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The ability of the glucocorticoid dexamethasone to modulate the insulin receptor was examined directly in primary cultures of hepatocytes prepared from adult male rats. Hepatocytes were cultured in a defined medium in the presence and absence of dexamethasone, 0.1 microM. The exposure of hepatocytes to dexamethasone resulted in a time-dependent (steady state by 32 h) increase in insulin binding in both intact hepatocytes and Triton X-100-soluble extracts (total insulin receptor content). The enhanced insulin binding found in soluble extracts of dexamethasone-treated hepatocytes was the result of an increase in insulin receptor number without a change in receptor affinity. In order to assess the mechanism by which dexamethasone "up-regulates" the insulin receptor, the heavy isotope density-shift technique was used to analyze insulin receptor turnover in control and dexamethasone-treated hepatocytes. Hepatocytes were initially cultured for 32 h in standard culture media containing only "light" (14C, 12C, 1H) amino acids. In hepatocytes exposed to dexamethasone, a 417% increase in insulin binding in Triton X-100-soluble extracts was observed. After 32 h, when steady state binding is achieved in dexamethasone-treated cultures, parallel cultures of hepatocytes incubated in the absence and presence of dexamethasone were washed and subsequently cultured in media containing "heavy" amino acids (15N, 13C, 2H). The time-dependent disappearance of light insulin receptor (receptor degradation) and appearance of heavy insulin receptor (receptor synthesis) were monitored using CsCl gradients to resolve the two density species of receptor. At steady state, the rate of receptor synthesis (k8) was 2.94 and 0.62 fmol of insulin bound h-1 in dexamethasone-treated and control hepatocytes, respectively. In contrast to this large increase in the rate of receptor synthesis observed in dexamethasone-treated cells, the first order rate constant for decay (k d) was the same in dexamethasone-treated (0.074 h-1) and in control (0.077 h-1) hepatocytes. We therefore conclude that glucocorticoid-induced up-regulation of the insulin receptor in the liver is due to stimulation of insulin receptor synthesis.  相似文献   

The short-term controls of glycogen synthase [EC] and glycogen phosphorylase [EC] by major regulators, such as insulin, glucose, catecholamine, and glucagon, were compared in a simple, yet organized experimental system, i.e., adult rat hepatocytes in primary culture. Glycogen synthase was activated by glucose markedly and dose-dependently (5-40 mM), but insulin alone (1 X 10(-8) M) activated this enzyme only two-fold. Therefore, activation of the enzyme by the two regulators together was mostly due to activation by glucose. Glucagon at a concentration of 5 X 10(-10) M suppressed this activation almost completely. Glucagon at this concentration activated phosphorylase considerably and this activation was slightly inhibited by insulin. Phenylephrine also activated phosphorylase, and this activation was inhibited by phenoxybenzamine or prazosin, suggesting that activation by catecholamine is through the alpha 1-adrenergic receptor. Similarly a high concentration of glucose diminished the effects of glucagon and phenylephrine. These results suggest that in rat liver, glycogen metabolism is controlled mainly by glucagon, catecholamine, and glucose; the former two activate phosphorylase and inactivate synthase, while glucose activates synthase strongly and inactivates phosphorylase partially. Insulin plays a minor role in both reactions. Thus, the liver is primarily an organ for glucose production, which is regulated by hormones, not for glycogen storage, which is increased only by a high glucose concentration in the portal blood.  相似文献   

