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Muscle cell leakage and hormonal changes were compared immediately after and during the 3 days following a 24 h endurance run (R24h) in 8 subjects, and a 10 h triathlon non-competitive race (T10h) in 6 subjects. The study showed three main differences: 1) plasma enzyme increases were considerably more significant in R24h than in T10h: compared with resting levels, creatine kinase increased x 120 after R24h but only x 2 after T10h; lactic dehydrogenase x 4, as opposed to x 1.5; and transaminases only showed an increase after R24h. The plasma myoglobin increase after R24h was double that found after T10h; 2) for the same magnitude of plasma aldosterone and cortisol after R24h and T10h (3 times the resting levels), a highly significant decrease in urinary Na+ (p less than 0.001) and an increase in urinary K+ (p less than 0.01) were found only after R24h; and 3) the plasma free noradrenaline level increased significantly after R24h (x 2.6) whereas it was unchanged after T10h. In contrast, the plasma level of conjugated dopamine increased only after T10h (x 3.7, p less than 0.05). These results suggest that long-distance running causes more muscular lesions than the triathlon, and that important factors other than aldosterone are probably involved in the regulation of urinary electrolyte excretions during T10h.  相似文献   

The hybridization kinetics for a series of designed 25mer probe–target pairs having varying degrees of secondary structure have been measured by UV absorbance and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy in solution and on the surface, respectively. Kinetic rate constants derived from the resultant data decrease with increasing probe and target secondary structure similarly in both solution and surface environments. Specifically, addition of three intramolecular base pairs in the probe and target structure slow hybridization by a factor of two. For individual strands containing four or more intramolecular base pairs, hybridization cannot be described by a traditional two-state model in solution-phase nor on the surface. Surface hybridization rates are also 20- to 40-fold slower than solution-phase rates for identical sequences and conditions. These quantitative findings may have implications for the design of better biosensors, particularly those using probes with deliberate secondary structure.  相似文献   

BackgroundUrinary creatinine can be used to adjust urinary iodine to evaluate iodine nutritional status during pregnancy. However, the reference intervals and impact factors of urinary creatinine are unknown.Methods24 h urine creatinine concentration (24 hUCr) and spot UCr at four different time periods of the day of pregnant women from Part 1 (n = 743) were measured. Linear regression analysis was performed to identify the impact factors of 24 h urinary creatinine excretion (24 hUCrE) and obtain the estimated 24 h urinary creatinine excretion (24 hUCrEest). Then measured urinary iodine concentration (UIC) of 24 h and at fasting of pregnant women from Part 2 (n = 325), used spot urinary iodine to creatinine concentration ratio (UIC/UCr) and 24 hUCrEest to calculate the estimated 24 h urinary iodine excretion (24 hUIEest), finally checked the consistency and correlation of 24 hUIEest and 24 h urinary iodine excretion (24 hUIE).ResultsIn Part 1, the median 24 hUCrE was 1.24(IQR0.98–1.76)g, and the reference interval was 0.61−2.93 g. The median 24 hUCr was 0.76 (IQR0.57−1.01)g/L, and the reference interval was 0.36−1.88 g/L. Multiple linear regression results showed that pregnancy weight was an influencing factor to 24 hUCrE after adjusting by gestational weeks, age, pre-pregnancy BMI, and percentage of body fat (F = 45.029, p<0.001). In Part 2, there was no statistically significant difference between 24 hUIEest and 24 hUIE (Z =−0.767, p = 0.443). Using 24hUIE as the gold standard, the relative average difference in 24hUIEest was 4.2 %, the relative average differences for UIC and UIC/UCr were 32.4 % and 37.2 %. The reference interval of 24 hUIE and 24 hUIEest were 88.43–585.90 μg and 50.97–700.39 μg, respectively.ConclusionsThe reference intervals of 24 hUCrE, spot UCr, 24 hUIE, and 24 hUIEest during pregnancy were established. 24 hUCrE has important application value in iodine nutrition evaluation to gain more lead time for pregnant women with iodine nutrition-related diseases.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia is a proven teratogen, inducing malformations and embryonic death in humans as well as in laboratory animals. The aim of our study was to define temperatures that are teratogenic after short-term exposure (from 2 to 24 h) on embryonic days 1–7 and to detect critical periods for the origin of structural defects in the chick embryo. Hyperthermia of 41 °C was not embryotoxic, temperatures from 42 to 44 °C induced malformations and embryonic death, while nearly all embryos died even after the shortest exposures to 45 or 46 °C. Among the wide spectrum of observed malformations, only ventricular septal defect (VSD) and caudal regression syndrome (CRS) were present at frequencies significantly different from those seen in controls.  相似文献   

