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Lectins in the serum of the clam Mercenaria mercenaria agglutinate some red blood cells, bacteria, and yeast. The interaction of these substances with particles is affected by sugars, ions, temperature, and alteration of particle surfaces. Lectins are not needed for phagocytosis of foreign particles in vitro. In M. mercenaria these recognition molecules do not enhance defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis by hemocytes of the hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Large granular hemocytes of Mercenaria mercenaria avidly phagocytose a variety of biological particles (red blood cells of six species, yeast, and gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria) as well as polystyrene spheres. Clam hemolymph is not necessary for phagocytosis but may have some opsonic effect in certain circumstances (e.g., low temperature and low particle density). Formaldehyde treatment of red blood cells enhances susceptibility to phagocytosis. Phagocytosis by Mercenaria hemocytes in vitro appears to be a nonspecific process.  相似文献   

Rickettsiae are found in the gill epithelium of the hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria. The procaryotes occur free in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells at the tip of the filament and in the more proximal cells that support the lateral J cilia. The fine structure of the organisms, showing rippled cell walls, is typical of the rickettsiae. The increasing size of the inclusion representing late phase growth often culminates in lysis of the host cell. Masses (Gram-negative, Feulgen-positive) in ova, similar to those observed in the gill epithelium, suggest that transovarian transmission may occur.  相似文献   

Haemocytes of bivalve molluscs are known to be responsible for many immunological functions, including recognition, phagocytosis, and killing or elimination of invading microorganisms, such as potentially infective bacteria and parasites. In many bivalves, killing of microorganisms engulfed by haemocytes is accomplished by a sudden release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within the haemocytes; this response is referred to as an oxidative burst. Previous studies have failed to detect oxidative burst in haemocytes of the hard clam (northern quahog), Mercenaria mercenaria. In the present study, we applied a widely used chemical probe for ROS detection in haemocytes, dichlorofluorescin-diacetate (DCFH-DA), to haemocytes from this clam species and used flow cytometry to quantify fluorescence in individual haemocytes. Oxidation of DCFH-DA to the fluorescent product, DCF, within unstimulated haemocytes indicated that ROS were clearly produced in these cells. Two activators of oxidative burst, zymosan and bacterial extracellular products, which have been applied successfully to haemocytes in other species, stimulated large increases in ROS production in hard clam haemocytes. Furthermore, two inhibitors of ROS production, W-13 and diphenylene iodinium (DPI), significantly suppressed ROS production by haemocytes. Nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, NMMA and L-NIO, did not suppress ROS production, indicating that the observed oxidation of DCFH-DA is not mediated by nitric oxide. These results show unequivocally that haemocyte oxidative burst is active in M. mercenaria and, therefore, is a likely mechanism in host response to pathogens and parasites.  相似文献   

The cellular location of heparin in Mercenaria mercenaria, the northern quahog clam, was identified histologically by azure II and alcian blue/safranin staining. A survey of various organs indicates that heparin was found in several morphological cell subpopulations of the labial palp, ctenidia, intestine, siphon, and pallium. Cells containing these compounds were restricted to areas proximal to epithelial surfaces and granules were observed in all of the cell types except those of the intestine. The "mast-like" cells that we report here may play a role analogous to that of mammalian mast cells in inflammatory responses, using heparin proteoglycan as a supportive defense molecule.  相似文献   

