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Thick Cenozoic deposits in the Qaidam Basin provide great potential for understanding the tectonic history, paleoclimatic changes, and evolution of the East Asian Monsoon. This study examines the pollen record from the KC-1 core for the interval covering the later Early to Late Miocene (18–5 Ma). Thermophilic taxa percentages are high between 18 and 14 Ma and decrease after this time, a pattern which fits well with the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum (MMCO) between 18 and 14 Ma and global climatic cooling after 14 Ma. During the same period, xerophytic taxa percentages gradually increase and those of the conifers gradually decrease, suggesting an aridification process in the Qaidam region driven by the gradual strengthening of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) and weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). The global climate cooling process appears to have driven the climatic development of the Qaidam Basin region throughout the Miocene, but the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau also contributed.  相似文献   

Sequences of lacustrine sediments developed in intermontane basins in the middle-eastern Shanxi Plateau of China have been investigated in order to reconstruct the paleovegetation and paleoclimate for the middle-late Pliocene. According to the magnetostratigraphy and the fossil assemblages, the lacustrine sediments of Yushe and Taigu Basins were deposited between 5.5 and 2.5 Ma BP. The Zhangcun and Xiaobai Formations are considered to cover a similar period, ranging from 3.5 to 2.5 Ma BP. An increase of Picea and Abies shows that the climate began to become cold after about 4.4 Ma BP. A cold-wet episode, with relatively warm-dry and warm-humid intervals, occurred between 3.6 and 2.5 Ma BP in the Yushe and Taigu Basins. An increase Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae and Ephedra shows that the climate became drier after 2.5 Ma BP. The climate changes of this period probably reflect variations of the East Asian winter and summer monsoons, with an increase winter monsoon activity during the early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2006,60(2):157-166
Deep-sea benthic foraminifera have been quantitatively analyzed in samples (> 125 μm size fraction) from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 238, to understand paleoceanographic changes in the Central Indian Basin over the past 1.9 Myr. Factor and cluster analyses of the 25 highest-ranked species made it possible to identify five biofacies, characterizing distinct deep-sea environmental settings. The environmental interpretation of each biofacies is based on the ecology of recent deep-sea benthic foraminifera. The benthic faunal record indicates fluctuating deep-sea conditions in environmental parameters including oxygenation, surface productivity and organic food supply. These changes appear to be linked to Indian summer monsoon variability, the main climatic feature of the Indian Ocean region. The benthic assemblages show a major shift at ∼ 0.7 to 0.6 Ma, marked by major turnovers in the relative abundances of species, coinciding with an increased amplitude of glacial cycles. These cycles appear to have influenced low latitude monsoonal climate as well as deep-sea conditions in the Central Indian Ocean Basin.  相似文献   

Based on observational data and Asian monsoon intensity datasets from China, the relationships between the East Asian winter monsoon index and winter temperature, the East Asian summer monsoon index and Meiyu precipitation over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, were analyzed. We found that the monsoon signals were reflected in the temperature and Meiyu precipitation variations. Thus, we used the reconstructed Meiyu precipitation and winter temperature series for the past 300 years and detected the summer/winter monsoon intensity signals using multi-taper spectral estimation method and wavelet analysis. The main periodicities of Meiyu precipitation and winter temperature, such as interannual cycle with 2–7-year, interdecadal-centennial cycles with 30–40-year and 50–100-year, were found. The good relationships between the East Asian summer and winter monsoons suggested that they were in phase at 31-year cycle, while out of phase at 100-year cycle, but with 20-year phase difference. In addition, the winter monsoon intensity may be regulated by the North Atlantic Oscillation, the Arctic Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, and the summer monsoon is closely related to the signal intensities of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation.  相似文献   

