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120例人血清触珠蛋白的电脉图谱经数字化图像扫描,用神经网络进行分型。着重介绍了影响带型识别的电泳因素。为提高网络的识别能力,将图谱按几种不同的方法进行数字化加工,得到了94%的正确认识率。  相似文献   

120例人血清触珠蛋白的电泳图谱经数字化图像扫描,用神经网络进行分型。着重分析了影响带型识别的电泳因素。为提高网络的识别能力,将图谱按几种不同的方法进行数字化加工,得到了94%的正确识别率。  相似文献   

神经珠蛋白(Neuroglobin,Ngb)是最近由德国科学家发现的一种新的珠蛋白类型。目前,已从人、小鼠和鱼类的组织中获得了基因序列。研究发现,人神经珠蛋白(hNgb)的mRNA序列全长7727bp,含11个重复序列,4个外显子和3个内含子,编码151个氨基酸。与鼠神经珠蛋白(mNgb)相比核苷酸同源性为94%。鱼的神经珠蛋白(fNgb)编码159个氨基酸,分子量约为16kD。Ngb具有高氧亲和性和可逆性结合氧的功能。并能协助氧气通过血脑屏障,在神经细胞代谢中增加氧的运输、储存和供应。对其进一步研究将为生物医学和生命科学提供新的思路,也将开辟一个全新的市场。  相似文献   

人δ珠蛋白基因是次要成年功能性β类珠蛋白基因,位于11号染色体短壁β珠蛋白基因簇中,γ珠蛋白基因之后,β珠蛋白基因之前。,  相似文献   

人类β珠蛋白基因簇的顺次切换表达机制包括:在转录水平多个转录调控元件如LCR,EKLF,CCAAT等的作用。在转录后各mRNA的翻译及加工也受到影响。而α珠蛋白基因簇的切换机制则为ξ基因的关闭,另外,α及β-mRNA 3′UTR结构对其自身稳定性具有决定性作用,并进而影响其蛋白质水平。  相似文献   

细胞珠蛋白的结构及其生物学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞珠蛋白(cytoglobin,Cygb)是最近发现的脊椎动物珠蛋白超家族的一员,在体内分布广泛。人Cygb基因定位于染色体17q25,含有4个外显子和3个内含子,编码190个氨基酸残基(分子量20.9kD)。Cygb拥有经典的“three-over-three”α螺旋三明治折叠结构,同神经珠蛋白(Ngb)一样,Cygb血红素在缺乏外源性配体时呈“六配位”结构。Cygb的确切功能尚不十分清楚,目前主要有携氧与储氧、氧感受器、活性氧基团和NO的清道夫、NADH氧化酶或过氧化氢酶样作用和参与胶原形成等假说。  相似文献   

人α-类珠蛋白基因簇位于16号染色体的短臂近端粒区,由4个功能基因和3个假基因组成,其中,ζ-珠蛋白基因在胚胎期表达,α2、α1和θ珠蛋白基因在胎儿和成人期表达。α-类珠蛋白基因的主要调控序列位于ζ-珠蛋白基因上游40kb的位置,称为HS-40,另外还存在其它的HS-位点。在HS-40和各种珠蛋白基因启动子上有多种红系和通用反式作用因子的结合位点,它们间的协同作用保证了α-类珠蛋白基因表达的组织和  相似文献   

调查了中国内蒙古的蒙古族、吉林的朝鲜族和广西壮族的红细胞腺苷酸激酶(AK)、腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)及血清触珠蛋白(Hp)、a_1-抗胰蛋白酶(a_1-AT)的遗传多态性。蒙古族、朝鲜族、壮族的基因频率:AK_1~1分别为0.9843、1.0000、1.0000;ADA~1分别为0.9529、0.9468、0.9573;Hp~1分别为0.2597、0.3152、0.3571;在a_1-AT中Pi~M分别为0.9953、0.9953、0.9928,Pi~s分别为0.0000、0.0000、0.0072,Pi~F分别为0.0047、0.0047、0.0000。x~2检验表明,三个民族各项指标的表型观察值都符合Hardy-Weinberg法则。  相似文献   

GATA转录因子研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
GATA家族是一类能识别GATA基序(motif)并与之结合的转录调节因子,其普遍具有锌指结构。GATA家族的共同特点是对一致性序列(T/A)GATA(A/G)具有高度亲合性。其家族成员已发现在动物、真菌、植物等生物中广泛存在。  相似文献   

周刚  曾凡一 《遗传学报》1996,23(6):419-424
应用双链DNA循环则序法,对中国人群20例血液学正体个体,77例β-珠蛋白合成异常患者(43例)及其部分亲属(34例)的β珠蛋基因上游-530基序进行了序列分析。结果表明,中国人-530基序存在(AT)8T5,(AT)7T7和(AT)9T5三种主要的重排类型,以及一种未见报道的稀有重排类型(AT)10T3。进一步经家系连锁分析,获得由β珠蛋白结构基因与-530基序重排组成的单体型,结果显示IVS-  相似文献   

