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The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number M75875.  相似文献   

H-2 class I antigen expression on mouse teratocarcinoma cell lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immunity against PCC3 teratocarcinoma cells (129, H-2 b) was induced in allogeneic (C3H, H-2 k) mice by preimmunization with L cells (C3H, H-2 k) expressing cosmid-introduced K b or D b genes, but not with nontransfected L cells. In addition, the growth of PCC3 cells in sublethally irradiated (C3H × B6-H-2 bm1)F1 and (C3H × B6-H-2 bm13 )F1 mice bearing the K bm1 and D bm13 mutations, respectively, was either prevented, stopped, or delayed in comparison with the (C3H × B6)F1 (k × b) mice, which failed to reject the PCC3 cells. The teratocarcinoma line OC15S was exceptional because it reacted specifically with Kb- and Db-specific (but not Ib-specific) alloantisera, and because Kb- and Db-specific antibodies could be absorbed by OC15S cells. The subpopulation of OC15S cells bearing the ECMA-7 antigen characteristic for embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells was isolated by the fluorescence-activated cell sorter and was shown to react specifically with Kb- and Db-specific antisera. These experiments show that teratocarcinoma cells express antigens similar or identical to the K-and D-region products of differentiated cells. The lack of expression of class I antigens is thus neither a condition nor a consequence of the pluripotentiality of the EC cells. The exact nature of the major histocompatibility complex antigens on EC cells has yet to be established using the methods of molecular biology and biochemistry.  相似文献   

The results presented here indicate that recombinant murine interferon-gamma can cause a dramatic differential induction of two distinct class I MHC molecules. Thus, IFN-gamma treatment of the murine leukemia virus (MuLV)-induced AKR SL3 tumor, a cell line that normally expresses moderate levels of class I MHC antigens, resulted in a large increase in H-2Dk expression, but no change or a slight decrease in H-2Kk expression as measured by cytofluorography. Explanations of the selective enhancement of Dk expression based on increased Fc receptor display or differential kinetics of induction were ruled out. The phenomenon was observed over a wide range of doses of IFN-gamma and with two different monoclonal antibodies to Kk, the latter finding making it unlikely that an altered form of the Kk molecule was induced. The same differential induction of the Dk antigen was observed for the LBRM.5A4 tumor cell line. Because LBRM.5A4 is also MuLV+ but of congenic B10.BR (H-2k) origin, these results were consistent with the possibility that such differential induction was associated with the H-2k haplotype and/or MuLV. The implications of these results, as a possible mechanism of tumor cell escape from an immune surveillance system monitored by class I MHC-restricted T cells and as a useful model system to dissect the mechanism of IFN-gamma induction of class I MHC antigens, are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of supernatants of concanavalin A-activated spleen cells (CAS) on the expression of various antigens, especially Ia antigens, on BALB/c B lymphoid cells, was examined. This study demonstrates the following: (i) CAS enhanced the expression of Ia antigens on four out of five BALB/c lymphoid cell lines. (ii) CAS selectively modulates the expression of Ia and H-2D, but not sIgM or viral gp70 expression, on X16C 8.5 tumor cells. The enhanced levels of Ia expression on B lymphoid tumor cells were also detected by using anti-Ia monoclonal antibodies. (iii) The molecular weight of soluble factor(s) affecting Ia and H-2 was approximately 40,000 estimated by gel filtration on a Sephadex G-200 column. (iv) Type 1 interferon but not interleukin 1, interleukin 2, or T-cell-replacing factor enhanced the expressions of Ia and H-2D antigens. (v) The activity of CAS-modulating Ia and H-2 antigens was eliminated by acidic treatment. It was concluded from this study that at least one of the factor(s) in CAS, modulating the antigenic expression of B-lymphoid cells, was interferon-like in nature. From our findings, a possible immunoregulatory mechanism by interferon was suggested: T cells, after stimulation of mitogens or antigens, secrete interferons which modulate the expression of Ia and H-2 on B cells. Then B cells, whose Ia and H-2 were modulated selectively by T-soluble factors(s), might interact with T cells much more efficiently.  相似文献   

