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Nearly 70% of all of the known cTnT mutations that cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy fall within the TNT1 region that is critical to cTn-Tm binding. The high resolution structure of this domain has not been determined, and this lack of information has hindered structure-function analysis. In the current study, a coupled computational experimental approach was employed to correlate changes in cTnT dynamics to basic function using the regulated in vitro motility assay (R-IVM). An in silico approach to calculate forces in terms of a bending coordinate was used to precisely identify decreases in bending forces at residues 105 and 106 within the proposed cTnT "hinge" region. Significant functional changes were observed in multiple functional properties, including a decrease in the cooperativity of calcium activation, the calcium sensitivity of sliding speed, and maximum sliding speed. Correlation of the computational and experimental findings revealed an association between TNT1 flexibility and the cooperativity of thin filament calcium activation where an increase in flexibility led to a decrease in cooperativity. Further analysis of the primary sequence of the TNT1 region revealed a unique pattern of conserved charged TNT1 residues altered by the R92W and R92L mutations and may represent the underlying "structure" modulating this central functional domain. These data provide a framework for further integrated in silico/in vitro approaches that may be extended into a high-throughput predictive screen to overcome the current structural limitations in linking molecular phenotype to genotype in thin filament cardiomyopathies.  相似文献   

Striated muscles are relaxed under low Ca(2+) concentration conditions due to actions of the thin filament protein troponin. To investigate this regulatory mechanism, an 11-residue segment of cardiac troponin I previously termed the inhibitory peptide region was studied by mutagenesis. Several mutant troponin complexes were characterized in which specific effects of the inhibitory peptide region were abrogated by replacements of 4-10 residues with Gly-Ala linkers. The mutations greatly impaired two of troponin's actions under low Ca(2+) concentration conditions: inhibition of myosin subfragment 1 (S1)-thin filament MgATPase activity and cooperative suppression of myosin S1-ADP binding to thin filaments with low myosin saturation. Inhibitory peptide replacement diminished but did not abolish the Ca(2+) dependence of the ATPase rate; ATPase rates were at least 2-fold greater when Ca(2+) rather than EGTA was present. This residual regulation was highly cooperative as a function of Ca(2+) concentration, similar to the degree of cooperativity observed with WT troponin present. Other effects of the mutations included 2-fold or less increases in the apparent affinity of the thin filament regulatory Ca(2+) sites, similar decreases in the affinity of troponin for actin-tropomyosin regardless of Ca(2+), and increases in myosin S1-thin filament ATPase rates in the presence of saturating Ca(2+). The overall results indicate that cooperative myosin binding to Ca(2+)-free thin filaments depends upon the inhibitory peptide region but that a cooperatively activating effect of Ca(2+) binding does not. The findings suggest that these two processes are separable and involve different conformational changes in the thin filament.  相似文献   

The Ca2+/Mg2+ sites (III and IV) located in the C-terminal domain of cardiac troponin C (cTnC) have been generally considered to play a purely structural role in keeping the cTnC bound to the thin filament. However, several lines of evidence, including the discovery of cardiomyopathy-associated mutations in the C-domain, have raised the possibility that these sites may have a more complex role in contractile regulation. To explore this possibility, the ATPase activity of rat cardiac myofibrils was assayed under conditions in which no Ca2+ was bound to the N-terminal regulatory Ca2+-binding site (site II). Myosin-S1 was treated with N-ethylmaleimide to create strong-binding myosin heads (NEM-S1), which could activate the cardiac thin filament in the absence of Ca2+. NEM-S1 activation was assayed at pCa 8.0 to 6.5 and in the presence of either 1 mM or 30 μM free Mg2+. ATPase activity was maximal when sites III and IV were occupied by Mg2+ and it steadily declined as Ca2+ displaced Mg2+. The data suggest that in the absence of Ca2+ at site II strong-binding myosin crossbridges cause the opening of more active sites on the thin filament if the C-domain is occupied by Mg2+ rather than Ca2+. This finding could be relevant to the contraction–relaxation kinetics of cardiac muscle. As Ca2+ dissociates from site II of cTnC during the early relaxing phase of the cardiac cycle, residual Ca2+ bound at sites III and IV might facilitate the switching off of the thin filament and the detachment of crossbridges from actin.  相似文献   

