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黄土高原集水农业研究进展   总被引:48,自引:4,他引:44  
肖国举  王静 《生态学报》2003,23(5):1003-1011
回顾了黄土高原集水农业理论与技术体系的研究成果.分析评价了集水农业的研究进展。随着黄土高原集水农业研究方法的改进、研究内容的深入、研究领域的扩充.提出了广义性集水农业研究范畴。在黄土高原集水农业理论研究的基础上.应加强微集雨微灌溉应用技术、现代集雨技术、计算机控制技术与集雨网络等高新技术手段的技术集成.以提高雨水汇集与利用效率。同时.黄土高原集水农业的研究已经从微生境条件下的农业生态系统延伸至区域生态环境保育。利用汇集雨水合理调配生态用水.进行小流域综合治理。农林牧综合发展。生态环境重建的集水型生态农业是黄土高原集水农业的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The derived FOXP2 variant of modern humans was shared with Neandertals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although many animals communicate vocally, no extant creature rivals modern humans in language ability. Therefore, knowing when and under what evolutionary pressures our capacity for language evolved is of great interest. Here, we find that our closest extinct relatives, the Neandertals, share with modern humans two evolutionary changes in FOXP2, a gene that has been implicated in the development of speech and language. We furthermore find that in Neandertals, these changes lie on the common modern human haplotype, which previously was shown to have been subject to a selective sweep. These results suggest that these genetic changes and the selective sweep predate the common ancestor (which existed about 300,000-400,000 years ago) of modern human and Neandertal populations. This is in contrast to more recent age estimates of the selective sweep based on extant human diversity data. Thus, these results illustrate the usefulness of retrieving direct genetic information from ancient remains for understanding recent human evolution.  相似文献   

Since World War II the use of antimicrobial products associated with food animal production has increased. Antimicrobials along with evolving production practices have significantly increased throughput, animal welfare, and improved health. Concerns surrounding the growing significance of emerging and in some cases rapidly disseminating antibiotic (antimicrobial) resistant bacterial pathogens among human and livestock populations has stimulated a reassessment of this application. The negative publicity has led many consumers and activist groups to believe that protein derived from food animals grown in the absence of those drugs is safer than products derived from the conventionally reared. There is a general fear that antimicrobial usage in agriculture threatens the sustainability of human therapeutic agents and the public wellbeing. The issue has gradually emerged from "fringe group paranoia" to mainstream - finally impacting consumer choices. Antimicrobial resistance concerns have stimulated a significant reaction by the US animal agriculture industry. Numerous pig production entities, large and small, have attempted to create additional pork product value by developing niche marketing opportunities. Thus far most of the subtherapeutic in-feed antimicrobial reduction has been voluntary in the US. Two production areas have developed where reduced usage occurs. First is the growth of antibiotic free production (ABF) and second is an increased use of treatment levels which avoids subtherapeutic criticism. The bulk of this article is directed at new production practices, pig health management, disease elimination, and biosecurity efforts that result from early industry attempts at reduced or excluded antimicrobial pig production. Raising antimicrobial (antibiotic) free (ABF) pork from birth is challenging for a variety of reasons. Some of these challenges can be cost effectively dealt with while others are difficult if not impossible to control in modern production environments. Healthy pig production is essential for sustainable ABF operations.  相似文献   

农业的起源与发展,改变了人类食物资源的获取方式。作为史前文化发展的中心,关中地区史前人类生业模式演变规律与影响因素的探索,将为北方地区农业的起源、发展与传播,文化交流对农业发展的影响,人类对环境变迁的适应等热点问题研究提供重要依据。本文对关中地区史前不同文化、不同遗址人与动物骨骼的稳定同位素以及动植物遗存进行了综合分析。结果显示,受文化的发展与交流、区域地理环境的差异、气候的演变等因素影响,关中地区史前先民生业模式呈现时空差异。老官台文化先民的生业模式中旱作农业与狩猎采集并重。仰韶文化早期,旱作农业成为先民生业模式的主体,但不同区域发展水平不同;另外,家畜饲养的发展速度要滞后于农作物。仰韶文化中、晚期至龙山文化早期,水稻与小麦先后传入,形成以粟、黍旱作农业为主,兼营水稻、大豆等的多元化农业结构;水稻对仰韶文化中期先民的食谱产生影响,而同时期家畜饲养主要依赖于粟黍类农作物。龙山文化,黍、粟农业比重下降,水稻含量相对增加,并对先民与家畜的食谱产生影响;肉食获取方式以饲养活动为主,渔猎活动为辅。  相似文献   

