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对糠醛及其衍生物微生物降解(转化)机制进行了系统性阐述,介绍了一些代表性的降解(转化)菌株的驯化和筛选、降解(转化)途径及应用等。并且对糠醛及其衍生物的生物降解(转化)进一步研究的方向提出了看法。  相似文献   

木霉属真菌的生物降解及生物转化作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木霉(Trichoderma spp.)属于半知菌亚门、丝孢纲、丝孢目,粘孢菌类,是一类具有很大应用生产潜力的真菌,目前国际上已查明并命名的木霉属真菌,共计60种和2个变型,国内正式发表的木霉菌有10种,记录种名20个。木霉属真菌的生物降解、转化功能与分泌纤维素酶、葡聚糖酶、几丁质酶、脂肪酶、木聚糖酶等酶的能力相关,综述了木霉属真菌生物降解和生物转化底物及其他方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

The University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database (http://www.labmed.umn.edu/umbbd/ ) begins its fifth year having met its initial goals. It contains approximately 100 pathways for microbial catabolic metabolism of primarily xenobiotic organic compounds, including information on approximately 650 reactions, 600 compounds and 400 enzymes, and containing approximately 250 microorganism entries. It includes information on most known microbial catabolic reaction types and the organic functional groups they transform. Having reached its first goals, it is ready to move beyond them. It is poised to grow in many different ways, including mirror sites; fold prediction for its sequenced enzymes; closer ties to genome and microbial strain databases; and the prediction of biodegradation pathways for compounds it does not contain.  相似文献   

Aspergillus japonicus is an efficient degrader of phenolics and carbohydrates present in a mixture of soluble lignocarbohydrate complexes extracted from wheat straw. Trichoderma sp. attacked part of the carbohydrate but hardly affected the aromatic portion of this solution. Polyporus versicolor had a complex effect; polymerization of low-molecular-size phenolics accompanied the degradation of aromatic and carbohydrate polymers. The addition of xylose to the medium facilitated depolymerization of lignin by the fungi tested and prevented the polymerization of low-molecular-size fractions of lignocarbohydrate complexes by P. versicolor. P. versicolor, in contrast to A. japonicus and Trichoderma sp., also excreted into the medium considerable amounts of laccase, but only in the absence of endogenous or exogenous carbohydrates. Apparently, laccase is involved in polymerization rather than degradation of lignin in this organism. A number of extracellular glycanases were also secreted by these fungi.  相似文献   

The University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database (UM-BBD, http://umbbd.ahc.umn.edu/) provides curated information on microbial catabolic enzymes and their organization into metabolic pathways. Currently, it contains information on over 400 enzymes. In the last year the enzyme page was enhanced to contain more internal and external links; it also displays the different metabolic pathways in which each enzyme participates. In collaboration with the Nomenclature Commission of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 35 UM-BBD enzymes were assigned complete EC codes during 2000. Bacterial oxygenases are heavily represented in the UM-BBD; they are known to have broad substrate specificity. A compilation of known reactions of naphthalene and toluene dioxygenases were recently added to the UM-BBD; 73 and 108 were listed respectively. In 2000 the UM-BBD is mirrored by two prestigious groups: the European Bioinformatics Institute and KEGG (the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes). Collaborations with other groups are being developed. The increased emphasis on UM-BBD enzymes is important for predicting novel metabolic pathways that might exist in nature or could be engineered. It also is important for current efforts in microbial genome annotation.  相似文献   

The University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database (UM-BBD, http://umbbd.ahc.umn.edu/) provides curated information on microbial catabolism and related biotransformations, primarily for environmental pollutants. Currently, it contains information on over 130 metabolic pathways, 800 reactions, 750 compounds and 500 enzymes. In the past two years, it has increased its breath to include more examples of microbial metabolism of metals and metalloids; and expanded the types of information it includes to contain microbial biotransformations of, and binding interactions with many chemical elements. It has also increased the ways in which this data can be accessed (mined). Structure-based searching was added, for exact matches, similarity, or substructures. Analysis of UM-BBD reactions has lead to a prototype, guided, pathway prediction system. Guided prediction means that the user is shown all possible biotransformations at each step and guides the process to its conclusion. Mining the UM-BBD's data provides a unique view into how the microbial world recycles organic functional groups. UM-BBD users are encouraged to comment on all aspects of the database, including the information it contains and the tools by which it can be mined. The database and prediction system develop under the direction of the scientific community.  相似文献   