Activation of thin filaments in striated muscle occurs when tropomyosin exposes myosin binding sites on actin either through calcium-troponin (Ca-Tn) binding or by actin-myosin (A-M) strong binding. However, the extent to which these binding events contributes to thin filament activation remains unclear. Here we propose a simple analytical model in which strong A-M binding and Ca-Tn binding independently activates the rate of A-M weak-to-strong binding. The model predicts how the level of activation varies with pCa as well as A-M attachment, N·k(att), and detachment, k(det), kinetics. To test the model, we use an in vitro motility assay to measure the myosin-based sliding velocities of thin filaments at different pCa, N·k(att), and k(det) values. We observe that the combined effects of varying pCa, N·k(att), and k(det) are accurately fit by the analytical model. The model and supporting data imply that changes in attachment and detachment kinetics predictably affect the calcium sensitivity of striated muscle mechanics, providing a novel A-M kinetic-based interpretation for perturbations (e.g. disease-related mutations) that alter calcium sensitivity.  相似文献   

Troponin is a pivotal regulatory protein that binds Ca(2+) reversibly to act as the muscle contraction on-off switch. To understand troponin function, the dynamic behavior of the Ca(2+)-saturated cardiac troponin core domain was mapped in detail at 10 °C, using H/D exchange-mass spectrometry. The low temperature conditions of the present study greatly enhanced the dynamic map compared with previous work. Approximately 70% of assessable peptide bond hydrogens were protected from exchange sufficiently for dynamic measurement. This allowed the first characterization by this method of many regions of regulatory importance. Most of the TnI COOH terminus was protected from H/D exchange, implying an intrinsically folded structure. This region is critical to the troponin inhibitory function and has been implicated in thin filament activation. Other new findings include unprotected behavior, suggesting high mobility, for the residues linking the two domains of TnC, as well as for the inhibitory peptide residues preceding the TnI switch helix. These data indicate that, in solution, the regulatory subdomain of cardiac troponin is mobile relative to the remainder of troponin. Relatively dynamic properties were observed for the interacting TnI switch helix and TnC NH(2)-domain, contrasting with stable, highly protected properties for the interacting TnI helix 1 and TnC COOH-domain. Overall, exchange protection via protein folding was relatively weak or for a majority of peptide bond hydrogens. Several regions of TnT and TnI were unfolded even at low temperature, suggesting intrinsic disorder. Finally, change in temperature prominently altered local folding stability, suggesting that troponin is an unusually mobile protein under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an energy-sensing enzyme central to the regulation of metabolic homeostasis. In the heart AMPK is activated during cardiac stress-induced ATP depletion and functions to stimulate metabolic pathways that restore the AMP/ATP balance. Recently it was demonstrated that AMPK phosphorylates cardiac troponin I (cTnI) at Ser-150 in vitro. We sought to determine if the metabolic regulatory kinase AMPK phosphorylates cTnI at Ser-150 in vivo to alter cardiac contractile function directly at the level of the myofilament. Rabbit cardiac myofibrils separated by two-dimensional isoelectric focusing subjected to a Western blot with a cTnI phosphorylation-specific antibody demonstrates that cTnI is endogenously phosphorylated at Ser-150 in the heart. Treatment of myofibrils with the AMPK holoenzyme increased cTnI Ser-150 phosphorylation within the constraints of the muscle lattice. Compared with controls, cardiac fiber bundles exchanged with troponin containing cTnI pseudo-phosphorylated at Ser-150 demonstrate increased sensitivity of calcium-dependent force development, blunting of both PKA-dependent calcium desensitization, and PKA-dependent increases in length dependent activation. Thus, in addition to the defined role of AMPK as a cardiac metabolic energy gauge, these data demonstrate AMPK Ser-150 phosphorylation of cTnI directly links the regulation of cardiac metabolic demand to myofilament contractile energetics. Furthermore, the blunting effect of cTnI Ser-150 phosphorylation cross-talk can uncouple the effects of myofilament PKA-dependent phosphorylation from β-adrenergic signaling as a novel thin filament contractile regulatory signaling mechanism.  相似文献   

