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To determine whether simulated microgravity in rats is associated with vascular dysfunction, we measured responses of isolated, pressurized mesenteric resistance artery segments (157- to 388-microm ID) to vasoconstrictors, pressure, and shear stress after 28-day hindlimb suspension (HS). Results indicated no differences between HS and control (C) groups in 1) sensitivity or maximal responses to vasoconstrictors (norepinephrine, phenylephrine, serotonin, KCl); 2) ID, external diameter, or ratio of wall thickness to ID; 3) distensibility; or 4) vasodilatory responses to shear stress. Myogenic tone was attenuated (P < 0.05) in HS arteries vs. C, as evidenced by 1) decreased magnitude of tone in larger vessels (second-order branch off superior mesenteric artery, 261- to 388-microm ID) at pressures >/=40 mmHg in the presence of phenylephrine (10(-7) M) and 2) decreased magnitude of tone in smaller vessels (third-order branch off superior mesenteric artery, 157- to 277-microm ID), which exhibited spontaneous tone, at pressures > or =70 mmHg. This attenuation of myogenic tone after HS could contribute to orthostatic intolerance because myogenic tone contributes to the overall tone of resistance arteries.  相似文献   

Disuse can induce numerous adaptive alterations in skeletal muscle. In the present study the effects of hindlimb unloading on muscle mass and biochemical responses were examined and compared in adult (450 g) and juvenile (200 g) rats after 1, 7, or 14 days of whole body suspension. Quantitatively and qualitatively the soleus (S), gastrocnemius (G), plantaris (P), and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of the hindlimb exhibited a differential sensitivity to suspension and weightlessness unloading in both adults and juveniles. The red slow-twitch soleus exhibited the most pronounced atrophy under both conditions, with juvenile responses being greater than adult. In contrast, the fast-twitch EDL hypertrophied during suspension and atrophied during weightlessness, with no significant difference between adults and juveniles. Determination of biochemical parameters (total protein, RNA, and DNA) indicated a less rapid rate of response in adult muscles. This was corroborated by assessment of muscle alpha-actin mRNA levels, which indicated a rapid (within 1 day) and significant (P less than 0.05) effect in juveniles but not in adults. The results of this investigation indicate 1) a qualitatively similar differential effect of unloading on muscles of adults and juveniles, 2) a quantitatively reduced and less rapid effect of suspension on adult muscles, and 3) a close similarity of adult and juvenile muscle responses during suspension and spaceflight, suggesting that this ground-based model simulates many of the unloading effects of weightlessness.  相似文献   

Female rats(7-8 mo old, n = 40) wererandomly placed into the intact control (Int) and ovariectomizedcontrol (Ovx) groups. Two weeks after ovariectomy, animals were furtherdivided into intact 2-wk hindlimb unloaded (Int-HU) and ovariectomizedhindlimb unloaded (Ovx-HU). We hypothesized that there would be greater hindlimb unloading-related atrophy in Ovx than in Int rats. In situcontractile tests were performed on soleus (Sol), plantaris (Plan),peroneus longus (Per), and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles.Body weight and Sol mass were ~22% larger in Ovx than in Int groupand ~18% smaller in both HU groups than in Int rats (Ovx × HUinteraction, P < 0.05), and therewas a similar trend in Plan muscle (P < 0.07). There were main effects (P < 0.05) for both ovariectomy (growth) and hindlimb unloading(atrophy) on gastrocnemius mass. Mass of the Per and EDL muscles wasunaffected by either ovariectomy or hindlimb unloading. Time to peaktwitch tension for EDL and one-half relaxation times for Sol, Plan,Per, and EDL muscles were faster (P < 0.05) in Ovx than in Int animals. The results suggest that1) ovariectomy led to similarincreases of ~20% in body weight and plantar flexor mass;2) hindlimb unloading may haveprevented ovariectomy-related muscle growth;3) greater atrophy may have occurredin Sol and Plan of Ovx animals compared with controls; and4) removal of ovarian hormonalinfluence decreased skeletal muscle contraction times.


