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Egg strings and larvae of Hochstetter's frog (Leiopelma hochstetteri) were located at three widely separated North Island sites: in seeps at Brynderwyns in December 2004, in an open pool at Wharerino in March 2009, and in an underground pool near the Kaipawa Track, Coromandel, in late May 2009. Ten egg strings were also laid by captive frogs in water courses at Hamilton Zoo in April 2009. All egg strings held from 11 to 13 eggs. The egg strings laid in the Brynderwyns were regularly observed until metamorphosis was completed in March 2005. Twenty-four swimming larvae emerged from 25 capsules at c. 40 days after discovery, and at least 14 froglets were produced at c. 90 days. All of them developed in darkness, in a 120 ml pool <30 mm deep. The emerged froglets ranged from 9.8 to 10.8 mm snout-vent length. The detection of eggs, larvae and <11 mm froglets indicates that the egg laying period is at least from late September to May.  相似文献   


A terrestrial endemic frog resembling Leiopelma archeyi was discovered in the Whareorino Forest, northern King Country, New Zealand, in 1991, where it is broadly sympatric with L. hochstetteri. To clarify its taxonomic status, allozyme electrophoresis of toe tissue was used to compare it genetically with four other populations of terrestrial Leiopelma (L. archeyi from Tapu and Tokatea, Coromandel; L. hamiltoni from Stephens Island; L. pakeka from Maud Island). Thirteen presumed genetic (allozyme) loci could be consistently scored for the five populations. At 11 loci, no genetic differences were found between the Whareorino frog and the two Coromandel L. archeyi populations. Allelic frequencies differed slightly at two loci. We therefore conclude that the terrestrial Whareorino frog represents a western population of L. archeyi. L. hamiltoni from Stephens Island is genetically closer to L. archeyi than is L. pakeka from Maud Island. The Whareorino L. archeyi population is morphologically similar to Coromandel L. archeyi populations, although multivariate analysis suggests subtle morphological differences, including the relative position of the nostril. Size comparisons between Whareorino and three Coromandel sites (Moehau, Tapu, Tokatea) show there were more larger frogs (35–38 mm snout‐vent length) at Whareorino and Tokatea compared with Moehau and Tapu, where maximum snout‐vent lengths were 34 and 36 mm, respectively.  相似文献   


Genetic variation at 33 loci in three species of Leiopelma was examined by cellulose acetate electrophoresis of liver enzymes. Heterozygosity is apparently comparable to levels detected in other amphibians. Genetic differentiation between species is extensive. L. hochstetteri is greatly divergent from both L. archeyi and L. hamiltoni, but these two are relatively similar genetically, in agreement with morphological, ecological, and developmental patterns. We tentatively estimate that the divergence of hochstetteri from the other two species occurred during the Miocene, whereas that of archeyi and hamiltoni occurred during the Pliocene. Implications of the genetic data for conservation of these rare species are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosomes exhibiting elevated levels of differentiation are termed hypervariable but no proposed mechanisms are sufficient to account for such enhanced evolutionary divergence. Both hypervariable sex and supernumerary (B) chromosomes were investigated in the endemic New Zealand frog, Leiopelma hochstetteri, which is chromosomally polymorphic both within and between populations and has sufficiently elevated variation that different populations can be identified solely by their C-banded karyotypes. This frog is further distinguished by the univalent, female-specific W-chromosome (0W/00 sex determination) uniquely possessed by North Island populations. This sex chromosome exhibited variation in morphology, size, and heterochromatin distribution, sufficient to resolve 11 different types, including isochromosomes. Five of the 12 populations examined also had supernumerary chromosomes that varied in number (up to 15 per individual) and morphology. Specific variations seen among the hypervariable chromosomes could have resulted from heterochromatinisation, chromosome fusions, loss-of-function mutations, deletions, and/or duplications. Frogs of the same species from Great Barrier Island, however, had neither supernumeraries nor the female-specific chromosome. The 0W/00 sex chromosome system must have been derived after the isolation of Great Barrier Island from North Island populations by raised sea levels between 14 000 and 8000 years ago. Furthermore, biochemical divergence between populations is minor and therefore the chromosomal variation seen is comparatively recent in origin. The one characteristic common to all known hypervariable chromosomes is curtailment or lack of recombination. Their accelerated evolution therefore is possible via the mechanism of Muller's ratchet, either alone or in concert with other factors.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of chondrocranial morphology in larval anurans are typically qualitative in nature, focusing primarily on discrete variation or gross differences in the size or shape of individual structures. Detailed data on chondrocranial allometry are currently limited to only two species, Rana sylvatica and Bufo americanus. This study uses geometric morphometric and multivariate statistical analyses to examine interspecific variation in both larval chondrocranial shape and patterns of ontogenetic allometry among six species of Rana. Variation is interpreted within the context of hypothesized phylogenetic relationships among these species. Canonical variates analyses of geometric morphometric datasets indicate that species can be clearly discriminated based on chondrocranial shape, even when whole ontogenies are included in the analysis. Ordinations and cluster analyses based on chondrocranial shape data indicate the presence of three primary groupings (R. sylvatica; R. catesbeiana + R. clamitans; and R. palustris + R. pipiens + R. sphenocephala), and patterns of similarity closely reflect phylogenetic relationships. Analysis of chondrocranial allometry reveals that some patterns are conserved across all species (e.g., most measurements scale with negative allometry, those associated with the posterior palatoquadrate tend to scale with isometry or positive allometry). Ontogenetic scaling along similar allometric trajectories, lateral transpositions of individual trajectories, and variable allometric relationships all contribute to shape differences among species. Overall patterns of similarity among ontogenetic trajectories also strongly reflect phylogenetic relationships. Thus, this study demonstrates a tight link between ontogeny, phylogeny, and morphology, and highlights the importance of including both ontogenetic and phylogenetic data in studies of chondrocranial evolution in larval anurans.  相似文献   

