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Effect of extracellular Ca2+ on the morphogenesis of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum was examined on agar plate. The concentration of Ca2+ in agar plate was controlled by keeping the concentration of a chelating reagent EGTA constant and varying the concentration of total calcium. From experiments in which EGTA concentration was kept at 2.0 × 10?3 M, it was found that by decreasing Ca2+ concentration the morphogenesis was modified so that development of the aggregating amebae into fruiting bodies was accelerated and the period of migrating slugs was shortened. Below 1.0 × 10?3 M of Ca2+ concentration, the total number of aggregates initially increased with decreasing Ca2+ concentration, reached a maximum at about 3.0 × 10?7 M of Ca2+ concentration and hereafter decreased with decreasing Ca2+ concentration. The number of mature fruiting bodies obtained at 36 h period after starvation depends on Ca2+ concentration and the total number of aggregates. The cell aggregation initiated at the same time period after starvation even at an extreme case of 1.0 × 10?8 M of Ca2+ concentration as under enough Ca2+ supply, while the formation of mature fruiting body was seriously inhibited. These observation suggested that the cAMP-mediated cell aggregation in D. discoideum is a Ca2+-independent phenomena, although extracellular Ca2+ is necessary for the normal development of the aggregated amebae.  相似文献   

alpha-Mannosidase-1, one of the earliest known developmentally controlled gene products in the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, accumulates intracellularly during both axenic growth and development. The accumulation of alpha-mannosidase-1 activity prematurely ceases in all of 125 randomly isolated aggregation-deficient mutants at discrete times in development resulting in significantly reduced levels of cellular enzyme activity. This suggests that, unlike other developmentally controlled enzymes in this organism, the continued accumulation of alpha-mannosidase-1 activity is controlled by a large number of genes essential for early development. alpha-Mannosidase-1 misregulation and the aggregation-deficient phenotype are caused by the same mutation since (1) morphological revertants exhibit a coreversion to both fruiting ability and wild-type alpha-mannosidase-1 accumulation and (2) normal enzyme accumulation depends on the ability to aggregate and ultimately fruit in a conditional aggregation-deficient mutant. This type of regulation does not appear to be due to differences in enzyme secretion or changes in the overall rate of total protein synthesis. Aggregation-deficient mutants continue to synthesize protein beyond the time in development at which alpha-mannosidase-1 accumulation ceases. Our studies indicate that most of the 50-125 genes required for aggregation in Dictyostelium are also required for the normal accumulation of alpha-mannosidase-1 activity.  相似文献   

The thermotactic responses of Dictyostelium discoideum strain HL50 and mutants derived from this strain have been characterized by curves of stimulus-strength vs response. With gradient midpoint temperatures of 16 and 24 °C, these curves are typical of those of a single response, i.e., the strength of the response increases with increasing stimulus strength until at some strength the response saturates. However, with a gradient midpoint temperature close to the transition from negative to positive thermotaxis, the sign of the thermotactic response depends on gradient strength. These observations support the hypothesis that the transduction pathways for positive and negative thermotaxis act concurrently and contain separable elements. An investigation of the adaptation of thermotaxis indicated that the stimulus-strength-dependence and midpoint-temperature-dependence of both thermosensory responses was altered by shifting the growth and development temperature.  相似文献   

Mitochondria have been isolated from D. discoideum amoebae in which respiration is coupled to ADP phosphorylation. P:O ratios and respiratory control ratios have been obtained for a number of metabolites. In rat liver mitochondria, glutamate is oxidized almost exclusively by a respiration-dependent cyclic transamination pathway, in which glutamate is converted to aspartate. When D. discoideum amoebae are incubated with glutamate alone, aspartate does not accumulate appreciably. Furthermore, when the mitochondria are incubated with glutamate plus malonate at a concentration sufficient to inhibit respiration, their utilization of glutamate is depressed only slightly. Thus, it appears that glutamate oxidation within the mitochondria of D. discoideum amoebae does not, for the most part, proceed by the cyclic transamination pathway.  相似文献   

The half-lives of functional messenger RNAs were determined by a method employing the drugs actinomycin D and daunomycin for the inhibition of mRNA synthesis; the activity of extracted mRNAs was determined by an in vitro translation assay. Several controls indicated that this method yielded reliable values for mRNA half-lives; in particular, the declining rate of protein synthesis in the presence of the drugs is due predominantly to the decay of translatable mRNA. This method was used to determine the half-lives of two specific mRNAs—encoding actin and a protein of MW 51,000—as well as that of total cytoplasmic mRNA activity during growth and at several times in differentiation. The half-lives of at least these two mRNAs were shown to be distinctly different from that of the total mRNA population—about 4 hr. However, no significant change in any of these half-lives was observed between growing and developing cells. Therefore wholesale alterations in the degradation rates of total and at least specific messages do not appear to play a role in the regulation of gene expression during Dictyostelium development.  相似文献   

