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Although theoretical models consider social networks as pathways for disease transmission, strong empirical support, particularly for indirectly transmitted parasites, is lacking for many wildlife populations. We found multiple genetic strains of the enteric bacterium Salmonella enterica within a population of Australian sleepy lizards (Tiliqua rugosa), and we found that pairs of lizards that shared bacterial genotypes were more strongly connected in the social network than were pairs of lizards that did not. In contrast, there was no significant association between spatial proximity of lizard pairs and shared bacterial genotypes. These results provide strong correlative evidence that these bacteria are transmitted from host to host around the social network, rather than that adjacent lizards are picking up the same bacterial genotype from some common source.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a naturally endemic blood parasite (Hepatozoon hinuliae) were studied in a lizard (Eulamprus quoyii) host population, using 2 years of longitudinal data. We investigated how parasite abundance in the population varied over time, examined whether certain host sub-populations were more prone to infection, and compared parasite loads in relation to host reproductive behaviour. We recorded blood parasite infections of 331 individuals, obtained in 593 captures. Prevalence (the proportion of the host population infected) of blood parasites was high; approximately 66% of the lizard population was infected. Probability of infection increased with host age and size, but did not differ between the sexes. Within individuals, parasite load (the intensity of infection within individuals) did not vary over time, and was independent of host reproductive behaviour. Parasite load was significantly higher in males compared to females.  相似文献   

Evidence of social learning, whereby the actions of an animal facilitate the acquisition of new information by another, is taxonomically biased towards mammals, especially primates, and birds. However, social learning need not be limited to group-living animals because species with less interaction can still benefit from learning about potential predators, food sources, rivals and mates. We trained male skinks (Eulamprus quoyii), a mostly solitary lizard from eastern Australia, in a two-step foraging task. Lizards belonging to ‘young’ and ‘old’ age classes were presented with a novel instrumental task (displacing a lid) and an association task (reward under blue lid). We did not find evidence for age-dependent learning of the instrumental task; however, young males in the presence of a demonstrator learnt the association task faster than young males without a demonstrator, whereas old males in both treatments had similar success rates. We present the first evidence of age-dependent social learning in a lizard and suggest that the use of social information for learning may be more widespread than previously believed.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction is problematic to explain due to its costs, most notably the twofold cost of sex. Yet, sex has been suggested to be favourable in the presence of proliferating intragenomic parasites given that sexual recombination provides a mechanism to confine the accumulation of deleterious mutations. Kraaijeveld et al. compared recently the accumulation of transposons in sexually and asexually reproducing lines of the same species, the parasitoid wasp Leptopilina clavipes. They discovered that within asexually reproducing wasps, the number of gypsy‐like retrotransposons was increased fourfold, whereas other retrotransposons were not. Interestingly, gypsy‐like retrotransposons are closely related to retroviruses. Endogenous retroviruses are retroviruses that have integrated to the germ line cells and are inherited thereafter vertically. They can also replicate within the genome similarly to retrotransposons as well as form virus particles and infect previously uninfected cells. This highlights the possibility that endogenous retroviruses could play a role in the evolution of sexual reproduction. Here, we show with an individual‐based computational model that a virus epidemic within a previously parasite‐free asexual population may establish a new intragenomic parasite to the population. Moreover and in contrast to other transposons, the possibility of endogenous viruses to maintain a virus epidemic and simultaneously provide resistance to individuals carrying active endogenous viruses selects for the presence of active intragenomic parasites in the population despite their deleterious effects. Our results suggest that the viral nature of certain intragenomic parasites should be taken into account when sex and its benefits are being considered.  相似文献   

Oecologia - Social learning is thought to be advantageous as it allows an animal to gather information quickly without engaging in costly trial-and-error learning. However, animals should be...  相似文献   



The construction of complex spatial simulation models such as those used in network epidemiology, is a daunting task due to the large amount of data involved in their parameterization. Such data, which frequently resides on large geo-referenced databases, has to be processed and assigned to the various components of the model. All this just to construct the model, then it still has to be simulated and analyzed under different epidemiological scenarios. This workflow can only be achieved efficiently by computational tools that can automate most, if not all, these time-consuming tasks. In this paper, we present a simulation software, Epigrass, aimed to help designing and simulating network-epidemic models with any kind of node behavior.  相似文献   

