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Cytochrome p450 BM-3 (EC catalyzes the hydroxylation and/or epoxidation of a broad range of substrates, including alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, fatty acids, amides, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, and heterocycles. For many of these notoriously water-insoluble compounds, p450 BM-3's K(m) values are in the millimolar range. Polar organic cosolvents are therefore added to increase substrate solubility and achieve high catalytic efficiency. Using p450 BM-3 as a catalyst for these important transformations requires that we improve its ability to tolerate the cosolvents. By directed evolution, we improved the activity of p450 BM-3 in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and tetrahydrofuran (THF), achieving increases in specific activity up to 10-fold in 2% (v/v) THF and 6-fold in 25% (v/v) DMSO. The engineered p450 BM-3's are also significantly more resistant to acetone, acetonitrile, dimethylformamide, and ethanol as cosolvents in the reaction.  相似文献   

Bacillus megaterium P450 BM3 (BM3) is a P450/P450 reductase fusion enzyme, where the dimer is considered the active form in NADPH-dependent fatty acid hydroxylation. The BM3 W1046A mutant was generated, removing an aromatic “shield” from its FAD isoalloxazine ring. W1046A BM3 is a catalytically active NADH-dependent lauric acid hydroxylase, with product formation slightly superior to the NADPH-driven enzyme. The W1046A BM3 Km for NADH is 20-fold lower than wild-type BM3, and catalytic efficiency of W1046A BM3 with NADH and NADPH are similar in lauric acid oxidation. Wild-type BM3 also catalyzes NADH-dependent lauric acid hydroxylation, but less efficiently than W1046A BM3. A hypothesis that W1046A BM3 is inactive [15] helped underpin a model of electron transfer from FAD in one BM3 monomer to FMN in the other in order to drive fatty acid hydroxylation in native BM3. Our data showing W1046A BM3 is a functional fatty acid hydroxylase are consistent instead with a BM3 catalytic model involving electron transfer within a reductase monomer, and from FMN of one monomer to heme of the other [12]. W1046A BM3 is an efficient NADH-utilizing fatty acid hydroxylase with potential biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

CYP102s represent a family of natural self-sufficient fusions of cytochrome P450 and cytochrome P450 reductase found in some bacteria. One member of this family, named CYP102A1 or more traditionally P450BM-3, has been widely studied as a model of human P450 cytochromes. Remarkable detail of P450 structure and function has been revealed using this highly efficient enzyme. The recent rapid expansion of microbial genome sequences has revealed many relatives of CYP102A1, but to date only two from Bacillus subtilis have been characterized. We report here the cloning and expression of CYP102A5, a new member of this family that is very closely related to CYP102A4 from Bacillus anthracis. Characterization of the substrate specificity of CYP102A5 shows that it, like the other CYP102s, will metabolize saturated and unsaturated fatty acids as well as N-acylamino acids. CYP102A5 catalyzes very fast substrate oxidation, showing one of the highest turnover rates for any P450 monooxygenase studied so far. It does so with more specificity than other CYP102s, yielding primarily ω-1 and ω-2 hydroxylated products. Measurement of the rate of electron transfer through the reductase domain reveals that it is significantly faster in CYP102A5 than in CYP102A1, providing a likely explanation for the increased monooxygenation rate. The availability of this new, very fast fusion P450 will provide a great tool for comparative structure-function studies between CYP102A5 and the other characterized CYP102s.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 enzymes are amongst the most versatile enzymatic catalysts known. The ability to introduce a single atom of oxygen into an organic substrate has led to the diversification and exploitation of these enzymes throughout nature. Nowhere is this versatility more apparent than in the mammalian liver, where P450 monooxygenases catalyze the metabolic clearance of innumerate drugs and other environmental chemicals. In addition to the aromatic and aliphatic hydroxylations, N- and O-dealkylations, and heteroatom oxidations that are common in drug metabolism, many more unusual reactions catalyzed by P450s have been discovered, including reductions, group transfers and other biotransformations not typically associated with monooxygenases. A research area that shows great potential for development over the next few decades is the directed evolution of P450s as biocatalysts. Mammalian xenobiotic-metabolizing P450s are especially well suited to such protein engineering due to their ability to interact with relatively wide ranges of substrates with marked differences in structure and physicochemical properties. Typical characteristics, such as the low turnover rates and poor coupling seen during the metabolism of xenobiotics, as well as the enzyme specificity towards particular substrates and reactions, can be improved by directed evolution. This mini-review will cover the fundamental enabling technologies required to successfully engineer P450s, examine the work done to date on the directed evolution of mammalian forms, and provide a perspective on what will be required for the successful implementation of engineered enzymes.  相似文献   

