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Scy1-like 1 (Scyl1), a member of the Scy1-like family of catalytically inactive protein kinases, was recently identified as the gene product altered in muscle-deficient mice, which suffer from motor neuron degeneration and cerebellar atrophy. To determine the function of Scyl1, we have now used a mass spectrometry-based screen to search for Scyl1-binding partners and identified components of coatomer I (COPI) coats. The interaction was confirmed in pull-down assays, and Scyl1 co-immunoprecipitates with betaCOP from brain lysates. Interestingly, and unique for a non-transmembrane domain protein, Scyl1 binds COPI coats using a C-terminal RKLD-COO(-) sequence, similar to the KKXX-COO(-) COPI-binding motif found in transmembrane endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proteins. Scyl1 co-localizes with betaCOP and is localized, in an Arf1-independent manner, to the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment and the cis-Golgi, sites of COPI-mediated membrane budding. The localization and binding properties of Scyl1 strongly suggest a function in COPI transport, and inhibitory RNA-mediated knock down of the protein disrupts COPI-mediated retrograde traffic of the KDEL receptor to the ER without affecting anterograde traffic from the ER. Our data demonstrate a function for Scyl1 as an accessory factor in COPI trafficking and suggest for the first time that alterations in the COPI pathway result in neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

During the mouse ENU mutagenesis screen, mice were tested for the occurrence of dominant cataracts. One particular mutant was discovered as a progressive opacity (Po). Heterozygotes show opacification of a superficial layer of the fetal nucleus, which progresses and finally forms a nuclear opacity. Since the homozygotes have already developed the total cataract at eye opening, the mode of inheritance is semidominant. Linkage analysis was performed using a set of genome-wide microsatellite markers. The mutation was mapped to chromosome 11 distal of the marker D11Mit242 (9.3 +/- 4.4 cM) and proximal to D11Mit36 (2.3 +/- 2.3 cM). This position makes the betaA3/A1-crystallin encoding gene Cryba1 an excellent candidate gene. Mouse Cryba1 was amplified from lens mRNA. Sequence analysis revealed a mutation of a T to an A at the second base of exon 6, leading to an exchange of Trp by Arg. Computer analysis predicts that the fourth Greek key motif of the affected betaA3/A1-crystallin will not be formed. Moreover, the mutation leads also to an additional splicing signal, to the skipping of the first 3 bp of exon 6, and finally to the deletion of the Trp residue. Both types of mRNA are present in the homozygous mutant lenses. The mutation will be referred to as Cryba1(po1). This particular mouse mutation provides an excellent animal model for a human congenital zonular cataract with suture opacities, which is caused by a mutation in the homologous gene.  相似文献   

Pfleger CM  Harvey KF  Yan H  Hariharan IK 《Fly》2007,1(2):95-105
Protein ubiquitination has been shown to regulate a wide variety of cellular process including cell cycle progression, protein trafficking and apoptosis. Most regulation of ubiquitination occurs at the level of E2 or E3 enzymes and their interactions with specific substrates. In a screen for mutations that cause tissue overgrowth, we recovered multiple mutations in the Drosophila Uba1 gene that encodes the E1 enzyme that is required for the first step of most, if not all, ubiquitination reactions. Previous studies with yeast and mammalian cells have shown that disrupting E1 function results in a cell-cycle arrest. Here we show that in the developing Drosophila eye, clones of cells that are homozygous for partial loss of function alleles of Uba1 show defects in apoptosis. Moreover, clones homozygous for stronger or complete loss of function alleles of Uba1, that are predicted to have a global defect on ubiquitination, survive poorly but are able to stimulate the overgrowth of adjacent wild-type tissue. Experiments with mammalian cells show that reducing the level of RNA of the mammalian Uba1 ortholog, UBE1, also results in increased expression of specific growth factor genes. Our studies show that a reduction in E1 activity can promote tissue growth in a multicellular organism and raise the possibility that changes in E1 activity may occur during normal development or in cancer.  相似文献   

