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In cardiomyocytes, ryanodine receptors (RYRs) mediate Ca2+-induced Ca2+-release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) during excitation–contraction (e–c) coupling. In rainbow trout heart, the relative importance of CICR increases with cold-acclimation. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature acclimation (4, 11 and 18°C) on RYR intracellular localization and expression density. We used immunocytochemistry to assess intracellular localization in ventricular myocytes and Western blotting to assess RYR expression in both atrial and ventricular tissue. In ventricular myocytes, RYRs were localized peripherally in transverse bands aligning with sarcomeric m-lines and centrally around mitochondria and the nucleus. Localization did not change with temperature acclimation. RYR expression was also unaffected by temperature acclimation. The localization of RYRs at the m-line is similar to neonatal mammalian cardiomyocytes. We suggest this positioning is indicative of myocytes which rely predominantly on transsarcolemmal Ca2+-influx, rather than CICR, during e–c coupling.  相似文献   

In this study, we set out to examine the role of the somatotropic axis in the ion-regulation process in rainbow trout. Specifically, our objective was to examine whether plasma insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins (IGFBPs) are modulated by gradual salinity exposure. To this end, freshwater (FW)-adapted rainbow trout were subjected to gradual salinity increases, up to 66% seawater, over a period of 5 days. During this acclimation process, minimal elevations in plasma Ca2+ and Cl- were seen in the salinity-acclimated groups compared with FW controls. There were no changes in plasma Na+ levels, and only a minor transient change in plasma cortisol levels was seen with salinity exposure. The salinity challenged animals responded with elevations in plasma growth hormone (GH) and IGF-I levels and gill Na+-K+-ATPase activity. We identified IGFBPs of 21, 32, 42, and 50 kDa in size in the plasma of these animals, and they were consistently higher with salinity. Despite the overall increase in IGFBPs with salinity, transient changes in individual BPs over the 5-day period were noted in the FW and salinity-exposed fish. Specifically, the transient changes in plasma levels of the 21-, 42-, and 50-kDa IGFBPs were different between the FW and salinity groups, while the 32-kDa IGFBP showed a similar trend (increases with sampling time) in both groups. Considered together, the elevated plasma IGFBPs suggest a key role for these binding proteins in the regulation of IGF-I during salinity acclimation in salmonids.  相似文献   

Acclimation of rainbow trout to 5, 15 and 22 degrees C for periods exceeding 4 months had no significant effect on the oxygen affinity of whole blood or on the concentration of ATP, which is the main organic phosphate in red cells. Slight differences were, however, found in the oxygenation properties of the haemolysates, which correlate with changes in the relative concentration of the multiple haemoglobins. The oxygen-binding properties of the main haemoglobin components account for the observed differences in the haemolysates. The possible thermoacclimatory significance of changes in haemoglobin multiplicity and co-factor concentrations is discussed.  相似文献   

