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To understand why transgenic Nicotiana occidentalis plants expressing a functional movement protein (MP) of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) show specific resistance to Grapevine berry inner necrosis virus (GINV), the MPs of ACLSV (50KP) and GINV (39KP) were fused to green, yellow, or cyan fluorescent proteins (GFP, YFP, or CFP). These fusion proteins were transiently expressed in leaf cells of both transgenic (50KP) and nontransgenic (NT) plants, and the intracellular and intercellular trafficking and tubule-inducing activity of these proteins were compared. The results indicate that in epidermal cells and protoplasts from 50KP plant leaves, the trafficking and tubule-inducing activities of GINV-39KP were specifically blocked while those of ACLSV-50KP and Apple stem grooving virus MP (36KP) were not affected. Additionally, when 39KP-YFP and 50KP-CFP were coexpressed in the leaf epidermis of NT plants, the fluorescence of both proteins was confined to single cells, indicating that 50KP-CFP interferes with the cell-to-cell trafficking of 39KP-YFP and vice versa. Mutational analyses of 50KP showed that the deletion mutants that retained the activities described above still blocked cell-to-cell trafficking of 39KP, but the dysfunctional 50KP mutants could no longer impede cell-to-cell movement of 39KP. Transgenic plants expressing the functional 50KP deletion mutants showed specific resistance against GINV. In contrast, transgenic plants expressing the dysfunctional 50KP mutants did not show any resistance to the virus. From these results, we conclude that the specific resistance of 50KP plants to GINV is due to the ability of the 50KP to block intracellular and intercellular trafficking of GINV 39KP.  相似文献   

Nicotiana benthamiana can be doubly infected with either potato virus Y or tobacco etch virus and sorghum chlorotic spot virus (SCSV). Immunogold labeling showed that cylindrical inclusions of either potyvirus bind virions of the unrelated rod-shaped furovirus SCSV. Not all cells in doubly infected N. benthamiana plants contained both viruses. In cells infected by the potyviruses but not by SCSV, cylindrical inclusions did not label with the antiserum to SCSV. Numbers of cells infected with SCSV did not increase in doubly infected plants compared to those in plants infected with SCSV alone. Systemic infection of N. benthamiana by either potyvirus was not prevented by SCSV infections. This provides further evidence that unrelated rod-shaped viruses can bind to potyvirus cylindrical inclusion bodies, and that this phenomenon is not limited to graminaceous hosts.  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum virus B (CVB genus Carlavirus, family Flexiviridae) is one of the major viral pathogens of chrysanthemum. This virus occurs worldwide, is a potential threat to the floriculture industry and hence is a quarantine pathogen. CVB has a positive sense single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) genome ~8.8 kb. The coat protein gene of CVB was amplified by RT-PCR, cloned and over expressed in E. coli BL21. The protein (CP) was expressed as a fusion protein with Glutathione S-Transferase (GST). Fused protein with GST was purified by GST tagged affinity chromatography and polyclonal (but monospecific) antibodies from rabbits immunized with the fusion protein was used for formulation of ELISA based diagnostic kit for CVB detection. The antisera produced showed specific reaction to CVB from infected chrysanthemums, Nicotiana glutinosa, Nicotiana clevelandii and Chenopodium quinoa at dilution of 1:1000 in ELISA. Results obtained were comparable (some times better) than commercial kit. The IgG against CVB performed favorably in specificity and sensitivity to the virus. Findings present a procedure for production of antibodies for CVB indexing of chrysanthemums propagative and mother stock materials to provide the disease free planting material.  相似文献   

Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) is the causal agent of “viruela” disease, one of the limiting factors to apricot production in affected areas in the Southeast of Spain. In this work, the response of antioxidant enzymes to ACLSV infection of an indicator peach genotype, ‘GF305’, which is characterised by a great susceptibility to this virus, was studied before (short-period incubation) and after (long-period incubation) a cold treatment. Short-period ACLSV incubation caused significant changes in ascorbate peroxidase (APX), peroxidase (POX) and catalase (CAT) activities. In addition, long-period ACLSV incubation caused significant changes of activities in most of the antioxidant enzymes examined. The results show increases in the APX, dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities, whereas POX suffered a decrease of about 34%.No changes in lipid peroxidation, measured as TBARS, were observed in peach leaves as a consequence of the long-period ACLSV incubation. Overall, the data show that long-period ACLSV incubation did not produce any symptoms in peach GF305 leaves or damage to membranes (no changes in lipid peroxidation), and this response was correlated with an increase in the antioxidant defences in leaves, such as the ASC-GSH cycle enzymes and the SOD and GST activities.  相似文献   