Summary Some effects of culturing adult rat hepatocytes on each of four different substrates—laminin (LN), collagen type I (C-I), collagen type IV (C-IV), and fibronectin (FN)—have been investigated under defined conditions. No differential effect on the attachment of the cells to the various substrates was noted; however, the spreading of hepatocytes shortly after initial plating was most strikingly enhanced by FN, whereas LN exhibited little or no such enhancement. The two collagen substrates enhanced the spreading of hepatocytes more than did LN, but less than FN. The different substrates had no differential effect on the induction of tyrosine aminotransferase by dexamethasone and glucagon for at least the first 10 d in culture. The longevity of the hepatocytes was not changed significantly by any of the substrates, at least through the 14th d of culture. During the culture periods the hepatocytes at high cell density were maintained as confluent monolayers, regardless of the substrate on which they had been cultured. After 14 d of culture, γ-glutamyltranspeptidase activity was highest in cells cultured on C-IV, and lowest in those on FN. DNA synthesis in cultured hepatocytes at a low cell density was highest in cells cultured on FN, with decreasing levels of this parameter in cells cultured on C-IV, C-I, and LN, respectively. These results demonstrate that specific components of the extracellular matrix modulate both differentiated functions and the replication of hepatocytes cultured in serum-free medium. This work was supported in part by grants (CA-07175, CA-09135, CA-22484) from the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda MD. N. Sawada was supported by a Cancer Research Campaign Grant D (U.K.) from the International Union Against Cancer.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of dexamethasone on cadmium-induced toxicity were evaluated in isolated rat hepatocytes. Hepatocytes were cultured for 24 h in William’s E medium containing fetal calf serum (10%), insulin (0.1 IU/ml), and glucagon (0.01 μM) in the absence or presence of 0.1 μM dexamethasone. Cadmium chloride, 5 or 10 μM, was added to the medium and the toxicity was evaluated for up to 48 h after treatment. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, the reduced and oxidized glutathione ratio (GSH/GSSG), protein-SH groups, and lipid peroxidation levels were evaluated. Cadmium induced a dose- and time-dependent LDH release in control hepatocytes at 24 h (Cd 10 μM 42%) while hepatocytes pretreated with dexamethasone showed lower necrosis (Cd 10 μM 12% at 24 h). GSH/GSSH ratio and protein-SH groups were higher while lipid peroxidation was lower in dexamethasone-treated hepatocytes as compared with untreated cells. In conclusion, cadmium toxicity was associated with an increase in intracellular oxidative stress responsible for accelerated cell death. The use of dexamethasone prevented cadmium damage, suggesting that the cytoprotective action of this hormone is related to its effect in preventing changes in thiols such as glutathione and protein-SH groups.  相似文献   

Effect of epidermal growth factor on cultured adult rat hepatocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When adult rat hepatocytes were cultured in plastic Petri dishes in a medium containing insulin and glucagon, supplementation with epidermal growth factor (EGF) had a pronounced effect on their viability, morphology, and biochemical integrity. Transmission and scanning electron microscopic studies showed that after 1 week cells denied EGF accumulated numerous non-electron-dense bodies and filamentous whorls, had irregular nuclei, and exhibited atypical cell surfaces. In contrast, cells grown for 2-3 weeks in the presence of EGF had well-preserved cellular organelles and remained as an epithelial-like monolayer. After 3 weeks EGF-exposed cultures were still inducible for liver-specific tyrosine aminotransferase, and both rat albumin and rat transferrin were recoverable from the culture medium. Virtually no viable cells were present at 3 weeks in EGF-deprived cultures.  相似文献   

Treatment of intact Swiss 3T3 cells with calyculin-A, an inhibitor of myosin light chain (MLC) phosphatase, induces tyrosine phosphorylation of p125(Fak) in a sharply concentration- and time-dependent manner. Maximal stimulation was 4.2 +/- 2.1-fold (n = 14). The stimulatory effect of calyculin-A was observed at low nanomolar concentrations (<10 nM); at higher concentrations (>10 nM) tyrosine phosphorylation of p125(Fak) was strikingly decreased. Calyculin-A induced tyrosine phosphorylation of p125(Fak) through a protein kinase C- and Ca(2+)-independent pathway. Exposure to either cytochalasin-D or latrunculin-A, which disrupt actin organization by different mechanisms, abolished tyrosine phosphorylation of p125(Fak) in response to calyculin-A. Treatment with high concentrations of platelet-derived growth factor (20 ng/ml) which also disrupt actin stress fibers, completely inhibited tyrosine phosphorylation of p125(Fak) in response to calyculin-A. This agent also induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the focal adhesion-associated proteins p130(Cas) and paxillin. These tyrosine phosphorylation events were associated with a striking increase in the assembly of focal adhesions. The Rho kinase (ROK) inhibitor HA1077 that blocked focal adhesion formation by bombesin, had no effect on the focal adhesion assembly induced by calyculin-A. Thus, calyculin-A induces transient focal adhesion assembly and tyrosine phosphorylation of p125(Fak), p130(Cas), and paxillin, acting downstream of ROK.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids paradoxically exert both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on the proliferation of cultured rat hepatocytes. We studied the effects of dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid, on the proliferation of cultured rat hepatocytes. The timing of growth factor addition modified the action of high-dose dexamethasone (10(-6) M) on DNA synthesis. When we added transforming growth factor-alpha at the time of plating, 10(-6) M dexamethasone weakly stimulated DNA synthesis by 26% relative to cells cultured in dexamethasone-free media. When we delayed growth factor addition until 24-48 h after plating, 10(-6) M dexamethasone inhibited DNA synthesis by 50%. Using immunological methods, we analyzed the expression and signaling patterns of the ErbB kinases in dexamethasone-treated cells. High-dose dexamethasone stabilized the expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr) and ErbB3, and it suppressed the de novo expression of ErbB2 that occurs during the third and fourth day of culture in 10(-8) M dexamethasone. High-dose dexamethasone by 72 h suppressed basal and EGF-associated phosphorylation of ERK and Akt. The reduction in ERK1/2 phosphorylation correlated with suppression of a culture-dependent increase in Son-of sevenless 1 (Sos1) and ERK1/2 expression. High-dose dexamethasone in hepatocytes stabilized or upregulated several inhibitory effectors of EGFr/ErbB2 and ERK, including receptor-associated late transducer (RALT) and MKP-1, respectively. Thus 10(-6) M dexamethasone exerts a time-dependent and redundant inhibitory effect on EGFr-mediated proliferative signaling in hepatocytes, targeting not only the ErbB proteins but also their various positive and negative effectors.  相似文献   

