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In Drosophila, the subdivision into compartments requires the expression of engrailed (en) and hedgehog (hh) in the posterior cells and of cubitus-interruptus (ci) in the anterior cells. Whereas posterior cells express hh, only anterior cells are competent to respond to the hh signal, because of the presence of ci expression in these cells. We show here that engrailed and polyhomeotic (ph), a member of the Polycomb Group (PcG) genes, act concomitantly to maintain the repression of ci in posterior compartments during development. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), we identified a 1 kb genomic fragment located 4 kb upstream of the ci coding region that is responsible for the regulation of ci. This genomic fragment is bound in vivo by both Polyhomeotic and Engrailed. In particular, we show that Engrailed is responsible for the establishment of ci repression early during embryonic development and is also required, along with Polyhomeotic, to maintain the repression of ci throughout development.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that morphological diversity among homologous animal structures is generated by the homeotic (Hox) genes. However, the mechanisms through which Hox genes specify particular morphological features are not fully understood. We have addressed this issue by investigating how diverse sensory organ patterns are formed among the legs of the Drosophila melanogaster adult. The Drosophila adult has one pair of legs on each of its three thoracic segments (the T1-T3 segments). Although homologous, legs from different segments have distinct morphological features. Our focus is on the formation of diverse patterns of small mechanosensory bristles or microchaetae (mCs) among the legs. On T2 legs, the mCs are organized into a series of longitudinal rows (L-rows) precisely positioned along the leg circumference. The L-rows are observed on all three pairs of legs, but additional and novel pattern elements are found on T1 and T3 legs. For example, at specific positions on T1 and T3 legs, some mCs are organized into transverse rows (T-rows). Our studies indicate that the T-rows on T1 and T3 legs are established as a result of Hox gene modulation of the pathway for patterning the L-row mC bristles. Our findings suggest that the Hox genes, Sex combs reduced (Scr) and Ultrabithorax (Ubx), establish differential expression of the proneural gene achaete (ac) by modifying expression of the ac prepattern regulator, Delta (Dl), in T1 and T3 legs, respectively. This study identifies Dl as a potential link between Hox genes and the sensory organ patterning hierarchy, providing insight into the connection between Hox gene function and the formation of specific morphological features.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic gradient of Hh is tightly regulated for correct patterning in Drosophila and vertebrates. The Patched (Ptc) receptor is required for restricting Hh long-range activity in the imaginal discs. In this study, we investigate the different types of Hh accretion that can be observed in the Drosophila embryonic epithelial cells. We found that, in receiving cells, large apical punctate structures of Hh (Hh-LPSs) are not depending on the Ptc receptor-dependent internalization of Hh but rather reflect Hh gradient. By analyzing the dynamic of the Hh-LPS gradient formation, we demonstrate that Hh distribution is strongly restricted during late embryonic stages compared to earlier stages. We demonstrate that the up-regulation of Ptc is required for the temporal regulation of the Hh gradient. We further show that dynamin-dependent internalization of Hh is not regulating Hh spreading but is involved in shaping Hh gradient. We found that Hh gradient modulation is directly related with the dynamic expression of the ventral Hh target gene serrate (ser) and with the Hh-dependent dorsal cell fate determination. Finally, our study shows that, in vivo, the Hh/Ptc complex is internalized in the Rab7-enriched lysosomal compartment in a Ptc-dependent manner without the co-receptor Smoothened (Smo). We propose that controlled degradation is an active mechanism important for Hh gradient formation.  相似文献   

Secreted Hedgehog (Hh) proteins control many aspects of growth and patterning in animal development. The mechanism by which the Hh signal is sent and transduced is still not well understood. We describe a genetic screen aimed at identifying positive regulators in the hh pathway. We recovered multiple new alleles of hh and dispatched (disp). In addition, we identified a novel component in the hh pathway, which we name central missing (cmn). Loss-of-function mutations in cmn cause similar patterning defects to those caused by hh or dispatched (disp) mutations. Moreover, cmn affects the expression of hh responsive genes but not of hh itself. Like disp, cmn acts upstream of patched (ptc) and its activity is required only in the Hh secreting cells. However, unlike disp, which is required for the release of the cholesterol-modified form of Hh, cmn regulates the activity of Hh in a manner that is independent of cholesterol modification. Finally, we show that cmn mutations bear molecular lesions in CG11495, which encodes a putative membrane bound acyltransferase related to Porcupine, a protein implicated in regulating the secretion of Wingless (Wg) signal.  相似文献   

