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Three new species of the genus Myrmica are described from the Himalayas. Myrmica curvispinosa sp. nov., Myrmica kothiensis sp. nov. and Myrmica religiosa sp. nov. belong to the Myrmica inezae species group, which is earlier represented by 4 species. Myrmica curvispinosa sp. nov. is described based on worker and gyne, with a report of ergatoid as well. Myrmica kothiensis sp. nov. and Myrmica religiosa sp. nov. are described based on worker caste only. A key to the species of the Myrmica inezae species group has been provided in the following.  相似文献   

Bharti H  Sharma YP 《ZooKeys》2011,(124):51-58
Myrmica elmesisp. n. is described from Himalaya. This species belongs to the pachei group of Myrmica speciesand is distinct from the species described in this group hitherto, which is represented by 14 species including three from Indian Himalaya. Myrmica elmesi is the fourth species of the diverse pachei group found in Himalaya; it was collected from the transitional zone and is described with notes on its ecology, this gains significance in the sense that ecology of most of the old world Myrmica is either unknown or poorly known.  相似文献   

Myrmica ruginodis workers are able to distinguish black or white circles from black or white squares, black or white ellipses from black or white rectangles as well as hollow circles or ellipses from hollow squares or rectangles. They can also distinguish differently oriented elements as well as objects containing a various number of elements. These workers are also able to perceive and discriminate transparent cues on a black background and even small luminous spots on a black ceiling. Such visual abilities are in agreement with the species?? eye morphology and system of navigation: the eyes are rather large with a well-developed posterio-dorsal part, and the foragers rely exclusively on cues located above them, neglecting odorous elements as long as visual perception is possible. Probably, they might use cues located in the canopy and the sky to travel in certain circumstances.  相似文献   

Entomo-pathogen parasites typically induce alternative ”parasitogenic” phenotypes in ants and other insects. However, the basis of generated developmental changes is poorly understood. Parasitic mermithid nematodes also cause the formation of three discrete and aberrant morphologies within Myrmica ants. These have been called ”worker-like” (”mermithergate”), ”intermorphic” (”gynaecoid mermithergate”) and ”gyne-like” (”mermithogyne”) and their formation has been attributed to infection of worker- and queen-presumptive larvae, respectively. In order to better understand the developmental mechanisms that lead to the formation of these alternative parasitogenic phenotypes we observed allometric patterns of parasitogenic Myrmica gallienii phenotypes in comparison with uninfected workers and gynes from the same nests. It was revealed that the three discrete morphologies of parasitogenic female phenotypes did not differ significantly from each other in their scaling indicating that these were trapped in the same developmental pathway. Infected individuals scaled according to basically gyne-like allometry, however significantly differed from workers in their scaling. Based on the observed scaling patterns we herein raise an alternative explanation according to which both ”mermithergate”, ”gynaecoid mermithergate” and ”mermithogyne” Myrmica phenotypes develop from the same type of larvae, namely from the queen-presumptive larvae and their formation, therefore, is rendered as a diverging process. According to the mechanism we propose effect of nematodes may turn out to be the determining factor in the formation of alternative parasitogenic morphologies. Received 16 June 2008; revised 15 September and 7 November 2008; accepted 18 November 2008.  相似文献   

Oecophylla ants are utilized for biological control in fruit plantations in Australia and Asia. In Asia, queen larvae and alates are sold on commercial markets for human and animal consumption. This double utilization has induced an increasing interest in the domestication of these ants, but attempts to rear live colonies have been hindered partly by the length of time it takes from the founding of a colony until it can be utilized commercially. Early growth of a colony may be increased if ants from other colonies are adopted. The present experiments show that Oecophylla smaragdina larvae transplanted from other colonies are readily tolerated by non-nestmate workers and are reared to imagos. These results are fundamental for the future domestication of Oecophylla and elucidate the need for further studies of chemical nestmate recognition.  相似文献   

The seminal vesicles of adult males of five species of Pseudomyrmex were prepared for light and transmission electron microscopy. The Pseudomyrmex spermatozoa are long and slender with similar morphology. The head region has an acrosome and a nucleus. In all the studied species, two morphologically distinct types of acrosomal vesicles were observed, a long structure, as observed in all known ants, and a pear‐shaped one, never before observed in ants. The nucleus is elongated and both condensed and loose chromatin are present. The flagellum has an axoneme, a centriolar adjunct, two mitochondrial derivatives and two accessory bodies. The centriolar, the mitochondrial derivatives and the accessory bodies are similar to observations in most ant species that have been studied. The axoneme presents an uncommon 9 + 9 + 1 microtubule arrangement and the central microtubule has 13 protofilaments. The acrosomal dimorphism and the different levels of chromatin organization are exclusive characteristics of Pseudomyrmex. Furthermore, the 9 + 9 + 1 microtubule arrangement is different from all Hymenoptera, as well as from most insects, which present a 9 + 9 + 2 arrangement. These new morphological characters that are specific to Pseudomyrmex, are valuable synapomorphies of the genus and can be used in taxonomic characterization of the Pseudomyrmecinae subfamily and in phylogenetic analyses in Formicidae family.  相似文献   

