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Most bioinformatics analyses require the assembly of a multiple sequence alignment. It has long been suspected that structural information can help to improve the quality of these alignments, yet the effect of combining sequences and structures has not been evaluated systematically. We developed 3DCoffee, a novel method for combining protein sequences and structures in order to generate high-quality multiple sequence alignments. 3DCoffee is based on TCoffee version 2.00, and uses a mixture of pairwise sequence alignments and pairwise structure comparison methods to generate multiple sequence alignments. We benchmarked 3DCoffee using a subset of HOMSTRAD, the collection of reference structural alignments. We found that combining TCoffee with the threading program Fugue makes it possible to improve the accuracy of our HOMSTRAD dataset by four percentage points when using one structure only per dataset. Using two structures yields an improvement of ten percentage points. The measures carried out on HOM39, a HOMSTRAD subset composed of distantly related sequences, show a linear correlation between multiple sequence alignment accuracy and the ratio of number of provided structure to total number of sequences. Our results suggest that in the case of distantly related sequences, a single structure may not be enough for computing an accurate multiple sequence alignment.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignments are successfully applied in many studies for under- standing the structural and functional relations among single nucleic acids and protein sequences as well as whole families. Because of the rapid growth of sequence databases, multiple sequence alignments can often be very large and difficult to visualize and analyze. We offer a new service aimed to visualize and analyze the multiple alignments obtained with different external algorithms, with new features useful for the comparison of the aligned sequences as well as for the creation of a final image of the alignment. The service is named FASMA and is available at http://bioinformatica.isa.cnr.it/FASMA/.  相似文献   

Homology-derived secondary structure of proteins (HSSP) is a well-known database of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) which merges information of protein sequences and their three-dimensional structures. It is available for all proteins whose structure is deposited in the PDB. It is also used by STING and (Java)Protein Dossier to calculate and present relative entropy as a measure of the degree of conservation for each residue of proteins whose structure has been solved and deposited in the PDB. However, if the STING and (Java)Protein Dossier are to provide support for analysis of protein structures modeled in computers or being experimentally solved but not yet deposited in the PDB, then we need a new method for building alignments having a flavor of HSSP alignments (myMSAr). The present study describes a new method and its corresponding databank (SH2QS--database of sequences homologue to the query [structure-having] sequence). Our main interest in making myMSAr was to measure the degree of residue conservation for a given query sequence, regardless of whether it has a corresponding structure deposited in the PDB. In this study, we compare the measurement of residue conservation provided by corresponding alignments produced by HSSP and SH2QS. As a case study, we also present two biologically relevant examples, the first one highlighting the equivalence of analysis of the degree of residue conservation by using HSSP or SH2QS alignments, and the second one presenting the degree of residue conservation for a structure modeled in a computer, which , as a consequence, does not have an alignment reported by HSSP.  相似文献   



Multiple sequence alignments are used to study gene or protein function, phylogenetic relations, genome evolution hypotheses and even gene polymorphisms. Virtually without exception, all available tools focus on conserved segments or residues. Small divergent regions, however, are biologically important for specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction, genotyping, molecular markers and preparation of specific antibodies, and yet have received little attention. As a consequence, they must be selected empirically by the researcher. AlignMiner has been developed to fill this gap in bioinformatic analyses.  相似文献   

AltAVisT: comparing alternative multiple sequence alignments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We introduce a WWW-based tool that is able to compare two alternative multiple alignments of a given sequence set. Regions where both alignments coincide are color-coded to visualize the local agreement between the two alignments and to identify those regions that can be considered to be reliably aligned. AVAILABILITY: http://bibiserv.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/altavist/.  相似文献   