Polychaete annelids and arthropods are both segmented protostome invertebrates. To investigate whether the segmented body plan of these two phyla share a common molecular ground pattern, we report the developmental expression of orthologues of the arthropod segment polarity genes engrailed (en), hedgehog (hh), and wingless (wg/Wnt1) in larval and juvenile stages of the polychaete annelid Capitella sp. I and en in a second polychaete, Hydroides elegans. Temporally, neither Wnt1 nor hh are detected in the segmented region of the larval body until after morphological segmentation is apparent. Expression of CapI-Wnt1 is limited to a ring of ectoderm marking the future anus during larval segmentation. CapI-hh is expressed in a ring of the hindgut internal to that of CapI-Wnt1, as well as in a subset of ventral nerve cord neurons, anterior gut tissue, and mesoderm. In both H. elegans and Capitella sp. I, en is expressed in a spatially and temporally dynamic manner in segmentally iterated structures as well as a population of cells that migrate internally from ectoderm to mesoderm, possibly representing a population of ecto-mesodermal precursors. Significantly, the expression patterns we report for wg, en, and hh orthologues in Capitella sp. I and for en in larval development of H. elegans are not comparable to the highly conserved ectodermal segment polarity pattern observed in arthropods at any life history stage, consistent with distinct origins of segmentation between annelids and arthropods.  相似文献   

The homeotic genes are essential to the patterning of the anterior-posterior axis along the developing Drosophila embryo. The expression timing and levels of these genes are crucial for the correct specification of segmental identity. The Abdominal-B (Abd-B) gene is first detected in the most posterior abdominal segments at high levels and gradually appears in progressively anterior abdominal segments in lower amounts. Regulatory mutations affecting this expression pattern produce homeotic transformations in the abdomen. The promoter targeting sequences (PTS) from Abd-B locus overcome the enhancer blocking effect of insulators and facilitate long-range enhancer-promoter interactions in transgenic flies (1, 2). In this study, we found that transgene activation by the IAB5 enhancer can be delayed by inserting a 9.5 kb 3′ Abd-B regulatory region containing the Frontabdominal-8 (Fab-8) insulator and the PTS element. We found that the delay is caused by the PTS and an insulator, and it is not specific to the enhancer or the promoter tested. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that the delay of remote enhancers is responsible for the Abd-B expression pattern, which is at least in part due to the regulatory activities of the PTS elements and chromatin boundaries.  相似文献   

Diplopods (millipedes) are known for their irregular body segmentation. Most importantly, the number of dorsal segmental cuticular plates (tergites) does not match the number of ventral structures (e.g., sternites). Controversial theories exist to explain the origin of this so-called diplosegmentation. We have studied the embryology of a representative diplopod, Glomeris marginata, and have analyzed the segmentation genes engrailed (en), hedgehog (hh), cubitus-interruptus (ci), and wingless (wg). We show that dorsal segments can be distinguished from ventral segments. They differ not only in number and developmental history, but also in gene expression patterns. engrailed, hedgehog, and cubitus-interruptus are expressed in both ventral and dorsal segments, but at different intrasegmental locations, whereas wingless is expressed only in the ventral segments, but not in the dorsal segments. Ventrally, the patterns are similar to what has been described from Drosophila and other arthropods, consistent with a conserved role of these genes in establishing parasegment boundaries. On the dorsal side, however, the gene expression patterns are different and inconsistent with a role in boundary formation between segments, but they suggest that these genes might function to establish the tergite borders. Our data suggest a profound and rather complete decoupling of dorsal and ventral segmentation leading to the dorsoventral discrepancies in the number of segmental elements. Based on gene expression, we propose a model that may resolve the hitherto controversial issue of the correlation between dorsal tergites and ventral leg pairs in basal diplopods (e.g., Glomeris) and is suggestive also for derived, ring-forming diplopods (e.g., Juliformia).  相似文献   