Akiyama S  Hobara N  Maruo N  Hashida S  Kitamura K  Eto T  Kawasaki H 《Peptides》2005,26(11):2222-2230
Adrenomedullin (AM) is a potent vasodilator peptide whose major source is the vascular wall. In the present study, the mechanism of release of AM was investigated in the rat mesenteric resistance artery. The isolated mesenteric vascular bed was perfused with Krebs solution at a constant flow rate (5 ml/min) and AM in the perfusate was measured by a highly sensitive enzyme immunoassay (Immunoenzymometric assay; IEMA) method. In preparations without endothelium, spontaneous release of AM was detected in the perfusate (68.7+/-5.8 fmol/ml, n=45). Periarterial nerve stimulation (PNS, 4 and 8 Hz) caused 11.4+/-3.9% (4 Hz) and 9.1+/-3.5% (8 Hz) decreases in the spontaneous release of AM. Removal of Ca2+ from the medium did not affect the spontaneous AM release, but abolished the PNS-induced inhibition of spontaneous AM release. Perfusion of 10nM calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) or 0.1 microM capsaicin (inducer of CGRP release) inhibited significantly the spontaneous AM release. PNS (8 Hz)-induced inhibition of spontaneous AM release was antagonized by CGRP(8-37) (CGRP receptor antagonist). These results suggest that AM is mainly released from vascular smooth muscle cells of the rat mesenteric artery and endogenous or exogenous CGRP inhibits AM release.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that exposure to short-term microgravity or long-term hindlimb unloading induces cardiac atrophy in male Sprague-Dawley rats. For the microgravity study, rats were subdivided into four groups: preflight (PF, n = 12); flight (Fl, n = 7); flight cage simulation (Sim, n = 6), and vivarium control (Viv, n = 7). Animals in the Fl group were exposed to 7 days of microgravity during the Spacelab 3 mission. Animals in the hindlimb-unloading study were subdivided into three groups: control (Con, n = 20), 7-day hindlimb-unloaded (7HU, n = 10), and 28-day hindlimb-unloaded (28HU, n = 19). Heart mass was unchanged in adult animals exposed to 7 days of actual microgravity (PF 1.33 +/- 0.03 g; Fl 1.32 +/- 0.02 g; Sim 1.28 +/- 0.04 g; Viv 1.35 +/- 0.04 g). Similarly, heart mass was unaltered with hindlimb unloading (Con 1.40 +/- 0.04 g; 7HU 1.35 +/- 0.06 g; 28HU 1.42 +/- 0.03 g). Hindlimb unloading also had no effect on the peak rate of rise in left ventricular pressure, an estimate of myocardial contractility (Con 8,055 +/- 385 mmHg/s; 28HU 8,545 +/- 755 mmHg/s). These data suggest that cardiac atrophy does not occur after short-term exposure to microgravity and that neither short- nor long-term simulated microgravity alters cardiac mass or function.  相似文献   

The effects of prostaglandins E2(PGE2) and I2(PGI2), arachidonic acid, and indomethacin on the vascular reactivity to norepinephrine were tested in three different isolated rat vascular beds (mesenteric artery, hind limb and splenic artery) perfused with the Krebs bicarbonate solution. In these vascular beds PGE2 (0.25 – 16 ng/ml), PGI2 (0.1 – 100 ng/ml), arachidonic acid (0.1 – 10 μg/ml) or indomethacin (5 – 25 μg/ml) in the perfusate did not change the basal pressure. In the splenic artery, both PGE2 and PGI2 attenuated the vascular response to norepinephrine in a dose-related manner. In the mesenteric vascular bed and the hind limb, however, PGE2 potentiated the vascular response to norepinephrine, while PGI2 attenuated this response. Arachidonic acid, a prostaglandin precursor, potentiated the vasoconstrictor response to norepinephrine in the mesenteric artery and the hind limb, whereas in the splenic artery, attenuation of the response to norepinephrine occurred. In these three vascular beds, indomethacin, a prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor, attenuated the vascular response to norepinephrine. In the mesenteric artery and the hind limb, PGE2 and not PGI2 reversed the effect of indomethacin, while in the splenic artery, neither PGE2 nor PGI2 reversed the inhibitory effect of indomethacin. These results suggest that, at least in the rat mesenteric artery and the hind limb where the modulating effect of arachidonic acid is similar to that of PGE2, PGE2 and not PGI2 is a primary endogenous prostaglandin in determining the vascular reactivity to norepinephrine.  相似文献   