Biocatalysis, biodegradation and bioinformatics are prominent scientific fields in industrial microbiology and biotechnology. This paper describes developments in these fields with a focus on the role of David T Gibson as a researcher and mentor. He has pioneered studies on the mechanisms by which aerobic microorganisms transform aromatic hydrocarbons. In addition, his research has served as a model for further investigations into bacterial atrazine and dichloromethane catabolism described here. Microbial catabolism research requires information on organic chemistry, microorganisms, metabolic pathways, catabolic genes, and enzymes. These information needs are now being met more comprehensively by development of the University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database. http://dragon.labmed.umn.edu/∼lynda/index.html The database is built on the ideas championed by David Gibson that a knowledge of microbial catabolic reactions should be organized in a mechanistic fashion and in a systematic format. Received 27 March 1997/ Accepted in revised form 05 June 1997  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate and to compare the long-term kinetics curves of biodegradation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB), its copolymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate), and a PHB/polylactic acid composite. The total weight loss and the change of average viscosity molecular weight were used as the parameters reflecting the biodegradation degree. The rate of biodegradation was analyzed in vitro in the presence of lipase and in vivo after film implantation in animal tissues. The morphology of the PHB film surface was studied by the atomic force microscopy technique. It was shown that PHB biodegradation involves both polymer hydrolysis and its enzymatic biodegradation. The results obtained in this study can be used for the development of various PHB-based medical devices.  相似文献   

Biotransformation of 3-methylphthalate by Micrococcus sp. strain 12B   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When Micrococcus strain 12B grown on o-phthalate was incubated with 3-methylphthalate, three compounds accumulated. These were shown to be 2-pyrone-3-methyl-4,6-dicarboxylic acid, 3,4-dihydroxy-6-methylphthalic acid, and 5-hydroxy-3-methyphthalic acid, all previously undescribed. A pathway for the formation of these compounds is proposed.  相似文献   

The effect of added Cd(II), Cu(II), Cr(VI), or Hg(II) at 0.01 to 100 ppm on metabolism in anaerobic bacterial consortia which degrade 2-chlorophenol (2CP), 3-chlorobenzoate (3CB), phenol, and benzoate was examined. Three effects were observed, including extended acclimation periods (0.1 to 2.0 ppm), reduced dechlorination or biodegradation rates (0.1 to 2.0 ppm), and failure to dechlorinate or biodegrade the target compound (0.5 to 5.0 ppm). 3CB biodegradation was most sensitive to Cd(II) and Cr(VI). Biodegradation of benzoate and phenol was most sensitive to Cu(II) and Hg(II), respectively. Adding Cr(VI) at 0.01 ppm increased biodegradation rates of phenol (177%) and benzoate (169%), while Cd(II) and Cu(II) at 0.01 ppm enhanced biodegradation rates of benzoate (185%) and 2CP (168%), respectively. Interestingly, with Hg(II) at 1.0 to 2.0 ppm, 2CP and 3CB were biodegraded 133 to 154% faster than controls after an extended acclimation period, suggesting adaptation to Hg(II). Metal ions were added at inhibitory, but sublethal, concentrations to investigate effects on metabolic intermediates and end products. Phenol accumulated to concentrations higher than those in controls only in the 2CP consortium with added Cu(II) at 1.2 ppm but was subsequently degraded. There was no effect on benzoate, and little effect on acetate intermediates was observed. In most cases, methane yields were reduced by 23 to 97%. Thus, dehalogenation, aromatic degradation, and methanogenesis in these anaerobic consortia showed differential sensitivities to the heavy metal ions added. These data indicate that the presence of heavy metals can affect the outcome of anaerobic bioremediation of aromatic pollutants. In addition, a potential exists to use combinations of anaerobic bacterial species to bioremediate sites contaminated with both heavy metals and aromatic pollutants.  相似文献   

