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Alterations in the rate of oocyte meiotic maturation (OM) and the timing of the metaphase-anaphase transition may predispose oocytes to premature centromere separation (PCS) and aneuploidy. Tamoxifen has the potential for perturbing the rate of OM since it can function as a calcium antagonist by binding to calmodulin and inhibiting the formation of a calcium-calmodulin complex which is needed for activating calmodulin-dependent cAMP phosphodiesterase and initiating OM. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that tamoxifen alters the rate of OM and predisposes oocytes to PCS and aneuploidy. Different does of tamoxifen were administered by oral gavage to female mice preovulation. Metaphase II oocyte and 1-cell zygote chromosomes were C-banded and cytogenetically analysed. Tamoxifen treatment resulted in a modest, but significant (p < 0.05), increase in oocytes with PCS. Similar frequencies of hyperploidy and oocytes with unpaired, single chromatids (SC) were found. Metaphase I, diploid and premature anaphase (PA) oocytes were not detected. Hyperploidy, polyploidy, PCS, PA and SC were not detected in zygotes. These data indicate that the levels of tamoxifen-induced PCS found in mouse oocytes did not predispose zygotes to aneuploidy. Tamoxifen did, however, reduce the proportion of females exhibiting oestrus.  相似文献   

The effects of griseofulvin (GF) upon the first meiotic division of female mouse germ cells were evaluated by cytogenetic analysis of first-cleavage (1-Cl) zygotes. The present study is an extension of an investigation that began with the cytogenetic analysis of metaphase II (M II) oocytes. Different doses (200, 666, 1332, 2000 mg/kg) were tested by oral administration of GF to superovulated animals either at the time of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) injection or 2 h post HCG. When GF was given at the time of HCG, significant dose-dependent increases of different types of cytogenetically abnormal cells were found. These included zygotes containing ostensibly female-derived M I or M II arrested chromosomes and polyploid zygotes. The total yields of these aberrations were 2.9, 4.3, 26.2, 60.6, and 64.1% for control, 200, 666, 1332, and 2000 mg/kg, respectively. The origin of these zygotes was attributed to the fertilization of oocytes that had been previously arrested at M I. No significant induction of hyperploidy was detected. Developmentally abnormal zygotes were still observed when GF was administered 2 h post HCG, although their frequencies were significantly lower than in the first series of experiments. The yields of developmentally abnormal zygotes were 49, 10.2, and 23.6% at 200, 666, and 2000 mg/kg. Additionally, a dose-dependent increase in the frequency of hyperploid zygotes was detected up to a maximum of 36.5% at 2000 mg/kg. These results confirm the cytogenetic observations from M II oocytes after GF treatment under the same experimental conditions; namely, a dramatic change in the oocyte target susceptibility to GF occurred within a short time period. Also, the present study demonstrated that most of GF-induced aneuploid oocytes were fertilized and reached first-cleavage metaphase.  相似文献   

Centromeres at premeiotic interphase are clustered and situated in a small area of the nucleus opposite to the nuclear envelope associated heterochromatic masses. The centromeres may occur singly or they may associate to form a structure composed of 2 or more centromeres. Many centromere associations are nonhomologous. Interphase centromeres are not attached to the nuclear envelope. — At zygotene and pachytene centromeres are no longer clustered at one pole of the nucleus but rather are distributed throughout the nucleus. Premeiotic associations appear to be resolved prior to meiotic pairing. Only homologous centromere associations occur during zygotene and pachytene. There is no indication that premeiotic centromere associations are involved in prezygotene alignment of homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