We have taken the approach of producing somatic cell variants with altered H-2 products to study the structural requirements for cell surface expression of class I histocompatibility molecules. H-2 antigen variants generated by chemical mutagenesis of a cell line expressing the H-2b haplotype were first selected with alloantisera for their loss of H-2Kb expression, and then were analyzed by radioimmunoassay for the appearance of intracellular Kb antigen. For one such variant (69.9.15), whereas the H-2Kb antigen was absent from the cell surface as assayed by antibody-mediated complement-dependent cytotoxicity, an H-2Kb molecule was detected within the cell lysate as confirmed by direct immune precipitation with Kb-specific monoclonal antibodies. The product had an altered antigenic phenotype, since it reacted with only two anti-Kb monoclonal antibodies (Y-3 and EH-144) and not with a third (5F1.2). Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis identified the beta 2 microglobulin-associated, intracellular H-2Kb heavy chain to be slightly smaller in Mr than the H-2Kb of the parental cell line. Hybridization analysis revealed the Kb gene from the variant to be without gross alterations, and furthermore, identified a Kb mRNA species that was identical in size to wild-type Kb mRNA. Because complementation was not observed after somatic cell fusion of variant cells with BALB/c splenocytes, it appeared that the alteration in Kb expression was due to a cis-acting defect. In addition, DNA-mediated gene transfer of the wild-type Kb gene into the variant cell line resulted in expression of the Kb antigen on the cell surface, thus confirming that the defect in expression of the mutant Kb product was not due to other factors in the 69.9.15 cell line. Such findings are consistent with the conclusion that stable H-2Kb surface-negative somatic variants can arise due to limited alterations in the Kb gene, resulting in the synthesis of a class I molecule that is expressed only as an intracellular product.  相似文献   

We have continued our investigations of line lung carcinoma cells to understand the molecular basis of decreased expression of class I H-2 Ag and class I Ag induction with DMSO. We show that line 1, a murine lung carcinoma cell line, has low levels of class I Ag (H-2K, D, and L) because it is deficient in both class I and beta 2-microglobulin (B2M) RNA, and that these mRNA can be coordinately induced with DMSO. Evidence presented herein also shows that IFN-gamma can induce surface expression of class I Ag and suggests that it may act through a different mechanism than DMSO in inducing class I Ag. To further evaluate the regulation of class I expression, H-2Dp genes were transfected into line 1 cells. The transfected H-2 genes appear to be constitutively expressed at much higher levels than are the endogenous class I genes because surface expression of the foreign Dp Ag on the transfectants is elevated relative to the endogenous H-2d haplotype class I Ag. Both Dp surface expression and Dp mRNA are induced after treatment with DMSO. In all the Dp transfectants, we observed higher constitutive levels of class I mRNA as well as increased constitutive levels of endogenous B2M mRNA when compared to control or untransfected line 1 cells, however, we could not correlate these constitutive levels with Dp copy number. These results suggest that the regulation of class I and B2M genes is linked and that expression of class I genes can affect the expression of B2M genes.  相似文献   

T cell recognition of nonpolymorphic determinants on H-2 class I molecules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recognition of polymorphic determinants on class I or class II MHC Ag is required for T lymphocyte responses. Using cell-size artificial membranes (pseudocytes) bearing H-2 class I Ag it is demonstrated that T cells can, in addition, recognize nonpolymorphic determinants on class I proteins. Pseudocytes bearing class I alloantigen stimulate in vitro generation of secondary allogeneic CTL responses. At a suboptimal alloantigen surface density, incorporation of class I molecules identical to those of the responder cells (self-H-2) or from third-party cells resulted in dramatically enhanced responses, whereas incorporation of class II proteins had no effect. The receptor that mediates recognition of conserved class I determinants has not been identified, but results of antibody blocking studies are consistent with the Lyt-2/3 complex of CTL having this role. Thus, class I proteins on Ag-bearing cells can have two distinct roles in T cell activation, one involving recognition of polymorphic determinants by the Ag-specific receptor and the other involving recognition of conserved determinants.  相似文献   