Genomic sequence data cannot be fully appreciated in isolation. Comparative genomics – the practice of comparing genomic sequences from different species – plays an increasingly important role in understanding the genotypic differences between species that result in phenotypic differences as well as in revealing patterns of evolutionary relationships. One of the major challenges in comparative genomics is producing a high-quality alignment between two or more related genomic sequences. In recent years, a number of tools have been developed for aligning large genomic sequences. Most utilize heuristic strategies to identify a series of strong sequence similarities, which are then used as anchors to align the regions between the anchor points. The resulting alignment is globally correct, but in many cases is suboptimal locally. We describe a new program, GenAlignRefine, which improves the overall quality of global multiple alignments by using a genetic algorithm to improve local regions of alignment. Regions of low quality are identified, realigned using the program T-Coffee, and then refined using a genetic algorithm. Because a better COFFEE (Consistency based Objective Function For alignmEnt Evaluation) score generally reflects greater alignment quality, the algorithm searches for an alignment that yields a better COFFEE score. To improve the intrinsic slowness of the genetic algorithm, GenAlignRefine was implemented as a parallel, cluster-based program.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Mitochondrial genomes encode their own transfer RNAs (tRNAs). These are often degenerate in sequence and structure compared to tRNAs in their bacterial ancestors. This is one of the reasons why current tRNA gene predictor programs perform poorly identifying mitochondrial tRNA genes. As a consequence there is a need for a new program with the specific aim of predicting these tRNAs. RESULTS: In this study, we present the software ARWEN that identifies tRNA genes in metazoan mitochondrial nucleotide sequences. ARWEN detects close to 100% of previously annotated genes. AVAILABILITY: An online version, software for download and test results are available at www.acgt.se/online.html  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) accuracy is important, but there is no widely accepted method of judging the accuracy that different alignment algorithms give. We present a simple approach to detecting two types of error, namely block shifts and the misplacement of residues within a gap. Given a MSA, subsets of very similar sequences are generated through the use of a redundancy filter, typically using a 70–90% sequence identity cut-off. Subsets thus produced are typically small and degenerate, and errors can be easily detected even by manual examination. The errors, albeit minor, are inevitably associated with gaps in the alignment, and so the procedure is particularly relevant to homology modelling of protein loop regions. The usefulness of the approach is illustrated in the context of the universal but little known [K/R]KLH motif that occurs in intracellular loop 1 of G protein coupled receptors (GPCR); other issues relevant to GPCR modelling are also discussed.  相似文献   

Genome-wide multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) are a necessary prerequisite for an increasingly diverse collection of comparative genomic approaches. Here we present a versatile method that generates high-quality MSAs for non-protein-coding sequences. The NcDNAlign pipeline combines pairwise BLAST alignments to create initial MSAs, which are then locally improved and trimmed. The program is optimized for speed and hence is particulary well-suited to pilot studies. We demonstrate the practical use of NcDNAlign in three case studies: the search for ncRNAs in gammaproteobacteria and the analysis of conserved noncoding DNA in nematodes and teleost fish, in the latter case focusing on the fate of duplicated ultra-conserved regions. Compared to the currently widely used genome-wide alignment program TBA, our program results in a 20- to 30-fold reduction of CPU time necessary to generate gammaproteobacterial alignments. A showcase application of bacterial ncRNA prediction based on alignments of both algorithms results in similar sensitivity, false discovery rates, and up to 100 putatively novel ncRNA structures. Similar findings hold for our application of NcDNAlign to the identification of ultra-conserved regions in nematodes and teleosts. Both approaches yield conserved sequences of unknown function, result in novel evolutionary insights into conservation patterns among these genomes, and manifest the benefits of an efficient and reliable genome-wide alignment package. The software is available under the GNU Public License at http://www.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de/Software/NcDNAlign/.  相似文献   



The quality of progressive sequence alignments strongly depends on the accuracy of the individual pairwise alignment steps since gaps that are introduced at one step cannot be removed at later aggregation steps. Adjacent insertions and deletions necessarily appear in arbitrary order in pairwise alignments and hence form an unavoidable source of errors.  相似文献   



