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To identify the effects of exercise recovery mode on cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) and sweat rate, eight healthy adults performed two 15-min bouts of upright cycle ergometry at 60% of maximal heart rate followed by either inactive or active (loadless pedaling) recovery. An index of CVC was calculated from the ratio of laser-Doppler flux to mean arterial pressure. CVC was then expressed as a percentage of maximum (%max) as determined from local heating. At 3 min postexercise, CVC was greater during active recovery (chest: 40 +/- 3, forearm: 48 +/- 3%max) compared with during inactive recovery (chest: 21 +/- 2, forearm: 25 +/- 4%max); all P < 0.05. Moreover, at the same time point sweat rate was greater during active recovery (chest: 0.47 +/- 0.10, forearm: 0.46 +/- 0.10 mg x cm(-2) x min(-1)) compared with during inactive recovery (chest: 0.28 +/- 0.10, forearm: 0.14 +/- 0.20 mg x cm(-2) x min(-1)); all P < 0.05. Mean arterial blood pressure, esophageal temperature, and skin temperature were not different between recovery modes. These data suggest that skin blood flow and sweat rate during recovery from exercise may be modulated by nonthermoregulatory mechanisms and that sustained elevations in skin blood flow and sweat rate during mild active recovery may be important for postexertional heat dissipation.  相似文献   

The suckling opossum exhibits an expiration-phased discharge in abdominal muscles during positive-pressure breathing (PPB); the response becomes apparent, however, only after the 3rd-5th wk of postnatal life. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the early lack of activation represented a deficiency of segmental outflow to abdominal muscles or whether comparable effects were observed in cranial outflows to muscles of the upper airways due to immaturity of afferent and/or supraspinal pathways. Anesthetized suckling opossums between 15 and 50 days of age were exposed to PPB; electromyogram (EMG) responses in diaphragm and abdominal muscles were measured, along with EMG of larynx dilator muscles and/or upper airway resistance. In animals older than approximately 30 days of age, the onset of PPB was associated with a prolonged expiration-phased EMG activation of larynx dilator muscles and/or decreased upper airway resistance, along with expiratory recruitment of the abdominal muscle EMG. These effects persisted as long as the load was maintained. Younger animals showed only those responses related to the upper airway; in fact, activation of upper airway muscles during PPB could be associated with suppression of the abdominal motor outflow. After unilateral vagotomy, abdominal and upper airway motor responses to PPB were reduced. The balance between PPB-induced excitatory and inhibitory or disfacilitory influences from the supraspinal level on abdominal motoneurons and/or spinal processing of information from higher centers may shift toward net excitation as the opossum matures.  相似文献   

The effects of graded induced erythrocythemia on cardiovascular and metabolic responses to intense treadmill running were studied in four highly trained endurance runners. Three autologous infusions of 1 unit (U) whole blood (450 ml/U) were administered sequentially 2-7 days apart. Maximal O2 consumption (VO2max) increased from 5.04 l/min at control (C) to 5.24 l/min after 2 U (R2) and 5.38 l/min after 3 U (R3). Cardiac output during treadmill running at 91% control VO2max was 28.2 l/min at C, 29.8 l/min at R2, and 33.1 l/min at R3. Corresponding heart rates were unchanged, and stroke volume was increased at R3. Peak lactate concentration was reduced, and arterial acid-base status improved at R2 and R3 after standardized bouts of intense exercise. Arterial blood pressures and electrocardiograms during exercise were not affected by erythrocythemia. We conclude that the reinfusion of up to 3 U of autologous blood into highly trained endurance runners who have normal hematology does not adversely affect their cardiovascular response to maximal exercise. In addition, the increases in VO2max following reinfusion of 2 U, and again after 3 U, suggest that the aerobic power of the working muscles was not surpassed at these levels of erythrocythemia.  相似文献   

Peters, Jochen K., George Lister, Ethan R. Nadel, and GaryW. Mack. Venous and arterial reflex responses to positive-pressure breathing and lower body negative pressure. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(6): 1889-1896, 1997.We examined therelative importance of arteriolar and venous reflex responses duringreductions in cardiac output provoked by conditions that increase[positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)] or decrease[lower body negative pressure (LBNP)] peripheral venous filling.Five healthy subjects were exposed to PEEP (10, 15, 20, and 25 cmH2O) and LBNP (10,15, 20, and 25 mmHg) to induce progressive butcomparable reductions in right atrial transmural pressure (control tominimum): from 5.9 ± 0.4 to 1.8 ± 0.7 and from 6.5 ± 0.6 to2.0 ± 0.2 mmHg with PEEP and LBNP, respectively. Cardiac output(impedance cardiography) fell less during PEEP than during LBNP (from3.64 ± 0.21 to 2.81 ± 0.21 and from 3.39 ± 0.21 to 2.14 ± 0.24 l · min1 · m2with PEEP and LBNP, respectively), and mean arterial pressure increased. We observed sustained increases in forearm vascular resistance (i.e., forearm blood flow by venous occlusionplethysmography) and systemic vascular resistance that were greaterduring LBNP: from 19.7 ± 2.91 to 27.97 ± 5.46 and from 20.56 ± 2.48 to 50.25 ± 5.86 mmHg · ml1 · 100 mltissue1 · min(P < 0.05) during PEEP and LBNP,respectively. Venomotor responses (venous pressure in thehemodynamically isolated limb) were always transient, significant onlywith the greatest reduction in right atrial transmural pressure, andwere similar for LBNP and PEEP. Thus arteriolar rather than venousresponses are predominant in blood volume mobilization from skin andmuscle, and venoconstriction is not intensified with venous engorgementduring PEEP.


