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Using Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, labelling procedures and immunological methods, an extraovarian synthesis of vitellogenin has been demonstrated in Euborellia annulipes. Electropherograms of the haemolymph of 1-wk-old mated females show an extra protein fraction on the second day after mating; the concentration of this fraction in the haemolymph falls from the fifth day after mating. The fatbody incorporates [3H]leucine into the proteins synthesised by it during the period of oocyte formation. The proteins extracted from the fatbody and ovary of females of the first reproductive cycle show a high level of radioactivity 3 days after mating, suggesting a simultaneous release of proteins from the fatbody and uptake by the oocytes. On the other hand, TCA-precipitable fractions of the ovary, obtained from females on the pre-ovipositional day, record a high [3H]activity but similar fractions from the fatbody only show minimum radioactivity. Antibodies prepared against the antigens obtained from the crude yolk extract reacted with the proteins from the haemolymph and also with the proteins from fatbody extracts of females of the first reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Anisolabis maritima is an important predator for the eggs of the red palm weevil Rhynchophorous ferrugineus. It could be successfully reared in the laboratory, on an artificial diet composed of dry kidney beans, Brewers yeast, chicken, egg yolk, agar, ascorbic acid, mould inhibitors, vitamin B12, folic acid and riboflavin.  相似文献   

The earwig Anisolabis maritima is a cosmopolitan insect with a worldwide distribution, omnivorous in feeding, eating the eggs of different insects. Recently recorded in Saudi Arabia as a beneficial predator on eggs and newly hatched larvae of the red palm weevil Rhyncophrous ferrugineus, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations revealed the presence of different kinds of receptor sensillae occurring on the head and mouth parts of A. maritime. The sensillae are the same, but differ in numbers on both sexes. The head surface bears three subtypes of trichoid sensillae, one type of ceoloconica. Labrum, labium, labial palps and maxillary palps, possess different kinds of sensillae. Three subtypes of trichoid have been identified on the labrum. The labium contained one type of tricoid and basiconic sensillae. There are great numbers and numerous sensillae cheatica differing in length distributed on the maxillary and the labial palps on all segments between other stutter spines. The last terminal segment of maxillary or labial palps bears the greatest number of the sensillae cheatica. Adult A. maritima may be introduced in the future as a beneficial predator of eggs of R. ferrugineus as a tool for integrated pest management.  相似文献   

Abstract. The involvement of the endocrine system in courtship, mating, maternal behaviour and the gonadotrophic cycle was studied in the earwig, Euborellia annulipes, after application of JH III and, alternatively, precocene II. Topical application of 35 or 122 μg of JH III to newly eclosed females advanced the onset of courtship behaviour from 6.6 ± 1.3 days in acetone-treated controls to 1.4 ± 2.8 and 0.5 ± 2.5 days, respectively. Application of 6 μg of JH III had no effect on the onset of courtship behaviour. Applications of Juvenile Hormone had no significant effect on the age at first mating nor on the duration of mating, though the trend is towards advanced onset. The age at first oviposition was advanced by hormone treatment; clutch size and the proportion of offspring hatching was reduced by hormone treatment. The interclutch interval, size and proportion hatching of the second clutch were not affected by hormone treatment. Topical application of 50 μg of JH III to females on the day of oviposition shortened the total duration of maternal care from 15.4 ± 0.5 to 5.3 ± 1.7 days; whereas in acetone-treated and precocene II-treated groups maternal care lasted 16.1 ± 1.9 and 13.8 ± 1.6 days, respectively. The duration of maternal care was positively correlated with number of offspring hatching and fledging. In a corollary experiment, topical application of JH III significantly enhanced the onset of the second gonadotrophic cycle as assessed by basal follicle length; application of 20 μg of precocene II, either singly or in repeated doses, did not delay growth of basal follicles. Finally, repeated application of as much as 80 μg of precocene II had no effect on basal follicle length, nor on ovary wet weights. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that intermediate to high titres of JH are associated with oocyte growth, mating, and the cessation of maternal care; low titres of JH appear to be associated with the period of maternal behaviour and slow ovarian follicle development.  相似文献   

Cannibalism is a common occurrence in nature, and many cannibals prey on relatively small and defenseless life stages, such as eggs or young juveniles. Such behavior provides many benefits to the cannibal, but cannibalistic individuals also face risks, including the cost of decreasing their inclusive fitness by eating close relatives such as siblings or offspring. This risk can be mitigated if cannibals can recognize and avoid preying on kin. Here, we tested whether male ringlegged earwigs Euborellia annulipes avoid cannibalizing eggs that they had sired. In this species, females care for their own eggs, but males provide no care and frequently prey upon eggs. We found that when presented with an unguarded clutch of eggs, male earwigs nearly always cannibalized some eggs, but that the proportion of eggs eaten was smaller if the male had sired the clutch. This suggests that males can distinguish between their own offspring and unrelated offspring and that they avoid harming their kin.  相似文献   

