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Synopsis Identifying spawning behavior in Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, is particularly challenging because they occupy a deep, remote environment during the spawning season. To identify spawning events, a method is needed in which direct observation by humans is not employed. Spawning behavior of seven other flatfish, species has been directly observed in their natural environment by investigators using SCUBA. All of these flatfish species display almost identical spawning behavior that follows a routine. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that this spawning behavior occurs in other flatfish species, including Pacific halibut. As part of a larger study, we recaptured two Pacific halibut on which Pop-up Archival Transmitting (PAT) tags had been attached during the winter spawning season. Because the tags were physically retrieved, we were able to collect minute-by-minute depth records for 135 and 155 days. We used these depth data to tentatively identify spawning events. On seven separate occasions between 20 January 2001 and 9 February 2001, one fish displayed a conspicuous routine only seen during the spawning season of Pacific halibut and the routine parallels the actions of other spawning flatfish directly observed by humans using SCUBA. Therefore, we propose this routine represents spawning behavior in Pacific halibut. The second tagged fish did not display the conspicuous routine, thus challenging the assumption that Pacific halibut are annual spawners. PAT tags may prove to be a useful tool for identifying spawning events of Pacific halibut, and that knowledge may be used for improved management in the future.  相似文献   

Two sand sole species, Solea lascaris and Solea impar , are common on the western coast of Brittany, France. Their reproduction (oogenesis and spawning) has been studied by following the gonadosomatic index, histological changes in ovary development, and oocyte diameter distribution. Both species have a prolonged spawning season, from spring to late summer. Each mature female breeds twice during the spawning season: in May and July for 5. lascaris , and in early June and July for 5. impar. Throughout the spawning season, several oocyte batches undergo vitellogenesis and there is a continuous recruitment of immature or primary oocytes into vitellogenesis. The two species are thus serial synchronous spawners. This, together with oocyte atresia late in the season (especially noticeable in S. impar ) makes fecundity estimation difficult.  相似文献   

To clarify the dynamics and regulation of oogenesis in single- and multiple-spawning cyprinid fish with group-synchronous oocyte development, a multidisciplinary approach to their reproduction was undertaken using three species from the River Meuse (Belgium): the roach Rutilus rutilus as a single spawner, and the bleak Alburnus alburnus and the white bream Blicca bjoerkna as multiple spawners. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) and histomorphometric changes (distribution of oocyte size, relative proportion of the various oocyte stages) in the ovary are compared. Different patterns of GSI and oocyte growth were observed both between the single- and multiple-spawner fish and between the two multiple spawners. Maximum GSIs were higher in roach (21%) than in bleak and white bream (17.7 and 14.5%, respectively), and compared to the rapid decline of GSI in the roach population, the GSI of multiple spawners decreased progressively during the spawning season. In roach, a short gonadal quiescent period and an early onset of vitellogenesis was recorded from late summer onwards whereas, in bleak and white bream, exogenous vitellogenesis was not systematically observed before winter. A protracted spawning season and/or a low water temperature in autumn are hypothesized to explain this long period of gonadal quiescence. In bleak, during the spawning season, the oocytes recruited arose from the stock of endogenous vitellogenesis and attained the final maturation stage very rapidly. This recruitment occurred during the whole spawning season. In white bream, the differentiation of vitellogenic oocytes from smaller oocytes was completed before the onset of the spawning season. During the spawning period, the proportion of vitellogenic oocytes decreased progressively whereas the percentage of oocytes in the final maturation stage remained approximately constant.  相似文献   

This is the first study to perform a comparative genetic analysis of Greenland halibut in the samples from the Atlantic (waters of west and east of Greenland), Arctic (Laptev Sea), and Pacific (the western part of the Bering Sea) ocean basins using seven microsatellite loci. The obtained data clearly demonstrate that the Greenland halibut population in the Laptev Sea belongs to the groups of the Atlantic Ocean basin. Apparently, the Greenland halibut of the Laptev Sea is represented by a dependent population, which is replenished due to the drift of immatures from the spawning grounds in the Barents Sea with the transformed Atlantic water flow along the continental slope. In addition, the Arctic population can be partially replenished due to the breeding of the halibut in local spawning grounds.  相似文献   

