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Dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) derivatives play an important role in the sclerotization and pigmentation of insect cuticles by serving as precursors for cuticular cross-linking. Protein preparations from prepupae of the medfly, Ceratitis capitata, were able to conjugate beta-alanine with DA producing N-beta-alanyldopamine (NBAD) or with NE, synthesizing N-beta-alanylnorepinephrine (NBANE). The latter reaction has been demonstrated for the first time. Apparent kinetic parameters were obtained for both substrates, DA (V(max)=30.7+/-6.0 pmol min(-1) mg(-1); K(m)=29.5+/-3.5 microM) and NE (V(max)=16.1+/-6.6 pmol min(-1)mg(-1); K(m)=89.0+/-8.3 microM). The same protein seems to be responsible for both enzymatic activities, judging from several criteria like identical behavior under heat inactivation as well as identical Mg2+ and Mn2+ dependent stimulation and Co2+ inhibition. Furthermore, the melanic mutants niger of C. capitata and ebony(4) of D. melanogaster, known to be defective for NBAD synthase, were also unable to synthesize NBANE. The protein preparation acylated tyrosine with much less efficiency, to produce sarcophagine (beta-alanyltyrosine). Strikingly, extracts from the melanic mutants were unable to synthesize sarcophagine. Our results strongly suggest that the enzymatic activity previously known as NBAD synthase is in fact a novel catalytic protein showing broad substrate specificity. We propose to identify it as catecholamine-beta-alanyl ligase.  相似文献   

We have isolated the clock gene period (per) from the medfly Ceratitis capitata, one of the most economically important insect pest species. The overall pattern of conserved, non-conserved and functional domains that are observed within dipteran and lepidopteran per orthologues is preserved within the coding sequence. Expression analysis from fly heads revealed a daily oscillation in per mRNA in both light : dark cycles and in constant darkness. However PER protein levels from head extracts did not show any significant evidence for cycling in either of these two conditions. When the Ceratitis per transgene under the control of the Drosophila per promoter and 3'UTR was introduced into Drosophila per -null mutant hosts, the transformants revealed a low level of rescue of behavioural rhythmicity. Nevertheless, the behaviour of the rhythmic transformants showed some similarities to that of ceratitis, suggesting that Ceratitis per carries species-specific information that can evidently affect the Drosophila host's downstream rhythmic behaviour.  相似文献   

Variation in diet can influence the timing of major life‐history events and can drive population diversification and ultimately speciation. Proximate responses of life histories to diet have been well studied. However, there are scant experimental data on how organisms adapt to divergent diets over the longer term. We focused on this omission by testing the responses of a global pest, the Mediterranean fruitfly, to divergent selection on larval diets of different nutritional profiles. Tests conducted before and after 30 generations of nutritional selection revealed a complex interplay between the effects of novel larval dietary conditions on both plastic and evolved responses. There were proximate‐only responses to the larval diet in adult male courtship and the frequency of copulation. Males on higher calorie larval diets consistently engaged in more bouts of energetic courtship. In contrast, following selection, larval development time, and egg to adult survival showed evidence of evolved divergence between diet regimes. Adult body size showed evidence for adaptation, with flies being significantly heavier when reared on their “own” diet. The results show the multifaceted responses of individuals to dietary selection and are important in understanding the extreme generalism exhibited by the medfly.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is considered one of the most economically damaging pests of citrus orchards in Spain. Insecticide treatments for the control of this pest are mainly based on aerial and ground treatments with malathion bait sprays. However, the frequency of insecticide treatments has been increased in some areas of the Comunidad Valenciana in the last years, because of problems with the control of C. capitata. We have found that field populations from citrus and other fruit crops from different geographical areas in Spain showed lower susceptibility to malathion (6- to 201-fold) compared with laboratory populations. More importantly, differences in susceptibility could be related to the frequency of the field treatments. A resistant strain (W), derived from a field population, and a susceptible laboratory strain (C) were maintained in the laboratory. The W strain showed cross-resistance to the organophosphate fenthion (10-fold) but not to spinosad. Enzymatic assays showed that acethylcholinesterase activity was less inhibited in vivo by malathion and in vitro by malaoxon (active form of malathion) in adult flies from the W-resistant strain. Experiments to evaluate the effects of synergists revealed that the esterase inhibitor S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate (DEF) partially suppressed malathion resistance. Thus, target site insensitivity and metabolic resistance mediated by esterases might be involved in the loss of susceptibility to malathion in C. capitata. Nonetheless, additional biochemical and molecular studies will be required to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the chromosomal localization of ceratotoxins, a gene family encoding antibacterial female-specific peptides from the mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata. The analysis of both polytene and mitotic chromosomes by in situ hybridization shows that ceratotoxins are the first case of female-specific X-linked genes from the medfly C. capitata. Southern blot analysis reveals that the ceratotoxin gene family is not specifically amplified in the female reproductive accessory glands of C. capitata.  相似文献   

