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This study evaluated the partitioning of ovomucoid from egg white, in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed of PEG 1500 and inorganic salt (lithium sulfate, sodium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, sodium carbonate or sodium citrate) at 25 °C. The results showed a great effect of the electrolyte nature on the partition coefficient. The partition coefficient value ranges from 0.02 to 6.0. The highest partition coefficients were obtained from systems composed of sodium carbonate and the lowest in systems composed of magnesium sulfate. In the system containing magnesium sulfate, a recovery percentage greater than 90% was obtained.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the partitioning of ovomucoid from egg white, in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed of PEG 1500 and inorganic salt (lithium sulfate, sodium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, sodium carbonate or sodium citrate) at 25 °C. The results showed a great effect of the electrolyte nature on the partition coefficient. The partition coefficient value ranges from 0.02 to 6.0. The highest partition coefficients were obtained from systems composed of sodium carbonate and the lowest in systems composed of magnesium sulfate. In the system containing magnesium sulfate, a recovery percentage greater than 90% was obtained.  相似文献   

Protein partitioning in two-phase aqueous polymer systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theories of protein partitioning in two-phase polymer systems which account for the effects of different aspects of system composition-such as the choice of materials, protein size, polymer molecular weight, polymer concentration, salt concentration, and affinity ligands-are reviewed. Although the present models provide some information about specific aspects of partitioning, a comprehensive and fundamental theory which can be used to predict protein partitioning behavior has not yet been developed. Some recommendations for future work are given.  相似文献   

Summary An affinity polymer derivative was synthesized with the group specific acid protease inhibitor pepstatin attached to dextran (M.W. 500,0001). This derivative was used in an aqueous two-phase system with hydroxypropyldextran to purify crude solutions of chymosin and Endothia parasitica (EP) acid proteases. Chymosin was purified by a factor of 6.2 with an overall yield of 83%. EP protease was similarly purified. A new pepstatin binding protease was discovered in crude EP extracts.  相似文献   

This study presents the partitioning and purification of recombinant Bacillus badius phenylalanine dehydrogenase (PheDH) in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed of polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG-6000) and ammonium sulfate. A single-step operation of ATPS was developed for extraction and purification of recombinant PheDH from E. coli BL21 (DE3). The influence of system parameters including; PEG molecular weight and concentration, pH, (NH(4))(2)SO(4) concentration and NaCl salt addition on enzyme partitioning were investigated. The best optimal system for the partitioning and purification of PheDH was 8.5% (w/w) PEG-6000, 17.5% (w/w) (NH(4))(2)SO(4) and 13% (w/w) NaCl at pH 8.0. The partition coefficient, recovery, yield, purification factor and specific activity values were of 92.57, 141%, 95.85%, 474.3 and 10424.97 U/mg, respectively. Also the K(m) values for L-phenylalanine and NAD(+) in oxidative deamination were 0.020 and 0.13 mM, respectively. Our data suggested that this ATPS could be an economical and attractive technology for large-scale purification of recombinant PheDH.  相似文献   

Phase diagram data at 4 degrees C was determined for the aqueous two-phase systems composed of polyethylene glycol, dextran, and water. The Flory-Huggins theory of polymer thermodynamics was used to correlate partitioning of biomolecules in these aqueous two-phase systems resulting in a simple linear relationship between the natural logarithm of the partition coefficient and the concentration of polymers in the two phases. This relationship was verified by partitioning a series of dipeptides which differ from one another by the addition of a CH(2) group on the c-terminal amino acid residue and by utilizing a set of low-molecular-weight proteins. The slope of the line could be expressed in terms of the interactions of the biomolecule with the phase forming polymers and water. The main result for the dipeptides was that knowledge of the partition coefficient in any of the PEG/dextran/water systems, regardless of polymer molecular weight, enabled prediction of the coefficient in all of the systems. The dipeptides were also used for determination of the Gibbs free energy of transfer of a CH(2) group between the phases. This quantity was correlated with polymer concentration, thus establishing a hydrophobicity profile for the PEG/ dextran/water systems. The methodology for predicting dipeptide partition coefficients was extended to proteins, where it was found that low-molecular-weight proteins gave a linear relationship with the tie line compositions of a phase diagram.  相似文献   