The largest increase in gonadosomatic index of American plaice Hippoglossoides platessoides occurred between January and February. Hepatosomatic index was lowest in the spawning season, suggesting cessation of feeding activity during spawning, but rose immediately in July when condition factor recovered from its low spawning level. Increases in white muscle water content during the spawning season suggests protein depletion. Conservation of some white muscle fibres is suspected, but no regular pattern in area conserved was found. Gonad development was advanced in December and in April some gonads were showing evidence of spawning. Ovaries from spawning females showed hydration patterns and histological detail consistent with batch or serial spawning strategy. Evidence of recent spawning activity, including the presence of postovulatory follicles, was found in ovaries that also contained oocytes undergoing exogenous vitellogenesis. Oocyte size frequency distributions show a gap in size between cortical alveoli and vitellogenic oocytes prior to spawning which does not exist during the spawning season. This may represent the ability of plaice to push oocytes through vitellogenesis from a previtellogenic condition during the spawning period. The increased white muscle moisture during June and July may reflect the use of muscle protein to bring oocytes through vitellogenesis for the current spawning season.  相似文献   

In Calicut populations of P. hydrodromous, the ovary is not refractory during September—November of the prebreeding season; it is inhibited from developing apparently by a gonad-inhibiting hormone(s) contained in the eyestalks. The prevalent tendency in Paratelphusa during the prebreeding season is to reproduce, and not to moult. The precocious ovarian growth induced by eyestalk removal during this season is biochemically impoverished, possibly due to uneven oocyte development, which in turn may be caused by the unpreparedness of a section of the population of oocytes for vitellogenesis. The ovary appears to have to pass through a period of oogonial proliferation under the influence of the moult-precipitating hormones during the moulting season, and subsequently through a period of oocyte differentiation during the prebreeding season, for normal vitellogenesis during the breeding season.  相似文献   

This study is the first investigation of reproductive endocrinology in a simultaneously hermaphroditic teleost, the belted sandfish (Serranus subligarius). We address two questions: (1) Do steroid hormone levels vary during the spawning season or during the daily spawning cycle of sandfish? (2) Do hormone levels vary relative to an individual's phenotype-size, frequency of spawning and aggressive behaviors, and proportion of testis in the gonad? We analyzed circulating estradiol-17beta (E2), testosterone (T), 11-ketotestosterone (11KT), 17alpha,20beta,21-trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (20betaS), and 17alpha,20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) concentrations in a field population. Only E2 levels were significantly higher at the new and full moon, suggesting peak periods of vitellogenesis at these times. Naturally spawning sandfish were sampled every 2 h during the photophase of a 25-h period (12 pm to 1 pm the following day) and gonadosomatic index, degree of oocyte hydration and ovulation, and plasma levels of E2, T, DHP, and 20betaS were analyzed. E2 and T levels did not vary during photophase, suggesting continuous recruitment of oocytes into vitellogenesis. The 20betaS levels peaked around the time of final oocyte maturation. Since frequency of spawning behaviors changes with body size, we captured individuals of various sizes throughout the spawning season and analyzed circulating levels of hormones. 11KT and 20betaS levels increased significantly with body size. In 1992, we quantified frequency of spawning and aggressive behaviors, circulating T and 11KT levels and testicular mass relative to ovotestis mass in focal animals. 11KT levels tended to be positively correlated with frequency of courting male behavior, but were unrelated to the frequency of aggressive behavior or testis mass. Because hormone levels increased with size and frequency of each spawning behavior changes with size, we propose that sex steroids influence growth-related changes in spawning tactics of individuals.  相似文献   