Nutricline variations during the last 1560 ka in the southern South China Sea are reconstructed using the relative abundance of the coccolithophore Florisphaera profunda in ODP Site 1143. Nutricline depth shows both long-term large magnitude variation and high frequency glacial–interglacial variation. On the long-term scale, the nutricline experienced four significant changes, which occurred at 900, 480, 250, and 50 ka respectively. According to these changes, five stages could be recognized during the last 1560 ka. From 1560 to 900 ka, the nutricline depth increased gradually. Around 900 ka, the nutricline abruptly shallowed and then remained stable until 480 ka. The nutricline was shallow during the time interval between 480 and 250 ka. At 250 ka, it deepened again and increased gradually until 50 ka. After 50 ka, the nutricline depth decreased gradually to modern values. On the glacial–interglacial scale, the variations in nutricline depth show different patterns before and after 900 ka. Before 900 ka, the nutricline was deep during glacial periods and shallow during interglacials. However, after 900 ka, the nutricline was deep during interglacials and shallow during glacials. Spectral analysis of the relative abundance of F. profunda shows a similar trend. In addition to the eccentricity (113, 76 ka), obliquity (55, 39 ka), and precession (24, 19 ka), we also find a 431 ka cycle. The former three periods reflect glacial–interglacial variations in nutricline, and the period of 431 ka reflects long-term variations in nutricline. We suggested that the variations in nutricline in the southern South China Sea were caused by global and regional climate changes. Glacial–interglacial variations in nutricline are mainly controlled by the East Asian monsoon, and the long-term variations might be related to the global climatic events, such as the mid-Pleistocene Revolution and the mid-Brunhes event.  相似文献   

The earliest Oligocene (∼33.5 Ma) is marked by a major step in the long-term transition from an ice-free to glaciated world. The transition, characterized by both cooling and ice-sheet growth, triggered a transient but extreme glacial period designated Oi-1. High-resolution isotope records suggest that Oi-1 lasted for roughly 400,000 yr (the duration of magnetochron 13N) before partially abating, and that it was accompanied by an ocean-wide carbon isotope anomaly of ∼0.75‰. One hypothesis relates the carbon isotope anomaly to enhanced export production brought about by climate-induced intensification of wind stress and upwelling, particularly in the Southern Ocean. To understand how this climatic event affected export production in the Southern Ocean, biogenic silica (opal) and carbonate accumulation rates were computed for the sub-polar Indian Ocean using deep-sea cores from ODP Site 744, Kerguelen Plateau. Our findings suggest that net productivity in this region increased by several fold in response to the Oi-1 glaciation. In addition, calcareous primary producers dominant in the Late Eocene were partially replaced by opaline organisms suggesting a trend toward seasonally greater surface divergence and upwelling in this sector of the Southern Ocean. We attribute these changes to intensification of atmospheric/oceanic circulation brought about by high-latitude cooling and the appearance of a full-scale continental ice-sheet on East Antarctica. Higher terrigenous sediment accumulation rates support the idea that wind-induced changes in regional productivity were augmented by an increased supply of glacial dust and debris that provided limiting micro-nutrients (e.g., iron-rich dust particles). We speculate that the rapid changes in biogenic sediment accumulation in the Southern Ocean and other upwelling-dominated regions contributed to the ocean-wide positive carbon isotope anomaly by temporarily increasing the burial rate of organic carbon relative to carbonate carbon. The changes in burial rates, in turn, may have produced a positive feedback on climate by briefly drawing down atmospheric pCO2.  相似文献   

