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We have previously shown that the Nonomuraea flexuosa Xyn11A polypeptides devoid of the carbohydrate binding module (CBM) have better thermostability than the full-length xylanase and are effective in bleaching of pulp. To produce an enzyme preparation useful for industrial applications requiring high temperature, the region encoding the CBM was deleted from the N. flexuosa xyn11A gene and the truncated gene was expressed in Trichoderma reesei. The xylanase sequence was fused to the T. reesei mannanase I (Man5A) signal sequence or 3′ to a T. reesei carrier polypeptide, either the Man5A core/hinge or the cellulose binding domain (CBD) of cellobiohydrolase II (Cel6A, CBHII). The gene and fusion genes were expressed using the cellobiohydrolase 1 (cel7A, cbh1) promoter. Single-copy isogenic transformants in which the expression cassette replaced the cel7A gene were cultivated and analyzed. The transformants expressing the truncated N. flexuosa xyn11A produced clearly increased amounts of both the xylanase/fusion mRNA and xylanase activity compared to the corresponding strains expressing the full-length N. flexuosa xyn11A. The transformant expressing the cel6A CBD-truncated N. flexuosa xyn11A produced about 1.9 g liter−1 of the xylanase in laboratory-scale fermentations. The xylanase constituted about 25% of the secreted proteins. The production of the truncated xylanase did not induce the unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway. However, the UPR was induced when the full-length N. flexuosa xyn11A with an exact fusion to the cel7A terminator was expressed. We suggest that the T. reesei folding/secretion machinery is not able to cope properly with the bacterial CBM when the mRNA of the full-length N. flexuosa xyn11A is efficiently translated.  相似文献   

In this study, the xyn3 gene from the filamentous mesophilic fungus Trichoderma reesei (Hypocrea jecorina) PC-3-7 was cloned and sequenced. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of XYN III revealed considerable homology with xylanases belonging to glycoside hydrolase family 10. These results show that XYN III is distinguishable from XYN I and XYN II, two other T. reesei xylanases that belong to the glycosidase family 11. When xyn3 was expressed in Escherichia coli, significant activity was observed in the cell-free extract, and higher activity (13.2 U/ml medium) was recovered from the inclusion bodies in the cell debris. The sequence of the 5′-upstream region of the gene in the parent strain QM9414 is identical to that of PC-3-7, although the expression level of xyn3 in PC-3-7 has been reported to be at least 1,000 times greater than in QM9414. These results suggest that xyn3 expression in T. reesei QM9414 is silenced. The consensus sequences for ACEI, ACEII, CREI, and the Hap2/3/5 protein complex are all present in the upstream region of xyn3. Deletion analysis of the upstream region revealed that two regions containing consensus sequences for the known regulatory elements play important roles for xyn3 expression.  相似文献   

Two endoxylanases, Nf Xyn11A and Nf Xyn10A, were cloned from a Nonomuraea flexuosa (previously Actinomadura flexuosa) DSM43186 genomic expression library in Escherichia coli. The coding sequences of xyn11A and xyn10A consist of 344 and 492 amino acids, respectively. The catalytic domains belong to family 11 and family 10 of glycoside hydrolases. The C-termini share strong amino acid sequence similarity to carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) families CBM2 and CBM13, respectively. Native Nf Xyn11A, and recombinant Xyn11A expressed in the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei, were purified from cultivation media and characterized. The molecular masses of the full-length enzymes determined by mass spectrometry were 32.9 kDa and 33.4 kDa, the recombinant enzyme having higher molecular mass due to glycosylation. In addition, shorter polypeptides with molecular masses of 23.8 kDa and 22.0 kDa were characterized from the T. reesei culture medium, both lacking the C-terminal CBM and the 22.0 kDa polypeptide also lacking most of the linker region. The recombinant polypeptides were similar to each other in terms of specific activity, pH and temperature dependence. However, the 23.8 kDa and 22.0 kDa polypeptides were more thermostable at 80°C than the full-length enzyme. All polypeptide forms were effective in pretreatment of softwood kraft pulp at 80°C.  相似文献   

Two novel genes, xyn5 and xyn6, coding for family 11 xylanases, were isolated from the thermotolerant filamentous fungus, Acrophialophora nainiana, by PCR using degenerate primers. The xyn6 gene was further expressed in Trichoderma reesei. DNA sequence analysis of xyn6 revealed an open reading frame (ORF) of 708 bp, interrupted by an intron of 58 bp. The xyn6 ORF encodes a predicted protein of 236 amino acid residues. The mature recombinant XynVI protein had a molecular mass of about 19 kDa, as estimated by gel electrophoresis. Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence of XynVI paves the way for rational protein engineering by site-directed mutagenesis aiming to increase the thermostability of the heterologously-expressed xylanase.  相似文献   