Directed evolution has been successfully applied to the design of industrial biocatalysts for enhanced catalytic efficiency and stability, and for examining the molecular basis of enzyme function. Xenobiotic-metabolizing mammalian cytochromes P450 with their catalytic versatility and broad substrate specificity offer the possibility of widespread applications in industrial synthesis, medicine, and bioremediation. However, the requirement for NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, often cytochrome b5, and an expensive cofactor, NADPH, complicates the design of mammalian P450 enzymes as biocatalysts. Recently, Guengerich and colleagues have successfully performed directed evolution of P450s 1A2 and 2A6 initially by using colony-based colorimetric and genotoxicity screening assays, respectively, followed by in vitro fluorescence-based activity screening assays. More recently, our laboratory has developed a fluorescence-based in vitro activity screening assay system for enhanced catalytic activity of P450s 2B1 and 3A4. The studies indicate an important role of amino acid residues outside of the active site, which would be difficult to target by other methods. The approach can now be expanded to design these as well as new P450s using more targeted substrates of environmental, industrial, and medical importance.  相似文献   

The neighbourhoods of cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes in deuterostome genomes, as well as those of the cnidarians Nematostella vectensis and Acropora digitifera and the placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens were examined to find clues concerning the evolution of CYP genes in animals. CYP genes created by the 2R whole genome duplications in chordates have been identified. Both microsynteny and macrosynteny were used to identify genes that coexisted near CYP genes in the animal ancestor. We show that all 11 CYP clans began in a common gene environment. The evidence implies the existence of a single locus, which we term the ‘cytochrome P450 genesis locus’, where one progenitor CYP gene duplicated to create a tandem set of genes that were precursors of the 11 animal CYP clans: CYP Clans 2, 3, 4, 7, 19, 20, 26, 46, 51, 74 and mitochondrial. These early CYP genes existed side by side before the origin of cnidarians, possibly with a few additional genes interspersed. The Hox gene cluster, WNT genes, an NK gene cluster and at least one ARF gene were close neighbours to this original CYP locus. According to this evolutionary scenario, the CYP74 clan originated from animals and not from land plants nor from a common ancestor of plants and animals. The CYP7 and CYP19 families that are chordate-specific belong to CYP clans that seem to have originated in the CYP genesis locus as well, even though this requires many gene losses to explain their current distribution. The approach to uncovering the CYP genesis locus overcomes confounding effects because of gene conversion, sequence divergence, gene birth and death, and opens the way to understanding the biodiversity of CYP genes, families and subfamilies, which in animals has been obscured by more than 600 Myr of evolution.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 BM-3 from Bacillus megaterium is an extensively studied enzyme for industrial applications. A major focus of current protein engineering research is directed to improving the catalytic performance of P450 BM-3 toward nonnatural substrates of industrial importance in the presence of organic solvents or cosolvents. For the latter reason, it is important to study the effect of organic cosolvent molecules on the structure and dynamics of the enzyme, in particular, the effect of cosolvent molecules on the active site's structure and dynamics. In this paper, we have studied, using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, the F87A mutant of P450 BM-3 in the presence of DMSO as cosolvent, to understand the role of the F87A substitution for its catalytic activity. This mutant exhibits an altered regioselectivity and substrate specificity compared with wild-type; however, it has lower tolerance toward DMSO. The simulation results offer an explanation for the DMSO sensitivity of the F87A mutant. Our simulation results show that the F87 side chain prevents the disturbance of the water molecule bound to the heme iron by DMSO molecules. The absence of the phenyl ring in F87A mutant promotes interactions of the DMSO molecule with the heme iron resulting in water displacement by DMSO at the catalytic heme center.  相似文献   

