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Although higher plants represent a significant portion of the total biomass in some aquatic environments, their use in ecosystem evaluation has lagged behind that of other organisms. This is partly due to a lack of convenient aquatic higher plant systems that can be employed for ecotoxicological assessment. However, the aquatic C-3 monocot Lemna gibba has many attributes that makes it useful for ecosystem health assessment. In this report, using examples from the literature and our research, some of the applications Lemna has for environmental research are discussed. Toxicant impacts on Lemna can be readily assessed in terms of growth; the plants multiply quickly and changes in biomass (which doubles approximately every 2 days) can be accurately measured by counting leaves. The plants are small, allowing for simultaneous multiple replication. The small size also makes the lighting conditions easy to control; sunlight can be accurately simulated and specific spectral regions can be enhanced or deleted. Lemna is amenable to in vitro chlorophyll and photosynthesis assays, which make excellent companion endpoints for growth. The plants assimilate chemicals directly from the growth medium, facilitating controlled toxicant application. Furthermore, Lemna has a high bioconcentration capacity, indicating a potential for use in bioremediation technologies.  相似文献   

Frond senescence in Lemna gibba G3 was characterized, and itscontrol by light, ABA and kinetin investigated. The plant exhibitsa determinate growth pattern with a frond producing a set numberof daughter fronds before undergoing senescence and death regardlessof whether or not it flowers. When a frond was cut in half,the distal half (half frond) which lacks any meristem underwentrapid senescence as compared with intact fronds. In both intactand half fronds, the onset of senescence was accelerated byABA and retarded by kinetin. Continuous white light acceleratedsenescence in both intact and half fronds over the dark controls.Under different photoperiodic light regime, the pace of daughterfrond production is accelerated in proportion to the lengthof light period. In half fronds, however, very short photoperiodiclight treatments (e.g. 1L: 23D or 3L: 21D) rather delayed senescenceover the dark controls. Two separate light control systems operatingin opposite directions in Lemana senescence appear to exist. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Yonsei University,Seoul 120-749, Korea 2Present address: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Aero SpaceBuilding, Rm. 323, 901 D Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20251-2200, U.S.A. (Received July 13, 1989; Accepted May 8, 1990)  相似文献   

The min-LD estimation by the log. flower number vs. the cultureperiod curve provides a unique method of judging whether a givenphotoperiodic schedule is a long day or not for Lemna gibbaG3. Duckweeds in M-sucrose medium are exposed to the test scheduleat 26°C on either the first or second day of a continuouslight culture. If the min-LD (48 hr for control cultures) isnot changed, the inserted schedule is considered to have functionedas a long day. If, however, the min-LD is extended by 24 hr,the inserted schedule is judged to have functioned as a shortday. Examinations using this method of orderly designed light-darkschedules disclosed two critical phases in the light requirement;the initial and terminal 1 hr portions (designated the L1- andL2-phases) of the subjective day. Thus, a given day became along or short day when both the L1- and L2-phases were illuminatedor when either or both of the two phases were darkened. Thecritical daylength (11.5 hr) was just long enough to cover boththe L1- and L2-phases and the inductive phase (L2-phase) waslocated at the end of the subjective day. (Received June 9, 1975; )  相似文献   

The energy relationships of the potassium uptake rhythm in aflow-medium culture of a duckweed, Lemna gibba G3, were investigated. Respiratory inhibitors or uncouplers (NaCN, 2,4-dinitrophenoland carbonyl-cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazon) reduced the mesoror the average rate of potassium uptake, without remarkablydecreasing the amplitude of the rhythm. NaN3, however, preferablysurpressed the amplitude at a concentration as low as 10–6M. Both dichloro-phenyldimethylurea and the removal of CO2 graduallydecreased the average rate of the uptake, although the rhythmicityitself was not eliminated completely in the absence of CO2.In N2, the average rate of uptake was reduced to zero, but rhythmwith a small amplitude survived. These observations suggested that respired photosynthates provideenergy for sustaining the average of potassium uptake and thatsome light dependent processes control the amplitude of therhythm. Exogenous sugar could make the potassium uptake rhythmappear for a relatively short time in the dark. 1This study was carried out in the National Institute for BasicBiology and the Biological Institute, Faculty of Science, NagoyaUniversity (Received October 24, 1979; )  相似文献   

K.-D Jung  U. Lüttge 《Planta》1980,150(3):230-235
Earlier work suggested that amino acid uptake by Lemna gibba cells is a H+-cotransport mechanism driven by a proton-electrochemical gradient at the plasmalemma. The present investigations of the transient membrane depolarizations elicited by amino acids and tracer-uptake experiments show that all neutral -L-amino acids, D-alanine and analogues, like -alanine and p-fluorophenylalanine, are transported by the same system. It remains to be seen if there are separate mechanisms for the uptake of acidic and basic amino acids.  相似文献   