In northern China, the Late Miocene-Pliocene red clay in the eastern Loess Plateau fills a gap of climate records between the well-known loess-soil sequences of the last 2.6 Ma and the Miocene loess-soil sequences from the western Loess Plateau. Previous studies indicate that the red clay is also of wind-blown origin, covering the period from ∼ 7-8 to ∼ 2.6 Ma. The red clay therefore provides a good archive to reconstruct paleoecological succession and paleoclimate change. In this study, a palynological investigation was conducted on the late Miocene-Pliocene red clay sequence at Xifeng, central Loess Plateau, which provides new insights into the nature of the evolution of vegetation and climate change from ∼ 6.2 to ∼ 2.4 Ma. Our results show that during this period the central Loess Plateau region was covered mainly by a steppe vegetation, indicating long lasting dry climatic condition. Three vegetational zones were recognized during this period. Zone A (∼ 6.2 to ∼ 5.8 Ma) is characterized by a steppe ecosystem; Zone B (∼ 5.8 to ∼ 4.2 Ma) is characterized by a significant increase of temperate forest plants, indicating a relatively humid regional climate; Zone C (∼ 4.2 to ∼ 2.4 Ma) indicates a typical steppe ecosystem. The vegetation shift at about 4.5-3.7 Ma, when the temperate forest plants decrease, the vegetation gradually changed to typical grassland and even to desert steppe. This is interpreted to represent a drying event. The uplift of the Tibetan Plateau at about 4.5 Ma that resulted in the intensification of the monsoon reversal is thought to have played an important role in this significant ecological change. High-latitude cooling may have partially contributed to the climate shift during ∼ 4.5 to ∼ 3.7 Ma in the Loess Plateau region, and most likely was the driving force for the ecological shift at about 3.7 Ma.  相似文献   

Temperate South American–Asian disjunct distributions are the most unusual in organisms, and challenging to explain. Here, we address the origin of this unusual disjunction in Lardizabalaceae using explicit models and molecular data. The family (c.40 species distributed in ten genera) also provides an opportunity to explore the historical assembly of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests, a typical and luxuriant vegetation in East Asia. DNA sequences of five plastid loci of 42 accessions representing 23 species of Lardizabalaceae (c. 57.5% of estimated species diversity), and 19 species from the six other families of Ranunculales, were used to perform phylogenetic analyses. By dating the branching events and reconstructing ancestral ranges, we infer that extant Lardizabalaceae dated to the Upper Cretaceous of East Asia and that the temperate South American lineage might have split from its East Asian sister group at c. 24.4 Ma. A trans-Pacific dispersal possibly by birds from East Asia to South America is plausible to explain the establishment of the temperate South American–East Asian disjunction in Lardizabalaceae. Diversification rate analyses indicate that net diversification rates of Lardizabalaceae experienced a significant increase around c. 7.5 Ma. Our findings suggest that the rapid rise of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests occurred in the late Miocene, associated with the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the intensified East Asian monsoon, as well as the higher winter temperature and atmospheric CO2 levels.  相似文献   

The hydrography of the South China Sea (SCS) is characterized by a south–north (S–N) thermocline gradient in the upper water column from the northern margin of the western Pacific warm Pool (WPWP) to the sea area largely controlled by the East Asian monsoon. Here we examine the records of planktonic foraminifers from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 1143 and 1146 in the southern and northern parts of the SCS, respectively, that identify three stages of evolution of the S–N hydrographic gradient in the SCS since the middle Miocene: first, the S–N thermocline gradient possibly occurred in the SCS for the first time during the period 11.510.6 Ma, reflected by an opposite change in the relative abundance of deep-dwelling planktonic foraminiferal species in the south and north; next, the S–N thermocline gradient weakened or even disappeared during the period 10.64.0 Ma, indicated by similar changes in the relative abundance of deep-dwelling species in the south and north; last, the S–N thermocline gradient substantially increased from about 4.03.2 Ma, marked by a major increase in abundance of deep-dwelling species in the northern SCS and a decrease in the southern SCS. Based on the results of oceanic and coupled ocean–atmosphere model experiments and previous studies on planktonic foraminifers in the Pacific Ocean, it is inferred that the initial WPWP was probably formed during the period of 11.510.6 Ma in response to the closure of the Indonesian seaway; The WPWP then weakened or became extremely unstable, before developing its present expression about 4.0–3.2 Ma, induced by the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama. Our observations and model experiments support the argument that the stages in evolution of the WPWP are linked to tectonic changes in ocean gateways.  相似文献   