Previously we showed that when the gill muscles of the venerid clam Mercenaria mercenaria are stimulated to contract by 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT), the contraction is about doubled when another identical dose of 5HT is applied after washout. Furthermore, this "endogenous potentiation" is mimicked by nitric oxide (NO), which is synthesized in the gill. We now report that the isolated gills also synthesize H2S; the basal rate of synthesis was 0.70 micromol.g(-1).h(-1) (se = 0.14; n = 24), but in the presence of 5HT (10(-2) M), the rate increased markedly to 35.82 micromol.g(-1).h(-1) (se = 4.93; n = 4). In addition, dithiothreitol (DTT; 2.2 mM) increased the rate of synthesis significantly to 4.9 micromol.g(-1).h(-1) (se = 0.8; n = 8). Stimulation of H2S synthesis by 5HT (5 x 10(-3) M) was seasonal; that is, the rates measured monthly from December through June are significantly lower than those measured from July through November. We also found that if isolated gills were pretreated with the H2S donor, sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS), their contractions in response to 5HT were potentiated. The threshold of the potentiation was 10(-8) M NaHS, and the largest effect was at 10(-6) M. During August, however, when endogenous and NO-induced potentiations are both absent, 10(-6) M NaHS was also ineffective. Like the effect of NO, that of NaHS (10(-6) M) was blocked by oxadiasoloquinoxalin (ODQ; 5 x 10(-5) M), an inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC). Moreover, Rp-8-CPT-cGMPS (10(-5) M), which inhibits protein kinase-G, also blocked the effect of NaHS (10(-6) M). When isolated gills were treated with 2.2 mM DTT, the endogenous potentiation of a second 5HT-induced contraction more than doubled in comparison to untreated controls. In conclusion, H2S is synthesized in the gill and, along with NO, is a seasonal, endogenous modulator of branchial muscle contraction; its action may be mediated through a sGC/cGMP signaling cascade.  相似文献   

Biomass of the protistan parasite QPX (quahaug parasite X) of hard-shell clam Mercenaria mercenaria was enriched from in vitro culture. The nuclear gene encoding the 18S RNA of the small-subunit ribosomal (ssu-rDNA) was recovered using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis clearly showed that QPX is a member of phylum Labyrinthulomycota, within which it appears as a specific relative of Thraustochytrium pachydermum. These results confirm the provisional assignment of QPX to the Labyrinthulomycota made previously on the basis of morphological and ultrastructural characters found in some, but not all, geographic isolates.  相似文献   

Spikes were recorded from single axons in the siphonal nerve of the hardshell clam Mercenaria mercenaria which respond to dimming of light. No axons were found to respond to the onset, or increase, of illumination. In a dark-adapted state there is little or no ongoing spike activity. The responsive area of a single axon is a circle of approximately 85 µm diameter on the inner siphon wall. The number of spikes elicited at the off of constant-duration flashes grows as approximately the 0.4 power of flash intensity. For constant intensity and constant light-time fraction, the off-response increases with increasing duration at least up to 500 s duration. For long durations, the response grows as the logarithm of stimulus duration. Subthreshold light can suppress the off-response from preceding illumination. In a light-adapted state, the off-response is greater and its latency shorter than in the dark-adapted state. The fine structure of groups of cell processes thought to comprise the photoreceptor in Mercenaria is described. On the basis of morphological and physiological findings it is suggested that phototransduction occurs in the fine distal processes of the axons from which we have recorded. Axonal processes were found to contain well organized pentalaminar whorls which may be the site of photo-pigment concentration. The action spectrum obtained from the integrated responses of nerve bundles appears to be that of a single Dartnall pigment having maximal absorption at about 510 nm.  相似文献   

The original electron microscopic identification by other investigators in 1977 of chlamydiae in the gut tissues of the Chesapeake Bay hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) is corroborated and further supported by evidence ofChlamydia-specific immunofluorescence (IF). Our electron microscopy demonstrated that gut tissue cells were heavily infected with chlamydiae in all stages of development but the intrachlamydial phage-like particles reported in 1977 were not seen. Tissue sections stained with IF reagents were strongly positive, and IF was blocked in varying degrees with chlamydial antisera produced in a goat and a turkey. The IF-positive tissue sections contained intracytoplasmic inclusions that stained darkly with Lugol's iodine (indicating the presence of glycogen) while IF-negative tissues had little if any iodinestaining material. Furthermore, electron micrographs of chlamydiae-containing phagosomes showed numerous rosettes of electron-dense particles typical of glycogen. The presence of iodine-positive phagosomes with electron dense rosettes suggests that the organisms are glycogen-producing chlamydiae biochemically related toChlamydia trachomatis. Repeated attempts to cultivate chlamydiae from the clam tissues in cell cultures and laboratory animals failed.  相似文献   