Vertebrate retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) undergo a robust proliferative expansion to produce enough cells for the retina to form appropriately. Vsx2 (formerly Chx10), a homeodomain protein expressed in RPCs, is required for sufficient proliferation to occur. Sonic Hedgehog protein (SHH), secreted by retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), activates Hedgehog (Hh) signaling in RPCs and is also required for sufficient proliferation to occur. Therefore, we sought to determine if reduced Hh signaling is a contributing factor to the proliferation changes that occur in the absence of Vsx2. To do this, we examined Shh expression and Hh signaling activity in the homozygous ocular retardation J (orJ) mouse, which harbors a recessive null allele in the Vsx2 gene. We found that Shh expression and Hh signaling activity are delayed during early retinal development in orJ mice and this correlates with a delay in the onset of RGC differentiation. At birth, reduced expression of genes regulated by Hh signaling was observed despite the production of SHH ligand. orJ RPCs respond to pre-processed recombinant SHH ligand (SHH-N) in explant culture as evidenced by increased proliferation and expression of Hh target genes. Interestingly, proliferation in the orJ retina is further inhibited by cyclopamine, an antagonist of Hh signaling. Our results suggest that reduced Hh signaling contributes to the reduced level of RPC proliferation in the orJ retina, thereby revealing a role for Vsx2 in mediating mitogen signaling.  相似文献   

Segment formation in the long germ insect Drosophila is dominated by overlapping gap gene domains in the syncytial blastoderm. In the short germ beetle Tribolium castaneum abdominal segments arise from a cellular growth zone, implying different patterning mechanisms. We describe here the single Tribolium ortholog of the Drosophila genes knirps and knirps-related (called Tc-knirps). Tc-knirps expression is conserved during head patterning and at later stages. However, posterior Tc-knirps expression in the ectoderm is limited to a stripe in A1, instead of a broad abdominal domain covering segment primordia A2-A5 as in Drosophila. Tc-knirps RNAi yields only mild defects in the abdomen, at a position posterior to the abdominal Tc-knirps domain. In addition, Tc-knirps RNAi larvae lack the antennal and mandibular segments. These defects are much more severe than the head defects caused by combined inactivation of Dm-knirps and Dm-knirps-related. Our findings support the notion that the role of gap gene homologs in abdominal segmentation differs fundamentally in long and short germ insects. Moreover, the pivotal role of Tc-knirps in the head suggests an ancestral role for knirps as head patterning gene. Based on this RNAi analysis, Tc-knirps functions neither in the head nor the abdomen as a canonical gap gene.  相似文献   

The linear cardiac tube of Drosophila, the dorsal vessel, is an important model organ for the study of cardiac specification and patterning in vertebrates. In Drosophila, the Hox segmentation gene abdominal-A (abd-A) is required for the specification of a functionally distinct heart region at the posterior of the dorsal vessel, from which blood is pumped anteriorly through a tube termed the aorta. Since we have previously shown that the posterior part of the aorta is specified during embryogenesis to form the adult heart during metamorphosis, we determined if the embryonic aorta is also patterned by the function of Hox segmentation genes. Using gain- and loss-of-function experiments, we demonstrate that the three Hox genes expressed in the posterior aorta and heart are sufficient to confer heart or posterior aorta fate throughout the dorsal vessel. Additionally, we demonstrate that Ultrabithorax and abd-A, but not Antennapedia, function to control cell number in the dorsal vessel. These studies add robustness to the model that homeotic selector genes pattern the Drosophila dorsal vessel, and further extend our understanding of how the cardiac tube is patterned in animal models.  相似文献   