Contraction and relaxation of cardiac muscle are regulated by the inhibitory and regulatory regions of troponin I (cTnI). Our previous FRET studies showed that the inhibitory region of cTnI in isolated troponin experiences a structural transition from a beta-turn/coil motif to an extended conformation upon Ca(2+) activation. During the relaxation process, the kinetics of the reversal of this conformation is coupled to the closing of the Ca(2+)-induced open conformation of the N-domain of troponin C (cTnC) and an interaction between cTnC and cTnI in their interface. We have since extended the structural kinetic study of the inhibitory region to fully regulated thin filament. Single-tryptophan and single-cysteine mutant cTnI(L129W/S151C) was labeled with 1,5-IAEDANS at Cys151, and the tryptophan-AEDANS pair served as a donor-acceptor pair. Labeled cTnI mutant was used to prepare regulated thin filaments. Ca(2+)-induced conformational changes in the segment of Trp129-Cys151 of cTnI were monitored by FRET sensitized acceptor (AEDANS) emission in Ca(2+) titration and stopped-flow measurements. Control experiments suggested energy transfer from endogenous tryptophan residues of actin and myosin S1 to AEDANS attached to Cys151 of cTnI was very small and Ca(2+) independent. The present results show that the rate of Ca(2+)-induced structural transition and Ca(2+) sensitivity of the inhibitory region of cTnI were modified by (1) thin filament formation, (2) the presence of strongly bound S1, and (3) PKA phosphorylation of the N-terminus of cTnI. Ca(2+) sensitivity was not significantly changed by the presence of cTm and actin. However, the cTn-cTm interaction decreased the cooperativity and kinetics of the structural transition within cTnI, while actin filaments elicited opposite effects. The strongly bound S1 significantly increased the Ca(2+) sensitivity and slowed down the kinetics of structural transition. In contrast, PKA phosphorylation of cTnI decreased the Ca(2+) sensitivity and accelerated the structural transition rate of the inhibitory region of cTnI on thin filaments. These results support the idea of a feedback mechanism by strong cross-bridge interaction with actin and provide insights on the molecular basis for the fine tuning of cardiac function by beta-adrenergic stimulation.  相似文献   

An altered cardiac myofilament response to activating Ca(2+) is a hallmark of human heart failure. Phosphorylation of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is critical in modulating contractility and Ca(2+) sensitivity of cardiac muscle. cTnI can be phosphorylated by protein kinase A (PKA) at Ser(22/23) and protein kinase C (PKC) at Ser(22/23), Ser(42/44), and Thr(143). Whereas the functional significance of Ser(22/23) phosphorylation is well understood, the role of other cTnI phosphorylation sites in the regulation of cardiac contractility remains a topic of intense debate, in part, due to the lack of evidence of in vivo phosphorylation. In this study, we utilized top-down high resolution mass spectrometry (MS) combined with immunoaffinity chromatography to determine quantitatively the cTnI phosphorylation changes in spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) model of hypertensive heart disease and failure. Our data indicate that cTnI is hyperphosphorylated in the failing SHR myocardium compared with age-matched normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats. The top-down electron capture dissociation MS unambiguously localized augmented phosphorylation sites to Ser(22/23) and Ser(42/44) in SHR. Enhanced Ser(22/23) phosphorylation was verified by immunoblotting with phospho-specific antibodies. Immunoblot analysis also revealed up-regulation of PKC-α and -δ, decreased PKCε, but no changes in PKA or PKC-β levels in the SHR myocardium. This provides direct evidence of in vivo phosphorylation of cTnI-Ser(42/44) (PKC-specific) sites in an animal model of hypertensive heart failure, supporting the hypothesis that PKC phosphorylation of cTnI may be maladaptive and potentially associated with cardiac dysfunction.  相似文献   

