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BACKGROUND: Reduced fetal growth is a potential risk factor for development of metabolic abnormalities in later life. The relationship between low birthweight and impaired glucose tolerance, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance in adulthood has been well documented. PURPOSE: Assuming that fetal undernutrition is associated with insulin resistance in middle age, we elected to study whether this process may already be present in young adults and adolescents born small for gestational age (SGA). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Children born in Vall d'Hebron Hospital Infantil, Barcelona, between 1986 and 1989 and between 1978 and 1983 with birthweights below the third centile for the local standard values, were invited to participate in the present study. Of those, 51 (22 girls and 29 boys) were pre-pubertal with 9.4 +/- 0.2 years of age and 49 (29 girls and 20 boys ) were post-pubertal, with 17.3 +/- 0.3 years of age. All patients underwent a standard, 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test. Insulin and glucose responses were compared with our previously published data in control children with normal birthweight. RESULTS: The insulin response at 30 min after glucose load was significantly higher (p < 0.001) in pre- and post-pubertal girls and boys formerly SGA than in controls. In addition, the girls also had a higher insulin response at 60 and 120 min. Mean serum insulin (MSI), the area under the insulin curve during the glucose challenge, was statistically increased in pre- and post-pubertal boys and girls born SGA when compared to controls. CONCLUSION: The presence of high insulin levels after an oral glucose challenge in children and adolescents born SGA might be considered as an early marker of subsequent insulin resistance in adulthood. Furthermore, our population offers the opportunity to study the natural course of hyperinsulinemia and its outcome. Follow-up of this cohort may be helpful in distinguishing a subset of young children and adolescents in whom therapeutic intervention could be done.  相似文献   

Children born small for gestational age may demonstrate continued growth retardation, resulting in persistent short stature. In the majority of the cases, this is linked with abnormal growth hormone secretion and also abnormal insulin-like growth factor levels. This review discusses the treatment of such children with recombinant human growth hormone. It illustrates the importance of starting therapy early, the dose-dependent response, and the advantages of continuous therapy and describes safety considerations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Low birth weight is associated with the presence of syndrome X in adults. We studied the components of this syndrome in prepubertal children born SGA (small for gestational age) and children born AGA (appropriate for gestational age). METHODS: Twenty-nine SGA children, age (mean +/- SD) 9.1 +/- 1.1 years and 24 AGA children, age 9.0 +/- 1.1 years were studied. Fasting serum lipid concentrations were determined. A hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp was performed to measure insulin sensitivity. Ambulatory monitoring was performed to obtain 24-hour recordings of blood pressure. RESULTS: Prepubertal SGA children are less insulin sensitive and have a higher nighttime systolic blood pressure (SBP) after correction for BMI than children born AGA. No differences were found in lipid concentrations between the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS: Not all components of syndrome X can yet be found in 9-year-old children born SGA; follow-up of this cohort is required.  相似文献   

There is still a lack of data from randomized, controlled, long-term studies of growth hormone (GH) treatment in children born small for gestational age (SGA), but the available evidence indicates consistently that GH therapy is a valid growth-promoting treatment in these children, particularly if started early. Whilst side effects appear uncommon, ongoing surveillance is required and treated children should be monitored for changes in glucose homeostasis, lipid profiles and blood pressure, especially during puberty. We provide an update on the safety and efficacy of GH treatment in short children born SGA.  相似文献   



Sex-ratio at birth in families with previous girls is worse than those with a boy. Our aim was to prospectively study in a large maternal and child unit sex-ratio against previous birth sex and use of traditional medicines for sex selection.

Main Outcome Measures

Sex-ratio among mothers in families with a previous girl and in those with a previous boy, prevalence of indigenous medicine use and sex-ratio in those using medicines for sex selection.


Overall there were 806 girls to 1000 boys. The sex-ratio was 720∶1000 if there was one previous girl and 178∶1000 if there were two previous girls. In second children of families with a previous boy 1017 girls were born per 1000 boys. Sex-ratio in those with one previous girl, who were taking traditional medicines for sex selection, was 928∶1000.


