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Allele frequencies of 14 different restriction fragment length polymorphisms from 12 DNA markers within the Huntington disease (HD) region were evaluated in the German population. No significant differences from published data of allele frequencies from chromosomes of Caucasian ancestry were found. The analysis of eight DNA polymorphisms in 87 HD families of German origin revealed significant non-random association with the HD locus and the D4S95 locus (p674/AccI/MboI), a result that is consistent with all other published studies. These results are confirmed by the fact that the HD gene maps to this region.  相似文献   

Hereditary hemochromatosis is a recessive disease of iron metabolism widely distributed among people of European descent. Most patients have inherited the causative mutation from a single ancestor. In the course of cloning the hemochromatosis gene, genotypes were generated for these samples at 43 microsatellite repeat markers that span the 6.5-Mb hemochromatosis gene region. The data used to reconstruct the ancestral haplotype across the hemochromatosis gene region are presented in this paper. Portions of the ancestral haplotype were present on 85% of patient chromosomes in this sample and ranged in size from approximately 500 kb to greater than 6.5 Mb. Only one marker, D6S2239, was identical by descent on all of the patient chromosomes containing the ancestral mutation. In contrast, only 3 of the 128 control chromosomes, or 2.3%, carried the ancestral mutation and the surrounding ancestral haplotype. To test new methods for gene finding using linkage disequilibrium we analyzed the genotypic data with a multilocus maximum likelihood method (DISMULT) and a single point method (DISLAMB), both written to analyze data generated from multi-allelic markers. The maximum value from DISLAMB analysis occurred at marker D6S2239, which is less than 20 kb from the hemochromatosis gene HFE, consistent with the haplotype analysis. The peak of the multi-point analysis was 700 kb from HFE, possibly due to the nonuniform recombination rates within this large region. The recombination rate appears to be lower than expected centromeric of the HFE gene. Received: 10 June 1997 / Accepted: 4 December 1997  相似文献   

The genetic defect causing Huntington disease (HD) has been mapped to 4p16.3 by linkage analysis using DNA markers. Two apparently contradictory classes of recombination events in HD kindreds preclude precise targeting of efforts to clone the disease gene. Here, we report a new recombination event that increases support for an internal candidate region of 2.5 Mb between D4S10 and D4S168. Analysis of 23 DNA polymorphisms in 4p16.3 revealed a complex pattern of association with the disease gene that failed to narrow the size of the candidate region. The degree of linkage disequilibrium did not show a continuous increase across the physical map, nor was a region of extreme disequilibrium identified. Markers displaying no association with the disorder were interspersed with and, in many cases, close to markers displaying significant disequilibrium. Comparison of closely spaced marker pairs on normal and HD chromosomes, as well as analysis of haplotypes across the HD region, suggest that simple recombination subsequent to a single original HD mutation cannot easily explain the pool of HD chromosomes seen today. A number of different mechanisms could contribute to the diversity of haplotypes observed on HD chromosomes, but it is likely that there has been more than one and possibly several independent origins of the HD mutation.  相似文献   

Patterns of linkage disequilibrium in the MHC region on human chromosome 6p   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the human genome are thought to be organised into blocks of high internal linkage disequilibrium (LD), separated by intermittent recombination hotspots. Since understanding haplotype structure is critical for an accurate assessment of inter-individual genetic differences, we investigated up to 968 SNPs from a 10-Mb region on chromosome 6p21, including the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC), in five different population samples (45–550 individuals). Regions of well-defined block structure were found to coexist alongside large areas lacking any clear structure; occasional long-range LD was observed in all five samples. The four white populations analysed were remarkably similar in terms of the extend and spatial distribution of local LD. In US African Americans, the distribution of LD was similar to that in the white populations but the observed haplotype diversity was higher. The existence of large regions without any clear block structure renders the systematic and thorough construction of SNP haplotype maps a crucial prerequisite for disease-association studies.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Electronic database information: URLs for the data in this article are as follows:  相似文献   

Phenotypic diversity in poultry has been mainly driven by artificial selection and genetic drift. These led to the adaptation to the environment and the development of specific phenotypic traits of chickens in response to their economic use. This study evaluated genetic diversity within and between Russian breeds and populations using Illumina Chicken 60 K SNP iSelect BeadChip by analysing genetic differences between populations with Hudson's fixation index (FST statistic) and heterozygosity. We estimated the effect of rare alleles and linkage disequilibrium (LD) on these measurements. To assess the effect of LD on the genetic diversity population, we carried out the LD-based pruning (LD < 0.5 and LD < 0.1) for seven chicken populations combined (I) or separately (II). LD pruning was specific for different dataset groups. Because of the noticeably large sample size in the Russian White RG population, pruning was substantial for Dataset I, and FST values were only positive when LD < 0.1 pruning was applied. For Dataset II, the LD pruning results were confirmed by examining heterozygosity and alleles' frequency distribution. LD between single nucleotide polymorphisms was consistent across the seven chicken populations, except the Russian White RG population with the smallest r2 values and the largest effective population size. Our findings suggest to study variability in each population LD pruning has to be carried separately not after merging to avoid bias in estimates.  相似文献   

