  相似文献   

We compared three transgenic poplar lines over‐expressing the bacterial γ‐glutamylcysteine synthetase (GSH1) targeted to plastids. Lines Lggs6 and Lggs12 have two copies, while line Lggs20 has three copies of the transgene. The three lines differ in their expression levels of the transgene and in the accumulation of γ‐glutamylcysteine (γ‐EC) and glutathione (GSH) in leaves, roots and phloem exudates. The lowest transgene expression level was observed in line Lggs6 which showed an increased growth, an enhanced rate of photosynthesis and a decreased excitation pressure (1‐qP). The latter typically represents a lower reduction state of the plastoquinone pool, and thereby facilitates electron flow along the electron transport chain. Line Lggs12 showed the highest transgene expression level, highest γ‐EC accumulation in leaves and highest GSH enrichment in phloem exudates and roots. This line also exhibited a reduced growth, and after a prolonged growth of 4.5 months, symptoms of leaf injury. Decreased maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) indicated down‐regulation of photosystem II reaction centre (PSII RC), which correlates with decreased PSII RC protein D1 (PsbA) and diminished light‐harvesting complex (Lhcb1). Potential effects of changes in chloroplastic and cytosolic GSH contents on photosynthesis, growth and the whole‐plant sulphur nutrition are discussed for each line.  相似文献   

The involvement of the Nuclear distribution element-like (Ndel1; Nudel) protein in the recruitment of the dynein complex is critical for neurodevelopment and potentially important for neuronal disease states. The PDE4 family of phosphodiesterases specifically degrades cAMP, an important second messenger implicated in learning and memory functions. Here we show for the first time that Ndel1 can interact directly with PDE4 family members and that the interaction of Ndel1 with the PDE4D3 isoform is uniquely disrupted by elevation of intracellular cAMP levels. While all long PDE4 isoforms are subject to stimulatory PKA phosphorylation within their conserved regulatory UCR1 domain, specificity for release of PDE4D3 is conferred due to the PKA-dependent phosphorylation of Ser13 within the isoform-specific, unique amino-terminal domain of PDE4D3. Scanning peptide array analyses identify a common region on Ndel1 for PDE4 binding and an additional region that is unique to PDE4D3. The common site lies within the stutter region that links the second coiled-coil region to the unstable third coiled-coil regions of Ndel1. The additional binding region unique to PDE4D3 penetrates into the start of the third coiled-coil region that can undergo tail-to-tail interactions between Ndel1 dimers to form a 4 helix bundle. We demonstrate Ndel1 self-interaction in living cells using a BRET approach with luciferase- and GFP-tagged forms of Ndel1. BRET assessed Ndel1–Ndel1 self-interaction is amplified through the binding of PDE4 isoforms. For PDE4D3 this effect is ablated upon elevation of intracellular cAMP due to PKA-mediated phosphorylation at Ser13, while the potentiating effects of PDE4B1 and PDE4D5 are resistant to cAMP elevation. PDE4D long isoforms and Ndel1 show a similar sub-cellular distribution in hippocampus and cortex and locate to post-synaptic densities. We show that Ndel1 sequesters EPAC, but not PKA, in order to form a cAMP signalling complex. We propose that a key function of the Ndel1 signalling scaffold is to signal through cAMP by sequestering EPAC, whose activity may thus be specifically regulated by sequestered PDE4 that also stabilizes Ndel1–Ndel1 self-interaction. In the case of PDE4D3, its association with Ndel1 is dynamically regulated by PKA input through its ability to phosphorylate Ser13 in the unique N-terminal region of this isoform, triggering the specific release of PDE4D3 from Ndel1 when cAMP levels are elevated. We propose that Ser13 may act as a redistribution trigger in PDE4D3, allowing it to dynamically re-shape cAMP gradients in distinct intracellular locales upon its phosphorylation by PKA.  相似文献   

DNA‐binding protein A (dbpA) is reported to be upregulated in many cancers and associated with tumor progress. The present study aimed to investigate the role of dbpA in 5‐fluorouracil (5‐FU)‐resistant and oxaliplatin (L‐OHP)‐resistant colorectal cancer (CRC) cells. We found that 5‐FU and L‐OPH treatment promoted the expression of dbpA. Enhanced dbpA promoted the drug resistance of SW620 cells to 5‐FU and L‐OHP. DbpA knockdown inhibited cell proliferation, induced cell apoptosis, and cell cycle arrested in SW620/5‐FU and SW620/L‐OHP cells. Besides, dbpA short hairpin RNA (shRNA) enhanced the cytotoxicity of 5‐FU and L‐OHP to SW620/5‐FU and SW620/L‐OHP cells. Meanwhile, dbpA shRNA inhibited the activation of the Wnt/β‐catenin pathway that induced by 5‐FU stimulation in SW620/5‐FU cells. Activation of the Wnt/β‐catenin pathway or overexpression of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) abrogated the promoting effect of dbpA downregulation on 5‐FU sensitivity of CRC cells. Importantly, downregulation of dbpA suppressed tumor growth and promoted CRC cells sensitivity to 5‐FU in vivo. Our study indicated that the knockdown of dbpA enhanced the sensitivity of CRC cells to 5‐FU via Wnt/β‐catenin/Chk1 pathway, and DbpA may be a potential therapeutic target to sensitize drug resistance CRC to 5‐FU and L‐OHP.  相似文献   

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