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The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) of human skeletal muscle has a reducible disulfide bond near the neurotransmitter binding site in each of its alpha-subunits. By testing a panel of overlapping synthetic peptides encompassing the alpha-subunit segment 177-208 (containing cysteines 192 and 193) we found that specific binding of 125I-labelled alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-BTx) was maximal in the region 185-199. Binding was inhibited by unlabelled alpha-BTx greater than d-tubocurarine greater than atropine greater than carbamylcholine. Peptide 193-208 did not bind alpha-BTx, whereas 177-192 retained 40% binding activity. Peptides corresponding to regions 125-147 (containing cysteines 128 and 142) and 389-409, or peptides unrelated to sequences of the AChR failed to bind alpha-BTx. No peptide bound 125I-alpha-labelled parathyroid hormone. The apparent affinity (KD) of alpha-BTx binding to immobilized peptides 181-199 and 185-199 was approximately 25 microM and 80 microM, respectively, in comparison with alpha-BTx binding to native Torpedo ACh receptor (apparent KD approximately 0.5 nM). In solution phase, both peptides effectively competed with solubilized native human AChR for binding of alpha-BTx, and peptide 185-199 showed little evidence of dissociation after 24 h. Peptides that bound alpha-BTx did so when sulfhydryls were reduced. Cysteine modification, by N-ethylmaleimide or acetamidomethylation, abolished alpha-BTx-binding activity. The data implicate the region of cysteines 192 and 193 in the binding of neurotransmitter to the human receptor.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) purified from human skeletal muscle affinity-alkylated with bromoacetyl[methyl-3H]choline bromide ([3H]BAC) in mildly reducing conditions to yield a specifically radiolabeled polypeptide, Mr 44,000, the alpha-subunit. The binding of [125I]alpha-bungarotoxin to AChR was completely inhibited by affinity-alkylation, indicating that the human AChR's binding site for alpha-bungarotoxin is closely associated with the alpha-subunit's acetylcholine binding site. Structures in the vicinity of the alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites of AChRs from human muscle and Torpedo electric organ were compared by varying the conditions of alkylation. Under optimal conditions of reduction and alkylation, both human and Torpedo AChR incorporated BAC in equivalence to the number of alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites. However, with limited conditions of reduction but sufficient BAC to alkylate 100% of the alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites of human AChR, only 71% of the Torpedo AChR's binding sites were alkylated. In optimal conditions of reduction but with the minimal concentration of BAC that permitted 100% alkylation of the human AChR's alpha-bungarotoxin sites, only 74% of the Torpedo AChR's binding sites were alkylated. These data suggest that the neurotransmitter binding region of human muscle AChR is structurally dissimilar from that of Torpedo electric organ, having a higher binding affinity for BAC and an adjacent disulfide bond that is more readily accessible to reducing agents.  相似文献   

Abstract: Identification of residues in the skeletal muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) that bind snake venom a-neurotoxin antagonists of acetylcholine [e.g., α-bungarotoxin (α-BTx)] provides structural information about the neurotransmitter binding region of the receptor. Using synthetic peptides of the human AChR α-subunit region 177–208, we previously localized a pharmacologically specific binding site for α-BTx in segment 185–199. To define in more detail the residues that influence the binding of α-BTx to this region, we prepared 16 peptide analogues of the α-subunit segment 185–200, with the amino acid Lalanine sequentially replacing each native amino acid. Circular dichroism spectroscopy did not reveal changes in the secondary structure of the peptides except for the analogue in which Pro194 was substituted with alanine. This implies that any change in α-BTx binding could be attributed to replacement of the native residue's side chain by alanine's methyl group, rather than to a change in the structure of the peptide. The influence of each substitution with alanine was determined by comparing the analogue to the parental sequence α 185–200 in solution-phase competition with native human AChR for binding of 125I-labeled α-BTx. The binding of α-BTx by analogue peptides with alanine substituted for Tyr190, Cys192, or Cys193 was greatly diminished. Binding of α-BTx to peptides containing alanine replacements at Val188, Thr189, Pro194, Asp195, or Tyr198 was also reduced significantly (p < 0.003). An unanticipated finding was that substitution of alanine for Ser191 significantly increased α-BTx binding (p < 0.003). The data imply that these nine amino acids influence the binding of the antagonist, α-BTx, to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of human skeletal muscle, and confirm previous reports for certain contact residues for α-BTX that were found in region α181-200 of the Torpedo AChR.  相似文献   

