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A microsatellite linkage map of the blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is considerable scope for genetic improvement of cultured blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra in Australia using molecular marker-assisted, selective-breeding practices. Such improvement is dependent on the availability of primary genetic resources, such as a genetic linkage map. This study presents a first-generation linkage map of H. rubra, containing 122 microsatellite markers typed in a single full-sib family. These loci mapped to 17 and 20 linkage groups for the male and female respectively, and when aligned, the consensus map represented 18 linkage groups. The male linkage map contained 102 markers (one unlinked) covering 621 cM with an average intermarker spacing of 7.3 cM, and the female map contained 98 markers (eight unlinked) covering 766 cM with an average intermarker spacing of 9.8 cM. Analysis of markers informative in both parents showed a significantly higher recombination rate in the female parent, with an average male-to-female recombination ratio of 1:1.45 between linked pairs of markers. This linkage map represents a significant advancement in the genetic resource available for H. rubra and provides a framework for future quantitative trait loci mapping and eventual implementation of marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

The results of genotypic data contributed to the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) Bovine Chromosome 27 Workshop are presented. Eight laboratories contributed 23 261 informative meioses from 44 loci. Eighteen loci were typed by at least two laboratories and were used to construct a consensus linkage map. Twenty-one loci were subsequently incorporated into a comprehensive map. The sex-averaged consensus map covered 66.9 cM. The sex-averaged comprehensive map was 75.5 cM, while the female and male maps were 73.1 and 63.7 cM, respectively. Five loci were excluded from the analysis because of ambiguous position in the linkage group and a low LOD score (less than 2.0). Average distance between loci in the comprehensive map was 1.98 cM.  相似文献   

Comprehensive linkage map of bovine chromosome 11   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results of genotypic data contributed to the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) Bovine Chromosome 11 (BTA11) Workshop are presented. Six laboratories contributed a total of 26 199 informative meioses from 80 loci. Thirty-six loci were typed by at least two independent laboratories and were used to construct a consensus linkage map of the chromosome. The remaining loci were subsequently incorporated into a comprehensive map. The sex-averaged consensus map covered 128.9 cM. The female consensus map was 101.2 cM, while the male consensus map was 129.8 cM. The comprehensive sex-averaged map was 134.2 cM and the average genetic distance between loci was 1.72 cM.  相似文献   

A detailed linkage map is necessary for efficient detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) in chicken resource populations. In this study, microsatellite markers isolated from a (CA)n-enriched library (designated as ABR Markers) were mapped using a population developed from a cross between Japanese Game and White Leghorn chickens. In total, 296 markers including 193 ABR, 43 MCW, 31 ADL, 22 LEI, 3 HUJ, 2 GCT, 1 UMA and 1 ROS were mapped by linkage to chicken chromosomes 1-14, 17-21, 23, 24, 26-28 and Z. In addition, five markers were assigned to the map based on the chicken draft genomic sequence, bringing the total number of markers on the map to 301. The resulting linkage map will contribute to QTL mapping in chicken.  相似文献   

A microsatellite linkage map for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A linkage map of the Atlantic salmon is described here consisting of 15 linkage groups containing 50 microsatellite loci with a 14 additional unlinked markers (including three allozymes). The map shows the largest sex-specific recombination rate differences so far found in any vertebrate species (3.92:1 female:male). Homologies with previous linkage mapping studies of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout are described. An in silico search of the Genbank database carried out using the microsatellites used in the mapping process identified significant matches between the flanking regions of the microsatellite SS11 and the calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein, 'Aralar1'.  相似文献   

A linkage map of the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) genome was constructed based upon segregation analysis of 72 microsatellite loci in 433 F(2) progeny of 10 half-sib families obtained from a cross between two quail lines of different genetic origins. One line was selected for long duration of tonic immobility, a behavioural trait related to fearfulness, while the other was selected based on early egg production. Fifty-eight of the markers were resolved into 12 autosomal linkage groups and a Z chromosome-specific linkage group, while the remaining 14 markers were unlinked. The linkage groups range from 8 cM (two markers) to 206 cM (16 markers) and cover a total map distance of 576 cM with an average spacing of 10 cM between loci. Through comparative mapping with chicken (Gallus gallus) using orthologous markers, we were able to assign linkage groups CJA01, CJA02, CJA05, CJA06, CJA14 and CJA27 to chromosomes. This map, which is the first in quail based solely on microsatellites, is a major step towards the development of a quality molecular genetic map for this valuable species. It will provide an important framework for further genetic mapping and the identification of quantitative trait loci controlling egg production and fear-related behavioural traits in quail.  相似文献   

