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A new version of the ESR spin probe partitioning method is developed and applied to the study of hydration properties of dimyristoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) and dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) vesicles as functions of salt concentration and temperature above the lipid phase transition. The small spin probe di-tert-butyl nitroxide (DTBN) is used in order to achieve motionally narrowed Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectra which may be analyzed with high precision. The new method relies on the use of the second harmonic display of the ESR spectrum followed by spectral line fitting. Spectral fitting yields precise ESR parameters giving detailed information on the surroundings of the spin probe in both phospholipid and aqueous phases. The nitrogen hyperfine coupling constant of DTBN arising from those probes occupying the vesicles is used to study the hydration of the vesicle surface. The hydration properties of the negatively charged vesicle surface of DMPG vesicles are affected by the addition of salt at all temperatures. In contrast, the hydration of DMPC vesicles does not change with salt concentration at the low temperatures. However, at higher temperatures the hydration properties of DMPC vesicle are affected by salt which is interpreted to be due to the faster motion of the phospholipid molecules. The partitioning of the spin probe increases with salt concentration for both DMPG and DMPC vesicles, while water penetration decreases simultaneously. The spin probe in the phospholipid bilayer exhibits anisotropic motion and the extent of the anisotropy is increased at the higher salt concentrations.  相似文献   

Endometritis is the most important cause of infertility in barren mares. The quick method of endometrial cytology (EC) has a relatively high reliability in diagnosing endometrial inflammation in the mare. For reliable cytological results, a collection technique that yields many well-preserved cells representative of a large uterine surface area without causing harm to the reproductive tract is required. The aim of the study was to compare three usually employed techniques for collection of endometrial and inflammatory cells (guarded cotton swab, uterine lavage, and cytobrush) in chronically infertile mares. Twenty Standardbred mares were used. In each mare, samples for EC were collected, first by a cotton swab (DGS), then by a cytobrush (CB), and finally by low volume flush (LVF). The slides were stained using the Diff Quick stain. The following parameters were assessed for each tested technique: background content of the slides; quality of the cells harvested; total cellularity; neutrophils; ratio PMN/uterine epithelial cells; inflammatory cells; vaginal epithelium cells. Categorical variables were compared using contingency tables and Pearson Chi-square tests, whereas continuous variables were compared using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA); P < 0.05 was considered significant. Samplings by DGS and CB resulted easy and quick to perform via a single operator in all cases. LVF was performed easily, but required the presence of 2-3 players and took more time. The background content of the slides prepared by DGS appeared proteinaceous, slides prepared by LVF appeared contaminated by red blood cells or debris, whereas slides prepared by CB appeared clear. All smears showed a good total cellularity. The CB yielded significantly more cells (P < 0.0001) than DGS and LVF. The DGS produced significant more cells than LVF (P < 0.0001). The DGS produced significantly more (P = 0.003) intact cells than CB and LVF. Distorted cells were significantly (P = 0.001) more frequent in smears by LVF. The CB harvested significantly (P = 0.009) more fragmented cells. CB and LVF produced significantly (P < 0.0001; P = 0.02) more PMNs/HPF than DGS. In smears collected by LVF the proportion of PMNs/uterine epithelial cells was significantly (P = 0.0062; P = 0.0023) higher than in smears by CB and DGS. CB collected a significantly higher (P = 0.0011) proportion of PMNs than DGS. Acute endometritis was diagnosed in 50% (10/20) of the mares by DGS cytological samples, 25% (5/20) by CB, and 75% (15/20) by LVF. Inflammatory cells other than PMN (lymphocytes, macrophages, eosinophils) were collected exclusively by CB method. Epithelial cells from the vagina were only detected in LVF slides. The agreement of the diagnosis of endometritis between the three techniques of collection and between the different criteria adopted to evaluate smears obtained with the same technique was poor (k ≤ 0.3). In conclusion, results show that cytobrush and flush specimens were superior in all parameters to cotton swab smears. Even though the cytobrush technique requires specialized equipment, sample collection by this method was easier, more consistent, and quicker than the lavage method, indicating that the brush would be the preferred collection method for use on field in the mare. More studies are needed to establish criteria for interpretation of inflammation in the mare on cytobrush samples.  相似文献   

