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The thesis that the minimum cell-phosphorus content of planktonalgae is a light- and temperature-independent species constantwas investigated using the marine plankton diatom Thalassiosirarotula. To what extent the maximum cell-phosphorus content isalso a constant, light- and temperature-independent quantityhas been tested in parallel. At 2.5C and 3.03 nE cm–2s–1 the minimum and maximum cell-phosphorus contents aregreater than the values for 16C and 8.93 nE cm–2 s–1by a factor of 5.7. The light intensities were kept near thelight saturation for the growth rate for all experimental temperatures(2.5, 6, 12 and 16C). The light dependence of the phosphoruscontent was tested at 12C. For 1.43 nE cm–2 s–1the minimum phosphorus content was lower by a factor of 2.5than for 64.28 and 80.36 nE cm–2 s–1 respectively.The maximum P-content for 2.86 nE cm–2 s–1 was 3.9times higher than for 64.28 nE cm–2 s–1 T. rotulais, on the basis of the stored P-content, only capable of betweenthree and five cell divisions. The N/P atomic ratios were, dependingupon light and temperature, between 56:1 and 226:1 for the minimumcell-phosphorus content, which implies a pronounced phosphorusdeficiency.  相似文献   

The theory and practice of applying the thermodynamics of irreversibleprocesses to mass-flow theories is presented. Onsager coefficientswere measured on cut and uncut phloem and cut xylem strandsof Heracleum muntegazzimum. In 0.3 N sucrose + 1 mN KC1 theyare as follows. In phloem, LEE = 5 ? 10–4 mho cm–1,LpE = 9 ? 10–6 cm3 s–1 cm–2 volt–1 cm,and LPP = 0.16 cm3 s–1 cm–2 (J cm–3)–1cm. In uncut phloem strands LEE is about 1 ? 10–3 mhocm–1. In xylem in 2 x 10–3 N KCI, Lpp = 50 to 225,LPE = 2 ? 10–4, and LEE = 4 ? 10–3. The measurementsare tentative since the blockage of the sieve plates is an interferingfactor, but if they are valid they lead to the conclusion thatneither a pressure-flow nor an electro-kinetic mechanism envisaginga ‘long distance’ current pathway can be the majormotive ‘force’ for transport in mature phloem. Measurementsof biopotentials along conducting but laterally detached phloembundles of Heracleum suggest, nevertheless, that there may bea small electro-osmotic component of at least 0.1 mV cm–1endogenous in the phloem.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to separate constituents of marineseston samples: inorganic material, detritus and the algal species,by density gradient centrifugation, without affecting the physiologicalstate of the algae. A relatively inert gradient material, consistingof Percoll, salt and sucrose, was composed. Since the densitiesof detritus and algae as well as those of different algal speciesoften overlapped, only 10 of the 100 samples processed in thecourse of the year showed a reasonable separation. However,an enrichment with respect to one or more species was oftenachieved. Densities of eleven species of marine diatoms andof one dinoflagellate have been determined at different timesof the year. For eight diatom species and for the dinoflagellatethe following specific density ranges were established: Bidduiphiaaurita: 1.18–1.23 g cm–3, Biddulphia sinensis: 1.03–1.08g cm–3, Cerataulina bergonii: 1.03–1.06 g cm–3,Ditylum brightwellii: 1.07–1.13 g cm–3, Rhizosoleniadelicatula: 1.04–1.09 g cm–3, Skeletonema costatum:1.12–1.17 g cm–3, Streptotheca thamensis: 1.04–1.10g cm–3 , Thalassiosira rotula: 1.05–1.10 g cm–3,Peridinium sp.: 1.08–1.12 g cm–3. No seasonal variationin density was demonstrated. Gradients of different compositiondid not influence density measurements.  相似文献   

