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Chronic helminthiasis is recognized as a significant factor in cancer development in humans. However, the mechanisms by which helminths initiate and promote malignant transformation of host cells are still not understood fully. Human helminthiasis can cause genetic instability and affect inter- and intracellular communication, ultimately leading to tumour development through inflammation, modulation of the host immune system, and secretion of soluble factors that interact with host cells.  相似文献   

Although there are different ways in which cells may die, it is now thought that in a developmental context cells are induced to positively commit suicide whilst in a homeostatic context the absence of certain survival factors may provide the impetus for suicide. There appears to be some variation in the morphology and indeed the biochemistry of these suicide pathways; some treading the path of "apoptosis", others following a more generalized pathway to deletion, but both usually being genetically and synthetically motivated. There is some evidence that certain symptoms of "apoptosis" such as endonuclease activation can be spuriously induced without engaging a genetic cascade, however, presumably true apoptosis and programmed cell death must be genetically mediated. It is also becoming clear that mitosis and apoptosis are toggled or linked in some way and that the balance achieved depends on signals received from appropriate growth or survival factors.  相似文献   



Recognition of microbial pathogens by plants triggers the hypersensitive reaction, a common form of programmed cell death in plants. These dying cells generate signals that activate the plant immune system and alarm the neighboring cells as well as the whole plant to activate defense responses to limit the spread of the pathogen. The molecular mechanisms behind the hypersensitive reaction are largely unknown except for the recognition process of pathogens. We delineate the NRP-gene in soybean, which is specifically induced during this programmed cell death and contains a novel protein domain, which is commonly found in different plant proteins.  相似文献   

The link between parasites and eosinophilia has been known for more than a century, although the role of eosinophils in host protection is still an open issue. Much less appreciated, however, is the concurrent systemic induction of a related cell type, the basophil, in parasitized hosts. To date, little is known about the role of basophils in immunity against parasites, but recent evidence points to a possible crucial role in the initiation of T-helper type 2 responses in the host. In this article, we review the current understanding of parasitic infections and basophils and discuss their putative role in immunity.  相似文献   

Do antioxidants play a role in schistosome host-parasite interactions?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Schistosoma mansoni, an intravascular parasite, lives in a hostile environment in close contact with host humoral and cellular cytotoxic factors. To establish itself in the host, the schistosome has evolved a number of immune evasion mechanisms. Here, Philip LoVerde discusses evidence suggesting that antioxidant enzymes provide one such mechanism used by adult schistosomes. Antioxidant enzymes may thus represent a target for immune elimination of adult worms.  相似文献   

The rolB oncogene was previously identified as an important player in ROS metabolism in transformed plant cells. Numerous reports indicate a crucial role for animal oncogenes in apoptotic cell death. Whether plant oncogenes such as rolB can induce programmed cell death (PCD) in transformed plant cells is of particular importance. In this investigation, we used a single-cell assay based on confocal microscopy and fluorescent dyes capable of discriminating between apoptotic and necrotic cells. Our results indicate that the expression of rolB in plant cells was sufficient to decrease the proportion of apoptotic cells in steady-state conditions and diminish the rate of apoptotic cells during induced PCD. These data suggest that plant oncogenes, like animal oncogenes, may be involved in the processes mediating PCD.  相似文献   

Necrosis: a specific form of programmed cell death?   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
For a long time necrosis was considered as an alternative to programmed cell death, apoptosis. Indeed, necrosis has distinct morphological features and it is accompanied by rapid permeabilization of plasma membrane. However, recent data indicate that, in contrast to necrosis caused by very extreme conditions, there are many examples when this form of cell death may be a normal physiological and regulated (programmed) event. Various stimuli (e.g., cytokines, ischemia, heat, irradiation, pathogens) can cause both apoptosis and necrosis in the same cell population. Furthermore, signaling pathways, such as death receptors, kinase cascades, and mitochondria, participate in both processes, and by modulating these pathways, it is possible to switch between apoptosis and necrosis. Moreover, antiapoptotic mechanisms (e.g., Bcl-2/Bcl-x proteins, heat shock proteins) are equally effective in protection against apoptosis and necrosis. Therefore, necrosis, along with apoptosis, appears to be a specific form of execution phase of programmed cell death, and there are several examples of necrosis during embryogenesis, a normal tissue renewal, and immune response. However, the consequences of necrotic and apoptotic cell death for a whole organism are quite different. In the case of necrosis, cytosolic constituents that spill into extracellular space through damaged plasma membrane may provoke inflammatory response; during apoptosis these products are safely isolated by membranes and then are consumed by macrophages. The inflammatory response caused by necrosis, however, may have obvious adaptive significance (i.e., emergence of a strong immune response) under some pathological conditions (such as cancer and infection). On the other hand, disturbance of a fine balance between necrosis and apoptosis may be a key element in development of some diseases.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells have to constantly cope with environmental cues and integrate developmental signals. Cell survival or death is the only possible outcome. In the field of animal biology, tremendous efforts have been put into the understanding of mechanisms underlying cell fate decision. Distinct organelles have been proven to sense a broad range of stimuli and, if necessary, engage cell death signalling pathway(s). Over the years, forward and reverse genetic screens have uncovered numerous regulators of programmed cell death (PCD) in plants. However, to date, molecular networks are far from being deciphered and, apart from the autophagic compartment, no organelles have been assigned a clear role in the regulation of cellular suicide. The endomembrane system (ES) seems, nevertheless, to harbour a significant number of cell death mediators. In this review, the involvement of this system in the control of plant PCD is discussed in‐depth, as well as compared and contrasted with what is known in animal and yeast systems.  相似文献   