To increase our understanding about the potential risks of chemically-induced aneuploidy, more information about the various mechanisms of aneuploidy induction is needed, particularly in germ cells. Most chemicals that induce aneuploidy inhibit microtubule polymerization. However, taxol alters microtubule dynamics by enhancing polymerization and stabilizing the polymer fraction. We tested the hypothesis that taxol induces meiotic delay, spindle defects, and aneuploidy in mouse oocytes and zygotes. Super-ovulated ICR mice received 0 (control), 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 mg/kg taxol intraperitoneally immediately after HCG. Females were paired (1:1) with males for 17 h after taxol treatment. Mated females were given colchicine 25 h after taxol and their one-cell zygotes were collected 16 h later. Ovulated oocytes from non-mated females were collected 17 h after taxol. Chromosomes were C-banded for cytogenetic analyses. Oocytes were also collected from another group of similarly treated females for in situ chromatin and microtubule analyses. Taxol significantly (p<0.01) enhanced the proportion of oocytes exhibiting parthenogenetic activation, chromosomes displaced from the meiotic spindle, and sister-chromatid separation. Moreover, 7.5 mg/kg taxol significantly (p<0.01) increased the proportions of metaphase I and diploid oocytes and polyploid zygotes. A significant (p<0.01) dose response for taxol-induced hyperploidy in oocytes and zygotes was found. These results support the hypothesis that taxol-induced meiotic delay and spindle defects contribute to aneuploid mouse oocytes and zygotes.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic factor responsible for chromosome condensation was introduced into mouse zygotes at different times after fertilization by fusion of the zygotes with metaphase I oocytes. In 72% of heterokaryons obtained after fusion of early zygotes (14-18 hr post-human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) with oocytes, the male and female pronuclei of the zygote decondensed. At the same time, the oocyte chromosomes became enclosed in a nuclear envelope and decondensed to an interphase state. However, in the rest of the heterokaryons, the chromatin of the pronuclei condensed to metaphase chromosomes, thus resulting in three sets of chromosomes. Fusion of zygotes that had begun DNA synthesis (20-22 hr post-HCG) with oocytes induced chromosome condensation of the pronuclei in 76% of the cases. In some heterokaryons, however, the oocyte chromosome decondensed to an interphase state similar to the zygote pronuclei. Fusion between late zygotes (27-29 hr post-HCG) with oocytes resulted in chromosome condensation of the pronuclei in all heterokaryons. On the basis of these results, the formation of the pronuclei and their progression toward mitosis in the zygote may be explained by changing levels of a metaphase factor in the cell, or by a balance between interphase and metaphase factors.  相似文献   

The maintenance of meiotic prophase arrest in mouse oocytes within fully grown follicles, prior to the surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) that triggers meiotic resumption, depends on a high level of cAMP within the oocyte. cAMP is produced within the oocyte, at least in large part, by the G(s)-linked G-protein-coupled receptor, GPR3. Gpr3 is localized in the mouse oocyte but is also present throughout the follicle. To investigate whether Gpr3 in the follicle cells contributes to the maintenance of meiotic arrest, RNA interference (RNAi) was used to reduce the amount of Gpr3 RNA within follicle-enclosed oocytes. Follicle-enclosed oocytes injected with small interfering double-stranded RNA (siRNA) targeting Gpr3, but not control siRNAs, stimulated the resumption of meiosis in the majority of oocytes following a 3-day culture period. Reduction of RNA was specific for Gpr3 because an unrelated gene was not reduced by microinjection of siRNA. Meiotic resumption was stimulated in isolated oocytes injected with the same siRNA and cultured for 1 to 2 days, but at a much lower rate than in follicle-enclosed oocytes that could be cultured for longer. These results demonstrate that GPR3 specifically in the oocyte, rather than in the follicle cells, is responsible for maintenance of meiotic arrest in mouse oocytes. Furthermore, the method developed here for specifically reducing RNA in follicle-enclosed oocytes, which can be cultured for a sufficient time to reduce the level of endogenous protein, should be generally useful for targeting a wide range of other proteins that may be involved in meiotic arrest, the resumption of meiosis, fertilization, or early embryonic development.  相似文献   