蛋白酶体结构和功能研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蛋白酶体是真核细胞内依赖ATP的蛋白质水解途径的重要成分,负责大多数细胞内蛋白质的降解. 20 S蛋白酶体有多种肽酶活性,其活性位点为Thr. 19 S复合物与20 S蛋白酶体结合成为26 S复合物,能降解泛素化蛋白.近几年来,蛋白酶体的分子组成、亚基、生化机理、胞内功能等方面的研究取得了明显进展.  相似文献   

白细胞介素一15是一种最近被正式承认的新细胞因子,该因子cDNA结构和功能及分子结构已阐明,其生物学活性和空间构象与IL-2非常相似但又有差异,IL-15受体至少包括IL-2受体β和γ链亚单位,是否尚有其他未知成分参与IL-15受体的组成和其详细的信号传递途径以及其他未知生物学活性如何尚有待深入研究.  相似文献   

The activity of the enzyme lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT; E.C. is involved in the removal of cholesterol excess from peripheral cells. This activity is stimulated by the HDL (high density lipoprotein) apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1). Haptoglobin (Hpt) was previously found to be associated with ApoA1 in ovarian follicular fluid. LCAT activity was analyzed in follicular fluids, collected from an IVF program, containing different amounts of Hpt or Hpt/ApoA1 ratio. Addition of purified Hpt to follicular fluid caused a decrease in the enzyme activity, which was measured as the rate of synthesis of cholesteryl esters. In the fractions of fluid proteins, as obtained by gel filtration chromatography, Hpt and HDL were titrated by ELISA while the LCAT activity was assayed by using radioactive cholesterol and purified HDL. When isolated LCAT was incubated with fractions containing different Hpt/ApoA1 ratios, the enzyme activity was found negatively correlated with the Hpt/ApoA1 ratio (P < 0.01). LCAT kinetic parameters were measured in two fractions with the same amount of ApoA1 (5 microg/ml) but different amounts of Hpt (0.69 or 3.77 microg/ml): the V(max) did not change while the K(m) values were 24.1 or 78.6 microM in the presence of the low or high Hpt level, respectively. The analysis of fluids associated with cytoplasmically mature MII oocytes, in a cross-sectional study, confirmed that a negative correlation exists between the Hpt/ApoA1 ratio and the LCAT activity (P < 0.01). The results suggest that Hpt inhibits the reverse transport of cholesterol by preventing ApoA1 stimulation of the LCAT activity.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin is a plasma hemoglobin-binding protein that limits iron loss during normal erythrocyte turnover and hemolysis, thereby preventing oxidative damage mediated by iron excess in the circulation. Haptoglobin polymorphism in humans, characterized by the Hp(*1) and Hp (*2) alleles, results in distinct phenotypes known as Hp1-1, Hp2-1 and Hp2-2, whose frequencies vary according to the ethnic origin of the population. The Hp(*1) allele has two subtypes, Hp (*1F) and Hp (*1S) , that also vary in their frequencies among populations worldwide. In this work, we examined the distribution frequencies of haptoglobin subtypes in three Brazilian population groups of different ethnicities. The haptoglobin genotypes of Kayabi Amerindians (n = 56), Kalunga Afro-descendants (n = 70) and an urban population (n = 132) were determined by allele-specific PCR. The Hp(*1F) allele frequency was highest in Kalunga (29.3%) and lowest in Kayabi (2.6%). The Hp(*1F)/Hp(*1S) allele frequency ratios were 0.6, 1.0 and 0.26 for the Kayabi, Kalunga and urban populations, respectively. This variation was attributable largely to the Hp(*1F) allele. However, despite the large variation in Hp(*1F) frequencies, results of F (ST) (0.0291) indicated slight genetic differentiation among subpopulations of the general Brazilian population studied here. This is the first Brazilian report of variations in the Hp(*1F) and Hp(*1S) frequencies among non-Amerindian Brazilians.  相似文献   

整联蛋白是广泛存在于真核细胞表面的完整的膜受体家族,包括由至少18种不同的α亚基及8种β亚基形成的20多种αβ异二聚体。整联蛋白配体主要有胶原蛋白、纤维结合蛋白、层粘连蛋白、玻连蛋白、血小板凝血酶敏感蛋白、胞间黏附分子、细胞反受体、补体蛋白,以及多种细菌和病毒蛋白,在介导血管内皮细胞和肿瘤细胞的黏附、淋巴细胞运输、肿瘤生长及感染等都有重要的作用。  相似文献   

