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The hepatitis C virus proteinase inhibitor 4-methyl-1-(phenylmethyl)-2,6-pyridinedione 1 undergoes a novel autoxidation process, on silica gel, leading to the dimer 2 as the major product, a relatively more potent inhibitor of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Using as substrates a series of chimeric proteins containing various fragments of the hepatitis C virus precursor polyprotein between Escherichia coli maltose binding protein and dihydrofolate reductase, we analyzed the substrate requirements of hepatitis C viral serine proteinase (Cpro-2) for intermolecular polypeptide cleavage in E. coli. Cpro-2-dependent substrate cleavage was observed in E. coli cells simultaneously transformed with expression plasmids for the Cpro-2 molecule and substrate protein. The cleavage sites were estimated by determining the amino (N)-terminal amino acid sequences of dihydrofolate reductase-fused processed products purified partially by affinity chromatography from the lysates, indicating that cleavage occurred at sites identical to those observed in eukaryotic cells. Mutation analysis using the chimeric substrate indicated that the presence of cysteine and small uncharged residues at positions P1 and P1', respectively, of the putative cleavage site is necessary for cleavage and that acidic residues in the region upstream of the cleavage site are required for efficient cleavage.  相似文献   

已知丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV)可通过其蛋白酶NS3/4A切割线粒体抗病毒信号蛋白(mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein,MAVS)来逃逸天然免疫识别,但尚不清楚其切割动力学及切割在抑制干扰素中的作用。本研究旨在细胞模型中探讨HCV感染过程中病毒复制建立及病毒NS3/4A切割MAVS的动态过程,探究NS3/4A切割MAVS对病毒逃逸宿主天然免疫建立感染的贡献。首先构建基于绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)的MAVS切割报告系统(GFP-NLS-MAVS-TM462),用 HCV Jc1-Gluc 感染Huh7.5/GFP-NLS-MAVS-TM462细胞。结果显示,病毒复制早期MAVS切割效率较低;NS3/4A高效切割MAVS发生于HCV复制晚期,且其切割效率与NS3蛋白水平相关。利用带有GFP ypet的HCV报告病毒Jc1-378-1感染Huh7.5/RFP-NLS-MAVS-TM462细胞,在单细胞水平观察HCV感染阳性细胞中MAVS被切割情况,发现HCV复制细胞中仅部分细胞MAVS被切割。进一步研究发现,不同基因型NS3/4A切割MAVS的效率仅与NS3表达水平相关。以上结果提示,HCV蛋白酶NS3/4A切割MAVS依赖NS3/4A蛋白在病毒复制过程中的累积,对在病毒复制早期逃逸宿主天然免疫建立感染可能无显著贡献。  相似文献   

To determine the P3 region protein-processing sites cleaved by the hepatitis A virus 3C protease, a nested set of constructs containing a portion of 3A (3A* [the asterisk denotes an incomplete protein]), 3B and 3C and various amounts of 3D, fused in frame to Escherichia coli TrpE-coding sequences under control of the tryptophan promoter, was made. Additional plasmids that encoded a portion of 2C (2C*) and the P3 proteins, including complete or incomplete 3D sequences, were constructed. After induction, E. coli containing these recombinant plasmids produced high levels of fusion proteins as insoluble aggregates. 3C-mediated cleavage products were identified by comparison of expression with a matching set of plasmids, containing an engineered mutation in 3C. Cleavage products were detected by immunoblot analyses by using antisera against the TrpE protein, against 3D*, and against 3CD*. Scissile bonds were determined by N-terminal amino acid sequencing of the proteins formed by cleavage. The results showed that when a portion of 2C was present, the primary cleavage by the 3C protease was between 2C and 3A, and the cleavage site was QG, as predicted by J. I. Cohen, J. R. Ticehurst, R. H. Purcell, A. Buckler-White, and B. M. Baroudy, J. Virol. 61:50-59, 1987. Very little further cleavage of the released P3 protein was detected. When the fusion protein contained no 2C and included only 3A*-to-3D sequences, efficient cleavage occurred between 3B and 3C, at the QS pair, also as predicted by Cohen et al. (J. Virol. 61:50-59, 1987). The latter proteins were also cleaved between 3C and 3D, but less efficiently than between 3B and 3C. Extracts of bacteria expressing proteins from 3A* to 3D also cleaved a radiolabelled hepatitis A virus substrate containing VP1*2ABC* sequences in trans.  相似文献   