The investigation of successive steps involved in the infectionprocess of the marine diatoms Coscinodiscus granii and Coscuwdiscuswailesii by the host-specific parasitoid nanoflagellate (PNF)Pirsonia diadenw showed that flagellates reacted chemokJinokineticallywith changes of swimming pattern to the presence of a host diatom.Chemosensory stimulation appeared to induce readiness for infection,whereas attachment and penetration of the diatom cell wall wasinduced by a mechanosensory response to morphological featureson the diatom frustules. The mean swimming speed of P.diademaflagellates decreased during their infective lifetime of 3 daysfrom an average of 78 µm s–1 to 51 µm s–1while the frequency of small loops in the swimming pattern increasedfrom 0.8 to 6.3 loops min–1. At high Cgranii densities,an epidemic was delayed. It is suggested that this could becaused by overlapping gradients of extracellular material releasedby the diatoms which impaired the sensing of spatial gradientsby PNF and, therefore, the location of hosts.  相似文献   

Journal of Plankton Research, 11, 1273–1295, 1989. The values of P/U0 (Table I) and fluid velocity used to calculatethe energy required for sieving (pp. 1289–1290) and severalequations (footnote b of Table I; p. 1290, lines 3–4)are incorrect. The corrected table appears below: Table I. Filter setule measurements (mean and within specimenstandard deviation) of the gnathobases for the cladocerans studiedaGnathobaseof trunklimb number. bP = 8µU0/(b(1 – 21nt + 1/6(t2) - 1/144(t4))), whereP = pressure drop in dyn cm–2, =3.1416, U0 = fluid velocityin cm s–1, b = distance between setule centres in cm,t = ( x setule diameter)/b and µ = 0.0101 dyn s–1cm–2. Formula from Jørgensen (1983). The text (p. 1289, line 19 to p. 1290, line 10) should read: organism. Using a similar argument, a 0.5 mm Ceriodaphnia witha filter area of 0.025 mm2 (Ganf and Shiel, 1985) and pressuredrop P = 2757 dyn cm–2 (with fluid velocity of 0.07 cms–1) allocates only 2171 ergs h–1 to filtrationof a total energy expenditure of 104 ergs h–1 [filtrationenergy (ergs h–1) = area (cm2) x pressure drop (dyn cm–2)x 3600 (s h–1) x 1/0.2 (efficiency of conversion of biochemicalinto mechanical work); total energy (ergs h–1) = respiration(0.05 µl O2 ind–1 h–1 consumed; Gophen, 1976)x conversion factor (2 x 105 ergs µl–1 O2). Withan estimated 0.034 mm2 in filter area, fluid velocity of 0.041cm s–1 and respiration of 1.8 x 104 ergs h–1 (calculatedfrom Porter and McDonough, 1984), a 0.5 mm Bosmina uses <4%of its metabolism to overcome filter resistance. The velocities used in the original examples (0.4 cm s–1for Ceriodaphnia, 0.2 cm s–1 for Bosmina) were derivedfrom literature values of appendage beat rate and estimatesof the distance travelled by the appendages during each beatcycle. This approach unnecessarily assumes that all water movedpasses through the filter. In the new calculations, the flowacross the filter needed for food to be collected by sieving(0.07 cm s–1 for Ceriodaphnia and 0.041 cm s–1 forBosmina) was determined from the maximum clearance rate/filterarea. The amended energy expenditures, although higher, do notrefute the sieve model of particle collection.  相似文献   

Fluxes of diatoms in the Dona Paula Bay, west coast of India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sediment traps were deployed at a station in the Dona PaulaBay to collect sedimenting particles at weekly intervals fromNovember to May during 1995–1997. Sedimented particleswere analysed for total diatom flux, chlorophyll a (Chl a) andparticulate organic carbon (POC). The highest diatom flux wasrecorded in April–May for both the years. Fluxes of diatomsvaried from0.6 x 104 cells m–2 day–1 (November 1995)to 121.47 x 104 cells m–2 day–1 (December 1996).In all, 19 diatom genera were identified in the sedimented material.Navicula, Nitzschia, Pleurosigma, Licmophora, Coscinodiscus,Rhizosolenia and Surirella were the most abundant genera inthe sedimented material throughout the sampling period. Meanflux of POC and diatom carbon was 251 and 0.39 mg C m–2day–1, respectively. The diatom carbon accounted for 0.15%of the POC flux. Mass flux of diatoms showed significant negativecorrelation with the concentration of nitrate and phosphate.This suggests that the nutrient concentration played an importantrole in influencing the sedimentation of diatoms at this coastalstation.  相似文献   