The D region of the H-2 d haplotype contains five class I genes: H-2D d , D2 d , D3 d , D4 d and H-2L d . Although previous studies have suggested the presence of D-end encoded class I molecules in addition to H-2Dd and H-2Ld, segregation of genes encoding such molecules has not been demonstrated. In this report we have used cãtotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to examine the D region of the H-2 d haplotype for the presence of additional class I molecules. CTL generated in (C3H × B6.K1)F1 (K k D k , K b D b ) mice against the hybrid class I gene product Q10d/Ld expressed on L cells cross-react with H-2Ld but not H-2Dd molecules, as determined by lysis of transfected cells expressing H-2Ld but not H-2Dd. Although H-2Ld-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb) completely inhibit H-2Ld-specific CTL from killing B10.A(3R) (K b D d L d ) target cells, only partial inhibition of anti-Q10 CTL-mediated lysis was observed, suggesting the presence of an additional D-end molecule as a target for these latter CTL. To identify the region containing the gene encoding the Q10 cross-reactive molecule, we show that anti-Q10 CTL lyse target cells from a D-region recombinant strain B10.RQDB, which has H-2D d , D2 d , D3 d , D4 d , and H-2D b but not the H-2L d H-2 d , and H-2L d (including D2 d , D3 d , and D4 d , lacks this anti-Q10 CTL target molecule. Together, these data demonstrate that a class I gene mapping between H-2D d and H-2L d encodes an antigen recognozed by anti-Q10 CTL. A likely candidate for this gene is D2 d , D3 d or D4 d .  相似文献   

A self-reactive T cell hybridoma that secretes IL-2 in response to H-2d haplotype cells resulted from a fusion of BALB/cBy lymph node cells with the AKR thymoma BW5147. The lymph node cells used had been enriched for cells reactive to (TG)-A--L, but neither this antigen nor fetal calf serum were required for stimulation of the hybridoma designated 3DT52.5. The gene product responsible for stimulation mapped to the H-2D region. Allogeneic cells of the b, f, k, q, and s haplotypes failed to stimulate. Not all H-2d haplotype cells were effective stimulators of 3DT52.5. Peritoneal cells and splenic B cells were much more stimulatory than splenic T cells. Most tumor cell lines of H-2d derivation and of B cell or macrophage/monocyte lineage were stimulatory, whereas H-2d T cell lines were not. The capacity to stimulate 3DT52.5 did not correlate with the ability to stimulate I region-restricted hybridomas, or with the ability to be induced to stimulate such hybridomas. Stimulatory cell lines did not apparently produce a soluble factor required for stimulation, and negative cell lines were not inhibitory. The monoclonal antibody 27-11-13, which reacts with H-2D of the b, d, and q haplotypes, inhibited stimulation of 3DT52.5 but did not inhibit stimulation of the sibling hybridoma 3DT18.11, which responds to (TG)-A--L plus I-Ad. Conversely, the monoclonal anti-I-Ad antibody MK-D6 inhibited stimulation of 3DT18.11 but not 3DT52.5. Although it is clear that 3DT52.5 recognizes a class I antigen coded for in the H-2D region, the precise molecular nature of the antigen is unknown. The structure of the antigen receptor on this hybridoma may prove to be of interest when it can be compared with receptors found on T cell hybridomas restricted by class II histocompatibility antigens.  相似文献   