The NS3 protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) possesses protease activity responsible for the proteolytic cleavage of the viral polyprotein at the junctions of nonstructural proteins downstream of NS3. The NS3 protein was also found to be internally cleaved. In this study, we demonstrated that internal cleavages occurred on the NS3 protein of genotype 1b in the presence of NS4A, both in culture cells and with a mouse model system. No internal cleavage products were detected with the NS3 and NS4A proteins of genotype 2a. Three potential cleavage sites were detected in the NS3 protein (genotype 1b), with IPT(402)|S being the major one. The internal cleavage requires the polyprotein processing activity of NS3 protease, but when supplemented in trans, the internal cleavage efficiency is reduced. In addition, several mutations in NS4A disrupted the internal cleavage of NS3 but did not affect polyprotein processing, indicating that NS4A contributes differently to these two proteolytic activities. Furthermore, Ile-25, Val-26, and Ile-29 of the NS4A protein, important for the NS4A-dependent internal cleavages, were also shown to be critical for the transforming activity of NS3, but mutations at these critical residues resulted only in a slight increase of HCV replicating efficiency. The internal cleavage-associated enhancement of the transforming activity of NS3 was reduced when a T402A substitution at the major internal cleavage site was introduced. The multiple roles of NS4A in viral multiplication and pathogenesis make NS4A an ideal molecular target for HCV therapy.  相似文献   

A versatile route for the synthesis of homochiral alpha-ketoamide analogues of amino acids is described. Incorporation of this functionality into peptide sequences using either solution or solid-phase chemistry resulted in potent inhibitors of the Hepatitis C Virus NS3 proteinase.  相似文献   

Processing of the hepatitis C virus polyprotein is mediated by host cell signalases and at least two virally encoded proteinases. Of these, the serine-type proteinase encompassing the amino-terminal one-third of NS3 is responsible for cleavage at the four sites carboxy terminal of NS3. The activity of this proteinase is modulated by NS4A, a 54-amino-acid polyprotein cleavage product essential for processing at the NS3/4A, NS4A/4B, and NS4B/5A sites and enhancing cleavage efficiency between NS5A and NS5B. Using the vaccinia virus-T7 hybrid system to express hepatitis C virus polypeptides in BHK-21 cells, we studied the role of NS4A in proteinase activation. We found that the NS3 proteinase and NS4A form a stable complex when expressed as a single polyprotein or as separate molecules. Results from deletion mapping show that the minimal NS4A domain required for proteinase activation is located in the center of NS4A between amino acids 1675 and 1686 of the polyprotein. Amino acid substitutions within this domain destabilizing the NS3-NS4A complex also impair trans cleavage at the NS4A-dependent sites. Similarly, deletion of amino-terminal NS3 sequences impairs complex formation as well as cleavage at the NS4B/5A site but not at the NS4A-independent NS5A/5B site. These results suggest that a stable NS3-NS4A interaction is important for cleavage at the NS4A-dependent sites and that amino-terminal NS3 sequences and the central NS4A domain are directly involved in complex formation.  相似文献   

Persistent infections with hepatitis C virus (HCV) are a major cause of liver disease and reflect its ability to disrupt virus-induced signaling pathways activating cellular antiviral defenses. HCV evasion of double-stranded RNA signaling through Toll-like receptor 3 is mediated by the viral protease NS3/4A, which directs proteolysis of its proline-rich adaptor protein, Toll-IL-1 receptor domain containing adaptor-inducing interferon-beta (TRIF). The TRIF cleavage site has remarkable homology with the viral NS4B/5A substrate, although an 8-residue polyproline track extends upstream from the P(6) position in lieu of the acidic residue present in viral substrates. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy confirmed that a substantial fraction of TRIF exists as polyproline II helices, and inclusion of the polyproline track increased affinity of P side TRIF peptides for the HCV-BK protease. A polyproline II peptide representing an SH3 binding motif (PPPVPPRRR, Sos) bound NS3 with moderate affinity, resulting in inhibition of proteolytic activity. Chemical shift perturbations in NMR spectra indicated that Sos binds a 3(10) helix close to the protease active site. Thus, a polyproline II interaction with the 3(10) helix likely facilitates NS3/4A recognition of TRIF, indicating a significant difference from NS3/4A recognition of viral substrates. Because SH3 binding motifs are also present in NS5A, a viral protein that interacts with NS3, we speculate that the NS3 3(10) helix may be a site of interaction with other viral proteins.  相似文献   