QPX (Quahog Parasite Unknown) is a protistan parasite affecting hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) along the Northeast coast of the United States. The fact that QPX disease epizootics are usually observed in field sites with high salinities led to the general assumption that salinity represents an important factor for disease distribution. This study was designed to investigate the effect of salinity on QPX disease development as well as constitutive and QPX-induced defense factors in M. mercenaria. Naïve and QPX-infected (both experimentally and naturally) clams were submitted to 17 and 30 psu for 4 months. Standard and QPX-specific cellular and humoral defense parameters were assessed after 2 and 4 months. These included total and differential hemocyte counts, reactive oxygen species production, phagocytic activity of hemocytes, lysozyme concentration in plasma, anti-QPX activity in plasma and resistance of hemocytes to cytotoxic QPX extracellular products. Results demonstrated higher QPX-associated mortality in naturally infected clams maintained at high salinity compared to those held at 17 psu. Our findings also showed an increase in mortality following experimental challenge with QPX in clams submitted to 30 psu but not in those held at 17 psu. Constitutive clam defense factors and the response to QPX challenge were also affected by salinity. QPX challenge caused significant but transitory changes in hemolymph parameters that were obvious at 2 months but disappeared at 4 months. Overall, our results show that salinity modulates clam immunity and the progress of QPX disease although its impact appears secondary as compared to findings we reported earlier for temperature.  相似文献   

Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX) is a protistan parasite that causes disease and mortality in the hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria. PCR primers and DNA oligonucleotide probes were designed and evaluated for sensitivity and specificity for the QPX organism specifically and for the phylum Labyrinthulomycota in general. The best performing QPX-specific primer pair amplified a 665 bp region of the QPX small-subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) and detected as little as 1 fg cloned QPX SSU rDNA and 20 fg QPX genomic DNA. The primers did not amplify DNA of uninfected hard clams M. mercenaria or of the thraustochytrids Schizochytrium aggregatum, Thraustochytrium aureum, and T. striatum. The general labyrinthulomycete primers, which were designed to offer broader specificity than the QPX primers, amplified a 435 bp region of SSU rDNA from QPX, and a 436 to 437 bp region of SSU rDNA from S. aggregatum, T. aureum, and T. striatum, but did not amplify that of the clam M. mercenaria. Field validation of the QPX-specific primer pair, through comparative sampling of 224 clams collected over a 16 mo period from a QPX endemic site in Virginia, USA, indicated that the PCR assay is equivalent to histological diagnosis if initially negative PCR products are reamplified. Oligonucleotide DNA probes specific for QPX and the phylum Labyrinthulomycota were evaluated for in situ hybridization assays of cell smears or paraffin-embedded tissues. Two DNA probes for QPX offered limited sensitivity when used independently; however, when used together as a probe cocktail, sensitivity was greatly enhanced. The probe cocktail hybridized to putative QPX organisms in tissues of hard clams collected from Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Canada, suggesting that the QPX organisms in these areas are either very closely related or the same species. The QPX probe cocktail did not hybridize with clam tissue or with the thraustochytrids S. aggregatum, T. aureum, and T. striatum. The labyrinthulomycete DNA probe hybridized with QPX and the 3 thraustochytrids, with no background hybridization to clam tissue. SSU rDNA sequences were obtained for the putative QPX organisms from geographically distinct sites. Phylogenetic analyses based on the QPX and Labyrinthulomycota sequences confirmed earlier reports that QPX is a member of this phylum, but could not definitively demonstrate that all of the QPX organisms were the same species.  相似文献   

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