Rat platelets contain two types of growth inhibitor of adult rat hepatocytes in primary culture. One, named platelet derived growth inhibitor (PDGI)-alpha, is a heat- and acid-labile protein with a molecular weight of over 200 KD that is not released on thrombin treatment. The other, named PDGI-beta, is a heat- and acid-stable factor with a molecular weight of 24 KD that is released by thrombin. Both PDGI-alpha and -beta were inactivated by treatment with dithiothreitol. They both caused dose-dependent inhibition of DNA synthesis stimulated by insulin plus epidermal growth factor. These inhibitions were closely correlated with marked decrease in the labeling index. Neither PDGI-alpha nor -beta had a cytotoxic effect as judged by phase-contrast microscopic examination of the cells nor inhibition of protein synthesis. The properties of PDGI-beta suggest that it may be identical with transforming growth factor-beta. These results indicate that rat platelets contain not only a growth factor (HGF), but also growth inhibitors that affect adult rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The capacity of suckling and adult rat hepatocytes in culture to enter into S phase and mitosis in response to EGF, insulin, and glucagon was measured. Both cell types were isolated in high yield and purity and cultured in the absence of serum under identical conditions. At the time of isolation, suckling rat hepatocytes were all diploid and in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Adult rat hepatocytes constituted a population of mixed ploidy level, as shown by flow cytometry. Upon stimulation, both suckling and adult rate hepatocytes entered S phase after a minimum lag period of 24 h. For suckling rat hepatocytes EGF was required, but its stimulating action was dependent on insulin and/or glucagon. In contrast, adult rat hepatocytes entered into S phase in response to EGF alone; insulin and glucagon did not significantly potentiate its effect. Under optimal hormonal stimulation for entry into S phase a large proportion of suckling rat hepatocytes underwent mitosis, whereas only a few mitoses were observed in the case of adult rat hepatocytes. Therefore, there is a differential response of suckling and adult rat hepatocytes to growth factors which correlates with ploidy level, and this difference may be associated with the degree of maturation.  相似文献   

The modified organ culture of rat embryonic shields provides favorable conditions during 2 weeks for the differentiation of main tissue types. Since the terminal differentiation in explants is inferior to that obtained in the homografts of the same shields under the kidney capsule, we tried to improve the culture medium by adding some known regulatory molecules: db-cAMP, db-cGMP, ATP, AMP, and butyric acid. These agents were added to the liquid medium in the concentration of 1 mM. In the first part of the study the explants were fixed and weighed after 8 or 14 days in vitro culture, and histological sections were examined. When the explants were treated with db-cAMP during the second week of culture, the skeletal muscle appeared more frequently in the treated series than in controls, and the weight of the treated explants was sometimes increased when compared with the control series. The db-cGMP had no effect on differentiation, but stimulated the growth of the explants when applied during the first week of culture. On the contrary, the db-cAMP when added during the first week, severely impeded the growth of explants. Other agents seem to be ineffective. In the second part, the content of cAMP and cGMP was measured in normal explants. The radioimmunoassay showed the same content of cAMP and cGMP during the entire culture period. In the third part of our study the incorporation of tritiated uridine and tritiated thymidine was measured during the second week of culture after the addition of db-cAMP. During the first days of treatment with db-cAMP the uptake of tritiated uridine and thymidine was inhibited, whereas on the seventh day the uptake was similar to that of the control. We can conclude that both cyclic nucleotides have a visible effect on growth whereas only cAMP has a positive impact on the differentiation of myotubes in cultured rat embryonic shields.  相似文献   