Guanyl nucleotide binding-proteins, or G-proteins, are ubiquitous molecules that are involved in cellular signal transduction mechanisms. Because a role has been established for cAMP in meiosis and G-proteins participate in cAMP-generating systems by stimulating or inhibiting adenylate cyclase, the present study was conducted to examine the possible involvement of G-proteins in the resumption of meiotic maturation. Cumulus cell-free mouse oocytes (denuded oocytes) were maintained in meiotic arrest in a transient and dose-dependent manner when microinjected with the nonhydrolyzable GTP analog, GTP gamma S. This effect was specific for GTP gamma S, because GppNHp, GTP, and ATP gamma S were without effect. Three compounds, known to interact with G-proteins, were tested for their ability to modulate meiotic maturation: pertussis toxin, cholera toxin, and aluminum fluoride (AlF4-). Pertussis toxin had little effect on maturation in either cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes or denuded oocytes when meiotic arrest was maintained with dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP) or hypoxanthine. Cholera toxin stimulated germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB) in cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes during long-term culture, but its action was inhibitory in denuded oocytes. AlF4- stimulated GVB in both cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes and denuded oocytes when meiotic arrest was maintained with hypoxanthine but was much less effective in dbcAMP-arrested oocytes. In addition, AlF4- abrogated the inhibitory action of cholera toxin in denuded oocytes and also that of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in cumulus cell-enclosed oocytes. Cholera toxin or FSH alone each stimulated the synthesis of cAMP in oocyte-cumulus cell complexes, whereas pertussis toxin or AlF4- alone were without effect. Both cholera toxin and AlF4- augmented the stimulatory action of FSH on cAMP. These data suggest the involvement of guanyl nucleotides and G-proteins in the regulation of GVB, although different G-proteins and mediators may be involved at the oocyte and cumulus cell levels. Cholera toxin most likely acts by ADP ribosylation of the alpha subunit of Gs and increased generation of cAMP, whereas AlF4- appears to act by antagonizing a cAMP-dependent step.  相似文献   

In most species, the meiotic cell cycle is arrested at the transition between prophase and metaphase through unclear somatic signals. Activation of the Cdc2-kinase component of maturation promoting factor (MPF) triggers germinal vesicle breakdown after the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge and reentry into the meiotic cell cycle. Although high levels of cAMP and activation of protein kinase A (PKA) play a critical role in maintaining an inactive Cdc2, the steps downstream of PKA in the oocyte remain unknown. Using a small-pool expression-screening strategy, we have isolated several putative PKA substrates from a mouse oocyte cDNA library. One of these clones encodes a Wee1-like kinase that prevents progesterone-induced oocyte maturation when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Unlike the widely expressed Wee1 and Myt1, mWee1B mRNA and its protein are expressed only in oocytes, and mRNA downregulation by RNAi injection in vitro or transgenic overexpression of RNAi in vivo causes a leaky meiotic arrest. Ser15 residue of mWee1B is the major PKA phosphorylation site in vitro, and the inhibitory effects of the kinase are enhanced when this residue is phosphorylated. Thus, mWee1B is a key MPF inhibitory kinase in mouse oocytes, functions downstream of PKA, and is required for maintaining meiotic arrest.  相似文献   

Mammalian ovary is metabolically active organ and generates by‐products such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) on an extraordinary scale. Both follicular somatic cells as well as oocyte generate ROS and RNS synchronously and their effects are neutralized by intricate array of antioxidants. ROS such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and RNS such as nitric oxide (NO) act as signaling molecules and modulate various aspects of oocyte physiology including meiotic cell cycle arrest and resumption. Generation of intraoocyte H2O2 can induce meiotic resumption from diplotene arrest probably by the activation of adenosine monophosphate (AMP)‐activated protein kinase A (PRKA)—or Ca2+‐mediated pathway. However, reduced intraoocyte NO level may inactivate guanylyl cyclase‐mediated pathway that results in the reduced production of cyclic 3′,5′‐guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). The reduced level of cGMP results in the activation of cyclic 3′,5′‐adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)‐phosphodiesterase 3A (PDE3A), which hydrolyses cAMP. The reduced intraoocyte cAMP results in the activation of maturation promoting factor (MPF) that finally induces meiotic resumption. Thus, a transient increase of intraoocyte H2O2 level and decrease of NO level may signal meiotic resumption from diplotene arrest in mammalian oocytes. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 521–528, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

I show, by in situ hybridization, that c-fos is expressed in the nervous system during mouse development. This expression was found to be restricted to specific regions at late stages of development (day 16 postcoitum), particularly to the spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia, and olfactory lobe. The c-fos protein may play a role in the maturation of these structures by activating specific genes.  相似文献   

Chromatin transformation from a diffused or NSN configuration to a compacted or SN shape that forms a ring around the nucleolus is regarded as one of the modifications necessary for successful embryonic development. But the process of the transformation is poorly understood. In this study we cultured mouse antral oocytes under meiotic arrest with IBMX for periods between 3 and 24 hr. We observed the chromatin status of the oocytes before and after culture under UV illumination. We reported here that the NSN configured oocytes transformed temporally through an intermediate form into the SN configuration while under meiotic arrest in vitro. Meiotic rate was improved in the NSN oocytes after the meiotic arrest but decreased in the SN oocytes. We also reported that chromatin of both the NSN and SN oocytes was acetylated and the two groups underwent the same pattern of H4/K5 deacetylation during meiotic maturation. We hypothesized that the transformation of mouse oocyte from the NSN to SN type may be time rather than oocyte size specific and the abrupt deacetylation of NSN oocyte during spontaneous maturation may explain its poor meiotic and developmental competence.  相似文献   

