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Summary HeLa cells harvested from density-inhibited or fast growing suspension cultures, were incubated in NaCl solutions of different tonicity. Cell size enlargement produced by hypotonicity is accompanied by an increased sedimentation rate of the density-inhibited cells, whereas no appreciable change is observed in the sedimentation rate of fast growing cells. Hypotonicity also has no effect on the sedimentation rate of density-inhibited cells which previously had been treated with neuraminidase or trypsin. It is shown that the effect of hypotonicity on density-inhibited cells cannot be ascribed to release of cell surface sialic acids during hypotonic incubation. Several arguments are presented which indicate that the changes in sedimentation rate, as measured in the rotating suspension system, are not the direct consequence of the alterations in cell size, but rather must be attributed to differences in intercellular adhesiveness resulting from the size alterations. Analogous changes in intercellular adhesiveness and cell size are shown to occur during growth in isotonic suspension culture. The results can be explained by assuming that changes in cell size affect the intercellular adhesiveness by modifying the extent to which cell surface sialic acids counteract adhesion.  相似文献   

The strength of the long-range electrostatic repulsion forces on HeLa cells is measured by agglutinative titration using low molecular weight polylysine (M.W. 11,000). Repulsion forces, found to be present on the smaller HeLa cells from density-inhibited suspension cultures, are weakened by incubation of the cells in hypotonic NaCl solutions. Repulsion forces, found to be absent on the larger cells from fast growing cultures, can be induced on these cells by incubation in hypertonic NaCl solutions. Both effects of anisotonicity are reversible, and disappear on restoration of the medium to normal tonicity. Induction of repulsion forces on fast growing cells is prevented by previous treatment of the cells with neuraminidase. Neuraminidase also abolishes repulsion on density-inhibited cells. It is proposed that alterations of the cell size, produced by anisotonicity or occurring during growth in isotonic suspension medium, affect mutual cell adhesiveness by modifying the strength of the repulsion forces generated by cell surface sialic acids.  相似文献   

Summary Cell regeneration and sustained division have been observed in protoplasts from carrot cell suspension cultures. Carrot plants were produced from the protoplasts by embryogenesis.NRCC No. 12268.  相似文献   

Most of the coxsackievirus A9 (CA 9 virus) including the prototype strain formed plaques in HeLa cell monolayers under agar overlay, although they showed little or no cytopathogenicity under fluid medium. These viruses were isolated or passaged in primary cynomolgus monkey kidney (MK) cell cultures, and the infectivity of any strain in terms of plaque-forming units was much higher in MK cells than in HeLa cells, even after plaque purification of the virus in HeLa cell cultures. CA 9 virus contained in the original throat swabs as well as some clones obtained by plaque purification in MK cells failed to form plaques in HeLa cells, but virus preparations obtained after several undiluted passages through MK cells included plaque-formers in HeLa cells, suggesting that such plaque (HeLa)-forming viruses may have developed at a certain rate during multiplication of the original non-plaque (HeLa)-forming virus population in MK cells. Out of four lines of HeLa cells examined, two, including a clonal line S3, failed to support plaque formation by CA 9 virus.  相似文献   

Wild-carrot (Daucus carota L.) cell cultures were screened to yield small (less than 63 m) or large (greater than 170 m) cell aggregates which were then subcultured. Cultures of the small-size class had a higher, those of the large-size class a lower anthocyanin yield than the unscreened culture. This relationship became accentuated with an increasing number of passages with screening prior to subculture. At the end of six months (12 passages), the pigment yield of the small-size class was triple that of the unscreened cells. Following this selection period, the tendency of the small-size fraction to increase in clump size when subcultured without screening was much less than that of freshly isolated cell aggregates of the same size. These observations may be explainable on the basis of a differential distribution of cytokinin between aggregates of different sizes. High levels of cytokinin inhibit anthocyanin accumulation and inhibit cell separation; these effects result in large cell aggregates having low levels of anthocyanin. In support of this hypothesis, it is shown that addition of kinetin to cultures of small cell aggregates causes an increase in the size of cell aggregates and a parallel decrease in anthocyanin yield.  相似文献   