Although cooxidative biodegradation of monohalogenated hydrocarbons has been well studied in the model NH3-oxidizing bacterium, Nitrosomonas europaea, virtually no information exists about cooxidation of these compounds by native populations of NH3-oxidizing bacteria. To address this subject, nitrifying activity was stimulated to 125–400 nmol NO3 produced g–1 soil h–1 by first incubating a Ca(OH)2-amended, silt loam soil (pH 7.0±0.2) at field capacity (270 g H2O kg–1 soil) with 10 μmol NH4 + g–1 soil for 14 days, followed by another 10 days of incubation in a shaken slurry (2:1 water:soil, v/w) with periodic pH adjustment and maintenance of 10 mM NH4 +. These slurries actively degraded both methyl bromide (MeBr) and ethyl chloride (EtCl) at maximum rates of 20–30 nmol ml–1 h–1 that could be sustained for approximately 12 h. Although the MeBr degradation rates were linear for the first 10–12 h of incubation, they could not be sustained regardless of NH4 + level and declined to zero over 20 h of incubation. The transformation capacity of the slurry enrichments (~1 μmol MeBr ml–1 soil slurry) was similar to the value measured previously in cell suspensions of N. europaea with similar NH3-oxidizing activity. Several MeBr-degrading characteristics of the nitrifying enrichments were found to be similar to those documented in the literature for MeBr-degrading methanotrophs and facultatively methylotrophic bacteria. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Cadina-4,10(15)-dien-3-one (1) was metabolised by Curvularia lunata ATCC 12017 in two different growth media to give three metabolites, one of which, 12-hydroxycadina-4,10(15)-dien-3-one (4), was new. Incubation of 3alpha-hydroxycadina-4,10(15)-diene (2) with the fungus produced three new analogues, namely, (4S)-1alpha,3alpha-dihydroxycadin-10(15)-ene (5), 3alpha,14-dihydroxycadina-4,10(15)-diene (6) and 3alpha,12-dihydroxycadina-4,10(15)-diene (7).  相似文献   

The biodegradation of poly(L-lactide) (PLA) is reviewed. The important role of actinomycetes in PLA degradation is emphasized. These PLA-degrading actinomycetes belong phylogenetically to the Pseudonocardiaceae family and related genera, including Amycolatopsis, Lentzea, Streptoalloteichus, Kibdelosporangium and Saccharothrix. A PLA-degrading enzyme purified from an isolated Amycolatopsis strain-41 has substrate specificity on PLA higher than proteinase K. The application of these strains and their enzymes can be effectively used for biological treatment of plastic wastes containing PLA.  相似文献   

The biotransformation of Hg(II) by cyanobacteria was investigated under aerobic and pH-controlled culture conditions. Mercury was supplied as HgCl2 in amounts emulating those found under heavily impacted environmental conditions where bioremediation would be appropriate. The analytical procedures used to measure mercury within the culture solution, including that in the cyanobacterial cells, used reduction under both acid and alkaline conditions in the presence of SnCl2. Acid reduction detected free Hg(II) ions and its complexes, whereas alkaline reduction revealed that meta-cinnabar (β-HgS) constituted the major biotransformed and cellularly associated mercury pool. This was true for all investigated species of cyanobacteria: Limnothrix planctonica (Lemm.), Synechococcus leopoldiensis (Racib.) Komarek, and Phormidium limnetica (Lemm.). From the outset of mercury exposure, there was rapid synthesis of β-HgS and Hg(0); however, the production rate for the latter decreased quickly. Inhibitory studies using dimethylfumarate and iodoacetamide to modify intra- and extracellular thiols, respectively, revealed that the former thiol pool was required for the conversion of Hg(II) into β-HgS. In addition, increasing the temperature enhanced the amount of β-HgS produced, with a concomitant decrease in Hg(0) volatilization. These findings suggest that in the environment, cyanobacteria at the air-water interface could act to convert substantial amounts of Hg(II) into β-HgS. Furthermore, the efficiency of conversion into β-HgS by cyanobacteria may lead to the development of applications in the bioremediation of mercury.  相似文献   

The biotransformation of Hg(II) by cyanobacteria was investigated under aerobic and pH-controlled culture conditions. Mercury was supplied as HgCl(2) in amounts emulating those found under heavily impacted environmental conditions where bioremediation would be appropriate. The analytical procedures used to measure mercury within the culture solution, including that in the cyanobacterial cells, used reduction under both acid and alkaline conditions in the presence of SnCl(2). Acid reduction detected free Hg(II) ions and its complexes, whereas alkaline reduction revealed that meta-cinnabar (beta-HgS) constituted the major biotransformed and cellularly associated mercury pool. This was true for all investigated species of cyanobacteria: Limnothrix planctonica (Lemm.), Synechococcus leopoldiensis (Racib.) Komarek, and Phormidium limnetica (Lemm.). From the outset of mercury exposure, there was rapid synthesis of beta-HgS and Hg(0); however, the production rate for the latter decreased quickly. Inhibitory studies using dimethylfumarate and iodoacetamide to modify intra- and extracellular thiols, respectively, revealed that the former thiol pool was required for the conversion of Hg(II) into beta-HgS. In addition, increasing the temperature enhanced the amount of beta-HgS produced, with a concomitant decrease in Hg(0) volatilization. These findings suggest that in the environment, cyanobacteria at the air-water interface could act to convert substantial amounts of Hg(II) into beta-HgS. Furthermore, the efficiency of conversion into beta-HgS by cyanobacteria may lead to the development of applications in the bioremediation of mercury.  相似文献   

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