Whole-genome association studies will be a powerful tool to identify genes responsible for common human diseases. A crucial task for association-mapping studies is the evaluation of the relationship between linkage disequilibrium (LD) and physical distance for the genomic region under study. Since it is known that the extent of LD is nonuniformly distributed throughout the human genome, the required marker density has to be determined specifically for the region under study. These regions may be related to isochores and chromosomal bands, as indicated by earlier cytogenetic findings concerning chiasma distribution in meiosis. Therefore we analyzed the neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) gene region on chromosome 17q11.2, which is characterized by a nonuniform LD pattern and an L1-to-H2 isochore transition. Long-range LD within the NF1 gene was found to extend over 200 kb (D' = 0.937) in the L1 isochore, whereas, in the neighboring H2 isochore, no LD is apparent between markers spaced by 26 kb (D' = 0.144). Recombination frequencies derived from the LD are at.00019 (high LD) and.01659 (low LD) per megabase, the latter identical to the average value from segregation analysis. The boundary between these regions coincides precisely with a transition in the GC content of the sequences, with low values (37.2%) in the region with long-range LD and high values (51%) in the other. Our results suggest a correlation between the LD pattern and the isochores, at least in the NF1 region. If this correlation can be generalized, the marker densities required for association studies have to be adjusted to the regional GC content and may be chosen according to the isochores.  相似文献   

Seven phenotypically homogeneous Mediterranean myoclonus families were studied using DNA markers from the genetically defined EPM1 region on chromosome 21. No recombinations between the disease phenotype and the markers studied were detected. Within the EPM1 region, the highest lod score value of 5.07 (at = 0.00) was reached at locus PFKL. Significant allelic association (P = 0.02) between the disease mutation and PFKL was detected suggesting a founder effect in Mediterranean myoclonus. However, haplotype data using four marker loci residing within 300kb of each other and of EPM1 suggest the occurrence of more than one mutation. The data are compatible with Mediterranean myoclonus being caused by mutations in the EPM1 gene and strengthen the concept that a large subset of progressive myoclonus epilepsies conforms with Unverricht-Lundborg disease and that this subset is an etiologically homogeneous entity.  相似文献   

We describe the relative ordering, by fluorescence in situ hybridization, of cosmid loci and translocation breakpoints in the DiGeorge syndrome (DGS) critical region of chromosome 22. This physical map enables us to define a large region, commonly deleted in a majority of affected patients, and the smallest deleted region which, when lost, is sufficient to produce DGS. In four instances, a similar large deleted region is observed in a familial context. In these pedigrees, the deletion is encountered in one parent with mild features of the disease.  相似文献   

Conotruncal defects (CTDs) of the heart are a frequent component of DiGeorge, velocardiofacial, or other syndromes caused by deletions of the human chromosome 22q11 region (HSA22q11). In addition, some human patients with isolated nonsyndromic CTDs have been reported to have deletions of this region. Taken together, these findings lead to the conclusion that deletions of an HSA22q11 locus or loci produce abnormalities in cardiac development leading to CTDs. A spontaneous model of isolated inherited conotruncal malformations occurs in the keeshond dog. We have previously shown in experimental matings that nonsyndromic CTDs in the keeshond are inherited in a manner consistent with a major underlying locus. In the studies described in this article we tested two hypotheses: (1) the region of HSA22q11 commonly deleted in DiGeorge and related syndromes is evolutionarily conserved in the dog, and (2) a locus in this region is linked to hereditary CTD in the keeshond. Two loci within the minimal DiGeorge critical region (MDGCR) and two loci that lie telomeric to the MDGCR, one of which is commonly deleted in DiGeorge patients, were mapped in the dog using a combination of linkage analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The results confirm conserved synteny of the loci DGS-I, CTP, D22S788 (N41), and IGLC on the telomeric end of canine chromosome 26 (CFA26). The group of four syntenic gene loci, which spans a genetic distance of 2.5 cM is the first to be mapped to this small acrocentric canine chromosome and adds gene-associated polymorphic markers to the developing dog linkage map. Linkage of loci in this region to hereditary CTD in the keeshond was excluded.  相似文献   

The inference of the demographic history of populations from genetic variability data is not only of academic interest. It also provides background information for the identification of genes which may have played a role in human evolution or in the aetiology of human disease. To obtain a clear picture of this background, it is necessary to compare data obtained from a number of genomic loci. Due to its very low recombination rate, the NF1 gene region can be regarded as a further suitable locus. A combined resequencing and SNP typing project in a European population disclosed the presence of only two well separated subgroups of NF1 sequences. Statistical analysis revealed a bimodal distribution of the pairwise differences, a positive value of Tajima’s D and a TMRCA of 700,000 years for the whole sample, and pairwise differences indicative for a growing population and TMRCAs of 130,000 to 150,000 years for the subgroups. Together, the data lead to a model that the recent European population went through a bottleneck during the last 150,000 years of its history. Regarding the given timeframe, this bottleneck could either reflect a speciation event which led to the anatomically modern human (AMH), or a severe reduction of the population size during the emigration of AMHs out of Africa or the immigration into Europe.  相似文献   