Studying mitochondrial membrane proteins for ion or substrate transport is technically difficult, as the organelles are hidden within the cell interior and thus inaccessible to many conventional nondisruptive techniques. This technical barrier can potentially be overcome if the mitochondrial membrane proteins are targeted to the cell surface, where they can be more readily studied. We undertook experiments presented here to target two related mitochondrial membrane proteins, mitochondrial ATP-binding cassette-1 and -2 protein (mABC1 and mABC2, respectively) to the cell surface for functional studies. These two proteins have an N-terminal mitochondrial targeting signal (MTS), and we hypothesized that removal of this sequence or addition of a cell surface targeting signal would lead to cell membrane targeting of these proteins. When the MTS was removed from mABC1, it localized to intracellular secretory compartments as well as the plasma membrane. However, truncated mABC2 lacking the MTS aggregated inside the cell. Addition of a cell membrane signal sequence or the transmembrane domain from CD8 to the N-terminus of mABC1 or mABC2 resulted in similar subcellular localizations. We then performed patch clamp on cells expressing mABC1 on their surface. These cells exhibited nonselective transport of K(+) and Na(+) ions and resulted in the loss of membrane potential. Our findings open new ways to study mitochondrial membrane proteins in established cell culture systems by targeting them to the cell surface, where they can more reliably be studied using various molecular and cellular techniques.  相似文献   

We established a single consecutive strategy which assigned the most comprehensive number of integral membrane proteins from Gram‐positive bacteria to date. For this purpose, we adapted a biphasic partitioning system for the biotechnologically intensively used Corynebacterium glutamicum and proved for the first time that such a system is well suited for quantitative comparison. 297 integral membrane proteins were identified by our integrated approach, which depletes stringently cytosolic proteins. In combination with our previously developed SIMPLE strategy, our data comprise 61% (374 integral membrane proteins) of the entire membrane proteome, which aims towards an almost comprehensive coverage. Wild type and a production strain of C. glutamicum were compared by 15N metabolic labelling and quantitation was obtained by spectral counting and peak areas. Both quantification strategies display a consistent trend in up or downregulation of proteins. Nevertheless, spectral counting often provides results indicating a much stronger regulation compared to ProRata values. Either spectral counting seems to exaggerate protein regulation or ProRata tends to attenuate the information about the regulation level. We highlight some of the biologically relevant candidates, which prove that our approach helps to give a deeper quantitative insight towards the understanding of transport and other membrane associated processes, important for strain development of C. glutamicum.  相似文献   

In order to enhance performances of organics removal and nitrification for the treatment of swine wastewater containing high concentration of organic solids and nitrogen than conventional biological nitrogen removal process, a submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR) was followed by an anaerobic upflow bed filter (AUBF) reactor in this research (AUBF–MBR process). The AUBF reactor is a hybrid reactor, which is the combination of an anoxic filter for denitrification and upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) for acid fermentation. In the AUBF–MBR process, it showed a considerable enhancement of the effluent quality in terms of COD removal and nitrification. The submerged MBR could maintain more than 14,000 mg VSS/L of the biomass concentration. Total nitrogen (T-N) removal efficiency represented 60% when internal recycle ratio was three times of flow-rate (Q), although the nitrification occurred completely. Although the volatile fatty acids produced in AUBF reactor can enhance denitrification rate, but the AUBF–MBR process showed reduction of overall removal efficiency of the nitrogen due to the reduction of carbon source by methane production in the AUBF reactor compared to that of theoretical nitrogen removal efficiency.