Developmental mechanisms of segmentation appear to be varied among insects in spite of their conserved body plan. Although the expression patterns of the segment polarity genes in all insects examined imply well conserved function of this class of genes, expression patterns and function of the pair-rule genes tend to exhibit diversity. To gain further insights into the evolution of the segmentation process and the role of pair-rule genes, we have examined expression and function of an ortholog of the Drosophila pair-rule gene even-skipped (eve) in a phylogenetically basal insect, Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera, intermediate germ cricket). We find that Gryllus eve (Gb'eve) is expressed as stripes in each of the prospective gnathal, thoracic, and abdominal segments and as a broad domain in the posterior growth zone. Dynamics of stripe formation vary among Gb'eve stripes, representing one of the three modes, the segmental, incomplete pair-rule, and complete pair-rule mode. Furthermore, we find that RNAi suppression of Gb'eve results in segmentation defects in both anterior and posterior regions of the embryo. Mild depletion of Gb'eve shows a pair-rule-like defect in anterior segments, while stronger depletion causes a gap-like defect showing deletion of anterior and posterior segments. These results suggest that Gb'eve acts as a pair-rule gene at least during anterior segmentation and also has segmental and gap-like functions. Additionally, Gb'eve may be involved in the regulation of hunchback and Krüppel expression. Comparisons with eve functions in other species suggest that the Gb'eve function may represent an intermediate state of the evolution of pair-rule patterning by eve in insects.  相似文献   

During Drosophila wing development, Hedgehog (Hh) signalling is required to pattern the imaginal disc epithelium along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis. The Notch (N) and Wingless (Wg) signalling pathways organise the dorsal-ventral (DV) axis, including patterning along the presumptive wing margin. Here, we describe a functional hierarchy of these signalling pathways that highlights the importance of competing influences of Hh, N, and Wg in establishing gene expression domains. Investigation of the modulation of Hh target gene expression along the DV axis of the wing disc revealed that collier/knot (col/kn), patched (ptc), and decapentaplegic (dpp) are repressed at the DV boundary by N signalling. Attenuation of Hh signalling activity caused by loss of fused function results in a striking down-regulation of col, ptc, and engrailed (en) symmetrically about the DV boundary. We show that this down-regulation depends on activity of the canonical Wg signalling pathway. We propose that modulation of the response of cells to Hh along the future proximodistal (PD) axis is necessary for generation of the correctly patterned three-dimensional adult wing. Our findings suggest a paradigm of repression of the Hh response by N and/or Wnt signalling that may be applicable to signal integration in vertebrate appendages.  相似文献   

Leg development in Drosophila has been studied in much detail. However, Drosophila limbs form in the larva as imaginal discs and not during embryogenesis as in most other arthropods. Here, we analyze appendage genes in the spider Cupiennius salei and the beetle Tribolium castaneum. Differences in decapentaplegic (dpp) expression suggest a different mode of distal morphogen signaling suitable for the specific geometry of growing limb buds. Also, expression of the proximal genes homothorax (hth) and extradenticle (exd) is significantly altered: in the spider, exd is restricted to the proximal leg and hth expression extends distally, while in insects, exd is expressed in the entire leg and hth is restricted to proximal parts. This reversal of spatial specificity demonstrates an evolutionary shift, which is nevertheless compatible with a conserved role of this gene pair as instructor of proximal fate. Different expression dynamics of dachshund and Distal-less point to modifications in the regulation of the leg gap gene system. We comment on the significance of this finding for attempts to homologize leg segments in different arthropod classes. Comparison of the expression profiles of H15 and optomotor-blind to the Drosophila patterns suggests modifications also in the dorsal-ventral patterning system of the legs. Together, our results suggest alterations in many components of the leg developmental system, namely proximal-distal and dorsal-ventral patterning, and leg segmentation. Thus, the leg developmental system exhibits a propensity to evolutionary change, which probably forms the basis for the impressive diversity of arthropod leg morphologies.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Drosophila trol gene cause cell cycle arrest of neuroblasts in the larval brain. Here, we show that trol encodes the Drosophila homolog of Perlecan and regulates neuroblast division by modulating both FGF and Hh signaling. Addition of human FGF-2 to trol mutant brains in culture rescues the trol proliferation phenotype, while addition of a MAPK inhibitor causes cell cycle arrest of the regulated neuroblasts in wildtype brains. Like FGF, Hh activates stem cell division in the larval brain in a Trol-dependent fashion. Coimmunoprecipitation studies are consistent with interactions between Trol and Hh and between mammalian Perlecan and Shh that are not competed with heparin sulfate. Finally, analyses of mutations in trol, hh, and ttv suggest that Trol affects Hh movement. These results indicate that Trol can mediate signaling through both of the FGF and Hedgehog pathways to control the onset of stem cell proliferation in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

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