The causes and consequences of the Neolithic revolution represent a fundamental problem for anthropological inquiry. Traditional archeological evidence, ethnobotanical remains, artifacts, and settlement patterns have been used to infer the transition from foraging to primary food production. Recent advances in genomics (the study of the sequence, structure, and function of the genome) has enhanced our understanding of the process of plant and animal domestication, revealed the impact that adaptation to agriculture has had on human biology, and provided clues to the pathogens and parasites thought to have emerged during the Neolithic. Genomic analysis provides insights into the complexity of the process of domestication that may not be apparent from the physical remains of bones and seeds, and allows us to measure the impact that the shift to primary food production had on the human genome. Questions related to the location and the process of domestication can be answered more fully by analyzing the genomes of the plants and animals brought under human control. The spread of the agriculture package (plants, animals, and technology) by cultural diffusion or demic expansion can also be investigated through this approach. Whether dissemination by farmers or the diffusion of farming knowledge and technology was the source of the Neolithic expansion, this process should be revealed by the patterh of genetic and linguistic diversity and language found from centers of agricultural Neolithic development. In addition, a number of pathogens that were previously thought to have been transmitted from domesticated species to human now appear to have been present in foragers long before the agricultural revolution took place. Furthermore, we now have evidence that humans were the source of the transmission of some parasites to domesticated animals. For all of these reasons, data from genomic studies are providing a more complete understanding of the origins of agriculture, a critical hallmark in human evolution.  相似文献   

The present study tested the hypothesis that the relation between social dominance orientation and the endorsement of legitimizing myths about the human use of nonhuman animals is moderated by the salience of that use. Eighty-two student participants read an article about agriculture that focused on either animal or crop production and then completed measures of legitimizing myths about animal use, speciesism, and social dominance orientation. In support of the hypothesis, legitimizing myths and speciesism were endorsed among people higher in social dominance orientation in the animal agriculture condition but not in the crop agriculture condition. This illustrates that when issues regarding the human use of animals are salient, people who support inequality between human groups are likely to appeal to justifications of practices in animal use that benefit humans. More broadly, it illustrates that a similar nexus between social dynamics and psychological variables sustains both human intergroup inequality and hierarchical human–animal relationships.  相似文献   

In the past twenty years, numerous novel zoonotic viral agents with pandemic potential have emerged in China, such as the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus and, more recently, the avian-origin influenza A/H7N9 virus, which have caused outbreaks among humans with high morbidity and mortality. In addition, several emerging and re-emerging viral pathogens have also been imported into China from travelers, e.g. the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus and Zika virus (ZIKV). Herein, we review these emerging viral pathogens in China and focus on how surveillance by pathogen genomics has been employed to discover and annotate novel pathogenic agents, identify natural reservoirs, monitor the transmission events and delineate their evolution and adaption to the human host. We also highlight the application of genomic sequencing in the recent Ebola epidemics in Western Africa. In summary, genomic sequencing has become a standard research tool in the field of emerging infectious diseases which has been proven invaluable in containing these viral infections and reducing burden of disease in humans and animals. Genomic surveillance of pathogenic agents will serve as a key epidemiological and research tool in the modern era of precision infectious diseases and in the future studies of virosphere.  相似文献   

A variety of lines of evidence support the idea that neutral evolutionary processes (genetic drift, mutation) have been important in generating cranial differences between Neandertals and modern humans. But how do Neandertals and modern humans compare with other species? And how do these comparisons illuminate the evolutionary processes underlying cranial diversification? To address these questions, we used 27 standard cranial measurements collected on 2524 recent modern humans, 20 Neandertals and 237 common chimpanzees to estimate split times between Neandertals and modern humans, and between Pan troglodytes verus and two other subspecies of common chimpanzee. Consistent with a neutral divergence, the Neandertal versus modern human split-time estimates based on cranial measurements are similar to those based on DNA sequences. By contrast, the common chimpanzee cranial estimates are much lower than DNA-sequence estimates. Apparently, cranial evolution has been unconstrained in Neandertals and modern humans compared with common chimpanzees. Based on these and additional analyses, it appears that cranial differentiation in common chimpanzees has been restricted by stabilizing natural selection. Alternatively, this restriction could be due to genetic and/or developmental constraints on the amount of within-group variance (relative to effective population size) available for genetic drift to act on.  相似文献   