Long-term operation of the submerged MBR showed that the throughputs of the submerged MBR were respectively 74, 63, and 31 days at 10, 15, and 30 L/m2 h (LMH) of permeate flux. Resistance to filtration by rejected solid is the primary cause of fouling, however the priority of cake resistance (Rc) and fouling resistance (Rf) with respect to filtration phenomenon was different according to the amount of permeate flux. The submerged MBR, here, achieved a steady-state flux of 15 LMH at 0.4 atm. of trans-membrane pressure (TMP) but the flux can be enhanced in the future because shear force by tangential flow will be greater when multi-layer sheets of membrane were used.  相似文献   

Summary Application of 1H 2D NMR methods to solubilized membrane proteins and peptides has up to now required the use of selectively deuterated detergents. The unavailability of any of the common biochemical detergents in deuterated form has therefore limited to some extent the scope of this approach. Here a 1H NMR method is described which allows structure determination of membrane peptides and small membrane proteins by 1H 2D NMR in any type of non-deuterated detergent. The approach is based on regioselective excitation of protein resonances with DANTE-Z or spin-pinging pulse trains. It is shown that regioselective excitation of the amide-aromatic region of solubilized membrane proteins and peptides leads to an almost complete suppression of the two orders of magnitude higher contribution of the protonated detergent to the 1H NMR spectrum. Consistently TOCSY, COSY and NOESY sequences incorporating such regioselective excitation in the F2 dimension yield protein 1H 2D NMR spectra of quality comparable to those obtained in deuterated detergents. Regioselective TOCSY and NOESY spectra display all through-bond and through-space correlations within amide-aromatic protons and between these protons and aliphatic and -protons. Regioselective COSY spectra provide scalar coupling constants between amide and -protons. Application of the method to the membrane-active peptide mastoparan X, solubilized in n-octylglucoside, yields complete sequence-specific assignments and extensive secondary structure-related spatial proximities and coupling constants. It is shown that mastoparan adopts an -helical conformation when bound to nonionic detergent micelles. The present method is expected to increase the applicability of 1H solution NMR methods to membrane proteins and peptides.Abbreviations 2D NMR two-dimensional NMR - COSY correlated spectroscopy - DANTE delays alternating nutations for tailored excitation - NOESY nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy - TOCSY total correlation spectroscopy  相似文献   

Summary The present study was performed to investigate whether membrane recycling via the dense apical tubules in cells of renal proximal tubules could be modified after exposure to large amounts of cationized ferritin. Proximal tubules in the rat kidney were microinfused in vivo with cationized ferritin for 10 or 30 min and then fixed with glutaraldehyde by microinfusion, or proximal tubules were microinfused with ferritin for 30 min and then fixed 2 h thereafter. The tubules were processed for electron microscopy, and the surface density and the volume density of the different cell organelles involved in endocytosis were determined by morphometry. The morphometric analyses showed that after loading of the endocytic vesicles with ferritin the surface density of dense apical tubules decreased to about 50% of the original value. However, 2 h later when ferritin had accumulated in the lysosomes the surface density of dense apical tubules had returned to control values. Furthermore, cationized ferritin was virtually absent from the Golgi region, indicating that the Golgi apparatus in these cells does not participate in membrane recycling. In conclusion, the present study shows that membrane recycling in renal proximal tubule cells can in part be inhibited by loading the endocytic vacuoles with ferritin.  相似文献   

Hot springs are regarded as treasury of valuable thermophiles. Like other bacteria, thermophiles are not easily cultivated using conventional culture methods. We used an advanced cultivation method, the filter plate microbial trap (FPMT), to isolate bacteria from thermal springs. In total, 184 isolates were obtained from five thermal springs using the FPMT and standard agar plate method, and their 16S rRNA gene sequences were analyzed. FPMT allowed us to obtain a culture collection that was larger, richer, and more novel than that obtained by standard cultivation. Seven novel species were obtained using the FPMT technique, whereas only one was isolated using a standard cultivation. We also found clear differences in the patterns of phylogenetic diversity and physiological properties between isolates from two cultivation methods. The results have encouraged us to apply the FPMT method in other extreme environments and offer further support for fostering the development of new cultivation methods.  相似文献   