Fatty acid binding and oxidation kinetics for wild type P450BM3 (CYP102A1) from Bacillus megaterium have been found to display chain length-dependent homotropic behavior. Laurate and 13-methyl-myristate display Michaelis-Menten behavior while there are slight deviations with myristate at low ionic strengths. Palmitate shows Michaelis-Menten kinetics and hyperbolic binding behavior in 100 mmol/L phosphate, pH 7.4, but sigmoidal kinetics (with an apparent intercept) in low ionic strength buffers and at physiological phosphate concentrations. In low ionic strength buffers both the heme domain and the full-length enzyme show complex palmitate binding behavior that indicates a minimum of four fatty acid binding sites, with high cooperativity for the binding of the fourth palmitate molecule, and the full-length enzyme showing tighter palmitate binding than the heme domain. The first flavin-to-heme electron transfer is faster for laurate, myristate and palmitate in 100 mmol/L phosphate than in 50 mmol/L Tris (pH 7.4), yet each substrate induces similar high-spin heme content. For palmitate in low phosphate buffer concentrations, the rate constant of the first electron transfer is much larger than kcat. The results suggest that phosphate has a specific effect in promoting the first electron transfer step, and that P450BM3 could modulate Bacillus membrane morphology and fluidity via palmitate oxidation in response to the external phosphate concentration.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 147F1 from Streptomyces peucetius is a new CYP subfamily of that has been identified as ω-fatty acid hydroxylase. We describe the identification of CYP147F1 as a fatty acid hydroxylase by screening for the substrate using a substrate binding assay. Screening of substrates resulted in the identification of fatty acid groups of compounds as potential hits for CYP147F1 substrates. Fatty acids from C10:0 to C18:0 all showed type I shift spectra indicating their potential as substrates. Among several fatty acids tested, lauric acid, myrsitic acid, and palmitic acid were used to characterize CYP147F1. CYP147F1 activity was reconstituted using putidaredoxin reductase and putidaredoxin from Pseudomonas putida as surrogate electron transfer partners. Kinetic parameters, including the dissociation constant, Km, NADH consumption assay, production formation rate, and coupling efficiency for CYP147F1 were also determined.  相似文献   

CYP2C enzymes epoxidize arachidonic acid (AA) to metabolites involved in the regulation of vascular and renal function. We tested the hypothesis that eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), a n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, may serve as an alternative substrate. Human CYP2C8 and CYP2C9, as well as rat CYP2C11 and CYP2C23, were co-expressed with NADPH-CYP reductase in a baculovirus/insect cell system. The recombinant enzymes showed high EPA and AA epoxygenase activities and the catalytic efficiencies were almost equal comparing the two substrates. The 17,18-double bond was the preferred site of EPA epoxidation by CYPs 2C8, 2C11, and 2C23. 17(R),18(S)-Epoxyeicosatetraenoic acid was produced with an optical purity of about 70% by CYPs 2C9, 2C11, and 2C23 whereas CYP2C8 showed the opposite enantioselectivity. These results demonstrate that EPA is an efficient substrate of CYP2C enzymes and suggest that n-3 PUFA-rich diets may shift the CYP2C-dependent generation of physiologically active eicosanoids from AA- to EPA-derived metabolites.  相似文献   