Evidence from the second children clearly shows the sex-ratio is being manipulated by human interventions. More mothers with previous girls tend to use traditional medicines for sex selection, in their subsequent pregnancies. Those taking such medication do not seem to be helped according to expectations. They seem to rely on this method and so are less likely use more definitive methods like sex selective abortions. This is the first such prospective investigation of sex ratio in second children looked at against the sex of previous children. More studies are needed to confirm the findings.  相似文献   

Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) concentration was higher in the mature full term male infants than age matched females. An inverse correlation, at birth, between cord serum AFP level and duration of pregnancy was observed. In contrast no correlation between body weight and AFP levels exists in babies of either sex at identical gestational age.  相似文献   

Several studies performed in the last 15 years have shown that growth hormone (GH) induces a profound catch-up in height in short children born small for gestational age (SGA). We know from more recent studies that final height can be normalized through GH treatment. In Europe, GH is now a recognized indication, enabling treatment of short children born SGA. Treatment is given to the most severe growth-retarded children after the age of 4 years. A dose of 0.035 mg/kg per day is recommended. However, in our opinion a higher dose would be more efficient in very short children, especially if they are treated later in childhood.  相似文献   

The sex ratio of the progeny of single females parasitizing large hosts favoured the females (sex ratio=0.26); but on small hosts favoured the males (0.73). No differences in mortality of the sexes were detected. The sex ratio was independent of female age when large hosts were used. The percentage of males observed in the progeny of the first day of female oviposition was significantly greater than the mean, irrespective of the age at which female oviposition began. When females were exposed to small hosts, a greater percentage of females was observed in the progeny from the last days of oviposition.
Résumé L'influence de la taille de l'hôteret de l'âge de la femelle sur le taux sexuel de la descendance a été étudiée sur le parasitoïde Opius concolor Szépl.Le taux sexuel de la descendance des femelles isolées est favorable aux femelles (t.s.=0,26) quand elles ont à leur disposition des hôtes de grande taille, tandis qu'avec des hôtes petits le taux sexuel est favorable aux mâles (t.s.=0.73). On n'a pas détecté de mortalité différentielle des sexes.Les pourcentage de mâles obtenu le premier jour de ponte des femelles sur les hôtes de grande taille est significativement différent de la moyenne, indépendamment de l'âge de la femelle à ce moment. Cependant, sur des hôtes petits, bien que restant favorable aux mâles dans l'ensemble, une plus grande proportion de femelles à partir des premiers jours de ponte a pu être observée.

Children born small for gestational age (SGA) are at high risk of permanent short stature, with approximately 10% continuing to have stature below the third centile throughout childhood and adolescence and into adulthood. The mechanisms involved in catch-up growth, and those that prevent catch-up growth, are still unknown. To date, no reliable anthropometric or endocrine parameter predictive of postnatal catch-up growth has been identified. However, subtle abnormalities in the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor axis, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and thyroid function have been described, and a mechanism involving intrauterine programming of hypothalamic-pituitary function has been proposed.  相似文献   

Five traits of early child development were studied in 656 infants from the day of birth till 2 years of age. The infants selected for follow-up were born at 26–42 weeks of gestational age and with a birth weight accordingly ranging from 860 to 4560g. Analysis of variance was carried out for each of the following five traits which entailed the age at which a child: 1) turned himself over (turned); 2) sat unsupported for a few seconds (sat); 3) stood up (stood); 4) walked unsupported (walked); and 5) cut its first tooth (tooth). The results of this survey show no significant sex differences in the age of initial occurrence of any of the studied traits. Comparison with older siblings of the surveyed infants indicated a significant sibling resemblance component for all 5 trais, with the respective intraclass correlation coefficients ranging between 0.34 and 0.53. Gestational age and birth weight, but not “tooth”, appeared to be important messages of an infant's motor development, insofar as onset of the studied traits. The separate correlations of “turned”, “sat”, “stood” and “walked” with gestational age or weight were all negative and statistically highly significant. Research Unit — Human Population Biology, Division of Anatomy and Anthropology  相似文献   