There are no recent reports focusing on insect glycogen metabolism that take the advances made in mammalian and yeast systems into account. Moreover, little is known about glycogen synthesis and degradation during insect metamorphosis. The biosynthesis and mobilization of insect glycogen were measured during the larva to adult transition in the Medfly, Ceratitis capitata. The glycogen accumulated by larva decreased to reach almost undetectable levels at the beginning of the pupation process. Histological preparations of 40 h muscles and fat body confirmed a low glycogen content, in contrast with high glycogen images in third larva tissues. After 40 h, glycogen was synthesized de novo and accumulates up to adult ecdysis. We obtained the metamorphosis-dependent profiles of phosphorylase, glycogen synthase, and a glycogenin-like protein. This novel insect glycogen initiator protein (the first measured in an arthropod) appeared to be similar to the homologous enzymes from vertebrates and yeast. We have correlated these results with other biochemical events and anatomical landmarks to understand the use of storage carbohydrates during the sequence of metamorphosis events.  相似文献   

Changes in morphology during early metamorphosis of the medfly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) (Tephritidae) were correlated with biochemical differentiation events. Protein profiles were studied both in the 3rd instar larval cuticle further transformed into puparium and the newly synthesized pupal cuticle. Beta-alanine incorporation into the puparium (0–20 h) correlates with concomitant pigmentation (completed by 16 h) and sclerotization phenomena. This early tannification program seems to be followed by deposition of a layer of substances, probably ecdysial fluid remnants, into the puparium. Their deposition ends approximately at +46 h. Simultaneously, pupal cuticle material starts to be deposited. Synthesis and deposition of the main pupal cuticle protein was detected 48 h after pupariation. At that time, eversion of the pupal head occurs. The definitive profile of pupal cuticle proteins was attained at around +72 h together with the establishment of adult body proportions.  相似文献   

Four chorionic stages (11, 12, 13, 14) can be discerned in the medfly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera : Tephritidae) by light microscope. More detailed staging (stages 11A, 11B, 12A, 12B, 12C, 13A, 13B, 13C, 14A and 14B) is possible only by electron microscope. Throughout these stages, the first chorionic layer (wax layer) is formed at stage 11A, followed by the formation of the innermost chorionic layer (stage 12A), the inner endochorion, the pillars and the cavities of the first trabecular layer (stage 12), creation of the second trabecular layer and the chorionic network (stage 13), and finally the secretion of the exochorionic layers (stage 14). Pulse-chase autoradiography has revealed that the follicle cells are responsible for the synthesis of all proteinaceous layers. No extensive regional complexity is observed besides the existence of the micropylar apparatus and aeropyles in the anterior pole. Biochemical analysis has revealed several eggshell proteins and their stage-specific synthesis: two intermediate molecular-weight proteins are the major chorion proteins; in addition, there are 2 more groups comprising 6 proteins, which might be characteristic for the different chorion layers as can be deduced by their stage-electrophoretic pattern.  相似文献   

Robinson AS 《Genetica》2002,116(1):5-13
The introduction of genetic sexing strains (GSS) into medfly, Ceratitis capitata(Wiedemann), sterile insect technique (SIT) programmes started in 1994 and it was accompanied by extensive evaluation of the strains both in field cages and in open field situations. Two male-linked translocation systems, one based on pupal colour, wp, and the other based on temperature sensitivity, tsl, have been used in medfly SIT programmes and they have quite different impacts on mass rearing strategy. In strains based on tsl, female zygotes are killed using high temperature and for wpstrains, female and male pupae are separated based on their colour. In all these systems the colony females are homozygous for the mutation requiring that the mutation is not too deleterious and the males are also semi-sterile due to the presence of a male-linked translocation. Managing strain stability during large-scale mass rearing has presented some problems that have been essentially solved by selecting particular translocations for GSS and by the introduction of a filter rearing system (FRS). The FRS operates by removing from the colony any recombinant individuals that threaten the integrity of the strain. The use of GSS opens up the possibility of using the SIT for suppression as opposed to eradication and different radiation strategies can be considered. Some of the many field trials of the strains that were carried out before the strains were introduced into operational programmes are reviewed and an overview is given of their current use.  相似文献   