A linkage map of the ruff (Philomachus pugnax) genome was constructed based on segregation analysis of 58 microsatellite loci from 381 captive‐bred individuals spanning fourteen breeding years and comprising 64 families. Twenty‐eight of the markers were resolved into seven linkage groups and five single marker loci, homologous to known chicken (Gallus gallus) and zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) chromosomes. Linkage groups range from 10.1 to 488.7 cM in length and covered a total map distance of 641.6 cM, corresponding to an estimated 30–35% coverage of the ruff genome, with a mean spacing of 22.9 cM between loci. Through comparative mapping, we are able to assign linkage groups Ppu1, Ppu2, Ppu6, Ppu7, Ppu10, Ppu13, and PpuZ to chromosomes and identify several intrachromosomal rearrangements between the homologs of chicken, zebra finch, and ruff microsatellite loci. This is the first linkage map created in the ruff and is a major step toward providing genomic resources for this enigmatic species. It will provide an essential framework for mapping of phenotypically and behaviorally important loci in the ruff.  相似文献   

In this study, we genetically characterized the Uruguayan pig breed Pampa Rocha. Genetic variability was assessed by analyzing a panel of 25 microsatellite markers from a sample of 39 individuals. Pampa Rocha pigs showed high genetic variability with observed and expected heterozygosities of 0.583 and 0.603, respectively. The mean number of alleles was 5.72. Twenty-four markers were polymorphic, with 95.8% of them in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. The level of endogamy was low (FIS = 0.0475). A factorial analysis of correspondence was used to assess the genetic differences between Pampa Rocha and other pig breeds; genetic distances were calculated, and a tree was designed to reflect the distance matrix. Individuals were also allocated into clusters. This analysis showed that the Pampa Rocha breed was separated from the other breeds along the first and second axes. The neighbour-joining tree generated by the genetic distances DA showed clustering of Pampa Rocha with the Meishan breed. The allocation of individuals to clusters showed a clear separation of Pampa Rocha pigs. These results provide insights into the genetic variability of Pampa Rocha pigs and indicate that this breed is a well-defined genetic entity.  相似文献   

利用鸡F2资源群体构建1号染色体遗传连锁图谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳晓峰  王守志  胡晓湘  高宇  王启贵  张慧  李宁  李辉 《遗传》2007,29(8):977-981
在鸡1号染色体上选取23个微卫星标记,利用东北农业大学鸡F2资源群体构建了遗传连锁图谱。选用369只F2个体用于基因型测定。结果表明23个微卫星位点除MCW0058为低度多态,其他位点均为中高度多态。构建的连锁图谱覆盖1号染色体全长,总共637.9 cM。MCW0115和ROS0025标记顺序与EL图谱不同,但与WAU图谱一致。其他标记顺序与3大参考家系标记顺序一致,图谱总长和标记间距离大于3大参考家系。此连锁图谱的构建为数量性状位点(QTL)定位奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Described herein, the first microsatellite linkage map for the American mink consists of 85 microsatellite markers resolved into 17 linkage groups. The map was constructed using 92 F(1) progeny from five sire families created by crossing mink with different colour types. The linkage groups ranged from 0 to 137 cM. These linkage groups were assigned to 12 of the 14 mink autosomes using a somatic cell hybrid panel. The total map covered 690 sex-averaged Kosambi units with an average marker spacing of 8 cM. This map will facilitate further genetic mapping of monogenic characters and QTL.  相似文献   