The parasitoid nanoflagellate (PNF) Pirsonia diadema is hostspecific for the marine centric diatom Coscinodiscus spp. Experimentsshowed that flagellates significantly prefer C. wailesii overC.granii as host species (interspecific selectivity). This preferencewas independent of light conditions (dark, irradiance of 10and 70 µmol m–2 s–1) and temperature (10 and15C). Among unicellular host diatoms, the infection behaviourwas selective for individual cells: already infected C.graniicells were more attractive for further flagellate attachmentthan non-infected cells (intraspecific selectivity). Individualcells (  相似文献   

Nutrient-saturated cultures of Skeletonema costatum were grownat 15C and 42 combinations of photon flux density (PFD) anddaylength. The growth rate increased with the daylength andPFD up to 460–630 µE m–2 s–1 (maximum2.5 doublings day At 2000 µE m–2 s–1 the growthrate was reduced by 45%. The chlorophyll (chl) content of thecells and the rate of production of carbon per unit chlorophylland ambient light increased for declining light regimes as didcellular nitrogen and carbon. The N/C ratio, cellular phosphorusand ratios between in vivo fluorescence, with and without DCMU,and chlorophyll varied negligibly. The ATP/C ratio was linearlyrelated to the growth rate. The results were described mathematically.The chl/C ratio was low both in strong light and in marginallylow light, corresponding to low cellular chlorophyll and highcellular carbon, respectively. The observed increase in cellularnitrogen and carbon at shade adaptation probably represent anincrease in the size of internal stores of organic nitrogenand may imply that Skeletonema cells become enriched with organicnitrogen when staying in nitrate-rich subsurface layers, e.g.in or below a nutricline. However, close to zero growth in marginallight the cells become greatly enriched with respect to everymeasured factor. Such cells may be physiologically resting stageswhich may ensure survival during dark periods and promote rapiddevelopment during the initial phase of blooms. Cultures andnatural blooms of Skeleronema in the Trondheimsfjord exhibitvery similar patterns of variation.  相似文献   

Species-specific differences in the assimilation of atmosphericCO2 depends upon differences in the capacities for the biochemicalreactions that regulate the gas-exchange process. Quantifyingthese differences for more than a few species, however, hasproven difficult. Therefore, to understand better how speciesdiffer in their capacity for CO2 assimilation, a widely usedmodel, capable of partitioning limitations to the activity ofribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase, to the rateof ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate regeneration via electron transport,and to the rate of triose phosphate utilization was used toanalyse 164 previously published A/Ci, curves for 109 C3 plantspecies. Based on this analysis, the maximum rate of carboxylation,Vcmax, ranged from 6µmol m–2 s–1 for the coniferousspecies Picea abies to 194µmol m–2 s–1 forthe agricultural species Beta vulgaris, and averaged 64µmolm–2 s–1 across all species. The maximum rate ofelectron transport, Jmax, ranged from 17µmol m–2s–1 again for Picea abies to 372µmol m–2 s–1for the desert annual Malvastrum rotundifolium, and averaged134µmol m–2 s–1 across all species. A strongpositive correlation between Vcmax and Jmax indicated that theassimilation of CO2 was regulated in a co-ordinated manner bythese two component processes. Of the A/Ci curves analysed,23 showed either an insensitivity or reversed-sensitivity toincreasing CO2 concentration, indicating that CO2 assimilationwas limited by the utilization of triose phosphates. The rateof triose phosphate utilization ranged from 4·9 µmolm–2 s–1 for the tropical perennial Tabebuia roseato 20·1 µmol m–2 s–1 for the weedyannual Xanthium strumarium, and averaged 10·1 µmolm–2 s–1 across all species. Despite what at first glance would appear to be a wide rangeof estimates for the biochemical capacities that regulate CO2assimilation, separating these species-specific results intothose of broad plant categories revealed that Vcmax and Jmaxwere in general higher for herbaceous annuals than they werefor woody perennials. For annuals, Vcmax and Jmax averaged 75and 154 µmol m–2 s–1, while for perennialsthese same two parameters averaged only 44 and 97 µmolm2 s–1, respectively. Although these differencesbetween groups may be coincidental, such an observation pointsto differences between annuals and perennials in either theavailability or allocation of resources to the gas-exchangeprocess. Key words: A/Ci curve, CO2 assimilation, internal CO2 partial pressure, photosynthesis  相似文献   