This study presents new evidence of when and how the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) was established in its present form. We analyzed planktic foraminifera, oxygen isotopes, and Mg/Ca ratios in upper Miocene through Pleistocene sediments collected at Deep Sea Drilling Program (DSDP) Site 292. These data were then compared with those reported from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 806. Both drilling sites are located in the western Pacific Ocean. DSDP Site 292 is located in the northern margin of the modern WPWP and ODP Site 806 near the center of the WPWP. Three stages of development in surface-water conditions are identified in the region using planktic foraminferal data. During the initial stage, from 8.5 to 4.4 Ma, Site 806 was overlain by warm surface water but Site 292 was not, as indicated by the differences in faunal compositions and sea-surface temperature (SST) between the two sites. In addition, the vertical thermal gradient at Site 292 was weak during this period, as indicated by the small differences in the δ18O values between Globigerinoides sacculifer and Pulleniatina spp. During stage two, from 4.4 to 3.6 Ma, the SST at Site 292 rapidly increased to 27 °C, but the vertical thermal gradient had not yet be strengthened, as shown by Mg/Ca ratios and the presence of both mixed-layer dwellers and thermocline dwellers. Finally, a warm mixed layer with a high SST ca. 28 °C and a strong vertical thermal gradient were established at Site 292 by 3.6 Ma. This event is marked by the dominance of mixed-layer dwellers, a high and stable SST, and a larger differences in the δ18O values between G. sacculifer and Pulleniatina spp. Thus, evidence of surface-water evolution in the western Pacific suggests that Site 292 came under the influence of the WPWP at 3.6 Ma. The northward expansion of the WPWP from 4.4 to 3.6 Ma and the establishment of the modern WPWP by 3.6 Ma appear to be closely related to the closure of the Indonesian and Central American seaways.  相似文献   

Estimating past ocean productivity from ocean sediments often gives different results depending on the measurement used. We have examined a suite of paleoproductivity proxies in latest Miocene–Recent sediments from DSDP Site 532 and ODP Site 1084, two deep-sea sections underlying the Benguela Upwelling System off the Atlantic coast of southern Africa. The productivity history of this system has been previously established via organic carbon concentration, diatom floras and alkenone based estimates of surface water temperature, and shows a change from low productivity in the early Pliocene to sustain high productivity in the late Pliocene–Recent. Each of our samples was split and simultaneously analysed for several proxies of ocean productivity, including organic carbon (TOC%), carbonate, abundance of opaline radiolarians, accumulation rate of benthic foraminifera (BFAR); the radiolarian faunal composition indices Upwelling Radiolarian Index (URI) and the Water Depth Ecology index (WADE); other proxies for opal and carbonate dissolution, plus stable isotopes of benthic foraminifera. Comparisons between proxies in the same measured samples, between sites in downcore plots and to the published productivity record for this region suggest that TOC and radiolarian faunal composition, particularly the WADE index, are good indicators of past productivity, albeit with different sensitivities (log–linear correlation WADE–TOC% r = 0.78, n = 65, p < 0.01). In contrast, carbonate, and carbonate-based proxies such as BFAR primarily reflect changes in dissolution. Radiolarian faunal composition indices do not appear to be affected by bulk opal accumulation or changes in opal preservation. WADE analysis of radiolarian faunas and TOC% measurements appear to be useful proxies for productivity in late Neogene sediments, particularly for sections where opal or carbonate dissolution is significant.  相似文献   

To assess pedogenic modification to grain size distributions of loess, palaeosol and Red Clay deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau and to understand long-term evolution of the East Asian palaeomonsoon since the late Miocene, we investigate a continuous loess-palaeosol-Red Clay sequence at Lingtai (south Chinese Loess Plateau) and another parallel Red Clay sequence at Zhaojiachuan (central Chinese Loess Plateau). By analyzing the grain size distributions of bulk samples and chemically isolated quartz samples, the relative intensity of pedogenic alteration of the loess, palaeosol and Red Clay deposits can be quantified. Comparisons of the grain size distributions and contents of different grain size fractions between the bulk and the quartz samples suggest that pedogenic alteration is apparently stronger in the Red Clay sequence than in the overlying loess-palaeosol deposits. Furthermore, grain size parameters derived from the bulk and the quartz samples, such as mean grain size, coarse fraction content and U-ratio, exhibit similar variations in the loess-palaeosol sequence (Quaternary, 0-2.6 Ma), whereas these grain size parameters of quartz samples show different variability from those of bulk samples in the Red Clay sequence (late Miocene to Pliocene, 2.6-7 Ma). Grain size of quartz from the loess-palaeosol and Red Clay deposits exhibits distinct and persistent oscillations from the late Miocene to the Pleistocene, implying that significant fluctuations of the palaeomonsoon climate in East Asia might have occurred at least since late Miocene time.  相似文献   