Effect of hypoglycemia on thermoregulatory responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Tympanic temperature (Tty), mean skin temperature (Tsk) and dynamics of sweating were measured in male subjects, performing prolonged, bicycle-exercise. The exercise was performed under thermoneutral environment after the normal-mixed (C) and low-carbohydrate (LCHO) diet. No difference in changes of Tty was observed after the C and LCHO diets. Sweating was triggered much faster after the LCHO diet. The delay in onset and inertia time of sweating was shorter after the LCHO diet. It is concluded that LCHO diet affects the thermoregulatory responses to exercise by acceleration of sweating, without noticeable differences in body temperature.  相似文献   

The impact of rehydration with glycerol on cardiovascular and thermoregulatory responses during exercise in the heat was studied in eight highly trained male cyclists. Each subject completed three dehydration-rehydration experimental trials that differed only in the rehydration treatment, each separated by 7 days. Before each experimental day, subjects dehydrated to -4% of their body weight by exercise and water restriction. The experimental treatments were as follows: no fluid (NF), glycerol bolus (1 g/kg body wt) followed by water (G), and water alone (W). Rehydration (3% body weight) was given over an 80-min period. After rehydration, subjects cycled (74% peak O2 uptake) to exhaustion in a hot and wet (37 degrees C and 48% relative humidity) environment. For G, plasma volume was expanded (P < 0.05) during rehydration and remained higher than W (P < 0.05) during exercise. Exercise time to exhaustion during G (33 +/- 4 min) was longer (P < 0.05) compared with both W (27 +/- 3 min) and NF (19 +/- 3 min). Cutaneous vascular conductance was significantly elevated (P < 0.05) during G, but G provided no other thermoregulatory or cardiovascular benefits compared with W and NF. Fluid-regulating hormones (vasopressin, aldosterone, atriopeptin, and plasma renin activity) decreased during rehydration and increased during exercise (except atriopeptin), but there were no differences between G and W. These data indicated that glycerol had little or no major effect on fluid-regulating factors during rehydration or exercise, and the improved exercise capacity in G was likely due to a greater plasma volume during exercise.  相似文献   

Graded methemoglobinemia (MetHb) was produced in unanesthetized fetal sheep to determine the effects on brain oxygenation. MetHb was induced by infusing methemoglobin-containing erythrocytes in exchange for fetal blood. During the hour after MetHb was established, fetal methemoglobin concentrations averaged 1.23 +/- 0.12 (mild MetHb), 1.71 +/- 0.13 (moderate MetHb), and 2.27 +/- 0.17 g/dl (severe MetHb). MetHb reduced mean arterial O2 content by approximately 19 (mild MetHb), 29 (moderate MetHb), and 39% (severe MetHb). The average preductal arterial PO2 fell by 1.6 (-7%), 2.8 (-11%), and 4.0 Torr (-16%) for mild, moderate, and severe MetHb, respectively. Fetal heart rate increased significantly during mild and moderate MetHb, and mean arterial pressure fell slightly during moderate and severe MetHb. The incidences of fetal breathing and eye movements were reduced in a dose-dependent manner when the calculated brain end-capillary PO2 was less than 14 Torr. We conclude that: 1) the effective capillary PO2 in the fetal brain can be significantly reduced by increasing the distance between non-methemoglobin-laden erythrocytes in capillaries and 2) hypoxic inhibition of fetal breathing probably arises from discrete areas of the brain having a PO2 less than 3 Torr.  相似文献   