Alterations in haptoglobin (Hp) glycosylation were examined in the plasma of the first patient with carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome (CDGS) who was described in Poland. Hp concentration in the CDGS patient plasma was low (240mg/l) and the Hp phenotype was shown to be 2-2. Three glycoforms of the Hp subunit were observed in SDS-PAGE in CDGS. The densitometric analysis and molecular weight determinations suggested that 50% of glycoforms were fully glycosylated; 30% contained three out of four and 20% only two out of four glycan units compared to those that are present in Hp derived from healthy people. Results with lectins (concanavalin A and Sambucus nigra, Maackia amurensis and Alleuria aurantia agglutinins) indicate that all three glycoforms of subunit of CDGS-Hp contained biantennary complex glycans terminated with 2,6 bound sialic acid, but without fucose or 2,3 linked sialic acid. Hp glycosylation abnormalities described in this work suggest that this case was a type I carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome.  相似文献   

生物膜结构研究的一些进展   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
膜蛋白三维结构的解析存在很多困难.最近几年由于一些通道(如K+通道,Cl-通道,水通道Aquaporin 1等)和泵(如Ca2+泵)的结晶获得成功,这些膜蛋白具有原子分辨率三维结构的解析才得以完成,从而基本阐明一些极性分子和离子选择性通过生物膜的分子机理.在膜脂结构方面,动物细胞质膜膜脂的分布是不均匀的.近年来已多方面证明,质膜具有一些被命名为“脂筏(lipid rafts)”和“质膜微囊(Caveolae)”的微区.它们富含鞘脂和胆固醇。简单介绍了这些脂质微区的大小、组分以及动态变化.根据研究结果,这类脂质微区含有大量信号分子,很可能具有信号传递中心的作用.此外,对脂筏在膜运送过程中的作用也进行一些评述.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to investigate the association between haptoglobin (Hp) phenotypes and risk of the development of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus.


This cross-sectional study included 45 normotensive type 2 diabetic patients (duration more than 5 years) admitted in the hospital divided into two groups (with and without DR) on the basis of fundus examination by direct ophthalmoscopy. Serum samples of all patients were subjected for Hp phenotyping by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.


DR was associated significantly in diabetic patients with Hp2-2 phenotype (79.31%) than diabetic patients with Hp2-1 phenotype (43.75%) and Hp2-2 had higher odds ratio (OR) for DR in univariate analysis (OR 4.929, [95% confidence interval [CI] (1.297-18.733)], P = 0.016) and multivariate analysis (OR 7.704 [95% CI (0.887-66.945)], P = 0.064). Furthermore, Hp2-2 was associated significantly with severe forms of DR.


Hp2-2 phenotype is associated with susceptibility to DR showing a graded risk relationship to the number of Hp2 alleles. Determination of Hp phenotype may be useful in the risk assessment and management of DR.  相似文献   

The expression profile of Haptoglobin (Hp) gene in total milk somatic cells (SCC) of high-yielding cross-bred Karan Fries (KF) was studied during early, mid, and late lactation cycle. Milk samples (200 ml/animals) were collected from 10 high-yielding and 10 low-yielding cows throughout the lactation cycle (from day 7 to day 300) with an interval of one month. Relative mRNA expression profiles of Hp by RT polymerase chain reaction was studied in high-yielding cows, whereas low-yielding cows were taken as control. The folds of induction of Hp was significantly (p < 0.001) downregulated by a mean factor of 0.207 in milk SCC during early lactating cows. Whereas, it was significantly (p < 0.01) upregulated by a mean factor of 20.888 during mid lactation. The expression was unaltered during the late lactation. The study demonstrates that Hp is synthesized within the mammary gland and significantly upregulated during mid-lactation period compared to other stages of lactation cycle.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin (Hpt) binds the apolipoprotein (Apo) A–I domain, which is involved in stimulating the enzyme lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) for cholesterol esterification. This binding was shown to protect ApoA–I against hydroxyl radicals, thus preventing loss of ApoA–I function in enzyme stimulation. In this study, we report that Hpt is also able to bind ApoE. The Hpt binding site on the ApoE structure was mapped by using synthetic peptides, and found homologous to the Hpt binding site of ApoA–I. Hydroxyl radicals promoted in vitro the formation of ApoE-containing adducts which were detected by immunoblotting. Hpt impaired this oxidative modification whereas albumin did not. CSF from patients with multiple sclerosis or subjects without neurodegeneration contains oxidized forms of ApoE and ApoA–I similar to those observed in vitro . CSF was analyzed for its level of ApoA–I, ApoE, Hpt, cholesteryl esters, and unesterified cholesterol. The ratio of esterified with unesterified cholesterol, assumed to reflect the LCAT activity ex vivo , did not correlate with either analyzed protein, but conversely correlated with the ratio [Hpt]/([ApoE]+[ApoA–I]). The results suggest that Hpt might save the function of ApoA–I and ApoE for cholesterol esterification, a process contributing to cholesterol elimination from the brain.  相似文献   

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