We have isolated a recessive allele of the yeast protein kinase C gene (PKC1) which promotes an elevated rate of mitotic recombination and confers a temperature-sensitive growth defect. The rate of recombination was increased between genes in direct repeat and at a series of heteroalleles and was dependent upon the RAD52 gene product. The mutant pkc1 allele was sequenced and found to encode a single amino acid change within the catalytic domain. Osmotic stabilizing agents rescued the temperature-sensitive growth defect but not the hyperrecombination phenotype, indicating that the two traits are separable. This separability suggests that the PKC1 gene product (Pkc1p) regulates DNA metabolism by an alternate pathway to that used in the regulation of cell lysis. The regulation of recombination is a previously unidentified role for Pkc1p.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine kinase-7 (PTK7) is a receptor protein tyrosine kinase (RPTK)-like molecule that contains a catalytically inactive tyrosine kinase domain. We report here the genomic structure of the human PTK7 gene by screening a BAC library and DNA sequencing. The PTK7 gene is organized into 20 exons. All of the splicing junctions followed the conserved GT/AG rule. The exon-intron structure of the PTK7 gene in the region that encodes the catalytic domain was distinct from those of other RPTKs with strong homology. The 5'-flanking sequence of the PTK7 gene contains two GC boxes that concatenate Sp1 binding motifs, but does not contain either the TATA or CAAT consensus sequence. Using a luciferase reporter assay, it was demonstrated that the 883-bp 5'-flanking sequence is functional as a promoter of the PTK7 gene. We identified four new splicing variants in testis that could be derived from alternative splicing of exons 8-10, 10, a part of 12-13, and 16. The expression patterns of the splicing variants in the hepatoma and colon cancer cells were different from those of the testis. Our findings suggest that PTK7 is evolutionarily distinct from other RPTKs, and that the alternative splicing of PTK7 mRNA may contribute to its diverse function in cell signaling.  相似文献   

The dominant polyglutamine expansion diseases, which include spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1) and Huntington disease, are progressive, untreatable, neurodegenerative disorders. In inducible mouse models of SCA1 and Huntington disease, repression of mutant allele expression improves disease phenotypes. Thus, therapies designed to inhibit expression of the mutant gene would be beneficial. Here we evaluate the ability of RNA interference (RNAi) to inhibit polyglutamine-induced neurodegeneration caused by mutant ataxin-1 in a mouse model of SCA1. Upon intracerebellar injection, recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors expressing short hairpin RNAs profoundly improved motor coordination, restored cerebellar morphology and resolved characteristic ataxin-1 inclusions in Purkinje cells of SCA1 mice. Our data demonstrate in vivo the potential use of RNAi as therapy for dominant neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP), the main cause of adult blindness, is a genetically heterogeneous disorder characterized by progressive loss of photoreceptors through apoptosis. Up to now, 39 genes and loci have been implicated in nonsyndromic RP, yet the genetic bases of >50% of the cases, particularly of the recessive forms, remain unknown. Previous linkage analysis in a Spanish consanguineous family allowed us to define a novel autosomal recessive RP (arRP) locus, RP26, within an 11-cM interval (17.4 Mb) on 2q31.2-q32.3. In the present study, we further refine the RP26 locus down to 2.5 Mb, by microsatellite and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) homozygosity mapping. After unsuccessful mutational analysis of the nine genes initially reported in this region, a detailed gene search based on expressed-sequence-tag data was undertaken. We finally identified a novel gene encoding a ceramide kinase (CERKL), which encompassed 13 exons. All of the patients from the RP26 family bear a homozygous mutation in exon 5, which generates a premature termination codon. The same mutation was also characterized in another, unrelated, Spanish pedigree with arRP. Human CERKL is expressed in the retina, among other adult and fetal tissues. A more detailed analysis by in situ hybridization on adult murine retina sections shows expression of Cerkl in the ganglion cell layer. Ceramide kinases convert the sphingolipid metabolite ceramide into ceramide-1-phosphate, both key mediators of cellular apoptosis and survival. Ceramide metabolism plays an essential role in the viability of neuronal cells, the membranes of which are particularly rich in sphingolipids. Therefore, CERKL deficiency could shift the relative levels of the signaling sphingolipid metabolites and increase sensitivity of photoreceptor and other retinal cells to apoptotic stimuli. This is the first genetic report suggesting a direct link between retinal neurodegeneration in RP and sphingolipid-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

Translocon-associated protein complex (TRAP) is thought to be required for efficient protein-specific translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. We created a mutation in the Trapalpha gene that leads to the synthesis of a truncated TRAPalpha protein fused to ShBle-beta-galactosidase. Analysis of Trapalpha cDNAs reveals that among three different messenger RNAs expressed in the mouse, one of them encodes a slightly larger protein that differs in its C-terminal end. This mRNA, specific for skeletal muscle and heart, is only expressed after birth. Homozygous Trapalpha mutant pups die at birth, likely as a result of severe cardiac defects. Indeed, the septation of the proximal part of the outflow tract is absent, resulting in a double-outlet right ventricle. Studies of protein secretion in transfected embryonic fibroblasts reveal that the TRAP complex does not function properly in homozygous mutant cells and confirm, in vivo, the involvement of TRAP in substrate-specific translocation. Our results provide the first in vivo demonstration that a member of the TRAP complex plays a crucial role in mammalian heart development and suggest that TRAPalpha could be involved in translocation of factors necessary for maturation of endocardial cushions.  相似文献   