Research on programmed cell death in plants is providing insight into the primordial mechanism of programmed cell death in all eukaryotes. Much of the attention in studies on animal programmed cell death has focused on determining the importance of signal proteases termed caspases. However, it has recently been shown that cell death can still occur even when the caspase cascade is blocked, revealing that there is an underlying oncotic default pathway. Many programmed plant cell deaths also appear to be oncotic. Shared features of plant and animal programmed cell death can be used to deduce the primordial components of eukaryotic programmed cell death. From this perspective, we must ask whether the mitochondrion is a common factor that can serve in plant and animal cell death as a stress sensor and as a dispatcher of programmed cell death.  相似文献   

Over the past several years, it has become apparent that enteropathogens activate cell death programs. For Salmonella and Shigella species, the induction of cell death is required for pathogenesis, and the mechanisms by which these bacteria induce cell death is an area of intense investigation. Although initial studies suggested that Salmonella induce cell death through an apoptotic pathway, recent studies demonstrate that cell death occurs through a unique caspase 1-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Paper analyses data on, and reviews mechanisms of, interactions between active oxygen radicals (AOR) and cellular DNA. Some workers suggest that AOR might have positive regulatory role in the cell influencing DNA because synthesis of some cellular proteins is being activated in the presence of AOR. The paper offers explanations to such effects through non-specific damage of proteins-repressors or the latter's active centers at DNA by AOR, suggesting that this is not a regulatory role. Author also assesses the existing cellular antioxidant systems and produces evidences that damaging AOR like hydroxyl, peroxide and superoxide-anions can not be treated as positive regulators of genome functioning. However, certain regulatory functions in the cell can be realized by "heavy" free radicals which appear in the cell as a result of AOR-induced oxidation processes. The paper suggests that this is due to complex macromolecular interactions between DNA and "heavy" free radicals rather than because of the latter" s AOR properties, nature and origin.  相似文献   

When cells are induced to undergo apoptosis in the presence of general caspase inhibitors and then returned to their normal growth environment, there follows an extended period of life during which the entire cohort of mitochondria (including mitochondrial DNA) disappears from the cells. This phenomenon is widespread; it occurs in NGF-deprived sympathetic neurons, in NGF-maintained neurons treated with cytosine arabinoside, and in diverse cell lines treated with staurosporine, including HeLa, CHO, 3T3 and Rat 1 cells. Mitochondrial removal is highly selective since the structure of all other organelles remains unperturbed. Since Bcl2 overexpression blocks the removal of mitochondria without preventing death-inducing signals, it appears that the mitochondria are responsible for initiating their own demise. Degradation of mitochondria is not in itself a rare event. It occurs in large part by autophagy during normal cell house-keeping, during ecdysis in insects, as well as after induction of apoptosis. However, the complete and selective removal of an entire cohort of mitochondria in otherwise living mammalian cells has not been described previously. These findings raise several questions. What are the mechanisms which remove mitochondria in such a 'clean' fashion? What are the signals that target mitochondria for such selective degradation? How are cells that have lost their mitochondria different from rho0 cells (which retain mitochondria but lack mitochondrial DNA, and cannot carry out oxidative phosphorylation)? Are the cells which have lost mitochondria absolutely committed to die or might they be repaired by mitochondrial therapy? The answers will be especially relevant when considering treatment of diseases affecting long-lived and non-renewable organs such as the nervous system.  相似文献   