Metabolic rates associated with sustained, prolonged and critical swimming speeds were examined in 10 g trout exposed to 5% 96 hr LC50 (0.75 microgram X l-1) and 10% 96 hr LC50 (1.50 micrograms X l-1) at 12 degrees C. Permethrin did not influence the metabolic cost for swimming at sustained and prolonged speeds. Basal metabolic rate increased on initial exposure to permethrin reaching maximum values after 7 days and declined to the control level after 13 days in 5% and after 32 days in 10% 96 hr LC50. Critical swimming speeds were adversely affected in a manner reflective of the effects of permethrin on basal metabolic rate. Elevation in basal metabolic rate in fish exposed to permethrin was a result of increased energy requirements due to physiological stress, detoxication and tissue repair.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) were acclimated to 4 degrees C and 17 degrees C for more than 4 weeks and heart rate was determined in the absence and presence of adrenaline to see how thermal adaptation influences basal heart rate and its beta-adrenergic control in a eurythermal fish species. The basal heart rate in vitro was higher in cold-acclimated than warm-acclimated rainbow trout at temperatures below 17 degrees C. On the other hand, adaptation to cold decreased thermal tolerance of heart rate so that the maximal heart rates were achieved at 17 degrees C (75 +/- 4 bpm) and 24 degrees C (88 +/- 2 bpm) in cold-acclimated and warm-acclimated trout, respectively. Beta-adrenergic response of the heart was enhanced by cold-adaptation, since adrenaline (100 nmol l(-1)) caused stronger stimulation of heart rate in cold-acclimated (29 +/- 14%) than in warm-acclimated fish (10 +/- 1%; P = 0.03). Furthermore, adrenaline strongly opposed the temperature-dependent deterioration of force production in cold-acclimated trout but not in warm-acclimated trout. The results indicate that adaptation to cold increases basal heart rate but decreases its thermal tolerance in rainbow trout. Cold acclimation up-regulates the beta-adrenergic system, and beta-adrenoceptor activation seems to provide cardioprotection against high temperatures in the cold-adapted rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Tissue residue analysis and aluminium-specific hifstochemistry demonstrated that the chronic exposure of rainbow trout to aluminium results in the systemic accumulation of aluminium and a distinct neuropathology in the brain. Aluminium was found associated with endothelial and epithelial surfaces including the cerebrovascular endothelium of the brain and the endothelium of the bulbus arteriosus of the heart. The potential for aluminium to compromise the barrier properties of membranes may underlie its known toxicity in fish.  相似文献   

M E Mazurov 《Biofizika》1990,35(3):494-499
Principal physiological hypotheses concerning the setting of united rhythm in the heart sinoatrial node (SAN) are considered. A mathematical model of SAN is proposed which takes into account properties of individual elementary pacemakers and their interaction. Assuming paired interaction of the pacemakers there are revealed the main P.D. parameters, affecting the setting of the united rhythm. Quantitative expressions are obtained for the united rhythm period, delay and propagation velocity of the excitation. The calculated data are compared with the experimental ones. The hypothesis concerning the setting of the united rhythm as a result of the interaction of SAN pacemakers is confirmed.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular function is regulated by the rhythmicity of circadian, infradian and ultradian clocks. Specific time scales of different cell types drive their functions: circadian gene regulation at hours scale, activation-inactivation cycles of ion channels at millisecond scales, the heart''s beating rate at hundreds of millisecond scales, and low frequency autonomic signaling at cycles of tens of seconds. Heart rate and rhythm are modulated by a hierarchical clock system: autonomic signaling from the brain releases neurotransmitters from the vagus and sympathetic nerves to the heart’s pacemaker cells and activate receptors on the cell. These receptors activating ultradian clock functions embedded within pacemaker cells include sarcoplasmic reticulum rhythmic spontaneous Ca2+ cycling, rhythmic ion channel current activation and inactivation, and rhythmic oscillatory mitochondria ATP production. Here we summarize the evidence that intrinsic pacemaker cell mechanisms are the end effector of the hierarchical brain-heart circadian clock system. [BMB Reports 2015; 48(12): 677-684]  相似文献   

Renal function was examined in adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after chronic exposure to a sublethal level of dietary Cd (500 mg/kg diet) for 52 d and during a subsequent challenge to waterborne Cd (10 microg/L) for 72 h. Dietary Cd had no major effects on UFR (urine flow rate) and GFR (glomerular filtration rate) but caused increased renal excretion of glucose, protein, and major ions (Mg(2+), Zn(2+), K(+), Na(+), Cl(-) but Ca(2+)). However, dietary Cd did not affect any plasma ions except Na(+) which was significantly elevated in the Cd-acclimated trout. Plasma glucose and ammonia levels fell by 25% and 36% respectively, but neither plasma nor urine urea was affected in Cd-acclimated fish. Dietary Cd exposure resulted in a remarkable increase of Cd load in the plasma (48-fold, approximately 22 ng/mL) and urine (60-fold, 8.9 ng/mL), but Cd excretion via the kidney was negligible on a mass-balance basis. Clearance ratio analysis indicates that all ions, Cd, and metabolites were reabsorbed strongly (58-100%) in both na?ve and dietary Cd exposed fish, except ammonia which was secreted in both groups. Mg(2+), Na(+), Cl(-) and K(+) reabsorption decreased significantly (3-15%) in the Cd-exposed fish relative to the control. Following waterborne Cd challenge, GFR and UFR were affected transiently, and only Mg(2+) and protein excretion remained elevated with no recovery with time in Cd-acclimated trout. Urinary Ca(2+) and Zn(2+) excretion rates dropped with an indication of renal compensation towards plasma declines of both ions. Cadmium challenge did not cause any notable effects on urinary excretion rates of metabolites. However, a significant decrease in Mg(2+) reabsorption but an increase in total ammonia secretion was observed in the Cd-acclimated fish. The study suggests that dietary Cd acclimation involves physiological costs in terms of renal dysfunction and elevated urinary losses.  相似文献   