Ammonia excreted by mixed zooplankton populations over an annual(1972–1973) cycle in Narragansett Bay varied from 0.04to 3.21 µg at NH3-N dry wt–1 day–1, exclusiveof two exceptional rates measured one year apart: 11.74 and18.39 µg at NH3-N mg dry wt–1 day–1. Grossphytoplankton production integrated over the year (1972–1973)averaged 151 mg C m–3 day–1 for an 8 m water column;peaks of 332 and 905 mg C m–3 day–1 occurred duringthe winter-spring and summer blooms, respectively. Excretedammonia, integrated seasonally and annually, contributed only0.2% and 4.9% of the nitrogen required for observed gross productionduring the winter-spring and summer blooms, respectively, and4.4% annually. However, excreted ammonia may be an importantsource of the nitrogen required by Skeletonema costatum, thedominant diatom in Narragansett Bay, during the post-bloom periodwhen 186% of the nitrogen required for its net production wasmet by ammonia excretion. A combination of zooplankton ammoniaexcretion and benthic ammonia flux contributed 22% of the nitrogenrequired for the annual gross production (440 g C m–2)while 51% of the nitrogen required for the net production ofSkeletonema was accounted for by regenerated nitrogen. 1This research was supported by NSF grant GA 31319X awardedto Dr.T.J.Smayda.  相似文献   

Effects of light flux density (LFD) during growth and uptakeassay on induction of transport system and kinetics of transport were studied using the Azolla pinnata-Anabaena azollae association (Azolla). Theinduction and uptake kinetics of the transport system were determined using an automated system that measuredthe NO3 concentration in the growth medium as a function oftime, using an on-line high performance liquid chromatograph(HPLC) with a UV-VIS detector. Full induction of the transport system required about 1.5 to 2.0 h and occurred without any apparent lag phase,regardless of the LFD provided. The level of induction of transport of Azolla grown at 600 µmol m–2s–1 LFD was higher than for that grown at 100 µmolm–2 s–1. Similarly, 600 µmol m–1 s–1LFD during the assay resulted in a higher level of inductionthan did 100 umol m–2 s–1. An increase in the LFDeither during the growth or the assay period increased the uptake rate; however, an increase in LFD duringthe latter period had greater effect. Azolla grown and assayedat 600 umol m–2 s–1 had the highest uptake rate. The uptake rate at 50 cm3 m–3ambient CO2 concentration was initially higher than at 305 cm3m–3, but the uptake rate decreased rapidly with time andeventually dropped below that at 305 cm3 m–3 CO2. Thesedata suggest that the energy required for transport in Azolla may bypass the photosynthetic CO2 fixationand carbon-cycling. Key words: carbon dioxide, concentration dependence, light flux density, uptake  相似文献   

In this paper we report measurements concerning the conductivityof water and ions and the interaction between the two in excisedpieces of xylem of red maple stems under various conditions.We have also demonstrated that it is possible to detect theflow of solutions through the stems of maple by measuring thedegree of interaction between the flow of water and ions. Inthis technique we apply voltage pulses of ±V volts acrossa length of stem and detect the unequal current pulses resultingfrom the greater frictional drag when current (which is carriedprimarily by cations) is flowing against the water stream thanwhen flowing with the water stream. The hydraulic conductivityof recent maple sapwood ranges from 30 to 90 cm3 s–1 cm–2(J cm–3)–1 cm; in 2 mM KCl the electrical conductivityis roughly 3 x 10–4 mho cm–1 and the electro-kineticcross coefficient is roughly 4x10–5 A cm–2 (J cm–3)–1cm.  相似文献   