The prevalence of obesity has increased rapidly during recent years and has reached epidemic proportions. As a result, the scientific community is interested in active biomolecules which are naturally present in plants and foodstuffs and may be useful in body weight management. In recent years, polyphenols have made up one of the most frequently studied groups among these molecules. Numerous studies have been carried out on animals to analyse the potential anti-obesity effects of resveratrol, a non-flavonoid polyphenol, and a general consensus concerning the body-fat-lowering effect of this compound exists. By contrast, studies in humans have been few so far. Moreover, in these studies, the effectiveness of resveratrol is low. The aims of the present review are to summarize the results reported so far on this topic and to justify the differences observed between animals and humans. It seems that the reduced response to resveratrol in humans cannot be attributed to the use of lower doses in humans because the doses that induce body-fat-lowering effects in rodents are in the same range as those used in human studies. With regard to the experimental period length, treatments were longer in animal studies than in human studies. This can be one of the reasons contributing to the reduced responses observed in humans. Moreover, animals used in the reported studies are young while volunteers participating in human studies are adults, suggesting that resveratrol may be more efficient in young individuals. In addition to differences in the experimental designs, metabolic differences between animals and human cannot be discarded.  相似文献   

Antibiotics have been a panacea in animal husbandry as well as in human therapy for decades. The huge amount of antibiotics used to induce the growth and protect the health of farm animals has lead to the evolution of bacteria that are resistant to the drug’s effects. Today, many researchers are working with bacteriophages (phages) as an alternative to antibiotics in the control of pathogens for human therapy as well as prevention, biocontrol, and therapy in animal agriculture. Phage therapy and biocontrol have yet to fulfill their promise or potential, largely due to several key obstacles to their performance. Several suggestions are shared in order to point a direction for overcoming common obstacles in applied phage technology. The key to successful use of phages in modern scientific, farm, food processing and clinical applications is to understand the common obstacles as well as best practices and to develop answers that work in harmony with nature.  相似文献   

Many causes for the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) have been reported, all with common pathologic, pathophysiologic and biochemical end results. The final common pathway may involve changes in lung content of a critical enzyme, superoxide dismutase, or alterations in surfactant metabolism, or both. The early assumption that the disorder is partially due to oxygen toxicity from inspired oxygen concentrations greater than 60 percent is consistent with findings of recent biochemical studies. Although the lung normally maintains its alveoli dry, during ARDS increased permeability of small pulmonary vessels results in primary pulmonary edema, in contrast to edema from increased vascular pressure. These data have been obtained mainly in animals; whether they apply to humans with ARDS is not certain. Tissue oxygenation is improved by increasing end-expiratory pressure in an animal model of ARDS, more effectively during spontaneous breathing than during mechanical ventilation. During spontaneous breathing, adverse ventilatory effects were caused by stimulation of pulmonary reflexes.  相似文献   

Recycling and composting of organic materials such as animal waste, crop residues and green manures has a long tradition in China. In the past, the application of organic manures guaranteed a high return of organic materials and plant mineral nutrients and thus maintained soil fertility and crop yield. As a result of rapid economic development coupled with the increasing urbanization and labour costs, the recycling rate of organic materials in Chinese agriculture has dramatically declined during the last two decades, in particular in the more developed eastern and southeastern provinces of China. Improper handling and storage of the organic wastes is causing severe air and water pollution. Because farmers are using increasing amounts of mineral fertilizer, only 47% of the cropland is still receiving organic manure, which accounted for 18% of N, 28% of P and 75% of K in the total nutrient input in 2000. Nowadays, the average proportion of nutrients (N+P+K) supplemented by organic manure in Chinese cropland is only 35% of the total amount of nutrients from both inorganic and organic sources. In China, one of the major causes is the increasing de-coupling of animal and plant production. This is occurring at a time when "re-coupling" is partly being considered in Western countries as a means to improve soil fertility and reduce pollution from animal husbandry. Re-coupling of modern animal and plant production is urgently needed in China. A comprehensive plan to develop intensive animal husbandry while taking into account the environmental impact of liquid and gaseous emissions and the nutrient requirements of the crops as well as the organic carbon requirements of the soil are absolutely necessary. As a consequence of a stronger consideration of ecological aspects in agriculture, a range of environmental standards has been issued and various legal initiatives are being taken in China. Their enforcement should be strictly monitored.  相似文献   

Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) are an important cause of urinary tract infections, neonatal meningitis and septicaemia in humans. Animals are recognized as a reservoir for human intestinal pathogenic E. coli, but whether animals are a source for human ExPEC is still a matter of debate. Pathologies caused by ExPEC are reported for many farm animals, especially for poultry, in which colibacillosis is responsible for huge losses within broiler chickens. Cases are also reported for companion animals. Commensal E. coli strains potentially carrying virulence factors involved in the development of human pathologies also colonize the intestinal tract of animals. This review focuses on the recent evidence of the zoonotic potential of ExPEC from animal origin and their potential direct or indirect transmission from animals to humans. As antimicrobials are commonly used for livestock production, infections due to antimicrobial-resistant ExPEC transferred from animals to humans could be even more difficult to treat. These findings, combined with the economic impact of ExPEC in the animal production industry, demonstrate the need for adapted measures to limit the prevalence of ExPEC in animal reservoirs while reducing the use of antimicrobials as much as possible.  相似文献   

Future agricultural and rural development is, to a large extent, influenced by the projected food needs of 2.5 billion people expected to swell the world population by 2020. This increase will require more food in general and, in view of recent experience in East Asia, more animal products. To achieve this increase will require judicious use of resources, and trade, especially in those countries where natural resources are insufficient to support food production. Achieving food sufficiency in a sustainable manner is a major challenge for farmers, agro-industries, researchers and governments. The latter play an important role as many of the farmers' choices are, to a large extent, directed by government or supra-government, often through macro- and micro-economic policy. In many countries the economic, environmental, trade and agricultural policies have not been conducive to an agricultural development that is risk-free with respect to the environment, animal welfare or public health. The recent decline of government support in agriculture forced farmers in Western countries to think about more risk adverse agricultural practices and more efficient production systems. On the other hand, many countries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, as well as other developing countries, are still going through a painful process of adjustment to new market conditions. International banks and development agencies have a mandate to help developing countries, but are somewhat restricted both by needing to work directly with governments and by their perceived dogmatic approach to development. Changing policies do, now and in the future, also affect the development of animal disease control programmes, including the control of parasitic diseases. On the one hand there is an increasing interest in risk-free control practices, and on the other hand a demand for greater regulatory control over the production process. As parasitic diseases of animals are closely linked to the environment (i.e. grazing and waste management) and public health (i.e. parasitic zoonoses), the new interest in sustainable agriculture provides a challenge for those concerned with the control and prevention of animal parasitism.  相似文献   

Anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) dispersed out of Africa roughly 120,000 years ago and again after 75,000 years ago. The early dispersal was geographically restricted to the Arabian Peninsula, Levant, and possibly parts of southern Asia. The later dispersal was ultimately global in scope, including areas not previously occupied by Homo. One explanation for the contrast between the two out‐of‐Africa dispersals is that the modern humans who expanded into Eurasia 120,000 years ago lacked the functionally and structurally complex technology of recent hunter‐gatherers. This technology, which includes, for example, mechanical projectiles, snares and traps, and sewn clothing, provides not only expanded dietary breadth and increased rates of foraging efficiency and success in places where plant and animal productivity is low, but protection from cold weather in places where winter temperatures are low. The absence of complex technology before 75,000 years ago also may explain why modern humans in the Levant did not develop sedentary settlements and agriculture 120,000 years ago (i.e., during the Last Interglacial).  相似文献   

Animal models of spontaneous diabetic kidney disease   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Kidney disease, characterized by proteinuria and glomerular lesions, is a common complication of spontaneous diabetes mellitus in many animal species. It occurs in animals with hypoinsulinemia, hyperinsulinemia, or impaired glucose tolerance. The renal functional and structural abnormalities in spontaneously diabetic animals resemble human diabetic nephropathy in many respects. Mesangial expansion and glomerular basement membrane thickening, two structural hallmarks of diabetic glomerulopathy in humans, are the most frequently encountered lesions in animals. In addition, a nodular form of mesangial expansion that resembles but is not identical with human nodular glomerulosclerosis or the Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesion has been observed in some animal models. Other abnormalities, such as exudative hyaline lesions and arteriolar hyalinosis, have also been noted occasionally in other models. Although diabetic animals may develop kidney disease that resembles human diabetic nephropathy, no single animal model develops renal changes identical to those seen in humans. Nonetheless, animal models with spontaneous diabetic kidney disease may be useful for investigating the mechanisms of development of diabetic nephropathy and the effects of various treatment modalities on the progression of renal disease.  相似文献   

