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The interaction between synaptic and electronic excitation of cells from the salivary gland of the snail Helisoma trivolvis was studied using a voltage-sensitive merocyanine dye. Linear and square photodiode matrix arrays were used to record simultaneously the response to neuronal stimulation of 15-25 separate regions of the gland. Laterally opposed acini exhibited highly synchronous electrical activity, which suggested a correspondingly high degree of electrical coupling. In the longitudinal direction, coupling appeared weaker. The onset of depolarization after neuronal stimulation was progressively delayed along the longitudinal gland axis, in agreement with the measured conduction velocity of the presynaptic nerve spike. In most instances, neuronal stimulation directly activated a regenerative gland response (action potential) at the junction between the anterior and central duct. Excitation of distal gland regions was usually mediated by electronic spread from active, more proximal gland regions. Occasionally, "collisions" between excitatory waves traveling in opposite directions were observed.  相似文献   

Two-photon fluorescence excitation spectra of the peripheral light-harvesting complex LH2 from the purple photosynthetic bacterium Chromatium minutissimum were examined within the expected spectral range of the optically forbidden S1 singlet state of carotenoids. LH2 preparations isolated from wild-type and carotenoid-depleted cells were used. 100-fs laser pulses in the range of 1300-1490 nm with an energy of 7-9 mW (corresponding to one-photon absorption between 650 and 745 nm) were used for two-photon fluorescence excitation. It was shown that two-photon fluorescence excitation spectra of LH2 complex from wild and carotenoid-depleted cells are very similar to each other and to the two-photon fluorescence excitation spectrum of bacteriochlorophyll a in acetone. It was concluded that direct two-photon excitation of bacteriochlorophyll a determines the fluorescence of both samples within the 650-745 nm spectral range.  相似文献   

In contracting cardiac myocytes, the rapid changes in cytosolic and nuclear Ca2+ make it difficult to determine whether the nuclear Ca2+ transient is caused by diffusion from the cytosol or by Ca2+ release channels on the inner nuclear membrane, or both. The propagation mechanism in the nucleoplasm also remains unknown. We have developed an ultra-fast Nipkow confocal imaging system able to acquire two-dimensional images at approximately 4 ms/full frame speed and employed it to analyze Ca2+ waves and the dynamics of the cytosolic and nuclear Ca2+ transients after electrical stimulation of cardiac myocytes. The pattern of nuclear Ca2+ upon stimulation was well described by a mathematical model of Ca2+ diffusion across the nuclear envelope. No evidence of Ca2+ release from perinuclear Ca2+ stores was obtained. The Ca2+ diffusion constant appeared to change during contraction, with essentially free diffusion of Ca2+ through nuclear pore complexes at low cytosolic Ca2+ and partially restricted diffusion at high cytosolic Ca2+. The Ca2+ in the nucleoplasm propagated by diffusion and no Ca2+ release phenomena were seen in the nucleus.  相似文献   

X-rays and CT have been used to examine specimens such as human remains, mummies and formalin-fixed specimens. However, CT has not been used to study formalin-fixed wet specimens within their containers. The purpose of our study is firstly to demonstrate the role of CT as a non-destructive imaging method for the study of wet pathological specimens and secondly to use the CT data as a method for teaching pathological and radiological correlation. CT scanning of 31 musculoskeletal specimens from a pathology museum was carried out. Images were reconstructed using both soft-tissue and bone algorithms. Further processing of the data produced coronal and sagittal reformats of each specimen. The container and storage solution were manually removed using Volume Viewer Voxtool software to produce a 3D reconstruction of each specimen. Photographs of each specimen (container and close-up) were displayed alongside selected coronal, sagittal, 3D reconstructions and cine sequences in a specially designed computer program. CT is a non-destructive imaging modality for building didactic materials from wet specimens in a Pathology Museum, for teaching radiological and pathological correlation.  相似文献   