In addition to NS3 protease, the NS4A protein is required for efficient cleavage of the nonstructural protein region of the hepatitis C virus polyprotein. To investigate the function and the sequence of NS4A required for the enhancement of NS3 protease activity, we developed an in vitro NS3 protease assay system consisting of three purified viral elements: (i) a recombinant NS3 protease which was expressed in Escherichia coli as a maltose-binding protein-NS3 fusion protein (MBP-NS3), (ii) synthetic NS4A fragments, and (iii) a synthetic peptide substrate which mimics the NS5A/5B junction. We showed that the NS3 protease activity of MBP-NS3 was enhanced in a dose-dependent manner by 4A18-40, which is a peptide composed of amino acid residues 18 to 40 of NS4A. The optimal activity was observed at a 10-fold molar excess of 4A18-40 over MBP-NS3. The coefficient for proteolytic efficiency, kcat/Km, of NS3 protease was increased by about 40 times by the addition of a 10-fold molar excess of 4A18-40. Using a series of truncations of 4A18-40, we estimated that amino acid residues 22 to 31 in NS4A (SVVIVGRIIL) constituted the core sequence for the effector activity. Single-substitution experiments with 4A21-34, a peptide composed of amino acid residues 21 to 34 of NS4A, suggested the importance of several residues (Val-23, Ile-25, Gly-27, Arg-28, Ile-29, and Leu-31) for its activity. In addition, we found that some single-amino-acid substitutions in 4A21-34 were able to inhibit the enhancement of NS3 protease activity by 4A18-40. This approach has potential as a novel strategy for inhibiting the NS3 protease activity important for hepatitis C virus proliferation.  相似文献   

Use of a resin bound diol as a boronic acid protecting group has been developed to allow the parallel synthesis of potent inhibitors of the hepatitis C virus NS3 serine proteinase.  相似文献   

C Lin  B M Prgai  A Grakoui  J Xu    C M Rice 《Journal of virology》1994,68(12):8147-8157
The hepatitis C virus H strain (HCV-H) polyprotein is cleaved to produce at least 10 distinct products, in the order of NH2-C-E1-E2-p7-NS2-NS3-NS4A-NS4B-NS5A-NS5B -COOH. An HCV-encoded serine proteinase activity in NS3 is required for cleavage at four sites in the nonstructural region (3/4A, 4A/4B, 4B/5A, and 5A/5B). In this report, the HCV-H serine proteinase domain (the N-terminal 181 residues of NS3) was tested for its ability to mediate trans-processing at these four sites. By using an NS3-5B substrate with an inactivated serine proteinase domain, trans-cleavage was observed at all sites except for the 3/4A site. Deletion of the inactive proteinase domain led to efficient trans-processing at the 3/4A site. Smaller NS4A-4B and NS5A-5B substrates were processed efficiently in trans; however, cleavage of an NS4B-5A substrate occurred only when the serine proteinase domain was coexpressed with NS4A. Only the N-terminal 35 amino acids of NS4A were required for this activity. Thus, while NS4A appears to be absolutely required for trans-cleavage at the 4B/5A site, it is not an essential cofactor for serine proteinase activity. To begin to examine the conservation (or divergence) of serine proteinase-substrate interactions during HCV evolution, we demonstrated that similar trans-processing occurred when the proteinase domains and substrates were derived from two different HCV subtypes. These results are encouraging for the development of broadly effective HCV serine proteinase inhibitors as antiviral agents. Finally, the kinetics of processing in the nonstructural region was examined by pulse-chase analysis. NS3-containing precursors were absent, indicating that the 2/3 and 3/4A cleavages occur rapidly. In contrast, processing of the NS4A-5B region appeared to involve multiple pathways, and significant quantities of various polyprotein intermediates were observed. NS5B, the putative RNA polymerase, was found to be significantly less stable than the other mature cleavage products. This instability appeared to be an inherent property of NS5B and did not depend on expression of other viral polypeptides, including the HCV-encoded proteinases.  相似文献   

