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Coslenchus capsici n. sp., from around the roots of Capsicum annuum at Kulu (H.P.), India, is characterized by a large number of cuticular ridges (17+17 + lateral fields), a smooth head with a well-sclerotized framework and a forwardly inclined vagina with swollen walls.  相似文献   

A new species, Goffartia phalacra n. sp. is described and illustrated. The body is thin and slender with L = 511 to 646 μm; a = 37.1 to 47.4; b = 4.8 to 6; c = 2.6 to 4.8; c′ = 13.6 to 32.8; V = 40% to 49% in females. Males are smaller but similar to females and the posterior region is strongly curved. The species is characterized by a tubular stoma, a smooth round lip region, anterior pharynx much smaller than posterior pharynx, two pairs of unicellular glands associated with the vagina, and males with a broad keel-shaped gubernaculum. G. phalacra n. sp. can be differentiated from all other species of the genus by its lip region and the structure of the gubernaculum. This is the first instance of a species of Goffartia occurring in a terrestrial habitat and the first report of a species from India.  相似文献   

Similascarophis (Cystidicolidae) n. gen. is proposed. In the mouth of specimens of this genus, submedial labia are absent and pseudolabia do not have any part projecting toward the central oral opening. These nematodes were obtained from the alimentary tract of 7 marine fish species along the coast of Chile: Bovichthys chilensis Regan, Eleginops maclovinus (Cuvier), Pinguipes chilensis (Valenciennes), Cilus gilberti (Abbott), Cheilodactylus variegatus Valenciennes, Girella laevifrons (Tschudi), and Graus nigra Philippi. Morphology and morphometry are compared between 2 new Similascarophis species: Similascarophis maulensis n. sp. and S. chilensis n. sp., which differ in the presence of sublabia and in the length of the glandular esophagus and left spicule. We also recorded Similascarophis sp. in 2 other host species, which showed some distinct proportional measurements, although these differences were not sufficiently clear to identify them as a new species.  相似文献   

A new nematode belonging to the Cystidicolidae is described, Pseudascarophis genypteri n. sp. was found in the intestine of the red ling Genypterus chilensis, sampled off Talcahuano, Chile. It is distinguished from Ascarophis species mainly by the absence of cephalic papillae and of submedial and medial labia. The other species in the genus, Pseudascarophis kyphosi Ko, Margolis, and Machida, 1985, found in Kyphosus cinerascens, and P. tropica (Solov'eva, 1996), found in Parupeneus chrysopleuron, differed principally from P. genypteri in the form of pseudolabia, number of pre- and postanal papillae, and length of spicules.  相似文献   

During a trans-Saharan expedition in 1980 a number of samples were collected from stagnant and running fresh and slightly saline water bodies. One of them, collected from the Oued En-Namous in a small oasis yielded several interesting nematodes, among which was a newHalalaimus species described herein asHalalaimus algeriensis n. sp. It comes close toH. minusculus Tchesunov, 1978, but differs in tailshape, absence of males and habitat. It also resembles the marine speciesH. gracilis de Man, 1888, but differs in the relative length of the anterior setae, the absence of a lateral field and absence of males. The new species can be differentiated fromH. stammeri Schneider, 1940, the only fresh water species found hitherto, by its shorter body, more anterior and wider fovea, and the length and position of the anterior setae. The various juvenile stages can be separated on the basis of body length, foveal length and genital primordium.  相似文献   

Two different nematodes were isolated from the bark of Albizia lebbeck trees; one from insect infested and another from noninfested, healthy tree. Based on the biological, morphological, and molecular evidences, the nematodes are described as Deladenus albizicus n. sp. and D. processus n. sp. (Nematoda: Hexatylina). Deladenus albizicus n. sp., isolated from insect-infested tree, multiplied on the fungus Nigrospora oryzae. Myceliophagous females of this nematode reproduced by parthenogenesis and spermathecae were indistinct. Infective females, readily produced in the cultures, are dorsally curved. Only one type of males containing small-sized sperms in their genital tracts were produced in the culture. Myceliophagous females: L = 0.75 to 1.71 mm, a = 32.3 to 50.8, b = 9.3 to 11.2, b’ = 5.2 to 7.3, c = 27.2 to 35.6, V = 91.0 to 93.3, c’ = 2.0 to 2.9, stylet = 11 to 12 µm, excretory pore in the region of median pharyngeal bulb, 43 to 47 µm anterior to hemizonid. Deladenus processus n. sp., isolated from bark of healthy A. lebbeck tree, was cultured on Alternaria alternata. Myceliophagous females reproduced by amphimixis and their spermathecae contained rounded sperms. Infective females were never produced, even in old cultures. Myceliophagous females: L = 0.76 to 0.99 mm, a = 34 to 49, b = 13.3 to 17.7, b’ = 3.8 to 5.8, c = 19.6 to 22.8, V = 92.2 to 93.5, c’ = 2.7 to 3.5, stylet = 6 to 7 µm, excretory pore in the proximity of hemizonid, tail conoid, tapering from both sides to a long pointed central process. It is proposed to classify Deladenus species in three groups: durus, siricidicola, and laricis groups based on female and spermatogonia dimorphism, mode of reproduction, and insect parasitism.  相似文献   