Accumulation of dry weight was measured in plant parts of meadowfescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) that was grown at 16/11 °Cor 26/21 °C and with 20 or 60 nE cm–2 s–1 photosyntheticallyactive radiation. Plants reached anthesis about 3 weeks laterat 16/11 °C than at 26/21 °C and had then a higher proportionof dry weight in inflorescences and less in leaf blades. Growthtemperature had little effect on CO2 exchange rate (CER) butplants grown at 60 nE cm–2 s–1 had higher CER thanthose grown at 20 nE cm–2 s–1. The concentration of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) at similargrowth stages was usually higher at 16/11°C than at 26/21°C.High radiation also led to higher WSC in stem and leaf tissue.Root tissue changed least and WSC did not exceed 10% of dryweight during the experiment. In all tissues, when WSC was high,the fructans were distributed into a group with a high degreeof polymerization (DP) and another with a low DP. The low DPgroup included sucrose, reducing sugars and fructans up to about20 units long. An apparent threshold concentration of WSC wasnecessary for synthesis of the high DP fructans. This concentrationwas near 12% for leaf tissue, about 6% for stem base tissue,and 2.5% for root tissue. The average apparent DP of the highDP fructan group was 43 to 50 for leaf tissue, 31 to 93 forstem base tissue, and 27 to 31 for roots. These characteristicsappeared to be mostly tissue dependent with less effect fromtemperature and radiation. Key words: Fructans, Meadow fescue, Environmental effects, Dry weight distribution  相似文献   

The bloom-forming marine dinoflagellate Gyrodinium cf. aureolumwas grown in batch cultures over a range of irradiances (35–380µmolm–2 s–1 and growth, photosynthesis and respirationrates determined. Saturation of growth occurred at irradiancesof 100µmol m–2 s–1 Below this light level,decreases in growth rates and cell size, and a relative increasein carbon specific respiration rates, were observed. On theother hand, photosynthesis-irradiance relationships determinedfrom dissolved oxygen incubations showed that on a cellularand carbon basis, cultures grown at low irradiances had higherrates of light-limited and light-saturated photosynthesis, mainlyas a result of large increases in cell chlorophyll content.This adaptation strategy enables low-light-grown organisms toexploit available high irradiance through a relatively highphotosynthetic capacity. In cells grown at higher light levels(>100µmol m–2 s–1), excess photosynthatemay be diverted to storage rather than used for growth.  相似文献   

Red beech (Nothofagus fusca (Hook. F.) Oerst.; Fagaceae) andradiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don; Pinaceae) were grown for16 months in large open-top chambers at ambient (37 Pa) andelevated (66 Pa) atmospheric partial pressure of CO2, and incontrol plots (no chamber). Summer-time measurements showedthat photosynthetic capacity was similar at elevated CO2 (lightand CO2-saturated value of 17.2 µmol m–2 s–1for beech, 13.5 µmol m–2 s–1 for pine), plantsgrown at ambient CO2 (beech 21.0 µmol–2 s–1,pine 14.9 µmol m–2s–1) or control plants grownwithout chambers (beech 23.2 µmol m–2 s–1,pine 12.9 µmol m–2 s–1). However, the higherCO2 partial pressure had a direct effect on photosynthetic rate,such that under their respective growth conditions, photosynthesisfor the elevated CO2 treatment (measured at 70 Pa CO2 partialpressure: beech 14.1 µmol m–2 s–1 pine 10.3)was greater than in ambient (measured at 35 Pa CO2: beech 9.7µmol m–2 s–1, pine 7.0 µmol m–2s–1) or control plants (beech 10.8 µmol m–2s–1, pine 7.2 µmol m–2 s–1). Measurementsof chlorophyll fluorescence revealed no evidence of photodamagein any treatment for either species. The quantity of the photoprotectivexanthophyll cycle pigments and their degree of de-epoxidationat midday did not differ among treatments for either species.The photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (yield) was lowerin control plants than in chamber-grown plants, and was higherin chamber plants at ambient than at elevated CO2. These resultssuggest that at lower (ambient) CO2 partial pressure, beechplants may have dissipated excess energy by a mechanism thatdoes not involve the xanthophyll cycle pigments. Key words: Carotenoids, chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthesis, photoinhibition, photoprotection, xanthophyll cycle  相似文献   