A 24 h screen to detect viable salmonellas in faeces was developed by studying growth dynamics of salmonellas and competing flora in combinations of enrichment media and artificially-inoculated pig faeces. Muller-Kauffmann tetrathionate (MK) broth, incubated overnight at 42°C, maintained the lowest ratio of salmonella: competing flora and identified all inoculated samples. A 4 h postenrichment in M broth plus novobiocin reduced the number of false-positive results in subsequent ELISAs. Adjusting the negative cut-off values and incubation time of the chromogenic substrate from that recommended in the ELISA instructions reduced the rate of false-positive results further and allowed the detection of 103 salmonellas per ml in the presence of up to 107 ml−1 aerobic-competing cells. Suspension of faeces diluted 1 in 2 and 1 in 5, rather than 1 in 10 in MK broth did not necessitate further adjustments to the ELISA baseline values. The proposed screen protocol is an overnight incubation of faeces suspended 1 in 10 in MK broth, a 1 in 100 subculture into M broth plus 10 μg ml−1 novobiocin (MbN) for 4 h, steam inactivation of MbN cultures and testing by ELISA, and can detect three salmonella cells per g faeces.  相似文献   

This study investigated the neuroprotection provided by cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine (citicoline) during interrupted and uninterrupted occlusion of the basilar artery after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in 121 hypotensive rats. Animals were anesthetized and the basilar artery was exposed through a transclival approach. Baseline local cerebral blood flow (LCBF) values were recorded, and then the basilar artery was punctured, causing SAH. Blood was drawn to induce hypotension [60-70 mmHg mean arterial blood pressure (MABP)]. Control rats received intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of 0.5 ml saline immediately after SAH before hypotension induction and after 60 min of occlusion. Experimental rats received 400-mg/kg citicoline i.p. at the same time points. Control group I and treatment group III were subjected to 60 min of interrupted occlusion (5 min of reperfusion after each 10 min of occlusion). Control group II and treatment group IV were subjected to 60 min of uninterrupted occlusion. MABP and LCBF were recorded every 5 minutes. Brain edema was evaluated in seven rats from each group at 24 hours after ischemic injury. At 3 days after occlusion, another set of 28 rats was killed and coronal brain slices were stained to assess infarct volume. The groups' physiological and edema findings were similar. In all groups, LCBF fell immediately after SAH and remained below baseline throughout the experiment. In the citicoline-treated rats, arterial pressure increased significantly after 30-40 min of occlusion, and brain slices showed significantly smaller infarct volumes compared to control slices (p < 0.05). Mortality was significantly lower in the citicoline-treated animals (p < 0.001). The results suggest that citicoline provides significant neuroprotection during cerebral ischemia, and that it significantly reduces mortality. Part of the neuroprotective effect may be mediated by recovery of arterial pressure.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported respiratory, cardiac and muscle changes at rest in triathletes 24 h after completion of the event. To examine the effects of these changes on metabolic and cardioventilatory variables during exercise, eight male triathletes of mean age 21.1 (SD 2.5) years (range 17-26 years) performed an incremental cycle exercise test (IET) before (pre) and the day after (post) an official classic triathlon (1.5-km swimming, 40-km cycling and 10-km running). The IET was performed using an electromagnetic cycle ergometer. Ventilatory data were collected every minute using a breath-by-breath automated system and included minute ventilation (V(E)), oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory exchange ratio, ventilatory equivalent for oxygen (V(E)/VO2) and for carbon dioxide (V(E)/VCO2), breathing frequency and tidal volume. Heart rate (HR) was monitored using an electrocardiogram. The oxygen pulse was calculated as VO2/HR. Arterialized blood was collected every 2 min throughout IET and the recovery period, and lactate concentration was measured using an enzymatic method. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) was determined using conventional criteria. Ventilatory threshold (VT) was determined using the V-slope method formulated earlier. Cardioventilatory variables were studied during the test, at the point when the subject felt exhausted and during recovery. Results indicated no significant differences (P > 0.05) in VO2max [62.6 (SD 5.9) vs 64.6 (SD 4.8) ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)], VT [2368 (SD 258) vs 2477 (SD 352) ml x min(-1)] and time courses of VO2 between the pre- versus post-triathlon sessions. In contrast, the time courses of HR and blood lactate concentration reached significantly higher values (P < 0.05) in the pre-triathlon session. We concluded that these triathletes when tested 24 h after a classic triathlon displayed their pre-event aerobic exercise capacity, bud did not recover pretriathlon time courses in HR or blood lactate concentration.  相似文献   