The complete sequences of the coat protein (CP) gene of 26 isolates of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) from India were determined. The isolates were obtained from various pome (apple, pear and quince) and stone (plum, peach, apricot, almond and wild Himalayan cherry) fruit trees. Other previously characterized ACLSV isolates and Trichoviruses were used for comparative analysis. Indian ACLSV isolates among themselves and with isolates from elsewhere in the world shared 91–100% and 70–98% sequence identities at the amino acid and nucleotide levels, respectively. The highest degree of variability was observed in the middle portion with 9 amino acid substitutions in contrast to the N-terminal and C-terminal ends, which were maximally conserved with only 4 amino acid substitutions. In phylogenetic analysis no reasonable correlation between host species and/or geographic origin of the isolates was observed. Alignment with capsid protein genes of other Trichoviruses revealed the TaTao ACLSV peach isolate to be phylogenetically closest to Peach mosaic virus, Apricot pseudo chlorotic leaf spot virus and Cherry mottle leaf virus. Recombination analysis (RDP3 ver.2.6) done for all the available ACLSV complete CP sequences of the world and Indian isolates indicate no significant evidence of recombination. However, one recombination event among Indian ACLSV-CP isolates was detected. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of complete CP sequence variability study from India and also the first evidence of homologous recombination in ACLSV.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the subgenomic coat protein messengers (RNA4's) of two related bromoviruses, brome mosaic virus (BMV) and cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV), have been determined by direct RNA and CDNA sequencing without cloning. BMV RNA4 is 876 b long including a 5' noncoding region of nine nucleotides and a 3' noncoding region of 300 nucleotides. CCMV RNA 4 is 824 b long, including a 5' noncoding region of 10 nucleotides and a 3' noncoding region of 244 nucleotides. The encoded coat proteins are similar in length (188 amino acids for BMV and 189 amino acids for CCMV) and display about 70% homology in their amino acid sequences. Length difference between the two RNAs is due mostly to a single deletion, in CCMV with respect to BMV, of about 57 b immediately following the coding region. Allowing for this deletion the RNAs are indicate that mutations leading to divergence were constrained in the coding region primarily by the requirement of maintaining a favorable coat protein structure and in the 3' noncoding region primarily by the requirement of maintaining a favorable RNA spatial configuration.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to obtain more insight into the parameters that determine the secretion of heterologous proteins from filamentous fungi. A strategy was chosen in which the mRNA levels and protein levels of a number of heterologous genes of different origins were compared. All genes were under control of the Aspergillus awamori 1,4-beta-endoxylanase A (exlA) expression signals and were integrated in a single copy at the A. awamori pyrG locus. A Northern (RNA) analysis showed that large differences occurred in the steady-state mRNA levels obtained with the various genes; those levels varied from high values for genes of fungal origin (A. awamori 1,4-beta-endoxylanase A, Aspergillus niger glucoamylase, and Thermomyces lanuginosa lipase) to low values for genes of nonfungal origin (human interleukin 6 and Cyamopsis tetragonoloba [guar] alpha-galactosidase). With the C. tetragonoloba alpha-galactosidase wild-type gene full-length mRNA was even undetectable. Surprisingly, small amounts of full-length mRNA could be detected when a C. tetragonoloba alpha-galactosidase gene with an optimized Saccharomyces cerevisiae codon preference was expressed. In all cases except human interleukin 6, the protein levels corresponded to the amounts expected on basis of the mRNA levels. For human interleukin 6, very low protein levels were observed, whereas relatively high steady-state mRNA levels were obtained. Our data suggest that intracellular protein degradation is the most likely explanation for the low levels of secreted human interleukin 6.  相似文献   