It has recently been hypothesized that tumor cells with reduced levels of MHC class I antigens are more susceptible to NK-mediated lysis and are rejected by NK cells, whereas tumor cells with normal levels of class I are rejected by tumor-specific CTL. We have tested this hypothesis using a mouse hepatoma system. The Hepa-1 tumor is a spontaneous H-2Kb loss variant that arose from the BW7756 tumor, when BW7756 was adapted to growth in culture. Our studies have shown that despite the loss of H-2Kb antigen, Hepa-1 is not more susceptible to NK lysis than its H-2Kb-transfected variants. These studies also suggested that NK cells were not responsible for rejection of the Hepa-1 tumor. The Hepa-1 tumor, therefore, appears to contradict the hypothesized linkage of MHC levels and NK susceptibility. Because NK cells are not involved in immunity to this tumor, we have sought to identify the effector cell responsible for Hepa-1 rejection. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte assays demonstrate that in vitro, Hepa-1 cells are lysed by Hepa-1-specific H-2Db-restricted CD4-CD8+ T lymphocytes. Footpad assays demonstrate that in vivo, Hepa-1 rejection requires CD4+CD8- and CD4-CD8+ Hepa-1-primed splenocytes. These results indicate that immunity to Hepa-1 is T cell mediated. Hepa-1 is therefore an example of an unusual tumor in that down-regulation of MHC class I antigen expression is associated with increased CTL susceptibility.  相似文献   

Differential transport requirements of HLA and H-2 class I glycoproteins   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Transport of human and mouse major histocompatibility complex class I glycoproteins has been examined in a transport deficient B-lymphoblastoid cell line × T-lymphoblastoid cell line (B-LCL × T-LCL) hybrid, 174 × CEM. T2 (T2). This cell line expresses no detectable endogenous HLA-B5 and reduced levels of HLA-A2 on its surface although these molecules are synthesized. In order to study this defect further, either HLA-Bw58 or HLA-B7 genomic clones were transfected into T2. Metabolic labeling and immune precipitation demonstrated biosynthesis of the Bw58 or 137 glycoprotein. However, like the endogenous HLA-B5 molecule, neither HLA-Bw58 nor HLA-B7 was expressed at the cell surface. The cloned genes were properly expressed on the surface of C1R, a control B-LCL. To determine if mouse class I alleles had the same transport requirements as the human class I glycoproteins, either mouse H-2D p or H-2K b class I genes were introduced into T2. Surprisingly, the H-2 class I glycoproteins were transported to the cell surface normally. These data suggest a fundamental difference between human and mouse histocompatibility antigens in their requirements for intracellular transport.  相似文献   

Prostatic inhibin purified from human seminal plasma (10.7 kDa, 94 amino acids) is very well known for its endocrine action on pituitary to suppress synthesis and secretion of FSH. In the present report we have revealed its antiproliferative action on two fibroblast cell lines, NRK-49F (ED50 = 2.5 ng/ml) and Balb/c 3T3 (ED50 = 24.5 ng/ml) which may mark its emergence as a negative growth regulator.  相似文献   