A persistent, chronic dry cough is the most common adverse effect of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors therapy. The mechanism of this respiratory adverse effect is related to the inhibition of ACE and the accumulation of bradykinin, substance P, prostanoids and other inflammatory neuropeptides in the airways. The aim of this study was to follow the relationship between 15-day administration of enalapril and the defense reflexes (cough and bronchoconstriction) of the airways in experimental animals, as well as the possibility of their pharmacological restriction with simultaneous diltiazem administration. Cough reflex was investigated by the method of mechanical irritation of laryngopharyngeal and tracheobronchial area in non-anesthetized cats. The reactivity of tracheal smooth muscles of the airways to bronchoconstrictor mediators (histamine 10 nM - 1 mM, acetylcholine 10 nM - 1 mM and KCl 1 mM - 100 mM) was evaluated by an in vitro method in guinea pigs. Enalapril 5 mg/kg/day and diltiazem 30 mg/kg/day were administered perorally for 15 days. The results showed that long-lasting administration of enalapril resulted in a significant increase of measured cough parameters and increased reactivity of tracheal smooth muscle to histamine and KCl. Simultaneous administration of enalapril together with diltiazem significantly decreased the enalapril induced cough, and decreased enalapril induced hyperreactivity of tracheal smooth muscles to KCl. The results showed a partially protective effect of diltiazem and enalapril co-administration on the respiratory adverse effects induced by enalapril therapy.  相似文献   

The current study extends our previous investigations of 2-h radiofrequency (RF)-field exposures on genotoxicity in human blood cell cultures by examining the effect of 24-h continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed-wave (PW) 1.9 GHz RF-field exposures on both primary DNA damage and micronucleus induction in human leukocyte cultures. Mean specific absorption rates (SARs) ranged from 0 to 10 W/kg, and the temperature within the cultures was maintained at 37.0 +/- 1.0 degrees C for the duration of the 24-h exposure period. No significant differences in primary DNA damage were observed between the sham-treated controls and any of the CW or PW 1.9 GHz RF-field-exposed cultures when processed immediately after the exposure period by the alkaline comet assay. Similarly, no significant differences were observed in the incidence of micronuclei, incidence of micronucleated binucleated cells, frequency of binucleated cells, or proliferation index between the sham-treated controls and any of the CW or PW 1.9 GHz RF-field-exposed cultures. In conclusion, the current study found no evidence of 1.9 GHz RF-field-induced genotoxicity in human blood cell cultures after a 24-h exposure period.  相似文献   

The hypotensive action of veratrum viride given intravenously was studied in 24 patients, 22 of them hypertensive and 2 normotensive. Vasodepression of considerable but variable degree was obtained in all patients. Maximum hypotension occurred 8 to 15 minutes after injection and relative hypotension usually lasted at least two hours. In four patients subnormal hypotension occurred but there were no clinical manifestations of shock. The blood pressure rose promptly when pressor drugs were administered.A dose of 0.3 to 0.5 mg. brought about a satisfactory decrease in blood pressure. The degree of decrease was affected by the speed of administration and in a few patients by idiosyncratic sensitivity to the drug. Veratrum has an extravagal action on the pulse rate, and in that and other respects resembles digitalis. Veratrum should be given with caution to digitalized patients. Atropine reduced but did not abolish the hypotensive effect of veratrum, and was more effective when given before veratrum. This indicates that the parasympathomimetic action of veratrum is important in the mechanism of blood pressure reduction.  相似文献   