We analyzed the genetic mosaic of speciation in two hybridizing Mediterranean white oaks from the Iberian Peninsula (Quercus faginea Lamb. and Quercus pyrenaica Willd.). The two species show ecological divergence in flowering phenology, leaf morphology and composition, and in their basic or acidic soil preferences. Ninety expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats (EST-SSRs) and eight nuclear SSRs were genotyped in 96 trees from each species. Genotyping was designed in two steps. First, we used 69 markers evenly distributed over the 12 linkage groups (LGs) of the oak linkage map to confirm the species genetic identity of the sampled genotypes, and searched for differentiation outliers. Then, we genotyped 29 additional markers from the chromosome bins containing the outliers and repeated the multilocus scans. We found one or two additional outliers within four saturated bins, thus confirming that outliers are organized into clusters. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) was extensive; even for loosely linked and for independent markers. Consequently, score tests for association between two-marker haplotypes and the ‘species trait'' showed a broad genomic divergence, although substantial variation across the genome and within LGs was also observed. We discuss the influence of several confounding effects on neutrality tests and review the evolutionary processes leading to extensive LD. Finally, we examine how LD analyses within regions that contain outlier clusters and quantitative trait loci can help to identify regions of divergence and/or genomic hitchhiking in the light of predictions from ecological speciation theory.  相似文献   

Hoh J  Hodge SE 《Human heredity》2000,50(6):359-364
The extent of haplotype ambiguity in a string of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was quantified by Hodge et al. [Nat Genet 1999;21:360]. In their measure, the level of ambiguity increases with increasing numbers of loci and as loci become more polymorphic. That work assumed linkage equilibrium (LE). However, linkage disequilibrium (LD) provides additional information about the haplotypes at a site, thereby diluting the level of ambiguity. The ambiguity vanishes altogether when LD reaches its maximum value. Here, we introduce the ambiguity measure, Phi, to allow for LD (between pairs of SNPs). We derive the formula Phi = 4x(2)x(3) for ambiguity in individuals, where x(1), x(2), x(3) and x(4) are the probabilities of the A(1)A(2), A(1)B(2), B(1)A(2) and B(1)B(2) haplotypes, respectively, and w.l.o.g. x(1)x(4) > or = x(2)x(3). Alternatively, Phi can be expressed in terms of the allele frequencies and the LD parameter delta. We also extend the formula to triads of two parents plus one child. We estimate our measure Phi for relevant SNPs in the published lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene dataset [Clark et al., Am J Hum Genet 1998;63:595; Nickerson et al., Nat Genet 1998;19:233], obtaining values ranging from a low of 0 to a high of 0.11 among adjacent pairs of sites. In genome-wide LD studies to map common disease genes, a dense map of SNPs may be utilized to detect association between a marker and disease. Therefore, the measurement of ambiguity can potentially help investigators to determine a more efficient map, designed to minimize ambiguity and subsequent information loss.  相似文献   

A composite-conditional-likelihood (CCL) approach is proposed to map the position of a trait-influencing mutation (TIM) using the ancestral recombination graph (ARG) and importance sampling to reconstruct the genealogy of DNA sequences with respect to windows of marker loci and predict the linkage disequilibrium pattern observed in a sample of cases and controls. The method is designed to fine-map the location of a disease mutation, not as an association study. The CCL function proposed for the position of the TIM is a weighted product of conditional likelihood functions for windows of a given number of marker loci that encompass the TIM locus, given the sample configuration at the marker loci in those windows. A rare recessive allele is assumed for the TIM and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are considered as markers. The method is applied to a range of simulated data sets. Not only do the CCL profiles converge more rapidly with smaller window sizes as the number of simulated histories of the sampled sequences increases, but the maximum-likelihood estimates for the position of the TIM remain as satisfactory, while requiring significantly less computing time. The simulations also suggest that non-random samples, more precisely, a non-proportional number of controls versus the number of cases, has little effect on the estimation procedure as well as sample size and marker density beyond some threshold values. Moreover, when compared with some other recent methods under the same assumptions, the CCL approach proves to be competitive.  相似文献   

Investigations into mechanims by which cytosine methylation may be genetically controlled have led to the identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms within the coding region of DNMT2 that are conserved in different ethnic groups. The DNMT2 I allele includes a G at nucleotide position 104 of exon 2 and a C at position 50 of exon 4. The alternative allele, DNMT2 II, includes an A and T, respectively, at these positions. G was never found in the absence of C and vice versa and A was never found in the absence of T and vice versa. The gene products of DNMT2 I and DNMT2 II differ by the inclusion of a histidine or tyrosine residue at the position specified by codon 101. This amino acid substitution alters the amino acid composition of a conserved methylating enzyme motif shown to be involved in S-adenosylmethionine binding in M.HhaI, a bacterial methyltransferase that is almost identical to DNMT2 in size and structure. Demonstration of strong linkage disequilibrium between the nucleotide substitutions associated with each DNMT2 allele provides valuable tools for the investigation of molecular genetic mechanisms of evolution and speciation.  相似文献   

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