中国晚新近纪哺乳动物群落与东亚环境变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据已有的中国晚新近纪哺乳动物化石记录,综合新近研究成果,初步探讨中国晚新近纪哺乳动物群落演变进程及其对于气候与环境变化的响应。结果表明,自中中新世晚期至晚中新世(约13 Ma至7-8 Ma),中国北方哺乳动物群落组成上没有明显的分异;而在其后的晚中新世晚期发生了较为明显的区域性分化,分化为东部地区以适应潮湿的较为封闭的动物群落与西部地区适应干旱的开阔环境的群落,这种分异可能与东亚夏季风的加强密切相关; 青藏高原及其周边地区化石类群的扩散与交流资料也表明由青藏高原隆升而形成的地理阻隔也可能发生在该时期;上新世哺乳动物群落演化表现出对于持续的干旱化气候背景的适应,而晚上新世某些类群的分异与主导地位的确立与该时期气候环境背景的剧烈震荡相一致。由于化石资料的不完整,时段分布的不均一,以及地理分布区域的局限,全面认识中国晚新近纪哺乳动物群落组成以及与环境变化的关系尚有很长的一段历程。  相似文献   

High-resolution sea surface temperatures (SST) derived from Mg/Ca ratios of Globeriginoides sacculifer at ODP Site 1144 were reported to reveal the SST changes during the last 260 ka in the northern South China Sea (SCS). The results indicate an average Holocene SST of about 26.7 °C, about 3.6 °C increase from LGM to the Holocene, and higher temperature during MIS 5.5 than the Holocene. These agree well with other foraminifer Mg/Ca and Uk37 SST records in this region. The Mg/Ca records suggest warmer SSTs during MIS 3 in the northern SCS, compared with those in the eastern Pacific. Strong East Asian summer monsoon during MIS 3 indicated by paleoclimate records from nearby continents may account for it. Step-wise increases during terminations are shown in our SST record, and the beginning of deglacial warming occurs at about 19 ka, which precedes the change of oxygen isotopes, suggesting a tropical driven forcing for the SST change in the northern SCS. This is further supported by a robust semi-precessional cycle centering at  9.1 ka in the spectra of the SST record, which is absent in that of the oxygen isotopes. However, tropical driven forcing seems not to be indicated in another Mg/Ca SST record in the northern SCS [Oppo, D.W. and Sun, Y.B., 2005. Amplitude and timing of sea-surface temperature change in the northern South China Sea: Dynamic link to the East Asian monsoon. Geology, 33 (10): 785–788.]. The discrepancy may be caused by different post-deposition dissolutions of foraminifer tests at these two sites. Details about the modification of foraminifer Mg/Ca ratios after burial, however, are not well known in this region, and further studies are needed.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis was conducted on the fluviolacustrine sediments from the east side of the Liupan Mountains, a relatively monsoon-sensitive region, and provided for the first time a continuous evolutionary history of vegetation and climate in East China during the Neogene. The pollen record spanning the last 20 Ma indicates that the vegetation and thus East-Asian summer monsoon evolution can be divided into three stages: 20.13–14.25 Ma, 14.25–11.35 Ma and 11.35–0.08 Ma, in spite of general dominance of steppe throughout the Neogene. During the period 20.13–14.25 Ma, the pollen assemblage was characterized by high abundance of Artemisia and small amounts of temperate to subtropical deciduous broad-leafed trees such as Juglans, Carya, Quercus and Betula, suggesting that the East-Asian summer monsoon was generally strong. The interval from 14.25 to 11.35 Ma was marked by a significant decline in the East-Asian summer monsoon, as indicated by Artemisia gradually replaced by Humulus and halophytic Chenopodiaceae. Nitraria and Ephedra also reached high values in this period. Since 11.35 Ma ago, percentages of halophytes dominated by Chenopodiaceae and Tamaricaceae maintained a high mean value of about 40%, revealing a weak intensity of East-Asian summer monsoon. The general weakening of the monsoon circulation during the Neogene and the significant monsoon decline during the late Middle Miocene in particular might link with the global cooling trend probably through two mechanisms. Cooling and ice-sheet expansion over the polar region caused an increase in meridional temperature gradients leading to the southward retreat of the monsoon circulation. The global cooling may have also reduced the amount of water vapor held in the atmosphere, and led to both additional cooling and further weakening of the East-Asian summer monsoon. The cause for a short-lived resumption during the period 1.0–0.8 Ma is under investigation.  相似文献   