The levels of the three major DNA-dependent RNA polymerases (enzymes I, II and III) present in the dimorphic fungus Mucor rouxii have been investigated during the transition from yeast-like cells to mycelial growth. Increases in the specific activity of crude extracts were observed at 2 h and at 6 h after induction of mycelium formation by aeration of yeast-like cells. These increases could be attributed to changes in the specific activities of enzymes I and II. Alterations were also found in the relative amounts of enzymes I and II: prior to aeration, 31% of the total polymerase activity of crude extracts was present as enzyme I; after 2 h of aeration, the specific activity of this enzyme doubled and the relative amount increased to 64% of the total activity. After 6 h of aeration, the relative amounts of enzymes I and II were 25 and 65%, respectively, and the specific activity of enzyme II had nearly doubled. The amounts and specific activities of enzyme III did not change significantly during the transition.  相似文献   

The cuticle of the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a proteinaceous extracellular structure that is replaced at each of four postembryonic molts by the underlying hypodermis. The cuticles of the adult and three juvenile stages (L1, Dauer larva, L4) have been compared ultrastructurally and biochemically. Each cuticle has an annulated surface and comprises two main layers, an inner basal layer and an outer cortical layer. The adult cuticle has an additional clear layer which separates the basal and cortical layers and is traversed by regularly arranged columns of electron-dense material. The fine structure of the cortical layer is similar in cuticles from different stages while that of the basal layer is stage specific. Purified cuticles were obtained by sonication and treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and their component proteins solubilized with a sulfhydryl reducing agent. The degree of cuticle solubility is stage specific and the insoluble structures for each cuticle were localized by electron microscopy. Analysis of 35S-labeled soluble cuticle proteins by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis yields unique banding patterns for each stage. Most proteins are of high molecular weight (100–200 K) and are restricted to particular stages. Sixteen of the nineteen major proteins characterized are specifically degraded by bacterial collagenase. The results indicate that the different molts are not reiterative, but require the integration of both unique and shared gene functions. The potential use of stage-specific cuticle differences to identify and characterize regulatory genes controlling cuticle-type switching during development is discussed.  相似文献   

A correlative ultrastructural and biochemical study was made of cardiac collagen in the chick embryo, spanning stages 9- to 11 (6 to 13 somites). Analysis (carboxymethyl cellulose chromatography, SDS acrylamide gel electrophoresis and levels of proline hydroxylation) of collagen synthesized in situ permitted classification of this collagen as type I-like (α1:α2 = 2:1). Correlative electron microscopy of hearts fixed in situ showed the appearance of striated collagen fibrils in the cardiac jelly, thus complementing the biochemical findings. Although the electron microscope showed the presence of developing basal laminae and laminalike material, synthesis of the type of collagen reported as unique to basal laminae was not detected, and we propose that these basal laminae may lack type IV collagen. Embryonic stages 9- to 11 are the earliest stages in which collagen synthesis has been demonstrated, and this is the first report of the occurrence of collagen in cardiac jelly of early hearts.  相似文献   

The pattern of proteins synthesized at different stages of differentiation of the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum was studied by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Of the approximately 400 proteins detected during growth and/or development, synthesis of most continued throughout differentiation. Approximately 100 proteins show changes in their relative rates of synthesis. During the transition from growth to interphase, the major change observed is reduction in the relative rate of synthesis of about 8 proteins. Few further changes are noticeable until the stage of late cell aggregation, when production of about 40 new proteins begins and synthesis of about 10 is reduced considerably. Thereafter, there are few changes in the pattern of protein synthesis. Major changes in the relative rates of synthesis of a number of proteins are found during culmination, but few culmination-specific proteins are observed. In an attempt to understand the molecular basis for these changes, mRNA was isolated from different stages of differentiation and translated in an improved wheat germ cell-free system; the products were resolved on two-dimensional gels. The ratio of total translatable mRNA to total cellular RNA is constant throughout growth and differentiation. Messenger RNAs for many, but not all, developmentally regulated proteins can be identified by translation in cell-free systems. Actin is the major protein synthesized by vegetative cells and by early differentiating cells. The threefold increase in the relative rate of synthesis of actin during the first 2 hr of differentiation and the decrease which occurs thereafter can be accounted for by parallel changes in the amount of translatable actin mRNA. Most of the changes in the pattern of protein synthesis which occur during the late aggregation and culmination stages can also be accounted for by parallel increases or decreases in the amounts of translatable mRNAs encoding these proteins. It is concluded that mRNAs do not appear in a translatable form before synthesis of the homologous protein begins, and that regulation of protein synthesis during development is primarily at the levels of production or destruction of mRNA.  相似文献   