Obtaining an accurate sequence alignment is fundamental for consistently analyzing biological data. Although this problem may be efficiently solved when only two sequences are considered, the exact inference of the optimal alignment easily gets computationally intractable for the multiple sequence alignment case. To cope with the high computational expenses, approximate heuristic methods have been proposed that address the problem indirectly by progressively aligning the sequences in pairs according to their relatedness. These methods however are not flexible to change the alignment of an already aligned group of sequences in the view of new data, resulting thus in compromises on the quality of the deriving alignment. In this paper we present ReformAlign, a novel meta-alignment approach that may significantly improve on the quality of the deriving alignments from popular aligners. We call ReformAlign a meta-aligner as it requires an initial alignment, for which a variety of alignment programs can be used. The main idea behind ReformAlign is quite straightforward: at first, an existing alignment is used to construct a standard profile which summarizes the initial alignment and then all sequences are individually re-aligned against the formed profile. From each sequence-profile comparison, the alignment of each sequence against the profile is recorded and the final alignment is indirectly inferred by merging all the individual sub-alignments into a unified set. The employment of ReformAlign may often result in alignments which are significantly more accurate than the starting alignments.


We evaluated the effect of ReformAlign on the generated alignments from ten leading alignment methods using real data of variable size and sequence identity. The experimental results suggest that the proposed meta-aligner approach may often lead to statistically significant more accurate alignments. Furthermore, we show that ReformAlign results in more substantial improvement in cases where the starting alignment is of relatively inferior quality or when the input sequences are harder to align.


The proposed profile-based meta-alignment approach seems to be a promising and computationally efficient method that can be combined with practically all popular alignment methods and may lead to significant improvements in the generated alignments.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-15-265) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

MULTAN: a program to align multiple DNA sequences.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
I describe a computer program which can align a large number of nucleic acid sequences with one another. The program uses an heuristic, iterative algorithm which has been tested extensively, and is found to produce useful alignments of a variety of sequence families. The algorithm is fast enough to be practical for the analysis of large number of sequences, and is implemented in a program which contains a variety of other functions to facilitate the analysis of the aligned result.  相似文献   

Fast and sensitive multiple sequence alignments on a microcomputer   总被引:99,自引:0,他引:99  
A strategy is described for the rapid alignment of many longnucleic acid or protein sequences on a microcomputer. The programdescribed can handle up to 100 sequences of 1200 residues each.The approach is based on progressively aligning sequences accordingto the branching order in an initial phylogenetic tree. Theresults obtained using the package appear to be as sensitiveas those from any other available method. Received on October 7, 1988; accepted on December 6, 1988  相似文献   



Sequence-based methods for phylogenetic reconstruction from (nucleic acid) sequence data are notoriously plagued by two effects: homoplasies and alignment errors. Large evolutionary distances imply a large number of homoplastic sites. As most protein-coding genes show dramatic variations in substitution rates that are not uncorrelated across the sequence, this often leads to a patchwork pattern of (i) phylogenetically informative and (ii) effectively randomized regions. In highly variable regions, furthermore, alignment errors accumulate resulting in sometimes misleading signals in phylogenetic reconstruction.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The program ESPript (Easy Sequencing in PostScript) allows the rapid visualization, via PostScript output, of sequences aligned with popular programs such as CLUSTAL-W or GCG PILEUP. It can read secondary structure files (such as that created by the program DSSP) to produce a synthesis of both sequence and structural information. RESULTS: ESPript can be run via a command file or a friendly html-based user interface. The program calculates an homology score by columns of residues and can sort this calculation by groups of sequences. It offers a palette of markers to highlight important regions in the alignment. ESPript can also paste information on residue conservation into coordinate files, for subsequent visualization with a graphics program. AVAILABILITY: ESPript can be accessed on its Web site at http://www.ipbs.fr/ESPript. Sources and helpfiles can be downloaded via anonymous ftp from ftp.ipbs.fr. A tar file is held in the directory pub/ESPript.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The power of multi-sequence comparison for biological discovery is well established. The need for new capabilities to visualize and compare cross-species alignment data is intensified by the growing number of genomic sequence datasets being generated for an ever-increasing number of organisms. To be efficient these visualization algorithms must support the ability to accommodate consistently a wide range of evolutionary distances in a comparison framework based upon phylogenetic relationships. RESULTS: We have developed Phylo-VISTA, an interactive tool for analyzing multiple alignments by visualizing a similarity measure for multiple DNA sequences. The complexity of visual presentation is effectively organized using a framework based upon interspecies phylogenetic relationships. The phylogenetic organization supports rapid, user-guided interspecies comparison. To aid in navigation through large sequence datasets, Phylo-VISTA leverages concepts from VISTA that provide a user with the ability to select and view data at varying resolutions. The combination of multiresolution data visualization and analysis, combined with the phylogenetic framework for interspecies comparison, produces a highly flexible and powerful tool for visual data analysis of multiple sequence alignments. AVAILABILITY: Phylo-VISTA is available at http://www-gsd.lbl.gov/phylovista. It requires an Internet browser with Java Plug-in 1.4.2 and it is integrated into the global alignment program LAGAN at http://lagan.stanford.edu  相似文献   