A major deterioration in global climate occurred through the Eocene–Oligocene time interval, characterized by long-term cooling in both terrestrial and marine environments. During this long-term cooling trend, however, recent studies have documented several short-lived warming and cooling phases. In order to further investigate high-latitude climate during these events, we developed a high-resolution calcareous nannofossil record from ODP Site 748 Hole B for the interval spanning the late middle Eocene to the late Oligocene (~ 42 to 26 Ma). The primary goals of this study were to construct a detailed biostratigraphic record and to use nannofossil assemblage variations to interpret short-term changes in surface-water temperature and nutrient conditions. The principal nannofossil assemblage variations are identified using a temperate-warm-water taxa index (Twwt), from which three warming and five cooling events are identified within the middle Eocene to the earliest Oligocene interval. Among these climatic trends, the cooling event at ~ 39 Ma (Cooling Event B) is recorded here for the first time. Variations in fine-fraction δ18O values at Site 748 are associated with changes in the Twwt index, supporting the idea that significant short-term variability in surface-water conditions occurred in the Kerguelen Plateau area during the middle and late Eocene. Furthermore, ODP Site 748 calcareous nannofossil paleoecology confirms the utility of these microfossils for biostratigraphic, paleoclimatic, and paleoceanographic reconstructions at Southern Ocean sites during the Paleogene.  相似文献   

Palynological analyses in combination with radiocarbon dating on a Holocene borehole from the Lake Nanyi, Anhui Province, East China demonstrate a well-documented local vegetation evolution since 9000 cal BP, which is the first record of Holocene climate change and human impact in this region. Since 9000 cal BP a mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest dominated by Cyclobalanopsis and Quercus developed in this area, indicating a warm climate condition with enhanced insolation. A mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest was fully developed between 6600–4500 cal BP, which corresponds to the Holocene Climate Optimum with the strong influence of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). After 3000 cal BP the broad-leaved forest decreased rapidly, while land herbs and ferns increased. It seems that the climate condition in East China was similar to the present after Holocene Climate Optimum. Pollen results show a potential interface between environment changes and human activities. Pollen diagram demonstrates that human impacts on the natural vegetation remained weak at the early stage but significantly enhanced upwards. The distinctive fluctuations of the pollen contents among AP (trees and shrubs), and the possible agriculture indicators might infer the potential human behaviors for environment changes. Due to the enlargement of organized farming and increase in population, natural forest was eventually replaced by farmland since 3000 cal BP. This study would increase our knowledge of Holocene vegetation transition related to the monsoon dynamics on a long timescale in East China and provide an environmental background for more detailed studies on cultural developments in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River region.  相似文献   

