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Cellular stress response was investigated in two lines of D. virilis: wild type and line with disturbed neurohormonal stress-reaction. Analysis of proteins, synthesized in salivary glands of larvae of both lines under heat stress, revealed malfunction in heat shock reaction of mutant specimen. This malfunction expresses in decreased level of heat shock protein synthesis. Analysis of electrophoretic spectra of proteins from homogenates of imagoes of both lines maintained under normal conditions and those exposed to heat (38 degrees C, 60 min.) revealed correlation between protein spectrum and physiological state of the organism. Interlinear differences by proteins spectra in normal condition, controlled by a single gene (or by block of closely linked genes), were found. The question if there is a common genetic control for the neurohormonal stress-reaction and cellular stress response is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of heat stress (38 degrees C) on the content of DL-beta-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)alanine (DOPA), dopamine, tyramine, octopamine, and their precursor Tyr was studied in adults of two lines of Drosophila virilis contrasting in their stress response. In individuals of line 101 responding to stress by a hormonal stress reaction, the contents of DOPA, dopamine, octopamine, and Tyr were lower than those of line 147 that did not respond to the stress. However, heat stress caused an increase in the contents of DOPA, dopamine, octopamine, and Tyr in line 101, whereas the equivalent titers in line 147 remain unchanged.  相似文献   

The effects of dopamine (DA) on juvenile hormone (JH) metabolism and fitness (estimated as fecundity and viability levels under heat stress (38 °C)) in Drosophila virilis have been studied. An increase of DA level obtained by feeding with DA reduced fitness of wild-type (wt) flies under stress, and decreased JH degradation in young wt females while increasing it in sexually mature wt females. A decrease in DA levels resulted from 3-iodo-tyrosine treatment and caused a decrease in JH degradation in sexually mature wt and heat sensitive (hs) mutant females (DA level in hs females is twice as high in wt females). A dramatic decrease in viability under stress and fecundity under normal conditions in wt, but not hs, females was observed. 3-iodo-tyrosine treatment also reduced the number of oocytes at stages 8-14, delayed oocyte transition to stage 10 and resulted in the accumulation of mature eggs in wt females. It delayed maturation of wt, but not hs, males as well, but did not affect their fertility. This advances our understanding of the regulation of JH metabolism by DA in Drosophila and suggests a crucial role for the basal DA level in fitness.  相似文献   

After exposure to thermal stress or a control temperature, the relative abundance of ecdysone (E) and 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) was measured in a wild-type line of Drosophila virilis (101) that is stress responsive and in a mutant line (147) that is not stress responsive. In line 101, the 20E content was higher and E content lower in females than in males. The abundance of E and 20E in females of line 147 was significantly higher than that in females of line 101. Females of line 101 were found to respond to 60 min of heat stress (38 degrees C) by an increase in the abundance of both E and 20E, while in males of this line the amount of 20E increased and that of E declined. A role of the ecdysteroids in the control of reproduction of D. virilis under stress is discussed.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of the juvenile hormone (JH) in the control of Drosophila reproduction under stress, JH degradation, dopamine (DA) content and reproduction were studied upon 20E treatment in Drosophila virilis females of wild type (wt) and a mutant, with increased 20E level and decreased fertility, under normal and nutritional stress conditions. 20E treatment of wt flies for 7 days results in an increase of DA content in young females, but a decrease in mature females, a decrease of JH degradation in both young and mature females, an 1-day delay in onset of oviposition and a decrease of fecundity to the level typical of mutant flies. One day of 20E treatment in 7-day-old fed and starved flies results in a small decrease of JH degradation in the fed females and a great decrease in the starved ones. Fecundity decreases in the fed flies to the levels of the starved untreated flies in both wt and mutant strains. An oviposition arrest is observed in the treated and the untreated starved, but not in the treated fed, females of both strains. The data obtained suggest ecdysone control of JH metabolism mediated via DA.  相似文献   