In female rats, rectal temperature (Tre), tail vasomotor response, oxygen uptake (VO2), and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) were measured in proestrus and estrus stages during treadmill running at two different speeds at an ambient temperature (Ta) of 24 degrees C. Experiments were performed at 2.00-6.00 a.m., when the difference in Tre was greatest between the two stages; Tre at rest in the estrus stage was 0.54 degrees C higher than in the proestrus stage. In a mild warm environment, threshold Tre for a rise in tail skin temperature (Ttail) was also higher in the estrus stage than in the proestrus stage. In contrast, no difference was seen in the threshold Tre and steady state Tre at the end of exercise between proestrus and estrus stages. These values were higher at the higher work intensity. VO2 was also similar between the two stages, except in the second 5 min after the beginning of exercise, when VO2 was greater and Tre rose more steeply in the proestrus stage. These data indicate that deep body temperature during exercise is regulated at a certain level depending on the work intensity and is not influenced by the estrus cycle.  相似文献   

In a double-blind cross-over study, the effects of verapamil on the cardiovascular and metabolic changes during a progressive maximal exercise test were studied in 12 healthy volunteers. Each subject was treated with placebo and verapamil in 3 different dosages: 3 X 40, 3 X 80 and 3 X 120 mg X d-1 in random order. Drugs were administered for 2 days; on the 3rd day, 2 h after the last dose, a progressive exercise test until exhaustion was performed on a bicycle ergometer. No significant differences in maximal exercise capacity were found between the 4 groups of medication. VO2, VCO2, and VE were also unaffected by verapamil administration. Heart rate during exercise was reduced dose-dependently (p less than 0.001). With the highest dose of verapamil, maximal heart rate was reduced by 13 +/- 1 beats X min-1. No effect could be shown on parameters of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Perceived exertion, estimated by the Borg scale, did not differ between placebo and the 3 medication groups. The study shows that despite a distinct reduction of heart rate, maximal exercise capacity remains unaffected after verapamil use.  相似文献   

In seven subjects with hyaline membrane disease and breathing 40-70% oxygen in nitrogen, the effect of continuous positive-pressure breathing (CPPB) was examined by application of a continuous negative pressure (10 cm water) about the thorax and assessment of the alveolar-arterial tension differences for nitrogen (aADn2) and oxygen (AaDo2). On CPPB, there was a decrease in the aADn2 by a mean 9 mmHg and a decrease in the AaDo2 by a mean 44 mmHg. This corresponded to a decrease in the total venous admixture (Qva/Qt) of 0.20 and to a decrease in the venous admixture due to a true right-to-left shunt (Qs/Qt) of 0.19. These data were interpreted to mean a significant improvement in Va/Qc imbalance within open ventilated parts of the lung, which could be responsible, particularly by relief of local alveolar hypoxia, for reduction of the pulmonary vascular resistance and the true right-to-left shunt.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of hyperthermia and facial fanning during hyperthermia on hand-grip exercise performance and thermoregulatory response, we studied eight male subjects, aged 20-53 years. Subjects exercised at 20% of maximal hand-grip strength in the sitting position under three conditions: normothermia (NT), hyperthermia without fanning (HT-nf) or with fanning at 5.5 m X sec-1 wind speed (HT-f). Hyperthermia (0.5 degrees C higher oesophageal temperature than in NT) was induced by leg immersion in water at 42 degrees C. Mean exercise performance was markedly reduced from 716 contractions (NT) to 310 (HT-nf) by hyperthermia (P less than 0.01) and significantly (P less than 0.05) improved to 431 (HT-f) by facial fanning. Hyperthermic exercise was accompanied by significant increases in forearm blood flow (71%) and the local sweat rate on the thigh (136%) at the end of exercise compared with that in NT. Heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) increased during exercise and were higher in HT-nf than in NT at any given time of exercise. Oesophageal, tympanic (Tty) and mean skin temperatures were also significantly higher in HT-nf than in NT. Facial fanning caused a marked decrease in forehead skin temperature (1.5-2.0 degrees C) and a slight decrease in Tty, HR and PRE compared with that in HT-nf at any given time of exercise. These results suggested that hyperthermia increased thermoregulatory demands and reduced exercise performance. Facial fanning caused decreases in face skin and brain temperatures, and improved performance.  相似文献   

