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Marine protected areas can prevent over-exploitation, but their effect on marine diseases is less clear. We examined how marine reserves can reduce diseases affecting reef-building corals following acute and chronic disturbances. One year after a severe tropical cyclone, corals inside reserves had sevenfold lower levels of disease than those in non-reserves. Similarly, disease prevalence was threefold lower on reserve reefs following chronic exposure to terrestrial run-off from a degraded river catchment, when exposure duration was below the long-term site average. Examination of 35 predictor variables indicated that lower levels of derelict fishing line and injured corals inside reserves were correlated with lower levels of coral disease in both case studies, signifying that successful disease mitigation occurs when activities that damage reefs are restricted. Conversely, reserves were ineffective in moderating disease when sites were exposed to higher than average levels of run-off, demonstrating that reductions in water quality undermine resilience afforded by reserve protection. In addition to implementing protected areas, we highlight that disease management efforts should also target improving water quality and limiting anthropogenic activities that cause injury.  相似文献   

Mangel 《Ecology letters》1998,1(2):87-90
Various kinds of no-take areas (refuges, reserves) are gaining attention as conservation tools. The efficacy of reserves can be considered from the perspectives of providing baseline data sets, protecting the stock, maximizing yield to the fishery, or some combination of these. Regardless of the measure of effectiveness of a reserve, practical application requires the development of techniques for settling operational and policy questions such as how large a reserve should be. A simple model, involving population growth and harvest, is used to explore how the fraction of habitat assigned to a reserve affects the sustainability of a take and to frame the trade-off between control of harvest outside of the reserve and the size of the reserve. This exploration also leads to the discovery of a robust conservation invariant for reserves.  相似文献   

Accounting for uncertainty in marine reserve design   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ecosystems and the species and communities within them are highly complex systems that defy predictions with any degree of certainty. Managing and conserving these systems in the face of uncertainty remains a daunting challenge, particularly with respect to developing networks of marine reserves. Here we review several modelling frameworks that explicitly acknowledge and incorporate uncertainty, and then use these methods to evaluate reserve spacing rules given increasing levels of uncertainty about larval dispersal distances. Our approach finds similar spacing rules as have been proposed elsewhere – roughly 20–200 km – but highlights several advantages provided by uncertainty modelling over more traditional approaches to developing these estimates. In particular, we argue that uncertainty modelling can allow for (1) an evaluation of the risk associated with any decision based on the assumed uncertainty; (2) a method for quantifying the costs and benefits of reducing uncertainty; and (3) a useful tool for communicating to stakeholders the challenges in managing highly uncertain systems. We also argue that incorporating rather than avoiding uncertainty will increase the chances of successfully achieving conservation and management goals.  相似文献   

The establishment of a system of protected areas that samples all ecosystems, including freshwater environments, in a comprehensive, adequate and representative (CAR) manner is regarded as a cornerstone for the conservation of biodiversity. There have been few quantitative assessments of the comprehensiveness, adequacy and representativeness of freshwater reserves in Australia. This paper reviews and quantifies the effect of classification of freshwater ecosystems for conservation planning, the importance of reservation status and protection measures for developing a CAR reserve system, and aspects of reserve design for freshwater ecosystems. We propose a strategic and iterative process that incorporates these measures to assist in the efficient and effective development of freshwater reserve systems worldwide. However, the provision of suitable water regimes for freshwater reserves presents further ecological and political challenges, and even adequate reservation of freshwater ecosystems may not conserve constituent biodiversity without effective management.  相似文献   

Marine no-take zones can have positive impacts for target species and are increasingly important management tools. However, whether they indirectly benefit higher order predators remains unclear. The endangered African penguin (Spheniscus demersus) depends on commercially exploited forage fish. We examined how chick survival responded to an experimental 3-year fishery closure around Robben Island, South Africa, controlling for variation in prey biomass and fishery catches. Chick survival increased by 18% when the closure was initiated, which alone led to a predicted 27% higher population compared with continued fishing. However, the modelled population continued to decline, probably because of high adult mortality linked to poor prey availability over larger spatial scales. Our results illustrate that small no-take zones can have bottom-up benefits for highly mobile marine predators, but are only one component of holistic, ecosystem-based management regimes.  相似文献   

Reserves are being used increasingly to conserve fish communities and populations under threat from overfishing, but little consideration has been given to how fish behavior might affect reserve function. This review examines the implications of how fish use space, in particular the occurrence and size of home ranges and the frequency and direction of home range relocations. Examples are drawn primarily from the literature on coral reef fishes, but the principles apply to other habitats. Reserves can protect fish species only if individuals restrict their movements to a localized home range during at least part of the life cycle. Home range sizes increase with body size. In small reserves, a significant proportion of fish whose home ranges are centered within the reserve can be exposed to fishing mortality because their home ranges include non-reserve areas. Relocation of home ranges following initial settlement increases exposure to the fishery, especially if habitat selection is frequency-dependent. Distance, barriers, and costs of movement counter such redistribution. These considerations lead to predictions that population density and mean fish size (1) will form gradients across reserve boundaries with maxima in the center of the reserve and minima outside the reserve away from the boundary; (2) will increase rapidly in newly established reserves, only later providing spillover to adjacent fisheries as density-dependent emigration begins to take effect; and (3) will be higher in reserves that are larger and have higher area:edge ratios, more habitat types, natural barriers between reserve and non-reserve areas, and higher habitat quality inside than outside the reserve. (4) Species with low mobility and weak density-dependence of space use will show the greatest increase in reserves and the strongest benefit for population reproductive capacity, but those with intermediate levels of these traits will provide the greatest spillover benefit to nearby fisheries.  相似文献   