The biological function of juvenile leaves pigmented with anthocyanin is poorly understood. The role anthocyanins play in UV protection was assessed in juvenile leaves of two Syzygium species (S. luehmannii and S. wilsonii) which contain high anthocyanin concentrations. HPLC was used to separate UV-absorbing anthocyanins from other soluble UV-absorbing phenolic compounds. The isolated anthocyanins (predominantly malvidin-3,5-diglucoside) contributed little to the total absorbance of UV-A and UV-8 radiation. This was because the non-acylated anthocyanins only effectively absorbed shortwave UV-B radiation and the strong absorbance by other compounds. These results suggest that the UV protection hypothesis is not valid for anthocyanins in juvenile Syzygium leaves.  相似文献   



Studies have demonstrated that early weaning can promote metabolic syndrome during adulthood and that obesity increases oxidative stress. Thus, we aimed to evaluate redox status in a pharmacological early weaning rodent model programmed for metabolic syndrome at adulthood.

Main methods

Lactating dams were randomly assigned into 2 groups: the early weaning group (BRO), which was treated intraperitoneally with bromocriptine (1 mg/day) to inhibit prolactin secretion for the last 3 days of lactation, and the control group (C), which received the BRO diluent for the same time period. The offspring were killed at 90 (PN90) and 180 (PN180) days after birth.

Key findings

Early weaning induced greater visceral adiposity and dyslipidemia. At PN90, the BRO offspring showed glucose intolerance with normoinsulinemia and increased plasma and liver superoxide dismutase, and liver glutathione peroxidase activities, which reduced the liver malondialdehyde but not the increased plasma malondialdehyde levels. However, the BRO offspring showed insulin resistance at PN180 and increased plasma glutathione peroxidase, liver superoxide dismutase, and catalase activities. These changes reduced the plasma and liver malondialdehyde levels, which aided in hepatocyte architecture preservation. Additionally, we observed that sirtuin 1 was overexpressed in the BRO group at PN90, but the increased expression was not maintained through PN180, which suggests unfavorable metabolic conditions in the older offspring.


Despite the observed obesity and glucose homeostasis dysfunction, our data suggest that the early weaning programming induced by bromocriptine can improve the offspring's redox status and may prevent liver damage during adulthood.  相似文献   

Studies on plant–pathogen interactions often involve monitoring disease symptoms or responses of the host plant to pathogen-derived immunogenic patterns, either visually or by staining the plant tissue. Both these methods have limitations with respect to resolution, reproducibility, and the ability to quantify the results. In this study we show that red light detection by the red fluorescent protein (RFP) channel of a multipurpose fluorescence imaging system that is probably available in many laboratories can be used to visualize plant tissue undergoing cell death. Red light emission is the result of chlorophyll fluorescence on thylakoid membrane disassembly during the development of a programmed cell death process. The activation of programmed cell death can occur during either a hypersensitive response to a biotrophic pathogen or an apoptotic cell death triggered by a necrotrophic pathogen. Quantifying the intensity of the red light signal enables the magnitude of programmed cell death to be evaluated and provides a readout of the plant immune response in a faster, safer, and nondestructive manner when compared to previously developed chemical staining methodologies. This application can be implemented to screen for differences in symptom severity in plant–pathogen interactions, and to visualize and quantify in a more sensitive and objective manner the intensity of the plant response on perception of a given immunological pattern. We illustrate the utility and versatility of the method using diverse immunogenic patterns and pathogens.  相似文献   

Cytokinins (CKs) are a large group of plant hormones which play a crucial role in many physiological processes in plants. One of the interesting functions of CKs is the control of programmed cell death (PCD). It seems that all CKs-dependent phenomena including PCD are accompanied by special multi-step phosphorelay signaling pathway. This pathway consists of three elements: histidine kinase receptors (HKs), histidine phosphotransfer proteins (HPs) and response regulators (RRs). This review shows the résumé of the latest knowledge about CKs signaling pathways in many physiological processes in plants with special attention paid to PCD process.  相似文献   

Specific DNA fragmentation into oligonucleosomal units occurs during programmed cell death (PCD) in both animal and plant cells, usually being regarded as an indicator of its apoptotic character. This internucleosomal DNA fragmentation is demonstrated in tobacco suspension and leaf cells, which were killed immediately by freezing in liquid nitrogen, and homogenization or treatment with Triton X-100. Although these cells could not activate and realize the respective enzymatic processes in a programmed manner, the character of DNA fragmentation was similar to that in the cells undergoing typical gradual PCD induced by 50 microM CdSO4. This internucleosomal DNA fragmentation was connected with the action of cysteine proteases and the loss of membrane, in particular tonoplast, integrity. The mechanisms of DNase activation in the rapidly killed cells, hypothetical biological relevance, and implications for the classification of cell death are discussed.  相似文献   

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