This spectroscopic study examined the steady-state and kinetic parameters governing the cross-bridge effect on the increased Ca(2+) affinity of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-cardiac troponin C (HCM-cTnC) mutants. Previously, we found that incorporation of the A8V and D145E HCM-cTnC mutants, but not E134D into thin filaments (TFs), increased the apparent Ca(2+) affinity relative to TFs containing the WT protein. Here, we show that the addition of myosin subfragment 1 (S1) to TFs reconstituted with these mutants in the absence of MgATP(2-), the condition conducive to rigor cross-bridge formation, further increased the apparent Ca(2+) affinity. Stopped-flow fluorescence techniques were used to determine the kinetics of Ca(2+) dissociation (k(off)) from the cTnC mutants in the presence of TFs and S1. At a high level of complexity (i.e. TF + S1), an increase in the Ca(2+) affinity and decrease in k(off) was achieved for the A8V and D145E mutants when compared with WT. Therefore, it appears that the cTnC Ca(2+) off-rate is most likely to be affected rather than the Ca(2+) on rate. At all levels of TF complexity, the results obtained with the E134D mutant reproduced those seen with the WT protein. We conclude that strong cross-bridges potentiate the Ca(2+)-sensitizing effect of HCM-cTnC mutants on the myofilament. Finally, the slower k(off) from the A8V and D145E mutants can be directly correlated with the diastolic dysfunction seen in these patients.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent regulation of tension and ATPase activity in permeabilized porcine ventricular muscle was lost after incubation with 10 mM vanadate. After transfer from vanadate to a vanadate-free, low-Ca2+ solution (pCa> 8), the permeabilized muscle produced 84.8% ± 20.1% (± S.D., n=98) of the isometric force elicited by high Ca22+ (pCa 4.5 prior to incubation with vanadate. Transfer back to a high Ca2+ solution elicited no additional force (83.2% ± 18.7% of control force). SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis of fibers and solutions demonstrated substantial extraction (>90%) of Troponin I (TnI). Calcium dependence was restored after incubation with solutions containing either whole cardiac troponin or a combination of TnI and troponin C subunits. This reversible extraction of troponin directly demonstrates the role of TnI in the regulation of striated muscle contractility and permits specific substitution of the native TnI with exogenously supplied protein.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which calmodulin and troponin C influence phosphorylation of troponin I (TnI) by protein kinase C was investigated. The phosphorylation of TnI by protein kinase C requires the presence of acidic phospholipid, calcium and diacylglycerol. Light scattering intensity and fluorescence intensity experiments showed that TnI associated with the phospholipid membranes and caused extensive aggregation. In the presence of Ca2+, TnI-phospholipid interactions were prevented by approximately stoichiometric amounts of either troponin C or calmodulin. Troponin C was shown to completely inhibit phosphorylation of TnI by either protein kianse C or by phosphorylase b kinase. In contrast, calmodulin completely inhibited phosphorylation of TnI by protein kinase C, but had only little effect on TnI phosphorylation by phosphorylase b kinase. Inhibition by calmodulin did not appear to be due to interaction with PKC, since calmodulin mildly increased protein kinase C phosphorylation of histone III-S. The ratio of phosphoserine to phosphothreonine in protein kinase C-phosphorylated TnI remained approximately constant for reactions inhibited by up to 90% by clamodulin. TnI interactions with phospholipid and phosphorylation of TnI by PKC were also prevented by high salt concentrations. However, salt concentrations adequate to inhibit phosphorylation were sufficient to dissociate only TnI, but not protein kinase C from the membrane. These results suggest that the binding of TnI to phospholipid is required for phosphorylation by protein kinase C and that prevention of this binding by any means completely inhibited phosphorylation of TnI by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Cardiac troponin C is the Ca2+-dependent switch for heart muscle contraction. Troponin C is associated with various other proteins including troponin I and troponin T. The interaction between the subunits within the troponin complex is of critical importance in understanding contractility. Following a Ca2+ signal to begin contraction, the inhibitory region of troponin I comprising residues Thr128-Arg147 relocates from its binding surface on actin to troponin C, triggering movement of troponin-tropomyosin within the thin filament and thereby freeing actin-binding site(s) for interactions with the myosin ATPase of the thick filament to generate the power stroke. The structure of calcium-saturated cardiac troponin C (C-domain) in complex with the inhibitory region of troponin I was determined using multinuclear and multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The structure of this complex reveals that the inhibitory region adopts a helical conformation spanning residues Leu134-Lys139, with a novel orientation between the E- and H-helices of troponin C, which is largely stabilized by electrostatic interactions. By using isotope labeling, we have studied the dynamics of the protein and peptide in the binary complex. The structure of this inhibited complex provides a framework for understanding into interactions within the troponin complex upon heart contraction.  相似文献   