殷崎栋  柳彩霞  田野 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7343-7352
跟踪森林自然保护区的森林变化及其时空特征,可为保护区生态保护评价提供科学依据。使用LandTrendr算法和谷歌地球引擎(GEE)的Landsat卫星时间序列数据,描述了柴松和太白山保护区的长期(1984-2018年)森林变化模式。对森林变化像元和稳定像元的总体识别精度达到93%,对扰动年探测的总体精度为89%。在柴松保护区,扰动年发生在2008年左右,大部分扰动由人类活动引起。在太白山保护区,扰动年主要发生在2013年,由自然因素造成。柴松和太白山保护区的森林扰动面积分别为42.74 hm2和23.68 hm2。柴松保护区的扰动斑块数多于太白山,表明柴松保护区自2004年建立后干扰频繁。本研究可以帮助研究人员和决策者了解这两个保护区的森林状况,可为森林生态系统的自然保护区保护评估提供基线信息。  相似文献   

This study provides direct and indirect evidence of temporally and spatially consistent spawning aggregations for the grouper Mycteroperca olfax. Recently reported declines in population numbers, probably related to the direct targeting of aggregations by artisanal fishermen, highlight the urgent need for species‐specific management actions in the Galapagos Marine Reserve, such as minimum and maximum landing sizes, and the importance of protecting key aggregation sites with the declaration of no‐take areas and the establishment of total fishing bans during the reproductive season.  相似文献   

基于机会成本法的海洋保护区生态保护补偿标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赖敏  陈凤桂 《生态学报》2020,40(6):1901-1909
建立海洋保护区已被公认为维持海洋生物多样性和防止海洋生态环境恶化的重要途径,而合理实施生态保护补偿是确保海洋保护区建设和管理成效、促进区域经济发展机会公平的关键手段。以土地、海域为载体,从机会成本补偿的角度出发,分别设置了机会成本补偿基数、区域调整系数、分区补偿系数和开发限度补偿系数,构建了海洋保护区生态保护补偿标准测算方法,并选取全国8个省(市)14个国家级海洋自然保护区开展了实证分析。结果表明:2015年案例区的机会成本补偿测算结果介于0.66×104—10.69×104元/km2之间,河北昌黎黄金海岸国家级自然保护区和天津古海岸与湿地国家级自然保护区的补偿金额显著高于其他保护区,分别为10.69×104元/km2和10.47×104元/km2,相比之下,其余12个保护区的平均补偿金额为1.70×104元/km2。  相似文献   

The two-phase life history of most marine fishes and invertebrates has enormous implications for dispersal, population connectivity, and resource management. Pelagic dispersal larvae of marine animals traditionally thought to ensure that populations are widespread, that chances of local extinction are low, and that marine protected areas (MPA) can easily function to replenish both their own populations and those of unprotected areas. Traditionally, dispersal is considered to depend primarily on two variables: pelagic larva duration and far-field currents. These conclusions arise from the open population paradigm and are usually accompanied by a simplifying assumption: larvae are distributed passively by far-field currents. Unfortunately, they ignore the complex reality of circulation and hydrological connectivity of reefs, and do not consider newly-demonstrated behavioural capabilities of coral-reef fish larvae. Far-field circulation varies with depth and often excludes water bodies where propagules are released, and this has important implications for predicting trajectories of even passive larvae. However, larvae are not passive: late-stage larvae of coral-reef fishes can swim faster than currents for long periods, can probably detect reefs at some distance, and can actively find them. This behaviour is flexible, which greatly complicates modelling of larval fish trajectories. Populations at ecological (as opposed to evolutionary) scales are probably less open and more subdivided than previously assumed. All this means that dispersal predictions based solely on far-field water circulation are probably wrong. An emerging view of larval-fish dispersal is articulated that takes these new data and perspectives into account. This emerging view shows that re-evaluation of traditional views in several areas is required, including the contribution of larval-fish biology and dispersal to biodiversity patterns, the way reef fishes are managed, and the way in which MPA are thought to operate. At evolutionary and zoogeographic scales, reef-fish populations are best considered to be open.  相似文献   