A multilayer network approach combines different network layers,which are connected by interlayer edges,to create a single mathematical object.These networks can contain a variety of information types and represent different aspects of a system.However,the process for selecting which information to include is not always straightforward.Using data on 2 agonistic behaviors in a captive population of monk parakeets(Myiopsitta monachus),we developed a framework for investigating how pooling or splitting behaviors at the scale of dyadic relationships(between 2 individuals)affects individual-and group-level social properties.We designed 2 reference models to test whether randomizing the number of interactions across behavior types results in similar structural patterns as the observed data.Although the behaviors were correlated,the first reference model suggests that the 2 behaviors convey different information about some social properties and should therefore not be pooled.However,once we controlled for data sparsity,we found that the observed measures corresponded with those from the second reference model.Hence,our initial result may have been due to the unequal frequencies of each behavior.Overall,our findings support pooling the 2 behaviors.Awareness of how selected measurements can be affected by data properties is warranted,but nonetheless our framework disentangles these efforts and as a result can be used for myriad types of behaviors and questions.This framework will help researchers make informed and data-driven decisions about which behaviors to pool or separate,prior to using the data in subsequent multilayer network analyses.  相似文献   

Parasite speciation and host-parasite coevolution should be studied at both macroevolutionary and microevolutionary levels. Studies on a macroevolutionary scale provide an essential framework for understanding the origins of parasite lineages and the patterns of diversification. However, because coevolutionary interactions can be highly divergent across time and space, it is important to quantify and compare the phylogeographic variation in both the host and the parasite throughout their geographical range. Furthermore, to evaluate demographic parameters that are relevant to population genetics structure, such as effective population size and parasite transmission, parasite populations must be studied using neutral genetic markers. Previous emphasis on larger-scale studies means that the connection between microevolutionary and macroevolutionary events is poorly explored. In this article, we focus on the spatial fragmentation of parasites and the population genetics processes behind their diversification in an effort to bridge the micro- and macro-scales.  相似文献   

Social monogamy has traditionally been suggested to be maintained because of weak sexual selection on male partner acquisition. However, the ubiquitous incidence of extra-pair paternity suggests that sexual selection can be strong in monogamous systems, although studies partitioning variance in male reproductive success have come to mixed conclusions. Here, we use detailed field data to examine variance in male reproductive success and its implications for the maintenance of sociality in a population of the socially monogamous lizard Egernia whitii. We show that both within-pair and, to a lesser extent, extra-pair partner acquisition contribute to the variance in male reproductive success, resulting in considerable opportunity for sexual selection. Despite this, levels of multiple mating are lower in Egernia compared to other reptiles, suggesting that male partner acquisition is constrained. We suggest that this constraint may be a result of strong territoriality combined with sexual conflict over multiple mating generated by costs of extra-pair paternity to females as a result of facultative male care. This has the potential to limit sexual selection by reducing variance in male reproductive success and therefore contribute to the maintenance of complex social organization.  相似文献   

Because tau aggregation likely plays a role in a number of neurodegenerative diseases, understanding the processes that affect tau aggregation is of considerable importance. One factor that has been shown to influence the aggregation propensity is the oxidation state of the protein itself. Tau protein, which contains two naturally occurring cysteine residues, can form both intermolecular disulfide bonds and intramolecular disulfide bonds. Several studies suggest that intermolecular disulfide bonds can promote tau aggregation in vitro. By contrast, although there are data to suggest that intramolecular disulfide bond formation retards tau aggregation in vitro, the precise mechanism underlying this observation remains unclear. While it has been hypothesized that a single intramolecular disulfide bond in tau leads to compact conformations that cannot form extended structure consistent with tau fibrils, there are few data to support this conjecture. In the present study we generate oxidized forms of the truncation mutant, K18, which contains all four microtubule binding repeats, and isolate the monomeric fraction, which corresponds to K18 monomers that have a single intramolecular disulfide bond. We study the aggregation propensity of the oxidized monomeric fraction and relate these data to an atomistic model of the K18 unfolded ensemble. Our results argue that the main effect of intramolecular disulfide bond formation is to preferentially stabilize conformers within the unfolded ensemble that place the aggregation-prone tau subsequences, PHF6* and PHF6, in conformations that are inconsistent with the formation of cross-β-structure. These data further our understanding of the precise structural features that retard tau aggregation.  相似文献   

杨立  李维德 《生态学报》2012,32(6):1773-1782
利用概率元胞自动机模型对空间隐式的、食饵具Allee效应的一类捕食食饵模型进行模拟,发现随着相关参数的变化,种群的空间扩散前沿由连续的扩散波逐渐转变为一种相互隔离的斑块向外扩散,这种斑块扩散现象与以往的扩散模式有所不同。研究结果表明:(1)在斑块扩散的情况下,相关参数的微小变化会导致种群灭绝或者形成连续的扩散波,即斑块扩散发生在种群趋于灭绝和连续扩散之间;(2)当种群的空间扩散方式为斑块扩散时,种群的扩散速度会变慢,与其他扩散方式下的速度有着明显的区别。该研究结果对生物入侵控制和外来物种监测有重要的启发和指导作用。  相似文献   