Larval transfer is presented as an alternative to the widely held assumption that larvae and corresponding adults have always evolved together, within the same lineage. I submit (1) that genes specifying the basic forms of all embryos and larvae originated as the genomes of animals that matured without metamorphosis, (2) that such genomes have been transferred by hybridization, and (3) that fertile hybrids have been produced at infrequent and irregular intervals between animals at all levels of relationship during the course of evolution. The origins of blastulas, hydromedusae, protostome and deuterostome ciliated larvae, arthropodan larvae and urochordate tadpoles are discussed as examples of my hypothesis. I believe that practically all metazoans have at least one inter-group hybrid in their ancestry. Larval transfer is briefly considered in relation to other theories on ontogeny and phylogeny. Methods of verification are suggested.  相似文献   

The various systems proposed to describe concisely, in the form of a formula, the number and arrangement of keratodont rows in the oral disk of anuran tadpoles, are reviewed and classified. A distinction is made between individual and collective keratodont formulae. The different systems are compared and evaluated, and proposals are made to standardize the use of various signs, numerals and letters in keratodont formulae. Nine standardized systems (seven all-cardinal and two cardinal-ordinal systems) are finally retained: these should cover all needs according to the kind of use and the level of precision required.  相似文献   

The various systems proposed to describe concisely, in the form of a formula, the number and arrangement of keratodont rows in the oral disk of anuran tadpoles, are reviewed and classified. A distinction is made between individual and collective keratodont formulae. The different systems are compared and evaluated, and proposals are made to standardize the use of various signs, numerals and letters in keratodont formulae. Nine standardized systems (seven all-cardinal and two cardinal-ordinal systems) are finally retained: these should cover all needs according to the kind of use and the level of precision required.  相似文献   


A new population of terrestrial Leiopel‐matid frog was discovered in the Whareorino Forest, northern King Country, New Zealand, in 1991. Searches were carried out from June 1991 to December 1993 to determine the species present and to document variation in external morphology, habitat, and local distribution. These confirmed that a terrestrial frog resembling L. archeyi is present in the area, as well as Hochstetter's frog Leiopelma hochstetteri and the introduced Australian hylid frog Litoria aurea.

In Whareorino Forest, the terrestrial Leiopelma was mostly above 500 m altitude and L. hochstetteri above 350 m. The terrestrial Leiopelma occupies sites under rocks and logs in forest. It also occurs in vegetation, such as crown fern Blechnum discolor, tree fern Cyathea smithii, hook grass Uncinia uncinata, and rice grass Microlaena avenacea. Egg clusters of this frog were found in crown fern and tree fern, as well as under stones.