Exposure of adolescent turbot Scophthalmus maximus to low rations during vitellogenesis, covering the 4 months immediately prior to spawning, led to a drop of 70% in mean ovary weight, and was associated with poor growth of the vitellogenic oocytes or, in a third of cases, the absence of vitellogenic oocytes. Exposure to low rations during the recruitment of vitellogenic oocytes, 4–8 months prior to spawning, produced a more variable response. A few of these females produced well-developed vitellogenic oocytes, but in most, vitellogenic oocytes were absent or only poorly developed and in some cases there was a high incidence of atresia. Exposure to intermediate rations throughout oocyte recritment and vitellogenesis also depressed oocyte development. In maturing females the number of non-atretic vitellogenic oocytes (relative potential fecundity) averaged 998 per g of somatic body weight of fish at the start of the spawning season in mid-June. Maturation of the males was not significantly influenced by the dietary regime. The small size of the testes and the low levels of milt production, even in fish fed high rations immediately prior to spawning, showed that reproductive investment in males was much lower than in females.  相似文献   

Female sexual maturation cycle and the main spawning time of Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides in the Davis Strait were studied through regularly collected samples during 1 year starting in spring 2003. Samples were collected from the southern slope of the Davis Strait Ridge between Canada and Greenland in the depth range 1000–1500 m. Female sexual maturation was described using different approaches: gonado‐somatic index, visual macroscopic maturity stage index, histological microscopic maturity index and oocyte diameter measurements. A significant increase in the gonado‐somatic index was seen from September onwards until February with a maximum estimated value of 18%. The proportion of mature fish increased from December until March. At the same time, the proportion of females with a low gonado‐somatic index also increased from February, indicating that spawning had occurred and females were recovering. Oocyte diameter distribution revealed a leading cohort development during autumn through to December to February. A coupling between sexual maturity and fish condition was seen for females in maturing condition indicating a steady build up of stored energy in the liver from June to November.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to compare the seasonal hepatic activity and to evaluate whether this activity was related to the dynamics of oocyte recruitment in three cyprinids from the River Meuse (Belgium): the roach Rutilus rutilus as a single spawner, and the bleak Alburnus alburnus and the white bream Blicca bjoerkna as multiple spawners. In roach, hepatosomatic index (HSI) was low during exogenous vitellogenesis. However, the strong development of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), the presence of large mitonchondria with many inner folds, and the depletion of glycogen, lipid droplets and phospholipids indicated intense hepatic activity during that period. Prior to spawning, hepatic activity decreased as indicated by a decrease of the HSI and in the hepatocytes a regression of the RER and the disappearance of the lipid droplets and glycogen. In bleak, the oocyte recruitment occurred continuously throughout the spawning season and the vitellogenic activity of the liver remained intense throughout that period as suggested by high HSI and the ultrastructure of the hepatocytes. In contrast in white bream the vitellogenic activity of the liver decreased during the spawning season as the completion of the vitellogenesis took place prior to spawnings. We concluded that the vitellogenic activity of the liver is strongly related to oogenesis.  相似文献   

Oogenesis in the dab is described in six easily identifiable stages: oogonium (Stage I), primary oocyte (II), primary vitellogenesis (III), secondary vitellogenesis (IV), tertiary vitellogenesis (V) and hyaline oocyte (VI). The annual reproductive cycle in female dab may be divided into four morphologically and histologically distinct periods: prespawning (October–January), spawning (February–April), postspawning (May–June) and resting (July–September) period.  相似文献   