The effects of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and indomethacin on the vascular reactivity to norepinephrine were tested in three different isolated rat vascular beds (mesenteric artery, hind limb and splenic artery) perfused with the Krebs bicarbonate solution. In these vascular beds PGE2 (0.1–64 ng/ml) or indomethacin (0.1–96 μg/ml) in the perfusate did not change the basal pressure. In the mesenteric vascular bed and the hind limb, PGE2 dose-dependently potentiated the vascular response to norepinephrine, whereas PGE2 dose-dependently inhibited the vascular response to noreinephrine in the splenic artery. In these three vascular beds indomethacin in the perfusate dose-dependently attenuated the vascular response to norepinephrine. In the mesenteric artery and the hind limb PGE2 restored the effect of indomethacin, but in the splenic artery PGE2 did not restore the inhibitory effect of indomethacin. These results indicate that the modulating effect of exogenously administrated PGE2 on the vascular action to norepinephrine varies in different vascular beds. It is also suggested that the contribution of endogenous PGE2 synthesized in the vascular wall to the vascular reactivity to norepinephrine is, as well as the effect of exogenous PGE2, different in different vascular beds.  相似文献   

Cortical depth differences were found between male rats exposed to enriched or impoverished environmental conditions for successively shorter times, i.e., for 15 days (from 25 to 40 days of age), for seven days (25 to 32 days of age), and for four days (26 to 30 or 60 to 64 days of age). If the experiments began at weaning (at 25 days of age), the cortical depth changes were caused primarily by impoverishment. If the animals were young adults (60 days of age), upon entering their respective conditions, the cortical changes were induced by enrichment. No cortical depth differences were found between enriched and impoverished rats after one day of differential experience, from 60 to 61 days of age. In every age group and for every duration, except for the one day group, the dorsal-medial segment of the occipital cortex responded to the environmental conditions. No significant hippocampal depth differences were noted between enriched and impoverished animals.  相似文献   

Limb muscles from rats flown in space and after hindlimb unloading (HU) show an increased fatigability, and spaceflight has been shown to result in a reduced ability to oxidize fatty acids. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of HU on the substrate content in fast- and slow-twitch fibers and to assess the substrate utilization patterns in single slow type I fibers isolated from control and HU animals. A second objective was to assess whether HU altered the ability of the heart or limb muscle to oxidize pyruvate or palmitate. After 2 wk of HU, single fibers were isolated from the freeze-dried soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. HU increased the glycogen content in all fiber types, and it increased lactate, ATP, and phosphocreatine in the slow type I fiber. After HU, the type I fiber substrate profile was shifted toward that observed in fast fibers. For example, fiber glycogen increased from 179 +/- 16 to 285 +/- 25 mmol/kg dry wt, which approached the 308 +/- 23 mmol/kg dry wt content observed in the post-HU type IIa fiber. With contractile activity, the type I fiber from the HU animal showed a greater utilization of glycogen and accumulation of lactate compared with the control type I fiber. HU had no effect on the ability of crude homogenate or mitochondria fractions from the soleus or gastrocnemius to oxidize pyruvate or palmitate. The increased fatigability after HU may have resulted from an elevated glycolysis producing an increased cell lactate and a decreased pH.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether stimulation of the cutaneous mechanoreceptors of the rat foot sole could partially or totally prevent the soleus muscle atrophy developed after 14 days in hindlimb unloading conditions. Final experiments were achieved under deep anesthesia using pentobarbital sodium (60 mg/kg, ip injection). Atrophy was characterized by a significant decrease in muscle wet weight, fiber size, maximal twitch and tetanic tensions, contraction kinetics, and histochemical and electrophoretical changes. Our data demonstrate that the stimulation of these mechanoreceptors partially prevents the decrease in muscle weight (53%) and cross-sectional area of the soleus muscle (36%) and in all fiber types (type I: 31%; type Ic: 40%; type IIc: 49%; and type IIa: 44%) and also prevented the reductions in strength (peak twitch tension: 31%; peak tetanic tension: 25%). However, the decrease in contraction kinetics was not counteracted. Moreover, histochemical and electrophoretical changes were partially slowed. Thus our results suggest that stimulation of the sole mechanoreceptors can be used, in part, as a countermeasure to the muscular atrophy observed after a period of hindlimb unloading.  相似文献   