Operational interactions between odontocetes (i.e., toothed whales) and longline gear are a global phenomenon that may threaten the conservation of odontocete populations and the economic viability of longline fisheries. This review attempts to define the issue, summarize the trends and geographical extent of its occurrence over the last half century, explore the potential impact on odontocetes and on fisheries, and describe potential acoustic and physical mitigation solutions. Reports of odontocete bycatch rates are highly variable (between 0.002 and 0.231 individuals killed per set) and at least 20 species may be involved. Information about marine mammal population size, migration patterns and life history characteristics are scarce, although at least one population may be in decline due to losses attributable to longline bycatch. Information about the financial impact of depredation on pelagic longline fisheries is also scarce, although estimates of daily fleet‐wide losses range between US$1,034 and US$8,495 (overall fleet income was not reported). Such biological and financial losses may be unsustainable. Recent developments in acoustic and physical mitigation technologies have yielded mixed results. Acoustic mitigation technologies have no moving parts, although require complex electronics. To date, they are insufficiently developed and their efficacy has been difficult to assess. Physical mitigation technologies generally require complex moving parts, although they are relatively simple to develop and assess. Further development and testing remains necessary before widespread implementation would be possible. Development of these approaches should be prioritized and a “toolbox” of various strategies and solutions should be compiled, because a single panacea to the problem is unlikely to emerge.  相似文献   

Most studies of delphinid‐trawler interactions have documented the surface behavior of dolphins feeding on discarded bycatch, but not their subsurface behavior around demersal trawl gear. Using video cameras mounted inside trawl nets, we recorded the subsurface behavior of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a demersal fish trawl fishery in northwestern Australia. Footage from 36 trawls across the fishery was analyzed to determine the extent of dolphin‐gear interactions and the behavior of dolphins inside the nets. Interaction rates were high, with dolphins present inside and outside the nets during 29 and 34 trawls, respectively, and for up to 99% of the trawl duration. The proportion of foraging behaviors exhibited inside the nets was higher than the proportions of traveling and socializing behaviors. Twenty‐nine individuals were identified inside the net, seven of which returned repeatedly within and between trawls and fishing trips, but were observed primarily in the same localized areas in which they were first recorded. Our results suggest that entering trawl nets may be a frequently occurring, yet specialized behavior exhibited by a small subset of trawler‐associated dolphins. We propose that gear modifications, not spatial or temporal adjustments to fishing effort, have the greatest potential to reduce dolphin bycatch.  相似文献   

This account describes the comparative response of four species of benthic invertebrates to burial in terms of vertical migration and mortality, and provides a synthesis of studies and recommendations upon which to assess future impacts. The species featured were the bivalve Mercenaries mercenaria, the amphipod crustacean Parahaustorius longimerus, and the polychaetes Scoloplos fragilis and Nereis succinea. There was evidence of synergistic effects on burrowing activity and mortality with changes in time of burial, sediment depth, sediment type and temperature. In sediment with silt-clay, N. succinea was the most resistant species followed by M. mercenaria, S. fragilis and P. longimerus. In sediment without silt-clay the order of percent mortality was reversed. Studies of surface water chemistry and sediment geochemistry showed that dissolved oxygen decreased significantly and ammonia and sulfide increased significantly between the surface and below 2.0 cm within a 15-day period. Based on these results and physiological tolerances from the literature it was concluded that M. mercenaria and N. succinea would be relatively resistant to chemical effects of spoil disposal, whereas S. fragilis and P. longimerus would be less resistant to such effects. Vertical migration of benthic invertebrates through dredge disposal can be a viable mechanism of recolonization under certain conditions. Some effects of burial of benthos can be predicted based on morphology, behavior and physiology. These biological features were discussed with examples dealing with molluscs, crustaceans, and polychaetes. Finally, recommendations were made concerning the type of studies to provide additional data to aid management agencies in decision making about future dredging and disposal practices.  相似文献   

The microscopic traces of use wear on teeth have been extensively studied to provide information that will assist in elucidating the dietary habits of extinct hominin species. 1 - 13 It has been amply documented that dental microwear provides information pertaining to diet for living animals, where there is a strong and consistent association between dental microwear patterns and different types of foods that are chewed. The details of occlusal surface wear patterns are capable of distinguishing among diets when the constituent food items differ in their fracture properties. 14 - 20 For example, the microwear traces left on the teeth of mammals that crush hard, brittle foods such as nuts are generally dominated by pits, whereas traces left on the teeth of mammals that shear tough items such as leaves tend to be characterized by scratches. These microwear features result from and thus record actual chewing events. As such, microwear patterns are expected to be variably ephemeral, as individual features are worn away and replaced or overprinted by others as the tooth wears down in subsequent bouts of mastication. Indeed, it has been demonstrated, both in the laboratory and the wild, that short‐term dietary variation can result in the turnover of microwear. 17 , 21 - 23 Because occlusal microwear potentially reflects an individual's diet for a short time (days, weeks, or months, depending on the nature of the foods being masticated), tooth surfaces sampled at different times will display differences that relate to temporal (for example, seasonal) differences in diet. 24  相似文献   

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