Sialyltransferase activities in cultured rat hepatocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies on the age and sex dependency of the ganglioside patterns in rat liver in vivo and the concomitant determination of the activities of some enzymes involved in these pathways revealed the prominent role of the sialylation of GM3 to GD3 in determining the flow to the mono (a)- and polysialo (b)-series, respectively. Here, the influence of hormones on the activities of GM3 and GD3 synthases in isolated hepatocytes was studied. The combination of several factors (insulin, glucagon, epidermal growth factor, glucocorticoids) was found to be necessary for maintaining in vivo activity levels of GD3- but not of GM3-synthase.  相似文献   

E M Sorensen  D Acosta 《In vitro》1984,20(10):763-770
Freshly isolated hepatocytes from neonatal rats were cultured for approximately 24 h; incubated for 5, 30, or 60 min in solutions containing 0, 50, 100, or 200 microM cadmium; embedded in plastic; and sectioned for optical microscopy. The extent of cadmium-induced hepatotoxicity was evaluated by double-blind morphometric analysis (a geometricostatistical processing of two-dimensional data for the collection of three-dimensional information) whereby hepatocytes were classified on the basis of the severity of morphologic damage at the optical level. Both time and concentration effects were studied. Cultures exposed to 200 microM cadmium, for various intervals of time from 5 to 60 min, showed statistically significant reductions in the relative volume percent of normal hepatocytes, elevations (then reductions) in the relative volume percent of slightly damaged hepatocytes, increases in the relative volume percent of moderately damaged cells, and increases in the relative volume percent of severely damaged liver cells. As the concentration of cadmium was increased from 50 to 200 microM cadmium (during both 30 and 60-min exposures), significant trends were observed in cellular distribution patterns based on relative volume percent. Morphologically normal cells decreased, both slightly damaged and moderately damaged cells increased, and severely damaged cells remained unchanged. These results indicated that morphometric analysis at the optical level provided quantitative estimates for the evaluation of time- and concentration-effects of cadmium on cultured hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Freshly isolated hepatocytes from neonatal rats were cultured for approximately 24 h; incubated for 5, 30, or 60 min in solutions containing 0, 50, 100, or 200 μM cadmium; embedded in plastic; and sectioned for optical microscopy. The exeent of cadmium-induced hepatotoxicity was evaluated by double-blind morphometric analysis (a geometricostatistical processing of two-dimensional data for the collection of threedimensional information) whereby hepatocytes were classified on the basis of the severity of morphologic damage at the optical level. Both time and concentration effects were studied. Cultures exposed to 200 μM cadmium, for various intervals of time from 5 to 60 min, showed statistically significant reductions in the relative volume percent of normal hepatocytes, elevations (then reductions) in the relative volume percent of slightly damaged hepatocytes, increases in the relative volume percent of moderately damaged cells, and increases in the relative volume percent of severely damaged liver cells. As the concentration of cadmium was increased from 50 to 200 μM cadmium (during both 30 and 60-min exposures), significant trends were observed in cellular distribution patterns based on relative volume percent. Morphologically normal cells decreased, both slightly damaged and moderately damaged cells increased, and severely damaged cells remained unchanged. These results indicated that morphometric analysis at the optical level provided quantitative estimates for the evaluation of time- and concentration-effects of cadmium on cultured hepatocytes. This work was supported by a grant from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing.  相似文献   

Secretion of alpha-tocopherol from cultured rat hepatocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Primary cultures of rat hepatocytes and rat liver perfusions were used to study hepatic secretion of alpha-tocopherol. The secretion of alpha-tocopherol from hepatocytes in culture was linear with time for 4 h. Ultracentrifugation of the medium revealed that 89.4 +/- 2.1% of alpha-tocopherol secreted during 4 h incubation was associated with the very-low density lipoprotein fraction (VLDL, d less than 1.006 g/ml). Oleic acid had no significant effect on the secretory rate of alpha-tocopherol, whereas eicosapentaenoic acid reduced the amount of alpha-tocopherol secreted to 48.4 +/- 12.7% of the control value after 20 h incubation (P less than 0.01). Monensin, a known inhibitor of VLDL secretion, reduced the secretion of alpha-tocopherol to 14.1 +/- 4.3% of the control value (P less than 0.02). Colchicine and chloroquine inhibited the secretion of alpha-tocopherol in the same order of magnitude as monensin. Hepatic perfusion after intravenous injection of in vivo labeled alpha-[3H]tocopherol lymph, showed that about 75% of the secreted radioactivity was in the VLDL fraction. From these results we conclude that most alpha-tocopherol is secreted from the liver associated with nascent VLDL in rats.  相似文献   

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