A new nematode,Pseudocapillaria (Discocapillaria) margolisi n. subg., n. sp., from the freshwater fishesPuntius conchonius, P. sophore andAmblypharyngodon mola of West Bengal, India is described. The presence of a ventral lobe-like elevation with two papillae and the absence of a dorsal cuticular membrane on the male tail are referred to as distinguishing features of the new subgenus. The parasite is also characterised by small body size, short and non-annulated stichocytes, a distinctly expanded and folded lobular rim of the proximal end of the spicule, and eggs with protruding polar plugs, all features in which it differs distinctly from other species of the genusPseudocapillaria.  相似文献   

A. Coomans  J. Heyns 《Hydrobiologia》1983,107(3):193-201
Oncholaimus sahariensis sp.n. is described from an oasis in the Algerian Sahara. It differs from O. aquaedulcis Schneider, 1937 and O. deconincki Heyns & Coomans, 1977, the only other freshwater species in the genus, in the more posteriorly situated vulva, the spicules which are longer than in O. deconincki but shorter than in O. aquaedulcis, and various other characteristics. The new species is unusual in that the whole female reproductive system as well as the demanian system are located on the left side of the intestine, whereas the reproductive system is normally to the right in Oncholaimoidea. Problems concerning the validity and differentiation of Oncholaimium Cobb, 1930 are discussed, at the same time explaining why the new species is placed in Oncholaimus rather than in Oncholaimium.  相似文献   

Rhabdochona guerreroensis n. sp. is described on the basis of specimens recovered from the intestine of Sicydium multipunctatum (Regan) (Gobiidae, Perciformes) from 2 localities in Mexico. This species is characterized by 12 teeth in the prostom (occasionally 11), asymmetrical numbers of postanal papillae, a broad distal tip of the larger (left) spicule with a small bifurcation covered by narrow cuticular membrane, a smaller (right) spicule with a dorsal barb on its distal tip, and filamented eggs.  相似文献   

Summary A new species of spiruroid nematode,Gongylonema aegypti, is described from two rodents,Mus musculus andGerbillus gerbillus, from Egypt.G. aegypti is distinguished from closely related species by the size of the spicules and gubernaculum, the absence of cuticular bosses in males, and the size of the egg. SEM studies suggest that the generic diagnosis ofGongylonema should be amended to include the presence of a dorsal pore on the cephalic plate and the presence around the buccal cavity of three triangular teeth (not lips) and two sclerotized plates or interlabia. ac]19850414  相似文献   

Distorhabditis poonchiana n. gen., n. sp. from humus in Jammu and Kashmir, India, is described and illustrated. The new genus is characterized by a small body; slightly setoff labial region; long tubular gymnostom; prominently cuticularized cheilostom; absence of glottoid apparatus; monoprodelphic reproductive system; vulva (V) = 81 to 84; spicules with trifurcated distal ends, simple gubernaculum, peloderan bursa with eight pairs of bursal papillae arranged in 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 arrangement.  相似文献   

A new nematode,Paracapillaria xenentodoni n. sp. is described based on light microscope studies of the worms recovered from the migratory fishXenentodon cancila (Hamilton) from the Hooghly estuary at Kalyani, West Bengal, India. The worms are characterised by relatively large body size, the structure of the male caudal extremity (the presence of two wide, lobe-like, dorso-lateral caudal projections), the large size of the spicule (0.236–0.374 mm), the transversely wrinkled but non-spiny spicular sheath, the structure of the stichosome (30–40 stichocytes present), the slightly elevated anterior vulval lip, and the size (0.040–0.049 × 0.021–0.026 mm) and structure of the eggs. This represents the first species of the genusParacapillaria from India and also from fishes of the family Belonidae (Atheriniformes).  相似文献   

The gyrodactylid monogeneans Gyrodactylus anarhichatis n. sp. and G. microanchoratus n. sp. are reported from the skin and fins of wild Atlantic wolf-fish Anarhichas lupus L. caught off the coast of northern Norway. G. anarhichatis n. sp. is also reported from farmed Atlantic wolf-fish and spotted wolf-fish A. minor Olafsen. G. anarhichatis n. sp. most closely resembles G. corti Mizelle & Kritsky, 1967, but is also similar to G. perlucidus Bychowsky & Poljansky, 1953 and G. errabundus Malmberg, 1970, while G. microanchoratus n. sp. differs from most other Gyrodactylus spp. by having marginal hooks longer than anchors and a peculiar lump on the marginal hook sickle toe pointing towards the sickle point.  相似文献   

A new nematode from the stomach of the estuarine fish Sillaginopsis panijus of West Bengal, India is described. The nematodes are characterised by small body size, the structure of the male tail (the presence of two large dorso-lateral caudal lobes bearing a distinct papilla on each and a pair of large subventral adanal papillae), the structure of the spicule (wider in proximal and distal regions and with smooth surface), the non-spinous spicular sheath, the structure of the stichosome (stichocytes number 25–32 and regularly aligned throughout the length of the oesophagus), the large bell-shaped vulvar appendage, and elongate-oval eggs with a thin wall and protruding polar plugs. A diagnosis of the new genus and a key to the genera of fish capillariids are provided.  相似文献   

Arenonemertes arenicolus sp.n. is described from the Gullmar Fjord, Sweden. It differs from A. microps Friedrich, 1933 in: (1) lacking cephalic glands, (2) having an undivided caecum on the midgut, whereas the caecum is divided into three lobes in A. microps , and (3) the position of the nephridial ducts in relation to the lateral nerves (dorsal instead of ventral). Arenonemertes microps is still considered a valid species, but it is poorly described and the type material has been lost.  相似文献   

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