An outdoor experiment was conducted in miniponds to evaluate the performance of Lemna gibba, a duckweed species, as a domestic wastewater stripper. Duckweed is one of the floating plants with a high capability of ammonia uptake and assimilation rate into valuable protein. The results indicate that under adequate operational conditions, depending mainly on the organic loading, the effluent quality meets irrigation reuse criteria and protein yield of the duckweed may reach 12 ton/ha per year, far above other conventional field crops.  相似文献   

Flowering and gibbosity in Lemna gibba G3, as enhanced or inducedby optimal concentrations of salicylic acid or EDDHA, was specificallyinhibited by 10 µg/ml and higher concentrations of ß-naphthol.These effects of ß-naphthol are similar to those ofbreakdown products of GAs. (Received March 20, 1978; )  相似文献   

Vaughan  D.  Cheshire  M. V.  Ord  B. G. 《Plant and Soil》1994,160(2):185-191
The duckweed Lemna gibba required light and a suitable energy source such as sucrose, glucose or fructose, for maximum growth in culture. The requirement for light was relatively unimportant and the plants grew well in a photon flux density of only 52 μmol m-2s-1 PAR. The uptake and incorporation of uniformly labelled 14C-glucose into fronds was related only to the concentration of the sugar. When incubated with soil, labelled L. gibba behaved in a manner similar to that of labelled ryegrass roots which had been produced by a more elaborate technique using a 14CO2 labelled atmosphere. During incubation with soil for 224 days the L. gibba material (specific activity 6133 Bq mg-1 d. wt) lost 64% of its radioactivity as 14CO2 and ryegrass (specific activity 6634 Bq mg-1 d. wt) lost 49%. Alkaline extracted humic and fulvic acids from soil had specific activities for the L. gibba incubation of 3409 and 407 Bq mg-1 solid and for ryegrass roots of 4609 and 546 Bq mg-1 solid respectively. The production of 13C or 14C-labelled L. gibba can be undertaken using only simple equipment producing material the specific radioactivity of which can be controlled by adjusting the activity of the sugar energy source.  相似文献   

The potential of Lemna gibba L. to clean uranium and arsenic contamination from mine surface waters was investigated in wetlands of two former uranium mines in eastern Germany and in laboratory hydroponic culture. Water and plants were sampled and L gibba growth and yield were monitored in tailing ponds from the field study sites. Contaminant accumulation, growth and yield experiments were conducted in the laboratory using synthetic tailing water. Mean background concentrations of the surface waters were 186.0+/-81.2 microg l(-1) uranium and 47.0+/-21.3 microg l(-1) arsenic in Site one and 293.7+/-121.3 microg l(-1) uranium and 41.37+/-24.7 microg l(-1) arsenic in Site two. The initial concentration of both uranium and arsenic in the culture solutions was 100 microg l(-1). The plant samples were either not leached, leached with deionized H2O or ethylenediaminetetracetic (EDTA). The results revealed high bioaccumulation coefficients for both uranium and arsenic. Uranium and arsenic content of L gibba dry biomass of the field samples were as follows: nonleached samples > deionized H2O leached (insignificant ANOVA p = 0.05) > EDTA leached. The difference in both arsenic and uranium enrichment were significantly high between the nonleached and the other two lead samples tested at ANOVA p > 0.001. Estimated mean L gibba density in surface water was 85,344.8+/-1843.4 fronds m(-2) (approximately 1319.7 g m(-2)). The maximum specific growth rate was 0.47+/-0.2 d(-1), which exceeded reported specific growth rates for L gibba in the literature. Average yield was estimated at 20.2+/-6.7 g m(-2) d(-1), giving approximately 73.6+/-21.4 t ha(-1) y(-1) as the annual yield. The highest accumulations observed were 896.9+/-203.8 mg kg(-1) uranium and 1021.7+/-250.8 mg kg(-1) arsenic dry biomass for a 21-d test period in the laboratory steady-state experiments. The potential extractions from surface waters with L gibba L. were estimated to be 662.7 kg uranium ha(-1) yr(-1) and 751.9 kg arsenic ha(-1) yr(-1) under the above conditions.  相似文献   

Kondo  Takao 《Plant & cell physiology》1984,25(7):1313-1317
Substitution of Rb+ for 70% or more of the K+ in Lemna gibbaG3 extends the period of the uptake rhythm under a fluence ratelower than 2.3 W/m2. The extension is less, the higher the fluencerate and the lower the temperature (2O–33?C). Under 12.4W/m2 light at 20?C, the substitution somewhat shortens the lengthof the period. (Received April 23, 1984; Accepted July 14, 1984)  相似文献   