The distal arm of the fourth (“dot”) chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster is unusual in that it exhibits an amalgamation of heterochromatic properties (e.g., dense packaging, late replication) and euchromatic properties (e.g., gene density similar to euchromatic domains, replication during polytenization). To examine the evolution of this unusual domain, we undertook a comparative study by generating high-quality sequence data and manually curating gene models for the dot chromosome of D. virilis (Tucson strain 15010–1051.88). Our analysis shows that the dot chromosomes of D. melanogaster and D. virilis have higher repeat density, larger gene size, lower codon bias, and a higher rate of gene rearrangement compared to a reference euchromatic domain. Analysis of eight “wanderer” genes (present in a euchromatic chromosome arm in one species and on the dot chromosome in the other) shows that their characteristics are similar to other genes in the same domain, which suggests that these characteristics are features of the domain and are not required for these genes to function. Comparison of this strain of D. virilis with the strain sequenced by the Drosophila 12 Genomes Consortium (Tucson strain 15010–1051.87) indicates that most genes on the dot are under weak purifying selection. Collectively, despite the heterochromatin-like properties of this domain, genes on the dot evolve to maintain function while being responsive to changes in their local environment.EUKARYOTIC genomes are packaged into two major types of chromatin: euchromatin is gene rich and has a diffuse appearance during interphase, while heterochromatin is gene poor and remains densely packaged throughout the cell cycle (Grewal and Elgin 2002). The distal 1.2 Mb of the fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster, known as the dot chromosome or Muller F element, is unusual in exhibiting an amalgamation of heterochromatic and euchromatic properties. This domain has a gene density that is similar to the other autosomes (Bartolomé et al. 2002; Slawson et al. 2006). However, it appears heterochromatic by many criteria, including late replication and very low levels of meiotic recombination (Wang et al. 2002; Arguello et al. 2010). It exhibits high levels of association with heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) and histone H3 di- and trimethylated at lysine 9 (H3K9me2/3), as shown by immunofluorescent staining of the polytene chromosomes (Riddle and Elgin 2006; Slawson et al. 2006). This association with heterochromatin marks has recently been confirmed by the modENCODE Project [N. C. Riddle, A. Minoda, P. V. Kharchenko, A. A. Alekseyenko, Y. B. Schwartz, M. Y. Tolstorukov, A. A. Gorchakov, C. Kennedy, D. Linder-Basso, J. D. Jaffe, G. Shanower, M. I. Kuroda, V. Pirrotta, P. J. Park, S. C. R. Elgin, G. H. Karpen, and the modENCODE Consortium (http://www.modencode.org), unpublished results]. To understand this unique domain and to examine the evolution of a region with very low levels of recombination, we have undertaken a comparative study using the dot chromosome of D. virilis, a species that diverged from D. melanogaster 40–60 million years ago (Powell and Desalle 1995). We sequenced and improved the assembly of the D. virilis dot chromosome and created a manually curated set of gene models to ensure that both the assembly and the gene annotations are at a quality comparable to those in D. melanogaster. We then compared the sequence organization and gene characteristics of the distal portion of the D. virilis dot chromosome with the corresponding region from the D. melanogaster dot chromosome.In addition to examining the long-term dot chromosome evolution, we also investigated the short-term dot chromosome evolution by comparing the genomic sequences from two different strains of D. virilis. Agencourt Biosciences (AB) has previously produced a whole genome shotgun assembly of Tucson strain 15010–1051.87, while we have sequenced Tucson strain 15010–1051.88 of D. virilis [the Genomics Education Partnership (GEP) assembly]. The AB assembly has been improved by the Drosophila 12 Genomes Consortium and released as part of the comparative analysis freeze 1 (CAF1) assembly (Drosophila 12 Genomes Consortium et al. 2007).Using the GEP and CAF1 assemblies from D. virilis, and the high-quality D. melanogaster assembly and its gene annotations from FlyBase (Crosby et al. 2007), we compared the gene properties and sequence organization of the dot chromosomes and reference euchromatic and heterochromatic domains. The dot chromosomes from D. melanogaster and D. virilis are distinct from the heterochromatic and euchromatic regions of the two genomes, both in organization (e.g., repeat density) and in characteristics of the genes (e.g., size, codon bias). The two dot chromosomes resemble each other by most criteria and differ only in the types of repetitive sequences present and in relative gene order and orientation. Despite the very low rate of meiotic recombination, comparison of the two D. virilis strains shows that dot chromosome genes are under weak purifying selection. Our analysis of genes that are present in a euchromatic chromosome arm in one species and on the dot chromosome in the other (the “wanderer” genes) shows that this set of genes evolves to maintain function while responding to the changes in the local chromosomal environment.  相似文献   