CYPs have major role in the biosynthesis and modification of secondary metabolites. Predicting the possible involvement of CYPs in secondary metabolism, 20 partial sequences were amplified from the cDNA of trichome enriched tissue of Artemisia annua. Seven CYPs were converted to full length and assigned to different families based on sequence homology. These were co-expressed with CPR in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and microsome fractions were assayed for conversion of sesquiterpenes, phenols and fatty acid substrates. CIM_CYP02(c73) and CIM_CYP05(c81) converted trans-cinnamic acid to p-coumaric acid; and capric acid, lauric acid to their hydroxylated products, respectively. Higher expression of CIM_CYP71AV1, CIM_CYP03(c72a), CIM_CYP06(c72b), CIM_CYP02(c73) and CIM_CYP04(c83) was observed in the mature leaf, whereas expression of CIM_CYP05(c81) was more in the seedling. CIM_CYP71AV1, CIM_CYP02(c73) and CIM_CYP04(c83) expressed more in the flower bud compared to the leaf, with minor expression in stem. All CYPs' expression increased progressively with time after wounding except for CIM_CYP07(c92). These results relate involvement of CIM_CYP02(c73) to phenyl-propanoid metabolism in the leaf and CIM_CYP05(c81) to fatty acid metabolism in the seedling. Expression of CIM_CYP71AV1 and CIM_CYP02(c73) significantly increased when sprayed with trans-cinnamic acid indicating a relationship between phenylpropanoid and artemisinic acid pathways.  相似文献   

Mammalian cytochrome P450 1 (CYP1) genes are well characterized, but in other vertebrates only the functions of CYP1A genes have been well studied. We determined the catalytic activity of zebrafish CYP1A, CYP1B1, CYP1C1, CYP1C2, and CYP1D1 proteins using 11 fluorometric substrates and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). The resorufin-based substrates, 7-ethoxyresorufin, 7-methoxyresorufin, and 7-benzyloxyresorufin, were well metabolized by all CYP1s except CYP1D1. CYP1A metabolized nearly all substrates tested, although rates for non-resorufin substrates were typically lower than resorufin-based substrates. Zebrafish CYP1s did not metabolize 7-benzyloxyquinoline, 3-[2-(N,N-diethyl-N-methylamino)ethyl]-7-methoxy-4-methylcoumarin or 7-methoxy-4-(aminomethyl)-coumarin. CYP1B1 and CYP1C2 had the highest rates of BaP metabolism. 3-Hydroxy-BaP was a prominent metabolite for all but CYP1D1. CYP1A showed broad specificity and had the highest metabolic rates for nearly all substrates. CYP1C1 and CYP1C2 had similar substrate specificity. CYP1D1 had very low activities for all substrates except BaP, and a different regioselectivity for BaP, suggesting that CYP1D1 function may be different from other CYP1s.  相似文献   