Temperature strongly affects oxygen solubility in water, oxygen convection in the blood and locomotor activity of the fish. Since oxygen supply and demand are temperature dependent, it was hypothesized that the purinergic control of the heart, one of the most important mediators in oxygen-limited conditions, might also show temperature dependence. Therefore, the present study examines the effects of adenosine (Ado), a purinergic agonist, on the contractile and electrical activity of the thermally acclimated trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) heart. The fish were acclimated to either 4 degrees C or 17 degrees C and the experiments were conducted at the acclimation temperatures of the animals. In spontaneously beating hearts, Ado had a negative chronotropic and a positive inotropic effect in warm-acclimated rainbow trout while no response was detected in cold-acclimated trout. In paced atrial and ventricular preparations, Ado had a negative inotropic effect in both warm- and cold-acclimated fish, and the response was strongest in the atria of warm-acclimated trout. Ado shortened the duration of contraction 12-14% in atrial preparations but had no effect in ventricular muscle. Ado (10(-4) mol l(-1)) increased the density of the inwardly rectifying K(+) current from -3.5+/-0.6 pA pF(-1) to -8.4+/-1.4 pA pF(-1) (at -120 mV) in atrial myocytes of warm-acclimated trout but was without effect in atrial myocytes of cold-acclimated trout (-2.4+/-0.8 pA pF(-1) vs. -2.1+/-0.9 pA pF(-1)). Ado had no effect on K(+) currents of ventricular cells in either acclimation group. These results indicate that the effects of Ado on cardiac contractility and electrical activity are stronger in warm-acclimated than in cold-acclimated trout when measured at the physiological body temperatures of the fish. The balance between oxygen demand and supply of the heart might be better in the cold where more environmental oxygen is available and the power of the muscles is weaker thereby reducing the need for the purinergic control of the heart. Temperature-dependence of Ado response in the trout heart warrants that temperature should be taken into consideration when the purinergic system of the ectotherms is studied.  相似文献   

Summary Myogenesis in the embryonic heart of the rainbow trout, Salmo galrdneri (Rich.), was investigated electron microscopically from the 29th to the 41st somite stage. Thick and thin myofilaments are formed simultaneously as well as precursors of Z-lines, to which the thin filaments are attached. The genesis of filaments takes place in the region around the intracellular yolk droplets. The first myofibrils appear by the 33rd somite stage, probably formed by a mechanism of self-assembly in which the binding sites of actin and myosin participate. A- and I-bands do not develop before the 38th somite stage. The contraction already begins during the 33rd somite stage in the middle of the tubular heart. Gradually, the peristaltic waves spread increasingly to other parts of the heart. In the 41st somite stage the entire heart is contractile and all myocytes contain myofibrils.  相似文献   