Over the last 10 years, several genetic sexing strains have been isolated for the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, with the aim of improving the Sterile Insect Technique. However, a major problem with the currently used genetic sexing system, which is based on translocations, is their potential genetic instability. Therefore, careful monitoring and chromosome analyses are necessary when new genetic sexing strains are developed. Instability of a genetic sexing strain can be the consequence of recombination or the survival of aneuploid individuals occurring as a consequence of adjacent-1 segregation in the meiosis of males with Y-autosome translocations. Recently, genetic sexing strains have been isolated that show only low levels of recombination. However, many aneuploid flies are produced by these strains. Therefore, we have made an attempt to isolate new genetic sexing strains that show a low percentage of recombination and no survival of aneuploid individuals. We report their genetic behaviour and the polytene chromosome structure of these new strains.  相似文献   

A concerted effort is under way to analyze, at the genetic, biochemical, and molecular level, theAdh gene system in the medflyCeratitis capitata, an important agricultural pest. The isoelectric focusing (IEF) pattern of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) of the medfly demonstrates the presence of two well-differentiated, genetically independent dimeric proteins, called ADH-1 and ADH-2. These proteins do not exhibit interlocus heterodimeric isozymes, and the genes are not controlled coordinately during development,Adh 1 andAdh 2 being expressed mainly in muscle or in fat body and ovary, respectively. From the intensity of the IEF isozyme patterns, primary alcohols are judged to be better substrates than secondary alcohols, in contrast withDrosophila melanogaster ADH, and ethanol is probably the most efficient substrate for both sets of isozymes. The isoelectric points of ADH-1 (pI=5.4) and ADH-2 (pI=8.6) are different fromD. melanogaster ADH (pI=7.6), but the medfly ADH-1 has a native molecular weight (approx. 58 kD) close to that ofD. melanogaster. A population survey of samples both from laboratory strains and from wild geographically different populations showed that theAdh 1 locus is more polymorphic thanAdh 2. The most variable populations are from Africa, the supposed source area of the species. Further, a case of selection at theAdh 1 locus under laboratory conditions is reported. The hypothesis ofAdh gene duplication and the degree of similarity between medfly andDrosophila ADH are also discussed. This research was supported mainly by National Research Council of Italy, Special Project RAISA, Sub-project No. 2, Paper No. 342. Grants from the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, from European Communities Commission, Second R & D Programme, “Science and Technology for Development,” and from the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research and Technology (“Funds 40%”) also supported this work. This paper was written when the senior author was on leave of absence at the IMBB, Crete, Greece; he was financially supported by an ECC Senior Fellowship.  相似文献   

Males of the mutant strains (blind, vestigal-winged) of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratits capitata (Wiedmann) showed differences in behavior compared with control (mass-reared) males. Mutant males made fewer mating attempts and achieved fewer matings than control males. Vestigal-winged females copulated less frequently with both mutants. Blind males climbed rather than jumped onto females and copulated in very low numbers compared with control and vestigal males. Blind females copulated normally with control, males and in very low numbers with both types of mutant males.  相似文献   

Cuticle proteins of an insect pest, the Medfly Ceratitis capitata, were resolved in polyacrylamide gels and partially characterized. The pupal cuticle was found to be different from cuticles of other insects since more than 80% w/w of the protein is a single mannose-containing polypeptide (PCG-100). The temporally-regulated in vivo biosynthesis and deposition of cuticle proteins was studied by microinjection of [35S]methionine followed by hand dissection of pupal cuticles. The major pupal glycoprotein, PCG-100, is cuticle- and stage-specific and was the earliest to be labeled and deposited. Its synthesis was maximal at around 46 hours after pupariation and then it decreased. The deposited PCG-100 and other minor pupal cuticle proteins become non-extractable at the end of the instar (7 days after pupariation) probably by sclerotization phenomena. These results provide insight into the temporal control of gene expression programs involved in cuticle deposition during medfly metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Ceratotoxins (Ctxs) are a family of antibacterial sex-specific peptides expressed in the female reproductive accessory glands of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata. As a first step in the study of molecular evolution of Ctx genes in Ceratitis, partial genomic sequences encoding four distinct Ctx precursors have been determined. In addition, anti-Escherichia coli activity very similar to that of the accessory gland secretion from C. capitata was found in the accessory gland secretion from Ceratitis (Pterandrus) rosa. SDS-PAGE analysis of the female reproductive accessory glands from C. rosa showed a band with a molecular mass (3 kDa) compatible with that of Ctx peptides, also slightly reacting with an anti-Ctx serum. Four nucleotide sequences encoding Ctx-like precursors in C. rosa were determined. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses show that Ctxs from C. rosa fall into different groups as C. capitata Ctxs. Our results suggest that the evolution of the ceratotoxin gene family might be viewed as a combination of duplication events that occurred prior to and following the split between C. capitata and C. rosa. Genomic hybridization demonstrated the presence of multiple Ctx-like sequences in C. rosa, but low-stringency Southern blot analyses failed to recover members of this gene family in other tephritid flies.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of natural populations of the economically important dipteran species Ceratitis capitatawas analysed using both biochemical and molecular markers. This revealed considerable genetic variation in populations from different geographic regions. The nature of this variation suggests that the evolutionary history of the species involved the spread of individuals from the ancestral African populations through Europe and, more recently, to Latin America, Hawaii and Australia. The observed variation can be explained by various evolutionary forces acting differentially in the different geographic areas, including genetic drift, bottleneck effects, selection and gene flow. The analysis of the intrinsic variability of the medfly's genome and the genetic relationships among populations of this pest is a prerequisite for any control programme.  相似文献   