Recombinant DNA derived tobacco mosaic virus (vulgare strain) coat protein (r-TMVP) was obtained by cloning and expression in Escherichia coli and was purified by column chromatography, self-assembly polymerization, and precipitation. SDS-PAGE, amino terminal sequencing, and immunoblotting with polyclonal antibodies raised against TMVP confirmed the identify and purity of the recombinant protein. Isoelectric focusing in 8 M urea and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry demonstrated that the r-TMVP is not acetylated at the amino terminus, unlike the wild-type protein isolated from the tobacco plant derived virus. The characterization of r-TMVP with regard to its self-assembly properties revealed reversible endothermic polymerization as studied by analytical ultracentrifugation, circular dichroism, and electron microscopy. However, the details of the assembly process differed from those of the wild-type protein. At neutral pH, low ionic strength, and 20 degrees C, TMVP forms a 20S two-turn helical rod that acts as a nucleus for further assembly with RNA and additional TMVP to form TMV. Under more acidic conditions, this 20S structure also acts as a nucleus for protein self-assembly to form viruslike RNA-free rods. The r-TMVP that is not acetylated carries an extra positive charge at the amino terminus and does not appear to form the 20S nucleus. Instead, it forms a 28S four-layer structure, which resembles in size and structure the dimer of the bilayer disk formed by the wild-type protein at pH 8.0, high ionic strength, and 20 degrees C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Several Aspergillus species, in particular Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae, are widely used as protein production hosts in various biotechnological applications. In order to improve the expression and secretion of recombinant proteins in these filamentous fungi, several novel genetic engineering strategies have been developed in recent years. This review describes state-of-the-art genetic manipulation technologies used for strain improvement, as well as recent advances in designing the most appropriate engineering strategy for a particular protein production process. Furthermore, current developments in identifying bottlenecks in the protein production and secretion pathways are described and novel approaches to overcome these limitations are introduced. An appropriate combination of expression vectors and optimized host strains will provide cell factories customized for each production process and expand the great potential of Aspergilli as biotechnology workhorses to more complex multi-step industrial applications.  相似文献   

Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV-W) and Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) are responsible for severe losses in cucurbits and tomato production in south Florida and other regions in the USA. Traditional chemicals are not effective to control these viruses. Using plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) may present an alternative to control these viruses. Results from this study demonstrated that applying mixtures of PGPR strains is more efficient to control PRSV-W and TCSV compared to individual PGPR strain only. The application method significantly affected the efficiency of PGPR to control PRSV-W and TCSV. The highest reduction in disease severity of both PRSV-W and TCSV occurred in case of soil drenching with PGPR, followed by root dipping and seed coating treatments. Application of PGPR mixtures of (IN937a & SE34) or (IN937a &, SE34 & T4) were the most efficient methods to control these viral diseases.  相似文献   

Many eukaryotic proteins have been successfully expressed in insect cells infected with a recombinant baculovirus derived from the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV). There are, however, disadvantages with this cell-based system when carried out in suspension cultures at high bioreactor volume (e.g., limited oxygen transfer, susceptibility to contamination, high cost). These problems can be avoided by using whole larvae as the "reactors." There are, however, other problems encountered with larvae, one being their inaccessibility for product sampling. To combat this problem, we have investigated the expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter molecule in Trichoplusia ni insect larvae. A high production level of GFPuv (1.58 mg per larva, 26% of total protein) was obtained, enabling the rapid and non-invasive monitoring of GFP. Bright green light was emitted directly from the large opaque carcasses ( approximately 30mm) after illumination with UV light. Based on the green light intensity and a correlation between intensity and GFP mass, we determined the optimal harvest time (c.a. approximately 3 days post-infection). In parallel experiments, we expressed human interleukin-2 (IL-2) from another recombinant baculovirus with an almost identical expression profile. Since both GFP and IL-2 were rapidly degraded by protease activity during the fourth day post-infection (another disadvantage with larvae), we found an accurate determination of harvest time was critical. Correspondingly, our results demonstrated that GFP was an effective on-line marker for expression of heterologous protein in insect larvae. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 56: 239-247, 1997.  相似文献   