The terrestrial Leiopelma is susceptible to predation by Litoria aurea and rats. This is the first documented evidence of predation on Leiopelma on the New Zealand mainland. The future of this small remnant Leiopelma population is uncertain, and further investigation of the impact of anuran and mammalian predators is needed.  相似文献   

There are dramatic quantitative and qualitative differences in the locomotor behavior of larval and juvenile frogs. Larvae (tadpoles) are primarily herbivourous and rely heavily on locomotion via undulations to acquire food and avoid predation. After metamorphosis, juvenile frogs adopt a carnivorous lifestyle and capture prey and avoid predators by remaining motionless in a place of concealment. When they must move, frogs locomote by means of ballistic hops or by more conventional walking. However, locomotion of both tadpoles and frogs can be considered of two fundamental functional types: (a) startle and escape; and (b) sustained locomotion. Neural mechanisms underlying startle responses and sustained locomotion in larvae and juveniles are described and possible ontogenetic relationships those behaviors are proposed. The role of different parts of the nervous system in the ontogeny of locomotion, as well as nonneuronal factors, are described. Results show that the transition from tadpole-like behavior to frog-like behavior is not a simple function of maturation of central locomotor controls. Rather, it results from a complex interaction of central nervous system maturation, morphological change, and a change in habitat preference. Examples of similar multidimensional control of behavioral ontogeny in other species are described, and it is argued that to understand the ontogeny of behavior, one must investigate contributions made at all levels, from the neuronal to the environmental. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Although metamorphosis is widespread in the animal kingdom, several species have evolved life-cycle modifications to avoid complete metamorphosis. Some species, for example, many salamanders and newts, have deleted the adult stage via a process called paedomorphosis. Others, for example, some frog species and marine invertebrates, no longer have a distinct larval stage and reach maturation via direct development. Here we study which ecological conditions can lead to the loss of metamorphosis via the evolution of direct development. To do so, we use size-structured consumer-resource models in conjunction with the adaptive-dynamics approach. In case the larval habitat deteriorates, individuals will produce larger offspring and in concert accelerate metamorphosis. Although this leads to the evolutionary transition from metamorphosis to direct development when the adult habitat is highly favorable, the population will go extinct in case the adult habitat does not provide sufficient food to escape metamorphosis. With a phylogenetic approach we furthermore show that among amphibians the transition of metamorphosis to direct development is indeed, in line with model predictions, conditional on and preceded by the evolution of larger egg sizes.  相似文献   

1.  Food webs represent the paths of material and energy flow through organisms in an ecosystem. Anuran larvae are important components of pond food webs: they are abundant, consume large quantities of food and serve as prey for many organisms. However, there are very basic uncertainties about the feeding ecology of anuran larvae; for instance, as to which trophic level they belong and whether species differ in resource use. Because anuran larvae have been employed in model systems in experimental ecology for decades, these uncertainties could lead to misinterpretation of published experiments, or inadequate designs of experiments directed at general, conceptual issues in ecology.
2.  Using 13C and 15N stable isotope and gut content analyses of free-ranging and enclosed tadpoles of four ranid species ( Lithobates sylvaticus , L. pipiens , L. clamitans , L. catesbeianus ) in the food webs of six wetlands, we tested the following null hypotheses: (i) that anuran larvae are strict primary consumers; (ii) that they are non-selective feeders and therefore exhibit little feeding niche differentiation; (iii) that they are opportunistic consumers and (iv) that their diet remains unchanged through ontogeny.
3.  All four species consumed and assimilated substantial amounts of animal food; bullfrog larvae, in particular, appear to be predatory. Significant feeding niche differentiation among species occurred with respect to the sources of carbon, consumption of animal matter and nutritional quality of food ingested. We further documented opportunistic feeding habits and ontogenetic shifts in diet.
4.  Collectively, these studies revealed complex trophic relationships that might require a reconsideration of the role of anuran larvae in pond food webs, as well as a reinterpretation of results of previous studies employing anuran larvae in model experimental systems.  相似文献   

Human language is unique among the communication systems of the natural world: it is socially learned and, as a consequence of its recursively compositional structure, offers open-ended communicative potential. The structure of this communication system can be explained as a consequence of the evolution of the human biological capacity for language or the cultural evolution of language itself. We argue, supported by a formal model, that an explanatory account that involves some role for cultural evolution has profound implications for our understanding of the biological evolution of the language faculty: under a number of reasonable scenarios, cultural evolution can shield the language faculty from selection, such that strongly constraining language-specific learning biases are unlikely to evolve. We therefore argue that language is best seen as a consequence of cultural evolution in populations with a weak and/or domain-general language faculty.  相似文献   