Peptides based upon the non-prime side residues of the NS4A-4B cleavage site of hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A proteinase containing an alpha-ketoamide moiety in place of the scissile amide bond are potent inhibitors of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The interaction of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 protease domain with its NS4A cofactor peptide (Pep4AK) was investigated at equilibrium and at pre-steady state under different physicochemical conditions. Equilibrium dissociation constants of the NS3-Pep4AK complex varied by several orders of magnitude depending on buffer additives. Glycerol, NaCl, detergents, and peptide substrates were found to stabilize this interaction. The extent of glycerol-induced stabilization varied in an HCV strain-dependent way with at least one determinant mapping to an NS3-NS4A interaction site. Conformational transitions affecting at least the first 18 amino acids of NS3 were the main energy barriers for both the association and the dissociation reactions of the complex. However, deletion of this N-terminal portion of the protease molecule only slightly influenced equilibrium dissociation constants determined under different physicochemical conditions. Limited proteolysis experiments coupled with mass spectrometric identification of cleavage fragments suggested a high degree of conformational flexibility affecting at least the first 21 residues of NS3. The accessibility of this region of the protease to limited chymotryptic digestion did not significantly change in any condition tested, whereas a significant reduction of chymotryptic cleavages within the NS3 core was detected under conditions of high NS3-Pep4AK complex affinity. We conclude the following: (1) The N-terminus of the NS3 protease that, according to the X-ray crystal structure, makes extensive contacts with the cofactor peptide is highly flexible in solution and contributes only marginally to the thermodynamic stability of the complex. (2) Affinity enhancement is accomplished by several factors through a general stabilization of the fold of the NS3 molecule.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus NS3 protease is responsible for the processing of the nonstructural region of viral precursor polyprotein in infected hepatic cells. NS3 has been considered a target for drug discovery for a long time. NS3 is a zinc-dependent serine protease. However, the zinc ion is not involved in the catalytic mechanism, because it is bound far away from the active site. Thus, zinc is essential for the structural integrity of the protein and it is considered to have a structural role. The first thermodynamic study on the conformational equilibrium and stability of NS3 and the effect of zinc on such equilibrium is presented here. In agreement with a previous calorimetric study on the binding of zinc to NS3, the global unfolding heat capacity is dominated by the zinc dissociation step, suggesting that the binding of zinc induces a significant structural rearrangement of the protein. In addition, contrary to other homologous zinc-dependent proteases, the zinc-free NS3 protease is not completely unstructured. It is apparent that the conformational landscape of hepatitis C virus NS3 protease is fairly complex due to its intrinsic plasticity, and to the interactions with its different effectors (zinc and the accessory viral protein NS4A) and their modulation of the population of the different conformational states.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus NS2/3 protease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hepatitis C virus NS2/3 protein is a highly hydrophobic protease responsible for the cleavage of the viral polypeptide between non-structural proteins NS2 and NS3. However, many aspects of the NS2/3 protease's role in the viral life cycle and mechanism of action remain unknown. Based on the recently elucidated crystal structure of NS2, NS2/3 has been proposed to function as a cysteine protease despite its lack of sequence homology to proteases of known function. In addition, although shown to be required for HCV genome replication and persistent infection in a chimpanzee, the role of NS2/3 cleavage in the viral life cycle has not yet been fully investigated. However, several recent studies are beginning to clarify possible roles of the cleaved NS2 protein in modulation of host cell gene expression and apoptosis.  相似文献   

We constructed two monoribozymes and a diribozyme against the conserved region of the X RNA of hepatitis B virus (HBV). All the ribozymes (Rzs) possessed sequence-specific cleavage activities under standard and simulated physiologic conditions. Specific cleavage was also obtained when the same Rzs were placed in cis configuration with respect to X gene in multiple combinations. Rz-expressing cells were able to specifically interfere with the functional expression of X RNA and protein production in a liver-specific cell line HepG2. Potential applications of these novel Rzs are discussed.  相似文献   

Active proteinase 3C of hepatitis A virus (HAV) was expressed in bacteria either as a mature enzyme or as a protein fused to the entire polymerase 3D or to a part of it, and their identities were shown by immunoblot analysis. Intermolecular cleavage activity was demonstrated by incubating in vitro-translated and radiolabeled HAV precursor protein P1-P2 with extracts of bacteria transformed with plasmids containing recombinant HAV 3C. Identification of cleavage products P1, VP1, and VPO-VP3 by immunoprecipitation clearly demonstrates that HAV 3C can cleave between P1 and P2 as well as within P1 and thus shows an activity profile similar to that of cardiovirus 3C.  相似文献   

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