Due to an apparent fault in the telex system, a number of mistakeswere not corrected in this paper. The corrected lines are givenbelow p. 539: line 17In vivo fluorescence action spectra of chl a p. 541: Figure 2 legend, line 92.5 µW cm–2 at 550nm (0.12 µE m–2 s–1 p. 542: Figure 3 legend, line 5( 89 µE m–2 s–1).Monochromatic beam intensity was 6 µW cm–2 at 550nm (–0.28 µE m–2 s–1), Figure 3 legend, lines 8 and 9with intensity of 3 mW cm–2( 179 µE m–2 s–1) Monochromatic beam intensitywas 7 5 µW cm–2 at 550 nm (0.35 µE m–2s–1). line 6tivity. The match between the spectra of chl a fluorescenceand PSII O2 evolution is lines 23–25fluorescence increasingly deviate from thoseof PSII O2 evolution. We attribute this discrepancy to selectivelight scattering by the algae. This scattering increases substantiallywith decreasing wavelength at that region when using a standardspectrofluorometer p. 543: Figure 4 legend, lines 3 and 4as in Chroomonas, withintensity of 2 mW cm–2 ( 120 µE m–2 s–1).Monochromatic beam intensity was 15 µW cm–2 at 550nm ( 0.7 µE m–2 s–1). line 7:ment types in the oceans. While all photoautotrophicorganisms have chl a (the bulk lines 12 and 13:and Barrett (1983). Our spectral data reflectthe great variability in pigment composition and functionalassociation in the major groups of algae. lines 25 and 26:Hiller, 1983). However, blue-violet and redPSII activity is much lower in cryptomonads than might be expectedfrom their absorption spectra (Haxo and Fork, 1958; Haxo, 1960), p. 544: Table I, column 3, entry 6:R-phycocyanin Table 1 legend, lines 1 and 2:aHaxo and Blinks (1950); bFork(1961); cHaxo et al. (1955); dO'Carra and O'hEocha (1976); cresemblesDelesseria decipiens, Haxo and Blinks (1950, Figure 20); fHaxoand Fork (1969), like lines 1 and 2:I) indicates that these pigments are affiliatedwith PSII, perhaps exclusively, as in the red algae. In Rhodomonas,the peak of activity at 465 nm may be due to chl c absorp- p. 545: line 2:xanthophyll (fucoxanthin in diatoms, peridininin dinoflagellates and chl c. The ac line 7:shown to be similar to those of the much-studied Chlorella(Vidaver, 1966; Ried, 1972). line 14:tivity of PSII in algae. Spectrofluorometers, with theirsuperior sensitivity and stability, line 34:of natural populations, making these spectra more similarto the PSII photosynthesis lines 36 and 37:Large differences between the values of FIIfor different components within the algal population can distortfluorescence spectra, if they do not correspond with dif lines 41 and 42:different components are not similar to eachother. The necessary handling procedures of natural samples,such as filtration (Yentsch and Yentsch, 1979; Neori et al.,1984), p. 546: lines 20 and 21:DOE contract DE-AT03-82ER60031, anda grant to A.N., O.H.H. and F.T.H. from the Foundation for OceanResearch. Travel to the IInd GAP workshop was facilitated by lines 25 and 26:the culture of Chroomonas, J.Lance for helpwith cultures, J. and E.Yguerabide for the use of their spectrofluorometer,C.R.Booth, Y.Blatt and L.Petrosian for technical line 28:This study was in partial fulfilment for a Ph.D. degreeby A.N. line 42:Dutton.H.J., Manning.W.M. and Duggar.B.M. (1943) Chlorophyllfluorescence and energy transfer in the  相似文献   

Five inbred strains (129/J, BALB/cByJ, C3HeB/FeJ, C57BI/6J andDBA/2J) were examined with two-bottle (48 h) preference ratiotesting across concentrations of sodium saccharin (3 x 10–4M, 10–3 M, 3 x 10–3 M and 10–2 M), d-phenylalanine(10–3 M, 10–2 M and 10–1 M), and l-glutamine(10–2 M, 3 x 10–2 M, 10–1 M and 3 x 10–1M). Three consistent groupings of strains were observed acrosssubstances and concentrations:
  1. C57BI/6J (preference at low andhigh concentrations);
  2. BALB/cByJ and C3HeB/FeJ (preferenceat high concentrations);
  3. 129/J and DBA/2J (preference at highconcentration for sodiumsaccharin and indifference to d-phenylalanineand l-glutamine).
If a single locus (presumably dpa or Sac) determines these phenotypes,there are likely to be three alleles. If two independent loci(presumably dpa and Sac) determine these phenotypes, an allelicassignment of Sacb/dpa+s for the C57BI/6J strain, Sacb/dpa–sfor the BALB/cByJ and C3HeB/FeJ strains, and either Sacd/dpa+sor Sacd/dpa–s for the 129/J and DBA/2J strains is suggested.Chem. Senses 20: 291–298, 1995.  相似文献   