C Brodie  C Klein  J Swierkosz 《Cell》1983,32(4):1115-1123
We have used monoclonal antibodies to detect developmentally regulated cell surface antigens on D. discoideum amebae. A study of an antigen detected using an antibody produced by a hybridoma line implicates a previously undescribed component in the process of cell aggregation. This antigen (consisting of a doublet of 69,000 and 73,000 molecular weight) is first detected during the early hours of cell starvation and is present until cells begin slug formation. The developmental appearance of the antigen is not controlled by cAMP pulses and is distinct from that of Contact A sites. Fab fragments directed against the antigen are potent inhibitors of aggregation but do not inhibit the differentiation of cells to aggregation competence.  相似文献   

Massive cellular death occurs in the interdigital regions of developing limbs of free-digited birds and mammals. This mesodermal degeneration occurs at the same time that digits become free. The present study of digit formation in amphibians, using vital staining and histological and autoradiographic techniques, demonstrates the absence of zones of interdigital degeneration during the formation of free digits. Furthermore, no other areas of predictable cell death occur during amphibian limb development, a situation quite unlike the case for avian limb development where predictable zones of degeneration occur in the mesoderm along the pre- and postaxial borders of the developing wing and leg. Thus, zones of cell death are not a part of amphibian limb morphogenesis. Analysis of the labeling index of the developing free-digited forelimb of Xenopus laevis reveals that during stage 52 the interdigital and digital labeling indexes are the same. The change in the ratio of interdigital labeling index to the digital labeling index in the forelimb suggests that during subsequent development the interdigital labeling index decreases while the digital labeling index is maintained. In comparison, the same analysis indicates that the interdigital labeling index of the webbed hindlimb increases when compared to the digital labeling index, which stays the same from early to late stages. It is proposed that free digits develop in Xenopus laevis forelimb as a result of a decrease in the proliferation rate of the interdigital region as compared to the digital region, which remains unchanged. Conversely, webbed digits develop in the hindlimb as a result of an interdigital rate at least equal to the digital rate.  相似文献   

The pattern of membranal phosphoproteins in Dictyostelium discoideum changes during development (D. S. Coffman, B. H. Leichtling, and H. V. Rickenberg, 1981, J. Supramol. Struct. Cell. Biochem. 15, 369–385). Phosphorylation of six membranal proteins occurred concomitantly with their synthesis. Cyclic AMP stimulated the precocious synthesis of a phosphoprotein, of molecular weight 80,000, which corresponds to contact sites A. Phosphoserine was the only phosphorylated amino acid found in the five phosphoproteins examined. In at least two phosphoproteins, that corresponding to contact sites A and a phosphoprotein of molecular weight 64,000, the phosphate moiety did not turn over.  相似文献   

In migrating pseudoplasmodia of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, cells in approximately the anterior quarter of the structure give rise to stalk cells, while the remainder produce spore cells. Certain biochemical and structural components have been found to differ between cells occupying these two positions, indicating that some differentiation has already occurred by this stage. To evaluate the degree of this differentiation we have compared the proteins being synthesized in different regions of the pseudoplasmodia. Migrating pseudoplasmodia were labeled with [35S]methionine and cut into five segments, and the labeled proteins were resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and visualized by autofluorography. Of 500 polypeptides detected, 57 showed regional variations in labeling. Nearly all of these differences in labeling occurred between the anterior fifth and posterior four-fifths of the pseudoplasmodia, indicating that by this stage a marked degree of differentiation has occurred between the two cell types.  相似文献   