Although it is established that cAMP accumulation plays a pivotal role in preventing meiotic resumption in mammalian oocytes, the mechanisms controlling cAMP levels in the female gamete have remained elusive. Both production of cAMP via GPCRs/Gs/adenylyl cyclases endogenous to the oocyte as well as diffusion from the somatic compartment through gap junctions have been implicated in maintaining cAMP at levels that preclude maturation. Here we have used a genetic approach to investigate the different biochemical pathways contributing to cAMP accumulation and maturation in mouse oocytes. Because cAMP hydrolysis is greatly decreased and cAMP accumulates above a threshold, oocytes deficient in PDE3A do not resume meiosis in vitro or in vivo, resulting in complete female infertility. In vitro, inactivation of Gs or downregulation of the GPCR GPR3 causes meiotic resumption in the Pde3a null oocytes. Crossing of Pde3a/ mice with Gpr3/ mice causes partial recovery of female fertility. Unlike the complete meiotic block of the Pde3a null mice, oocyte maturation is restored in the double knockout, although it occurs prematurely as described for the Gpr3/ mouse. The increase in cAMP that follows PDE3A ablation is not detected in double mutant oocytes, confirming that GPR3 functions upstream of PDE3A in the regulation of oocyte cAMP. Metabolic coupling between oocytes and granulosa cells was not affected in follicles from the single or double mutant mice, suggesting that diffusion of cAMP is not prevented. Finally, simultaneous ablation of GPR12, an additional receptor expressed in the oocyte, does not modify the Gpr3/ phenotype. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that Gpr3 is epistatic to Pde3a and that fertility as well as meiotic arrest in the PDE3A-deficient oocyte is dependent on the activity of GPR3. These findings also suggest that cAMP diffusion through gap junctions or the activity of additional receptors is not sufficient by itself to maintain the meiotic arrest in the mouse oocyte.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, mitosis entry is induced by activation of maturation‐promoting factor (MPF), which is regulated by a network of kinases and phosphatases. It has been suggested that Greatwall (GWL) kinase was crucial for the M‐phase entry and could maintain cyclin B–Cdc2 activity through regulation of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), a counteracting phosphatase of MPF. Here, the role of GWL was assessed during release of mouse oocytes from prophase I arrest. GWL was crucial for meiotic maturation in mouse oocytes. As a positive regulator for meiosis resumption, GWL was continually expressed in germinal vesicle (GV) and MII stage oocytes and two‐cell stage embryos. Additionally, GWL localized to the nucleus and dispersed into cytoplasm during GV breakdown (GVBD). Furthermore, downregulation of GWL or overexpression of catalytically‐inactive GWL inhibited partial meiotic maturation. This prophase I arrest induced by GWL depletion could be rescued by the PP2A inhibition. However, both GWL‐depleted and rescued oocytes had severe spindle defects that hardly reached MII. In contrast, oocytes overexpressing wild‐type GWL resumed meiosis and progressed to MII stage. Thus, our data demonstrate that GWL acts in a pathway with PP2A which is essential for prophase I exit and metaphase I microtubule assembly in mouse oocytes.  相似文献   

J van Deursen  J Boer  L Kasper    G Grosveld 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(20):5574-5583
The vertebrate nucleopore complex (NPC) is a 125 MDa multiprotein assembly that mediates nucleocytoplasmic transport. One of its components, CAN/Nup214, is an FXFG repeat-containing protein known to be involved in myeloid leukemia in humans. We have devised a powerful genetic approach, using maternally derived protein in murine null embryos, to show that CAN/ Nup214 is essential for NPC function in vivo. We demonstrate that CAN-/- mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells are not viable and that CAN-/- embryos die in utero between 4.0 and 4.5 days postcoitum, following the depletion of their CAN from maternal sources. In 3.5-day-old mutant embryos, cultured in vitro, progressive depletion of CAN leads to cell cycle arrest in G2 phase, and eventually to blastocoel collapse, impaired NLS-mediated protein uptake and nuclear accumulation of polyadenylated RNA. Remarkably, these defective CAN-depleted embryos do not display any gross morphological abnormalities in their nuclear envelopes or NPCs. Our data suggest that CAN is critical to cell cycle progression and required for both nuclear protein import and mRNA export.  相似文献   

