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Monoclonal antibodies against human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (acetylcholine acetylhydrolase EC have been examined for inhibition of enzyme activity. Of sixteen antibodies analyzed, only one (C1B7) inhibited enzyme activity, indicating selection of an unusual susceptible site. The inhibitory activity of C1B7 was characterized and compared to another inhibitory antibody, AE-2, previously described by Fambrough et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79, 1078, 1982). Maximal demonstrated inhibition was 84% for C1B7 and 72% for AE-2 and antibody inhibition of enzyme activity was equivalent for the reduced and alkylated acetylcholinesterase monomer and the intact dimer. The Ki (stoichiometry of the enzyme-antibody reaction estimated from enzyme kinetics) was 1.0 for C1B7 and 4.8 molecules of antibody per monomer of acetylcholinesterase for AE-2. The antibodies did not compete with one another for binding to acetylcholinesterase, indicating that they have different target epitopes on the enzyme. Antibody binding to the enzyme was not specifically affected by any of the anticholinesterase agents tested: (a) the irreversible esteratic site-directed inhibitor diisopropylfluorophosphate; (b) the reversible active site-directed inhibitors edrophonium, neostigmine, BW284c51, and carbachol; and (c) allosteric site-directed compounds propidium and gallamine. Kinetic analysis of their effects provide evidence that both antibodies decrease the catalytic rate of enzyme activity and have little or no effect on substrate binding.  相似文献   

Birdsall NJ  Lazareno S  Popham A  Saldanha J 《Life sciences》2001,68(22-23):2517-2524
Proteins and small molecules are capable of regulating the agonist binding and function of G-protein coupled receptors by multiple allosteric mechanisms. In the case of muscarinic receptors, there is the well-characterised allosteric site that binds, for example, gallamine and brucine. The protein kinase inhibitor, KT5720, has now been shown to bind to a second allosteric site and to regulate agonist and antagonist binding. The binding of brucine and gallamine does not affect KT5720 binding nor its effects on the dissociation of [3H]-N-methylscopolamine from M1 receptors. Therefore it is possible to have a muscarinic receptor with three small ligands bound simultaneously. A model of the M1 receptor, based on the recently determined structure of rhodopsin, has the residues that have been shown to be important for gallamine binding clustered within and to one side of a cleft in the extracellular face of the receptor. This cleft may represent the access route of acetylcholine to its binding site.  相似文献   

The discovery of new allosteric sites generates opportunities for the identification of novel pharmaceuticals and increases our understanding of basic biological processes. Increasingly, allosteric sites are being discovered in various families of proteins by several methods, paving the way for the development of entirely new classes of drugs with a wide range of chemotypes. New allosteric sites in enzymes have been discovered both incidentally and by directed means, and the mechanisms by which allosteric activation and inhibition occur at these sites have been investigated. By exploring recent structurally well-characterized examples, trends begin to emerge for both the modes of binding and mechanisms of inhibition.  相似文献   

High-throughput docking for lead generation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Recent improvements in flexible docking technology may lead to a bigger role for computational methods in lead discovery. Although fast and accurate computational prediction of binding affinities for an arbitrary molecule is still beyond the limits of current methods, the docking and screening procedures can select small sets of likely lead candidates from large libraries of either commercially or synthetically available compounds.  相似文献   

Thymidine triphosphate, a negative regulator of deoxycytidylate deaminase, was found to bind covalently to this enzyme on exposure to UV light at 254 nM. The rate of half-maximal fixation was extremely rapid, occurring within 30 s and probably attaining a maximum of about 1 mol of dTTP fixed/mol of enzyme subunit. In contrast to the case of ribonucleotide reductase (Ericksson, S., Caras, I. W., and Martin, D. W., Jr. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 79, 81-85) where the fixation of dTTP inactivated this enzyme, the activity of the deaminase was unaffected. The bound nucleotide could be released on exposure to UV 254 nm light in the presence of dCTP or dTTP but not dATP or dGTP. The enzyme-fixed nucleotide was found to remain with the larger of the two peptides released as a result of CNBr treatment of the labeled enzyme. Studies are in progress to define the location of this nucleotide, which will be aided greatly by our recent clarification of the complete amino acid sequence of T2-deoxycytidylate deaminase.  相似文献   

2,4-Fluorodinitrobenzene and 2,3-butanedione, which irreversibly inactivate the glucose transfer system of erythrocytes, have been used as probes to determine whether the substrate site and inner and outer sites for reversible inhibitors are located in the same or different regions of the carrier. Inhibitors bound at an inhibition site exposed in the inward-facing but not the outwardfacing form of the carrier (cytochalasin B, androstendione and androstandione) protect the transport system against inactivation by 2,4-fluorodinitrobenzene. Inhibitors bound at an external inhibition site (phloretin) and substrates bound at the transfer site do not protect. In contrast inactivation by 2,3-butanedione is slightly accelerated by internally bound inhibitors, while substrates and substrate analogs bound at the transfer site protect the system. It is shown that fluorodinitrobenzene reacts in the inner inhibition site and butanedione in the substrate site; and further that these sites may be separate binding areas in the carrier linked by allosteric interaction. The consequence of this linkage is that binding of a ligand at the substrate site precludes binding of another ligand at the internal or external inhibition site.  相似文献   