Cellular and subcellular distributions of axolinin, the 260-kilodalton (kD) microtubule-associated glycoprotein originally purified from squid axons, in various squid tissues such as optical lobes, bundles of small nerve fibers (fin nerves), giant stellate ganglia, skin, muscle, liver, and gill, were immunologically studied using monoclonal antibodies specifically recognizing the polypeptide chain of axolinin. The following results were obtained: (1) Axolinin is confined to squid neurons and skin; (2) axolinin is localized in the axon whereas another 260-kD microtubule-associated protein, MAP B, is localized in the cell bodies; and (3) axolinin is localized mainly in the peripheral part of the axoplasm of the squid giant axon. The last result has confirmed our previous conclusion obtained using polyclonal antisera against axolinin, which contain antibodies recognizing not only axolinin-specific epitopes but also nonspecific epitopes. The physiological importance of the localization of axolinin in axons and the skin is discussed based on its possible relationship to excitability function.  相似文献   

A synthetic gene for the human motilin receptor containing 33 unique restriction sites was designed and stably coexpressed in HEK293 cells with the bioluminescent Ca(2+) indicator protein aequorin. The dose-dependent response of the receptor to motilin was demonstrated using transient transfections, and a stable cell line was selected. [(125)I]Motilin binding was used to estimate receptor expression level for the stable cell line, and titration of a membrane preparation indicated a K(d) value of 0.8 nM. The same cell line was used to evaluate a panel of erythromycin-derived agonists and provided EC(50) values for receptor activation that agree closely with data obtained in contractility assays. The peptide antagonist ANQ11125 (Phe3Leu13 motilin 1-14) inhibited motilin induced response with a K(i) value of 10 nM. The system is well-suited for the screening of compound libraries and receptor mutagenesis studies.  相似文献   

Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disorder caused by an antibody-mediated autoimmune response to the muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR). The majority of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) produced in rats immunized with intact AChR compete with each other for binding to an area of the alpha-subunit called the main immunogenic region (MIR). The availability of a complex between the AChR and Fab198 (Fab fragment of the anti-MIR mAb198) would help understand how the antigen and antibody interact and in designing improved antibody fragments that protect against the destructive activity of myasthenic antibodies. In the present study, we modeled the Torpedo AChR/Fab198 complex, based primarily on the recent 4A resolution structure of the Torpedo AChR. In order to computationally dock the two structures, we used the ZDOCK software. The total accessible surface area change of the complex compared to those of experimentally determined antigen-antibody complexes indicates an intermediate size contact surface. CDRs H3 and L3 seem to contribute most to the binding, while L2 seems to contribute least. These data suggest mutagenesis experiments aimed at validating the model and improving the binding affinity of Fab198 for the AChR.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of the pentapeptide Ser-Phe-Leu-Leu-Arg (P5), a human thrombin receptor-derived sequence forming part of a tethered ligand which activates the thrombin receptor, and its more active amide derivative Ser-Phe-Leu-Leu-Arg-NH2 (P5-NH2), have been studied by proton NMR spectroscopy in dimethylsulfoxide. Measurements of nuclear Overhauser effects, performed using two-dimensional rotating frame nuclear Overhauser (ROESY) and one-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) spectroscopy, revealed that P5 exists mainly in an extended conformation. However, proton–proton 1D-NOEs between Phe CH and Ser CH, Leu3 CH and Leu3 NH, and Leu4 CH and Leu4 NH, as well as between the Ser and Arg sidechains, also implicated a minor conformer for P5 having a curved backbone and a near-cyclic structure. In contrast to P5, measurements of NOEs and ROEs for P5-NH2 revealed a more stabilized cyclic structure which may account for its higher biological potency. Thus strong interresidue sequential NH (i)–NH (i + 1) interactions, as well as C-terminal carboxamide to N-terminal side-chain interactions, i.e., Arg CONH2 to Phe ring and Arg CONH2 to Ser , observed at lower levels of the ROESY spectrum, supported a curved backbone structure for SFLLR-NH2. Since the higher potaency P5-NH2 analogue adopts predominantly a cyclic structure, a cyclic bioactive conformation for thrombin receptor agonist peptides is suggested.  相似文献   

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