General models are constructed to predict sex ratio and clutch size simultaneously for those organisms in which members of a clutch interact to affect each other's fitness. The same set of underlying factors can be shown to predict both optimal sex ratios and clutch sizes. The presence or absence of these factors enables different life histories or models to be classified. Previous sibling interaction sex ratio and clutch size models are special cases of the general model. The circumstances in which it is wrong to consider clutch size and sex ratio in isolation are identified. A distinction is made between those models that maximise sex ratio or clutch size with respect to a single clutch and those that consider either several clutches or lifetime fitness.  相似文献   

Recent reports have shown that high-dose growth hormone (GH) treatment in short children born with small for gestational age (SGA) resulted in a pronounced acceleration of linear growth. We describe the results of multicenter trials of recombinant human GH (rhGH) treatment in short SGA children in Japan. Two clinical studies were performed and the results were combined. Study 1 comprised 104 SGA children and study 2 comprised 61 SGA children. The patients were divided into three groups: group 1 consisted of 20 patients (13 boys and 7 girls) who received rhGH 25 microg/kg per day six or seven times per week in the first year and 50 microg/kg per day in the second year and thereafter; group 2 consisted of 48 patients (28 boys, 20 girls) who received rhGH 45/50 microg/kg per day; group 3 consisted of 44 patients (28 boys, 16 girls) who received 90/100 microg/kg per day. The mean increments in height SDS were 0.46, 0.67 and 0.94 SD in boys and 0.49, 0.79 and 0.93 SD in girls in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The mean increment in height SDS at 2 years in group 3 was significantly greater than that in group 1, but it was not significantly different from that in group 2 in boys and girls. Our data demonstrated that high-dose GH administration significantly improved height velocity and height SDS in short SGA children. Additional studies are necessary to optimize a long-term GH treatment regimen and combined luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analog treatment for final height. Careful observation is also necessary to assess the metabolic effects of high-dose GH, especially on carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

Children born small (SGA) or large (LGA) for gestational age are prone to develop insulin resistance (IR) during childhood. Visfatin, a hormone with insulin-mimetic actions, has been associated with IR. This study was designed to examine whether serum level of visfatin is correlated with metabolic indices of IR, in prepuberty in association with the intrauterine growth pattern. The following parameters were evaluated at a mean age of 6.5±1.2 years in 155 prepubertal children born appropriate for the gestational age (AGA) (n=63), or SGA (n=42), or LGA (n=50): serum levels of visfatin, adiponectin, leptin, fasting glucose (G(F)) and insulin (I(F)), the homeostasis model assessment IR index (HOMA-IR), plasma lipids, anthropometric indices at birth and the time of evaluation, and obesity indices [waist circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI) and skinfold thickness]. The mean serum level of visfatin was lower in the SGA than in the AGA and the LGA children (9±5.2 vs. 11.8±5.1 and 12.7±5.6?ng/ml, respectively, p<0.01). Girls had lower visfatin levels than boys (10.4±4.3?ng/ml vs. 12.5±6.7?ng/ml, p<0.05). Visfatin was not correlated with IR indices. In multiple regression analysis visfatin level was positively correlated with birth weight z-score (t=2.56, beta=0.24, p<0.01) and crown to heel z-score (t=2.46, beta=0.22, p=0.014), independent of age, gender, maternal weight before pregnancy, maternal weight gain during pregnancy, BMI z-score, WC z-score, serum leptin and adiponectin, and HOMA-IR. In conclusion serum visfatin level was lower in prepubertal SGA children but not correlated with IR indices. Low birth weight was an independent predictor of visfatin level.  相似文献   

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