A burst of evolutionary duplication upon land colonization seems to have led to the large superfamily of cytochromes P450 in higher plants. Within this superfamily some clans and families are heavily duplicated. Others, such as genes involved in the phenylpropanoid pathway have led to fewer duplication events. Eight coding sequences belonging to the CYP98 family reported to catalyze the 3-hydroxylation step in this pathway were isolated from Triticum aestivum (wheat) and expressed in yeast. Comparison of the catalytic properties of the recombinant enzymes with those of CYP98s from other plant taxa was coupled to phylogenetic analyses. Our results indicate that the unusually high frequency of gene duplication in the wheat CYP98 family is a direct or indirect result from ploidization. While ancient duplication led to evolution of enzymes with different substrate preferences, most of recent duplicates underwent silencing via degenerative mutations. Three of the eight tested CYP98s from wheat have phenol meta-hydroxylase activity, with p-coumaroylshikimate being the primary substrate for all of these, as it is the case for CYP98s from sweet basil and Arabidopsis thaliana. However, CYP98s from divergent taxa have acquired different additional subsidiary activities. Some of them might be significant in the metabolism of various free or conjugated phenolics in different plant species. One of the most significant is meta-hydroxylation of p-coumaroyltyramine, predominantly by the wheat enzymes, for the synthesis of suberin phenolic monomers. Homology modeling, confirmed by directed mutagenesis, provides information on the protein regions and structural features important for some observed changes in substrate selectivity. They indicate that the metabolism of quinate ester and tyramine amide of p-coumaric acid rely on the same recognition site in the protein.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450rm was previously isolated from the basidiomycete yeast Rhodotorula minuta as a bifunctional enzyme with isobutene-forming and benzoate 4-hydroxylase activities. We cloned the gene and corresponding cDNA for P450rm in order to characterize the enzyme in the context of fungal phylogeny and physiology. From the cDNA sequence, P450rm was deduced to have 527 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 59 136. P450rm shared 48% amino acid sequence identity with CYP53A1 from Aspergillus niger, indicating that the gene belongs to a novel subfamily of CYP53, CYP53B. However, the organization of the P450rm gene, which has eight exons and seven introns, differed completely to that of CYP53A1. Northern analysis demonstrated that the level of P450rm mRNA expression increased when L-phenylalanine was used as sole carbon source. These results suggest that P450rm has been well conserved during the evolution of fungi as a benzoate 4-hydroxylase in the dissimilation pathway starting from L-phenylalanine Received: 18 February 1997 / Accepted: 18 May 1997  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 BM3 (CYP102A1) mutant M11 is able to metabolize a wide range of drugs and drug‐like compounds. Among these, M11 was recently found to be able to catalyze formation of human metabolites of mefenamic acid and other nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Interestingly, single active‐site mutations such as V87I were reported to invert regioselectivity in NSAID hydroxylation. In this work, we combine crystallography and molecular simulation to study the effect of single mutations on binding and regioselective metabolism of mefenamic acid by M11 mutants. The heme domain of the protein mutant M11 was expressed, purified, and crystallized, and its X‐ray structure was used as template for modeling. A multistep approach was used that combines molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, and binding free‐energy calculations to address protein flexibility. In this way, preferred binding modes that are consistent with oxidation at the experimentally observed sites of metabolism (SOMs) were identified. Whereas docking could not be used to retrospectively predict experimental trends in regioselectivity, we were able to rank binding modes in line with the preferred SOMs of mefenamic acid by M11 and its mutants by including protein flexibility and dynamics in free‐energy computation. In addition, we could obtain structural insights into the change in regioselectivity of mefenamic acid hydroxylation due to single active‐site mutations. Our findings confirm that use of MD and binding free‐energy calculation is useful for studying biocatalysis in those cases in which enzyme binding is a critical event in determining the selective metabolism of a substrate. Proteins 2016; 84:383–396. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases of the CYP102A subfamily are single-component natural fusion proteins consisting of a heme domain and a diflavin reductase. The characterised CYP102A enzymes are fatty acid hydroxylases with turnover rates of several thousands per minute. In search of new P450s with similar activities, but with a broader substrate spectrum, we cloned, expressed and characterised CYP102A7 from Bacillus licheniformis. As expected, CYP102A7 was active towards medium-chain fatty acids but showed a strong preference for saturated over unsaturated fatty acids, which could not be observed for either of the CYP102A members so far. Besides fatty acids, CYP102A7 was able to catalyse the oxidation of cyclic and acyclic terpenes with high activity and coupling efficiency. For example, (R)-(+)-limonene was converted with activity of 220 nmol nmol P450(-1) min(-1) and 80% coupling. Unusual for enzymes of the CYP102A subfamily was the deethylation activity of CYP102A7 towards 7-ethoxycoumarin. Furthermore, this monooxygenase, though having a moderate thermal stability, exhibited 50% of its initial activity in the presence of 26% DMSO. Comparison of the homology models of CYP102A7 and other members of the CYP102A subfamily revealed distinct differences in the shape of the substrate access channel and the active site, which might explain differences in catalytic properties of these homologous enzymes.  相似文献   

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