The effect of the important ATPS- and bufferparameters on IgG and hybridoma partitioning in ATPSscontaining a PEG-dye-ligand was studied. Objective wasto establish selection criteria for effective ligandsfor extractive fermentations with animal cells inATPSs.In the presence of 1% PEG-dye-ligand the binding ofIgG to the PEG-ligand was affected severely by theNa-chloride concentration. The tie-line length and pHaffected IgG partitioning to a lesser extent. Thedesired partitioning of IgG into the top phase, wasonly obtained when, in addition to the 10 mmol/kgK-phosphate buffer, no Na-chloride was present. In anATPS culture medium, with ± 35 mmol/kg Na-bicarbonateand 60 mmol/kg Na-chloride, increasing thePEG-dye-ligand concentration up to 100% did increasethe partition coefficient, but was not effective inconcentrating the IgG in the top phase of ATPS culturemedium at a pH of 7.8.Furthermore, addition of the PEG-dye-ligand to ATPSculture medium changed the hybridoma cell partitioningfrom the bottom phase to the interface.  相似文献   

The partitioning of proteins between the coexisting phases of two-phase aqueous polymer systems reflects an intricate and delicate balance of interactions between proteins, polymers, salts and water. Experimental investigations have suggested that a large number of factors influence protein partitioning, including the types of polymers, their molecular weight and concentration; the protein sizes, conformation and composition; salt type and concentration, and solution pH; and the presence of ligands attached to the polymer which may interact with surface sites of the protein. Complementary modelling attempts have been successful in illuminating several molecular-level mechanisms influencing protein partitioning using lattice-model techniques, viral expansions and a scaling-thermodynamic approach. In spite of these experimental and modelling approaches, many of the physical phenomena associated with these complex systems are not well understood. Notably, the precise nature of the protein-polymer interactions and the potent effect of inorganic salts on the partitioning of proteins in these systems remains poorly understood.  相似文献   

The study includes partitioning of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems consisting of the polymer dextran and the non-ionic surfactant C12E5 (pentaethylene glycol mono-n-dodecyl ether). In this system a micelle-enriched phase is in equilibrium with a polymer-enriched phase. Charges can be introduced into the micelles by the addition of charged surfactants. The charge of the mixed micelles is easily varied in sign and magnitude independently of pH, by the addition of different amounts of negatively charged surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), or positively charged surfactant dodecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (DoTAC). A series of water-soluble model proteins (BSA, β-lactoglobulin, myoglobin, cytochrome c and lysozyme), with different net charges at pH 7.1, have been partitioned in non-charged systems and in systems with charged mixed micelles or charged polymer (dextran sulphate). It is shown that partition coefficients for charged proteins in dextran-C12E5 systems can be strongly affected by addition of charged surfactants (SDS, DoTAC) or polymer (dextran sulphate) and that the effects are directly correlated to protein net charge.  相似文献   

Partitioning of a variety of organic compounds, the majority of which represent therapeutic drugs, was examined in an aqueous dextran–polyethylene glycol (Dex–PEG) two-phase system containing 0.15 M NaCl in 0.01 M sodium phosphate buffer at pH 7.3 and in an octanol–buffer (0.15 M NaCl in 0.01 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.3) system. The possibility of introducing compounds to be partitioned in an aqueous two-phase system with dimethyl sulfoxide, and the effect of this solvent on the solute partitioning was explored. Relative hydrophobicity of the compounds was estimated and expressed in equivalent numbers of methylene units. Comparison of the results obtained for several subsets of compounds in the octanol–buffer and in aqueous Dex–PEG two-phase systems clearly demonstrates the advantage of aqueous two-phase partitioning for the hydrophobicity measurements over partitioning in octanol–buffer system.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Protein purification based on partition in aqueous two-phase systems has attracted interest for many years. This approach has been advocated as a primary-stage unit operation in downstream processing. In reality, application has been strictly limited through inadequate understanding of the complex molecular forces involved in partitioning processes.  相似文献   