S J Bray  J Hirsh 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(9):2305-2311
The dopa decarboxylase gene (Ddc) has been isolated from Drosophila virilis and introduced into the germ-line of Drosophila melanogaster by P-element mediated transformation. The integrated gene is induced at the correct stages during development with apparently normal tissue specificity, indicating that cis-acting elements required for regulation are functionally conserved between the two species. A comparison of the DNA sequences from the 5' flanking regions reveals a cluster of small (8-16 bp) conserved sequence elements within 150 bp upstream of the RNA startpoint, a region required for normal expression of the D. melanogaster Ddc gene.  相似文献   

A V Katokhin 《Genetika》1989,25(10):1786-1792
Gene Acph-1 coding for acid phosphatase was localized on Drosophila virilis chromosome 2 in the region 20A-20E and in D. texana and D. imeretensis homologous regions of the chromosomes 2. Gene Lap-1 coding for leucine aminopeptidase was linked to Acph-1 gene and localized in the 20E-20G region for these Drosophila species. The cytogenetical localization of two genes was determined after analysing recombinant chromosomes by isozymic and cytological methods in the progeny of interspecific hybrids.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of juvenile hormone (JH) in the control of Drosophila reproduction under stress, JH degradation and reproduction were studied under nutritional stress and JH treatment in Drosophila virilis females of wild type (wt) and a heat stress (hs) mutant: this mutant does not respond to heat stress by alterations in JH metabolism and has decreased JH level and fertility under normal conditions. One day of starvation results in a decrease of JH degradation, a delay in oocyte maturation, degradation of early vitellogenic egg chambers, accumulation of mature oocytes and a 24 h oviposition arrest in both wt and hs females. A fertility decrease was observed in both wt and hs females 24 h following the end of starvation. JH treatment leads to a decrease of JH degradation and an arrest of oviposition for 24 h in fed females. JH treatment prior to starvation seems to protect some oocytes from resorption: in JH-treated wt females, fertility increases rapidly following the end of starvation. The dynamics of JH degradation and fertility are similar following starvation and JH treatment. The role of JH in the accumulation of mature oocytes and the delay of oviposition under stress are discussed.  相似文献   

The Penelope family of transposable elements (TEs) is broadly distributed in most species of the virilis species group of Drosophila. This element plays a pivotal role in hybrid dysgenesis in Drosophila virilis, in which at least four additional TE families are also activated. Here we present evidence that the Penelope family of elements has recently invaded D. virilis. This evidence includes: (1) a patchy geographical distribution, (2) genomic locations mainly restricted to euchromatic chromosome arms in various geographical strains, and (3) a high level of nucleotide similarity among members of the family. Two samples from a Tashkent (Middle Asia) population of D. virilis provide further support for the invasion hypothesis. The 1968 Tashkent strain is free of Penelope sequences, but all individuals collected from a 1997 population carry at least five Penelope copies. Furthermore, a second TE, Ulysses, has amplified and spread in this population. These results provide evidence for the Penelope invasion of a D. virilis natural population and the mobilization of unrelated resident transposons following the invasion.  相似文献   



The antagonistic co-evolution of hosts and their parasites is considered to be a potential driving force in maintaining host genetic variation including sexual reproduction and recombination. The examination of this hypothesis calls for information about the genetic basis of host-parasite interactions – such as how many genes are involved, how big an effect these genes have and whether there is epistasis between loci. We here examine the genetic architecture of quantitative resistance in animal and plant hosts by concatenating published studies that have identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) for host resistance in animals and plants.