Simple flexible programs (TREEMOMENT and PILEUPMOMENT) are described for depicting the average amphipathicity (hydrophobic moment) along multiply aligned sequences of a family of evolutionarily related proteins. The programs are applicable to any number of aligned sequences and can be set for any desired angle corresponding to a residue repeat unit in a protein secondary structural element such as 100 per residue for an alpha- helix or 180 per residue for a beta-strand. These programs can be used to identify amphipathic regions common to the members of a protein family. The use of these programs is exemplified by showing that some families of integral membrane transport proteins (i.e. permeases of the bacterial phosphotransferase system (PTS) and the anion exchangers of animals) exhibit strikingly amphipathic alpha-helical structures immediately preceding the first hydrophobic transmembrane segment of their membrane-embedded domain(s). Other families, such as the major facilitator superfamily of uniporters, symporters and antiporters, do not exhibit this structural feature. The amphipathic structures in PTS permeases have been implicated in membrane insertion during biogenesis.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins have become the focus of interest of many laboratories and structural genomics consortia, but their study is hampered by bottlenecks in production, solubilization, purification and crystallization. In our laboratory we have addressed the problem of high-level protein expression in the membrane of Escherichia coli by use of Mistic, a novel Bacillus subtilis protein, as a fusion partner. In this study we examine the effect of Mistic on protein expression and membrane integration levels of members of the E. coli histidine kinase receptor family. We find that Mistic fusion invariably increases the overall yield by targeting the cargo proteins more efficiently to the membrane and may even replace the signal sequence. Mistic fusion methods will likely be instrumental for high-level expression of other integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis was carried out in micellar solutions of various detergents which differ in degree of potency to denature proteins. From the application of this method to band 3 protein from erythrocyte membranes, it was suggested that the procedure was useful in studying the molecular state of membrane proteins.The electrophoretic behaviors of human and bovine band 3 protein did not show any species specificity in either a denature state and a state resembling the native state. As well as in nonionic detergent solutions, the dimeric and tetrameric structures of bovine band 3 protein were preserved in sodium deoxycholate solution, in which protein complexes maintained in nonionic detergent solutions are frequently dissociated. Even in dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide solution, which is a denaturant for water-soluble proteins, part of the band 3 protein was still present as the oligomer. The results suggest that the oligomeric form of band 3 protein is the stable structure and that the dimer and tetramer possibly coexist in membranes.  相似文献   

Treatment of mouse lymphocytes with very low concentrations of alamethicin or Lubrol PX induces spontaneous permeabilization of the plasma membrane to ATP and allows determination of adenylate cyclase activity in whole cells. The permeabilized cells retain responsiveness to hormones (isoproterenol, adenosine analogs) and to fluoride. The main advantage of this new method is that it does not require any homogenization step, and thus adenylate cyclase activities can be accurately and reproducibly measured with very low amounts of cells. It should be especially useful for the study of purified lymphocyte subpopulations.  相似文献   

This is the first report on the development of an immunohistochemical technique, combined with quantitative image analysis, for the assessment of oxidative stress quantitatively in nuclear DNA in situ, and its application to measure DNA damage in Duchenne muscular dystrophic (DMD) muscles. Three sequential staining procedures for cell nuclei, a cell marker, and a product of oxidative DNA damage, 8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), were performed. First, the nuclei in muscle sections were stained with Neutral Red followed by the capture of their images with an image analysis system used for absorbance measurements. Second, the same sections were then immunostained for laminin in basement membranes as the cell marker. Next, the sections were treated with 2 N HCl to remove the bound Neutral Red and to denature tissue DNA. Third, the sections were immunostained for 8-oxoG in DNA, using diaminobenzidine (DAB) to reveal the antibody complex. This was followed by capture of the images of the immunostained sections as previously. The absorbances at 451.2 nm of bound Neutral Red and DAB polymer oxides, the final product of 8-oxoG immunostaining, were measured in the same myonuclei in the sections. Analysis of these absorbances permitted indices of the 8-oxoG content, independent of the nuclear densities, to be determined in nuclear DNA in single myofibres and myosatellite cells surrounded by basement membranes. We found that the mean index for the myonuclei in biceps brachii muscles of 2- to 7-year-old patients was 14% higher than that in age-matched normal controls. This finding of the increased oxidative stress in the myonuclei in young DMD muscles agrees with the previous reports of increased oxidative stress in the cytoplasm in the DMD myofibres and myosatellite cells. The present technique for the quantitative assessment of oxidative stress in nuclear DNA in situ is applicable not only in biomedical research but also in the development of effective drugs for degenerative diseases related to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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