随着畜牧业发展、宠物市场增长、气候变化、生态系统破坏以及旅行和商业全球化,人与动物之间的关系在全球范围内持续加强。人类与动物之间的联系不断升级,使得病原体的威胁也不断扩散。关于人兽共患疾病的研究多集中在由动物传染给人类的疾病,如疯牛病、艾滋病、禽流感等。但是微生物的交换是相互的,近年来越来越多的研究表明人类亦会将病原体传播给动物,包括新型冠状病毒、耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌、甲型流感病毒、隐孢子虫和蛔虫等。因此本文对人类疾病传染给动物的研究作一综述,为人与动物传染病的有效预防与控制提供参考。  相似文献   

The significant advances made by the global scientific community during the COVID-19 pandemic, exemplified by the development of multiple SARVS-CoV-2 vaccines in less than 1 y, were made possible in part because of animal research. Historically, animals have been used to study the characterization, treatment, and prevention of most of the major infectious disease outbreaks that humans have faced. From the advent of modern ‘germ theory’ prior to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic through the more recent Ebola and Zika virus outbreaks, research that uses animals has revealed or supported key discoveries in disease pathogenesis and therapy development, helping to save lives during crises. Here we summarize the role of animal research in past pandemic and epidemic response efforts, as well as current and future considerations for animal research in the context of infectious disease research.

From the moment it began in late 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has been met with remarkable scientific effort. In less than 1 y, substantial progress has been made in understanding the behavior of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causative agent of COVID-19, characterizing the damage it inflicts on the body, and developing safe and effective vaccines. Research in animals has provided many breakthroughs, as it has for most significant outbreaks in the past. Animals have been used to study infectious diseases long before disease-causing microorganisms were known to exist. Animal research in response to pandemics, past and present, provides a clear example of how such research can best serve the scientific community in the event of future outbreaks and other disease conditions. Response to a pandemic requires quick action to identify the emerging diseases, characterize transmission and pathogenesis, and develop preventative measures and therapies. Ideally, through the surveillance of environments and animal populations that may harbor pathogens with pandemic potential and through preclinical and basic science research in virology and vaccinology for diseases that are suspected to be potential threats, the pandemic response should begin before a disease gains the ability to spread easily through a population. In this article, we discuss the importance of animal research in all aspects of pandemic research response and the vital role it continues to play today.  相似文献   

Dmrt genes in the development and evolution of sexual dimorphism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Monkeypox virus (MPXV) is considered the most significant human public health threat in the genus Orthopoxvirus since the eradication of variola virus (the causative agent of smallpox). MPXV is a zoonotic agent endemic to forested areas of Central and Western Africa. In 2003, MPXV caused an outbreak in the United States due to the importation of infected African rodents, and subsequent sequential infection of North American prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) and humans. In previous studies, the prairie dog MPXV model has successfully shown to be very useful for understanding MPXV since the model emulates key characteristics of human monkeypox disease. In humans, percutaneous exposure to animals has been documented but the primary method of human-to-human MPXV transmission is postulated to be by respiratory route. Only a few animal model studies of MPXV transmission have been reported. Herein, we show that MPXV infected prairie dogs are able to transmit the virus to naive animals through multiple transmission routes. All secondarily exposed animals were infected with MPXV during the course of the study. Notably, animals secondarily exposed appeared to manifest more severe disease; however, the disease course was very similar to those of experimentally challenged animals including inappetence leading to weight loss, development of lesions, production of orthopoxvirus antibodies and shedding of similar levels or in some instances higher levels of MPXV from the oral cavity. Disease was transmitted via exposure to contaminated bedding, co-housing, or respiratory secretions/nasal mucous (we could not definitively say that transmission occurred via respiratory route exclusively). Future use of the model will allow us to evaluate infection control measures, vaccines and antiviral strategies to decrease disease transmission.  相似文献   

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