Summary Tests made utilizing canola meal as a substrate for the production of xylanase indicate that Trichoderma reesei produced this enzyme in similar or better yields from canola meal than from Solka-floc, xylan or glucose. The maximum xylanase activity obtained from canola meal was 210 IU/ml in 9–12 days. The enzyme system produced using canola meal also contained a higher proportion of acetyl-xylan esterase, cellulase, and xylosidase activities. This system was more than or equally efficient as that produced using Solka-floc in hydrolysing canola meal, corn cobs, corn and wheat brans, straw, and larchwood xylan to fermentable sugars. Offprint requests to: Z. Duvnjak  相似文献   

We characterized the effect of deletion of the Trichoderma reesei (Hypocrea jecorina) ace1 gene encoding the novel cellulase regulator ACEI that was isolated based on its ability to bind to and activate in vivo in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the promoter of the main cellulase gene, cbh1. Deletion of ace1 resulted in an increase in the expression of all the main cellulase genes and two xylanase genes in sophorose- and cellulose-induced cultures, indicating that ACEI acts as a repressor of cellulase and xylanase expression. Growth of the strain with a deletion of the ace1 gene on different carbon sources was analyzed. On cellulose-based medium, on which cellulases are needed for growth, the Deltaace1 strain grew better than the host strain due to the increased cellulase production. On culture media containing sorbitol as the sole carbon source, the growth of the strain with a deletion of the ace1 gene was severely impaired, suggesting that ACEI regulates expression of other genes in addition to cellulase and xylanase genes. A strain with a deletion of the ace1 gene and with a deletion of the ace2 gene coding for the cellulase and xylanase activator ACEII expressed cellulases and xylanases similar to the Deltaace1 strain, indicating that yet another activator regulating cellulase and xylanase promoters was present.  相似文献   

Trichoderma reesei VTT-D-86271 (Rut C-30) was cultivatedon media based on cellulose and xylan as the main carbon source in fermentors with different pH minimum controls. Production of xylanase was favoured by a rather high pH minimum control between 6.0 and 7.0 on both cellulose- and xylan-based media. Although xylanase was produced efficiently on cellulose as well as on xylan as the carbon source, significant production of cellulose was observed only on the cellulose-based medium and best production was at lower pH (4.0 minimum). Production of xylanase at pH 7.0 was shown to be dependent on the nature of the xylan in the cultivation medium but was independent of other organic components. Best production of xylanase was observed on insoluble, unsubstituted beech xylan at pH 7.0. Similar results were obtained in laboratory and pilot (200-l) fermentors. Downstream processing of the xylanase-rich, low-cellulose culture filtrate presented no technical problems despite apparent autolysis of the fungus at the high pH. Enzyme produced in the 200-l pilot fermentor was shown to be suitable for use in enzyme-aided bleaching of kraft pulp. Due to the high xylanase/cellulase ratio of enzyme activities in the culture filtrate, pretreatment for removal of cellulase activity prior to pulp bleaching was unnecessary. Correspondence to: M. J. Bailey  相似文献   

Trichoderma reesei is a well-known cellulase producer and widely applied in enzyme industry. To increase its ability to efficiently decompose cellulose, the beta-glucosidase activity of its enzyme cocktail needs to be enhanced. In this study, a beta-glucosidase I coding sequence from Penicillium decumbens was ligated with the cellobiohydrolase I (cbh1) promoter of T. reesei and introduced into the genome of T. reesei strain Rut-C30 by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. In comparison to that from the parent strain, the beta-glucosidase activity of the enzyme complexes from two selected transformants increased 6- to 8-fold and their filter paper activity (FPAs) was enhanced by 30% on average. The transformant's saccharifying ability towards pretreated cornstalk was also significantly enhanced. To further confirm the effect of heterologous beta-glucosidase on the cellulase activity of T. reesei, the heterologously expressed pBGL1 was purified and added to the enzyme complex produced by T. reesei Rut-C30. Supplementation of the Rut-C30 enzyme complex with pBGL1 brought about 80% increase of glucose yield during the saccharification of pretreated cornstalk. Our results indicated that the heterologous expression of a beta-glucosidase gene in T. reesei might produce balanced cellulase preparation.  相似文献   

In the present study, the optimum conditions for the production of xylanase by immobilized spores of Trichoderma reesei SAF3 in calcium alginate beads were determined. The operational stability of the beads during xylanase production under semi-continuous fermentation was also studied. The influence of alginate concentration (1, 2, 3, and 4%) and initial cell loading (100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 beads per flask) on xylanase production was considered. The production of xylanase was found to increase significantly with increasing concentration of alginate and reached a maximum yield of 3.12 ± 0.18 U ml−1 at 2% (w/v). The immobilized cells produced xylanase consistently up to 10 cycles and reached a maximum level at the forth cycle (3.36 ± 0.2 U ml−1).  相似文献   