Ten microsatellite loci were isolated from the earwig Labidura riparia (Pallas, 1773). The polymorphism of the loci was assessed in 24 individuals from one population. The number of alleles ranged from four to 11 alleles and observed and expected heterozygosities from 0.250 to 0.833 and from 0.551 to 0.861, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of carcass size and male presence on clutch size in Nicrophorus quadripunctatus were examined. Male presence increased clutch size and improved the female's ability to produce replacement clutches. Clutch size was also related to carcass size. There was a negative correlation between number of clutches and clutch size for most carcass sizes. We conclude that N. quadripunctatus is potentially iteroparous and hypothesize that reproductive energy is reserved for brood failure.  相似文献   

Abstract. The regulation of Juvenile Hormone (JH) HI biosynthesis and release by the corpora allata (CA) was studied in final instar male and female larvae of the earwig, Euborellia annulipes , using a radiochemical assay in vitro. In males, maximal biosyntiiesis of JH IH occurred on day 1, then declined to virtually undetectable levels for the following 12 days of the stadium, and finally increased on days 14–16. In females, peaks of biosynthesis were detected on days 0–1 and on day 12. A further investigation of the 12-day-old larvae demonstrated mat in nonmoulting males and females, JH UJ biosynthesis was undetectable. However, for males and females undergoing ecdysis, the biosynthesis of JH III was detected and quantified.
The addition of 60 μM farnesoic acid to the incubation medium significantly increased the production of JH III by CA taken from females from day 8 until the end of the stadium. Glands from 12-day old females that had initiated ecdysis were stimulated by farnesoic acid. By contrast, we could detect no stimulation of production of JH III by farnesoic acid in CA taken from males, even very late in the stadium. CA from newly emerged adult males and females were more active than those of larvae, and were greatly stimulated by farnesoic acid. CA from females immediately after emergence were stimulated significantly more by farnesoic acid man were glands from newly emerged males. These results suggest fundamental differences in the synmetic activity of CA for males and females in this insect.  相似文献   

Mating is critical for the expression of oviposition and maternal care in the earwig, Euborellia annulipes; additionally, mating diminishes receptivity to additional mating and promotes a decline in juvenile hormone synthesis at the end of the gonadotrophic cycle (in contrast to most insect species wherein mating stimulates juvenile hormone production). We report here that severance of the ventral nerve cord of virgin females similarly promoted egg deposition and maternal care of eggs, diminished mating receptivity, and elicited a timely decline in juvenile hormone biosynthesis. Mating of intact females to adult males that were castrated as larvae did not abolish oviposition; however, clutch size was reduced, and no eggs developed. Such castrated males had smaller seminal vesicles than did intact males, presumably attributable to lack of sperm in castrated males. In contrast, mating of intact females to males castrated on day 1 of adult life did not reduce clutch size compared with those of sham-operated animals and did not abolish fertilization; in fact, these castrated males produced viable offspring after six matings. These results are consistent with the notion that ventral nerve cord severance mimicked mating in intact animals. Following mating, the ventral nerve cord likely is a conduit to release the brain from inhibiting oviposition and maternal care. The presence of sperm in the spermatheca is not necessary for release of this inhibition but may modulate clutch size.  相似文献   

Despite major advances in sex ratio theory, how offspring sex should vary with hatching order remains unclear. We examine nestling sex ratio in the Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis according to hatching order and clutch size. Southern Grey Shrike nestlings present a different sex ratio with body‐mass rank order depending on clutch size. When the clutch size was five eggs (with a very low risk of brood reduction; 13%) the less costly sex (male) was found at the end of the body mass hierarchy. However, when clutch size was six eggs (with a high risk of brood reduction; 42%) the larger sex (female) was found at intermediate positions in the hatching order, possibly to decrease competitive asymmetries.  相似文献   

The earwig, Anisolabis maritima (Dermaptera: Carcinophoridae), is one of the most significant insects in KSA because, it was recorded in Saudi Arabia as a beneficial predator on eggs and newly hatched larvae of the red palm weevil, Rhyncophorus ferrugineus. We examined the external morphology of the antennal sensilla of males and females of A. maritima using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The filiform antennae of A. maritima were of the conventional type comprising a basal scape, pedicle and a long, thread-like flagellum, which was composed of 12 flagellomeres of males and 16 flagellomeres of females. Six morphologically unique sensillar types were found and described on the antennae of males and females of A. maritima. Of those identified, there were three types of porous trichoid sensilla (long, curved and arcuate), and two types of basiconic sensilla (short and curved), and one type of aporous trichoid sensilla. The shape, external morphology and array of sensilla on the antennae of males and females of A. maritima were similar.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Earwigs are significant generalist predators of a range of orchard pests, but quantitative assessment of earwig density and beneficial impact is difficult. A sampling system was designed and tested, based on field placement of polycarbonate tubes in apple trees as scotophase arboreal refugia. Tubes containing artificial diet and provided with a black plastic sleeve had the highest earwig counts. Tubes with diet or the black sleeve alone were less preferred. Presence of distinctive frass was also evident in polycarbonate tubes containing artificial diet, and earwig frass was recorded at a higher frequency than earwig presence, indicating foraging and detection of the tubes at a higher rate than their use as shelters. At the tree level, there was a weak correlation between frass abundance and predation rates on leafroller egg batches placed as baits in the canopy, but not with earwig density measured by corrugated cardboard rolls or diet tubes. Diet tubes have the potential to offer new insights into earwig foraging behaviour in orchards.  相似文献   