SIRT4 modulates energy homeostasis in multiple cell types and tissues. However, its role in meiotic oocytes remains unknown. Here, we report that mouse oocytes overexpressing SIRT4 are unable to completely progress through meiosis, showing the inadequate mitochondrial redistribution, lowered ATP content, elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) level, with the severely disrupted spindle/chromosome organization. Moreover, we find that phosphorylation of Ser293‐PDHE1α mediates the effects of SIRT4 overexpression on metabolic activity and meiotic events in oocytes by performing functional rescue experiments. By chance, we discover the SIRT4 upregulation in oocytes from aged mice; and importantly, the maternal age‐associated deficient phenotypes in oocytes can be partly rescued through the knockdown of SIRT4. These findings reveal the critical role for SIRT4 in the control of energy metabolism and meiotic apparatus during oocyte maturation and indicate that SIRT4 is an essential factor determining oocyte quality.  相似文献   

During the development of oocyte-granulosa cell complexes from preantral follicles in vitro, oocytes grow and acquire competence to undergo germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB). In the culture system used here, GVB-competent oocytes were maintained in meiotic arrest solely by endogenous physiological mechanisms of the granulosa cells without supplementation with meiosis-arresting substances. Addition of mycophenolic acid, an inhibitor of inosine monophosphate (IMP) dehydrogenase, induced GVB in about 70% of the GVB-competent oocytes grown in vitro. The mechanism for meiotic arrest in this system is, therefore, similar to that for arrest in vivo insofar as it requires the participation of the IMP dehydrogenase pathway. Rp-cyclic adenosine monophosphothioate, a membrane-permeable antagonist to cAMP, induced GVB by about 30% of the competent oocytes. Cyclic AMP-dependent pathways, therefore, participate in the physiological mechanism by which mouse granulosa cells maintain meiotic arrest. Complexes were grown for 10 days in medium containing 0, 1, 5, or 10 ng/ml FSH, were stimulated with either 1 microgram/ml FSH or LH, and were assessed for GVB and cumulus expansion. GVB was stimulated by FSH whether or not the complexes were grown in medium containing FSH, but LH or hCG induced GVB only when the complexes were grown in medium containing FSH. Cumulus expansion occurred in response to either FSH or LH only when complexes were grown in medium containing FSH. FSH, therefore, promotes the differentiation of granulosa cells from preantral follicles in vitro so that LH can stimulate GVB and cumulus expansion.  相似文献   

The topography of microtubule assembly events during meiotic maturation of animal oocytes demands tight spatial control and temporal precision. To better understand what regulates the timing and location of microtubule assembly, synchronously maturing mouse oocytes were evaluated with respect to gamma-tubulin, pericentrin, and total tubulin polymer fractions at specific stages of meiotic progression. gamma-Tubulin remained associated with cytoplasmic centrosomes through diakinesis of meiosis-1. Following chromatin condensation and perinuclear centrosome aggregation, gamma-tubulin relocated to a nuclear lamina-bounded compartment in which meiosis-1 spindle assembly occurred. gamma-Tubulin was stably associated with the meiotic spindle from prometaphase-1 through to anaphase-2, but also exhibited cell cycle-specific relocalization to cytoplasmic centrosomes. Specifically, anaphase onset of both meiosis-1 and -2 was characterized by the concomitant appearance of gamma-tubulin and microtubule nucleation in subcortical centrosomes. Brief pulses of taxol applied at specific cell cycle stages enhanced detection of gamma-tubulin compartmentalization, consistent with a gamma-tubulin localization-dependent spatial restriction of microtubule assembly during meiotic progression. In addition, a taxol pulse during meiotic resumption impaired subsequent gamma-tubulin sorting, resulting in monopolar spindle formation and cell cycle arrest in meiosis-1; despite cell cycle arrest, polar body extrusion occurred roughly on schedule. Therefore, sorting of gamma-tubulin is involved in both the timing of location of meiotic spindle assembly as well as the coordination of karyokinesis and cytokinesis in mouse oocytes.  相似文献   

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