Maturity in adult female Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides was studied in three areas in west Greenland waters: the inshore area in Disko Bay and two offshore areas, Baffin Bay and Davis Strait. The aim was to monitor maturity changes in the inshore fjords of Disko Bay over an extended period from winter to autumn and compare these findings with specimens from Baffin Bay and the presumed spawning area in Davis Strait. A significant difference in maturity level was observed in and between the three areas. In Disko Bay maturity indices increased significantly in August and September both with respect to the gonado‐somatic index ( I G) and the size in the leading oocyte cohort. In the period February to May no significant changes were observed. Mature ovaries were only observed among fish >80 cm total length and only among a fraction of these large fish. Offshore areas of Baffin Bay, even though poorly sampled, showed similar signs in the maturity indices as in Disko Bay. Relative to Disko Bay and Baffin Bay, female fish in Davis Strait had more progressed maturity indices. Furthermore, almost all fish in Davis Strait showed signs of progressed maturity contrary to Disko and Baffin Bay. A large proportion of the Greenland halibut in Disko and Baffin Bay apparently did not begin the maturation cycle until very late in their life history or were repeat spawners with a multi‐year maturation cycle. These observations could thus support the hypothesis that Greenland halibut have a prolonged adolescent phase. Atresia was highest in the early phases of maturation in Greenland halibut but relatively high levels of atresia were also observed in fish in more advanced maturity phase. The first was ascribed to fecundity regulation while the latter could be linked to the fish's fitness condition but it was not possible to show this with the available condition index.  相似文献   


In France, national management programs focus research on understanding reproductive factors in Crassostrea gigas to confront problems of the oyster industry. However, little information has been documented in which reproductive patterns include sexual changes. The reproductive cycle of oysters at three sites of the Atlantic coast of France was examined from 1996 to 1998, and the seasonal variations in oocyte size-frequencies, and sex ratio were described. The results showed a synchronism within the population concerning reproductive behavior. Young oocytes are generated after spawning and show no apparent changes during winter. Growth of oocytes begins in spring and cells reach maturity in April-May and are ready for a single spawning season in June-July. Oocytes that were not released during spawning are reabsorbed within the gonad. The significant difference between sites is that spawning occurred 1 month later in the southern area. A modal analysis showed that oocyte populations in the sample individuals are primordially bimodal, but with polymodal occurrences in June-July, in some cases. Irregular alternative sexuality was detected at all sites, and hermaphrodites appear to be a transition phase that allows changes from male to female during early spring. Previous observations, together with the study of the development of oocyte cohorts over time, permit a hypothetical model concerning the kinetics of gametogenesis in C. gigas. The model suggests that primary oocytes are generated from energy supplied from degenerating, as well as young oocytes that do not reach the mature stage within the gonad during autumn-winter. It seems that, during vitellogenesis, there is disintegration of smaller cells coupled with transfer of energy to the larger oocytes, which continue to grow and mature.  相似文献   

The date of spawning of the first of the two batches of oocytes produced by Harmothoe imbricata each year is known to be influenced by both temperature and day length conditions during the preceeding period of vitellogenesis, acting directly on the rate of oocyte growth. The influence of day length is shown to be in the form of a critical day length effect, with days of 11 h of daylight or more acting as long days and advancing the date of spawning. It is suggested that this critical day length effect serves to synchronize the spawning of the first cohort of oocytes, and it may also entrain an endogenous time sense underlying the reproductive cycle of this species.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the larval ecology of winter-spawning fish from the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, remains scarce due to the seasonal ice cover that prevents ichthyoplankton sampling using conventional methods. Two winter-spawning species, Atlantic halibut (AH, Hippoglossus hippoglossus) and Greenland halibut (GH, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), support the most important groundfish fisheries of this area. In March 2020, the authors captured 10 halibut larvae ranging in size from 5 to 14 mm during an opportunistic survey in the GSL onboard an icebreaking vessel. Of these, eight were AH and two GH. Judging by their very small size, the larvae were only a few days old, suggesting that the spawning grounds are close to the capture sites. This effort constitutes a first step in validating the putative spawning areas for these two important GSL stocks. This knowledge is important for the conservation and sustainable management of these fisheries.  相似文献   