Troponin I (TnI) is a muscle-specific protein and plays an allosteric function in the Ca(2+) regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle contraction. Expression of cloned cDNA in Escherichia coli is an essential approach to preparing human TnI and mutants for structural and functional studies. The expression level of cardiac TnI in E. coli is very low. To reduce the potential toxicity of cardiac TnI to the host cell, we constructed a bi-cistronic expression vector to co-express cardiac TnI and cardiac/slow troponin C (TnC), a natural binding partner of TnI and a protein that readily expresses in E. coli at high levels. The co-expression moderately increased the expression of cardiac TnI although a high amount of TnC protein was produced from the bi-cistronic mRNA. The use of an E. coli strain containing additional tRNAs for certain low bacterial usage eukaryotic codons improved the expression of cardiac TnI. Modifications of two 5'-regional codons that have predicted low usages in bacterial cells did not reproduce the improvement, indicating that not the 5' but the overall codon usage restricts the translational efficiency of cardiac TnI mRNA in E. coli. However, deletion of the cardiac TnI-specific N-terminal 28 amino acids significantly improved the protein expression independent of the host cell tRNA modifications. The results suggest that the regulatory N-terminal domain of cardiac TnI is a dominant factor for the incompatibility in bacterial cells, supporting its role in modulating the overall molecular conformation.  相似文献   

Efficient and specific phosphorylation of PKA substrates, elicited in response to β-adrenergic stimulation, require spatially confined pools of PKA anchored in proximity of its substrates. PKA-dependent phosphorylation of cardiac sarcomeric proteins has been the subject of intense investigations. Yet, the identity, composition, and function of PKA complexes at the sarcomeres have remained elusive. Here we report the identification and characterization of a novel sarcomeric AKAP (A-kinase anchoring protein), cardiac troponin T (cTnT). Using yeast two-hybrid technology in screening two adult human heart cDNA libraries, we identified the regulatory subunit of PKA as interacting with human cTnT bait. Immunoprecipitation studies show that cTnT is a dual specificity AKAP, interacting with both PKA-regulatory subunits type I and II. The disruptor peptide Ht31, but not Ht31P (control), abolished cTnT/PKA-R association. Truncations and point mutations identified an amphipathic helix domain in cTnT as the PKA binding site. This was confirmed by a peptide SPOT assay in the presence of Ht31 or Ht31P (control). Gelsolin-dependent removal of thin filament proteins also reduced myofilament-bound PKA-type II. Using a cTn exchange procedure that substitutes the endogenous cTn complex with a recombinant cTn complex we show that PKA-type II is troponin-bound in the myofilament lattice. Displacement of PKA-cTnT complexes correlates with a significant decrease in myofibrillar PKA activity. Taken together, our data propose a novel role for cTnT as a dual-specificity sarcomeric AKAP.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent Clp protease (ClpP) is an attractive new target for the development of anti-infective agents. The ClpP protease consists of two heptameric rings that enclose a large chamber containing 14 proteolytic active sites. Recent studies indicate that ClpP likely undergoes conformational switching between an extended and degraded active state required for substrate proteolysis and a compacted and catalytically inactive state allowing product release. Here, we present the wild-type ClpP structures in two distinct states from Staphylococcus aureus. One structure is very similar to those solved ClpP structures in the extended states. The other is strikingly different from both the extended and the compacted state as observed in ClpP from other species; the handle domain of this structure kinks to take on a compressed conformation. Structural analysis and molecular dynamic simulations show that the handle domain predominantly controls the way in which degradation products exit the chamber through dynamic conformational switching from the extended state to the compressed state. Given the highly conserved sequences among ClpP from different species, this compressed conformation is unexpected and novel, which is potentially valuable for understanding the enzymatic dynamics and the acting mechanisms of ClpP.  相似文献   