The astronomically tuned marls of the Monte Gibliscemi section, Sicily, constitute an archive to trace the late Miocene palaeoenvironmental conditions (~ 9.7–7.0 Ma) in North Africa. Here we have utilised carbonate content and Al-normalised geochemical proxies to trace changes in terrigenous source area and bottom-water ventilation. The terrigenous input into the section is dominated by North African river systems draining into the Eastern Mediterranean. The proxy parameters indicate that the palaeoenvironmental conditions in North Africa were humid from 9.5 Ma onward with high fluvial input to the Mediterranean. Increases in the Si/Al and Mg/Al ratios occurred from 8.4 to 8.2 Ma and from 8.05 to 7.75 Ma, with maximum values similar to those of Messinian diatomites. These peaks indicate conditions of enhanced biosiliceous productivity and the presence of authigenic clay formation. Sluggish water circulation in the Mediterranean during those times is inferred from the Mn/Al and V/Al behaviour. Late Miocene changes of the Betic (southern Spain) and Rifian (Morocco) Mediterranean–Atlantic gateways are interpreted as the driving force for the changes in water circulation and the transgression associated with the opening of the Rifian corridor is interpreted to occur at 7.8 Ma.  相似文献   

Paleo-sea-surface temperatures in the northeastern- and southeastern-parts of the Japan Sea were reconstructed for the last 160 kyr using alkenone temperatures (UK37-temperatures). UK37-temperatures at two sites show distinct glacial–interglacial changes during the last 160 kyr except for the interval corresponding to middle MIS 3 to MIS 2. On orbital-timescales, UK37-temperature tends to be high during MIS 5e, MIS 5c, and MIS 5a, which coincides with the intervals of stronger East Asian summer monsoon activity. The amplitude of temperature fluctuations in the Japan Sea is significantly higher than those in the neighboring seas. We suggest that the SST variation was amplified by the increasing source water (Kuroshio water) temperature and the changes in the volume transport of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) and/or the north–south oscillation of the sub-polar front position within the Japan Sea. Millennial-scale temperature fluctuations in the Japan Sea show that the temperature at the northern site was higher than that at the southern site during warmer periods of MIS 5, which is called “temperature reversal.” By analogy with modern oceanography, the temperature reversal could reflect the enhanced volume transport of the TWC and the spatial relationship between the studied site and the branches of the TWC, which is an essential factor in north–south temperature reversal around the eastern Japan Sea. Temperature drops were found at 114 ka, 111 ka, 93 ka, 87 ka, and 77 ka in MIS 5. Those events were associated with an increase in organic carbon and alkenone contents and can be correlated with the abundance peaks of ice-rafted debris (IRD) at Site GH05-1208 in the northern Japan Sea, suggesting that the surface water was cooled by enhanced mixing and consequent upwelling in a stronger winter monsoon regime.  相似文献   

Fifty-eight species of elongate, cylindrical benthic foraminifera (here referred to as the Extinction Group) belonging to genera that became extinct during the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition (MPT), were documented (~ 50 kyr resolution) through the early middle Miocene (15–13 Ma) in two sites on opposite sides of the subtropical Pacific Ocean (ODP Sites 1146, South China Sea; ODP Site 1237, southeast Pacific). The study was undertaken to investigate the response of the Extinction Group (Ext. Gp) to the major cooling during the middle Miocene Climate Transition (MCT) to look for clues that might explain the causes of the extinction during the glacials of the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition. Ext. Gp faunal differences between the two sites (attributed to regional and bathymetric differences in food supply to the seafloor) are greater than those that occurred through the 2 myr time span at either site. The middle Miocene Climate Transition was not an interval of enhanced species turnover or a decline in Ext. Gp abundance, in contrast to the major extinctions that occurred during the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition. Distinct changes in the composition of the Ext. Gp faunas did occur through this time (more pronounced in Site 1237). At both sites the pre-middle Miocene Climate Transition faunas were transformed into their post-middle Miocene Climate Transition composition during the period of major cooling (14.0–13.7 Ma). During this transition interval the faunal composition swung back and forth between the two end member faunas. These faunal changes are attributed to changes in productivity (decrease in South China Sea, increase in southeast Pacific), brought about by major changes in global climate and continental aridity.  相似文献   

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