Watercress chlorotic leaf spot virus (WCLV) caused a yellow leaf spot disease of watercress at Pickering, Yorkshire. The virus was mechanically transmitted to and maintained in Chenopodium quinoa, C. amaranticolor and Petunia hybrida in which it caused systemic symptoms. It could not be mechanically transmitted, however, from infected C. quinoa to Chrysanthemum, Gynura aurantia, potato, tomato, watercress or nine other species of Cruciferae. WCLV could be partially-purified after extraction in weak (0.05–0.1 M) but not strong (0.5 M) phosphate or tris/HCl buffer after clarification with diethyl ether and acidification to pH 3.9–4.0. Preparations were non-infective if treated with 5% (vlv) ethanol or n-butanol or if stored at — 12°C for 1 day or heated for 10 min at 54°C. Preparations were non-infective after treatment with RNase or proteinase K but not after treatment with DNase. The virus was present in roots of diseased watercress plants which also contained the watercress crook root disease fungus Spongospora subterranea f. sp. nasturtii. Tests showed that WCLV was transmitted by S. subterranea zoospores and that it persisted in the resting spores of the fungus. The crook root disease was controlled by adding 0.3–0.5 μg Zn/ml to the inlet water supply to the crop. The water that had flowed through the crop contained 0.05–0.10 μg Zn/ml. Although this increased the zinc content of the watercress from 8–9 in untreated beds to 16–48 μg Zn/g in treated beds, this was below the tolerance recommended by the Food Standards Committee. A method is described of obtaining accurate dilutions of solutions of zinc sulphate (20% w/v ZnSO4.H2O) in the water supplying the crop using solutions of the red dye Ariavit Amaranth.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the coat protein (CP) of a potato virus Y (PVY) was cloned into expression vector pMPM-A4Ω. PVY CP was expressed in Escherichia coli and the purified recombinant protein was used for raising rabbit polyclonal antibodies. The sera and antibodies were tested for the detection of PVY in the laboratory host Nicotiana tabacum cv. Petit Havana SR1 and in various cultivars of the natural host Solanum tuberosum by ELISA as well as by Western blots. The antibodies can be used for the detection of the whole strain spectrum of PVY by indirect plate trapped antigen ELISA and Western blot, but not by double antigen sandwich ELISA.  相似文献   

Papaya ringspot virus-W (PRSV-W) and Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) are common viruses infecting vegetables in south Florida. Application of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) has emerged as a potential alternative of chemical pesticides to control these viruses. But, it is not sufficient to completely replace chemical control. This study aimed to investigate the synergistic effect of chitosan and PGPR to control PRSV-W and TCSV. The efficiency of PGPR to suppress PRSV-W and TCSV was significantly improved when they were accompanied with chitosan treatment. The highest reduction in disease severity of both PRSV-W and TCSV was achieved when chitosan treatment was accompanied with mixture of two PGPR (IN937a + SE34) or three PGPR strains (IN937a + SE34 + SE56). The results of this study proved that implementation of chitosan and PGPR could significantly restrict losses due to PRSV-W and TCSV in squash and tomato, in Florida and the United States.  相似文献   

The RNA-binding N-terminal arm of the coat protein of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus has been studied with five molecular dynamics simulations of 2.0 ns each. This 25-residue peptide (pep25) is highly charged: it contains six Arg and three Lys residues. An alpha-helical fraction of the sequence is stabilized in vitro by salts. The interaction of monophosphate (Pi) ions with pep25 was studied, and it was found that only two Pi ions are bound to pep25 on average, but water-mediated interactions between pep25 and Pi, which provide electrostatic screening for intrapeptide interactions, are abundant. Shielding by the Pi ions of repulsive electrostatic interactions between Arg sidechains increases the alpha-helicity of pep25. A hydrogen bond at the N-terminal end of the alpha-helix renders extension of the alpha-helix in the N-terminal direction impossible, in agreement with evidence from nuclear magnetic resonance experiments.  相似文献   

毕赤酵母是一种能以甲醇为唯一碳源生长的甲基营养型酵母,常用作表达外源蛋白的细胞工厂。目前毕赤酵母常用的高效启动子AOX1(PAOX1)是一个严格的底物依赖型启动子,受甲醇的严格诱导,受葡萄糖、甘油、乙醇等非甲醇碳源抑制。但是甲醇有毒、易燃、易爆的特性使得其在食用、医用产品生产等领域受到很大的限制。本文将主要从PAOX1机制改造、新型启动子和非甲醇诱导物研发的角度阐述毕赤酵母非甲醇诱导的研究进展。  相似文献   

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