Mutant mouse strain BALB/c-H-2 dm2 (dm2), which fails to express the H-2Ld histocompatibility antigen associated with the wild type, BALB/c, synthesizes instead a smaller molecule that is structurally related to H-2Ld but does not carry detectable alloantigenic determinants. This new protein, p40, is a membrane glycoprotein found in dm2 cells but not in BALB/c. p40 was detected by electrophoresis of dm2 glycoprotein preparations and by immunoprecipitation with heterologous H-2-specific antibodies. The p40 molecule is found associated with intracellular membranes but was not detected at the cell surface. Peptide mapping studies suggest that dm2 carries an alteration in the H-2L d structural gene, which prevents proper maturation of the protein product.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the distinctiveness of Class I H-2 alloantigen-reactive Lyt-2+ helper/proliferative T cell subset in the aspect of tolerance induction. Primary mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR) revealed that Lyt-2+ and L3T4+ T cell subsets from C57BL/6 (B6) mice were exclusively capable of responding to class I H-2 [B6-C-H-2bm1 (bm1)]- and class II H-2 [B6-C-H-2bm12 (bm12)]-alloantigens, respectively. Anti-bm12 MLR was not affected by i.v. injection of bm12 spleen cells into recipient B6 mice. In contrast, a single i.v. administration of bm1 spleen cells into B6 mice resulted in the abrogation of the capacity of recipient B6 spleen and lymph node cells to give anti-bm1 MLR. This suppression was bm1 alloantigen-specific, since lymphoid cells from B6 mice i.v. presensitized with bm1 cells exhibited comparable anti-bm12 primary MLR to that obtained by normal B6 lymphoid cells. Such tolerance was rapidly (24 h after the i.v. injection of bm1 cells) inducible and lasting for at shortest 3 wk. Addition of lymphoid cells from anti-bm1-tolerant B6 mice to cultures of normal B6 lymphoid cells did not suppress the proliferative responses of the latter cells, indicating that the tolerance is not due to the induction of suppressor cells but attributed to the elimination or functional impairment of anti-bm1 proliferative clones. The tolerance was also demonstrated by the failure of tolerant lymphoid cells to produce IL-2. It was, however, found that anti-bm1 CTL responses were generated by tolerant lymphoid cells which were unable to induce the anti-bm1 MLR nor to produce detectable level of IL-2. These results demonstrate that class I H-2 alloantigen-reactive Lyt-2+ Th cell subset exhibits a distinct property which is expressed by neither Lyt-2+ CTL directed to class I H-2 nor L3T4+ Th cells to class II H-2 alloantigens.  相似文献   

Murine T cell clones that proliferated specifically in response to the protein antigen apo cytochrome c were derived and maintained in continuous culture. Two distinct clonotypes were observed with respect to the proliferative responses observed when a variety of peptides prepared from several species of cytochrome c were tested. These 2 clonotypes appeared to recognize 2 different regions in the cytochrome c molecule. Only 1 of the 2 clonotypes tested demonstrated helper cell activity for antibody formation in vitro.  相似文献   

The present protocol has been developed for the BALB/c 3T3 cell transformation assay (CTA), following the prevalidation study coordinated by the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) and reported in this issue (Tanaka et al. [16]). Based upon the experience gained from this effort and as suggested by the Validation Management Team (VMT), some acceptance and assessment criteria have been refined compared to those used during the prevalidation study. The present protocol thus describes cell culture maintenance, the dose-range finding (DRF) experiment and the transformation assay, including cytotoxicity and morphological transformation evaluation. Use of this protocol and of the associated photo catalogue included in this issue (Sasaki et al. [17]) is recommended for the future conduct of the BALB/c 3T3 CTA.  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanism of B-cell differentiation using B lymphoid tumor cells as models, we investigated the effects of antigen-nonspecific T-cell factors in combination with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the expression of surface markers on B lymphoid cell lines. This study demonstrated that culture supernatant from concanavalin A-activated spleen cells (CAS) gave 2- to 3.5-fold enhancement of the expression of Ia antigens. The effect of CAS was dose dependent and as little as 2% CAS gave maximum enhancement of Ia antigen expression. The CAS effect was due to concanavalin A-activated cell products and was not due to the concanavalin A. The effects of allogeneic effect factor (AEF) on Ia antigens were similar to those of CAS. In contrast to CAS and AEF, LPS did not affect the expression of Ia antigens on ×16C 8.5. LPS enhanced 1.5- to 3-fold the expression of sIgM on this cell line. The expression of sIgM was minimally affected by T-cell factors; CAS induced 20 to 70% enhancement of sIgM expression while AEF induced no significant effects. This study showed that antigen-nonspecific factors (CAS and AEF) influenced mainly Ia expression on the B-cell lymphoma, ×16C 8.5, while LPS selectively affected sIgM expression. Therefore, it was concluded that the mechanisms by which B cells are activated by T-cell factors and mitogens are different.  相似文献   

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