Spawning time of female Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua L.) can be predicted to within 3 days using vitellogenic oocyte diameters measured over the last month before spawning. Simulations show that a l°C drop in temperature during vitellogenesis delays spawning by about 8–10 days. Similar results were obtained with fish on low ration for 4–8 months before spawning. Moderately fed females held over two to four consecutive spawning seasons demonstrated a significant delay (⋍3–40 days) in the date of first spawning as the fish grew older and more fecund. Forecasting studies on spawning migrating Arcto-Norwegian cod gave no evidence of a significant effect of fish length on the time of spawning. Warmer water temperature during vitellogenesis for the larger fish appears to compensate for the negative effect of fecundity On spawning time.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the red mullet is described on a macroscopic scale in terms of the GSI, HSI and K , and on a microscopic scale in terms of histological changes in the ovary and changes in the oocyte size frequency distribution. On the southern coast of Brittany the red mullet breeds in May and June. During oogenesis, the previtellogenic period lasts 6 months and the secondary phase of vitellogenesis no more than 3 months. When spawning commences the process of vitellogenesis ceases and up to 20% of the vitellogenic oocytes become atretic. Prior to spawning a single batch of oocytes can be seen to be entering secondary vitellogenesis. During the immediate prespawning and spawning periods the existing vitellogenic oocytes mature but there is no recruitment from the stock of previteilogenic oocytes. This results in a gap or hiatus in the oocyte size frequency distribution between previtellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes within which there are very few resting or maturing oocytes. The red mullet appears to be a determinate spawner, in which egg loss through atresia considerably reduces the potential fecundity.  相似文献   

The developmental stages of female germ cells were analysed in a wild population of the protogynous teleost Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834). 321 wild dusky grouper females were collected in the South Mediterranean Sea during the spawning season and their ovaries analysed using histological and histochemical techniques. Oocyte morphology, nucleus-cytoplasm ratio (N/C) range, location and movements of cytoplasmic inclusions during primary growth, vitellogenesis and final oocyte maturation were described. The distribution of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates through oocyte development was also investigated in 50 females. Lipid vesicles appeared firstly in the mid ooplasm of oocytes larger than 130 microm, at the beginning of the secondary growth phase. Immediately afterwards, small carbohydrate granules (PAS and Alcian blue positive) appeared before the occurrence of the first yolk granules. Tyrosine-enriched proteins were especially evidenced in the zona radiata interna of late vitellogenic oocytes. Specific lectin binding patterns reflected characteristic differences in the content and distribution of specific sugar moieties expressed in the oocytes during vitellogenesis and final maturation. At the end of vitellogenesis and during final maturation, follicular cells, zona radiata, and cortical alveoli were characterised by a strong increase of specific binding for WGA.  相似文献   

The dynamics and regulation of oogenesis in single and multiple-spawner cyprinid fish showing group-synchronous oocyte development, was investigated in three species from the River Meuse (Belgium): the roach Rutilus rutilus as a single spawner, and the bleak Alburnus alburnus and the white bream Blicca bjoerkna as multiple spawners. This paper compares the seasonal profiles of sex steroids (oestradiol-17β, testosterone and 17,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one) and plasma alkali-labile protein phosphorus. Different patterns of plasma oestradiol-17β (E2) and plasma protein phosphorus (PPP) have been observed not only between the single and the multiple spawner fish, but also among the two multiple spawners. In roach, two increases of E2 levels were observed. The first occurred in September after a short gonadal quiescent period, and coincided with the increase of the PPP at the onset of exogenous vitellogenesis. The second took place in spring before the spawning season. The low PPP recorded during that period probably reflected its rapid incorporation by the oocytes. In both multiple spawners, highest values of PPP were recorded just before the spawning season. In white bream, the PPP declined progressively once the differentiation of exogenous vitellogenic oocytes was completed before the onset of the spawning season. In bleak, PPP levels remained high throughout the spawning season and corresponded to a sustained oocyte recruitment during the whole of this period. Regardless of the pattern of oocyte growth recruitment, the E2 concentrations were high in both multiple spawner species during the breeding season. In the three species, testosterone levels remained low regardless of the maturation stage (ranging from 0.6 to 13.4ng ml?1). Except for relatively high concentrations of 17,20βP in roach during final maturation and postspawning stages (20 and 28 ng ml?1, respectively), low levels of this steroid were measured in these cyprinids, and especially in the multiple spawner fish. The role of this progestogen as the maturation inducing Steroid is discussed.  相似文献   

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