Male Schistocerca vaga produce a pheromonal factor that causes increase in clutch size. Females exposed to males, but prevented from physically contacting or copulating with them, produce significantly more eggs (P < 0.01) than virgins not exposed to any males at all. There is no significant difference between the clutch sizes of such exposed females and those of females which are allowed both physical contact and copulation. Castration does not abolish this effect of male presence on clutch size. Visual exposure alone does not enhance clutch size, whereas olfactory exposure, with or without concomitant physical contact, leads to increased clutch size.  相似文献   

In oscines, male song stimulates female reproduction and females are known to adjust both their sexual preferences and their maternal investment according to song quality. Female domestic canaries are especially responsive to wide frequency bandwidth (4 kHz) male songs emitted with a high‐repetition syllable rate and low minimal frequencies (1 kHz). We previously showed that low‐frequency urban noise decreases female sexual responsiveness for these low‐frequency songs (1–5 kHz) through auditory masking. Based on the differential allocation hypothesis, we predicted that urban noise exposure will equally affect female maternal investment. Using a crossover design, we broadcast low‐frequency songs to females either in an overlapping noise condition or in an alternating noise condition. Females decreased both their sexual responsiveness and their clutch size in the overlapping noise treatment relative to the alternative noise treatment. No differences were found concerning egg size or egg composition (yolk and albumen mass, testosterone concentration). Due to our experimental design, we can exclude a general impact of noisy conditions and thereby provide evidence for a detrimental effect through masking on avian courtship and reproductive output. These results suggest that noisy conditions may also affect avian communication in outdoor conditions, which may partly explain field reports on noise‐dependent breeding success and reduced breeding densities at noisy sites.  相似文献   

Aedes albopictus (Skuse) is an invasive mosquito species found across the southern U.S. with range expansion into many northern states. Intra‐ and interspecific larval competition have been evaluated for Ae. albopictus with respect to subsequent adult size, immature and adult survivability, and its capacity to vector pathogens as an adult. However, limited data are available on egg production as related to larval rearing conditions. Because Ae. albopictus is a container‐inhabiting mosquito that oviposits in resource‐limited habitats, it is found under variable density‐dependent conditions. Therefore, we examined the impact of specific rearing conditions on Ae. albopictus clutch size and adult body size; comparing the egg production values and wing lengths from known developmental densities to those from field‐collected populations. Field populations varied significantly among collection sites in mean clutch size (23 to 46). These clutch sizes were comparable to the mean clutch sizes of females reared at the larval densities of nine (20 eggs) and three (53 eggs) larvae per 3 ml of water in the laboratory. Field populations experienced density‐dependent effects impacting adult mosquito size. Mosquitoes from the four sample sites had mean wing lengths of 1.99, 2.47, 2.51, and 2.54 mm, which were less than the mean wing length of mosquitoes reared at larval densities of three larvae per 3 ml of water (2.57 mm).  相似文献   

Optimal clutch size of the chestnut gall-wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), was examined in galls on wild and resistant chestnut trees in 1988 and 1989. The rate of escape success of newly-emerged adults from galls was an average of 60%, irrespective of cell numbers per gall. Dry mass per cell of a gall (as an index of nutritive condition) decreased with increasing cell number per gall, but was proportional to the mean number of mature eggs of new adults per gall. The number of cells per gall that occurred most frequently did not agree with that attained by the maximum survival rate from young larva to adult emergence of the gall-wasp. This discrepancy was examined from the viewpoint of three factors: 1) quality of offspring, 2) defensive response of the host plant causing mortality of the gall-wasp before cell formation, and 3) fitness per gall vs. fitness per egg. It is concluded that the third factor is most likely to be the one best in explaining the discrepancy.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of corpus allatum of the earwig, Euborellia annulipes has been described. The corpus allatum (CA) is an oval body. The gland is covered by a thin stromal sheath which is wavey and acellular in composition. The gland consists of either parenchymal cells with distinct, double-layered, smooth or slightly undulated plasma-membranes. Golgi bodies and endoplasmic reticulum are poorly developed. The mitochondria are found in abundance and are oval, spherical, elongate, and Y-shaped, with oblique and longitudinal cristae. The gland is innervated by neurosecretory and non-neurosecretory axons. The neurosecretory axons are of two types. The type NS-II, contain electron dense granules of 40...120 nm in diameter and the type NS-I, small less electron dense granules (of mixed nature) 40...90 nm in diameter. Branches of tracheoles also occur that penetrate the gland. The large electron dense granules 100...220 nm in diameter occuring abundantly in aorta, and representing the secretions of the medial A-cells are absent in the CA.  相似文献   

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