A novel double deletion in cardiac troponin T (cTnT) of two highly conserved amino acids (Asn-100 and Glu-101) was found in a restrictive cardiomyopathic (RCM) pediatric patient. Clinical evaluation revealed the presence of left atrial enlargement and marked left ventricle diastolic dysfunction. The explanted heart examined by electron microscopy revealed myofibrillar disarray and mild fibrosis. Pedigree analysis established that this mutation arose de novo. The patient tested negative for six other sarcomeric genes. The single and double recombinant cTnT mutants were generated, and their functional consequences were analyzed in porcine skinned cardiac muscle. In the adult Tn environment (cTnT3 + cardiac troponin I), the single cTnT3-ΔN100 and cTnT3-ΔE101 mutations had opposing effects on the Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development compared with WT, whereas the double deletion cTnT3-ΔN100/ΔE101 increased the Ca(2+) sensitivity + 0.19 pCa units. In addition, cTnT3-ΔN100/ΔE101 decreased the cooperativity of force development, suggesting alterations in intrafilament protein-protein interactions. In the fetal Tn environment, (cTnT1 + slow skeletal troponin I), the single (cTnT1-ΔN110) and double (cTnT1-ΔN110/ΔE111) deletions did not change the Ca(2+) sensitivity compared with control. To recreate the patient's heterozygous genotype, we performed a reconstituted ATPase activity assay. Thin filaments containing 50:50 cTnT3-ΔN100/ΔE101:cTnT3-WT also increased the myofilament Ca(2+) sensitivity compared with WT. Co-sedimentation of thin filament proteins indicated that no significant changes occurred in the binding of Tn containing the RCM cTnT mutation to actin-Tm. This report reveals the protective role of Tn fetal isoforms as they rescue the increased Ca(2+) sensitivity produced by a cTnT-RCM mutation and may account for the lack of lethality during gestation.  相似文献   

Troponin T (TnT) and troponin I (TnI) are two evolutionarily and functionally linked subunits of the troponin complex that regulates striated muscle contraction. We previously reported a single amino acid substitution in the highly conserved TnT-binding helix of cardiac TnI (cTnI) in wild turkey hearts in concurrence with an abnormally spliced myopathic cardiac TnT (cTnT) (Biesiadecki, B. J., Schneider, K. L., Yu, Z. B., Chong, S. M., and Jin, J. P. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 13825–13832). To investigate the functional effect of this cTnI mutation and its potential value in compensating for the cTnT abnormality, we developed transgenic mice expressing the mutant cTnI (K118C) in the heart with or without the deletion of the endogenous cTnI gene to mimic the homozygote and heterozygote of wild turkeys. Double and triple transgenic mice were created by crossing the cTnI-K118C lines with transgenic mice overexpressing the myopathic cTnT (exon 7 deletion). Functional studies of ex vivo working hearts found that cTnI-K118C alone had a dominantly negative effect on diastolic function and blunted the inotropic responses of cardiac muscle to β-adrenergic stimuli without abolishing the protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation of cTnI. When co-expressed with the cTnT mutation, cTnI-K118C corrected the significant depression of systolic function caused by cTnT exon 7 deletion, and the co-existence of exon 7-deleted cTnT minimized the diastolic abnormality of cTnI-K118C. Characterization of this naturally selected pair of mutually rescuing mutations demonstrated that TnI-TnT interaction is a critical link in the Ca2+ signaling and β-adrenergic regulation in cardiac muscle, suggesting a potential target for the treatment of troponin cardiomyopathies and heart failure.  相似文献   