Advances in the understanding of Ras oncoprotein function suggest novel points for anti-tumor intervention. First, upstream-acting guanine nucleotide exchange factors and SH2/SH3 domain-containing adaptor proteins that link Ras with growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases have recently been characterized. Second, work on downstream-acting Ras effector functions including the Ras GTPase-activating protein (p120GAP) and the Raf kinase has revealed direct biochemical interactions that are functionally required for oncogenic Ras signalling. We summarize progress in these areas and discuss the potential for novel applications to anti-cancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Usenik A  Legiša M 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e15447
As an important part of metabolism, metabolic flux through the glycolytic pathway is tightly regulated. The most complex control is exerted on 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK1) level; this control overrules the regulatory role of other allosteric enzymes. Among other effectors, citrate has been reported to play a vital role in the suppression of this enzyme's activity. In eukaryotes, amino acid residues forming the allosteric binding site for citrate are found both on the N- and the C-terminal region of the enzyme. These site has evolved from the phosphoenolpyruvate/ADP binding site of bacterial PFK1 due to the processes of duplication and tandem fusion of prokaryotic ancestor gene followed by the divergence of the catalytic and effector binding sites. Stricter inhibition of the PFK1 enzyme was needed during the evolution of multi-cellular organisms, and the most stringent control of PFK1 by citrate occurs in vertebrates. By substituting a single amino acid (K557R or K617A) as a component of the allosteric binding site in the C-terminal region of human muscle type PFK-M with a residue found in the corresponding site of a fungal enzyme, the inhibitory effect of citrate was attenuated. Moreover, the proteins carrying these single mutations enabled growth of E. coli transformants encoding mutated human PFK-M in a glucose-containing medium that did not support the growth of E. coli transformed with native human PFK-M. Substitution of another residue at the citrate-binding site (D591V) of human PFK-M resulted in the complete loss of activity. Detailed analyses revealed that the mutated PFK-M subunits formed dimers but were unable to associate into the active tetrameric holoenzyme. These results suggest that stricter control over glycolytic flux developed in metazoans, whose somatic cells are largely characterized by slow proliferation.  相似文献   

Glycine receptors (GlyRs) are transmitter-gated anion channels of the Cys-loop superfamily which mediate synaptic inhibition at spinal and selected supraspinal sites. Although they serve pivotal functions in motor control and sensory processing, they have yet to be exploited as drug targets partly because of hitherto limited possibilities for allosteric control. Endocannabinoids (ECs) have recently been characterized as direct allosteric GlyR modulators, but the underlying molecular sites have remained unknown. Here, we show that chemically neutral ECs (e.g. anandamide, AEA) are positive modulators of α(1), α(2) and α(3) GlyRs, whereas acidic ECs (e.g. N-arachidonoyl-glycine; NA-Gly) potentiate α(1) GlyRs but inhibit α(2) and α(3). This subunit-specificity allowed us to identify the underlying molecular sites through analysis of chimeric and mutant receptors. We found that alanine 52 in extracellular loop 2, glycine 254 in transmembrane (TM) region 2 and intracellular lysine 385 determine the positive modulation of α(1) GlyRs by NA-Gly. Successive substitution of non-conserved extracellular and TM residues in α(2) converted NA-Gly-mediated inhibition into potentiation. Conversely, mutation of the conserved lysine within the intracellular loop between TM3 and TM4 attenuated NA-Gly-mediated potentiation of α(1) GlyRs, without affecting inhibition of α(2) and α(3). Notably, this mutation reduced modulation by AEA of all three GlyRs. These results define molecular sites for allosteric control of GlyRs by ECs and reveal an unrecognized function for the TM3-4 intracellular loop in the allosteric modulation of Cys-loop ion channels. The identification of these sites may help to understand the physiological role of this modulation and facilitate the development of novel therapeutic approaches to diseases such as spasticity, startle disease and possibly chronic pain.  相似文献   

Arrestins are important scaffolding proteins that are expressed in all vertebrate animals. They regulate cell-signaling events upon binding to active G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) and trigger endocytosis of active GPCRs. While many of the functional sites on arrestins have been characterized, the question of how these sites interact is unanswered. We used anisotropic network modeling (ANM) together with our covariance compliment techniques to survey all the available structures of the nonvisual arrestins to map how structural changes and protein-binding affect their structural dynamics. We found that activation and clathrin binding have a marked effect on arrestin dynamics, and that these dynamics changes are localized to a small number of distant functional sites. These sites include α-helix 1, the lariat loop, nuclear localization domain, and the C-domain β-sheets on the C-loop side. Our techniques suggest that clathrin binding and/or GPCR activation of arrestin perturb the dynamics of these sites independent of structural changes.  相似文献   