Calcium influx was studied in monolayers of HeLa cells to determine the number of exchangeable and nonexchangeable pools and the rate constant of the different fluxes. Of the two exchangeable pools, one has a very fast rate of exchange with a half-time of 1.54 min, a compartment size of 1.06 mµmoles/mg cell protein, and an exchange rate of 474 µµmoles/(mg protein\·min). This compartment is likely to be extracellular and could represent calcium exchange between the extracellular fluids and surface binding sites of the cell membrane. The second exchangeable pool has a half-time of exchange of 31 min, a compartment size of 2.69 mµmoles/mg cell protein (0.224 millimole calcium/kg cell water), and a flux rate of 0.0546 µµmole cm-2 sec-1. This compartment can be considered to be the intracellular pool of exchangeable calcium. An unexchangeable intracellular pool of calcium of 3.05 mµmoles/mg cell protein was detected implying that only 45% of the intracellular calcium is exchangeable. In addition, a large extracellular pool of calcium has been found to be unexchangeable, probably a part of the cell glycocalix. Finally, dinitrophenol 10-3 M does not affect the slow component of the calcium uptake curve which brings new evidence that calcium entry into the cell is not a metabolically dependent process.  相似文献   

Vitis vinifera cell suspension cultures carried out in shake flasks were closely examined for biomass growth and cell division in relation to carbohydrate, NH(4), NO(3)PO(4), and dissolved oxygen (DO)consumption. After inoculation, the oxygen uptake rate of the cultures measured on-tine was observed to increase continuously to a maximum value of 3.8 mmol O(2)L(-1)h(-1) at day 7 when cell division ceased and dissolved oxygen reached its lowest level of 17% air saturation. During this first phase of growth, the specific oxygen uptake rate remained constant at approximately 0.6 mmol 02 O(2) g(-1) dw h(-1)or approximately 2.2 mumol O(2), (10(6) cells)(-1) h(-1) whereas dry biomass concentration increased exponentially from 1.5 to 6.0 g dw L(-1). Thereafter, dry biomass concentration increased linearly to approximately 14 g dw L(-1) at day 14 following nitrate and carbohydrate uptake. During this second phase of growth, the biomass wet-to-dry weight ratio was found to increase in an inverse relationship with the estimated osmotic pressure of the culture medium. This corresponded to inflection points in the dry and wet biomass concentration and packed cell volume curves. Furthermore, growth and nutrient uptake results suggest that extracellular ammonium or phosphate ion availability may limit cell division. These findings indicate that cell division and biomass production of plant cell cultures may not always be completely associated, which suggests important new avenues to improve their productivity. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Six anthocyanins were isolated from cell suspension cultures of an Afghan cultivar of Daucus carota by PC or HPLC. The structures of these compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic methods as cyanidin 3-O-lathyroside, cyanidin 3-O-(2'-O-beta-D-xylopyranosyl-6'-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-beta-D- galactopyranoside), and the latter acylated with 4-coumaric, ferulic, 4-hydroxybenzoic or sinapic acid. Unusual 1H NMR chemical shifts and 1H NOE data indicate an intramolecular copigmentation of the aglycone with these aromatic residues.  相似文献   

Abstract Internodal cells of Lamprothamnium succinctum, a brackish water Characeae, regulate turgor pressure in response to changes in external osmotic pressure (turgor regulation). When internodal cells were transferred to a hypotonic medium containing 3.9 mol m?3 Ca2+, the cell osmotic pressure decreased and the original turgor pressure was recovered. During turgor regulation Ca content of the cytoplasm increased significantly. Lowering the external Ca2+ concentration from 3.9 to 0.01 mol m?3 inhibited this increase in cytoplasmic calcium content. In a hypotonic medium containing 0.01 mol m?3 Ca2+, turgor regulation was inhibited as previously reported (Okazaki & Tazawa, 1986a). Thus transient increase in cytoplasmic Ca, probably in the ionized form, induced by hypotonic treatment may play an important role in turgor regulation.  相似文献   

Chang liver cells from exponentially growing suspension cultures have been separated by sedimentation at unit gravity. Determinations of the protein content per cell showed that the fractionation procedure resulted in good separation of cells of different size. On the other hand, the DNA content of individual cells from the fractions, as determined cytofluorimetrically, indicated considerable heterogeneity in the size of cells from the same stage of the division cycle. On the basis of earlier results on intermitotic growth and the variation in the length of the cell cycle in homogeneous cell populations, a mathematical model has been constructed and tested using a computer program. The present results on the size distribution of cells from the different stages of the mitotic cycle are consistent with a regeneration of size heterogeneity in each cell generation, as a result of the dispersion of intermitotic times. The variation in cell cycle times may be related to a probabilistic event in the G1 period. In the mathematical model it was necessary to include a mechanism by which the regeneration of abnormally large cells is prevented. The experimental data are compatible with a gradually increasing inhibition of growth in cells larger than a certain size (circa 400 pg protein per cell).  相似文献   