Fluorescence transients were investigated with the diatom Phaeodactylumtricornutum. Supplementary experiments were done with Chaetocerossp. Under weak excitation ({small tilde}103 erg/cm2sec), fluorescencetransients were induced simply by die oxidation-reduction reactionof Q, the primary reductant of photosystem II. The action spectraindicated that the electron transfer components between thetwo photosystems were in the most reduced state when fucoxanthinwas excited. The transients were observed with the 681 run emissionand with the 707 nm emission at room temperature. At –196°C,induction due to the reduction of Q. appeared both at the 681and 707 nm emissions. Similar results were also obtained withChaetoceros sp. Under strong excitation (104–105 erg/cm2-sec), the fluorescencetransients due to the interconversion between States 1 and 2of die pigment system (cf. ref. 27, 29) were observed. The transientswere induced by die alternate excitation of chlorophyll a andfucoxanthin or chlorophyll c. Conversion from State 2 to State1 was inhibited by DNP and CCCP, indicating that die processwas energy-dependent. Fluorescence spectra at –196°Cwere not altered by die state-conversion of die pigment system. These results suggest diat all die fluorescence bands whichappeared at room temperature and at –196°C were dueto die chlorophyll a of pigment system II in Phaeodactylum andChaetoceros. (Received September 7, 1972; )  相似文献   

Photosynthetic 14C fixation by Characean cells in solutionsof high pH containing NaH14CO3 gave a measure of the abilityof these cells to take up bicarbonate (H14CO3). Whereascells of Nitella translucens from plants collected and thenstored in the laboratory absorbed bicarbonate at 1–1.5µµmoles cm–2 sec–1, rates of 3–8µµmoles cm–2 sec–1 were obtained withN. translucens cells from plants grown in the laboratory. Influxesof 5–6 µµmoles cm–2 sec–1 wereobtained with Chara australis, 3–8 µµmolescm–2 sec–1 with Nitellopsis obtusa, and 1–5µµmoles cm–2 sec–1 with Tolypella intricata.It is considered that these influxes represent the activityof a bicarbonate pump, which may be an electrogenic process. In solutions of lower pH, H14CO3 uptake would be maskedby rapid diffusion of 14CO2 into the cells: the four Characeanspecies fixed 14CO2 at maximum rates of 30–40 µµmolescm–2 sec–1 (at 21° C).  相似文献   

Growth and feeding rates of a laboratory-reared small thecateheterotrophic dinoflagellate, Protoperidinium hirobis Abè,grown on the diatom Leptocylindrus danicus, were measured inbatch cultures. Ingestion rates were determined directly bythe enumeration of empty diatom frustules produced by dinoflagellatefeeding. Both growth and feeding rates saturated at diatom concentrationsof {small tilde} 104 cells ml–1, and reached maximum valuesof 1.7 divisions day–1 and 23 diatoms grazer–1 day–1,respectively. This rate of cell division is notably high comparedto photosynthetic dinoflagellates, which seldom grow fasterthan 1 division day–1. A maximal clearance rate of 0.5µl h–1 was measured. Mean cell size varied proportionallywith food abundance, with food-saturated cells having doublethe mean volume of food-depleted cells. Tuning of cell divisionand grazing rate patterns were also examined; while mitosisoccurred chiefly during the dark period, no diel variationsin feeding rate were detected. These rates represent the firstdirect growth and ingestion measurements to be made for a thecateheterotrophic dinoflagellate. They serve to underscore one functionthese dinoflagellates perform within the microzooplanktonicfood web: that of transforming large diatoms into particlesmore easily ingested by microzooplankters.  相似文献   

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