The genus Agaricus was recently rearranged to accommodate numerous tropical taxa. Accordingly, the genus was split into six subgenera and 22 sections of which 12 are included in A. subg. Pseudochitonia. Preliminary data indicated that three putative new species belong to this subgenus. Our objectives were to describe these species, to determine to which sections they belong, and to experience the interest of some traditional traits in this new context. We morphologically described Agaricus coniferarum from France and Portugal, Agaricus iranicus from Iran, and Agaricus lusitanicus from Portugal. Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses based on ITS, LSU, and tef1 sequence data of representatives of the 12 sections clearly indicated that A. coniferarum and A. lusitanicus are placed in Agaricus sect. Bohusia, while A. iranicus is in A. sect. Sanguinolenti. Incidentally, we replaced the illegitimate name Agaricus magnivelaris by Agaricus fiardianus. In a phylogenetic tree, based on all available ITS sequence data and focussing on six related sections, we examined the phylogenetic distribution of various characters. The intensity of red discolouration when the sporocarp is rubbed or cut appeared as a phylogenetically weak informative trait. We propose a determination key leading to a group of three hardly distinguishable sections (Bohusia, Nigrobrunnescentes, and Sanguinolenti).  相似文献   

The image cytometric nuclear DNA assessments on paraffin-embedded tissue sections and on Cytospin preparations of disaggregated specimens from the same cases were compared in 98 salivary gland tumors, including 21 acinic cell carcinomas, 29 mucoepidermoid carcinomas, 21 adenocarcinomas and 27 adenoid cystic carcinomas. The histogram type (diploid, tetraploid or aneuploid) and the number of cells with DNA values greater than 2.5c (expressed in relative units) were considered as variables in the correlation. A high correlation between the results in different specimens was found in acinic cell carcinomas, mucoepidermoid carcinomas and adenocarcinomas; the histogram type and the number of cells with DNA values greater than 2.5c were essentially the same between specimen types in these three tumor entities. The cases of adenoid cystic carcinomas showed a considerably lower degree of correlation: in 8 of the 27 cases, the Cytospin preparations yielded diploid histograms, while the tissue sections yielded aneuploid histograms. The number of cells with DNA values greater than 2.5c was notably lower in the Cytospin preparations from adenoid cystic carcinoma; the reasons for this exceptional behavior of the cells of adenoid cystic carcinoma are discussed. These findings demonstrate that paraffin-embedded specimens of different tumor entities, even from the same organ, can be affected differently by disaggregation procedures. While retrospective studies on disaggregated paraffin-embedded specimens can yield reliable results, comparative assessments using both DNA analysis techniques, as in this study, should be performed before a large number of cases is evaluated.  相似文献   

A study of the metal-to-metal charge-transfer (MMCT) transition within the binuclear cyano-bridged complexes cis-[L13CoIII(μ-NC)FeII(CN)5] (L13 = 12-methyl-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclotridecan-12-amine), trans-[L14CoIII(μ-NC)FeII(CN)5] (L14 = 6-methyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecan-6-amine) and trans-[L15CoIII(μ-NC)FeII(CN)5] (L15 = 10-methyl-1,4,8,12-tetraazacyclopentadecan-10-amine) has been carried out in electrolyte solutions at varying concentrations. Using these data, as well as the reaction free energies obtained from electrochemical measurements, the reorganisation and activation free energies for the forward and reverse thermal electron-transfer processes have been estimated. The changes of these parameters with the electrolyte concentration, as well as those of the energy of the maximum MMCT band and the reaction free energy, are mainly due to ion-pairing effects.  相似文献   

In recent years, two‐photon fluorescence microscopy has gained significant interest in bioimaging. It allows the visualization of deeply buried inhomogeneities in tissues. The near‐infrared (NIR) dyes are also used for deep tissue imaging. Indocyanine green (ICG) is the only U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved exogenous contrast agent in the NIR region for clinical applications. However, despite its potential candidature, it had never been used as a two‐photon contrast agent for biomedical imaging applications. This letter provides an insight into the scope and application of the two‐photon excitation property of ICG to the second excited singlet (S2) state in aqueous solution. Furthermore, in this work, we demonstrate the two‐photon cellular imaging application of ICG using direct fluorescence emission from S2 state for the first time. Our results show that two‐photon excitation to S2 state of ICG could be achieved with approximately 790 nm wavelength of femtosecond laser, which lies in well‐known “tissue‐optical window.” This property would enable light to penetrate much deeper in the turbid medium such as biological tissues. Thus, ICG could be used as the first FDA approved NIR exogenous contrast agent for two‐photon imaging. These findings can make remarkable influence on preclinical and clinical cell imaging.   相似文献   

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