We have studied the developmental expression of the main pupal cuticle glycoprotein, PCG-100, in the Medfly Ceratitis capitata. A polyclonal antiserum was raised against this protein. Western blotting analysis showed that this glycoprotein is integument- and stage-specific. No PCG-100 or immunologically related polypeptides were detected in other tissues or instars. As studied by microinjection of [35S]methionine in individual flies, in vivo synthesis and deposition of PCG-100 begins approximately 48 h after the onset of pupariation, shortly after the time of head eversion. Synthesis is maximal at 54–64 h, decreases at 72 h, and practically ceases in fully shaped 4-day-old pupae. The time required for PCG-100 deposition into the cuticle was found to be less than 10 min after its synthesis. This is the first time such in vivo analysis has been performed. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1991,21(6):597-605
Secretion from female reproductive accessory glands of the dipteran Ceratitis capitata was found to have antibacterial properties against E. coli. At least two basic polypeptides with mol. wt 15.5 and 4.7 kDa respectively, were identified as responsible for such activity. Furthermore, the 15.5 kDa protein is active against a number of Gram-positive and -negative bacterial strains. Lysozyme activity is also present in the secretion.  相似文献   

Insect immobilization by several methods: cold, ether, chloroform, or more recently CO2, is a common practice in toxicological studies to facilitate insect handling (Harris et al., 1965). FAO (1969) recommends the use of both cold and carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, is a devastating agricultural pest that threatens to become established in vulnerable areas such as California and Florida. Considerable controversy surrounds the status of Californian medfly infestations: Do they represent repeated introductions or the persistence of a resident population? Attempts to resolve this question using traditional population genetic markers and statistical methods are problematic because the most likely source populations in Latin America were themselves only recently colonized and are genetically very similar. Here, significant population structure among several New World medfly populations is demonstrated through the analysis of DNA sequence variation at four intron loci. Surprisingly, in these newly founded populations, estimates of population structure increase when measures of subdivision take into account the relatedness of alleles as well as their frequency. A nonequilibrium, likelihood-based statistical test that utilizes multilocus genotypes suggests that the sole medfly captured in California during 1996 was introduced from Latin America and was less likely to be a remnant of an ancestral Californian population. Many bioinvasions are hierarchical in nature, consisting of several sequential or overlapping invasion events, the totality of which can be termed a metainvasion. Phylogenetic data from multilocus DNA sequences will be vital to understanding the evolutionary and ecological processes that underlie metainvasions and to resolving their constituent levels.  相似文献   

The major juvenile hormone (JH) homolog synthesized in vitro by the adult female Medfly (Ceratitis capitata) corpus allatum (CA) is JHB(3), with JH-III the minor homolog. Methyl-incorporation in vitro in post-eclosion virgin females is age-dependent. Basal activity occurs during the first four days post-eclosion and increases significantly thereafter, peaking at five days. Biosynthetic maturation of the mated female CA is delayed by one day and reduced considerably. The delayed response may be due to direct cerebral or neural inhibition. Synthetic Drosophila melanogaster sex peptide depresses JH biosynthesis by the Medfly female CA in vitro. Male-derived accessory gland peptides of the Medfly are transferred to the female during mating and a Medfly SP-analog may be responsible for down-regulation of JH synthesis by the CA in mated Medfly females. Mevinolin, an inhibitor of the mevalonate pathway, significantly reduces the biosynthesis of JHB(3), while farnesoic acid, a proximate precursor of JHIII, significantly stimulates the biosynthesis of both JHB(3) and JHIII in vitro.  相似文献   

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