《Plant science》1986,46(1):53-61
Cell cycle parameters of maize (Zea maysL cv Black Mexican Sweet) suspension cultures and root meristem cells were determined by pulse labelling with [3H]thymidine ([3H]TdR). Total cell cycle time for the suspension cultures was 27 h; 3 h in G1, 14 h in S, 6 h in G2, 2.2 h in prophase, 1 h in metaphase, 0.1 h in anaphase, and 0.7 h in telophase. Cell cycle durations in root meristem cells of Black Mexican Sweet (BMS) corn with and without B chromosomes in vivo were 20.0 h and 18.3h, respectively. Chemical and physical methods were used successfully to accumulate mitoses in the suspension cultures; compared to the untreated control, the mitotic index of the treated cultures was increased from 4 to 23% and the frequency of metaphase cells increased dramatically from 3 to 19%.  相似文献   

The growth of cervical carcinoma cell (HeLa) cultures in a hyperosmolar environment stimulates increased production of the onco-developmental peptides human choriogonadotropin (hCG) and follitropin (FSH). This effect was observed in two sublines examined in this study, HeLa65 and HeLa71. hCG and FSH were measured by radioimmunoassay using antiserum against the beta-subunit of the hormone dimer, thus insuring immunochemical specificity, The amounts of hCG and FSH produced by HeLa65 and HeLa71 cells cultured in hyperosmolar medium were 2- to 50-fold higher than corresponding hormone levels in basal cultures. Synthesis of gonadotropins depended on concentration and duration of exposure to hyperosmolar medium. Levels of culture medium osmolality effective in inducing hormone production also inhibit the incorporation of 14C-thymidine into acid-insoluble macromolecules. Hyperosmolality thus stimulates the ectopic production of gonadotropic hormones while retarding cellular growth and nucleic acid synthesis.  相似文献   

The contacting behavior of HeLa cells in subconfluent monolayer cultures has been studied by phase contrast and scanning electron microscopy. We present further evidence that cells separated from each other by a cell-free space up to 20 micron width can simultaneously form directed and mutual protrusions against each other. A statistical analysis demonstrated that in more than half of the possible contact events a reciprocal outgrowth of cell surface protrusions had occurred. This suggests that contact formation is not just a random process, but may be influenced by so far unrecognized factors.  相似文献   

Plant cell suspension cultures from Catharanthus roseus were investigated for their capability to dissimilate methionine or its analogs in order to reutilize the sulphane group for cysteine biosynthesis. Three steps have been described as prerequisites of this process: (a) oxidative degradation by the amino-acid oxidase of methionine giving rise to methanethiol production; (b) demethylation by methyltransferases leading to homocysteine and S-methylmethionine (c) replacement of the homocysteine sulphane sulphur by alkylthiol yielding methionine and free hydrogen sulphide. A reversal of the cystathionine pathway as a source of cysteine was ruled out because the cells lack cystathionine γ-lyase. The absence of this enzyme is compensated by the S-alkyl exchange of homocysteine with methylmercaptan. Hydrogen sulphide thus liberated is used for de novo synthesis of cysteine. The complete pathway can be catalyzed by the constitutive set of enzymes present in the higher plant.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to monitor the cell growth of aggregated human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) suspension cultures by measuring cumulative particle volume and the particle size distribution. This method employs a particle size analyzer that determines the size of individual particles by detecting their light obscuration (blockage) or scattering. Cell counts derived from the cumulative volume of the cell particle correlate well with manual cell counts from a hemacytometer at different stages of growth. This correlation was further confirmed by quantifying total cellular protein of the samples. Simultaneously, the aggregation state of the samples can also be monitored and mathematically described. Results from this study demonstrate that this simple and reproducible method allows the direct measurement of cumulative cell volume and the degree of cell aggregation, as well as an indirect assessment of cell counts.  相似文献   

The effect of major nutrients on growth and alkaloid production by plant cell culture of Holarrhena antidysenterica was studied with a view to increasing the yield of the alkaloid conessine, a therapeutic drug used for treatment of dysentery and helminthic disorders. The studies resulted in development of a modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium that contained 60 mM total nitrogen with a NH(4) (+)-to-NO(3) (-) ratio of 5:1, 0.25 mM phosphate, and 40 g/L sucrose. The growth regulators 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) and kinetin (Kn) were also found to affect the synthesis of alkaloid. Using an optimal level of inoculum (3 g/L), the modified medium resulted in alkaloid synthesis of 0.66 g/100 g dry cell weight, which represented a 4.25-fold increase over that obtained in standard MS medium.  相似文献   

An inhibitor of trypsin and chymotrypsin with apparent molecular weight of 68 000 and a mobility similar to alpha1-globulin on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, was isolated from serum-free supernatant preparations from HeLa cells. Immunoelectrophoresis assays indicated that the inhibitor differed serologically from known inhibitors of serine proteinases in plasma and urine but shared antigenic determinants with an unidentified protein in these body fluids and with an inhibitor recently isolated from cultures of lung.  相似文献   

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