Bovine chromosome 20 (BTA20) is associated with several quantitative trait loci (QTL) for meat tenderness, birth weight, milk yield and composition. Fine mapping of these QTL requires the development of additional informative markers to increase the resolution of the BTA20 genetic and physical maps. A BTA20-specific library was constructed by means of microdissection and microcloning, and screened for dinucleotide repeats with (CA)16 and (GT)16 oligos. A total of 60 new microsatellites (MS) were developed and characterized for polymorphism using the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) bovine reference family, of which 53 markers were informative in this family. The number of alleles for these loci varied from 1 to 14, with an average of 6.5. Thirty-three of these MSs, together with 105 markers previously mapped to BTA20, were scored on a 7000-rad cattle-hamster whole-genome radiation hybrid panel (SUNbRH), resulting in a high-resolution RH7000 rad map for BTA20.  相似文献   

Q. Li  L. Chen  L. Kong 《Animal genetics》2009,40(5):678-685
We present the first genetic maps of the sea cucumber ( Apostichopus japonicus ), constructed with an F1 pseudo-testcross strategy. The 37 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer combinations chosen identified 484 polymorphic markers. Of the 21 microsatellite primer pairs tested, 16 identified heterozygous loci in one or other parent, and six were fully informative, as they segregated in both parents. The female map comprised 163 loci, spread over 20 linkage groups (which equals the haploid chromosome number), and spanned 1522.0 cM, with a mean marker density of 9.3 cM. The equivalent figures for the male map were 162 loci, 21 linkage groups, 1276.9 and 7.9 cM. About 2.5% of the AFLP markers displayed segregation distortion and were not used for map construction. The estimated coverage of the genome was 84.8% for the female map and 83.4% for the male map. The maps generated will serve as a basis for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map and mapping of the functional genes and quantitative trait loci, which will then open the way for the application of a marker-assisted selection breeding strategy in this species.  相似文献   

We present an approach to evaluate the support for candidate genes as quantitative trait loci (QTLs) within the context of genome-wide map-based cloning strategies. To establish candidacy, a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone containing a putative candidate gene is physically assigned to an anchored linkage map to localise the gone relative to an identified QTL effect. Microsatellite loci derived from BAC clones containing an established candidate gone are integrated into the linkage map facilitating the evaluation by interval analysis of the statistical support for QTL identity. Permutation analysis is employed to determine experiment-wise statistical support. The approach is illustrated for the growth hormone 1 ( GH1 ) gene and growth and carcass phenotypes in cattle. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers which amplify a 441 bp fragment of GH1 were used to systematically screen a bovine BAC library comprising 60 000 clones and with a 95% probability of containing a single copy sequence. The presence of GH1 in BAC-110R2C3 was confirmed by sequence analysis of the PCR product from this clone and by the physical assignment of BAC110R2C3 to bovine chromosome 19 (BTA19) band 22 by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). Microsatellite KHGH1 was isolated from BAC110R2C3 and scored in 529 reciprocal backcross and F2 fullsib progeny from 41 resource families derived from Angus ( Bos taurus ) and Brahman ( Bos indicus ). The microsatellite KHGH1 was incorporated into a framework genetic map of BTA19 comprising 12 microsatellite loci, the erythrocyte antigen T and a GH1-TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Interval analysis localised effects of taurus vs. indicus alleles on subcutaneous fat and the percentage of ether extractable fat from the longissimus dorsi muscle to the region of BTA19 harbouring GH1 .  相似文献   

A chicken embryonic cDNA library was screened with a (TG)13 probe in order to develop polymorphic microsatellite markers. The redundancy of the embryonic cDNA library with a chicken brain cDNA library, which was used for microsatellite development in a previous study, was extremely high. Of the 300 (TG)13 positive clones, only 80 were unique for the embryonic cDNA library. Still, nine expressed sequences derived from the embryonic cDNA library were mapped in the Wageningen (WAU) resource population. In addition seven microsatellite markers from the chicken brain cDNA library, which were monomorphic or unlinked in the two international reference families in the previous study, were also mapped in the WAU population. Three of the 16 mapped chicken expressed sequence tags (ESTs) showed relatively high percentages of sequence similarity to sequences found in other species. As two of these genes, RAB6 and ZFX/ZFY, have been mapped in humans, they contribute to the comparative map of the chicken.  相似文献   

We present here 10 new microsatellite markers for the mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz), nine of which were isolated from E. mongoz and one from Lemur catta. At least 60 individuals were genotyped for each of the 10 loci. Mendelian inheritance at each locus was tested by genotyping five captive families with known pedigrees. All loci were polymorphic and demonstrated simple Mendelian inheritance. The microsatellite markers presented here will be useful for genetic surveys of wild E. mongoz, to gain insights into the genetic background of the captive population, and to aid in the conservation of the species’ genetic diversity.  相似文献   