Microgravity is associated with an impaired cardiac output response to orthostatic stress. Mesenteric veins are critical in modulating cardiac filling through venoconstriction. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of simulated microgravity on the capacitance of rat mesenteric small veins. We constructed pressure-diameter relationships from vessels of 21-day hindlimb-unweighted (HLU) rats and control rats by changing the internal pressure and measuring the external diameter. Pressure-diameter relationships were obtained both before and after stimulation with norepinephrine (NE). The pressure-diameter curves of HLU vessels were shifted to larger diameters than control vessels. NE (10(-4) M) constricted veins from control animals such that the pressure-diameter relationship was significantly shifted downward (i.e., to smaller diameters at equal pressure). NE had no effect on vessels from HLU animals. These results indicate that, after HLU, unstressed vascular volume may be increased and can no longer decrease in response to sympathetic stimulation. This may partially underlie the mechanism leading to the exaggerated fall in cardiac output and stroke volume seen in astronauts during an orthostatic stress after exposure to microgravity.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that microgravity-induced orthostatic hypotension may result from an exaggerated vasodilatory responsiveness of arteries. The purpose of this study was to determine whether skeletal muscle arterioles exhibit enhanced vasodilation in rats after 2 wk of hindlimb unloading (HU). First-order arterioles isolated from soleus and white gastrocnemius muscles were tested in vitro for vasodilatory responses to isoproterenol (Iso), adenosine (Ado), and sodium nitroprusside (SNP). HU had no effect on responses induced by Iso but diminished maximal vasodilation to Ado and SNP in both muscles. In addition, vasodilatory responses in arterioles from control rats varied between muscle types. Maximal dilations induced by Iso (soleus: 42 +/- 6%; white gastrocnemius: 60 +/- 7%) and Ado (soleus: 51 +/- 8%; white gastrocnemius: 81 +/- 6%) were greater in arterioles from white gastrocnemius muscles. These data do not support the hypothesis that microgravity-induced orthostatic hypotension results from an enhanced vasodilatory responsiveness of skeletal muscle arterioles. Furthermore, the data support the concept that dilatory responsiveness of arterioles varies in muscle composed of different fiber types.  相似文献   

Soleus and EDL muscles of rats were examined following hindlimb unloading. Some of the rats were given beta-GPA, a creatine analog which depletes high-energy phosphates in muscle tissue, in their food. The contractile properties and fatigue resistance of these muscles were studied, with and without incubation in calcium solution. The increased fatigue resistance after beta-GPA feeding was less in calcium-free solution.  相似文献   