The electrical resting potential across the plasmalemma of Lemna gibba L. (G 1) cells is −230 to −250 mV and the diffusion potential in the presence of 1 mol m−3 KCN + 1 mol m−3 salicylhydroxamic acid is about −100 mV. A concentration of 0.01 mol m−3 HgCl2 depolarises the transmembrane electrical potential in a largely reversible way. When the cells after 16 min of HgCl2-application are returned to Hg-free solution, the transmembrane electrical potential is only depolarised by 24 × 13 mV (SD, n = 13) compared with the potential prior to HgCl2 treatment. In contrast, a 16 min pretreatment with HgCl2 followed by a wash with mercury-free solution reduces the transient depolarisations of transmembrane potential observed after addition of 5 mol m−3 D-glncose or 1 mol m−3 L-alaoine to about 60% of controls. These transient depolarisations are due to the onset of solute uptake. Accordingly, HgCl2-pretreatment inhibits uptake of 14C-3-O-methyl- d -glucose by more than 50% and uptake of 14C- l -alanine by more than 70%. Washing with 1 mol m−3 1,4-dithiothreitol does not reverse this inhibition. It is, therefore, concluded that Hg2+ irreversibly binds to essential SH-groups of the H+-hexose and the H+-amino-acid cotransport carriers of Lemna gibba and inhibits these carriers without appreciably affecting the electrogenic proton-extrusion pump.  相似文献   

Some properties of the circadian rhythm in potassium uptakeof flow medium culture of the long-day duckweed Lemna gibbaG3 were examined.
  1. In total darkness, the rhythm faded out in ca. 48 hr; it restartedon transfer to continuous light. Under low-intensity light (below700 lux), the rhythm was damped rapidly
  2. The rhythm appearedregardless of the potassium concentrationin the culture medium(from 10/m to 2 HIM). The amplitude, butnot the period, ofthe rhythm was influenced by the ambientpotassium concentration.
  3. Alteration in the light intensity or medium composition causeda change in the growth rate without modifying the period ofthe rhythm.
  4. These results indicate that potassium uptake rhythmin thisduckweed is typical light-on rhythm, which has no directrelationwith the rate of vegetative growth and requires lightenergyfor its duration.
1Present address: Aichi-Gakuin University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya464, Japan. 2Present address: National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki,Aichi 444, Japan. (Received February 1, 1979; )  相似文献   

Tobin EM 《Plant physiology》1981,67(6):1078-1083
Translation products of poly(A) mRNA isolated from Lemna gibba L. G-3 include a major polypeptide of 32,000 daltons which is immunoprecipitated by antiserum to chlorophyll a/b-protein from Chlamydomonas. This 32,000 dalton polypeptide represents a precursor to the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein of molecular weight 28,000 found in the thylakoid membranes of Lemna gibba. The amount of this translatable mRNA decreases relative to other translatable mRNAs when green plants grown in continuous white light are placed in darkness. This decrease occurs rapidly. The most rapid decline occurs during the first day; after 4 days of darkness, only a low level of this mRNA can be detected by in vitro translation. When the plants are returned to white light there is an increase in the relative level of this mRNA which can be easily detected within two hours. The in vivo synthesis of this protein has been assayed under the different light conditions. The light effects on the in vivo synthesis of the chlorophyll a/b-protein reflect the light effects on the translatable mRNA for the polypeptide. The results indicate that light induced changes in the synthesis, processing, or degradation of chlorophyll a/b-protein mRNA could account for the light-induced changes observed in the effective synthesis rates for the chlorophyll a/b-protein in vivo.  相似文献   

The metalloid boron (B) and its compounds widely exist in the environment, and boron can have hazardous effects on plants, animals, and human beings when it is found in high concentrations in water bodies. It is difficult and costly to remove B with conventional treatment methods from drinking water. Therefore, alternative and cost-effective treatment techniques are necessary. In this study, for the first time, a novel and environmentally friendly method based on the phytoremediation ability of chitosan and duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) combination was evaluated for B removal from drinking water. Our results from batch adsorption experiment indicated that the highest B uptake capacity of chitosan bead was found as 3.18 mg/g, and we determined the optimal B sorption occurs at pH value of 7. The Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-second-order kinetic model better fitted the equilibrium obtained for B removal. B in drinking water could be reduced to less than 2.4 mg L ?1 when 0.05 g of plant-based chitosan beads and 12 L. gibba fronds were used in the 4-day treatment period.  相似文献   

When the long-day plant Lemna gibba L., strain G3 is grown under continuous light on ammonium-free half-strength Hutner's medium (NH4+-free 0.5 H medium) growth is excellent, but flowering is severely inhibited and often is zero. Addition of 10 micromolar salicylic acid (SA) to NH4+-free 0.5 H medium quickly reverses this inhibition and leads to optimal flowering. The SA treatment also leads to a considerable reduction in the growth rate and increase in frond gibbosity. Removal of SA from the medium quickly leads to an increase in the growth rate and a large decrease in flowering. Thus, for maximal effectiveness SA must be present in the medium for the entire experiment, and the effect of SA is clearly not inductive.  相似文献   

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