The influence of a 24 h fast on endurance performance and the metabolic response to maximal cycle exercise was investigated in 6 healthy men (mean +/- SD: age = 27 +/- 7 years; weight = 73 +/- 10 kg; VO2max = 46 +/- 10 ml.kg-1.min-1). Subjects performed in randomised order two exercise bouts to exhaustion separated by one week. Test rides were performed in fasted (F) and post-absorptive (normal-diet, ND) conditions on an electrically braked cycle ergometer at a workload equivalent to 100% of VO2max. Acid-base status and selected metabolites were measured on arterialised venous blood at rest prior to exercise and at intervals for 15 mins following exercise. Exercise time to exhaustion was shorter after F compared with ND (p less than 0.01). Pre-exercise blood bicarbonate (HCO3-) concentration, PCO2 and base excess (BE) were lower after F compared with ND (p less than 0.05). Prior to exercise, circulating concentrations of free fatty acids (FFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate (B-HB) and glycerol were higher after F compared with ND (p less than 0.01) but blood glucose and lactate concentration were not different. On the F treatment, after exercise, blood pH, HCO3-, and BE were all significantly higher (p less than 0.01) than on ND; blood lactate concentration was significantly lower for the whole of the post-exercise period after F compared with ND (p less than 0.01). Circulating levels of FFA and B-HB after exercise on the F treatment fell but levels of these substrates were not altered by exercise after ND.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A field study was undertaken to investigate the effects of combined noise, vibration and heat stress on the physiological functions of the crew of armoured vehicles during prolonged combat exercise in a desert. The sound pressure level of noise was measured with a sound level meter and accelerations by vibration analyser. The thermal load on the crew was evaluated by calculating the wet bulb globe temperature index. The physiological responses of the subjects (n=9), included significant increases in the heart rate, 24 h water intake and urinary catecholamine concentration. A significant decrease was recorded in body mass, peak expiratory flow rate and 24 h urinary output. The high heat load on the crew resulted in a hypohydration of 3% body mass and appeared to be the dominant factor in producing the physiological strain.  相似文献   

Synergistic effects of two synthetic adjuvants, dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA) and dextran sulfate (DXS) on the humoral response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) were investigated. Mice received intraperitoneal (ip) injections of adjuvant and antigen simultaneously. The number of plaque-forming cells (PFC) in the spleen were determined 5 days later and circulating anti-SRBC antibodies were measured till 16 weeks after immunization. Although combinations of DDA and DXS were very effective in enhancing the PFC response to both moderate (2 X 10(7] and low (2 X 10(6] doses of SRBC, synergy between the adjuvants was only observed at the low dose of SRBC. Optimal augmentation of the primary response to the low antigen dose was evoked by the combination of the highest dose tested of either adjuvant (1 mumol DDA and 1 nmol DXS) resulting in a 560-fold increase of the number of PFC in the spleen as compared to controls. Even combinations of relatively small amounts of both adjuvants were very effective in augmenting the response to SRBC. Mice receiving half the amounts of both adjuvants with 2 X 10(6) SRBC displayed increased numbers of PFC in the spleen at Day 5 as well as increased titers of total anti-SRBC antibodies at Week 1 and Week 2 and 2-mercaptoethanol-resistant antibodies from Week 4 till Week 16 as compared to the calculated sum of responses in mice which received either DDA (0.05 mumol per mouse) or DXS (0.05 nmol per mouse). The mechanism behind the synergy between these adjuvants is discussed and the possibility of discerning adjuvants on their modes of action is suggested.  相似文献   

Kinins are pro-inflammatory peptides, which participate in the maintenance of cardiovascular homeostasis, and play a key role in numerous diseases, including lung fibrosis and hypertension. Evidence has been provided recently for the presence of alternative mechanisms of bradykinin generation and/or degradation. Here we showed that cathepsin K may act as a potent kinin-degrading enzyme in bloodstream. Contrary to cathepsin L, cathepsin K attenuates kallikrein-induced decrease of rat blood pressure, and reduces the hypotensive effect of bradykinin in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, we identified, by engineering the S2 subsite of both recombinant enzymes, two critical residues involved respectively in the kininase activity of cathepsin K, i.e. Tyr67/Leu205, versus kininogenase activity of cathepsin L, i.e. Leu67/Ala205. In conclusion, according to its ability to modulate hypotensive effects of kinins, we propose that cathepsin K is a kininase of biological relevance, in complement of well-documented neutral endopeptidase or angiotensin-converting enzyme.  相似文献   

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