Collectively, these studies show that host resistance is affected by few loci. We particularly show that additional epistatic interactions, especially between loci on different chromosomes, explain a majority of the effects. Furthermore, we find that when experiments are repeated using different host or parasite genotypes under otherwise identical conditions, the underlying genetic architecture of host resistance can vary dramatically – that is, involves different QTLs and epistatic interactions. QTLs and epistatic loci vary much less when host and parasite types remain the same but experiments are repeated in different environments.


This pattern of variability of the genetic architecture is predicted by strong interactions between genotypes and corroborates the prevalence of varying host-parasite combinations over varying environmental conditions. Moreover, epistasis is a major determinant of phenotypic variance for host resistance. Because epistasis seems to occur predominantly between, rather than within, chromosomes, segregation and chromosome number rather than recombination via cross-over should be the major elements affecting adaptive change in host resistance.  相似文献   

The satellite bands of the DNA of Drosophila virilis   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Purified DNA has been prepared from Drosophila virilis using a modification of the method derived for bacteria (Marmur, 1961). Some physical properties have been examined, a new hidden satellite discovered, and a difference found in the satellite banding pattern of different tissues. — In addition to the three satellite bands lighter than the main band previously reported (Gall et al., 1970), a new satellite heavier than the main band has been detected after thermal denaturation of the DNA (which substantially shifts the buoyant density of the main band but not that of the satellites indicating that all are fast-annealing). The satellite pattern of DNA extracted from heads alone differed from that of the entire animals: the amount of satellite I was decreased and II increased; III was unaffected; IV was increased relative to the amount in the main band. The total content of satellite material in the heads (assumed to be entirely diploid) was 42%, the highest amount reported for any organism. — Thermal transitions were determined for the DNA from adults and larvae. After preparative CsCl density gradient fractionation of adult DNA, two sets of bimodal thermal curves were obtained (in SSC) with agreement between the initial position in the preparative gradient, the thermal transitions, and the G+C content from density except for satellite III for which the Tm gave a more accurate G+C amount. DNA from satellites I and II together generated a Tm of 81.2° which was similar to a calculated Tm of 81.9° making the naive assumption that the thermal components of the two satellites would interact in a simple additive fashion. A Tm of 71.9° was ascribed to satellite III which indicates that it is not the equivalent of the poly (A-T) band found at the same density in D. melanogaster (Fansler et al., 1970). The calculated overall base composition from the density equivalents (using the value for satellite III from thermal data) gave an expected G+C content of 36.6%. The measured value was 36.0%. The possible significance of the differential satellite pattern has been discussed.  相似文献   

Lyamouri M  Enerly E  Kress H  Lambertsson A 《Gene》2002,282(1-2):199-206
In Drosophila melanogaster, the apparently unrelated genes anon-66Da, RpL14, and anon-66Db (from telomere to centromere) are located on a 5547 bp genomic fragment on chromosome arm 3L at cytological position 66D8. The three genes are tightly linked, and flanked by two relatively large genes with unknown function. We have taken a comparative genomic approach to investigate the evolutionary history of the three genes. To this end we isolated a Drosophila virilis 7.3 kb genomic fragment which is homologous to a 5.5 kb genomic region of D. melanogaster. Both fragments map to Muller's element D, namely to section 66D in D. melanogaster and to section 32E in D. virilis, and harbor the genes anon-66Da, RpL14, and anon-66Db. We demonstrate that the three genes exhibit a high conservation of gene topography in general and in detail. While most introns and intergenic regions reveal sequence divergences, there are, however, a number of interspersed conserved sequence motifs. In particular, two introns of the RpL14 gene contain a short, highly conserved 60 nt long sequence located at corresponding positions. This sequence represents a novel Drosophila small nucleolar RNA, which is homologous to human U49. Whereas DNA flanking the three genes shows no significant interspecies homologies, the 3'-flanking region in D. virilis contains sequences from the transposable element Penelope. The Penelope family of transposable elements has been shown to promote chromosomal rearrangements in the D. virilis species group. The presence of Penelope sequences in the D. virilis 7.3 kb genomic fragment may be indicative for a transposon-induced event of transposition which did not yet scramble the order of the three genes but led to the breakdown of sequence identity of the flanking DNA.  相似文献   

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