Li Y  Rivera D  Ru W  Gunasekera D  Kemp RG 《Biochemistry》1999,38(49):16407-16412
Earlier studies indicated an evolutionary relationship between bacterial and mammalian phosphofructo-1-kinases (PFKs) that suggests duplication, tandem fusion, and divergence of catalytic and effector binding sites of a prokaryotic ancestor to yield in eukaryotes a total of six organic ligand binding sites. The identities of residues involved in the four binding sites for allosteric ligands in mammalian PFK have been inferred from this assumed relationship. In the current study of the C isozyme of rabbit PFK, two arginine residues that can be aligned with important residues in the catalytic and allosteric binding sites of bacterial PFK and that are conserved in all eukaryotic PFKs were mutated. Arg-48 was suggested previously to be part of either the ATP inhibitory or the adenine nucleotide activating site. However, the mutant enzyme showed only slightly less sensitivity to ATP inhibition and was fully activatable by adenine nucleotides. On the other hand, sensitivity to citrate and 3-phosphoglycerate inhibition was lost, indicating an important role for Arg-48 in the binding of these allosteric effectors. Mutation of Arg-481, homologous to an active site residue in bacterial PFK, prevented binding and allosteric activation by fructose 2,6-bisphosphate. A new relationship between the allosteric sites of mammalian PFK and bacterial PFK is proposed.  相似文献   

iNKT cells derive from CD4(+)CD8(+) DP thymocytes, and are selected by thymocyte-thymocyte interactions through signals from their invariant Vα14-Jα18 TCR and from the costimulatory molecules SLAMF1 and SLAMF6. Genetic studies have demonstrated the contribution of different signaling pathways to this process. Surprisingly, current models imply that the Ras/MAPK pathway, one of the critical mediators of conventional αβ T cell positive selection, is not necessary for iNKT cell development. Using mice defective at different levels of this pathway our results refute this paradigm, and demonstrate that Ras, and its downstream effectors Egr-1 and Egr-2 are required for positive selection of iNKT cells. Interestingly our results also show that there are differences in the contributions of several of these molecules to the development of iNKT and conventional αβ T cells.  相似文献   

Staurosporine and four staurosporine derivatives were docked on the rhodopsin-based homology model of the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor in order to localize the possible allosteric sites of this receptor. It was found that there were three major allosteric sites, two of which are located at the extracellular face of the receptor, and one in the intracellular domain of the receptor. In the present study, the localization of these binding sites is described for the first time. The present study confirms the existence of multiple allosteric sites on the M1 muscarinic receptor, and lays the ground for further experimental and computational analysis to better understand how muscarinic receptors are modulated via their allosteric sites. These findings will also help to design and develop novel drugs acting as allosteric modulators of the M1 receptor, which can be used in the treatment of the Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Generation of structurally new matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors was successfully carried out using an in silico technique. In order to identify the small fragment interacting with residues in the S1' pocket of MMP-1 through hydrogen bonds, we performed in silico screening using the LUDI program. As a result, acetyl-L-alanyl-(N-methyl)amide (Ac-L-Ala-NHMe) was selected to link with another fragment, hydroxamic acid that interacted with catalytic zinc. By this approach, the L-glutamic acid derivative 2b was discovered to be a new type of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor. Further transformation to reduce its peptidic nature and improve activity yielded nonpeptidic lead compounds as inhibitors of MMP-1, -2, -3, and -9.  相似文献   

During the course of biological function, proteins interact with other proteins, ligands, substrates, inhibitors, etc. These interactions occur at precisely defined locations within the protein but their effects are sometimes propagated to distal regions, triggering highly specific responses. These effects can be used as signals directed to activate or inhibit other sites, modulate interactions with other molecules, and/or establish inter‐molecular communication networks. During the past decade, it has become evident that the energy of stabilization of the protein structure is not evenly distributed throughout the molecule and that, under native conditions, proteins lack global cooperativity and are characterized by the occurrence of multiple independent local unfolding events. From a biological point of view, it is important to assess if this uneven distribution reflects specific functional requirements. For example, are binding sites more likely to be found in well structured regions, unstable regions, or mixed regions? In this article, we have addressed these questions by performing a structure‐based thermodynamic stability analysis of non‐structurally homologous proteins for which high resolution structures of their complexes with specific ligands are available. The results of these studies indicate that for all 16 proteins considered, the binding sites have a dual character and are characterized by the presence of regions with very low structural stability and regions with high stability. In many cases the low stability regions are loops that become stable and cover a significant portion of low molecular weight ligands upon binding. For enzymes, catalytic residues are usually, but not always, located in regions with high structural stability. It is shown that this arrangement provides significant advantages for the optimization of binding affinity of small ligands. In allosteric enzymes, low stability regions in the regulatory site are shown to play a crucial role in the transmission of information to the catalytic site. Proteins 2000;41:63–71. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Novel triazole based inhibitors of Ras farnesyl transferase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel series of potent inhibitors of Ras farnesyl transferase possessing a 1,2,4-triazole pharmacophore is described. These inhibitors were discovered from a parallel synthesis effort and were subsequently optimized to in vitro IC50 value of less than 1 nM.  相似文献   

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