There is a lack of programs available that focus on providing an overview of an aligned set of sequences such that the comparison of homologous sites becomes comprehensible and intuitive. Being able to identify similarities, differences, and patterns within a multiple sequence alignment is biologically valuable because it permits visualization of the distribution of a particular feature and inferences about the structure, function, and evolution of the sequences in question. We have therefore created a web server, fingerprint, which combines the characteristics of existing programs that represent identity, variability, charge, hydrophobicity, solvent accessibility, and structure along with new visualizations based on composition, heterogeneity, heterozygosity, dN/dS and nucleotide diversity. fingerprint is easy to use and globally accessible through any computer using any major browser. fingerprint is available at http://evol.mcmaster.ca/fingerprint/ .  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) are one of the most important sources of information in sequence analysis. Many methods have been proposed to detect, extract and visualize their most significant properties. To the same extent that site-specific methods like sequence logos successfully visualize site conservations and sequence-based methods like clustering approaches detect relationships between sequences, both types of methods fail at revealing informational elements of MSAs at the level of sequence–site interactions, i.e. finding clusters of sequences and sites responsible for their clustering, which together account for a high fraction of the overall information of the MSA. To fill this gap, we present here a method that combines the Fisher score-based embedding of sequences from a profile hidden Markov model (pHMM) with correspondence analysis. This method is capable of detecting and visualizing group-specific or conflicting signals in an MSA and allows for a detailed explorative investigation of alignments of any size tractable by pHMMs. Applications of our methods are exemplified on an alignment of the Neisseria surface antigen LP2086, where it is used to detect sites of recombinatory horizontal gene transfer and on the vitamin K epoxide reductase family to distinguish between evolutionary and functional signals.  相似文献   

The question of multiple sequence alignment quality has received much attention from developers of alignment methods. Less forthcoming, however, are practical measures for addressing alignment quality issues in real life settings. Here, we present a simple methodology to help identify and quantify the uncertainties in multiple sequence alignments and their effects on subsequent analyses. The proposed methodology is based upon the a priori expectation that sequence alignment results should be independent of the orientation of the input sequences. Thus, for totally unambiguous cases, reversing residue order prior to alignment should yield an exact reversed alignment of that obtained by using the unreversed sequences. Such "ideal" alignments, however, are the exception in real life settings, and the two alignments, which we term the heads and tails alignments, are usually different to a greater or lesser degree. The degree of agreement or discrepancy between these two alignments may be used to assess the reliability of the sequence alignment. Furthermore, any alignment dependent sequence analysis protocol can be carried out separately for each of the two alignments, and the two sets of results may be compared with each other, providing us with valuable information regarding the robustness of the whole analytical process. The heads-or-tails (HoT) methodology can be easily implemented for any choice of alignment method and for any subsequent analytical protocol. We demonstrate the utility of HoT for phylogenetic reconstruction for the case of 130 sequences belonging to the chemoreceptor superfamily in Drosophila melanogaster, and by analysis of the BaliBASE alignment database. Surprisingly, Neighbor-Joining methods of phylogenetic reconstruction turned out to be less affected by alignment errors than maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods.  相似文献   

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