Characterization of a human gene encoding nucleosomal binding protein NSBP1   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
King LM  Francomano CA 《Genomics》2001,71(2):163-173

Retinal signal transmission depends on the activity of high voltage-gated l-type calcium channels in photoreceptor ribbon synapses. We recently identified a truncating frameshift mutation in the Cacna2d4 gene in a spontaneous mouse mutant with profound loss of retinal signaling and an abnormal morphology of ribbon synapses in rods and cones. The Cacna2d4 gene encodes an l-type calcium-channel auxiliary subunit of the alpha (2) delta type. Mutations in its human orthologue, CACNA2D4, were not yet known to be associated with a disease. We performed mutation analyses of 34 patients who received an initial diagnosis of night blindness, and, in two affected siblings, we detected a homozygous nucleotide substitution (c.2406C-->A) in CACNA2D4. The mutation introduces a premature stop codon that truncates one-third of the corresponding open reading frame. Both patients share symptoms of slowly progressing cone dystrophy. These findings represent the first report of a mutation in the human CACNA2D4 gene and define a novel gene defect that causes autosomal recessive cone dystrophy.  相似文献   

Carney complex (CNC) is an autosomal dominant neoplasia syndrome caused by inactivating mutations in PRKAR1A, the gene encoding the type 1A regulatory subunit of protein kinase A (PKA). This genetic defect induces skin pigmentation, endocrine tumors, myxomas, and schwannomas. Some patients with the complex also develop myxoid bone tumors termed osteochondromyxomas. To study the link between the PRKAR1A mutations and tumor formation, we generated a mouse model of this condition. Prkar1a(+/-) mice develop bone tumors with high frequency, although these lesions have not yet been characterized, either from human patients or from mice. Bone tumors from Prkar1a(+/-) mice were heterogeneous, including elements of myxomatous, cartilaginous, and bony differentiation that effaced the normal bone architecture. Immunohistochemical analysis identified an osteoblastic origin for the abnormal cells associated with islands of bone. To better understand these cells at the biochemical level, we isolated primary cultures of tumoral bone and compared them with cultures of bone from wild-type animals. The tumor cells exhibited the expected decrease in Prkar1a protein and exhibited increased PKA activity. At the phenotypic level, we observed that tumor cells behaved as incompletely differentiated osteoblasts and were able to form tumors in immunocompromised mice. Examination of gene expression revealed down-regulation of markers of bone differentiation and increased expression of locally acting growth factors, including members of the Wnt signaling pathway. Tumor cells exhibited enhanced growth in response to PKA-stimulating agents, suggesting that tumorigenesis in osteoblast precursor cells is driven by effects directly mediated by the dysregulation of PKA.  相似文献   

We have cloned a putative yeast homolog of the gene encoding the human Tat-binding protein, TBP-1. The gene termed TBPY encodes a 45,243-dalton protein displaying a heptad repeat of hydrophobic amino acids reminiscent of a leucine zipper. Secondary structure predictions suggest the possibility of formation of an amphipathic helix that could further be organized into a coiled-coil. Additionally, the protein product of TBPY shows amino acid signatures characteristic of a large family of RNA and DNA helicases. We propose that the hydrophobic region of yTBP-1 participates in self-dimerization or heterodimerization.  相似文献   

RORgamma2 (retinoid-related orphan receptor gamma2) plays a critical role in the regulation of thymopoiesis. Microarray analysis was performed in order to uncover differences in gene expression between thymocytes of wild-type and RORgamma-/- mice. This analysis identified a novel gene encoding a 22 kDa protein, referred to as NABP1 (nucleic-acid-binding protein 1). This subsequently led to the identification of an additional protein, closely related to NABP1, designated NABP2. Both proteins contain an OB (oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding) motif at their N-terminus. This motif is highly conserved between the two proteins. NABP1 is highly expressed in the thymus of wild-type mice and is greatly suppressed in RORgamma-/- mice. During thymopoiesis, NABP1 mRNA expression is restricted to CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, an expression pattern similar to that observed for RORgamma2. These observations appear to suggest that NABP1 expression is regulated either directly or indirectly by RORgamma2. Confocal microscopic analysis showed that the NABP1 protein localizes to the nucleus. Analysis of nuclear proteins by size-exclusion chromatography indicated that NABP1 is part of a high molecular-mass protein complex. Since the OB-fold is frequently involved in the recognition of nucleic acids, the interaction of NABP1 with various nucleic acids was examined. Our results demonstrate that NABP1 binds single-stranded nucleic acids, but not double-stranded DNA, suggesting that it functions as a single-stranded nucleic acid binding protein.  相似文献   

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