The cardiac troponin I (cTnI) isoform contains a unique N-terminal extension that functions to modulate activation of cardiac myofilaments. During cardiac remodeling restricted proteolysis of cTnI removes this cardiac specific N-terminal modulatory extension to alter myofilament regulation. We have demonstrated expression of the N-terminal-deleted cTnI (cTnI-ND) in the heart decreased the development of the cardiomyopathy like phenotype in a β-adrenergic-deficient transgenic mouse model. To investigate the potential beneficial effects of cTnI-ND on the development of naturally occurring cardiac dysfunction, we measured the hemodynamic and biochemical effects of cTnI-ND transgenic expression in the aged heart. Echocardiographic measurements demonstrate cTnI-ND transgenic mice exhibit increased systolic and diastolic functions at 16 months of age compared with age-matched controls. This improvement likely results from decreased Ca2+ sensitivity and increased cross-bridge kinetics as observed in skinned papillary bundles from young transgenic mice prior to the effects of aging. Hearts of cTnI-ND transgenic mice further exhibited decreased β myosin heavy chain expression compared to age matched non-transgenic mice as well as altered cTnI phosphorylation. Finally, we demonstrated cTnI-ND expressed in the heart is not phosphorylated indicating the cTnI N-terminal is necessary for the higher level phosphorylation of cTnI. Taken together, our data suggest the regulated proteolysis of cTnI during cardiac stress to remove the unique cardiac N-terminal extension functions to improve cardiac contractility at the myofilament level and improve overall cardiac function.  相似文献   

The in situ structural coupling between the cardiac troponin (cTn) Ca2+-sensitive regulatory switch (CRS) and strong myosin cross-bridges was investigated using Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). The double cysteine mutant cTnC(T13C/N51C) was fluorescently labeled with the FRET pair 5-(iodoacetamidoethyl)aminonaphthelene-1-sulfonic acid (IAEDENS) and N-(4-dimethylamino-3,5-dinitrophenyl)maleimide (DDPM) and then incorporated into detergent skinned left ventricular papillary fiber bundles. Ca2+ titrations of cTnC(T13C/N51C)AEDENS/DDPM-reconstituted fibers showed that the Ca2+-dependence of the opening of the N-domain of cTnC (N-cTnC) statistically matched the force−Ca2+ relationship. N-cTnC opening still occurred steeply during Ca2+ titrations in the presence of 1 mM vanadate, but the maximal extent of ensemble-averaged N-cTnC opening and the Ca2+-sensitivity of the CRS were significantly reduced. At nanomolar, resting Ca2+ levels, treatment with ADP·Mg in the absence of ATP caused a partial opening of N-cTnC. During subsequent Ca2+ titrations in the presence of ADP·Mg and absence of ATP, further N-cTnC opening was stimulated as the CRS responded to Ca2+ with increased Ca2+-sensitivity and reduced steepness. These findings supported our hypothesis here that strong cross-bridge interactions with the cardiac thin filament exert a Ca2+-sensitizing effect on the CRS by stabilizing the interaction between the exposed hydrophobic patch of N-cTnC and the switch region of cTnI.  相似文献   

This minireview focuses on structural studies that have provided insights into our current understanding of thick filament regulation in muscle. We describe how different domains in the myosin molecule interact to produce an inactive “off” state; included are head-head and head-rod interactions, the role of the regulatory light chain, and the significance of the α-helical coiled-coil rod in regulation. Several of these interactions have now been visualized in a wide variety of native myosin filaments, testifying to the generality of these structural motifs across the phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

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