Contractile and fatigue-resistance properties of 71 lateral gastrocnemius muscle (LG) motor units (MU) following 14 days of hindlimb unloading (HU) were compared to those of 60 LG MU from control rats. The MU properties were assessed from isolated and stimulated individual motor axons. The MU were classified using standard criteria (shape of unfused tetani and fatigue resistance). The HU did not affect LG MU composition, but diminished the maximal tetanic tension (Po) of all MU types: P0 was significantly reduced by about 40% for the slow and fast-resistant MU, and by 18% for the fast-fatigable ones. The speed-related properties of fast-resistant MU became more similar to those of slower MU. The fatigue properties of MU were evaluated during a 5-min exercise test, using two fatigue indexes, FI2 and FI5, which expressed the relative capacity of MU to generate tension after 2 and 5 min, respectively. Results showed that 14 days of HU did not change the fatigue sensitivity of the LG MU. However, when F15 was compared to FI2, a greater decrease was observed after HU than in control conditions for the fast-resistant and fast-intermediate MU. It was concluded that a prolonged fatigue test may show changes in metabolic properties of muscle fibres during 14 days of HU. Specific adaptations of LG MU as well as comparisons with those of the soleus muscle under the same conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of hindlimb unloading on interlimb coordination were examined in adult rats walking on a treadmill at moderate speed. In the first group of animals, the electromyographic activity (EMG) of soleus muscle of both hindlimbs was recorded after 7 and 14 days of unloading. In the second group, the EMG was recorded daily until the 14th day of unloading. The general organization of locomotion was preserved in the two groups whatever the duration of the unloading. The step cycles of the two hindlimbs were always strictly alternating. However, the locomotor pattern was very irregular. A lateral instability was observed. It was accompanied by an abduction of the hindlimbs, and frequent hyperextensions of the ankle when walking. The EMG analysis showed an increase in step cycle duration and in coactivation duration of the soleus muscles (i.e. in the double stance duration). In the rats recorded daily, mean EMG was dramatically reduced the 1st day of unloading, suggesting a decrease in the neural drive. Taken together, these data indicate that 14 days of hindlimb unloading can alter the neuromuscular pattern during locomotion. It is proposed that these changes are related to changes in the peripheral sensory information. Accepted: 29 June 1998  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to elucidate the effects of 14- day hindlimb suspension (HS) and subsqquent reloading (3 or 7 days) on the m. soleus mass, muscle fiber cross-sectional area (CSA), soleus fiber properties and serum IGF-1 in rats. Rats were hindlimb suspended for 14 days or kept as controls (C, n = 7). Soleus muscles were isolated after HS (HS, n = 7) or after reambulation for either three (R3, n = 5) or seven days (R7, n = 6). Frozen serial sections of m. soleus were stained by primary monoclonal antibodies against MHCI. For measurement of concentration IGF-1 in the blood serum, test-system for IFA DSL-10-2800 Non-Extraction IGF-1 ELISA was used. Muscle mass was significantly reduced in HS (-35 %) but subsequently increased with reloading in R3 (-10 % to C) and was recovered to control values in R7 (+5 % to C). Fiber CSA was significantly reduced (-43 %) in HS and was greater in R7 than in HS and slightly greater than in R3. 14 days of HS resulted in a mean maximal tension reduced by 35 %. After 7 days of subsequent reloading the mean maximal specific tension was still low (-33 % to C) and didn't differ from HS level. The level in blood IGF-1 has obviously decreased during 14-day unloading by 48 %, remained at the same level in R3, and increased 10 fold in R7.  相似文献   

It has been reported that abnormal steps associated with an ankle hyper-extension during walking were observed in adult rats after 2 weeks of hindlimb suspension (Canu and Falempin, 1997 & 1998). But such phenomena were normalized after 7 days of reambulation recovery. Canu and Falempin (1996) suggested that the spinal cord has a capacity to generate a well-organized pattern of locomotion even after a period of muscle disuse. There are, however, no reports about the effects of more prolonged suspension on motor performances. In the present study, 7 weeks old male rats were hindlimb-unloaded by tail suspension for 9 consecutive weeks and landing performances in response to drop from head-down, head-up, or supine position were investigated during 8 weeks of recovery. Posture maintenance during right-left translation was also checked.  相似文献   

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