Field and climatic chamber studies revealed that walking at 4.5 km/h elicited greater thermoregulatory responses in Hereford cattle than did the possession of a wooly hair coat.Under mild field conditions, walking caused sweating rate to increase to 150–200 g/m2/h within one hour (P<0.001); no significant differences were recorded between wooly-coated and clipped cattle.Walking at 4.5 km/h on a treadmill in a climate chamber at 38°C and 34 mm Hg water vapour pressure elevated rectal (P<0.001) and skin (P<0.05) temperatures to levels considerably above those in stationary controls. There were no differential effects on sweating or respiratory rates, though the latter were generally higher in the exercising group.Differences in skin temperature, sweating and respiratory rates between coat-types and exercise groups in the climate chamber were similar, but exercise resulted in a much greater rectal temperature response.Overall, exercise represented a more potent thermoregulatory stimulus than a wooly hair coat.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses to exercise in relation to the phase of the menstrual cycle were studied in ten women taking oral contraceptives (P) and in ten women not taking oral contraceptives (NP). Each subject was tested for maximal aerobic capacity ( ) and for 50% exercise in the follicular (F) and luteal (L) phases of the menstrual cycle. Since the oral contraceptives would have prevented ovulation a quasi-follicular phase (q-F) and a quasi-luteal phase (q-L) of the menstrual cycle were assumed for P subjects. Exercise was performed on a cycle ergometer at an ambient temperature of 24° C and relative air humidity of 50%. Rectal (T re), mean skin ( ), mean body ( ) temperatures and heart rate (f c) were measured. Sweat rate was estimated by the continuous measurement of relative humidity of air in a ventilated capsule placed on the chest, converted to absolute pressure (PH2Ochest). Gain for sweating was calculated as a ratio of increase inPH2Ochest to the appropriate increase inT re for the whole period of sweating (G) and for unsteady-state (Gu) separately. The did not differ either between the groups of subjects or between the phases of the menstrual cycle. In P, rectal temperature threshold for sweating (T re, td) was 37.85° C in q-L and 37.60° C in q-F (P < 0.01) and corresponded to a significant difference fromT re at rest. TheT re, andf c increased similarly during exercise in q-F and q-L. No menstrual phase-related differences were observed either in the dynamics of sweating or in G. In NP,T re, td was shorter in L than in F (37.70 vs 37.47° C,P<0.02) with a significantly greater value fromT re at rest. The dynamics and G for sweating were also greater in L than in F. The Gu was 36.8 versus 16.6 kPa · ° C–1 (P<0.01) while G was 6.4 versus 3.8 kPa · ° C–1 (P<0.05), respectively. TheT re, andf c increased significantly more in phase F than in phase L. It was concluded that in these women performing moderate exercise, there was a greater temperature threshold and larger gains for sweating in phase L than in phase F. Intake of oral contraceptives reduced the differences in the gains for sweating making the thermoregulatory responses to exercise more uniform.  相似文献   

The effects of dehydration prior to heat exposure on sweating and body temperature were tested in 8 men and 8 women, dehydration being 1.3 and 1.0% of body weight, respectively. The subjects were exposed to 40 degrees C for 60 min. Compared with controls (C), in the dehydrated men (D) there was a longer delay in the onset of sweating (C, 7.8, D, 11.6 min, p less than 0.05), a lower total sweat loss (C, 153, D, 127 g X m-2 X h-1, p less than 0.001), and a greater increase in Tre (C, 0.31, D, 0.43 degree C, p less than 0.002). In women, dehydration did not influence the control time course of sweating significantly, nor were these significant body temperature increases during heat exposure. Delay in the onset of sweating in women (C, 18.1, D, 18.7 min) was generally longer than in men (C, 7.8, D, 11.6 min), [F(1,14) = 7.41, p less than 0.05]. A significant correlation was found between the inertia time of sweating and delta Tre in both control and dehydration conditions in the men (r = 0.81, p less than 0.01). The rectal temperature increases in men were also related to the inertia time of electrical skin resistance (r = 0.83, p less than 0.01). It is concluded that dehydration affects sweating and body temperature in men more severely than in women.  相似文献   

Ten women [mean maximal O2 uptake (VO2max), 2.81 l X min-1] exercised for 15 min on a cycle ergometer in the middle of the luteal phase (L) and in the early follicular phase (F) of the menstrual cycle at the same constant work rates (mean 122 W) and an ambient temperature of 18 degrees C. Serum progesterone averaged 44.7 nmol X l-1 in L and 0.7 nmol X l-1 in F. After a 4-h resting period, exercise was performed between 3 and 4 A.M., when the L-F core temperature difference is maximal. Preexercise esophageal (Tes), tympanic (Tty), and rectal (Tre) temperatures averaged 0.6 degrees C higher in L. During exercise Tes, Tty, and Tre averaged 0.5 degrees C higher. The thresholds for chest sweating and cutaneous vasodilation (heat clearance technique) at the thumb and forearm were elevated in L by an average of 0.47 degrees C, related to mean body temperature (Tb(es) = 0.87Tes + 0.13Tskin), Tes, Tty, or Tre. The above-threshold chest sweat rate and cutaneous heat clearances were also increased in L. The mean exercise heart rate was 170.0 beats X min-1 in L and 163.8 beats X min-1 in F. The mean exercise VO2 in L (2.21 l X min-1) was 5.2% higher than in F (2.10 l X min-1), the metabolic rate was increased in L by 5.6%, but the net efficiency was 5.3% lower. No significant L-F differences in the respiratory exchange ratio and postexercise plasma lactate were demonstrated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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