The report of the bovine chromosome 4 (BTA4) workshop is presented. Six laboratories contributed a total of 30,168 informative meioses from 62 loci. Twenty-two loci were typed by at least two independent laboratories and were used to construct a consensus linkage map of BTA4. The remaining 40 loci were subsequently incorporated into a comprehensive map. The sex-averaged consensus map covered 131.4 cM. The female map was 124.3 cM in length, while the male map was 134.3 cM. The comprehensive sex-averaged map spanned 141.6 cM. The length of the female and male comprehensive maps were 123.1 cM and 156.4 cM, respectively. Average genetic distance between loci was 6 and 2.3 cM for the consensus and comprehensive linkage maps, respectively.  相似文献   

In molecular ecology the analysis of large microsatellite data sets is becoming increasingly popular. Here we introduce a new software tool, which is specifically designed to facilitate the analysis of large microsatellite data sets. All common microsatellite summary statistics and distances can be calculated. Furthermore, the microsatellite analyser (msa ) software offers an improved method to deal with inbred samples (such as Drosophila isofemale lines). Executables are available for Windows and Macintosh computers.  相似文献   

Although the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is used both in agronomics and in research, genomic resources for this species are still limited and no microsatellite-based genetic map has been reported. Our aim was to construct a rabbit genetic map with cytogenetically mapped microsatellites so as to build an integrated genetic and cytogenetic map. A reference population of 187 rabbits comprising eight three-generation families with 10-25 offspring per family was produced. One hundred and ninety-four of 305 previously identified microsatellites were included in this study. Of these, 158 were polymorphic with two to seven alleles. The map reported here comprises 111 markers, including 104 INRA microsatellites, five microsatellites from another source and two phenotypic markers (angora and albino). Ninety markers were integrated into 20 linkage groups. The remaining 21 microsatellites mapped to separate linkage groups, 19 with a precise cytogenetic position and two with only a chromosomal assignment. The genetic map spans 2766.6 cM and covers 20 rabbit chromosomes, excluding chromosomes 20, 21 and X. The density of this map is limited, but we used it to verify the location of angora and albino on chromosomes 15q and 1q, respectively, in agreement with previously published data. This first generation genetic/cytogenetic map will help gene identification and quantitative trait loci mapping projects in rabbit.  相似文献   

A panel of factor VIII microsatellite markers was developed for indirect carrier detection of canine haemophilia A (factor VIII deficiency). A total of 78 dogs, representing 14 different breed variants of haemophilia A, were genotyped at six intragenic factor VIII marker loci. The markers spanned approximately 110 kb and were located in the 5' UTR of the factor VIII (F8) gene and within introns 6, 10, 12, 14 and 21. The observed heterozygosity (n = 39 females) for these markers was 0.675, 0.82, 0.868, 0.692, 0.473 and 0.775 respectively. The affected males of each breed variant had unique marker haplotypes. In addition, the marker haplotypes varied for two unrelated haemophilic Jack Russell terriers, compatible with independent mutation events causing haemophilia in different breeds and different families. A three-marker panel (markers within introns 6, 10 and 21) was informative for 37 of the 39 females. The haemophilia-associated haplotype was defined for six breed variants based on the genotypes of an affected male and a clear male sibling, with successful carrier detection of female siblings in each pedigree. Our results demonstrate an apparent allelic heterogeneity in canine haemophilia A; however, an indirect method based on a three-marker panel is feasible to facilitate carrier detection and genetic counselling.  相似文献   

A chromosome-specific library was developed for Bos taurus autosome 11 by chromosome microdissection and microcloning using a bovine primary fibroblast culture, obtained from a t(X;23) heifer, that spontaneously developed a translocation chromosome involving bovine chromosome 11. The library was screened using (AC)12 oligos, positive clones selected, sequenced and primers developed to generate bovine chromosome 11-specific microsatellite markers. This study suggests that chromosome-specific libraries have great potential for development of microsatellite markers for the construction of marker-saturated linkage maps for each chromosome.  相似文献   

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