Summary Cytosolic extracts of liver, kidney, spleen, gill, red and white muscle from rainbow trout acclimated to 4 and 17°C, respectively, have been investigated in vitro with respect to their enzymic activity in stimulating the growth of nascent peptide chains (labelled polyphenylalanine) at assay temperatures from 5 to 25°C using polyuracil as messenger RNA. The elongation step of protein synthesis is characterized by aQ 10 value of about 2.4 (range 10–25°C) in all organs from both, 4 and 17°C acclimated fish.Except for the red muscle, the organs of cold acclimated trout, however, exhibit significantly higher specific elongation rates (mol phenylalanine polymerized/(g wet weight·h)) at any experimental temperature than those of warm acclimated fish. This increase of the elongation rates varies between the organs and ranges from +29% (liver) to +60% in the gill. The specific acylation rate (mol phenylalanyl-tRNA formed/(g wet weight·h)) surpasses the specific elongation rate by a factor of at least 8.5. Moreover, the specific acylation rate per mg protein is independent of acclimation temperature.It is concluded that the increased specific elongation rates in 4°C acclimated trout are not due to altered pool sizes of the precursor phenylalanyl-tRNA, but reflect an effective enhancement of enzymic elongation factor activities.In accordance with data taken from literature, this finding suggests a compensatory enhancement of in vivo protein synthesis to occur in trout during cold acclimation.Abbreviations E a apparent activation energy - EF elongation factor - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane sulfonic acid - PHE phenylalanine - PHE-tRNA phenylalanyl transfer ribonucleic acid - POLY (U) poly-uracil - Q 10 van't Hoff's temperature coefficient - T accl acclimation temperature - T exp experimental temperature - TRITON X-100 octylphenol-polyethylene-glycolether  相似文献   

We here analyzed the effect of a mild hyperosmotic challenge on the activities of deiodinases type I (D1) and II (D2) in the trout liver, and D1 in kidney and gill, two organs involved in osmoregulation. FW-adapted immature rainbow trout were transferred to 5 per thousand SW and killed 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 12, 24 and 48 h post-transfer (PT). Fish maintained in FW served as controls. Hepatic, renal and branchial D1 and hepatic D2 activities were assessed as well as circulating levels of T(3), T(4) and cortisol. Hyperosmotic challenge elicited significant and sustained decreases in kidney D1 and liver D2 activities at 8 h PT, which returned to control values at 48 h PT. In contrast, liver and gill D1 activities exhibited no significant change throughout the study. Also, significant increases in circulating T(4) at 2-4 and 48 h PT were observed. Circulating T(3) remained unmodified until 24-48 h PT, when it rose sharply. Simultaneously, cortisol showed a trend towards increase during the initial 4 h PT, which attained significance at 48 h PT. The present findings demonstrate that a mild hypertonic challenge is sufficient to elicit responses in the trout thyroidal axis. Hormonal changes in the circulatory compartment are in accordance with those previously described for migratory salmonids. A novel aspect of our findings is the organ-specific differential response exhibited by ORD-enzymes when trout are exposed to a mildly different osmotic environment. Our findings further establish the uniqueness of fish thyroid physiology, and can be of value in further understanding the evolutionary aspects of this ORD family of deiodinases.  相似文献   

Syunyaev  R. A.  Aliev  R. R. 《Biophysics》2010,55(6):1025-1029
The initiation and propagation of electrical pulses in the sinoatrial node under normal conditions and after application of acetylcholine have been simulated. It has been found that normally a single or a few leading centers are formed in the tissue. When acetylcholine is applied, a temporary functional block of conduction may appear; the leading center migrates under these conditions.  相似文献   

The sinoatrial node performs its task as a cardiac impulse generator throughout the life of the organism, but this important function is not a constant. Rather, there are significant developmental changes in the expression and function of ion channels and other cellular elements, which lead to a postnatal slowing of heart rate and may be crucial to the reliable functioning of the node during maturation. In this review, we provide an overview of current knowledge regarding these changes, with the main focus placed on maturation of the ion channel expression profile. Studies on Na(+) and pacemaker currents have shown that their contribution to automaticity is greater in the newborn than in the adult, but this age-dependent decrease is at least partially opposed by an increased contribution of L-type Ca(2+) current. Whereas information regarding age-dependent changes in other transmembrane currents within the sinoatrial node are lacking, there are data on other relevant parameters. These include an increase in the nodal content of fibroblasts and in the area of nonexpression of connexin43, considered a molecular marker of nodal tissue. Although much remains to be done before a comprehensive view of the developmental biology of the node is available, important evidence in support of a molecular interpretation of developmental slowing of the intrinsic sinoatrial rate is beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

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