Lv D  Wang W  Wei D 《Plasmid》2012,67(1):67-71
We report the construction of two filamentous fungi Trichoderma reesei expression vectors, pWEF31 and pWEF32. Both vectors possess the hygromycin phosphotransferase B gene expression cassette and the strong promoter and terminator of the cellobiohydrolase 1 gene (cbh1) from T. reesei. The two newly constructed vectors can be efficiently transformed into T. reesei with Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The difference between pWEF31 and pWEF32 is that pWEF32 has two longer homologous arms. As a result, pWEF32 easily undergoes homologous recombination. On the other hand, pWEF31 undergoes random recombination. The applicability of both vectors was tested by first generating the expression vectors pWEF31-red and pWEF32-red and then detecting the expression of the DsRed2 gene in T. reesei Rut C30. Additionally, we measured the exo-1,4-β-glucanase activity of the recombinant cells. Our work provides an effective transformation system for homologous and heterologous gene expression and gene knockout in T. reesei. It also provides a method for recombination at a specific chromosomal location. Finally, both vectors will be useful for the large-scale gene expression industry.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the isolation of genes encoding hydrolytic enzymes without any knowledge of the corresponding proteins. cDNA made from the organism of interest is cloned into a yeast vector to construct an expression library in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Colonies producing hydrolytic enzymes are screened by activity plate assays. In this work, we constructed a yeast expression library from the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesel and isolated a new β-1,4-endoglucanase gene on plates containing β-glucan. This gene, eg15, codes for a previously unknown small protein of 242 amino acids. Despite its small size, the protein contains two conservative domains found in Trichoderma cellulases, namely the cellulose-binding domain (CBD) and the iinker region that connects the CBD to the catalytic core domain. Molecular modelling of the EGV CBD revealed some interesting structural differences compared to the CBD of the major celluiase CBHI from T. reesei. The catalytic core of EGV is unusually small for a ceiiulase and represents a new family of ceilulases (Family K) and of glycosyl hydrolases (Famlly 45) together with the endoglucanase B of Pseudomonas fluorescens and the endoglucanase V of Humicola insolens on the basis of hydrophobic ciuster anaiysis.  相似文献   

The putative xyn11A structural gene (BH0899) encoding a family-11 xylanase from alkaliphilic Bacillus halodurans strain C-125 was heterologously expressed in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis CBS 1065 and secreted to a level of 156 microg/ml under selective culture conditions in shake flasks. The Xyn11A production level in shake flask cultures of K. lactis CBS 1065 was higher than that reported for other xylanase genes placed under the control of the regulated LAC4 promoter on a plasmid containing an entire sequence of pKD1 from Kluyveromyces drosophilarium. Recombinant Xyn11A was highly active over pH range from 3 to 10, with maximal activity around pH 7. The enzyme showed a specific activity of 628 U/mg-protein on birchwood xylan as substrate, but no cellulase or beta-xylosidase activity.  相似文献   

Basic features of regulation of expression of the genes encoding the cellulases of the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei QM9414, the genes cbh1 and cbh2 encoding cellobiohydrolases and the genes egl1, egl2 and egl5 encoding endoglucanases, were studied at the mRNA level. The cellulase genes were coordinately expressed under all conditions studied, with the steady-state mRNA levels of cbh1 being the highest. Solka floc cellulose and the disaccharide sophorose induced expression to almost the same level. Moderate expression was observed when cellobiose or lactose was used as the carbon source. It was found that glycerol and sorbitol do not promote expression but, unlike glucose, do not inhibit it either, because the addition of 1 to 2 mM sophorose to glycerol or sorbitol cultures provokes high cellulase expression levels. These carbon sources thus provide a useful means to study cellulase regulation without significantly affecting the growth of the fungus. RNA slot blot experiments showed that no expression could be observed on glucose-containing medium and that high glucose levels abolish the inducing effect of sophorose. The results clearly show that distinct and clear-cut mechanisms of induction and glucose repression regulate cellulase expression in an actively growing fungus. However, derepression of cellulase expression occurs without apparent addition of an inducer once glucose has been depleted from the medium. This expression seems not to arise simply from starvation, since the lack of carbon or nitrogen as such is not sufficient to trigger significant expression.  相似文献   

Wang B  Xia L 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(6):4568-4572
The cellobiase gene from Aspergillus niger was cloned and connected with the strong promoter Pcbh1 from Trichoderma reesei to construct a recombinant plasmid pHB9 with the hygromycin B resistance marker. The plasmid was transformed into conidia of T. reesei using the modified PEG-CaCl2 method. Main factors effecting the transformation were discussed and about 99-113 transformants/μg DNA could be obtained under optimal conditions. It was found that the molecular mass of the recombinant cellobiase was about 120 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis. The activity of cellobiase could reach 5.3 IU/ml after 48 h fermentation, which was as high as 106 times compared with that of the host strain. Meanwhile, the filter paper activity of recombinant T. reesei was 1.44-fold of the host strain. Saccharification of corncob residue with the crude enzyme showed that the hydrolysis yield (84.2%) of recombinant T. reesei was 21% higher than that (69.5%) of the host strain.  相似文献   

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