Liquid-liquid extraction in two-phase aqueous complex-fluid systems has been proposed as a scalable, versatile, and cost-effective purification method for the downstream processing of biotechnological products. In the case of two-phase aqueous micellar systems, careful choices of the phase-forming surfactants or surfactant mixtures allow these systems to separate biomolecules based on size, hydrophobicity, charge, or specific affinity. In this article, we investigate the affinity-enhanced partitioning of a model affinity-tagged protei--green fluorescent protein fused to a family 9 carbohydrate-binding module (CBM9-GFP)--in a two-phase aqueous micellar system generated from the nonionic surfactant n-decyl beta-D-glucopyranoside (C10G1), which acts simultaneously as the phase-former and the affinity ligand. In this simple system, CBM9-GFP was extracted preferentially into the micelle-rich phase, despite the opposing tendency of the steric, excluded-volume interactions operating between the protein and the micelles. We obtained more than a sixfold increase (from 0.47 to 3.1) in the protein partition coefficient (Kp), as compared to a control case where the affinity interactions were "turned off" by the addition of a competitive inhibitor (glucose). It was demonstrated conclusively that the observed increase in Kp can be attributed to the specific affinity between the CBM9 domain and the affinity surfactant C10G1, suggesting that the method can be generally applied to any CBM9-tagged protein. To rationalize the observed phenomenon of affinity-enhanced partitioning in two-phase aqueous micellar systems, we formulated a theoretical framework to model the protein partition coefficient. The modeling approach accounts for both the excluded-volume interactions and the affinity interactions between the protein and the surfactants, and considers the contributions from the monomeric and the micellar surfactants separately. The model was shown to be consistent with the experimental data, as well as with our current understanding of the CBM9 domain.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(9):1296-1301
Recombinant Bacillus sphaericus phenylalanine dehydrogenase (PheDH) partitioning was studied in polyethylene glycol (PEG) and ammonium sulfate aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS). The objectives of this work were to investigate influences; varying the molecular mass and concentration of PEG, pH, phase volume ratio (VR), tie-line length (TLL) and concentration of (NH4)2SO4 on the partition behavior of PheDH. It was revealed that the partitioning was not affected by VR, while PEG molecular mass and concentration and (NH4)2SO4 concentration had significant effects on enzyme partitioning. Longer TLL and higher pH resulted in better partitioning into the top phase. Under the most favorable partition conditions with 8.5% (w/w) PEG-6000, 17.5% (w/w) (NH4)2SO4 and VR = 0.25 at pH 8.0, partition coefficient (KE), recovery (R%), yield (Y%) and TLL were achieved 58.7%, 135%, 94.42% and 39.89% (w/w), respectively. Overall, the promising results obtained in this research indicated that the ATPS partitioning can be provided an efficient and powerful tool for recovery and purification of recombinant PheDH.  相似文献   

Conidia of Penicillium brevi-compactum and Aspergillus fumigatus, sporangiospores of Rhizopus rhizopodiformis, spores of Streptomyces griseus, and bacterial cells of Bacillus subtilis were partitioned in two-phase systems consisting of dextran, polyethylene glycol, substituted positively charged sulfonylpolyethylene glycol, and water. At a pH of 2.8 in the system, the microorganisms showed 60 to 90% affinity for the upper, polyethylene glycol-rich phase, except for cells of B. subtilis, which were entirely located in the lower, dextran-rich phase. This partition behavior was used to separate microorganisms in aqueous suspensions of peat, wood fuel chip, and straw samples from organic dust impurities prior to total count by acridine orange staining and epifluorescence microscopy. Only one extraction of the interphase and lower phase was needed to separate approximately 98% of the conidia of Penicillium chrysogenum from a suspension containing peat dust.  相似文献   