Four isozymes of α-glucosidase in Dictyostelium discoideum have been identified and some of their enzymatic and physical properties characterized (R. H. Borts and R. L. Dimond, 1981, Develop. Biol.87, 176–184). In this report the cellular localization and developmental regulation of three of these isozymes are determined. α-Glucosidase-1 is the major isozyme of vegetative amoebae. It is lysosomally localized and secreted from the cell under certain conditions. It has an acidic pH optimum and carries the common antigenic determinant found on all lysosomal enzymes in this organism. The specific activity of this isozyme begins to decrease within a few hours after the initiation of development and is no longer detectable in the mature fruiting body. α-Glucosidase-2 has a neutral pH optimum and is neither lysosomal nor secreted. Rather it is membrane bound and is possibly located on the cisternal side of microsomal vesicles. This isozyme does not possess the common antigenic determinant. α-Glucosidase-2 comprises 20–40% of the total α-glucosidase activity of the vegetative cell. Its specific activity increases threefold during development. This isozyme appears to be developmentally controlled since it fails to accumulate in aggregation deficient mutants. Its accumulation is also dependent upon continued protein synthesis. α-Glucosidase-4, like α-glucosidase-1, has an acidic pH optimum. It does not appear to be lysosomally localized nor membrane bound. Approximately 30% of the activity is precipitable by antibody against the common antigenic determinant indicating that it is less highly modified or fewer molecules are modified. The isozyme is undetectable during vegetative growth and does not begin to accumulate until late aggregation. Activity peaks in mature fruiting bodies where it is the predominant acidic α-glucosidase activity. Accumulation of α-glucosidase-4 is blocked in morphologically deficient mutants and by inhibitors of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The relative rates of synthesis of actin and tubulin during mouse preimplantation development have been investigated utilizing O'Farrell's two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel system and internal protein markers. During mouse preimplantation development, rates of protein synthesis remain low and are little changed until the 8-cell stage when a rapid increase is evident. From the 8-cell stage on, a much higher rate of synthesis is maintained. The rate of synthesis of actin remains also at a steady low level in the unfertilized and fertilized ovum. However, by the 8-cell stage actin synthesis has increased 10-fold. Our measurements include the blastocyst, at that point in development actin synthetic rates are almost 90-fold higher than in the unfertilized ovum. While this precipitous increase is proceeding, incorporation of [3H]leucine into total protein increases only 7-fold. Synthesis of actin in the blastocyst represents 5.7% of total protein synthesis. The rate of tubulin synthesis, unlike actin, more closely parallels the increments in total protein synthetic rates. At the blastocyst stage it has increased 14-fold and its synthesis represents almost 2% of total protein synthesis. These results are discussed with reference to some of the physiological changes taking place during preimplantation development.  相似文献   

In the previous paper we showed that the major changes in the pattern of protein synthesis during differentiation of Dictyostelium discoideum occur during the 4-hr period when the cells are forming tight, visible aggregates. During this time, synthesis of 10 discrete polypeptides made by preaggregation cells ceases or is reduced considerably, and synthesis of 40 new proteins is induced. Induction or cessation of synthesis of these proteins was parallelled by the appearance or disappearance of the corresponding messenger RNAs. In this paper we show that many of these changes are induced by continued cell-cell contact. None of these occurs in aggregation-competent cells kept in suspension culture, but changes do take place when such cells are allowed to form tight aggregates. Disaggregation of cells causes cessation of synthesis of “aggregation-stage” proteins and reinduction of synthesis of polypeptides characteristic of preaggregation cells.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution on the cell surface of a glycoprotein (gp150) involved in the aggregation process of Dictyostelium discoideum. Using immunohemocyanin labeling of intact aggregates and visualization by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), we found a distribution gradient of gp150 wherein the concentration was enriched at or near sites of cell contact. When the distribution of gp150 on the cell surface was examined with immunoferritin and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), we found that gp150 was closely associated with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Four subunits of the acetylcholine receptor molecule, obtained from the electric organ of Torpedo ocellata, have been isolated using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and assayed by titration with a fluorescent lanthanide, terbium, and by affinity-labeling with p-(N-maleimido)benzyl [trimethyl-3H] ammonium iodide. The site with which the activator-analogue affinity label reacts, as well as the terbium-binding sites, are mainly associated with the smallest of the subunits of an apparent molecular weight of 40,000. Calcium competes with terbium for these binding sites. The affinity for terbium is the same in the intact molecule as in the subunit (KTb ? 19 ± 1 μM), but the affinity for calcium decreases by a factor of 4 (KCa ? 4 mM) in the subunit. Hydrolysis of the receptor, catalyzed by trypsin and chymotrypsin, to peptides with an apparent molecular weight of 8000 or less, does not affect the terbium-binding sites. These experiments indicate that the binding sites for neural activators and for calcium are associated with the same subunit, and that the terbium- and calcium-binding sites reflect structural properties of the polypeptide chain rather than the three-dimensional structure of the protein.  相似文献   

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