Eupsophus calcaratus, a leptodactyloid frog from the austral Andean forests of Argentina and Chile, has endotrophic, nidicolous tadpoles. We studied a metamorphic series from Stages 31 to 46 of Gosner's developmental table (1960). Other than the scarce pigmentation, proportionately large eyes, and massive developing hindlimbs, the remaining external characters are similar to those of generalized, exotrophic larvae. At the same time, internal morphology does not reveal any character state attributable to the endotrophic-nidicolous way of life; conversely, structures such as the hyobranchial skeleton and the mandibular cartilages are similar to those of exotrophic-macrophagous tadpoles. The metamorphic process is characterized by the delayed development of diverse structures (e.g., ethmoid region, palatoquadrate, and hyobranchial apparatus), and the retention of some larval characters (e.g., parietal fenestrae, overall absence of ossification) with the absence of development of some "juvenile" characters (e.g., adult otic process, several bones) in metamorphosed individuals. These heterochronic processes and truncation of larval development are related to a shorter larval life (when compared to other species of the austral Andean region) and to the small size at metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Although anuran development is generally thought to be relatively conservative, a great deal of variation is evident when different species are compared. This report summarizes the results of comparative analyses of different aspects of anuran development. These include differences in sequence and timing of developmental events, the effects of genome size, and the effects of different life history strategies on anuran embryogenesis. The results show that anuran development is plastic at the evolutionary level, and many changes can occur in the developmental processes of anurans throughout their evolution. Changes are apparently rapid, and are as common as cladogenic events. This evolutionary plasticity can be attributed to the modular nature of anuran development. Different modules can shift relative to one another in time or in space, creating variations in the observed developmental patterns. However, shifts in modules can occur even without having a significant effect on the ultimate outcome of the process. I discuss the implications of the modular nature of development on the evolution of anuran development, and of the group in general.  相似文献   

Recent work on a diverse array of echinoderm species has demonstrated, as is true in amphibians, that thyroid hormone (TH) accelerates development to metamorphosis. Interestingly, the feeding larvae of several species of sea urchins seem to obtain TH through their diet of planktonic algae (exogenous source), whereas nonfeeding larvae of the sand dollar Peronella japonica produce TH themselves (endogenous source). Here we examine the effects of TH (thyroxine) and a TH synthesis inhibitor (thiourea) on the development of Dendraster excentricus, a sand dollar with a feeding larva. We report reduced larval skeleton lengths and more rapid development of the juvenile rudiment in the exogenous TH treatments when compared to controls. Also, larvae treated with exogenous TH reached metamorphic competence faster at a significantly reduced juvenile size, representing the greatest reduction in juvenile size ever reported for an echinoid species with feeding larvae. These effects of TH on D. excentricus larval development are strikingly similar to the phenotypically plastic response of D. excentricus larvae reared under high food conditions. We hypothesize that exogenous (algae-derived) TH is the plasticity cue in echinoid larvae, and that the larvae use ingested TH levels as an indicator for larval nutrition, ultimately signaling the attainment of metamorphic competence. Furthermore, our experiments with the TH synthesis inhibitor thiourea indicate that D. excentricus larvae can produce some TH endogenously. Endogenous TH production might, therefore, be a shared feature among sand dollars, facilitating the evolution of nonfeeding larval development in that group. Mounting evidence on the effects of thyroid hormones in echinoderm development suggests life-history models need to incorporate metamorphic hormone effects and the evolution of metamorphic hormone production.  相似文献   

Labial teeth of anuran tadpoles are keratinized structures derived from the activity of a single epidermal cell of the oral labia; they are not homologous with adult anuran teeth, nor with teeth of other vertebrates. The present study comprises a first approach for studying labial tooth shape variation that will be useful for future studies of comparative development and the functional mechanics of feeding structures. We examined interspecific shape variations in the labial teeth of anuran tadpoles and searched for correlations of these variations with ecomorphological guilds and phylogeny. Species ordination shows that important variations at various taxonomic levels are related mainly to the general curvature of the tooth axis, the angle between the labial tooth base and tip, head length and curvature, and sheath width. The teeth of most basal taxa are broad‐based and curved, although some broad‐based teeth also characterize some phthanobatrachian species. Teeth of hyloids and ranoids differ in the oral angle, overall curvature, and sheath width. A phylogenetically independent ecomorphological effect is significant only for lotic suctorial and gastromyzophorous guilds; teeth in these forms have short, thick and curved heads, wide sheaths, and generally acute oral angles. The lack of a significant correlation between labial tooth shape and trophic guilds suggests that labial tooth harvesting ability has a wide latitude that could be particularly functional only under specific circumstances. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 609–625.  相似文献   

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