Immobilized metal ion affinity partitioning of erythrocytes from different species is described. We have explored the affinity between transition metal chelates and metal-binding sites situated on the cell surface by partitioning in aqueous two-phase system composed of poly(ethylene glycol) and dextran. Soluble metal-chelate-poly(ethylene glycol) was prepared by fixing metal ions to poly(ethylene glycol) via the covalently bonded chelator, iminodiacetic acid. The partitioning behaviour of erythrocytes in systems at different concentrations of the ligand was tested. The copper-chelate-poly(ethylene glycol) was quite effective in the affinity extraction of human and rabbit erythrocytes, while the zinc-chelate-poly(ethylene glycol) displayed significant affinity only to the rabbit cells. Furthermore, the influence of various effectors such as imidazole, sialic acid on immobilized metal ion affinity partitioning of erythrocytes was examined.  相似文献   

Conidia of Penicillium brevi-compactum and Aspergillus fumigatus, sporangiospores of Rhizopus rhizopodiformis, spores of Streptomyces griseus, and bacterial cells of Bacillus subtilis were partitioned in two-phase systems consisting of dextran, polyethylene glycol, substituted positively charged sulfonylpolyethylene glycol, and water. At a pH of 2.8 in the system, the microorganisms showed 60 to 90% affinity for the upper, polyethylene glycol-rich phase, except for cells of B. subtilis, which were entirely located in the lower, dextran-rich phase. This partition behavior was used to separate microorganisms in aqueous suspensions of peat, wood fuel chip, and straw samples from organic dust impurities prior to total count by acridine orange staining and epifluorescence microscopy. Only one extraction of the interphase and lower phase was needed to separate approximately 98% of the conidia of Penicillium chrysogenum from a suspension containing peat dust.  相似文献   

A mathematical model describing the affinity partitioning of macromolecules in aqueous two-phase systems has been derived. The model was used to calculate binding parameters that were compared against values deter mined by means of ultracentrifugation and fluorescence titration. The mathematical model and its modifications were found to describe satisfactorily the partition behavior of macromolecules with differing numbers of binding sites. It could be shown that in solutions containing PEG the binding behavior of FDH is changed fundamentally. The dissociation constants of FDH with PEG-blue in the presence and absence of PEG are different.  相似文献   

A general model for the phase behavior of polymer-polymer aqueous two-phase systems containing small amounts of added inorganic salts has been developed from statistical thermodynamics. The model is based on the solution theory of Hill and new electrolyte solution model based on Fluctuation Solution Theory. It includes the effect of polymer molecular weight with scaling expressions from the Renormalization Group theory of polymer solutions. The model has been used to calculate the phase diagram and the partitioning of salt for an aqueous two-phase system containing polyethylene glycol (MW = 8000) and dextran (MW = 28,700) with 0.1 mole/kg of added Na2SO4. The calculations have been compared to experimental results with good agreement.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of genetically engineered charge modifications on the partitioning behavior of proteins in dextran/polyethylene glycol two-phase systems containing potassium phosphate. By genetically altering a protein's charge, the role of charge on partitioning can be assessed directly without the need to modify the phase system. The charge modifications used are of two types: Charged tails of polyaspartic acid fused to beta-galactosidase and charge-change point mutations of T4 lysozyme which replace positive lysine residues with negative glutamic acids. The partition coefficient K(p) for these proteins was related to measured interfacial potential differences Deltaphi using the simple thermodynamic model, In K(p) = In K(o) + (F/RT)Z(p) deltaphi. The protein net charge Z(p) was determined using the Henderson-Hasselbalch relationship with modifications based on experimentally determined titration and isoelectric point data. It was found that when the electropartitioning term Z(p) deltaphi was varied by changing the pH, the partitioning of T4 lysozyme was quantitatively described by the thermodynamic model. The beta-galactosidase fusions displayed qualitative agreement, and although less than predicted, the partitioning increased more than two orders of magnitude for the pH range examined. Changes in the partitioning of lysozyme due to the various mutations agreed qualitatively with the thermodynamic model, but with a smaller than expected dependence on the estimated charge differences. The beta-galactosidase fusions, on the other hand, did not display a consistent charge based trend, which is likely due either to the enzyme's large size and complexity or to nonelectrostatic contributions from the tails. The lack of quantitative fit with the model described above suggests that the assumptions made in developing this model are oversimplified. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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