In the present work, firstly, ant emergence was observed: it is a long, stereotyped, precarious event which may require the help of congeners. Then, our experiments on Myrmica sabuleti Meinert 1861 callow ants emerging apart from or inside their colony showed the following points. 1. Newly emerged workers, even if having never olfactorily perceived nestmates, are attracted by congeners’ odor. They can distinguish such an odor from that of another species of Myrmica as well as somewhat from that of alien workers of the same species. So, they might have acquired, at least partly, the knowledge of their congeners’ odor during their larval life. 2. Callow ants having visually perceived congeners at their emergence move towards a presented congener’s washed corpse. Callow ants having emerged without seeing any congeners do not move towards such a corpse. Callow ants having emerged beside a piece of thyme moved towards a non-odorous (solvent-washed) piece of thyme. So, ants may acquire, at least partly, the knowledge of the visual aspect of their species just at their emergence, probably by imprinting. 3. Very young workers confronted with their congeners’ odor on one hand and their congeners’ visual aspect on the other hand, somewhat prefer the odor, even if these young ants belong to a species which exclusively uses its vision for navigating. So, for very young ants, whatever the species, odors are more important and better known than visual characters.  相似文献   


Conditioning of isolated ants was attempted in the ant Myrmica sabuleti. Isolated ants did not die and could be visually as well as olfactorily conditioned. They acquired and kept ? or partly lost ? their visual ? or their olfactory ? conditioned responses as do ants living in a colony. Each individual of an ant colony is thus able to learn and memorize by itself. Any collective conditioning, learning and memory actually reflect the individuals’ performance. Naive workers paired with isolated previously conditioned ants apparently acquired olfactory conditioning in a shorter time than isolated ants, reaching a conditioning score identical to that of isolated ants. But they lost their apparent conditioning as soon as the olfactory cue was removed. Thus, imitation of nestmates exists in ants but does not lead, by itself, to learning sensu stricto since nothing of what has been imitated is retained.  相似文献   

Introduced populations of the north temperate ant species, Myrmica rubra (L.), have become pestiferous in various locations in the northeastern United States, particularly in coastal communities in Maine. Native populations of this ant are widely distributed throughout northern Europe and western Asia; however, nest densities in its native range do not usually reach the high levels observed for many introduced populations. This aggressive ant readily stings, and because of its high densities, homeowners continually encounter nests at a frequency that interferes with use of their properties. Surveys were conducted in Maine from 2001 through 2004 to determine the statewide extent of current infestations. Nests in established populations in coastal Maine were sampled from April through September to assess seasonal changes in the density and composition of colonies. Similarities and differences between introduced populations of M. rubra in Maine and published reports of this species in Europe are discussed. Museum records of this species in North America were also researched and are presented.  相似文献   

Myrmica ereptrix, a new species socially parasitic on Myrmica rugosa, is described from a single female discovered in Kashmir, India. A synoptic table of the known social parasites in genus Myrmica is given and the genus-level names Paramyrmica, Sommimyrma and Sifolinia are discussed and newly synonymized with Myrmica. The genus Myrmica is redefined for all castes. An outline is given of the evolution of the characteristic venation of Myrmica alates. The structure of the metasternal process in genera of the A/y/Twca-group is discussed and used in the generic diagnosis for the first time.  相似文献   

Gileva  O. B.  Gilev  A. V. 《Entomological Review》2019,99(2):137-142
Entomological Review - Myrmica ruginodis ants were trained through varied light signals (continuous or intermittent illumination) to find a feeder at one of the two exits (bridges) to the arena....  相似文献   

The Palearctic species of the ant genus Myrmica are well studied. In contrast, the taxonomy of the Nearctic species is outdated, making identification impossible. We collected Myrmica samples in the Holarctic and investigated their diversity using mtDNA data. We analysed a barcode sequence of the Cytochrome Oxidase I gene for 57 Palearctic and 293 Nearctic Myrmica samples. We used sequences of known Palearctic species to search for Myrmica barcode patterns. All but one Palearctic species groups were recovered. The Nearctic diversity was much higher than known. We retrieved the punctiventris, crassirugis and incompleta groups, and established nine additional tentative species groups. Genetic distance analysis revealed a large overlap of intra- and inter-specific distances in Palearctic species and species groups. We could not find a variation gap to separate Nearctic sequences into species with COI data only. Variation in scape morphology divided two genetic groups further. Scape morphology correlated with most molecular groups, except three specimens. Our results illustrate that barcoding, using only a limited amount of genetic information, cannot serve as a universal proxy for taxonomy and species demarcation. It should be considered a first step in understanding the taxonomic diversity of an unknown group of organisms.  相似文献   

By presenting different kinds of food sources to colonies ofM. sabuleti, we have demonstrated that this species regulates its foraging activity by altering the proportion of scouts that return to the nest to recruit nestmates after discovering a food source and by varying the number of nestmates recruited by a scout. These two parameters are related to the kind of food discovered. Our behavioral experiments showed that the probability that a scout returned to the nest decreased with a decreasing quantity of sucrose solution. In contrast, the number of returned scouts that elicited recruitment from the nest and the mean number of nestmates recruited by one of these scouts were independent of the quantity of the sucrose solution. Recruitment even occurred toward a 1- or 0.25-µl droplet of sucrose solution. When a scout discovered a large dead prey, a large drop of prey juice, a cluster of 30 dead fruit flies, or 1 isolated fruit fly, it always went back to the nest, but it elicited recruitment only when the food source was a large dead prey or a large drop of prey juice. No recruitment occurred when the food source was a single fruit fly and recruitment occurred only once in 30 trials when a cluster of 30 fruit flies was discovered.  相似文献   

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