Individual differences in behaviour are ubiquitous in nature. Despite the likely role of selection in maintaining these differences, there are few demonstrations of their fitness consequences in wild populations and, consequently, the mechanisms that link behavioural variation to variation in fitness are poorly understood. Specifically, the consequences of consistent individual differences in behaviour for the evolution of social and mating strategies have rarely been considered. We examined the functional links between variation in female aggression and her social and mating strategies in a wild population of the social lizard Egernia whitii. We show that female Egernia exhibit temporally consistent aggressive phenotypes, which are unrelated to body size, territory size or social density. A female''s aggressive phenotype, however, has strong links to her mode of paternity acquisition (within- versus extra-pair paternity), with more aggressive females having more offspring sired by extra-pair males than less aggressive females. We discuss the potential mechanisms by which female aggression could underpin mating strategies, such as the pursuit/acceptance of extra-pair copulations. We propose that a deeper understanding of the evolution and maintenance of social and mating systems may result from an explicit focus on individual-level female behavioural phenotypes and their relationship with key reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Although seed-dispersal networks are increasingly used to infer the functioning of ecosystems, few studies have investigated the link between the properties of these networks and the ecosystem function of seed dispersal by animals. We investigate how frugivore communities and seed dispersal change with habitat disturbance and test whether relationships between morphological traits and functional roles of seed dispersers change in response to human-induced forest edges. We recorded interaction frequencies between fleshy fruited plants and frugivorous bird species in tropical montane forests in the Bolivian Andes and recorded functional bird traits (body mass, gape width and wing tip length) associated with quantitative (seed-removal rate) and qualitative (seed-deposition pattern) components of seed-dispersal effectiveness. We found that the abundance and richness of frugivorous birds were higher at forest edges. More fruits were removed and dispersed seeds were less clustered at edges than in the interior. Additionally, functional and interaction diversity were higher at edges than in the interior, but functional and interaction evenness did not differ. Interaction strength of bird species increased with body mass, gape width and wing tip length in the forest interior, but was not related to bird morphologies at forest edges. Our study suggests that increases in functional and interaction diversity and an even distribution of interaction strength across bird morphologies lead to enhanced quantity and tentatively enhanced quality of seed dispersal. It also suggests that the effects of species traits on ecosystem functions can vary along small-scale gradients of human disturbance.  相似文献   

Allee effects are thought to mediate the dynamics of population colonization, particularly for invasive species. However, Allee effects acting on parasites have rarely been considered in the analogous process of infectious disease establishment and spread. We studied the colonization of uninfected wild juvenile Pacific salmon populations by ectoparasitic salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) over a 4-year period. In a data set of 68,376 fish, we observed 85 occurrences of precopular pair formation among 1,259 preadult female and 613 adult male lice. The probability of pair formation was dependent on the local abundance of lice, but this mate limitation is likely offset somewhat by mate-searching dispersal of males among host fish. A mathematical model of macroparasite population dynamics that incorporates the empirical results suggests a high likelihood of a demographic Allee effect, which can cause the colonizing parasite populations to die out. These results may provide the first empirical evidence for Allee effects in a macroparasite. Furthermore, the data give a rare detailed view of Allee effects in colonization dynamics and suggest that Allee effects may dampen the spread of parasites in a coastal marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

The lizard genus Egernia has been suggested as an excellent model system for examining the evolution of sociality as it exhibits considerable diversity in social organization both between and within species. To date the majority of work examining the factors responsible for the evolution of sociality within Egernia has advocated a broad scale approach; identifying the social structure of specific species or populations and comparing the degree of sociality between them. However, we argue that significant advancements could also be gained by examining variation in social strategies within populations. Here we integrate a detailed, 3‐year, field‐based examination of social spacing and juvenile dispersal with molecular analyses of paternity to determine the social and mating system of a Tasmanian population of White's skink (Egernia whitii). We show that E. whitii live in small stable family groups consisting of an adult male, his female partner(s), as well as juvenile or sub‐adults individuals. In addition, while the mating system is characterized by considerable genetic monogamy, extra‐pair fertilizations are relatively common, with 34% of litters containing offspring sired by males from outside the social group. We also show that traits related to social organization (social group composition, group size, stability and the level of extra‐pair paternity) vary both between and within individuals. We suggest that ecological factors, such as habitat saturation, quality and availability, play a key role in maintaining between individual variation in social strategies, and that examining these individual level processes will allow us to more clearly understand variation in sociality among species.  相似文献   

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